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.' LANi14 DSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS 3P[C|F|CATIONS PART 1: GENERAL_ COND|OONS 1.01 'SCOPE: A. The landscape contract includes the supplying and planting of all trees, ahrubs, vines, and ground g,uvndcowcr together with all necessary |obor, equipment, tools and materials needed for the successful conp|eiion, execution and maintenance of the landscape plans. 1.02 AGENCY STANDARDS: A. Grades and standards of pont moterin|s to be used shall he true to name, size, condition and graded Florida #1 or better as stated in: Grades and Standards of Florida Plant Materials published by the State of Florida Department of Agriculture, Tallahassee, Florida in thier most recent version.. 1.03 SITE EXAMINATION: A. The Landscape Contractor shall persn°oUy examine the site and fully acquaint him/herself with all of the existing conditions in order that no mi` -understanding may afterwards arise as to the character or extent of the work to be pe,furnncd, and additionally, in order to acquaint the Landscape Contractor with all precautions to be taken in order to avoid injury to property or persons, No additional compensation will be granted after the award of Nis landscape contract because of any unusual difficulties which rnay be encountered in the execution or maintenance of any portion of the work. 1,01 ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: A. The plant list is a part of the drawings and is furnished as a convenience. The plant list indicates the no,nc, size and quantities of specific plant materials as called for and is located on the drawings. The Landscope Contractor is responsible for own quantity count, and any discrepancy between drawings and plant list shall be considered as correct on the drawings. B, The |oodsoopa Contractor shall not take advantage of errors or omissions in the specifications or contract drawings. Full instruction will be given if such errors are discovered. Upon the discovery of any dioc,uponcicr in, or omissions from the drawings or documents, or should the Landscope Contractor he in doubt as to their meaning, the Landscape Architect shall be notified and will determine the notions necessary to each query, C. If plans and specifications are found to disagree after the contract is awarded, the L"ndncupe Architect shell be the judge os to which was intended. 1.05 EXECUTION OF THF WORK: A. The Landscape Contractor shall have his labor crews controlled and directed by " Foreman well versed in plant moteho|s, planting methods,reading Nueprints, and coordination between job and nursery in order to execute inatoUoiion correctly and in a timely manner. This aiod Fen, Erigjish. 8. The Landscape Contractor shall provide o competent English-speaking Superintendent on the project at all times, who shall be fully ouLhoriznd as the Contractor's agent on iho work. The Superintendent shall be capable of reading and thoroughly understanding the Plans, Specifications and other Contract Documents. If the Superintendent is deemed incompetent by the Landscape Architect, he (the superintendent) shall be immediately replaced. C. The Landscape Contractor shall be available for any meetings with the Owner and/or Landscape Architect during implementation of the job. Any additional work or changes required as o result of failure to communicate with the Owner or Landscape Architect during implementation will be the responsibility of the Landscope Contractor, 1.06 PFRDTECOON OF PUBLIC AND PROPERTY: A. The Landscape Contractor shall protect all materials and work against injury from any cause and shall provide and maintain all necessary safeguards for the protection of the public. He shall be held responsible for any damage or injury to persons or property which may occur us a result of his fault or negligence in the execution of the work, i.e. damage to underground pipes or cables. 1.07 CHANGES AND EXTRAS: A. The Contractor shall not start work on any changes or ^extras" in the project until a written agreement setting forth the adjusted prices has been executed by the Owner and the Contractor. Any work performed ^n changes or "extras" prior to execution of o written agreement may or may not be compensated for by 0`e Owner at his discretion. 1.00 GUARANTEE: A. The Landscape Controcior shall furnish a written guarantee wo,ronting all motehoio. workmanship and plant moterioin, except sod, for a period of ONE (1) YEAR from the time of completion and acceptance hy the Landscope Architect and Owner. Sod shall be guaranteed to 90 calendar days after acceptance by the Landscope Architect and Owner. All plant material shall be alive and in satisfactory condition and growth for each specific kind of plant at the end of the guarantee period. The gu,ontooing of plant material shall be construed to mean complete and immediate replacement with plant ,nntnrio| of the same variety, type, size, quality and grade that of the originally specified material. During the guarantee period it shall be the Landscope Contractor's responsibility to immediately replace any dead