2012100260-ApplicationContact Person: 'Company Name Business Address City City of Parkland Building Permit Application Phone #: E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 State FL Property Owner's Name Owner's Street Address City State T C../ trL\0\1V';), 'Job Site Address 'Work Description: I , }- L --)11114, �( 1 42_ sr L i 9 N,Ai Zip Phone # e:c.-0 tCA irk w (,�-t-iw c"\I Zip Phone # ? - c 7 `7<z/ -77r-.?-A66 Lot %(../ - i., Block Master Permit Number Date Construction Value Engineer's Name Engineer's License # Phone # Architect's Name Architect's License # Phone # 2c'L iQ�L (. C /i/z /Zc/L/ Gr1 A, 2. 2,'3 ) 3 l7)tautr) its- L Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. • WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: C' License number: Signature of Qualifier }} On this $1 day of December, 20 3er ribefore me, the undersigned Notary Public of thivState of Florida, personally appeared Jc'S r'C NLA- r.( and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrum t, and he/she ackno dges that he/she executed it. ✓ G D AAA 0 , NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA 411-ci' Spec,)116 PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC �1-Rersonally known to me Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer Produced identification ❑ Oath not taken '' nbe. VALERIE A SACCULLO • OF M1,. (407) 398.0153 MY COMMISSION #FF023800 EXPIRES August 25, 2017 FforidallotaryService.com Property Owner Notification E-mail: `-Cc nA..j w ti Print Name of Property Owner: Owner's Address: Signature of Property Owner: On thi( S1 day of December, 20 la 11, before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared u a r.y 0 ,r and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, and he/sherocknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLO DA SAX=r(' 4 Accu\ kr) PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC .:,Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken ❑ Produced identification Oath not taken VALERIE A SACCULLO MY COMMISSION #FF023800 EXPIRES August 25, 2017 FloridallotaryService.com NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: (407) 398-0153 Date: / 7 , 7 'Electrical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 31 day of December ,20 30 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: !Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: 'Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 31 day of December ,20 30 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: �`- i l_. C27 e -C j °cls 3 \ .Business Address: (4 j ( C S 3 C License #: C l4 C_ r' 'Z Le- Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: `j C, Cf - c- b'7 Notification E-rpail: Print Name: c) �`,c cy \C.n,1L.w The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 11 day of December ,20 3315k i Y,by the above named person Qualifier Signature: who is personally known to me or Notary Public: o produced as identification who did/did not take an oath y Commission Expires: '�sPP°� VALERIE A SACCULLO `° MY COMMISSION #FF023800 ..,*Y„ iXPIr TIO At• WAIL 25, LUI, Landscaping Contractor: (407) .9.13-0153` �Inri iaNnta ,c ., Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 31 day of December ,20 30 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 31 day of December ,20 30 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Contact Person: Company Name Business Address City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.citvofnarkland.org Phone #: ' i( E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Master Permit Number (94:40zr — 1�..-e�n� C' >2 / i�C2� 4:L1 i `7 /1,''i,r) (::'7 rc(• tv:11,/ City • State Zip Phone # / Property Owner's Name :� C°` k I, Owner's Street Address _ • =, L CityState Zip " Phone # kltiR.it• f7L 3= t� � 1 Sri � S=Z .. Date /C /f // Construction Value j.,Ze, ccs f , Engineer's Name W kki 6,2NZ Engineer's license # Phonetf r t- 3t 3 -- >2-5 Architect'sNarne b M Architect's License # - Job Site Address 'I' A,rw Work, Description: ( .ilre-w r t Lot /eiy_ Block Phone # c f ' +� - ; Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated.1 certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. I WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: (N 7 w.) •r License number: Signature of Qualifier Property Owner Notification E-mail: t: ba -:1 („'* t c l "{i: , c e a 4 - Print Name of Property Owner: E`i .r f V Z1r f" ' ).A.-!1 Owner's Address: C ( 4=, R�1 t_ldf , L Signature of Pro ner:( On this 3 day of 6r �s , 20 i , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared JF-REi'►y Det' y A. and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, and/be/she a nowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBUC,STATE OF FLORIDA 2Jiv t, s1 . y NiE��—t.,`U PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC CI Personally known to me Produced identification O Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer O Oath not taken DAVID R. FONTECCHIO Notary Public - State of Florida •? My Comm. Expires Jun 23, 2016 Commission # EE 202974 On this. 3 day of 0 c t 20 1 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared -T4 Ev ..i 0'o U' yr -a_ and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrumelit, and he/sheiicknowles hat he he executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE 01- FLORIDA 1�,4Y�h t2, re--)A%i PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ❑ Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEA OF OFFICE: Jr2 Produced identification O Oath not taken P%1e,DAVID R. FONTECCHIO Q�P�I Oat& • Notary Public - State of Florida . My Comm. Expires Jun 23. 2016 "•-40,,,s,,, Commission # EE 202974 . ▪ 1/ 6,^1 Electrical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus clay of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Contact Person: el /14 ? - City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.cityofoarkland.org Phone #: j & / 7 ! 3 - 3 // 5 E-mail: [ e11MC ¢!' /647 ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Name LGA a z ` Sr'-vi(f� LC Business Address /6 0'l % 7 j tI, d z. ,,i, City State Zip Phone # ,, ,4 :/45. 16. .37 y a /7 3 3y/s Property Owner's Name Owner's Street Address 6 0 f / ,i, %t,' (; Y-1 ti I, City State Zip Phone # P /./,� Job Site Address v41/ Lot Work Description: /" %r't /'i - / i-» 5 ;=Ic ti Block Master Permit Numberc2O / 2 / Oo o -2/2//3 Construction Value Engineer's Name Engineer's License # Phone # Architect's Name Architect's License # Phone # Date Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. 1 understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: License number: Signature of Qualifier: /.?ce)272 On this 22 day of ( ..b . , 20 C.b. before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the,.,SState of Florida, personally appeared Emmett- VAAL Javvic and whose name is subscribed to and within the ins ument, an he/she ackr •. 1 • .ges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, S TE OF FLORIDA PRINTED NAME OF £ Q/ARY PUBLIC ❑ Personally known to me U Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer uc-d i. -n ' ic- 'o ❑ Ogth,ngjtaken MARILYN BLANCETT ,i c%: Notary ruoiic - Siaic .l fl..;J; My Comm. Expires Oct 30, 2015 I . ,. Commission # EE 132703 " %° Afi0 Bonded Through National Notary Assn. Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: Owner's Address: Signature of Property Owner: On this day of . 20 before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, and he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ❑ Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Date: O Produced identification ❑ Oath not taken Electrical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: _ Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Contact Person: City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.citvofoarkland.org, ,v� Phone #: tj j —lr '21 —C'�= % E-mail: tCi f � -eitc /`)4 //5 4 17 7 116-1i'74rj 4/ Art,/ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 �:1)/1 /71 Y/ Il�t.-.J'j Cr..'�Y2-Qc'/'�.- 2.1 c. 57-'2 /1 Z.' / Company Name Business Address City • State Zip Phone # i R —53c-7/ Property Owner's Name 7 A e 0. y ' f�C.%` i s Owner's Street Address 4e,/ 1 (i 7 "' 4-7/y City kA, , j State pi Zip 3s647 Phone # ii%—Gfl ��y Job Site Address Ct', u)/` /:.f4t, Lot Work Description: //et_ . n c ' , d. ,- /. s Block Master Permit Number v Date r/*/f�/I Construction Value Engineer's Name Engineer's License # Phone # Architect's Name Architect's License # Phone # Application is hereoy made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: License number: C. - C _. 1Signature of Qualifier: On this hof / , 20 / S, before me, the undersigned N, �t ry Public of the :i to of Florida, personally appeared /-i?)4,/f ( and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, and he/she knowledges that he/she ecuted it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA PRINTEDNAME0 NOT 'Y UB f,YPersonally known to CI Oath taken 5,1'cjduced KALAGE t� nUutakyrPubiic - State of Florida NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL (- OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer Commission # EE 39980 Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: Signature. of Property Orvije "� Owner's Address: )747 if On this day of 41'1iJ , 20 / 1, before me, the undersigned Notary Pu lic of the State of Florida, personally appeared /I f.