2012100260-Survey (2)U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY • National Flood Insurance Program ELEVATION CERTIFICATE IMPORTANT: Follow the instructions on pages 1-9. SECTION A - PROPERTY INFORMATION Al. Building Owner's Name RORY, KATHIE & JEREMY O'DWYER A2. Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or PO. Route and Box No. 619 NW 69 WAY City PARKLAND State FL A3. Property Description (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) 4841 02 00 0087 A4. Building Use (e.g., Residential, Non -Residential, Addition, Accessory, etc.) RESIDENTIAL A5. Latitude/Longitude: Lat. 9R RRAQ Long. 80 7195 OMB No. 1660-0008 Expiration Date: July 31, 2015 FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Policy Number: Company NAIC Number: ZIP Code' 33067 Horizontal Datum: 0 NAD 1927 ❑x NAD 1983 A6. Attach at least 2 photographs of the building if the Certificate is being used to obtain flood insurance. A7. Building Diagram Number 1 R A8. For a building with a crawlspace or enclosure(s): a) Square footage of crawlspace or enclosure(s) b) Number of permanent flood openings in the crawlspace or enclosure(s) within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade c) Total net area of flood openings in A8.b d) Engineered flood openings? ❑ Yes ® No 0 0 0 sq ft sq in A9. For a building with an attached garage: a) Square footage of attached garage 0 sq ft b) Number of permanent flood openings in the attached garage within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade _) c) Total net area of flood openings in A9.b d) Engineered flood openings? 0 Yes SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION B1. NFIP Community Name & Community Number CITY OF PARKLAND 120051 B4. Map/Panel Number 12011C0165 B5. Suffix H 66. FIRM Index Date 08/18/2014 B2. County Name BROWARD B7. FIRM Panel Effective/ Revised Date 08/18/2014 68. Flood Zone(s) AH sq in No B3. State FL B9. Base Flood Elevation(s) (Zone A0, use base flood depth) 15 B10. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered in Item B9: ❑ FIS Profile ® FIRM 0 Community Determined ❑ Other/Source. B11. Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in Item B9: ❑ NGVD 1929 ® NAVD 1988 0 Other/Source: B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? 0 Yes ® No Designation Date: / / ❑ CBRS 0 OPA SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building elevations are based on: ❑ Construction Drawings* 0 Building Under Construction* ® Finished Construction *A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building is complete. C2. Elevations - Zones A1 -A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, V1 -V30, V (with BFE), AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/A0. Complete Items C2.a-h below according to the building diagram specified in Item A7. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. Benchmark Utilized: BCBM ELEV = 115.92 Vertical Datum: NAVD 1988 Indicate elevation datum used for the elevations in items a) through h) below. 0 NGVD 1929 ® NAVD 1988 ❑ Other/Source: Datum used for building elevations must be the same as that used for the BFE. a) Top of bottom floor (including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure floor) b) Top of the next higher floor c) Bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member (V Zones only) d) Attached garage (top of slab) e) Lowest elevation of machinery or equipment servicing the building (Describe type of equipment and location in Comments) f) Lowest adjacent (finished) grade next to building (LAG) g) Highest adjacent (finished) grade next to building (HAG) h) Lowest adjacent grade at lowest elevation of deck or stairs, including structural support 18 04 28 04 N A N A 17 53 16 4 17 0 N A Check the measurement used. IN feet ❑ meters feet 0 meters ® feet ❑ meters ® feet ❑ meters ® feet ❑ meters feet ® feet INfeet SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. 