or unhealthy /notoho| as deterrnined by the Landscape Architect. |he guarantee will be null and void if plant material is do=oyod by Ughtning, hurricane force windu, or o"y other acts of God, os well as vandalism or lack of proper maintenance. B. At the end of the specified guarantee period, any plant required under this contract that is dead or not in satisfactory condition, as determined hy the Landscape Architect, shall he replaced. The Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for the full rop|ocnmvxt cost of plant materials for the firs mp|ncnmeni and share subsequent replacement (s) costs equally with the Owner, should the replacement plant fail to survive. ve. C. All replacements shall be p|onia of the same kind and size as specified in the plant list. They shall be furnished and planted as specified. 1.09 CARE AND MAINTENANCE: A. The Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for lhe care and maintenance of all plant moterids until final acceptance by the Owner or Landscape Architect. B, Upon final acceptance of the work, the Landscape Contractor shall furnish the Owner with a written and detailed description for the care and maintenance of all plant material at the time of final acceptance. C. Thv Owner agrees to execute the instructions for such care and maintenance, 1]O SAFETY: A. It shall be the responsibility of the Landscape Contractor to protect all persons from injury and to avoid property do,noge. AdcquoLu ,vo,ning devices shoU be placed and maintained during the progress of Me *um, B. It shall be. the contractor's responsibility to conform to all local, state, and federal safety laws end codes including the Federal Occupational Safety And Health Act (O.S,H.Al 1.11 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATION: A. The Owner may require the apparent contractor (s) to qualify him/herself to be a responsible on(,fy hy furnishing any or all of the following documentary data: 1. A financial statement showing assets and liabilities of the company cm,en( to date 2. A listing of not less than (3) completed projects of similar scope and nature. J. Permunrn, name and address of place of business. 4. The number of regular employees of the organization and length of time the o,3onimbon has been in business under the present name. 1.12 INSURANCE AND BONDING: A. The contractor (s) shall submit proof of insurance for ihis job for the time period that the work is done. The minimum amount of insurance shall be 3300.000.00 per person and 3300.000.00 per aggregate. The successful bidder shall be required to have this coverage in effect before beginning work on the site. B. The Owner shall have the right to require the Contractor to furnish bonds covering faithful performance of the Contract and payment obligations arising thereunder as stipulated in bidding requirements or opedUcei\y required in the Contract Documents on the date of execution of the Contract. 1.13 PERMITS AND CERTIFICATES: A, All contractors shall secure and poy for all permits and certificates required for his/her class of work. PART 2: MATERIALS 7,01 PLANT MATERIALS: A. A complete iiat of plants is shown on the drawings, including a schedule of quantities, sizes, :ind such other requirements deemed necessary. In the =vent discrepancies occur, the specifications on the drawings shall govern. G. Substitutions of plant materials or changes in size or spacing of materials will be permitted ONLY upon written authorization by the Owner or the Landscape Architect. If plant material is not of sufficient size to meet applicable codes, a letter of variance from the appropriate agency must be obtained by the Contractor prior to issuance of any change order. If material of smaller size is to be occepted, the quantity of material shall be incmoovd, at no additional cost to the Owner, to meet the intent of the drawings. C. All plant materials shall have a habit of growth that is normal for the species and shall be healthy,vigorous and equal to or oxucod 1h* measurements specified in the plant list, which are the minimum acceptable- sizes. Plants shall be measured before pruning with branches in normal position. Any necessary pruning shall be done at the time of planting. D All plant materials, shall be nursery gruwn, unless otherwise noted, Florida #1 or better and shall comply =ith all required inspections, grading standards and plant regulations as set forth by the Florida Deportment of Agriculture's Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants, Port | revised edition 1973. and Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants, Part U. for Palms and Treas, revised edition 1972. L Plonts that do not have the normal balance of height and spread typical for the respective plant shall not be acceptable. F. The Landscape Contractor shall install each plant to display its best side. Adjustments may be required if plants are not installed properly and/or approved by the Landscape Architect. 01 AN L5/'L'INO 45 050 ('LAN (TRmyw/xn) 3"MLR nINS 'wLEO PPE *mmoASPER 0R111110 SPECTIOATICN RR, 223-rn`RRNG��/�� ?.>z. OF,,,rAts,fiC..g* .