HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013020184-ApplicationCity of Parkland Building Permit Application www.cityofparkland.org Contact Person: Phone :t: E. mail 40-13-7ytil rl t+' 41 Via,c a G✓t 07`to ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 71 3.1 35 (, Q 'Company Name M-t1lfN -e e,ECbri. UC1'/0P) Le C 'Master Permit Number Zc ( 3OZo l& Business Address 360 / til_ DIXIF 4-/ tni j(r PA'/ 9 Date City ]j a'R 1-i State Zip Phone # Construction Value $/7d 0 0 . o p f3ocPr f-A7o/J I LA(0DR 3313/ S -b/- q.17-? 600 Engineer's Name !Property Owner's Name (0 .t (Oge4 Engineer's License # 'Owner's Street Address 7 i 1 5/L -6,y) L me Phone # City State Zip Phone # Architect's Name PAXk1-1(46 6- 330 C / Architect's License # Job Site Addressrg 0_,44aa tt.rg j-t/.b (...1116"--5 Lot 6 Block / 0 Phone # Work Description: R� 91 iris /N (C.0-7jA/ i; CLtCTv i c 4-L , ME(W J, (4L , A-ni ID PC -+ho am/b AS reR EY-117//I/VI /ZE PukceerreNM b p baiki -t, Aik , ov_soar /p,J . AppiiLot.on horeby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as 'riicated. t c=_rtify that no veori or instaliat:on has co.rrnrnced prior to the rL-.uance of permit anc that ail vrxk ;:i!! he performed to meet the standards cf at la•,vs regulating -cnstructoi in the City of Parkland, F o ida. i understand trat a seperate permit may be sra:rpd for ETEC rRICAL PLUMB,NG, SIGNS, WELLS, POC 5 BORERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOF ;NG. SMUTTt'.RS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE -0 RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCME..' MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PRCPERTY. IF YOU :;:TEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: print Name of Qualrtier/Builder l iccnse nurn rrr (6 A Signature of Qu< Or. this 'Cid E ' --- L_. , 70 (.4 hornre me, the undersigned ttctary Public of the State of Florida, pirsc^alio appeared t)fjti M p+JT L- and :;:hose name •s subscribed to and v.rthin rr .nstrorner.r, and be/Lhe acknowlr•d2,.•s (not hey/she executrrl it. NOIARYI IC. IA r:. 4I DA PR:N (ED NAMOf NO I VP( PUB' IC (dPerscrally kno:.n t me 7 Prod:ced:dentlf caticr J path t.rkrn NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF Viik:,"tgitEPH GALANTE `• Commission # EE 844228 41 Expires December 1, 2016 1,ge.• Bonded TlruTroy FeinInsurance 8 3t: -7A]8 Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print N<tnro of Property Or.vner: Owner's Address: Signature of Property Owner: On this day of , 20 . before me. the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, persenal!y appeared and ::hose Warn, is subscribed to and v-Ath n the rrst ument, and he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PL Bl IC. SIAf f. 01 f I OROUA PR'NI E D NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC J prradnaliy knosert to me I Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OFFICE' OF OFFICE. Application :;p;:ruva:ii BV'.... Dote Per reit Officer J Produ_cd identification J Oath not taken City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.citvofoarkland.org Contact Person: Phone #: Company Name Business Address City E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Master Permit Number Date State Zip Phone # Construction Value Property Owner's Name Owner's Street Address R c B T T C 0,1/5-n1 ?8,1 SPLEM LFI' E City State Zip Phone # Architect's Name PVC t gnlb PLO, -IDA 33 0 6 Job Site Address PRRkI O> LpKEDa-44 Lot C Block ' 0 Phone # Work Description: EL EQ 7 4i.- , Il q L , PRY I/i- LL , PL UME Z/VG Engineer's Name Engineer's License # Phone # Architect's License # Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: License number: Signature of Qualifier: On this day of , 20 before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, and he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ❑ Personally known to me ❑ Produced identification ❑ Oath taken ❑ Oath not taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer Property Owner Print Naie me oe;/r: /'oJ��"`"- " Owner's Address: r/ / ,4C- '1 CA46 "4W/et' fpr Fc 334067 Signature of PropQ ner: On this tA day of %AMU,SI-, 20 l , before me, the undersigned N to P igic the State of Florida, personally appeared �' Yah and whose name is subscribed to and within the instr a/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA 470‘1A161C! by n -e PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ❑ Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Date: 0 S tl 40i 2-t7 Produce identification ❑ Oath not taken PAULA CORNETT Notary Public. State of Florida Commission # EE 869182 ,qty . , .mm. expires Jan. 28.2017 Electrical Contractor:Reciric, I U Business Address: 160/ /• fXI t t Ny 1HO .3OcA RM FL,. I License #: EC -4506,2600 Estimated Construction Value: '. Qv 0 Phone #: SG / 37 /'S51A Notification E-mail: l Qualifier Signature: Print Name: 5a�,,j+ J. J The foregoing know edged before me thus I day of %JLc" 20 i 3 ,by the above named person who is f%rsonally known tome or who produr :•1 as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Puttlic:njt _ •, ,•;:g Commission#EE 844 - Expires December 1, 2016 r Bonded thu Troy Fain Nrerance 800485r7019 Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #. Qualifier Signature: Print Name. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Notification Email: Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Si i;ature: Print Name: The foregomg instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is pP,t nally known to me or who produced as identif'c.;tion who did/did not take an oath Notary P. _. My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #. Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Narne: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identificat;on who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Business Address: License ti: Estimated Construction Value: Phone ft- Notification f mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,2.0 ,hy the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: 1 Electrical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Plumbing Contractor: relC// fr'k6r /?d f2.-A2z, Business Address:, 0 S N 6, /S/ /// , —/'/6 License #: i^oG 114e r'Z 5—V Estimated Construction Value: irine70. 4,19 Phone #:3?$ -3_ /4b1?- lyaification E-mail:�%lii/,,j", " l:J /.0.7e./.w Qualifier Signature: j2p'') Qrix, / Print Name: 2The foregoing instrumnt was cknowledged before me thus l day of J ,20 t 3 ,by the above named person elo, y, PGB : t o who is personally. wn� me o �o gcpdttced • -D• t- G Debr��li r(�' n who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: P , y Commission Expires::' �l Qc�MMiI�NFF005952 .y'�,; EXPIRES: APR 07, 20U '' ` WWW.AARONNorARCcorti Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Contact Person: City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.citvofuarkland.org Phone #: E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Name Business Address city State Zip Phone # PropertyOwner's Name Owner's.Street Address C he'' 'zi S; lei A State Zip Phone # rek1an0 /L 33 o1? - Master Permit Number Date Construction Value Engineer's Name. Eflneer'se+er's u!tense # Phone # Areitt's Name Architect's License # Job Site Address �Q ie,77 Lot Block Phone # Work Descriptl fon: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Property Owner Notification E -mall: 'Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: 'License number: Notification E-mail: iPrint Name of Property Owner: I 'Signature of Qualifier: ' Signature of Property Owner: I On this day of , 20 , before me, the undersigned On this day of , 20 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared and whose name Is subscribed to and within and whose name is subscribed to and within the the instrument, and he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. instrument, and he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. Owner's Address: !NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA i NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC PRINTED NAMt OF NO I AIt 'UBUI. 0 Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken 0 Personally known to me O Produced identification O Oath taken 0 Oath not taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer OF OFFICE: 0 Produced identification 0 Oath not taken Date: Electrical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: PERFECT COOLING Business Address: 1035 NW 17 AVENUE, SUITE #1 DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 License #: CAC057063 Estimated Construction Value: $4,300.00 Phone #: 561-276-9553 I/ 4 Notification E-mail: JEAN@PERFECTCOOLINGINC.COM Qualifier Signature:Print Name: JEAN LAMONTAGNE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 13 day of August ,20 13 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced ?er' o' i Kna-un as identification who did dd . ; - oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: 2_12-; TRACY MY COti1M1S` Iu +: LEI /11445 EXPIRES: February 23, 2U16 ,20 ,by the above named person Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Contact Person: City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.t:itvofparkland.org Phone *: E -mall; ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE RUED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Name 5 -"RV 1 GE AM BtNittses Address a lL5S N W fo Cov �T ver L-Au)ExpAt ltatI FL-- Zip 335 OI Phone* qi4 -93 -Ifo Otwief'sNaps* P -08t r' -r carat „ owner's Street Address 4 t 7 I 4 L G -hi L R v taw r' - tat -it> isEs r -t-- al) 33c6-1 none* qr4- - 3-r-Ooo3 "'dockets Name AtdYbct's llamas * Lot 6 Brock Q PhOOotlf o� f/vM:rfri� Cln�•ac{ Master Pernik Number o? t / 3 o o i Oats 31 ruLy .241) Elylnaaele E**** !I Uterus on Valise Ptt.ils * 106 5,4* Mikes Work De*alpdo n &k ei g e Application Is Wavily made to obtain a permit to do the work and kutatlatlon as krdinted.1 oartWy the no work or YMawtlon hay mnrnanc.d prior to the Issuance ripen* and that aR work will be performed to meet the ,tanderds of all lows regulating construction In the taw of Parldand, Florida. I understand that a unarm ponn4 maybe secured for ELECTRiCAL, PWMOING, SONS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS. ANI coNomONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTKE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FON IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY IF YOU INTEND TO OBTMN FINANONG, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E•essU: Print pull of Qua9 /BuEder lOx�v.4Yle,(Q Sigrtatvr. On this Notary — Ku i Property Owner E�.all: of Property Owner. ALidfif/ appeared and name Y ... . . to and .' fill*that he/she executed It. II—C,STATEpF�kIIt NAMElE:41.1 NTEO OF NOT Signature of Fro y;,wtter: — un misoa�y�.p��r' m before me, the undersigned Notary Public of,'h— "� of Florida, personally appeared and whose name Is subscribed to and within the Instrument, and he/she ges that he/she executed R. • s : PUBUC Q -c+ AlPersona9y Imovm to me • .,ruoll Identification O Oath taken 0:41e4,f 1 NOTARY PUBUCSEAL" OFFICE: Appticatlon Approved By: Permit Officer Commission # FF 12556 My Commission Expires : NOTARYPUBUCSEAL May 21, 20181 OF OFFICE: NOTARr Kiwi:,AI .* r ..su,M "\ PRINTED Nwwek tit tSU,hnr vvdU O Personally known to me O Prod identification .iay0ath taken 0 Oath not Date: Contact Person: Rogeft. -r- C E-oN 7oot City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.cityofoarkland.org PhoneIP.,-1"---t45—=q,17:0 6 c�17 I E-mail: CO i-1€1.1ERo$E-RT 6-MA71,CvM ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 R oB£R T GUH -N -4.6 ,- t S Ft LE(vv LA t\I E [ty 1) PRy wA l -L 78 I SALE ' LANEtot `� % Block I O PRke-IAN ,f -to =DA 33044 SN'ft =OR R-6-rAODEL - krTGHEN , 6 R�"MOi(AcL AND R-E5TvP—A7ZO,1 „21/3113 3A714fLe)01`'1S, ,>3£PIZOoMS, Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: License number: Signature of Qualifier: On this 31 day of December, 20 30 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, and he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ❑ Personally known to me O Produced identification F. Oath taken ❑ Oath not taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: Ro$-e- T c,0 ht\ Owner's Address: PAMLA-rJ.D, F2,. 3306' 78a i s A LE -M LANE Signat1 e o Propertyf}�y.pgr: On this siie day of Deter, 20 133 , before me, the undersigned Notary the State of Florida, personally appeared O1" and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, and he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY I(UBLIE OF FLORIDA PRINTED NAME gF NOTARY PUBLIC ID Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Date: A at Notary Pubic, State of Fl0State of Flo Commission# DD95421? w, - m) Wnumm. wow* not). XProduced identification ❑ Oath ot taken la City of Parkland Building Department CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR in accordance with Florida Building Code, Broward County Administrative Provisions, Section 105.13 4 Permit Number ao l 3o g 0 ks 1 Effective Date !0 JU1y ;4' (/ Owner Name IZ 013E K T C 1iHr Ni Jobsite Address %S !_ M I-PtIE , Parkland Name of Original General OR Sub -Contractor ll License Number (I3r 61 I (4 Name of New General OR Sub -Contractor Reason for Change :)cKv.i-c:: AmlcA tN7E1' PRZ }poot_ ail t License Number 'vwr (ma(SklP C-Fc,p6 Ei I The undersigned agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City of Parkland, its agents and employees, from and against any cause arising out of this change of contractor through the act, error, omission or negligent act of the undersigned, or his agents or employees, or through any act, error, omission or negligent act for which the City of Parkland or its agents or employees are alleged to be liable Chan of General Contractor OR Change of Sub -Contractor Signature oi` finer required Signature of both Owner & Qualifier required Property Owner \ Property Owner fO03CIzT COI— E J Print NaTN Signature The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this by Owe1 of vvho has produced Noriary Public Signauue, My Conuntsston 0ypires Signature Print Name General Co ractor o ill 'Ia I Na Signature day of , 20 (Name of Person Acknowledging) who is personally known to me, (type of ID) as identification and who did / did not take an oath The fo1egotng instrument was acknowledged before me this q day of .3v\\I 20 �. lig cot.. br.� 040 (Name of Person Acknoledgmg) vvho is personally known to Ole. �vhi, has produced kin tv pe 01 1] )i as identification and who drd / did not take an oatli Notary Publie Signature Mvv Commission h:"pines Rev 3112 �i /60' ao 7 R ;: Commission # FF 068627 Expires November 6, 2017 Badid T ni Tray Fa Immo 806386.7018 City of Parkland Building Department CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR In accordance with Florida Building Code, Broward County Administrative Provisions, Section 105.13.4 Permit Number ego 13 0 a 0143 ¢ Effective Date Owner Name g 60HEPi Jobsite Address %S a- I SALEM LANE , Parkland Name of Original General OR Sub -Contractor DPA.S.NG License Number CFC,: j¢8,;ri 9 Name of New General OR Sub -Contractor SEP ICE AIia-IIa4 License Number CFc.og6 89 eNTERPr..sse 1 c. Reason for Change �di oof 'vati l�wr� af'' 0p4c11 fl /?c. 2 C - The undersigned agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City of Parkland, its agents and employees, from and against any cause arising out of this change of contractor through the act error, omission or negligent act of the undersigned, or his agents or employees, or through any act, error, omission