�, f a, ndw✓hose name is subscribed to and within the `Sins r men an he/ e a nowZeddges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLOC D 77172, PRINTED f.FAME rsonally ❑ Oath take NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Date: OiiRr&iidr1'0el(nAiLAGE n NotaD'& Minot VOW of Florida • Gomm. Expires Nov 4, 2014 Commission # EE 39980 Contact Person: Company Name Business Address City City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.citvofoarkland.org Phone #: t'j s C% - 2/yS - 2:e 3 e_ A. -NI C `r),Ad ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 E-mail: c,5vyr�� v; C.A4 .rlk, State Zip Phone # R. L1 oK > FL_ t; Property Owner's Name Owner's Street Address City ill's ye- A:.rJt, Job Site Address Work Description: State f 9 w ct' E - C) 1L, Zip Phone # I.. V 1 + V '4.-I rt 7 1St/ 260' 4. Ler-q /tii:' Aad; +inn, J 'i Lot fit Block e - d rt:,; 11 Master Permit Number Date Construction Value Engineer's Name Engineer's License # Phone # Architect's Name Architect's License # Phone # ZCiZitoFC /y//•3 3.3I 3 Cat / - 7 31-3/ 44„,r) tvYt r-4 k , Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: License number: Signature of Qualifier:, ., On this ' tri day of D r, 20 before me, the undersigned � o Per*s irMipl Notary Public of the State—Of lorc�a, persona y appeared _re t_,7u , ; , whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, and he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA t o 4._ A. _y PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer O Produced identification •.�"""". UUNNA t. JILVIUUJ Notary Public - State of Florida •1 My Comm. Expires Sep 9, 2016 1 (Tia Commission # EE 200034 Bonded Through National Notary Assn. Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: •rte ,•1 Owner's Address: c � (9 ii/t& (�; 7 y Signature of Property ner: On this day of D. Z;„1jG zu ' , before me, the undersigned Notary Pdbfic of the State offrof ria, per3onally appeared and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, and he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA 1 (�_ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC GI/Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Date: ❑ Produced identification ❑ Oath not taken DONNA E. SILVIOUS Notary Public - State of Florida • My Comm. Expires Sep 9, 2016 ,;l ��� ��^ Commission # EE 200034 pOF FOnp`• "',,„"`' Bonded Through National Notary Assn. Electrical Contractor: Al -A, ('k') j—{ e Business Address: j L) 5/ S , fit--ve. 'License #: C.f: oC _ 'Phone #: c7f2, -� �' - 35%,6 IQualifierSignature: L-7 The foregoing instrumenacknowledged before me thus ,34iE) day of who isrsonally known to me'or who produced Notary Public:/ -\_,-1(-A 4v1y Commission Expires: :772;7 (' . Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: G ' j 2 ' License#: C. C ) L/f2.7 C/6' 7 (Phone #: % 5-q 3 1Qualifier Signature: 2 •,d �i; S t? /G'nv7 ,/ "2 6 Print Name: Deeetrt er ,20 3$ iy ,by the above named person not take an oath ;i°..w+•poeo,,� DONNA E. SILVIOUS Notary Public - State of Florida ' y My Comm. Expires Sep 9, 2016 °a°• Commission # EE 200034 da„ Jei inrougn National Notary Assn. Estimated Construction Value: ,5--,5W4./' Notification E-mail: PlitY / , 1 >✓(s. i2#t r f� Print Name: TT The foregoing instrumen was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: \C)L 1 `P 34' day of My Commission Expires: 1,5 (c' De6ei'nber ,20 -30 ,by the above named person ' 11 t take an oath DONNA E. SILVIOUS Notary Public - State of Florida My Comm. Expires Sep 9, 2016 Commission # EE 200034 Mechanical Contractor: % 0�� tlaG� ,Ai NVIa y dawn Business Address: .4S% 1,0i jPr 'sS C re- e 47. License #: 7 2 4' Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: C, Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: 2.2/i -Pi. 70ip-i/ j-pvi The foregoing instrument w s acknowledged before me thus .34' day of IF who personally know me or who produced Notary Pu My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: Print Name: %/4ft� December 0 30;4, ,by the above named person Sc'i -/- as identification SILVIOUS who did/did not take an oath �� .`t PNV P(iB ,i Notary Public - State of Florida •_ My Comm. Expires Sep 9, 2016 Et evuU34 ,�P� ",,` ,�,,`Bonded Thrniinh Na r1°4a.pkliwi`A.y,”. Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Print Name: 31 day of December Other Contractor: Business Address: 'License #: ,20 30 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: 'Phone #: Notification E-mail: !Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 31 day of December ,zo 30 who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath USPS.com® - USPS TrackingTM https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction.action?tRefullpage&t... English Customer Service USPS Mobile Register 1 Sign In USPS.COM" Search USPS corn or Track Packages Quick Tools Track Ship a Package Send Mail Manage Your Mail Shop Business Solutions Find Find USPS Locations Buy Stamps Pickup Sch lAGl>k *^6.J Tracking TM Fin Hob Mail Change of Address Tracking Number: 70130600000079618127 Customer ServiceIS2 Have questions? We're here to help. Product & Tracking Information Available Options Postal Product: DATE & TIME October 4, 2013 , 11:15 am October 4, 2013 , 9:22 am October 4, 2013 , 9:12 am October 4, 2013 , 9:09 am October 4, 2013 , 4:26 am October 4, 2013 October 3, 2013 October 3, 2013 , 9:00 pm October 3, 2013 , 5:17 pm October 3, 2013 , 1:09 pm Features: Certified MaiI" STATUS OF ITEM Delivered Out for Delivery Sorting Complete Arrival at Unit Processed at USPS Origin Sort Facility Depart USPS Sort Facility Depart USPS Sort Facility Processed at USPS Origin Sort Facility Dispatched to Sort Facility Acceptance Track Another Package What's your tracking (or receipt) number? LEGAL Privacy Policy Terms of Use FOIA ON USPS.COM Government Services > Buy Stamps & Shop > Print a Label wth Postage > LOCATION BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33436 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33436 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33436 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33436 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33416 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33416 MIAMI, FL 33152 MIAMI, FL 33152 POMPANO BEACH, FL 33073 POMPANO BEACH, FL 33073 Track It ON ABOUT.USPS.COM About USPS Home > Newsroom > USPS Service Alerts > Email Updates OTHER USPS SITES Business Customer Gateway > Postal Inspectors > Inspector General > 1 of 2 10/7/2013 11:10 AM STATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT NO. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DATE PAID: ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL FEE PAID: SYSTEM RECEIPT #: APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: ( ] New System [ ] Existing System [ ] Holding Tank [ ] Innovative [ ] Repair [ ] Abandonment 1 ] Temporary APPLICANT: O'DWYER, JEREMY AGENT: ENVIROTEK SERVICES INC. MAILING ADDRESS: 8972 BANYAN BOULEVARD, LOXAHATCHEE, FL 33470 [ ✓J MODIFICATION TELEPHONE: 561-644-7151 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. SYSTEMS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED BY A PERSON LICENSED PURSUANT TO 489.105(3)(m) OR 489.552, FLORIDA STATUTES. IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION OF THE DATE THE LOT WAS CREATED OR PLATTED (MM/DD/YY) IF REQUESTING CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY GRANDFATHER PROVISIONS. PROPERTY INFORMATION LOT: N/A BLOCK: N/A SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY ID #: 4841-02-00-0087 N/A ZONING: AC PLATTED: I/M OR EQUIVALENT: [ Y /®N ] PROPERTY SIZE: 1.06 ACRES WATER SUPPLY: [ ] PRIVATE PUBLIC [✓J<=2000GPD [ ]>2000GPD IS SEWER AVAILABLE AS PER 381.0065, FS? [ Y /0] DISTANCE TO SEWER: >200 FT PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6019 NW 69TH WAY, PARKLAND, FL 33067 DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY: SEE MAP BUILDING INFORMATION Li] RESIDENTIAL [ ] COMMERCIAL Unit Type of No. of Building Commercial/Institutional System Design No Establishment Bedrooms Area Sqft Table 1, Chapter 64E-6, FAC 1 2 3 4 SFD(EXISTING) ADDING TOTAL 3 1 4 2416 1153 3566 [ ] Floor/Equipment Drains [ ] Other (Specify) SIGNATURE: DATE: 12/21/12 DH 4015, 08/09 (Obsoletes previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated 64E-6.001, FAC Page 1 of 4 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM SITE EVALUATION AND SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS PERMIT #. APPLICANT:O'DWYER, JEREMY AGENT:ENVIROTEK SERVICES INC. LOT: N/A BLOCK: N/A SUBDIVISION:N/A PROPERTY ID #: 4841-02-00-0087 [Section/Township/Parcel No. or Tax ID Number] TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER, HEALTH DEPARTEMENT EMPLOYEE,OR OTHER QUALIFIED PERSON. ENGINNEERS MUST PROVIDE REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SIGN AND SEAL EACH PAGE OF SUBMITTAL. COMPLETE ALL ITEMS. PROPERTY SIZE CONFORMS TO SITE PLAN: [✓] YES [ ] NO NET USABLE AREAAVAILABLE: 1.06 ACRES TOTAL ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: 500 GALLONS PER DAY SIDENCES-TABL /OTHER-TABLE2] AUTHORIZED SEWAGE FLOW: 1590 GALLONS PER DAY [ 00 GPD/ACR_R 2500 GPD/ACRE] UNOBSTRUCTED AREA AVAILABLE: 1278 SQFT UNOBSTRUCTED AREA REQUIRED: 1,251 SQFT NC REFERENCE POINT LOCATION: CROWN OF ROAD AT EAST R.PFRTY LTNE 1S.R? NGVD FT ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE IS 2.55 [INCHESQ[ VE'BELOW] NCH/REFERENCE POINT THE MINIMUM SETBACK WHICH CAN BE MAINTAINED FROM THE PROPOSED SYSTEM TO THE FOLLOWING FEATURES SURFACE WATER: N/A FT DITCHES/SWALES: 170 FT NORMALLY WET? [ ] YES [✓] NO WELLS: PUBLIC: N/A FT LIMITED USE: N/A FT PRIVATE: 117 FT NON -POTABLE: N/A FT BUILDING FOUNDATIONS: 5 FT PROPERTY LINES: 5 FT POTABLE WATER LINES: 69 FT SITE SUBJECT TO FREQUENT FLOODING: [ ] YES [✓] NO 10 YEAR FLOODING? [ ] YES [✓] NO 10 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION FOR SITE: UNK FT MSL/NGVD SITE ELEVATION: 18.37 FT MSL/GV10 