• C1-“„)(1NI[)CU\/EN ,AN lINC DE/\ll v041/. 501 `n SCALE (5) 2""47 , 15" W000 oxrcws SECURE BATTENS *y (2) 3/4" HIGH CARRON STEEL BANDS 70 FOLD BATTENS IN / GLACE DURING PLANTING ['ROA GT. m/ 001 NAIL BA//ms 10 PAL M. HEIGHT OF BAT -TENS SHALL yE BE /ocxun IN 451 A-1 m ^ow xor m/ux1 or nx paw FOR ADE QUA TE BRACINS /-' � ~^". 'p n'ju.^" �� r�r I. BANDS. H /\L;/N [)|.i/\|1 50/115: NOT 10 SCALE wmoriAvuHES,o,//^nr __` IOTA' w^rs RETAIN w^/. SHAPE /^r Tm /'x ``/' 000 STRAND Sv^m GAF V. WIRE, ` SOTS «x /mz MIN WHITE/n*�- r VII CH .. 3" CONTINUOUS RIO IR, 2"x1,-x36'STAKE pn rINIn"oCRAM" '. 1T-Icu/1E0 m^mxwo -^-- mncx & TAM10 REMOVE AIR n*xE: 2xBALL NIA __'�- l i1[[1 -TRUNK T[/[[ STAKIN[T, ;CAI FE NOT TO SCIALE ^ORM SAUCER '�m^"�a 4'm0/02���w` ��� AR '�PRIIIrT 9":01011-11-0 AN TN; MIS ^w,ry ^ /^vp * RI MOVE AIR POORE IS = 1[3 PLAN r/@(, SCA10: 5(411 TO rpm F ... 2.02 INSPECTION A. The Landscape Architect and Owner may inspect trees and shrubs at place of growth or at site before »|on{ing, for compliance with requirements for genvn, upecieo, variety, size and qum|ity, The Landscape Architect and Owner retain the right to further inspect trees and shrubs for size and condition of balls and root synte'ns, inaedo, injuries end Fricnt deh,ctn, and to reject unsatisfarAorydefective material ot any time during progress of work. Rejected pmni materials shall be immediately removed from project site. 2.03 PROTECTION OF PLANT MATERIALS: A. Balled and burlap plants (8 c34 8) shall be dug with firm natural balls of earth of sufficient diameter and depth to encompass the fibrous and feeding root system necessary for full recovery of the plant. Bolls shall be firm|y. wrapped with burlap similar materials nnd bound with cord, rope, or wire mesh, All collected plants shall be balled and buMop. R. Plants with broken, damaged or insufficient balls will be rejected. C. All plant material shall be protected from possible bark injury or breakage of branches, All plants transported by open trucks shall be adequately covered to prevent windburn, drying or damage to plants. D. Plants which cannot be planted immediately on delivery to the site shall be covered with moist soil, mulch or other protection from the drying of wind and sun. All plants shall be watered as necessary by the Landscape Contractor until planted. 2.04 STORAGE: A. All plant materials shall be stored on the site in designated areas, specified by the Landscape Architect nr Owner's agent. B. No plant material shall be stored longer than seventy-two (72) hours. C The Landscape Architec,+ reserves the right to reject any plant materials not in conformance with these specifications. D. All rejected material shall be irnmediately removed from the site and replaced with acceptable material at no cost to the Owner, 2.05 PROTECTION DURING PLANTING: A. Trees moved by winch or crane shall be thoroughly protected from chain nnorks, girdling or bark slippage by means of burlap, wood battens or other approved methods. Battens shall NOT he attached to the tree with nails. 2.05 PLANTING SOIL: A. Planting soil for all plantings shall consist of existing native soil and shall be free of debris, roots, doy, stoncu, plants or other foreign materials which might be a hindrance to planting operations or he detrimental to gond growth. 2.07 FERTILIZER: A. Commercial fertilizer shall comply with the state fertilizer laws. Nitrogen shall not be less than 40% from organic source, Inorganic chemical nitrogen shall not be derived from the sodium form of nitrnte. Fertilizers shall be delivered to the site in unopened original containers, each bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis, Any fertilizer that becomes caked or otherwise damaged shall be rejected. 0. To each cubic yard of planting soil (existing native soil) shallbe added and thoroughly mixed 3 lbs. of commercial fertilizer. C. Tablet fertilizer shall be Agriforna planting tablets 20-10 -5 formula, 21 gram or equal. All trees and shrubs shall be fertilized with tablet fertilizer as follows. While bookliiiing p|pni holon, ind)|iz.er tablets sholl be equally spaced nod placed adjacent to the ball rnid--way in depth in accordance with the following rates: 1 gallon container 3 gallon container 5 gallon container 7 gallon 1 tablet 2 tablets 3 tablets 5 tablets Large tvbo, wire baskets, grow bogn, and balled and burlap material shall have 1 tablet for each 1/2 inch of trunk diameter (measured J feet frorn ground) or far each foot of height or spread of larger shrub mntorioL The Landscape Architect reserves the right to inspect and review the application of fertilizer. 2.08 MULCH: A. Mulch material shall be clean, dry Eucalyptus or Mn|oeluco Mulch free of wrmdo, seeds and pauto, moistened at the time of application to prevent wind displacement. B. All trees and shrub bods shall receive 3" mulch immediately after planting and thoroughly watered. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 DIGGING: L The Landscape Contractor shall exercise care in digging and other work so as not to damage existing work, including overhead wiroy, underground pipes and cables and the pipes and hydrants of watering systems. Should such overhead or underground obstructions be encountered which interfere with planting, the Owner shall be consulted and will adjust the location of plants to clear such obstruction. The Contractor shall be responsible for the |mmodivin repair of any damage caused by his work. 3.02 GRADING: A. Grading for droinogv, swo|nn, etc. to within 4 inches of the finished grade to be provided by others. U It shall be the rosponoibi|ity of the Landscape Contractor io provide the final grading during the course of landscape installation SD as to bring sod and planting areas to their proper elevations in relation to v,,n|ks, paving, drain structures, and other site conditions. The site grading plan must be checked prior to installation of sod to insure that drainage and other conditions will NOT he modified. 3.03 PLANTING: A. Planting shall take place during favorable weather conditions. B. The Contractor shall ascertain the location of all utilities nnd easements so proper precautions can he token not to damage or encroach them, C. Planting shall be located where it is shown on the plan. No planting holes shall be dug until the proposed locations have been etnked on the ground by the Contractor, D. Excavation of holes shall extend to the required s"hg ouey as specified on the planting diagrams located in the planting plans. Plant pits shall be circular in outline and shall have a profile which conforms to the aforementioned "Tree and Shrub Planting Diagrams". E. A representative number of planting pits ( a minimum of one in every 25 feet throughout the entire site} shall be tested for proper drainage. See Landscape Plan for complete testing methods and requirements, F. Planting pits shall be excavated to the following dimensions and refilled with a mixture of planting soil [half (1/2) muck, half (1/2) existine nn\ivo soi|]; 1 Gallon material (1 gal.): 12" x 12" x 12" min. 3 Gallon material (3 gap: 20" x 20" x 18" min. 7 Gallon material (7 goL): JO^ x 30" x 24" min, Field grown material ond trees: 1-1/2 times width of ball and depth of ball plus 12" rniv. C No planting or laying of and shall ho inihotod until the area hns been cleaned of existing sod or ether plant materials, 'vugh oruxo, weeds, debris, stones etc. and the ground has been brought to an even grade, approved hy the Landscape Architect. }'. Each plant sho/l be planted in 00 individual hole on specified for trees, ahrubs, and vines. I. All plants shall be set to ultimate finished grade. No filling will be permitted around trunks or stoms. All ropes, wire, otokcs, etc,, shall be removed from sides and top of the ball and removed from hole before filling in J. All flagging ribbon shall be removed from trees and shrubv before planting. K. Excess excavation (fill) from all holes shall be removed from the site, at no additional expense to Owner. L. All palms shall be planted in sand, thoroughly washed in during planting operations and with n shallow saucer depression left at the soil line for future watering. Saucer areas shall be top -dressed two (2") inches deep with topsoil raked and left in o neat, clean manner. 3.04 PRUNING: A. Remove dead and broken branches from all plant material. Prune to retain typical growth habit of individual plants with as much height and spread as possible in a manner which will preserve the plant's natural chornrter. D. Make all cuts with nhorp instruments flush with trunk or adjacent bronrh, in such a manner as to insure elimination of stubs. Cuts made at right angles to line of growth will not be permitted. C. Trees shall not be poled or topped, 0. Remove alt trimmings from site. tree Paint all cutsone--half one --half (1/2") in diameter and larger, with waterproof antiseptic ree point WRAP /pm, 15 BURLAP a SF (CURE o^III- ws W/ ,(/4" T1105 CARE305 nnE.pANDS "^uUNG/m^r n^'BRACH -- ,^^,-"`3G'yAE^ 3" MULCH -- E ORM SAUCER ROTH 4" mwowun.S FRO 3' m^ pmn n^/' ROOT PRIME) FOR 4 WEEKS VIN. ---_- 'r n-mnr" ,/^wnx" �r ��x ^TA*r 70nra"CT AIR mac1114 /, BAIL pm re PALM PL/\N 1111C - AN CI � TAKE *» NOT 10 50400 SITE *m` ov UT" mPIPE 4' 011 1 425 0110E142510R ----/ nn^nPROwDrR11m � MINIMUM -~J n'��'^. [NH- R()[)| [M s =on' nw,xACrORSRA( L FuuwxMANUFACTURER'S nrT^um 3.05 GUYING: A, All trees over six (6') feet in height shall, immediately after setting to proper grode, be guyed with three sets of two strands, No. 12 gauge malleable galvanized iron, in tripod fashion. B. Wires shall not come in direct contact with the tree but shall be covered with rubber hose ot contact points. Wires shall be fastened in such a manner as to avoid pulling crotches apart. D. Stakes shall he 2" x 2" lumber of sufficient length to satisfactorily support each tree. E. Turnbuckles for guying trees shall be galvanized or cadmium plated and shall be of adequate size and strength to properly maintain tight guy wires. 3[00 W8TEK: AEach p|ont or tree shall be thoroughly watered in after planting. Watering of all newly installed plant materials shall be the responsibility of the Landscape Contractor until final acceptance by the Landscape Architect. 