or negligent act for which the City of Parkland or its agents or employees are alleged to be liable. Change of General Contractor OR Change of Sub -Contractor Signature of Owner required Signature of both Owner & Qualifier required Property Owner Property Owner f O136RT COi-IE1J Print Name Print Namee Signature Signature General Contractor Signature The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Mk day of Print Name _20 /4 by Owner: Eog 'T"C3/,Le/✓ (Name of Person Acknowledging) who is personally known to me, or who has produced, t)ti v -. (type of Notary Public Signature My Commission Expires: , '20 as identification and who did ^�rh aaurrnsm L LOZ '8Z 831 :S311140 Z1•16L833#r NOISSIWINO0 Z30N31311 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of by Contractor: or who has produced Notary Public Signature: My Commission Expires: Rev.3/12 +Ffi µEIENDQ lON #EEB79112 Mt*,S EYP RES: FEB 28,20.11 2017 nce Bonded trough 151 Statil (Name of Person Acknowledging) who is personally known to me, (type of ID) as identification and who did / did not take an oath. 1/2 7821 Salem Lane Parkland, Florida 33067 18 July 2014 Mr Decinob Paul Dpaul Plumbing Inc. 1710 NE 139 Street Miami, Florida 33181 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL TO DPAUL PLUMBING INC Dear Decinob Paul: Notice is herein provided that Dpaul Plumbing is immediately terminated from the Cohen Residence Property at 7821 Salem Lane, Parkland, Florida 33067 for the following reasons: 1. Dpaul Plumbing constructed and improperly installed two shower pans that required removal. 2. Dpaul Plumbing appeared to negligently contribute to the failure of one pipe in the cabana bathroom that caused extensive water damage to the cabana and fireplace room walls on 22 December 2013. This pipe and concerns thereof were noted in the sealed floor plans that were accessible to Mr Paul and all other subs. In addition, this information was repeatedly communicated to Mr Paul. 3. Dpaul Plumbing failed to check the integrity of a water heater in the master bathroom that also leaked and caused damage to the master bathroom walls on 22 December 2013. This was an active area where Dpaul Plumbing performed construction services according to the records. The walls required removal and replacement and the water heater was later disposed. 4. Whence the water heater was removed by Dpaul Plumbing, the removal was so haphazard that it crushed one pipe that connected to the lower part of the water heater. This pipe will require repair at an additional expense. 5. Dpaul was negligent and failed to communicate with General Contractor, homeowner, and tile installer on the position of the bathroom shower valves. All four showers now require either extension kits and/ or opening of the walls that risk hams to the integrity of the walls and/ or fragile travertine tiles. 6. On 10 April 2014, Mr Paul contacted my wife to specifically request that she meet him at our property and select the shower heads and faucets for four of our six bathrooms. Instead, Mr Paul directed his crew of two to install five toilets. Neither Alliance Restoration, the General Contractor, nor the homeowners requested the installation of any toilets. In fact, Mr Paul acknowledged that the walls were unpainted and the baseboards behind the toilets were not yet installed. Mr Paul told my wife that each of the five toilets he and his crew installed that day would require removal and replacement for painting and baseboard installation services. 2/2 Mr Paul then told her that he directed his crew to install these five toilets because, "We need to put in a da\ 's work. This was improper and negligent judgment that will add unnecessary expense to my family as these five toilets require removal to paint the walls and install the baseboards. At this time. Mr Paul. we kindly request compensation for all of the above items for which we paid Dpaul Plumbing in good faith that caused damages and/ or required removal. Please note that Dpaul Plumbing is not to return to the Cohen residence under any circumstances. Thank you for your prompt attention as we seek a quick and peaceful resolution and transition. Sincercfy. Robert Cohen CC City of Parkland Alliance Restoration La« Offices of Ferdie and Loins PERMIT NO SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT 0201302018 /44 (Co 2013020185 2013020186 2013020188 4 4-1 FEES CHARGED PERMIT TREE City of Parkland PERMIT TYPE STATUS FEES CHARGED JOBVALUE INTERIOR REMODEL APPROVED $2,414.85 $24,300.00 PLUMBING APPLIED $0.00 $0.00 ELECTRICAL APPLIED $0.00 $0.00 MECHANICAL APPLIED $0.00 $0.00 DESCRIPTION APPLIED ISSUED FEES PAID BALANCE DUE OWNER REMODEL KITCHEN, 6 BATHRROOMS/BEDROOMS, DRYWALL REMOVAL & RE 02/15/2013 $90.00 $2,324.85 COHEN, ROBERT & SANDY 02/15/2013 $0.00 $0.00 COHEN, ROBERT & SANDY 02/15/2013 $0.00 $0.00 COHEN, ROBERT & SANDY 02/15/2013 $0.00 $0.00 COHEN, ROBERT & SANDY $2,414.85 $90.00 $2,324.85 Drintcri• Tnccrin.. 