SOIL PROFILE INFORMATION SITE 1 SOIL PROFILE INFORMATION SITE 2 MUNSELL #/COLOR TEXTURE DEPTH MUNSELL #/COLOR TEXTURE DEPTH 10YR 2/1 FS/FILL 0 TO 15 10YR 2/1 FS/FILL 0 TO 16 10YR 4/1 FS/FILL 15 TO 29 10YR 4/1 FS/FILL 16 TO 31 10YR 6/2 FS 29 TO 39 10YR 6/2 FS 31 TO 41 10YR 7/3 FS 39 TO 48 10YR 7/3 FS 41 TO 50 10YR 3/1 FS 48 TO 52 10YR 3/1 FS 50 TO 55 TO TO TO TO REFUSAL DUE TO WATER 52 TO 72 REFUSAL DUE TO WATER 55 TO 72 TO TO USDA SOIL SERIES: SIMILAR TO Ha USDA SOIL SERIES: SIMILAR TO Ha OBSERVED WATER TABLE: 52 INCHES [ABOVE /(DELC2331 EXISTING GRADE. TYPE:[PERCHED /�,PPARE ESTIMATED WET SEASON WATER TABLE ELEVATION: 43 INCHES [ABOVE /CBELO EXISTING GRADE HIGH WATER TABLE VEGETATION: [ ] YES [✓] NO MOTTLING: [✓] YES [ ] NO DEPTH: 43 INCHES SOIL TEXTURE/LOADING RATE FOR SYSTEM SIZING: FS/0.6 DEPTH OF EXCAVATION: N/A INCHES DRAINFIELD CONFIGURATION: [ ] TRENCH [✓] BED [ ] OTHER (SPECIFY) REMARKS/ADDITIONAL CRITERIA: 10YR 6/6 CMN/DST/RF OBSERVED AT 43"- 48" BELOW GRADE. SITE EVALUATED BY: LAURA L Y081KERS P.E. 63386 DATE: 12/21/12 DH 4015, 08/09 (Obsoletes previous editons wh ch4ay not be Use Inco orated 64E-6.001, FAC Page 3 of 4 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM EXISTING SYSTEM AND SYSTEM REPAIR EVALUATION APPLICANT: O'DWYER, JEREMY CONTRACTOR / AGENT: ENVIROTEK SERVICES INC. PERMIT # LOT: N/A BLOCK: N/A SUBDIV: N/A ID#: 4841-02-00-0087 TO BE COMPLETED BY FLORIDA REGISTERED ENGINEER, DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE, SEPTIC TANK CONTRACTOR OR OTHER CERTIFIED PERSON. SIGN AND SEAL ALL SUBMITTED DOCUMENTS. COMPLETE ALL APPLICABLE ITEMS. COMPLETE TANK CERTIFICATION BELOW OR NOTE IN REMARKS WHY THE TANKS CANNOT BE CERTIFIED. EXISTING TANK INFORMATION [ 1050 ] GALLONS SEPTIC TANK/GPD ATU LEGEND: UNKNOWN MATERIAL: CONCRETE BAFFLED:[Y /0] [ ] GALLONS SEPTIC TANK/GPD ATU LEGEND: MATERIAL: BAFFLED:[Y / N] [ ] GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR LEGEND: MATERIAL: [ ] GALLONS DOSING TANK LEGEND: MATERIAL: # PUMPS:[ ] I CERTIFY THAT THE LISTED TANKS WERE PUMPED ON 07/19/12 By RAIDER ROOTER INC. , HAVE THE VOLUMES SPECIFIED AS DETERMINED BY [q.tlmr6iNS7/ FILLING / LEGEND ], ARE FREE OF OBSERVABLE DEFECTS pR LEAKS, AND HAVE A [ZQLIDS DEFLECTION DE._ V�ChS/ OUTLET FILTER DEVICE ] INSTALLED. ;,,.�� RAIDER ROOTER INC. 12/21/12 SIGNATURE OF LICENSED CONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME DATE EXISTING DRAINFIELD INFORMATION [ 336 ] SQUARE FEET PRIMARY DRAINFIELD SYSTEM NO. OF TRENCHES [BED] DIMENSIONS: 12 x 28 [ ] SQUARE FEET SYSTEM NO. OF TRENCHES [ ] DIMENSIONS: X TYPE OF SYSTEM: [ ] STANDARD [ ] FILLED [✓ ] MOUND [ ] CONFIGURATION: [ ] TRENCH [✓] BED [ ] DESIGN: [✓ ] HEADER [ ] D -BOX [i] GRAVITY SYSTEM [ ] DOSED SYSTEM ELEVATION OF BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD IN RELATION TO EXISTING GRADE 30 INCHES [ ABOVE /ItU5jA SYSTEM FAILURE AND REPAIR INFORMATION [ 1989 ] SYSTEM INSTALLATION DATE TYPE OF WASTE [V] DOMESTIC [ ] COMMERCIAL [ 500 ] GPD ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW BASED ON [ ] METERED WATER [✓ ] TABLE 1, 64E-6, FAC SITE [ ] DRAINAGE STRUCTURES [ ] POOL [ ] PATIO / DECK [ ] PARKING CONDITIONS: [ ] SLOPING PROPERTY [✓ ] N/A NATURE OF [ ] HYDRAULIC OVERLOAD [ ] SOILS [ ] MAINTENANCE [ ] SYSTEM DAMAGE FAILURE: [ ] DRAINAGE / RUN OFF [ ] ROOTS [ ] WATER TABLE [j] N/A FAILURE [ ] SEWAGE ON GROUND [ ] TANK [ ] D BOX/HEADER [ ] DRAINFIELD SYMPTOM: [ ] PLUMBING BACKUP [v/] N/A REMARKS/ADDITIONAL CRITERIA EXISTS ROCK & PIPE TANK DIMENSIONS: 4'X 8.5'X 4.5' SEPTIC SYSTEM IS IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION AT TIME OF INSPECTION. SUBMITTED BY: G1 / i-7 .4- TITLE/LICENSE SR0031440 DH 4015, 08/09 (9 sofetes^previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated 64E-6.001, FAC DATE: 12/21/12 Page 4 of 4 CITY OF PARKLAND 6600 UNIVERSITY DRIVE PARKLAND, FLORIDA 33067 BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT #: 2012100260 PERMIT TYPE: AD JOB DESCRIPTION: ADDITION JOB ADDRESS: 6019 NW 69 WAY JOB VALUE: $ 115,000.00 PERMIT ADDITION Confirm. #: 731 MASTER #: 2012100260 ISSUED DATE: 03/04/2013 BY: ADM13 BLOCK: LOT: 141C SUBDIVISION #: 1047-PINETREE ESTATES PTE ADDR NBR: 3246 OWNER NAME: O'DWYER, JEREMY APPLICANT: TROY NATALE DBA: NATALE CONSTRUCTION, INC. TYPE: CONTRACT JOB PHONE: (561)436-2628 CERT NBR: 8168 Permit holder acknowledges through acceptance of this permit that seperate permits must be obtained as required by Florida Building Code including those for all electric, plumbing, mechanical, roofing, and structural work. Further he/she acknowledges responsibility to comply with all requirements of the Florida Building Code. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements in this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the records of this jurisdiction, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. s:553.79(10),F.S. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. s:713.135,F.S. F.B.C. 304.3 Permit expires within six(6) months of issue date or three(3) months of last inspection date. Building Official or Authorized Signature Date For Inspection, Call (954) 757-4107 CDPR2020 CITY OF PARKLAND 6600 UNIVERSITY DRIVE PARKLAND, FLORIDA 33067 BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT #: 2012100262 PERMIT TYPE: EL JOB DESCRIPTION: ELECTRICAL SUB JOB ADDRESS: 6019 NW 69 WAY JOB VALUE: $ 15,000.00 PERMIT ELECTRICAL Confirm. #:669 MASTER #: 2012100260 ISSUED DATE: 03/04/2013 BY: ADM13 BLOCK: LOT: 141C SUBDIVISION #: 1047-PINETREE ESTATES PTE ADDR NBR: 3246 OWNER NAME: O'DWYER, JEREMY APPLICANT: EMMETT JARVIS TYPE: CONTRACT JOB PHONE: (561)793-3415 DBA: LOXAHATCHEE ELECTRICAL SERVICES LL CERT NBR: 8297 Permit holder acknowledges through acceptance of this permit that seperate permits must be obtained as required by Florida Building Code including those for all electric, plumbing, mechanical, roofing, and structural work. Further he/she acknowledges responsibility to comply with all requirements of the Florida Building Code. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements in this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the records of this jurisdiction, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. s:553.79(10),F.S. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. s:713.135,F.S. F.B.C. 304.3 Permit expires within six(6) months of issue date or three(3) months of last inspection date. Building Official or Authorized Signature Date For Inspection, Call (954) 757-4107 CDPR2020 CITY OF PARKLAND 6600 UNIVERSITY DRIVE PARKLAND, FLORIDA 33067 BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT PLUMBING Confirm. #:638 MASTER #: 2012100260 PERMIT #: 2012100263 PERMIT TYPE: PL ISSUED DATE: 03/04/2013 BY: ADM13 JOB DESCRIPTION: ADDITION - PLUMBING JOB ADDRESS: 6019 NW 69 WAY JOB VALUE: $ 6,000.00 BLOCK: LOT: 141C SUBDIVISION #: 1047-PINETREE ESTATES PTE ADDR NBR: 3246 OWNER NAME: O'DWYER, JEREMY APPLICANT: JAY EDWARD TUPPER TYPE: CONTRACT JOB PHONE: (564)575-3933 DBA: JET PLUMBING CONTRACTORS INC CERT NBR: 7311 Permit holder acknowledges through acceptance of this permit that seperate permits must be obtained as required by Florida Building Code including those for all electric, plumbing, mechanical, roofing, and structural work. Further he/she acknowledges responsibility to comply with all requirements of the Florida Building Code. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements in this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the records of this jurisdiction, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. s:553.79(10),F.S. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. s:713.135,F.S. F.B.C. 304.3 Permit expires within six(6) months of issue date or three(3) months of last inspection date. Building Official or Authorized Signature Date For Inspection, Call (954) 757-4107 CDPR2020 CITY OF PARKLAND 6600 UNIVERSITY DRIVE PARKLAND, FLORIDA 33067 BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT #: 2012100264 PERMIT TYPE: ME JOB DESCRIPTION: ADDITION - MECHANICAL JOB ADDRESS: 6019 NW 69 WAY JOB VALUE: $ 7,000.00 BLOCK: LOT: 141C ADDR NBR: 3246 OWNER NAME: O'DWYER, JEREMY PERMIT MECHANICAL Confirm. #: 607 MASTER #: 2012100260 ISSUED DATE: 03/04/2013 BY: ADM13 SUBDIVISION #: 1047-PINETREE ESTATES PTE APPLICANT: COLIN FOREMAN TYPE: CONTRACT JOB PHONE: DBA: AIR HANDLERS OF THE PALM BEACH, IN CERT NBR: 8169 Permit holder acknowledges through acceptance of this permit that seperate permits must be obtained as required by Florida Building Code including those for all electric, plumbing, mechanical, roofing, and structural work. Further he/she acknowledges responsibility to comply with all requirements of the Florida Building Code. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements in this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the records of this jurisdiction, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. s:553.79(10),F.S. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. s:713.135,F.S. F.B.C. 304.3 Permit expires within six(6) months of issue date or three(3) months of last inspection date. Building Official or Authorized Signature Date For Inspection, Call (954) 757-4107 CDPR2020 APPLICANT CN TROY NATALE OWNER INFORMATION O'DWYER, JEREMY 6155 NW 79 WAY PARKLAND FL 33067 PERMIT NBR 2012100260 2012100262 2012100263 2012100264 TYPE ADDITION ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL City of Parkland CD -Plus for Windows 95/98/NT CITY OF PARKLAND 6600 UNIVERSITY DRIVE PARKLAND, FLORIDA 33067 BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMBO SLIP CERT NBR 8168 DBA NATALE CONSTRUCTION, INC. MASTER NBR 2012100260 STATUS READY READY READY READY TOTAL DUE THIS IS NOT A RECEIPT AMOUNT DUE $1,652.43' $570.39' $404.43' $444.08- $3,071.33 Printed on: 2/22/2013 11:39:49AM CDPR1120C - Combo Slip \`A Contact Person: City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.cityofparkland.org,, Phone#: -247 E-mail: �t.