8. All trees shall be deep watered for a period of ninety (90) days after planting. C. Water shall be potable nnd furnished hy Owner. 3.07 SOD: A. The. Landscape Contractor shall submit a unit price per cubic yard for the supply and distribution of planting soil (muck) to be applied at a depth of one inch (l^). to all areas receiving sod. R. The Landscape Contractor shall sod all areas indicated on the drawings. C, It shall he the responsibility of the Landscape Contractor to fine grade all landscape areas, eliminating nU bumps, depreoaizns, stick`, stones, and other debris.D. The sod shall be firm, ku^gh texture, having a compacted growth ot gr ass with good root development. It shall contain no noxious °ondn, or any other objectionable vegetation, fungus, inoec+,, or disease. The soil embedded in the sod shall be good clean uorth, free from stones and debris. E. Before being cut and |i|ted, the sod shall have been mowed at least three times with o lawn nnvwor, with the final mowing not more than seven days before the sod is cut. The sod shall be carefully cut into uniform dimensions. F. 6-6-6 fertilizer with all trace elements is to be applied ot the rate of 40 lbs. per 1'000 sq. ft. prior to laying sod. C. Solid sod shall be laid with closely abutting joints with o tamped o, rolled, even surface. M. The finished level of all sod areas after settlement shall be one (1") inch below the top of abutting curbs, walks, paving and wood borders to allow for building turf. I. If in the opinion of the Landscape A,oh)tcct, hop dressing is necessary after rnUing, clean yellow sand will be evenly applied over the entire surface and thoroughly washed in. 3.08 SEEDING: A. The Landscape Contractor shall remove all vegetation and rocks larger than (1") in diameter from areas to be needed, scarify the area, then apply fertilizer at a rate of 500 lbs. per acre. D. Application: A,gm`tioo Bahia Grass seed ' 200 Pounds per acre nixed with common hulled Bcrmucln seed - 30 lbs. per acre. All other seed mixtures shall be applied per the manufacturer's instructions. C. Roll immediately after seeding with o minimum 500 pound roUer, then apply straw mulch at the rate of 2,500 pounds per acre. D Apply (crti|izcr at the rute of 150 lbs. per acre 45-60 doys after seeding. 3.09 CLEANING UP: A, The contractor shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulations of waste materials or rubbish caused by his employees or work, He shall leave all paved areas "broom cienn^ when completed with his work. 3.10 MAINTENANCE: A. Maintenance shall begin immediately after each plant is installed and shall continue until all planting has been accepted by the Owner or Landscape Architect. Maintenance shall include watering, weeding, removal of dead motvrio|o, resetting plants to proper grades or upright pooitinns, nprnying, restoration of planting saucer and/or ony other necessury operations. B. Proper protection to lawn areas shall be provided and any damage resulting from planting operations shall be repaired promptly. C. Replacement of plants during the maintenance period shall he the responsibility of the Contractor, excluding vooduVsm or damage on (hc port of oihura. UghUng, or hurricane [orce winde, until final occrptonno. D. In the event that weeds or other undesirable vegetation become prevalent, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to remove them. E. Trees or other plant material which fall or are blown over during the mointenonco period will be reset: by the Contractor et no additional expense to the Owner, the only ex^option being hurricane force winds. 3i11 COMPLETION, INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE: A. Completion of the work shall mean the full and exact compliance and conformity with the provisions u,presued or implied in the Drawings and in the 3prciOm|ions, indudkng the complete removal of all t,u:h' dobhs, soil or other waste created by the Landscape Contractor. B. Inspection of work to determine completion of contract, exclusive of the possible replacement of plants, will be made by the Owner and/or Landscape Architect at the conclusion of all planting and at the request of the Landscape Contractor, C. All plant material shall be alive and in good growing conditionfor each specified kind of plant at the time uf acceptance. The rating of each plant according to Florida Grades end Standards shall be equal to or better than that called for on the plans and in these Specifications at the time of final inspection and acceptance. 