1(1 Cn ntnmhnr ')1111 1 of 1 IFTMUIUT ----_,L2/26/2014 6:01:24 PM +0000 EFX7FS02 PAGE 2 OF 2 July 26,2014 Dear Customer The following is the proof -of -delivery for tracking number 780033469620 Delivery Information: Status: Delivered Delivered to: Residence Signed for by: MORNA Delivery location: 1710 N E 139TH STREET Miami, FL 33181 Service type: FedEx Standard Overnight Delivery date: Jul 21, 2014 1408 Special Handling: Deliver Weekday Residential Delivery Direct Signature Required 1 3c. :Fecrb..:. Fecf Fecf. fed fect tea', -J. Fr fel:f fetf. Shipping Information: Tracking number: Recipient Demob Paul DPaul Plumbing INC 1710 N E. 139th Street Miami, FL 33181 US 780033469620 Thank you for choosing FedEx. Ship date: Jul 18, 2014 Weigtt 0 5 lbs/0 2 kg Shipper: Robert Cohen 7821 salem Ln Parkland, FL 33067 US ----P4426/2014 6:03:09 PM +0000 EFX7FS02 July 26,2014 Dear Customer The following is the proof -of -delivery for tracking number 780033486038 PAGE 2 OF 2 Delivery information: Status: Delivered Delivered to: Receptionist/Front Desk Signed for ty M SAMPO Delivery location: 3601 N DIXIE HIGHWAY 1 Boca raton, FL 33431 Service type: FedEx Standard Overnight Delivery date: Jul 21, 2014 11 13 Special Handling: Deliver Weekday Direct Signature Required Not .. WE! A, re& A Fedr, Fed .t x feet finiE retf, FdE ..p4, Fed': :4 Fe& •pt:i. NAP, 1, Fedre,r Fea: Shipping information: Tracking number: 780033486038 Ship date: Jul 18, 2014 Weight 0.5 lbs/0 2 kg Recipient Shipper: Donald Antol Robert Cohen Alliance Restoration 7821 salem Ln 3601 N Dixie Highway Parkland, FL 33067 US Bay 1 Boca raton, FL 33431 US Thank you for choosing FedEx INSTR # 111816268, OR BK 50183 PG 503, Page 1 of 1, Recorded 09/19/2013 at 10:41 AM, Broward County Commission, Deputy Clerk 4010 AFTER RICO:60NC - RFT, IRN TTY £ RMIT NI/MB.E& NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be trade to certain real property, and In accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statues the following information to providtd m the Nonce of Commencement. gig' /� [ ani 1. DESCRIPTION Of PROPERTY (Legal description & street address, if avallabk) TAX FOLIO NO.: N /y"f / 3a. 0 2 7/90 SUBDIVISION^ ICJIC lefrj BLOCK IO TRACT LOT (1 BLDG L'NIT 2. GENERAL DESCIUPTION OF IMPROVEMENT: Repair/Remodel kitchen, bathroos. bedrooms, common areas 3 OWNERINFORMATION: a NaneR ta b er1 d Sandy C o h e n bAddrese7821 Salem Lane, Parkland, FL 33067 d Nana. and address or we simple hlkhohier of edict than Owner) 0. Interest in property O w n e r Al ltai/RC'P aSeto~ra'troakS538PHONNNUMBERi e Hwy., Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-427.761 5. SURETYS NAME ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PRONE NUMBER: 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (!) (a) 7., Florida Statutes NAME ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 8 In addition to himself lir herself. Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided In Section 713.13 (1) (b), Flonda Statutes. NAME, ADDRESS 1..D PHONE NUMBER: 9. Expiration d..'.s of notice of commencement (the expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified h , 20_ NWARo 0 a a k ; .J . M3vt .a : 1. OWNER AFTER TM EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF1'OMME)ICEMENT ' � IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNI38R CHAPTER 717 PART L SECTION J' T 7 L3. 17 FI.OIIIDA :ZTATIITES. AND CAN A iIn • . 41 11./.41 FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BF ;3717M: .0 `tn7 •O . O$ SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING. CONSUL I' w l ,j7sa I T t.N L : 1 :... Its .. a ; E e L. W 1 : a.: : aa. RDINO YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT • S1 4' ( Owner or Print Name and P ide Signatory'sTitk/Oi iicce O er's Authorised Officer/Director/Partner/Manager State of Florida I� County of 9fpsagad p The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ /5 day oft S.4,2. Gj16 2) J� By __QA ('I1..—N . as / _ (rutile of person) (type of authority,...e.g. officer. trustee, attorney in fact) For (ran of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally known or produced the following type of Identification S. �. JOSEPHGAL':N?.: CCIIflSeioonn At EE�r T) ?28 Expose Dea,etrut..' "'118 _ Under Penalties of r)u Iar24NllTBilPea idlohallePBf►1blg Reed that the facts in a are true to the best of my knowledge and belief (Section 9_.5_x, Forida Sdtwr.,). Signature(s) of Owners) or Owner(,)' Authorized Officer/ Director / Partner/Manager aho signed above: (Signature of Notary Public) By R.. as -n441116 R«axdmgi By h'tdoment to be a , correct and complete copy of the ryecord filed in ereby my office.certifyhis Datedcuthis 1 '- du of S;nkemkx.� , 20 /3 CountyAdm j{)istratgf. /J 1 /�/ Deputy Clerk City of Parkland Plan Log Out 5 r-2 -gad r This form must be completed before plans can be logoed out () Zoning KStructural Electrical () Plumbing (kiAechanical () Fire () Engineering Notified Date(s): JI (S 3 812-24 Permit #: 2-01s0201154 Permit Type: # • Atrnotra Contractor / Owner Name: �BD Site Address: Owner Name: Date Logged Out: By: Sail Print name ONL Company / Title: ,o, ;RECETVED AUG 2 3 2013 Wyatt T. Haygood Third review 8-19-13 WTH Corrected plans from 4-19-13 have been removed plans submitted 8-15-13 Original plan review comments are now in effect again as follows. Please note that these items were on corrected plans. 