�� L►Ji�) rtlLa 6�t� e ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Name Aki.! „vfL vUl,.)l % ktoN-1 c: ) f� Business Address City -72_14 1- .5144-0,1 State Zip Phone # Alpho rci') 14)-'04 ?M4' Property Owner's Name ; 4��fv Owner's Street Address 7 City State Zip L.i r.9 one Master Permit Number 2.C?iZ, c 2_,(00 Date ---Construction Valu // Cita d L f % -1 Z Engtneer's Name f (21A (5.6,„ .. G1 `0in11€12.„3-t • tJ hJ l',,Mrl 3.(1/6, Job Site Address (,„0lei Ai A) ( t4- Lot V c Block Work Description: A00/ r/u/v Engineer's License # Phone # r)- % 151 - 3 Y 3.7 Architect's Name DAvi ickpiui4 Architect's License # Phone# 5-6)f.-733 ,,b6, Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. 1 WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: License number: C.,6 --L 1 5- 0' -' O Signature of Qualifier: On this i `'"day of — , , 20 (44 . before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the e of FI: 'da, ersonally appeared and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, and he/she acknowl ges that he/she executed it. JJ / -- / 1' i., .(.h. _ c -/ iJ ..� ;d -- G"..._ NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC 'Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer ❑ Produced identification ❑ Oath not taken NOTARY PUBLIC -STATE OF FLOW ” Maria A. Chaiss<.. Commission #DD8822 Expires: JUNE 07, 2013 BONDED THRU ATLANTIC BONDING CO., INC. Property Owner Notification E-mail: Prir,t Name of Property Owner: 11 ff jj Owner's Address: , '�s�t. Signature of Propertt Owner: I r /f On.thi / .S 1 day of Plc ♦< . 20)0_ , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, and he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA 717'1:1:S34 •A vt,tet / PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ❑ Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Date: L �E sL y33RI 6.0 (.'X{ • apt) (a Produced identification ❑ Oath not taken HASSAN AHMAD Notary Public - State of Florid My Comm. Expires Nov 8. 201 Commission rM EE 144844 a 'Electrical Contractor: ..g);6 -16E x-6CAccr/, C4/ .S7!'Ur' ( CSS j AA: - Business Address: 3q0 SC ,2Th, yC - D . J ('fit E t _D AC// F2 3. 4 4 /. License #: CC/71/2_c_-.4e7--_. /,7.75 -.?--_,A, Estimated Construction Value: `;'j 5; /XC Phone #:�� 4/S L6 /9,(,;.1 Notification E-mail: nrf/cep'�j,)rt,ysr< tie; c',�Ec i ri lrrL5Ei'v>. c ES. fcn.�Qualifier Signature: � -7 Print Name: t was ack . ledged before me thus 4544` day of O,r+o6 _< The foregoing instrur'n who is personally nown to me or who produced 11.,,bL t 116 722 -( G - 2 Notary Public: �� � My Commission Expires: N Plumbing Contractor: :pi - Business fBusiness Address: /. 11 (r; cvtricr;,fr% License #: 9 Phone #: 4.--7c_3(;,33 Qualifier Signature: /121,-4, , The foregoing instru(Inc{nt was, R 1 Ore l l i-,,, t b..l t,,,‹ 1 (,. L -rxt.c r a'i1 v FI- , xt,S — Estimated Construction Value: ;,)6 )�- jp Notification E-mail: Ir v Print Name: 7 i ` l pf e,--- ,20 i� ,by the above named person not take an oath ``,,rJy PJJJJii -0` �o FERNANDA LOLA r. Notary Public - State of Florida •° My Comm. Expires Apr 2, 2014 Commission # DD 977410 vi'FLgRffiEc before me thus 1 �'`1 day of C. ; ka t r,L ,20 i Z ,by the above named person ppf�`,xYYCIUU-5 AI! who is persona(J.y��knpwjpl gleppr tluced /2-5 %()JR (`) as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public:: Commission # DD882213 `'n� ,- Expires: JUNE 07, 2013 My Commission Expires: , F . ; 3 •BONDED THRU ATLANTIC BONDING CO., INC. Mechanical Contractor: 11/3y- �?'//ri.KS i% ? / h, Business Address: c ' 9 '/ „A,.. „L.,",t v '��, tr�,� 6'v., , Com- s r l i r-> License / fes/ 55"9 Estimated Construction Value:9T7 - ez ,, Phone #: r ? c1- j Notification E-mail: <..1 I la'Nn9/af (-r,���,-,�. Qualifier Signature:s / Print Name: ( ), 1.1 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus / day of rG i� fir— ,20 / -- ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath t. Notary Pu �lic�;;y::;y ADAM CAMERON WY MY COMMISSION # • °„II/�,d�� EXPIRES Febr P _(_40jt;J9�-j1t5;r,rionoanimaryaerme.uutr, Landsca it n lar V Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: 54 e Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: day of My Commission Expires: ,20 ,by the above named person ` as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: 'Qualifier Signature: s Print Name: x The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to rridt whdJproduced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary.PUllIIL: ........ . .. .. •. s My Commission Expires: FS 489.103 Owner / Builder Exemption City of Parkland Development Services Department Building Division 6600 University Drive, Parkland, FL 33067 Building Permits Et Inspections for your Safety! Phone: 954 753-5447 Fax: 954 753-8838 Website: www.citvofparkland.orR The following Disclosure Statement is required to be read and signed by a property owner who is applying for a permit for construction on their own property, and intends to act as their own contractor under the Owner / Builder Exemption provided by Florida Law, as described in the following excerpt. Please sign two copies. 489.103 Exemptions. --This part (regarding licensed contractors) does not apply to: (7) Owners of property when acting as their own contractor and providing direct, onsite supervision themselves of all work not performed by licensed contractors: (a) When building or improving farm outbuildings or one -family or two-family residences on such property for the occupancy or use of such owners and not offered for sale or lease, or building or improving commercial buildings, at a cost not to exceed $75,000, on such property for the occupancy or use of such owners and not offered for sale or lease. In an action brought under this part, proof of the sale or lease, or offering for sale or lease, of any such structure by the owner -builder within 1 year after completion of same creates a presumption that the construction was undertaken for purposes of sale or lease. (b) When repairing or replacing wood shakes or asphalt or fiberglass shingles on one -family, two-family, or three- family residences for the occupancy or use of such owner or tenant of the owner and not offered for sale within 1 year after completion of the work and when the property has been damaged by natural causes from an event recognized as an emergency situation designated by executive order issued by the Governor declaring the existence of a state of emergency as a result and consequence of a serious threat posed to the public health, safety, and property in this state. This subsection does not exempt any person who is employed by or has a contract with such owner and who acts in the capacity of a contractor. The owner may not delegate the owner's responsibility to directly supervise all work to any other person unless that person is registered or certified under this part and the work being performed is within the scope of that person's license. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "owners of property" includes the owner of a mobile home situated on a leased lot. To qualify for exemption under this subsection, an owner must personally appear and sign the building permit application and must satisfy local permitting agency requirements, if any, proving that the owner has a complete understanding of the owner's obligations under the law as specified in the disclosure statement in this section. If any person violates the requirements of this subsection, the local permitting agency shall withhold final approval, revoke the permit, or pursue any action or remedy for unlicensed activity against the owner and any person performing work that requires licensure under the permit issued. The local permitting agency shall provide the person with a disclosure statement in substantially the following form: DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 1. I understand that state law requires construction to be done by a licensed contractor and have applied for an owner -builder permit under an exemption from the law. The exemption specifies that I, as the owner of the property listed, may act as my own contractor with certain restrictions even though 1 do not have a license. 2. I understand that building permits are not required to be signed by a property owner unless he or she is responsible for the construction and is not hiring a licensed contractor to assume responsibility. 3. I understand that, as an owner -builder, I am the responsible party of record on a permit. I understand that I may protect myself from potential financial risk by hiring a licensed contractor and having the permit filed in his or her name instead of my own name. I also understand that a contractor is required by law to be licensed in Florida and to list his or her license numbers on permits and contracts. 4. I understand that I may build or improve a one -family or two-family residence or a farm outbuilding. I may also build or improve a commercial building if the costs do not exceed $75,000. The building or residence must be for my own use or occupancy. It may not be built or substantially improved for sale or lease. If a building or residence that I have built or substantially improved myself is sold or leased within 1 Rev. Aug 2009 Page 1 of 2 FS 489.103 Owner / Builder Exemption year after the construction is complete, the law will presume that I built or substantially improved it for sale or lease, which violates the exemption. 