1 certify that the information on this Certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. 1 understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. 0 Check here if comments are provided on back of form. 0 Check here if attachments. Certifier's Name DENNIS J. GABRIELE Title PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER Address 5400 S U ITY DRIVE #2 Signature • FEMA Form 086-0-33 (Revised 7/12) Were latitude and longitude in Section A provided by a licensed land surveyor? ® Yes 0 No License Number LS5709 Company Name ALL COUNTY SURVEYORS City State DAVIE FL Date 09/15/2014 Telephone (954) 777-4747 ZIP Code 33328 ❑ meters ❑ meters O meters PLACE SEAL HERE 9/15/2014 LS5709 See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions. ELEVATION CERTIFICATE, page 2 IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corresponding information from Section A. Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P0. Route and Box No. 6019 NW 69 WAY City PARKLAND FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Policy Number: State ZIP Code Company NAIC Number: FL 33067 SECTION D — SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTNNUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community official, (2) insurance agent/company, and (3) building owner. Comments (PARTIAL TOPOGRAPHIC) JOB # 14-40674342 LONG & LATT OBTAINED IN FIELD C2E=A/C Signature, 4•200.` — � , Date 09/15/2014 SECTION E — BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AO and A (without BFE), complete Items E1—E5. If the Certificate is intended to support a LOMA or LOMR-F request, complete Sections A, B,and C. For Items E1—E4, use natural grade, if available. Check the measurement used. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. El. Provide elevation information for the following and check the appropriate boxes to show whether the elevation is above or below the highest adjacent grade (HAG) and the lowest adjacent grade (LAG). a) Top of bottom floor (including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure) is ❑ feet 0 meters 0 above or 0 below the HAG. b) Top of bottom floor (including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure) is 0 feet 0 meters 0 above or 0 below the LAG. E2. For Building Diagrams 6-9 with permanent flood openings provided in Section A Items 8 and/or 9 (see pages 8-9 of Instructions), the next higher floor (elevation C2.b in the diagrams) of the building is ❑ feet 0 meters 0 above or ❑ below the HAG. E3. Attached garage (top of slab) is 0 feet 0 meters 0 above or 0 below the HAG. E4. Top of platform of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building is 0 feet 0 meters 0 above or ❑ below the HAG. E5. Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown. The local official must certify this information in Section G. SECTION F— PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A, B, and E for Zone A (without a FEMA -issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, and E are correct to the best of my knowledge. Property Owner or Owner's Authorized Representative's Name Address City State ZIP Code Signature Date Telephone Comments 0 Check here if attachments. SECTION G — COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A, B, C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable item(s) and sign below. Check the measurement used in Items G8—G10. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. G1. ❑ The information in Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. 