1. Please provide wind load design pressures for new windows to be installed. FBCR 4410. 2. Please provide type of new windows to be installed . FBCR 4410. 3. Attic access locations required to be indicated on plans FBC 1209.2 4. New shower doors required to be safety glazed. FBCR 4410.2.6.3 5. New window in Bedroom # 4 required to meet minimum opening size requirements of FBCR Section 310 6. Please provide slab repair detail on plans for relocated plumbing areas. 7. Termite retreatment is required at slab repair areas as per FBCR 318.1.2 NOTE: PRODUCT APPROVALS for all new components in exterior envelope (windows and doors etc.) are required to be submitted for review prior to installation. PLAN.FBC:R-3 INTERIO -61-1ta_12_,-.c 812_24 13 i Response Letter To: City of Parkland Building Department Date: 4-19-13 From: Caroline Ueberschaer Caroline Architecture, Inc. Phone: 561.212.5080 Re: Sandy Cohen Renovation Permitting Staff, Please see the following responses to your comments: 1. Comment: Please provide windload design pressures for new windows to be installed. Response: See sheet A-2 at new window locations. 2. Comment: Please provide slab repair detail... Response: See sheets P-1 and A-3 detail H. 3. Comment: Attic access locations required to be indicated on plans. Response: See sheet A-2 at Garage. 4. Comment: New shower doors required to be safety glazed... Response: See sheet A-2 at bathrooms. 5. Comment: New window in Bedroom #4 required to meet minimum opening ize requirements... Response: See sheet A-2 at new window locations. Caroline@CarolineArchitecture.com RA no. 94999 AA 26001985 6. Comment: Electrical: Provide floor plan circuiting for all work areas. Response: See sheets E-1 and E-2 for circuit addition. Please call me should you have any questions. (561) 212-5080 Caroline Ueberschaer Caroline@CarolineArchitecture.com RA no. 94999 AA 26001985 Response Letter To: City of Parkland Building Department Date: 5-23-13 From: Caroline Ueberschaer Caroline Architecture, Inc. Phone: 561.212.5080 Re: Sandy Cohen Renovation Permitting Staff, Please see the following responses to your comments: 1. Comment: Please add circuit designations to all existing outlets, fixtures and appliances. Response: See sheets E-1 and E-2 for revised circuitry. 2. Note: Smoke detectors are existing to remain. Add new carbon monoxide detector in utility room. Please call me should you have any questions. (561) 212-5080 Caroline Ueberschaer Caroline@CarolineArchitecture.com RA no. 94999 AA 26001985 aroline Response Letter To: City of Parkland Building Department Date: 8-27-13 From: Caroline Ueberschaer Caroline Architecture, Inc. Phone: 561.212.5080 Re: Sandy Cohen Renovation Permitting Staff, Please see the following list of items that the owner has modified: MASTER BATH: All fixtures to be removed and replaced in same location. All Electrical to remain. All partition walls to remain as existing. BEDROOM #3: Existing closet to remain. No Electrical work to be done. No additional recessed lighting. BATH #3: All fixtures to be removed and replaced in same location. All Electrical to remain. Remove portion of linen closet partition wall as shown. GARAGE: Relocate AHU stand to demising wall. Caroline@CarolineArchitecture.com RA no. 94999 AA 26001985 FRONT WINDOWS: Windows shall not be removed or replaced in Den and Bedroom #4. See revised detail at knee wall 8/A-3. KITCHEN: All existing recessed lighting to remain. Please call me should you have any questions. (561) 212-5080 Caroline Ueberschaer Caroline CarolineArchitecture.com RA no. 94999 AA 26001985 City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland FL. 33067 Phone (954)753-5447 Fax (954)753-8838 Valid inspection request codes and descriptions for the Airs system are printed in Bold type. Those for administrative use only are in Light type. All results may be verified via the Airs system. Structural Inspections /&101 Notice of Commencement 103 Statement of intent by Eng 104 Soil bearing certificate 105 Post hole Inspection 106 Tunnel forms 107 Product approval package 108 Concrete stairwell 109 Attachment 110 Footer/Foundation 111 Concrete structure 112 Stemwatl footer 113 Retaining wall footer 114 Hambro 115 Slab — Structural 116 Zed floor slab 118 Column 119 Concrete Masonry Spec inspect report 120 Spot survey 121 Compaction report 122 Soil poisoning report 123 Truss plans on file 125 Tie-beam/Bond beam 126 2°d floor Tie-beam/Bond beam 127 Rake beam 128 Lintel installation, precast 130 Royall wall Eng inspect report 131 Roof in progress 132 Floor sheathing 133 Truss attachment 134 Roof sheathing - roof 135 wall sheathing - wall 136 Tin cap 137 Truss 138 Buck, window/door 139 Wire Lath �C 140 Framing / t 11141 Insulation 142 Window/door attachment 143 Glass block tie in 144 Window sills — poured 146 Concrete wall system .