5. I understand that, as the owner -builder, I must provide direct, onsite supervision of the construction. 6. I understand that I may not hire an unlicensed person to act as my contractor or to supervise persons working on my building or residence. It is my responsibility to ensure that the persons whom I employ have the licenses required by law and by county or municipal ordinance. 7. I understand that it is a frequent practice of unlicensed persons to have the property owner obtain an owner -builder permit that erroneously implies that the property owner is providing his or her own labor and materials. I, as an owner -builder, may be held liable and subjected to serious financial risk for any injuries sustained by an unlicensed person or his or her employees while working on my property. My homeowner's insurance may not provide coverage for those injuries. I am willfully acting as an owner - builder and am aware of the limits of my insurance coverage for injuries to workers on my property. 8. I understand that I may not delegate the responsibility for supervising work to a licensed contractor who is not licensed to perform the work being done. Any person working on my building who is not licensed must work under my direct supervision and must be employed by me, which means that I must comply with laws requiring the withholding of federal income tax and social security contributions under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and must provide workers' compensation for the employee. I understand that my failure to follow these laws may subject me to serious financial risk. 9. I agree that, as the party legally and financially responsible for this proposed construction activity, I will abide by all applicable laws and requirements that govern owner -builders as well as employers. I also understand that the construction must comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building codes, and zoning regulations. 10. I understand that I may obtain more information regarding my obligations as an employer from the Internal Revenue Service, the United States Small Business Administration, the Florida Department of Financial Services, and the Florida Department of Revenue. I also understand that I may contact the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board at 850-487-1395 or http://www.myflorida.com/dbpr/consumers.html for more information about licensed contractors. 11. 1 am aware of, and consent to, an owner -builder building permit applied for in my name and understand that I am the party legally and financially responsible for the proposed construction activity at the following address: Address of property 12. I agree to notify The City of Parkland Building Division immediately of any additions, deletions, or changes to any of the information that I have provided on this disclosure. Licensed contractors are regulated by laws designed to protect the public. If you contract with a person who does not have a license, the Construction Industry Licensing Board and Department of Business and Professional Regulation may be unable to assist you with any financial loss that you sustain as a result of a complaint. Your only remedy against an unlicensed contractor may be in civil court. It is also important for you to understand that, if an unlicensed contractor or employee of an individual or firm is injured while working on your property, you may be held liable for damages. If you obtain an owner -builder permit and wish to hire a licensed contractor, you will be responsible for verifying whether the contractor is properly licensed and the status of the contractor's workers' compensation coverage. Before a building permit can be issued, this disclosure statement must be completed and signed by the property owner and returned to the local permitting agency responsible for issuing the permit. A copy of the property owner's driver license, the notar -. signature of the property owner, or other type of verification acceptable to the local permitting agency equire , when be p ;rmit is issued. Signature: Rev. Aug 2009 gna ure'propertiyvner Date: iii/' // %; Page 2 of 2 City of Parkland Building Department CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR In accordance with Florida Building Code, Broward County Administrative Provisions, Section 105.13.4 Permit Number Owner Name Jobsite Address _.� < CiLIQC, (cO I 1 L' 1 •+... v:r i�� fVt�. Effective Date Name of Original General OR Sub -Contractor NCCI-c \ L (c i., st-vue_fi�ti Name of New General C°tom OR Sub -Contractor t`F''Al (1' Reason for Change 9/1)11, ) t � , Parkland License Number C C-C� ��, (� ` Cf-' 1)) License Number The undersigned agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City of Parkland, its agents and employees, from and against any cause arising out of this change of contractor through the act, error, omission or negligent act of the undersigned, or his agents or employees, or through any act, error, omission or negligent act for which the City of Parkland or its agents or employees are alleged to be liable. Chanae of General Contractor OR Chance of Sub -Contractor Signature of Owner required Signature of both Owner & Qualifier required Property Owner ,.��; �` ' 6.,41 Print Name l Signature Property Owner Signature General Contractor Signature The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this -3 day of G' C- 1 by Owner: 0 or who has produced Ft . it Notary Public Signature: My Commission Expires: The foregoing in by Contractor: or who has produced4b j, SL«C,l'l.1/4.1 0 )1\tkj Print Name Print Name -20 13 , GIF -K__ (Name of Person Acknowledging) who is personally known to me, ,vF.l. ' C (c, (type of ID) as identification and who did / did not take an oath. DAVID R. FONTECCHIO Notary Public - State of Flor da My Comm. Expires Jun 23, 2 116 Commission # EE 20297, ment was acknowledged before me this ) f , day of CLIC) be , 20 2> , do j_ 1, U(Name of Person Acknowledging) who is personally known to me, Al litype of IDJ as identification and who did / did not take an oath. Notary Public Signature: My Commission Expires: Rev. 3/12 44'; JULIA R KHAOULI MY COMMISSION'' EE09948F, pip) ?g4 n14a EXPIRES Juno 02, 2015 flnrldaNntaySrrrn cnrn PuroClean The Paramedics of Property Damage October 2, 2013 Natale Construction, Inc, 7242 Shady Grove Lane Boynton Beach, FL 33436 LIC # CGC 1509903 Attention: Troy Natale Job Location: 6019 NW 69th Way, Parkland, FL 33067 Job Name: O'Dwyer Residence- Addition Failure to meet reasonable standards of conduct PuroClean Property Paramedics Let this letter serve as notice to remove you as the contractor from the job listed above. According to records, your company no longer exists and insurance is no longer valid. Our attempts to contact you regarding our residence have been unsuccessful at this point. Therefore, we are removing you as Contractor for our property address listed above. All compensation at this point has been satisfied and no further payment will be issued for services rendered in the past, present and future. Thank you, Jeremy Dwyer - Property owner of 6019 NW 69th Way, Parkland, FL 33067 PuroClean Property Paramedics 1700 Banks Road, Ste 30 Margate, FL 33063 PH: (954) 775-3805- F: (954) 775-3804- T: (888) 735-7876 PuroCleanFLL@PuroClean.com Permit # .2v l Z ibC 2-6C Lot Block Sub Date it) /27, 2014 Change -of -Plan Cover Sheet Note: In order for the Building Division to process plan changes promptly, the individual who submits the changes should make a sincere effort to provide the following information accurately. 1. I have reviewed the Permit Application form, and copied the Work Description line here, as the complete Change -of -Plan Description: 2. I have verified that changes to plans have been clouded & dated by the A/E of Record. 3. I have verified that this change -of -plan affects the following approved inspections, which will need to be re -called: /f RVA:. 4. I am aware that if this submittal is not complete, the Building Division may return it without review, and takes no responsibility for associated delays. ACKNOWLEDGED that I have read the above statements: Name: r c D Contact Phone Number: qcy -or'S Zc.-U Review required by: Structural Plan Sheet #s: Permit Application Signed by Qualifier & Property Owner Electric Plan Sheet #s: Permit Application Signed by Qualifier & Property Owner Plumbing / Gas Plan Sheet #s: Permit Application Signed by Qualifier & Property Owner Mechanical Plan Sheet #s: Permit Application Signed by Qualifier & Property Owner Zoning Plan Sheet #s: Permit Application Signed by Qualifier & Property Owner Engineering Plan Sheet #s: Permit Application Signed by Qualifier & Property Owner Landscaping Plan Sheet #s: Permit Application Signed by Qualifier & Property Owner Rev 2/10 PERMIT TREE City of Parkland PERMIT NO SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT PERMIT TYPE STATUS APPLIED ISSUED FEES CHARGED FEES PAID BALANCE DUE JOBVALUE DESCRIPTION 2012100260 ADDITION INSPECT $2,496.43 (14 (c . C_o#� , $335,248.00 2012100261 - LANDSCAPING CANCELLED $0.00 $0.00 2012100262 ELECTRICAL ISSUED $570.39 $30,000.00 2012100263 PLUMBING ISSUED $404.43 $12,000.00 2012100264 MECHANICAL ISSUED $444.08 $14,000.00 2012100265 ROOF APPLIED $0.00 $0.00 SHUTTERS APPLIED $0.00 $0.00 2012100266 ADDITION 10/15/2012 $2,262.43 03/04/2013 $234.00 O'DWYER JEREMY 10/15/2012 $0.00 O'DWYER JEREMY ELECTRICAL SUB 10/15/2012 $570.39 $0.00 03/04/2013 $0.00 O'DWYER JEREMY ADDITION - PLUMBING 10/15/2012 03/04/2013 $404.43 $0.00 O'DWYER JEREMY ADDITION - MECHANICAL 10/15/2012 03/04/2013 $444.08 $0.00 O'DWYER JEREMY 10/15/2012 $0.00 O'DWYER JEREMY ADDITION - SHUTTERS 10/15/2012 $0.00 O'DWYER JEREMY $0.00 $0.00 1 Printarl• Thnrcrlau (ld flvramhar 7 L LJ rises PERMIT TREE City of Parkland BALANCE DUE ` JOBVALUE Printari• Thnrcrlav (ld laramher ?