0, After inspection, the Landscape Contractor will be notified hy the Owner of the acceptance of all plant material and workmanship, exclusive of the possible replacement of plants subject to guarantee. PLAN' � {' l| | ~~ ������' TREES AND PALMS SYM. QTY. ;;OTANUCAL1NA E PE* 2 P|NUSELL0TU -- -- - U 2 LAGERSTOEK�|A'NATCHE�� EP* 1 ILEX XA||ENUATA QV" QV1* 1 QUERCUS VIRGINIANA 2 OUERCUSy|RG|NLANA ACCENT PLANTS SYM. QTY. BOTANICAL NA E ME' PHJ 3 0YRC|ANTHESFRAGRANC 2 PMEON|KROEBEL|N| _________ SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVER SYM' CES* CON* 21 CONOCARPUS ERECTUS FIM 39 FiCUS 'GREEN ISLAND' HA�~ 14 HAM0UAPATENS NEP* 11 NEPHROLEPIS EXALTATA 41 3CMEFFLERAAR8OR|C{}LA OTY, BOTANICAL NAME 13 CONDCARPUSERECTUS SER{CEU3 8CM POD 8 POOOCARPUSMACROPHYLLUS V|O 11 VIBURNUM ODORAT3S|K4UK8 COMMON NAME SLASH PINE WHITE CREPE MYRTLE EAS 1' PAL/-\ fKP HOl.. LY LIVE OAK LIVE OAK COMMON NAWIE S|K8PS0NGTOPPER _____ PYGMY DATE PALM COMMON NAME SILVER BU ION WOOD BUTTON WOOD ^ INDICATES' NATIVE FLORA SOD STAUGUS7lNE'FLDR|T4V TO 88 FIELD VERIFtED ALLPLANT|NGBEDSTORECBVE3^OFK4ULCU.AiLTREES LOCATEL) IN S0D VVITH IHA\/E A 3' MIN MULCH RING AT THE BADE. GREEN ISLAND FICUS F|RE8USH BOSTON FERN DWARF SCHEFFLERA OVVARFFAKAHATCHEE PODOCARPUS SVVEET VIBURNUM OL AN SO nm/ `w~w0001 mx/ IS rVOx WITH THE FIN r/m T� mm'/ PAIN ALL cv'Sywvr m^ FLAC, GUYING WIRES WIv/ SURVEYOR TAPE BRACE HE 1/3 OE :FREE:*/. ^, El' 1000 w^oE °a/cx`px a S,c^TEn *^^' IR LINK .mu^ mu«RIERi L141 m"v�w/z/^^mo/mmn ~` omaANDS 'x///' |/',|^^c * H/ )/v1/',,,| z�|�x [x, ;H\ ',''';') | ___ 2"X4" 'xr STAKE ER, ,.mED LAN ..R".x ^^uyaTAMP TO REMOVE. AIR l'OCRE ES m:002cBUR w`//3 Of" ( INHERE aAKwuREOmm O 1*� � . .,--"-,iLWU«,,,�^ r, 7// ‘,,,)` (_--K MIR, CH 4" SAUCER ^' II; 91,1'; Y rr !RHP P(/\NTING - ANGLE ST/\K}5, SIZE CA.I...T,K7.R REMARKS -' - / ._____�_ 1�' MT D'SP� �^CA| _--__ 10'HT.5'SPR 2.5^ MULTI TRUNKED 5'SPR 2.5^ F18 181MT.83PR. 5^CAL 15' HT �' 3PR� 3" FULL CANOPY (STREET TREE) SIZE CALIPER REMARKS 8'HT.%'SPR 1.5" KXC�J�FRUNKED 6'HT. 3SPR NA TRIPLE SC140E. wor 11) SCALE. (`|�()|.|i` SIZE O.C. REMARKS #3.24''HT 18"SPR, AS FULL&THICK TO BASE #3.24^HT.18^SPR. AS FULL & THICK TOBASE #3, 12"HT, 12"SPR AS F:ULL & THICK TO BASE #3.24''HT.18^SPRAS FULL #1, 18"HT, 12"SPR AS FULL POTS #3, 24"HT18"SPR, #1.18^HT`12''SPR #7, 36^HT. 24"SPR, #3.24''HT, 18"SPR, AS FULL POTS AS AS FULL POTS AS FULL. POTS / CA ,IZ 02.1 LET � � DRAWN BY: CM[CKEDBY: JWW 3/21 /�D1-� //-~.. REVISIDNS: DRAWING <��|�' u..,.,,." u",'`�. N-�� /v `/ PA[l]ECT VUVAER | 33 Fl AT �u / u ��AAT' _P-2 '��'' La.nC ll•j n scape JCS ta. e e 1O�. MI_NIIMtlM I,.7\ NDSC:AI't 6 trees; fl=) accent. rees; ac:ditiona: tree* above 2.000 s. . D � `)UINMENJ'S I= )0 shrubs; 60 groi accent: 20 shrubs (i 1`p]'00 (:)0r l�l?(�l_�Ii�10) 011;A1)2) 100 (2,1" 1IT.) 01 I10.ThS 00 C,IMl N!)CO\ 10 N 1 N/I (11!1 ST SC= Al 11I':(,)L[I101) 1 0011;JI 1 21,:11',/ X10 1..11. O1LOT H10N`1." 01.0' I.(_)"1" / I0 1. 0 1111;.130 \"11131?" "2111-:0 0, LOT (I 'over for each 2,000 of size INTI;.I�IC)�° of Iot a e ►)Iwai list for. KI“_'cific'_t(0I):-2) 0 `i `, );1Ai)0, '1`213;1.:; I'i 00'11)1;1))(;; '1`21;1 0 211O1-II)130) \CCI;.\ l 1`I\1 30 170 1,)\YI, 2a20 1 113:[Ci[ 1"1" S[ -ll tI3S: 8 2.A13(;I=, 9<<- ;T10" 11T �+ Ion ;\ll3I)11!'\l 9! 21" 100. 0`,-1.01,1, 001/0110 (.2 12" 11'1 -.11\;111,N' (PLR I,(T): 1'100['()01',1) STM;1— NO "1'130 1. AI,I. klE.WIlfl',1) PLANT \IAT RLAI.. `>1I.)\1,L 111; `1`o Till,: 0`1,ANI);I\I1D0 14,m 11_,01 IDA #1 011 111,:"1"L`1'.2, ,As 01\ 130 1N '(211` 01',0 AND ST.A\ I ).A2I) 1;00 \ l' i�`;1:11 I'L,AN`'``, �" ST_A`0 01' 1101111)0, 1)l,a'"I". 011 .\(,;111C1 1-.."TL,01: 02 1001.1, J "1`111',21',TO. INNI(iA'1`1:1). .111-. PLANT 01A'211:111;\1. TO 111: 01',0T, \\ i1,1), .\\ 1) 1)101\';\01. r1\ T2F,F, 00'\CINE IS 13:\.;1';[) 00 1)1211(10 1&:OUINI3o11;NTS 001) `1`10: T[a:130 S110\\ 0 00 TI10013 I'L000 01"1`l'.AII'`I" 0) rAccoi\i1'I,l01 I '11101' 00001NG 1\ 1 I11.I3, A1A1V'[ \1N10G I�f 112 111�,(1L.;I111'11) 00 1 0,,,\C10 1;0001 0"111.1"1,1110 /-\N1) O`hI 101 0\1)! 00RO00]) 0`1'21)CTl.''0120. \I0171313 I�I1 1 1) \1).11_:STE1) T0 :0\7011) CO\1FJ 0 I`S W1"111 ,11,1, 1.'\1)H10I1OI:N[) 01"111 0 1 1f11 S. IN ,l\\Y T1I1 "I"11',1 0 S11r\1.1. 1>I': 211:1.1) 1.0C".\ 2T:1) 10 7\CC01 1);AN(`1'; 01%1"1'11 "1"1113 01,.10"1'lN(i 1)1;"1 '\1[.0 S[ 100 0 [ 11 0l�:0 \Ul>I"i IC)N:1I1.1 `1'111 1 0 \[11' `I`0 10 101H`.A1TI;l1) \V` r11 10' 01',0.'011,A`1000 1'2001 000 \V'A"1`1;,2 ON SI0V'1-311 01110 ANI)/UN I IYONAN"2S, 101) LIFT STATIONS. 11' A 10' 51;0,-\k'\"1`100 0 \N \O"1` 111.: l�I�;�'\(� 111 1) "1`1 11/, `1`01?1T: C��AN 111? 10 --,;TA 01.1' 1) \\'1010 A 200"l I)L\111��112 0 01`13:AI. 21:1 1;,2 TO TII0 "000"1 11.001111.:0" 1)1 1 x011. 1'O2 100 1`.01 1.i0"l`I00 111',(�1_,1k13011',N I S. LOT 33 BLOCK D a C~ 1 1 1 1 _T4I j46r 40 41 _42 3 i I Il 2 25 21' CANDLE1ERki SIPEFl 37 11H s1.)byEY K 10 2 l / so Q z X24 0 I_OCAT/0NJ MAP NOT 10 SCALE (-,200 Ary}Oe'cturl' I7O(i / u h�tcn:,:-1i/0 2(1 HU)rK L,J LW (Y_ 0_ LJ i..rr Lid 0 C� 0 1 Brothers CC r DRAWN BY: JWW CHECKED BY: JWW DATE: REVISIONS: 3.22.2013 DRAWING :KALI: 99 10 20 ROJECT NUNBIR __ o t 33 SH _ET: LP --1 09 CONDENSING UNIT SCHEDULE SELECTION BASED ON: CARRIER COMPRESSOR DATA FAN MOTOR EFFICIENCY ELECTRICAL DATA ...........