} x'.147 Drywall screw 149 Hot mop in progress 151 Structural repair misc 154 P.E. certification 155 Steel framing — wall 156 Steel framing — roof 157 Wail panels 158 Roof panels 159 Overhead doors 161 Ceiling grid 162 Awning 163 Metal roof in progress 164 Siding in progress 165 Tile in progress 166 Shingle in progress 167 Roof final 168 Tempered Glass 169 Solar panels 171 Panel track attachment 172 Hurricane panels (shutters) 173 Canvas canopy installed 174 Patio slab/pavers 175 Tie down trailer 176 Tie down shed 177 Driveway steel/pavers 180 Building final 181 Sidewalk 182 Paver final 183 Gutter final 184 Roof tile uplift test 185 Dumpster slab 186 Sign 187 Store front 188 Stairwells 189 Safety fencing 190 Slide footings 191 Pool steel 192 Deck steel/Pavers 195 Screen enclosure final 196 Soffit 197 Suspended ceiling 198 Health Dept. Approval 199 Demo — structural 702 Parking lot 703 Final fence 705 Roof insulation 708 Balcony railing/grill 902 Handicap Ramp 925 Safety issue 950 Occupational License in File 997 Administration — Pool Complete 998 Pool Safety Act Electrical Inspections 200 Final electric sign 201 Data rough 202 Data final 211 Hand rail bond — pool 212 Footer bond 216 Screen footer bond 217 Pool steel bond 218 Deck bonding 219 Pool final electric 220 Screen bond 223 Meter can/De-energize 224 Service 225 Service change 226 Temp service on house 227 Temporary pole 231 2nd floor slab electric 232 Fence bond 233 Underground 234 Slab electric 235 Service ground 236 Post light 237 Site lighting 238 Electric rough 240 Empty conduit 241 Alarm rough 242 TV rough 243 Telephone rough 244 Intercom rough 245 Speaker rough 246 Vacuum rough 247 Fire alarm rough 250 Rough camera 251 Alarm final 252 TV final 253 Telephone final 254 Intercom final 255 Speaker final 256 Vacuum final 257 Fire alarm final 259 Electric sprinkler hook up 260 30 -day for testing 261 Heat pump 263 Final camera 264 Electric wall rough 265 Electric ceiling rough 269 Light pole base installation 270 Parking area U.G. rough 277 Electric under driveway 278 Lighting protection 279 Photometric certification iT 280 Electric final 7 299 Demo — Electric Mechanical Inspections 349 Underground Refrigeration Lines 350 Condensate Line /C2 1351 Rough Ducts 353 Duct Wrap 354 Fire Dampers 355 Exhaust Hood 356 Rooftop Curb Unit 357 Refrigeration Rough 358 Refrigeration Final 359 Fire Suppression System 361 Hood Ducts Rough 362Hood Ducts Final 363 Smoke Detection 364 Mechanical Ceiling 365 A/C Change out 366 Hood Exhaust Fans Rough 367 Hood Exhaust Fans Final / / 2_45 t o ley 370 Duct Ventilation Rough 371 Duct Ventilation Final 6 380 Mechanical Final 389 Fresh Air Intake Fireplace 399 Demo — Mechanical Plumbing Inspections 401 Rough Fire Sprinkler 402 Final Fire Sprinkler 415 Pool Heater 417 Main Drain 418 Perimeter Piping 419 Final Pool Plumbing 420 Ground Rough 421 Water 422 Sewer 423 Top Out 424 Top Out Less Tub 425 Tub 426 Septic Hook up 427 Heat Pump 428 Pressure Test Plumbing 429 2°d Floor Pressure Test 430 PVC Test 440 Gutters / Downspouts 441 Irrigation Rough 454 Water Disposal From Pool 455 Irrigation — Final 456 Grinder 457 Well Collar 458 Final Well 459 Storm Drain 460 Roof Drain 463 Water Heater 464 Solar Heater Plumbing 465 Oil Interceptor 467 Backflow Preventer 468 Water Softener 469 Grease Trap 480 Final Plumbing w/Backflow 490 Rough Gas — Inside Piping 491 Rough Tank 492 Rough Line — Outside 493 Final Gas 499 Demo — Plumbing Landscaping 500 Tree Barricade 501 Lot Clearing 502 Tree Removal 503 Landscaping Fire Inspections 700 Fire Inspection Final 706 Pressure Test Fire Marshall 710 Rough Fire Sprinkler 711 Final Fire Sprinkler 712 Fire Alarm 714 Rough Gas — Fire 716 Final Gas — Fire Engineering Inspections 178 Engineer Driveway 179 Driveway Subgrade Density 504 Engineering Drainage 804 Subgrade Density Tests 814 Sidewalk Control Joints 818 Sidewalk Subgrade Density (Modified Proctor) 835 Sidewalk Forms 901 Parking Lot Zoning Inspections 600 Zoning Compliance 505 Final Survey 507 Green Initiative Utility Company Inspections 900 Utilities Final Inspection - All Permits '? 999 Final Inspection ZC 1 20(8L' eeeed a-te by 50 9aedekr /eant ty( 11-12-(3 3900 S.W. 2nd Court • Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312 954-583-7766 • Fax 954-583-1282 www.deadbugedwards.net e-mail: deadbugedwards@aol.com ALLIANCE RESTORATION 7821 SALEM LANE. PARKLAND, FL 33067 MICHELLE 561-427-7800 RE: ALLIANCE RESTORATION 7821 SALEM LANE PARKLAND, FL 33067 MICHELLE 561-427-7800 10 /04 /13 SIZE: dO 4.4 PRODUCT: PREMETHRIN SFR AMOUNT: /-a/lon5 APPLICATOR: CHRIS BARREIT TIME OF APPLICATION: /1.30 R ml CONCENTRATION: .05 Insured TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: A PRE -SLAB SOIL TREATMENT WAS GIVEN TO THE ABOVE PROPERTY ON 10/04 /13 , BY DEAD BUG EDWARDS, INC. PEST CONTROL. THE BUILDING HAS RECEIVED A COMPLETE TREATMENT FOR THE PREVENTION OF SUBTERRANEAN TERMITES. TREATMENT IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULES AND LAWS ESTABLISHED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES. THIS TREATMENT WAS REQUESTED BY MICHELLE - `LLMC RESTORATION LOCATED AT 7821 SALEM :ANE, PARKLAND, FL 33067 NOv 0.5 2p13 C:2--5k,A)AA,‘„, Lk -- DATE DATE: i 0/4/i NOTARY SEAL: SIGNATURE :Q.,0,42/ DATE: /J'7,? A41Y) City of Parkland Building Division 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 Phone 954-753-5447 Fax 954-753-8838 A/C & Mechanical Replacement Information This form and ARI Listing must accompany each permit application for the replacement of Air Conditioning or Mechanical Equipment. Please supply a separate data sheet for each Unit being replaced. Contractor Job Address p'rcec4 cool Permit Number 1$21 c1en-1 Low Lot g Block tQ _ Subdivision QLD UNIT ,Cele+!.. -n YES YES YES YES YES 5- 2. 