(11d 9nf? PERMIT TREE 'PERMIT NO SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT 211210026&\) 2012100261 2012100262 2012100263 2012100264 2012100265 2012100266 Drin+crl• nn.,.,rIns, (17 (Irr.,hor )(11.2 ADDITION INSPECT $2,262.43 $335,248.00 LANDSCAPING CANCELLED $0.00 $0.00 ELECTRICAL ISSUED $570.39 $30,000.00 PLUMBING ISSUED $404.43 $12,000.00 MECHANICAL ISSUED $444.08 $14,000.00 ROOF APPLIED $0.00 $0.00 SHUTTERS APPLIED $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL of ALL FEE! 1 of ADDITION 10/15/2012 $2,202.43 03/04/2013 $60.00 O'DWYER JEREMY 10/15/2012 $0.00 O'DWYER JEREMY ELECTRICAL SUB 10/15/2012 $570.39 $0.00 03/04/2013 $0.00 O'DWYER JEREMY ADDITION - PLUMBING 10/15/2012 03/04/2013 $404.43 $0.00 O'DWYER JEREMY ADDITION - MECHANICAL 10/15/2012 03/04/2013 $444.08 $0.00 O'DWYER JEREMY 10/15/2012 $0.00 O'DWYER JEREMY ADDITION - SHUTTERS 10/15/2012 $0.00 O'DWYER JEREMY $0.00 $0.00 FEES CHARGE FEES PAI AiANCF DUE 7 $3,681.33 $3,621.33 Drintorl• NAnnrlo,i (17 rlrtnhor ?1111Q 7 of ') 0.6_0.00 $391,248.00 CFN # 111419100, OR BK 49634 PG 1989, Page 1 of 1, Recorded 03/26/2013 at 02:38 PM, Broward County Commission, Deputy Clerk 3075 Porml # I C10 2(p 0 Folio # NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Th. undersigned hereby gives notice that Improvement will be made to certain nal property and In accordance, win Chapter 713, Florida 11abb., the fuaownp Infonrlallon 1. provided In 1M. Notice of Comm.numnl Ns aa,.....••d No nestle. 1. Legal W.cdpdon of Property: Lot_ Block_ Unb B Bldg/^_ ❑Langtry legal attached Subdivision I Condominium: Strut Address It eva9abl.: p / d/ 2. Goner* description of Improvement : & d roots Ad 3, a. Owner name and addnu:0... o'Y b. Interest In properly: W,v�! c, Name end eddies. of fes simple titleholder (11 other than Owner): 4. e. Contractor nam. and *Odra.: b. Contractor.* phone number: S. a. Sully name and address: b. Surety's phone number: c. Amount of bond: O. n Lender name and address: b. Lender's phone numbe) Go/9Amu 691k1,ni C. -('S.AXYOVexy .8/2 T—N Parsons within the Stab .0 Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices Of other documents may be sawed as provided by Section 713.13(1)(.)7., Florida Statutes: Name: Address: b. Phone number: IL a. In addition to himself or herself, the Owner designer to receive a copy of Lenora Notice per Section 713.130 MbL Ronda b. Phone number ol person or entity designated by owner 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement N,. aspirzlion dr. h, yew kern the data d...ardor; u4... .dererer. d.. a.p.W.q WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ME CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713, PART 1, SECTION 713.13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR N0T10E OF COMMENCEMENT. Signature(.) of . . . , ... Sy PL1Di Nam. "-erre�.nu, O 4-V 11010091.. y • 91r.ctonPertner7Mneger By E11D! Name TltwOmce STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD The foregolmg Instrument wu acknowledged before me this by t•.{//.Ity Y nY wV�/✓ ❑Indyldity,or 0 l for GG - ❑ Prwutiy prowl or �radreed ti.M lellopppe orkf.r0kafm: ft -0 i'r 02Il dayof 10/-3 Signet.. of Nobly Public: Print Name: (SEAL) VERIFICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 12.121. FLORIDA STATUTES Under ',smith's of perjury, I defier. that I have read the foregoing and that the facts .bpd n It are true, 10 the belt of my knowledge and belle. &k MARILYN BLANCETT Notary Public • Stats of Florida S`gnawlra(tN.l-Cni* •S) cried OIIIc. ODlr.cbrlParbi or/Manager who signed F„^ ', I. •p" My Comm. Expires Oct 30, 2015 .,;a„dP',. Commission 0 EE 132703 By 7 By Bonded Through National Notary Ann. pkmi,derr eo.. ,dew dmro+to.n,..,.d 13.07doc City of Parkland Plan Log Out This form must be completed before plans can be logged out () Zoning () Structural () Electrical () Plumbing () Mechanical () Fire () Engineering Notified Date(s): Iv 13 1(3 Permit #: ' 2-JCXY7 c.© Permit Type: Contractor / Owner Name: Site Address: Owner Name: Date Logged Out: By: Print name ONLY Please! Company / Title: 10/05 City of Parkland Plan Loq Out This form must be completed before plans can be logged out Zoning Structural KElectrical Plumbing Mechanical () Fire () Engineering Notified Date(s): "1 t 31'2- Permit #: 212i oo® Permit Type: Contractor / Owner Name:�-,���� Site Address: ( O (V i J Coq l.J Owner Name: � Date Logged Out: \ ti 141 t By: Print name ONS Please! Company / Title: 10/05 PuroCiean The Paiarrmerl es of Propwty Damage: December 30, 2014 Parkland Building Dept. Chief Building Inspector 6660 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 Attn: RE: PERMIT # 2012100260 PuroClean Property Paramedics Per your request, let this letter serve as documentation regarding the elimination of low voltage phone regarding permit # 2012100260. This is regarding the bedroom addition located at 6019 NW 69th Way. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns. At Your Service, 7" - Jere y O'D Property Owner PuroClean Property Paramedics 1700 Banks Road, Ste 30 Margate, FL 33063 PH: (954) 775-3805- F: (954) 775-3804- T: (888) 735-7876 PuroCleanFLL@PuroClean.com Co -r, . '-�o h' �r S 6r .s I°l2►-s s o- - itsit ft �: Cilecklist Print - Chec]shis€—Print RESIDENTIAL STATUS DAT q ADDITION - RESIIiENTIAL REVIEW USER N/A 10/17/2012 ELEO2 14LL. 66 ©rl sweer N/A YES t_OX ilf7,4"+v1/ir4 PERMIT NUMBER: 2012100260 ITEM 1. Site plan or survey, showing location of service and equipment FBC BCAP 10/17/2012 ELE02 2. Energy Calc - verify fan credit compliance with FBC Chap. 13, 607.1.A.1 & Table 6-6 10/17/2012 ELE02 3. Elec floor plan matches structural 10/17/2012 ELE02 4. A/C plans to match load calc, exhaust fans located per mech plan 31-14 YES 10/17/2012 ELE02 5. Architect / Engineer Seal FBC BCAP 106.2.7 N/A 10/17/2012 ELE02 6. Riser diagram showing size of service, feeder wire and conduit, overcurrent protection FBC BCAP N/A N/A 10/17/2012 ELE02 7. Grounding system per NEC 250 and FBC BCAP 10/17/2012 ELE02 8. Provide short circuit analysis FBC BCAP YES 10/17/2012 ELE02 9. Load calculations for service and each panel including general lighting load and all required circuits FBC BCAP 10/17/2012 ELE02 10. Panel schedules for each panel with circuit descriptions as required by NEC 408.4 and including wire sizes and ocpd ampacities FBC BCAP City of Parkland Printed on 11/13/2012 3:53:31PM CD -Plus for Windows 95/98/NT Page 1 of 3 Printed By:ADM13 Checklist Print CDPR1014 - Checklist Print NEW PLAN. FBC: RESIDENTIAL STATUS YES YES N/A YES YES YES YES DATE 11/3/2012 11/3/2012 MECO5 - 0..Ya c.) REVIEW 11/3/2012 MECO5 11/3/2012 MECO5 PERMIT NUMBER: 2012100260 PLUMBING RESIDENTIAL ITEM 1. PLUMBING REVIEW ACCORDING TO THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE -- PLUMBING 2010, AND BROWARD COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CHAPTER 1. TWO SETS OF SEALED PLANS. FBC 106.1. 2. Plans have approval of other regulatory authorities, for example, Broward County Health Department, Dept of Planning & Environmental Protection; etc. FBC 105.3. 3. Fixture requirements on plans: one kitchen sink, one water closet, one lavatory, one bathtub or shower, one washing machine outlet; FBC 403.1. 4. Washing machine standpipe; FBC P.2706.2 11/3/2012 MECO5 PI') ?i�,5. ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS PROVIDE TOTAL FIXTURE COUNT 1-1'1' ON SEWER LINE? r U.4 Cr'arr 11/3/2012 MECO5 11/3/2012 MECO5 11/3/2012 MECO5 11/3/2012 MECO5 6. FIXTURE CLEARANCES MARKED ON PLANS; 7. ARE CLEAN -OUTS ON THE PLANS TO CODE? . 8. SHOWER DIMENSIONS ON PLANS 9. Distance from fixture trap on flat drawing to scale; FBC P.3105.1.1. N/A 11/3/2012 MECO5 10. No pump discharge on fixture cross; FBC P.3005.1.1. City of Parkland Printed on 11/13/2012 3:53:43PM 2D -Pius for Windows 95/98/NT ,fist Print JPR1014 - Checklist Print 7:!Y 4t (i PERMIT NUMBER: PLAN.FBC 2004: R-3 ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL FL BLDG CODE 2004 STATUS DATE USER INFO 11/8/2012 BLD16 INFO YES YES YES ITEM Plan Review by: 2012100260 # Hours: Date: / / . 2004 Florida Building Code Review for S. F. Residence. References are to FBC, Building, unless preceeded by 'R', for Residential, or 'BCAP' for Broward Administrative Provisions, Ch. 1 First review 11-8-12 WTH 11/8/2012 BLD16 REVIEW PLANS FOR ADDITION:CPMPLIES WITH CHAPTER 9 EXISTING BUILDING CODE; CO DATE OF ORIGINAL STRUCTURE: / / Original Home 0/O 4-28-1989 11/8/2012 BLD16 1. BCAP 106.3.10 TWO SETS OF SEALED PLANS DRAWN TO MIN (1/4 IN = 1 FT) SCALE ON MAXIMUM 24" X 36" SHEETS William Erik Genz P.E. 11/8/2012 BLD16 54' .i 2. BCAP 107.7: FBC 310.1 AND TABLE 601 PROVIDE GROUP OCCUPANCY AND TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ON PLANS. * 1. Please provide occupancy group on plans 2. Please provide Type of construction on plans 11/8/2012 BLD16 3. EBC 401.4 OTHER WORK: ARCHITECT TO SPECIFY LEVEL OF ALTERATION PER CHAPTER 3 FOR ANY WORK `:j [..} -r. - 1 WITHIN THE EXISTING STRUCTURE TO WHICH AN ADDITION IS BEING MADE. 11/8/2012 BLD16 4. BCAP 106.3.8 Plan Reviewer to check SURVEY: add 1.5' to highest crown of road for minimum Finished Floor elevation: 17.32 min. F.F. Elevation required. 11/8/2012 BLD16 5. BCAP 106.1.3 FINISHED FLOOR elevation as shown on plan by Architect or on Site Plan by Surveyor: (must meet or exceed calculated value in #3 above) 19.54 F.F. Elevation proposed. 