0 A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA -issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone A0. G3. ❑ The following information (Items G4—G10) is provided for community floodplain management purposes. G4. Permit Number I G5. Date Permit Issued I G6. Date Certificate Of Compliance/Occupancy Issued G7. This permit has been issued for: 0 New Construction ❑ Substantial Improvement G8. Elevation of as -built lowest floor (including basement) of the building: _ 0 feet 0 meters Datum G9. BFE or (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site: 0 feet 0 meters Datum G10.Community's design flood elevation: 0 feet 0 meters Datum Local Official's Name Title Community Name Telephone Signature Date Comments 0 Check here if attachments. FEMA Form 086-0-33 (Revised 7/12) Replaces all previous editions. ELEVATION CERTIFICATE, page 3 BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHS See Instructions for Item A6. IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corresponding information from Section A. Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P0. Route and Box No. 6019 NW 69 WAY City PARKLAND State FL. • ZIP Code 33067 FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Policy Number: Company NAIC Number: If using the Elevation Certificate to obtain NFIP flood insurance, affix at least 2 building photographs below according to the instructions for Item A6. Identify all photographs with date taken; "Front View" and "Rear View"; and, if required, "Right Side View" and "Left Side View." When applicable, photographs must show the foundation with representative examples of the flood openings or vents, as indicated in Section A8. If submitting more photographs than will fit on this page, use the Continuation Page. FEMA Form 086-0-33 (Revised 7/12) Replaces all previous editions. .91'£P6 M.370.t75o00N FOUND 1/2" IRON PIN NO ID OFFSET 8.7 EAST FENCE POST: 0.0' NORTH 14.9' EAST 122.4' b N 121.9' FENCE POST: 0.5' NORTH 9.9' EAST L S89°37'57"E 329.98' A/C I: -1 PAD 47.3' ONE STORY ADDITION #6019 ELEVATION: 18.04 47.4' IfN u5 N e N -- FOUND 1/2" IRON PIN NO ID 5' DEDICATED DRAINGE EASEMENT PER CITY OF PARKLAND i 11.4' M c 11.3' .0. as CONCRETE. • .0 N f .5\' DEDICATED DRAIN4iE EASEMENT PER CITYOFPARKLAND FOUND 1/2" IRON PIN NO ID OFFSET 8.7' EAST BOUNDARY SURVEY Flood Data: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6019 NW 69 WAY PARKLAND, FL. 33067 ZONE: AH 15 COMMUNITY NUMBER: 120051 PANEL & SUFFIX: 0165 F DATE OF FIRM: 8/18/2014 FF ELEV = 18.04 Date: 9/4/2012 9/16/2014 NC PAD 31.3' in M TILE N STEP TILE Tii_E COV. WALK L ENTRY 10.1' I' TWO STORY CBS STRUCTURE #6019 4.5' ELEVATION: 18.04' N 28.9 a N89°36'48"W 329.98' 17.1' CERTIFICATIONS: RORY O'DWYER KATIE O'DWYER JEREMY O'DWYER Revisions: LOCATION OF FIELD IMPROVEMENTS FINAL SURVEY e a CONCRE';EDRIV/EWAY . 108.3' 4 IDN z� o m -cz o - 07 0 �CD o D -mm m Im co m -4 (i)z 1,1 FOUND 1/2" IRON PIN NO ID cu` FOUND NAIL AND DISC NO ID .LZ'£ti 4 3..00.175o00S m m H Z m cn m n xi Div 0 O on Z �co 00 o= D- D z m 4, D --4 S89°36'48"E 329.98' z CD N o o 0 cn A cc! SOUTHEAST SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA Scale: 1" = 30' CADD: LJ QA / QC: DG 4•211111." - I� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE SOUTH 3 OF THE NORTHWEST 4 OF THE NORTHEAST 4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 4 OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES OVER AND ACROSS THE EAST 25 FEET THEREOF, A/K/A LOT 141-C PINETREE ESTATES, UNRECORDED Surveyor's Notes Bearing Reference: The bearings shown hereon are referenced to the recorded plat. 2. Legal description provided by client. 3. No attempt was made to locate any underground utilities, except as shown. 4. The information shown hereon is for the purpose to obtain permit and/or construction. 5. The dimensions shown hereon have an estimated horizontal positional accuracy of 0.10 feet. 6. This survey is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor and Mapper. 7. This survey was prepared without benefit of a title commitment. There may be additional matters of record, not shown, which can be found in the Public Records of the corresponding county noted hereon. 