HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013040227-Soil Bearing Reports-/ -tierrCl April 12, 2013 Toll Brothers, Inc. 9425 Old Club Road Parkland, Florida 33076 Attention: Subject: Dear Adam: Mr. Adam Rule, Project Manager. Letter of Lot -Certification Parkland Golf and Country Club Proposed Residence-Pod 18-Lot 33D 8162 Bradford Way City of Parkland, Florida 33076 TSF No. 7111-11-170 Pagelof2 As requested, TIERRA SOUTH FLORIDA (TSF), Inc. has performed an SPT boring on the said lot in accordance with Section 1818 of the Florida Building Code. Based on the results of our soil test boring, it is our opinion that the foundation soils, plus a minimum margin of five (5) feet, are suitable to support the planned structure on shallow foundations proportioned for a net contact pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf). Footings should bottom at least 8 inches below fmal grade. Once footing excavation is complete, densities should be performing at the bottom of excavation to determine the minimum density requirement (98% of ASTM D 1557). We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with our geotechnical services. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Attadm1ent -= Soil Boring Log 2765 VISTA PARKWAY. SUITE 10 · WEST PALM BEACH, fLORIDA 33411 (561) 687-8539 ·FAX (561) 687-8570 State of Florida Professional Engineers Ucense #28073 -. Page 2 of2 TEST BORING LOG Project: 7111-11-170-Pod 18-Lot 33D Client: Toll Brothers, Inc. Boring Location Lot-Center Boring No. B-1 Boring Depth: 15 feet Water Level: 7.2 feet Asphalt Date Drilled: A_pril12, 2013 Basecourse DEPTH SAMPLE N MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS FT No. VALUE 0-2 S-1 37 Light Brown Sand with Limerock Fragments 2-4 S-2 75 Light Brown Sand with Limerock Fragments 4-6 S-3 28 Light Brown Sand with Limerock Fragments 6-8 S-4 20 Light Brown Sand with some Limestone Fragments 8-10 S-5 25 Light Brown Sand with some Limestone Fragments 13-15 S-6 19 Light Brown Sand with some Limestone Fragments -z.or3 OL(O 2 ... :l..-{ -Pest Related Services Pre-Construction Termite Treatment 1-800-698-7998 License #4439 Property Information Builder I Contractor Information Treatment Date:~;;\~;{ 3 Time: \t:>l\.. (?> ~t.hf(t.J Lot '13 D Name of Builder Block ~,~~ o) e..\ t. t J c:;:;.N=)-r J\j.J c...-r....o~ ') . \V-~ lL-~ ~,ol( ~cc Shell Contractor Subdivision Name Construction Type ~I lot 13M-a~ u.J2j Monolithic~ ~tree~ddres1 known) Floating I Stemwall __ (;. v \o... '\L Patio Entry Driveway City State Zip Owner Name (if known) Product I Treatment Information Treatment Type (Must check one): Initial Under-Slab~upplemental __ wood Treatment--Final Product applied: Bifenthrin J<.-. Bora-Care Other Concentration: ,fA/ % Mixed Product Applied: -d-;;oo Gallons Square feet treated: J=~oc· Linear feet treated: D If box is checked, then either a final perimeter liquid treatment has been completed or a wood treatment is completed and the following statement is applicable: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: The building has received a complete treatment for the pr ention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with the rules and laws ta~ishe? by the Florid Department of Agriculture and ConsumerR.JiCEIVED\ V~ ~ Q\ . .-1 . .'7 -' JUL 1 1 2013 Applicator's Name (Please Print) Advantage is a Full Service pest control company offering insi control, and lawn & ornamental insect protection and fertilization programs. We offer discounts to our Termite renewal customers! Call 1-800-698-7998 for more information. 2800 NW 22nd Terrace, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 (954) 968-771 7 fax(954) 968-2922 www.advantagepest.com I Pre-Construction Termite Treatment Contract and Final Treatment Certification dvantage is a full service company offering pest control, lawn & ornamental spraying and fertilization, and ter-A mite control. For more information, please call (800)698-7998. Specific terms & conditions regarding this contract appear op the back of this page. Should holder have any questions with reference to this contract, please contact our office at the number or address noted below. This contract is transferable and is for the primary structure noted below. In the case of a multi-unit structure all unit holder must renew warranty in order for structure to main- tain termite warranty protection. It does not include, unless specified in writing, fences, detached structures, decks and additional construction provided after the date contract is issued. Reference to termites applies to subterranean termites. This contract does not provide for protection of any other wood destroying organism, insect or pest, and excludes formosan termites. This contract and work it represents is specifically and solely for topical soil preperation, (top inch) of soil and application of termiticide. Advantage is not a licensed building contractor/engineering firm and implies no knowledge or expertise in either subject. Advantage does not provide any service other than those outlined herein. Repair and Retreatment Warranty Company agrees to warranty the structure for an initial period of twelve (12) months from the date of the initial treatment. If termite infestation occurs at any time during this period the company will inspect property and provide remedial treatment(s), spot or full, with a liquid terrniticide as required to eliminate or control termites. Should structural termite damage be noted through inspection, company or a subcontractor(s) chosen or approved by company, will repair damage caused by termites at no cost to property owner. For annual fee specified below, owner(s) may extend this warranty/contract for a maximum period of four (4) additional years, as specified in paragraph two (2) of terms and conditions noted on the back of this page. Residential Treatment Information The treatment provided are for preventive purposes and were requested by the contractor or builder noted below. Pre- construction termite treatments are applied as defined by EPA approved pesticide labels. Supplemental treatment(s) (patio, entryway, abutting foundation, etc.) were provided subsequent to the initial treatment date, as notified of readiness by builder. The cost of this treatment has been billed to the builder or sub-contractor of the builder. Final Treatment: 4/9/2014 Initial Treatment: 7/10/2013 Property Address: 8162 Bradford Way Parkland, FL. Treatment Cost: Billed to Contractor Treatment Area: 2800 s/f Product(s): Bifenthryn .06% Builder: Toll Brothers Subdivsion : Parkland Golf Advantage Pest Related Services. Inc. • 2800 N.W. 22nd Terrace • Pompano Beach FT 33069 1-800-698-7998 www .advantagepest.com