11/8/2012 BLD16 jai f� L 6. PINETREE/RANCHES: (1)Septic Tank & Well 100' separation and 50' to property lines; (2)Health Department Stamp on Plans (3)Copy of Private Well Permit (4) Copy of Septic Tank Permit -}, Unable to determine Septic Tank and Well locations required to be indicated City of Parkland Printed on 11/13/2012 3:53:25PM CD -Pius for Windows 95/98/NT Page 1 of 7 Printed By:ADM13 YES - Checklist Print 11/8/2012 BLD16 11/9/2012 BLD16 11/8/2012 BLD16 11/8/2012 BLD16 INFO 11/9/2012 BLD16 YES 11/8/2012 BLD16 11/8/2012 BLD16 otic \ INA -- "T of 1;1)--) l 611,-) / i=(; YES 11/8/2012 BLD16 PERMIT NUMBER: 2012100260 7. PINETREE: (1) Per City Ordinance 16-22 & 16-42, applicant must submit drainage plan, to be reviewed by City Engineer. (2) Per 16-23 & 16-44, .survey must show dedicated drainage easements, 5' wide at sides and 17.5" wide at rear. 8. ENERGY EFFICIENCY: FBC Broward County 106.3.11; FBC Chapter 13; check energy calcs for square footage of conditioned space, minimum R -values, EPL card signed by builder, etc. If it appears correct, sign form. EPL Card required to be submitted with energy calculations as per 2010 FBC Energy Conservation Code Section 401.3 and 401.2 9. APPLICATION: check for authentic form with correct address & notorized signatures 10. DPEP: match application data with address on form; date on stamp not more than 30 days from date of permit application; sign form Plans required to be submitted to the following for review: Developement and Environmental Regulation Division One University Drive ,Suite 102A Plantation Florida 33324 11.CALCULATIONS: # of Bdrms/Baths / Total under -roof Sq Ft Paving square feet; Sidewalks square feet; Privacy or Wing Walls linear feet; # of Stories_1_ or _2_; Balcony Railing Y / N 12.SOIL TREATMENT: R320.1, R4409.13.5; Specified on plans 13.DESIGN BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL: R4404.2.1 a` Please specifiy the allowable soil bearing capacity used in sizing the building foundation. 14.CONTINUOUS WALL FOOTINGS SIZES & STEEL: SIZES R4404.3.2.1, 1 -STORY -- MIN 12"D X16"W; 2 -STORY -- MIN 12"D X 24"W (WOOD WALLS 16"X24" RE -BAR R4404.3.3.1 16-20W 2#5 24-30W 3#5 36W 4#5. City of Parkland Printed on 11/13/2012 3:53:25PM CD -Plus for Windows 95/98/NT Page 2 of 7 Printed By:ADM13 YES I - Checklist Print PERMIT NUMBER: 2012100260 11/8/2012 BLD16 15.PRIVACY WALL / FENCE: Prescriptive Masonry ,R4407.4.8.1, Reinforced Unit Masonry R4407.5.1; EXCEEDING 5' 4407., Wood 2328.1; Foundations top of footer 16" BELOW GRADE R4404.3.2.3: WOOD 5' R4409.15.2 , 6' R4409.15.3. 11/9/2012 BLD16 16.SLAB ON FILL: R4404; MIN 4" THICK, R4404.4.3; POLYETHYLENE VAPOR RETARDER , 6 MIL MIN THICK R506.2.3; 3/4" recess R4404.4.3.4; patio slab min 8" x 8" footer w/ #5 bar , R4404.4.3.5 YES 11/8/2012 BLD16 17.MONOLITHIC FOOTINGS Sizes & Steel: SIZE R4404.5.1; 1- Story -- min 12" by 16"; 2 -STORY 12"W X by 24" D R4404.5.1: REINFORCEMENT R4404.5.1.7; IF BY RATIONAL ANALYSIS R4404.5.1 N/A N/A 11/8/2012 BLD16 17-A. MONOLITHIC LIMITED TO 2 STORIES AND OR / FLOORS, OR A MAXIMIM OF MAX ROOF MEAN HEIGHT OF 25 FEET UNLESS DESIGNED BY PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER R4404.5.1.6. 11/8/2012 BLD16 18.TRANSFER REINFORCEMENT: R4404.5.1.13 MIN #4, 5' LONG REBAR WITH 12" ACI HOOK, 12" O/C AT PERIMETER OF SLAB UNLESS OTHERWISE DETERMINED BY RATIONAL ANALYSIS. V Trans ferbars are required as per 2010 FBCR 4404.5.1.13 11/8/2012 BLD16 19.MASONRY PRESCRIPTIVE DESIGN: R4407; Tie Columns 16' o/c per R4407. Horizontal Joint # 9 guage ladder -type reinforcement extending min 4" into columns per R4407.4.1.6; Tie Beams per , R4407. - R4407. 11/9/2012 BLD16 5) -fm 1 20.ENGINEERED UNIT MASONRY: STANDARDS AND DESIGN STATEMENT ON PLANS R4407.5.1; SPECIAL INSPECTOR REQUIRED R4407.5.4; COPY OF BROWARD CO FORM AND SETTER OF INTENT WITH ISPECTION SCHEDULE SIGNED & SEALED AND DATED. BCAP 106.3. City of Parkland Printed on 11/13/2012 3:53:25PM N/A YES YES YES N/A Checklist Print PERMIT NUMBER: 2012100260 1. Broward County Special Inspector Form required ( \,..,�,./ to be submitted for Reinforced Unit Masonary inspection as per 2010 FBCR 4407.5.4 il 51-1“:i L *. Horizontial Joint reinforcement is required for masonary construction as per 2010 FBCR N C' t„�� •�� 4407.5.6.4 Please specify on plans. 3. Steel in Reinforced Unit Masonary requires 48 614 .L. H4:171 ' VONO,i4y Bar lap splice minimum as per 2010 FBCR .SliteG-// 4407.5.6.3 See Typical wall sections on plans. ? . Please provide attachment detail for new tie beam to existing tie beam on plans as per 2010 ,tt It 50 ' FBCR 4407.5.9.1 Starter Coloumns require 2 # 5 steel as per N 1 ' 2. 2010 FBCR 4407.4.2.10 11/8/2012 BLD16 21.PARKING GARAGES: FLOOR SLOPED R309.3; SEPERATED FROM RESIDENCE R309.3; DOOR 20 MIN RATED OR 13/8” SOLID WD DOOR OR HONEYCOMB STEEL DOOR. R309.2. UNDER HABITAL FLOOR 5/8" TYPE X GYPSUM BOARD REQ'D R309.2. 11/8/2012 BLD16 22.ATTIC ACCESS: SIZE REQ'D 22" X30" FBC,BUILDING 1209.2., R807.1 11/8/2012 BLD16 23.WIND LOAD DESIGN: THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 6 OF ASCE-7 BLDG CATEGORY II (TABLE 1-1) IMPORTANCE FACTOR (TABLE 6-1) ; WIND 140 MPH R4403.9.2; EXPOSURE C R4403.9.3; Roof live loads not considered to act simultaneously with the wind load.R4403.9.4. 11/9/2012 BLD16 11/9/2012 BLD16 �'.,LA-2,10E— Ncrq- 24.WINDOG�S, DOORS `& GLAZING: A/E to specify Design Pressure \R4410.; rough openings, framework, attachment & waterproofing R4410. 25.SAFETY GLAZING: R4410., R4410.2.4.2, R4410.2.4.3, R4410:2.6.2, R4410.2.6.3, R4410.2.6.4. 11/8/2012 BLD16 26.EMERGENCY ESCAPE & RESCUE OPENINGS (sleeping rooms): 1005, R310.1; windows 44" max height from floor 1005.4.3, R310.1.2 and .3; min size 20"wide x 24" high, 5.7 sq ft 1005.4.4, R310.1.1 11/8/2012 BLD16 27.EXIT / Entry Door: R311.4.2; minimum 36" wide City of Parkland Printed on 11/13/2012 3:53:25PM CD -Plus for Windows 95/98/NT Page 4 of 7 Printed Bv:ADM13 - Checklist Print PERMIT NUMBER: 2012100260 YES 11/8/2012 BLD16 28.FLORIDA ACCESSIBILITY CODE: Chapter 11; 29" clear opening @ one bathroom door (2'8" door minimum) 11-11.1, R322.1.1, EBC 905.1 N/A 11/8/2012 BLD16 29.DETAILS: Arch framing of wood frame construction, lumber sizes, connections, dimensions, impact resistivity, 2 x 6 framing @ 16" o/c N/A 11/8/2012 BLD16 30.FIREPLACE: Factory -Built R1004.1; Listed equipment & manufacturer's specifications; hearth in accordance with manuf specs R1004.2; masonry hearth 8"/16" or 12"/20"; Mantles Table R1003.1; chimney framing / construction detail required 11/9/2012 BLD16 gr 1 -A -9W t)4 SK,CT YES 11/9/2012 BLD16 31.VENTILATION: 2326 3, R4409.13.3.2; Attic ventilation 1/150,)or @('1/300 with 50% of vents) iw tfin 18" of ri g 2326. 32.EXTERIOR WALL SECTION 106.3 & Chapter 21 (Masonry) & 23 (Wood); Roof & Wall Sheathing Exposure 1, minimum 19/32" 2322.2.3; ext wall stud 2 x 6 minimum, with spacing 16" o/c 2322.3, R4409.9.3 N/A 11/9/2012 BLD16 33.INTERIOR / EXTERIOR WOOD FRAME BEARING WALLS: 2318; over 8'6" or supporting floor & roof loads req design by rational analysis 2318.1, R4409.5.1; Int min 2 x 4, Ext min 2 x 6, 16" o/c 2318.1.1 & 2; headers by rational analysis 2318.1.11, R4409.5.11.1 N/A 11/8/2012 BLD16 34.STEEL COLUMNS: 2219, R4408.6; attachment specified for top & bottom plates 11/9/2012 BLD16 35.INTERIOR NON-BEARING WALLS: 2318.2, 107.7 City of Parkland CD -Plus for Windows 95/98/NT ¥ Please provide interior non bearing wall detail Printed on 11/13/2012 3:53:25PM Page 5 of 7 Printed By:ADM13 N/A N/A N/A N/A Checklist Print 11/9/2012 BLD16 S NW 11/9/2012 BLD16 i SS co 11/9/2012 BLD16 11/8/2012 11/8/2012 BLD16 11/9/2012 BLD16 C d —'o b cT 11/8/2012 BLD16 11/8/2012 PERMIT NUMBER: 2012100260 36.ROOF FRAMING PLAN: 2319.10, R4409.; spacing & span of all roof members, details for support & bearing of roof structural system, uplift forces specified; all connectors specified PERMANENT LATERAL BRACING: 2319.17.1.2, R4409.; @ 10' o/c attached 38.GABLE EVDS: Masonry Structures Wall Design 2121.2.41'$locking 4' back from gable end 2322.2.3, Gab End design where p9rmitted 2319., R4409.;; -"Diaphragm bracing 2319. ✓R4407.4.2.4 Blocking required to be 4 Ft. back from gable end for sheathing joints as per 2010 FBCR 4409.9.2.3 See Details A and B on sheet 4 of plans. 39.FLAT ROOF SECTIOON (/BALCONY: Deck slope min 1/4" per foot: R44; --cut section of exterior balconjs wing all framing, waterproofing, railing attachment, & design to meet 60 lbs/sq ft, Table 1614, guard rail 42" high 1015.2, R4403.7.3 40.IMPACT RESISTIVITY: 1626; Impact units/hurricane protection for all glazing 2413, R4410.2; designated shutter panel storage area 2413.6, R4410.4.6; Construction assemblies deemed to comply 1626.4. Identify door to be used as emergency escape R310.4 1. Designated Shutter Panel Storage area is required if new windows and doors are to be non impact as per 2010 FBCR 4410.4.6 41.2 -Story FLOOR FRAMING PLAN: Direction and span of floor trusses and girder system, and floor sheathing 2322.1, R4409. BLD16 42.2 -Story DRAFTSTOP:2305.2, R4409.7.3.1; Floor/Ceiling assembly draftstop specified on plan 11/8/2012 BLD16 43.2 -Story STAIRWAYS & HANDRAILS: 1009, R311.5; two risers plus one tread not less than 24" nor more than 25", Riser min 4", max 7 3/4" and Tread min 9" + 1" nosing; Landings; Handrails; Width; Headroom; Special Stairs City of Parkland Printed on 11/13/2012 3:53:25PM • Checklist Print - Checklist }iE - REVI$W MECHANICAL DATE USER N/A N/A N/A N/A 11/3/2012 ITEM 10 1 x,1'41 F j l j.,f„ PERMIT NUMBER: 2012100260 -3 - vs MECO5 1.FBC/MECH/BRA/2010 TWO SETS OF PLANS C64"2 Oid O3 5t4 F`r 4. 