____ NOM VOLTS WT. DESIGNATION TONS MODEL NUMBER RLA. LRA. H.P. AMPS SEER COP PHASE MCA MOCP (LBS) CU -1 & 2 3.0 CA13NA036 14.1 77.0 1/4 1,4 14.5 N/A 230/10 19.0 30 122 23 1/8 X 23 1/8 X 35 1/4 DIMENSION HXWXL K\ - FLEX DUCT LOCATION SHOWN IN PLAN IS SCHEMATIC AND TO BE ADJUSTED AT JOB SITE TO ACCOMMODATE FIELD CONDITIONS. DUCT WORK DESIGNED AS PER ACCA MANUAL D. NOTES: SELECTION BASED ON: CARRIER AIR HANDLING UNIT SCHEDULE FAN DATA NOM DESIGNATION TONS MODEL NO. CFM CFM EXT. S.P. HEATER SUPPLY 0.A. N. W.G. AHU-1 & 2 3.0 FX4DNF037 10KWBRKR 1200 AC 1/ 1 : FAN MOTOR CAPACITIES (MBH) STRIP HEATER COOLING H.R. AMPS TOTAL SENS. .4 1/2 4.1 34.4 26.4 PLENUM: 19"X"12 S/A SUCTION LINE: 7/8" COPPER W/3/4" CLOSED CELL INSULATION LIQUID LINE: 3/8" COPPER CONDENSATE: 3/4" PVC SCHEDULE, 40 I. POWER ANI) CONTROL WIRING BY E.C. 2. EXHAUST FANS SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED BY E.A. 3. ROUTE CONDENSATE DRAIN LINE TO PERVIOUS AREA. 4. ALL. REGISTERS MIN. 8" OFF WALL. 5. ALL CONDENSATE LINES TERMINATE MIN. 12" OFF WALL. 6. ALL CONDENSERS UNIT MIN. 12" CLEARANCE OFF EXT. WALL ANI) BETWEEN EACH OTI LER. 7. ALL HORIZONTAL PRIMARY CONDENSATE DRAINS TO BE INSULATED WITH 1/2" 'HUCK ARMA FLEX 8. ALL CONDENSING UNITS TO BE MIN 5 FEET FROM PROPERTY LINE 9. THERMOSTATS TO BE DIGITAL PROGRAMMABLE. EF -I 8;0---1W 100 CI'M 7:7 MAS - 3 COV BA CO\ -ER DR00 v 10X10-1 \V -4-- 200 (.717\1 ---TO 24X12 RA BEDROO 7"( 10X10-1 V 125 ('FM v AC 1/ 2 : ELECTRICAL DATA HEATING VOLTS HTR WT. LAT. TOTAL K.W. STEPS PHASE AMPS MCA MOCP (LBS) 8.0 32.7 9.6 1 230/10 40.0 58.0 60 157 53 1/2 X 21 1/8 X 22 DIMENSION H X W X L PLENUM: 19"X"12 SA. SUCTION LINE: 3/4" COPPER W/3/4" CLOSED CELL INSULATION LIQUID LINE: 3/8" COPPER CONDENSATE: 3/4" PVC SCHEDULE 40 EF 1 I3ROAN 11688 50 CFM W/4"0 V.T.O. -5"O '0 11 10X10 RA . V\ 4 6X6-1 \V 25 C I' N1 A.,,. wic 100- 6X6 -1W 25 (:1. 10X10 RA 10X 10-1 W 125 CFM BEDROO 6 X6 -IW 10 CF. V "0 W. . C IL.0W Y \ TO •SX8-1W 75 CFM FO OP 6"0- 11 HJ [3O\ oo v 10X10 -IW 125 CFO 4 -- ION 10-1\V-4-- 125 CTN1 C\ l I ON: NILFAI, S FAND 1-]] 11 l(t./UNI" *4* 4** B A TH BEDROOV 3X6 -1\V 50 CF, 10X10 -1W 175 MI --8"0 T A111_111 it 4X1-1 RA )X8-4\' 14X14 125 CIA! RA 24X18 RG pr 12 RA I2X 1 ) RA 2ND FLOOR HVAC R 63(6-1 \V 15 (TM w. L. ----IN.- 4 '' II IN, AM] \./ PROVIDE 4 " M 1 UMCLE ON ALL SIDES OF AHU CLOSET INT DIM TO 13E 12" WIDER THAN AHU AS PER M1305.1.1 CEILING STRUCTURE REF. LINES AHU 11 SUPPLY AIR DUCT WATER SENSOR SWITCH ATTACHED TO SECONDARY DRAIN OF AHU. SENSOR SWITCH IS WIRED INTO SYSTEM CIRCUIT TO SHUT SYSTEM OFF IF ALERTED BY SENSOR, THAT WATER LEVELS ARE HIGH. COND. LINE TRAP RETURN AIR ALUMINUM METAL STAND T- SWITCH WATER SENSOR DETAIL Dennis Duff Digitally signeci by Dennis Duff DN: cm:Dennis Duff, o-Engineereci Air [LC, ou=Lcense (_AC045860, email,-Dennkdjengineeredairll ccom, cUS Date:2013.03.20 14:52:53 -0400" THE DESIGN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS _ ..... _ INDICATED OR REPRESENTED BY THIS DRAWING ARE OWNED BY, AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF ENGINEERED AIR, LLC. AND WERE CREATED, EVOLVED AND DEVELOPED FOR USE ON, AND IN iCONNECTION WITH THE SPECIFIED PROJECT. NONE' OF SUCH IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, OR PLANS SHALL BE USED BY OR DISCLOSED TO ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ENGINEERED AIR LLC. DRAWING IS DIAGRAMMATIC AND ACTUAL LAYOUT CAN CHANGE DUE TO FIELD CONDITIONS. PLAN HISTORY AN SrARTH) 1/1 20.13 0 1,1,1,1,1, 11111.11J 1111 11111. .1„161,11, DRAWING INFO CONTRACTOR INFO: 2520 N. ANDRE it'S VENUE POMPANO BE,101, FLORIDA 33064 PHONE: (954)974-7277 FAX: (954) 973-1883 STATE OF FEE RICA LICENSE # CACC45E TOLL BROTHERS BOLANO MODEL DRAWING S(ALE: 1/4"--1'-0" 1.01 NUIVIBER: 331) DR,NNING COMP] L FED V: JOSE V. DRAINING CI1ECKED 11X: CHRIS W. DRAWING NUMBER: 209101 PAGE DESIGN.TION: Al 2 oF 2 SELECTION BASED ON: DESIGNATION CU -1 & 2 6 / CONDENSING UNIT SCHEDULE CARRIER COMPRESSOR DATA FAN MOTOR EFFICIENCY ELECTRICAL DATA NOM TONS MODEL NUMBER ----.--- 3.0 CA13NA036 VOLTS RLA. LRA. H.P. AMPS SEER COP PHASE MCA 14.1 77.0 1/4 1.4 14.5 N/A 230/10 FLEX DUCT LOCATION SHOWN IN PLAN IS SCHEMATIC AND TO BE ADJUSTED AT JOB SITE TO ACCOMMODATE FIELD CONDITIONS. DUCT WORK DESIGNED AS PER ACCA MANUAL D. WT. MOCP (LBS) DIMENSION H X W X L 19.0 30 122 23 1/8 X 23 1/8 X 35 1/4 I E3 NOTES: SELECTION BASED ON: CARRIER NOM DESIGNATION TONS MODEL NO. AHU-1 & 2 3.0 FX4DNF037 AC If 1 : HEATER 10KWBRKR AIR HANDLING UNIT SCHEDULE FAN DATA FAN MOTOR CAPACITIES (MBH) CFM CFM EXT. S.P. STRIP HEATER ELECTRICAL DATA COOLING HEATING SUPPLY 0.A. IN. W.G. H.P. AMPS TOTAL SENS. LAT. TOTAL VOLTS HTR K.W. STEPS PHASE AMPS MCA MOCP 1200 .4 1/2 4.1 34.4 26.4 8.0 32.7 PLENUM: 19"X"I2 S/A SUCTION LINE: 7/8" COPPER W/3/4" CLOSED CELL INSULATION LIQUID LINE: 3/8" COPPER CONDENSATE: 3/4" PVC SCHEDULE 40 I. POWER AND CONTROL WIRING BY E.C. 2. EXHAUST FANS SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED BY E.A. 3. ROUTE CONDENSATE DRAIN LINE TO PERVIOUS AREA. 4. ALL REGISTERS MIN. 8" OFF WALL. 5. ALL CONDENSATE LINES TERMINATE,' MIN. 12" OFF WALL. 6. ALL CONDENSERS UNIT MIN. 12" CLEARANCE OFF EXT. WALL ANDI3ETWEEN EACH OTHER. 