1S NO NO NO NO NO ********************** ********************** Package Unit / I Contractor Signature State License / Registration C O C O S-10 to 3 Broward County Certificate of Competency Application Approved by: k 'r1Ll 1� LK - DATA Manufacturer C.U. Model # A.H.U. Model # Package Unit Model # EER / SEER ARI Reference Number KW Heat Nominal Tons Max Fuse / Breaker Thermostat Smoke Detector Heat Recovery Modify Ducts Stand / Curb / Slab Change Disconnect Need Ladder For Inspection MiscellanetIs Fxlectric Rev. 1/09 NEW UNIT ova 8 S¥o ¶/d (,AF2.14o 1 jr, /6 . Z.s' 2 YLE� NO YES Ca YES N.V. YES (RIC) (g3) NO _ YES J YES O) Package Unit / / Date X1(2 II Akad CERTIFIED,. www.ahridirectory.org This combination qualifies for a Federal Energy Efficiency Tax Credit when placed in service between Feb 17, 2009 and Dec 31, 2013. Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number: 5361653 Date: 7/8/2013 Product: Split System: Air -Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil with Blower Outdoor Unit Model Number: 4TTB4024E1 Indoor Unit Model Number: GAF2A0A36M31+TDR Manufacturer: TRANE Trade/Brand name: XB14 Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is TRANE Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI Standard 210/240-2008 for Unitary Air -Conditioning and Air -Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity (Btuh): 21000 EER Rating (Cooling): 13.50 SEER Rating (Cooling): 16.25 * Ratings followed by an asterisk () indicate a voluntary rerate of previously published data, unless accompanied with a WAS. which indicates an involuntary rerate. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the product(s) listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s), or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory at www.ahridirectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for individual, personal and confidential reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; entered into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except for the user's individual, personal and confidential reference. CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION ILIII211 The information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahridirectory.org, Air -Conditioning, Heating, click on "Verify Certificate" link and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on 1�, which the certificate was issued, which is listed above, and the Certificate No., which is listed below. and Refrigeration institute ©2013 Air -Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 130177669056293235 -- wrightsoft Project Summary Entire House PERFECT COOLING 1035 NW 17TH AVE, SUITE 1, DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 Phone: 5612769553 Fax: 5612769716 License: CAC057063 Job: S9822 Date: By: J.S. Pro'ect Information For. ROBERT COHEN, 7821 SALEM LANE PARKLAND, FL Notes: ZONE #3 Desi • n Information Weather. Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Outside db Inside db Design TD Summer Design Conditions 46 °F Outside db 70 °F Inside db 24 °F Design TD Daily range Relative humidity Moisture difference 90 °F 75 °F 15 °F L 50 % 61 gr/Ib Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 8957 Btuh Structure 9319 Btuh Ducts 2863 Btuh Ducts 4534 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 11820 Btuh Use manufacturer's data y Rate/swing multiplier 1.00 Infiltration Equipment sensible load 13853 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Structure 4146 Btuh Ducts 1188 Btuh Heating Cooling Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Area (ftl 1340 1340 Equipment latent load 5334 Btuh Volume (ft3) 13400 13400 Air changes/hour 0.45 0.23 Equipment total load 19187 Btuh Equiv. AVF (cfm) 101 51 Req. total capacity at 0.81 SHR 1.4 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make TRANE Make TRANE Trade Trade Model GAFA0A36M Cond 4TTB4024E1 / GAF2A0A36M AHRI ref Coil AHRI ref 5361653 Efficiency 100 AFUE Efficiency 16 SEER Heating input 5.0 kW Sensible cooling 17000 Btuh Heating output 17061 Btuh Latent cooling 4000 Btuh Temperature rise 19 °F Total cooling 21000 Btuh Actual air flow 800 cfm Actual air flow 800 cfm Air flow factor 0.068 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.058 cfm/Btuh Static pressure 0 in H2O Static pressure 0 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.72 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. . wrightsoft' Right -Suite® Universal 2012 12.0.10 RSU08046 ...ngineeringDes1Qop\CHANGEOUTS FILES t2 ton - LOW BROWARD.rup Calc = MJ8 Front Door faces: 2013 -Aug -13 10:11:12 Page 1 1' A-•-•4 ' (••••1 ,f• ',St; n•_ J JCi •;t4. , 001v q1Z: • "j,„- S'agt=frziX3 p 'Ard '01' 1\i0) 3000 0130 D1',11SIIC0 3vo0io •S1:100 0Nit4.911:0-300201 d.77,1 .100191 00:0 GNAP:1110S2:13SNI • .`2,!,-'; ff, L.)0 z , ;, tV Z 0_ 10 LIJ z 0-01 Z 0 z LLO "F•2. 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