11/3/2012 MECO5 2 . .FBC/MEC/ 2010 ENERGY CALCULATIONS REQUIRED 11/3/2012 MECO5 3.FBC/MECH/ 2010 COMPLETE PLANS CFM, DUCT SIZES, CU 11/3/2012 MECO5 4.FBC/MECH.504.6 Dryer exhaust ducts ,,, 111 .t' 11/3/2012 MECO5 5.FBC/MECH/ 2010 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION DETAILS 11/3/2012 MECO5 6.FBC/MECH/ 2010 EQUIPMENT ON PLANS / SEER, BTU 11/3/2012 MECO5 7>/FBC/MECH 607.2-607.8 Fire resistive construction on plans 11/3/2012 MECO5 8. FBC/MECH 606.2 Is smoke detector required? 11/3/2012 MECO5 9. FBC/MECH 403.3 Required outdoor ventilation air 11/3/2012 MECO5 10. FBC/RES /MECH 2010 EQUIPMENT TO RESIST WIND PRESSURES City of Parkland Printed on 11/13/2012 3:53:38PM s for Windows 95/98/NT Page 1 of 2 Printed By:ADM13 BRXWVARD COUNTY Broward County ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Pollution Prevention, Remediation and Air Quality Division (PPRAQD) STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES REGARDING ASBESTOS IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO DEMOLISH OR RENOVATE ANY EXISTING STRUCTURE,YOU MAY BE SUBJECT TO FEDERAL AND COUNTY RULES RELATING TO THE DEMOLITION AND HANDLING OF ASBESTOS CONTAIN- ING MATERIAL. PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM TO DETERMINE IF THE ASBESTOS RULES AND A FEE APPLY TO YOU. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. I. PROJECT INFORMATION: Facility Owner: Phone: Mailing Address: City: Zip: Project Address: City: Zip: Contractor Performing Work: Phone: Email: Building Department Jurisdiction: Estimated Start Date: (MM/DD/YY) Estimated Finish Date: (MM/DD/YY) Project Description: ❑ Single-family residential home (not for commercial purpose) — If you check this box, skip sections II and III. Review the back of this form and then sign and date this form at the bottom. II. PLEASE MARK THE APPROPRIATE BOX(ES) IF APPLICABLE: ~_; D:.- 1. 1. FACILITY: (Check One) L., 55 ❑ Commercial, industrial, or public building ❑School/College/University c -„ ❑ Any residential building with more than four dwelling units ❑ Unsafe structure ca ."...x- - r ❑ Two or more residential structures at the same site ❑ Emergency w -4 = rn ❑ Any residential property being demolished for commercial purposes or by government order -C) ,C) 7' 2. ACTIVITY: (Check all that apply) • O Renovations: ❑ Built-up roofing removal (>5580 ft2) ❑ Exterior alteration (>160 ft2) ❑ Interior alfa?ation 160 ft2) Demolition: ❑ Total ❑ Partial (Wrecking/dismantling any load -supporting structural.mem ) III. IF ANY BOX IS MARKED UNDER FACILITY AND ACTIVITY THEN THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE REQUIRED: 1. An original Notice of Demolition or Asbestos Renovation* DEP form 62-257.900(1) must be filled out and submitted at least ten (10) working -days before start of project, for: • all demolitions • all renovations involving at least 160 ft2, 260 Lft. or 35 ft3 of regulated asbestos containing material 2. The asbestos survey report must be done in accordance with Broward County Code Chapter 27. Section 180 to indicate the presence or absence of asbestos containing material. 3. Payment of the appropriate fee per fee schedule, if applicable. I have received information regarding the use of a Florida licensed asbestos professional and understand that I may be subject to the ten (10) working -day advanced notification requirement under the Federal Law regarding demolitions and renovations (See reverse side). Owner/Authorized Agent (Print): Title: Signature: Date: *Notice of Demolition or Asbestos Renovation form and fee schedule are available at:www.broward.org/air For Official Use: An Asbestos Survey ❑ Is Required ❑ Is Not Required 202 AQ -0009 (Rev. 10/10) PP201044469 WHITE -PP QD, YELLOW -Building Departmen PINK -Applicant WARNING YOU MAY BE SUBJECT TO SUBSTANTIAL PENALTIES UNDER FEDERAL LAW FOR FAILURE TO PROVIDE WRITTEN NOTIFICATION AT LEAST TEN (10) WORKING -DAYS PRIOR TO DE- MOLITION OR RENOVATION. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT A CITY/COUNTY DEMOLITION OR RENOVATION PERMIT DOES NOT MEETTHE REQUIREMENT OFTHETEN DAY NOTIFICATION. THIS FORM DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A 10 WORKING -DAY NOTIFICATION DEMOLITION: The Federal regulations for asbestos require a ten (10) working -day advanced notification from owners or operators (including contractors) engaged in the demolition of a facility. "Facility" is defined to include all structures, installa- tions and multiple buildings, but excludes a sinale residential buildina having four or fewer dwellina units. Demolition includes the wrecking or dismantling of any load -supporting structural member. This includes beams and load supporting walls. The notification is required even if no asbestos containing materials are present in the facility, must be accompanied by an as- bestos survey performed in accordance with Broward County Code Section 27-180 and the appropriate fee. RENOVATION: Notification is required for renovation projects of a facility if the amount of Regulated Asbestos Containing Material (RACM) being removed, stripped, or disturbed is greater than or equal to 160 square feet, 260 linear feet of pipe insulation or 35 cubic feet of facility components. The notification is required to be submitted at least ten (10) working -days prior to the renovation and must be accompanied by an asbestos survey performed in accordance with Broward County Code Section 27-180 and the appropriate fee. The original Notice of Demolition or Asbestos Renovation DEP Form 62-257.900(1), an asbestos survey report and the appropriate fee must be submitted to: Broward County Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department Pollution Prevention, Remediation and Air Quality Division 1 N. University Drive, Suite 203 Plantation, FL 33324 954-519-1260 Federal asbestos regulations apply to both the facility owner and operator. Both owner and operator can be held liable for failure to submit a Notice of Demolition or Asbestos Renovation form at least ten (10) working -days prior to a demolition, or renovation involving greater than 160 square feet, 260 linear feet or 35 cubic feet of RACM. USE OF A FLORIDA LICENSED ASBESTOS CONSULTANT Florida Statutes require that no person shall conduct an asbestos survey, develop an Operation and Maintenance Plan, prepare abatement specifications, or monitor and evaluate asbestos abatement, unless trained and licensed as an asbestos consultant with the following exceptions: • A homeowner may act as a licensed asbestos consultant in the home (four or fewer dwelling units) in which they reside if they sign a disclosure statement at the building department. • Built-up roofing containing asbestos may be removed by state certified roofers under the direction of an onsite roof- ing supervisor properly trained in asbestos -containing roof removal. 202 AQ -0009 (Rev. 10/10) PP201044469 BPWVARD COUNTY F LORIDA 2-012-4 c)02-L0eQ Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION DIVISION 1 North University Drive, Building A, Suite 102 Plantation, Florida 33324 954-357-6666 FAX 954-357-6521 rowalyd County Trans urtatlon Concurrency as tis ction er G �J * Please note that this approval does not constitute Environmental Review Approval. You will still need the Environmental Approval Certificate to submit to the Building Department. Issue Date: 02/13/2013 Application Number: 000367995 DR Review #: 0019951 Title of Drawings: Proposed Addition for Jeremy O'Dwyer Project#: 13110.08 Plan Last Revision Date: 1/24/11 Bldg Dept Jurisdiction: Parkland Legal Description: Plat Name: Unplatted Plat Number: Book: Page:Lot: Block: Address: 6019 NW 69 Way, Parkland, FI. 33067 Construction Type: Addition This approval is issued in accordance with Sec. 27.66 of the Broward County Natural Resource Protection Code. This approval is specific for the plans and description described on this approval. Any changes in footprint, Lot #, or bedrooms or use will require a new approval. Development Review BUILDING OFFICIAL: No Impact/Concurrency Fees Due to Broward County Planning & Environmental Regulation Division Additional bedroom and bathroom to existing Single Family Unit TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY SATISFACTION: Certificate is hereby issued *Any revision to these plans requires a new development review by the division. If a building permit is not applied for within 30 days of the Environmental Review Approval, plans must be re -submitted to the Planning and Environmental Regulation Division for re-evaluation. Development Reviewer Name: Thuy Turner Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION DIVISION 1 North University Drive, Building A, Suite 102 Plantation, Florida 33324 954-357-6666 FAX 954-357-6521 w^ uiiv Ek. Issue Date: 2/13/2013 Title of Drawings: Proposed Addition for Jeremy O'Dwyer Plan Last Revision Date: 1/24/11 Legal Description: Plat Name: Unplatted Lot: Block: Address: 6019 NW 69 Way, Parkland, FI. 33067 Construction Type: Other m'f"'f pe"f ,tff' ER Review #: 000367995 Project#: 13110.08 Bldg Dept Jurisdiction: Parkland This approval is issued in accordance with Sec. 27.66 of the Broward County Natural Resource Protection Code. This approval is specific for the plans and description described on this approval, any changes in footprint, Lot #, or bedrooms or use will require a new approval. Upon examination of the proposed construction activity listed above, PERD has determined that the project falls within one or more of the exemptions listed below and does not require an Environmental Review by this agency: • Additions to residences on septic tank If a building permit is not applied for within 30 days of the Environmental Review Approval, plans must be re -submitted to the Planning and Environmental Regulation Division for re-evaluation. Environmental Reviewer Name: RDOSH