8. Benchmark Reference: Broward County Benchmark Elevation = 17.42 (NGVD 1929, converted to NAVD 1988 Elevation = 15.92 The elevations shown hereon are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 1988). GENERAL LEGEND: BCR = BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS BM =BENCHMARK C/L = CENTERLINE CBS = CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE CONC =CONCRETE DE = DRAINAGE EASEMENT D = DELTA (CENTRAL ANGLE) ELEV. = ELEVATION X 0.00' = EXISTING ELEVATION EOW = EDGE OF WATER FF = FINISHED FLOOR FN = FOUND NAIL INV = INVERT FIP = FOUND IRON PIPE FIR = FOUND IRON ROD FND = FOUND NAIL AND DISC L = ARC LENGTH MDCR = MIAMI DADE COUNTY RECORDS N/D = NAIL AND DISC Invoice No. 14-40674 DENNIS J. GABRIELE PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER Sheet No. 1 of 1 NO. L.S. 5709 STATE OF FLORIDA ORB PB PBCR PCP PG POB POC R RM/ S/W SIR SND UE = OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK = PLAT BOOK = PALM BEACH RECORDS = FOUND NAIL AND CAP = PAGE = POINT OF BEGINNING = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT = RADIUS = RIGHT OF WAY = SIDEWALK = SET i' IRON ROD = SET NAIL & DISC = UTILITY EASEMENT ALL COUNTY SURVEYORS SOA SURVEYO' i " PPERS LICENSE NO. 6677 OFFICE: (954) 777.474 FAX: (954) 777-2707 5400 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE DAVIE, FLORIDA 33328 SUITE 216 ABBREVIATIONS: A/C ADJ ASPH BCR BOW BM CALC CA C/L CB CBS CE CHATT CONC CM COL DE D EASE EOP ELEV. EOW EOP FF FD ID INV IP IR LAE LF LM E M ME MF NGD N/D N/G NR NTS NTT OHC ORB P PB PBCR PC PCC PCP PG PI POB POC PRC PRM PR P/L R RGE ROE RP RNV SEC S/W TOB TYP UE WF WPP = AIR CONDITIONING UNIT =ADJACENT = ASPHALT = BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS = BACK OF WALK =BENCHMARK = CALCULATED = CENTRAL ANGLE = CENTERLINE = CATCH BASIN = CONCRETE BLOCK WALL = CANAL EASEMENT ==CHATTAHOOCHEE =CONCRETE =CONCRETE MONUMENT = COLUMN = DRAINAGE EASEMENT = DEED =EASEMENT = EDGE OF PAVEMENT = ELEVATION = EDGE OF WATER = EDGE OF PAVEMENT = FINISHED FLOOR = FOUND = IDENTIFICATION = INVERT = IRON PIPE = IRON ROD = LENGTH = LIMITED ACCESS EASEMENT = LOWEST FLOOR = LAKE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT = MEASURED = MAINTENANCE EASEMENT = METAL FENCE = NATIONAL GEODETIC DATUM = NAIL AND DISC = NATURAL GROUND = NON RADIAL = NOT TO SCALE = NAIL AND TIN TAB =OVERHEAD CABLES( = OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK = PLAT = PLAT BOOK = PALM BEACH COUNTY RECORDS POINT OF CURVATURE = POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE = PERMANENT CONTROL POINT = PAGE = POINT OF INTERSECTION = POINT OF BEGINNING = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT = POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE =PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT = POINT OF TANGENCY = PROPERTY LINE = RADIUS = RANGE = ROOF OVERHANG EASEMENT = RADIUS POINT = RIGHT OF WAY = SECTION = SIDEWALK = TOP OF BANK = TYPICAL = UTILITY EASEMENT = WOOD FENCE = WOOD POWER POLE (UTILITY POLE) OVERHEAD CABLES METAL FENCE —x —x —x —x METAL FENCE O C WOOD FENCE —//—// -1/—// PLASTIC FENCE EASEMENT LINES CENTERLINE (C/L) O:\GING\38908.dwg, 7/25/2013 10:10:00 AM .94'£176 M..PO.P9000N FOUND 1/2" IRON PIN NO ID OFFSET 8.7' EAST 6 X X m m_ 3 m in4 -mx mOI D 0 < 0 X mTc' I 2 x r- 0 0 X X S89°37'57"E 329.98' -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A n n FENCE POST: 0.0' NORTH 14.9' EAST OF THE CALCULATED PROPERTY CORNER FENCE POST: 0.5' NORTH 9.9' EAST OF THE CALCULATED PROPERTY I, x f CORNERcNi 5' DEDICATED DRAINGE EASEMENT PER CITY OF PARKLAND y- Y- Y- y- Y- y- y- y— y- y y— n y Y y -FOUND 1/2" IRON 122.4' 121.9' CONC. SLAB WITH STEMWALLS TOP OF SLAB ELEVATION: 19.58' Nn N • o '( CONCRETE o, LLLLL L LL11 LEL LLLLLLLLLLLI __LLLLLLLILLLLLL _LLLLLLLLLLLLL _Llw_LLLLLLLLi _LIF.L L L.LLLL(_ x 'yy _u0i LUQ Z_ O - 3_I Ill J m-( etl(: 4.5' �O 0 oPGQP o co 0 „N A/C Pn'AD I 31.3' _Llw z w -LLUL LLLI x X FOUND 1/2" IRON PIN NO ID 5' DEDICATED DRAINGE EASEMENT PER CITY OF PARKLAND TILE STEP TILE TILE COV. WALK ENTRY , TWO STORY STRUCTURE'1 6019 NW 69TH WAY PARKLAND, FLORIDA LOWEST FLOOR rs•I ELEVATION:19.54' 7, 28.9' N89°36'48"W 329.98' PIN NO ID OFFSET 8.7' EAST GENERAL NOTES: 1. THIS SURVEY IS BASED UPON RECORDED INFORMATION AS PROVIDED BY CLIENT. NO SPECIFIC SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORD HAS BEEN MADE BY THIS OFFICE. 2. UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN LOCATED. 3. ELEVATION ARE BASED UPON NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM 1929 (N.G.V.D. 1929). 4. IN SOME CASES, GRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS HAVE BEEN EXAGGERATED FOR CLEARER ILLUSTRATION. MEASURED RELATIONSHIP SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALE POSITIONS. 5. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FIELD MEASURED AND CORRESPOND TO RECORD INFORMATION UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE. 6. THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED FOR CONVEYANCE, TITLE AND MORTGAGE FINANCING PURPOSES. IT IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION USE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. PERMITTING FOR ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION ETC. MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THIS OFFICE. 7. WELL -IDENTIFIED FEATURES IN THIS SURVEY AND MAP HAVE BEEN MEASURED TO AN ESTIMATED HORIZONTAL POSITIONAL ACCURACY OF 0.10 (FT) 8. NOTE: "I HEREBY CERTIFY" IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE AN EXPRESSION OF PROFESSIONAL OPINION BY THE SURVEYOR AND MAPPER BASED ON THE SURVEYOR AND MAPPERS KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION, AND IT IS NOT A GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. 9. "ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS SURVEY MAP BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES." (CHAPTER 61G17-6.003 OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027 OF THE FLORIDA STATUTES) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE SOUTH 1/3 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 114 OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES OVER AND ACROSS THE EAST 25 FEET THEREOF, (A/K/A LOT 141-C, PINETREE ESTAES, UNRECORDED) CERTIFICATIONS: RORY O'DWYER KATHIE O'DWYER JEREMY O'DWYER FLOOD ZONE INFO: COMMUNITY # 120051 PANEL & SUFFIX: 0105 F FLOOD ZONE; X DATE OF FIRM: 8/18/92 Survey for the purpose to obtain permit and/or con,§truction 17.1' l')1VCf2E7'6;DRI,VEW,4�'.Y,; INVOICE NO.: 13-38908 DATE: 09/04/2012 09/06/2012 11/20/2012 03/06/2013-- 07/24/2013 108.3' FOUND 1/2" IRON PIN NO ID V) O O f FOUND NAIL AND DISC NO ID DESCRIPTION: FIELD LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENTS FIELD LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENTS ADD DEDICATED DRAINAGE EASEMENTS PER CITY OF PARKLAND FORMBOARD TIE IN STEMWALL AND SLAB TIE IN ALL COUNTY SURVEYORS '%t ,A Rs SgegiceZ SURVEY° A APPERS LICENSE NO. 6677 OFFICE: (954) 777-4747 \ (FAX: (954) 777-2707 5400 SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE NO.: 216 DAVIE, FLORIDA 33328 co 0 D O�1rn Om O < -I D z O Z �o om Dz O 0 -0z - 1 N.) O73O- 0 O -DOODz zzcn TOO O m 0 73 -a w mXcgOw m m 0 z�? r,› m> Z OO m mD� zmm o m13 a o :Tl O Z S89°36'48"E 329.98' 1Z 0 N 2 Olw 01 SOUTHEAST SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP I 48 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA N SCALE: 1"=30' I HEREBY CER i 1FY TI1AT THIS MAP OF BOUNDARY AND PART"AL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR SURVEYS, AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 5J-17.052 OF THE FLCRIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO S " 'ION = 127, FLORIDA STATUES. GINOAND SURVEYOR AND MAPPER FLORI A LICENSE NUMBER: 5044 (NOT VALID WITHOUT SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF THE FLORIDA LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR AND MAPPER SHONW ABOVE)