7. ALL HORIZONTAL PRIMARY CONDENSATE DRAINS TO I3E INSULATED WITH 1/2" THICK ARMA FLEX 8. ALL CONDENSING UNITS TO 13E MIN 5 FEET FROM PROPERTY LINE 9. TIIERMOSTATS TO 13E DIGITAL PROGRAMMABLE,'.. RANGE VENT 80 .24 IWX10-IW I 75 CFM GOLRME KI IC HN - AK- AST ARIA • COVER'D LANAI - 10X10 -1W 200 CFM DRYER W/4"O V.T.O. 8"0 I 1, FIT „. AIJNDRY J 6X6 -1W 50 ChM 1 COND. LINE AC 1 TERMINATE MIN. 12" 010 WALL A/11 ON STAND 13Y G.C. ----'1-10T R A UN 10 -4"0 1 IU LJJ -20X 12 RA ',0 AC#2: 9.6 230/10 40.0 58.0 60 PLENUM: 19"X"12 S/A SUCTION LINE: 3/4" COPPER W/3/4" CLOSED CELL INSULATION LIQUID LINE: 3/8" COPPER CONDENSATE: 3/4" PVC SCHEDULE 40 --4"0 --14"0 1:60 6X6 -1W 25 CFM OX10-1W 150 CFM 24418 DI\I\G R 0 0 V P EF 1 GROAN #688 50 CFM W/4"0 , ONII I CAR ICARAG ,OVIRED EN 1 RY 6X6-1 \V 25 (TM WD -12"C =0Y ri -4"0 10X10 -4W 125 CFM ROOM 12X12 RA ?-1 25 CFM -70 10XI 0-4W 125 (TM 70 2X1) RA Ci1PG REF. LINE 4 1 [11 ' 1111 3A L/Imi 6X6 -IW 50 (T:A CU 41'7 MIN. 12" CU ll 28"x74"x4" PAD AT MIN. I -I..001) LEN [1. ITEV. 10X10 -1W 125 CI- M COND.&R IT. 1.1NF.S "(1 UDY 1 1 1 Lij 1ST FLOOR HVAC 'LIN! WT. (LBS) 157 53 1/2 X 21 1/8 X 22 DIMENSION HXWXL WO ----CAR GARAG J.* • CEILING STRUCTURE Digitally signed by Dennis Duff DN: cnr-Dennis Duff, a -Engineered Air LLC, ou=License CAC045860, Dennis Duff emaiI=Dennisd@engineeredairllc.c am, c=US Date: 2013.03.20 14:52:33 -0400' 1'\IIN. A1 -IU PROVIDE 4" MIN UM CLEARACE, ON ALL SIDES OF AHU CLOSET INT DIM TO BE 12" WIDER THAN AHU AS PER M1305,L1 1 DUCT R/A REF. LL INNEES>,,, COND. AHU - STAND BY G.C. AHU#1 T- SWITCH WATER SENSOR DETAIL WATER SENSOR SWITCH ATTACHED TO SECONDARY DRAIN OF AHU OUTLET WIRED INTO FAN CONTROL CIRCUIT TO SHUT OFF UNIT WHEN WATER REACH TO SWITCH. fC/U TIE DOWN TO\ COMPLY WITH FBCM(2010) 301.12, APPROVED 13,1I' TIE DOWN CLIPS ONE CLIP PER SIDE 2-1/4" SCREWS TO UNIT 2-1;4" TAPCONS TO SLAB BMP CLIP 2X4 GALV. CLIPS FLA PRODUCT APP.# FL14239 CU MOUNTING DETAIL MIN. 4" SLAB PAD AT MIN 1LOOD LEVEL 11LENATioN THE DESIGN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS INDICATED OR REPRESENTED BY THIS DRAWING ARE OWNED BY, AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF ENGINEERED AIR, LLC. AND WERE CREATED, EVOLVED AND DEVELOPED FOR USE ON, AND IN ,CONNECTION WITH THE SPECIFIED PROJECT. NONE OF SUCH IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, OR PLANS SHALL BE USED BY OR DISCLOSED TO ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ENGINEERED AIR LLC. DRAWING IS DIAGRAMMATIC AND ACTUAL LAYOUT CAN CHANGE DUE TO FIELD CONDITIONS. „,/ PLAN HISTORY PLAN SIAM ED 032013 CONTRACTOR INFO: 2520 .N. ANDREWS AVENUE POMPANO BEAM FLORIDA 33064 PHONE: (954) 974-7277 FAX: (954) 973-1883 STATE CIF FLORIDA LICENSE # [A[[1480 TOLL BROTHERS BOLANO MODEL DRAW INC; SCALE: LOT NUMBER: 1/4"1=1'-0" 331) DRAWING CO:1111X! ED 13Y: JOSE V. DRAWING CHECKED RY: CHRIS W. DRAWING NUMBER: 209101 PAGE DESIGNA11( N: M 1 W' 2 la= =0 „ .:ri,:,..: (0 c() T--• c1( Lo I n NI ro cl ols REVISIONS Model: Bolano LOT 33D ce527' SECOND FLOOR PRO11.-( 1 NO: 2500000 DATE: AI PRAVv N Y: A.I_ D FtY: SCALE: -I(' o" .3/19/2013 11:41 AM Cr) r ecntanad P7O1 1 FES“S-R flc 1 praL," tnnal ,.-„,..pach:acal tank at :.ahsr ns,aRr con,pk,: "aath; TABLEP2903.2 MAXIMUM FLOW HATES AND CONSUMPTION FOR PLUMBING FIXTURES/A-NO-FIXTURE FITTINGS' AND APPLIANCES PLUMBING FIXTURE PLUMBING fIXTURE OR FIXTURE FTTfNC3 OR FIXTURE FITTING La'vatory fatic.et 1-2 (-)i)p•-,1 3'Jue 1d 2,2 I. gj)m S0psi S Dis 10\ ash,: lLSftICIIin For SI: \M:hdlinu NT:A:Hine .48 3 ,.]:111,q1....1)(?1- per slainv,nak.a" \\"„itur id,,;or or serlk)v,cr (1-:netgy Stor:Vviter ILL); gallon per allnutc = 3.7S5 pound.prko,ktorc. Inch 6.S9'5 kl"?, A Ilaidlic'A S]ower .tipry aNr..3 showc1; hcad b. Consca 0hhn tie,J1;111he de•ae.riralu%.1 flow efrencefcl e.\Vater o Pereyele per cul0kaidy,a, 4" - jl c2"VTR LAV WC '3° \ 3 2`\, Tu 3' ID SEWER 34DFU 2° LJE AAV LAV 3' 2'VTR WC 2'VTR ' LAV Lf• LAV 2'VTR SHR 2° LAV < L AV MV 2" 2' AA.:ya,,71 LAV AAV '11 KS 2: ,P pP P 1:: t;UN'no:. I I V -V) )1,:\ 0!.<. 0 REVISIONS (1) (2) (3) (1) 0 N.- 0 Nt 0-) '--- c'D o LL 0 co (1) (y) 0 00 >— o co co Model: Bolan() LOT 33D FIRST FLOOR PROJECT NO:2500000 1)ATI-.:01 0 1)RA \VN A.L. (liki) 033 Al. SCALA:: - .3/19/2013 11:11 AM F.-- 0 LIJ (.0 0 [If u_ LU 0 1.1_1 LIJ 0 0 7.7 0 LII 0 IJJ LIJ UJ (-se LLJ 0 2: (f) cn 11.1 0_ LIJ ne!. LLI 0 F-- CY_ LLJ 0 L1J Li_ 0 0 0 LLI 00_ 0 CY: LU Lr_ >-- rn 11.1 0 LJ "2": (1) 11- 0 L.LJ LU (./) LU LU (DC 0 0 ILI LLJ Crf LU 0 LIJ LD cn 0 LIJ 2: 0 L) LLJ 0 0_ 0 11..l L1__ LU U) LU .71.2 .3;; 27_ 0 LLJ 0 11.1 L./ 0 LU (.3 LU 0 LIJ LI.J 0 11.1 (1) LU :r 0 (I) LLI LIJ r: cr 0 2!". LIJ (J) UJ 0 DE: (11 0 0 0 :ref 0 LIJ 0 LU 0 CY: U., CD CY: LU C) B10 I I- [312 [312 L316'\- A201 MASTER BATH 1) A20 GFI B1 0 MASTER BEDROOM 1312 COVERED BALCONY 012 : I N HI() H10 SD ( TV 01.5 j [31 /016 115(3 E316 BEDROOM 2 L316 016 TV] T 012 W.I.0 SD/ 010 BONUS ROOM [314 1313 $5,s A20 o[/6 H10 • 610 MUT \I E-314 A !TIC [311 [31/1 • 2 4 I' [114 4-310 R10 SD; 139 [39 1. ST3S 3 3$3 / 014 ' 014 BATH 2 i15 11/3 E39, 1 , ) BEDROOM 3 f/ 09 TO SWITCH BELOW J OPENTO [-39 : 'MA22 FOYER SWITCH BELOW [BELOW LOT [314 [([4 A220 AI -/U DISCNN. HIM 1 .P2 4- 1114/ - :[3.10 1314 $3.53$3 SECO\D FLOOR ELECTRICAL LAYOUT 11.111141W1M1.9..121.‘eaR M. Metal SCALE: 1/ 4" 11-0" 102AMNOM WM W.I.. TO SWITCH BELOW 3 011 (SD, [3I0 HI I BEDROOM 4 TV HIll 011 (3) W.T.0 LECTRICA SYMBOL ) LEG D Dr-scRirioN DUPLkX RE:(:).EPTACI. F, 15 AMP,, 120y., (M.H. = 12" Att.), TAMPER RESISTANLE SINGLE RECEPTAC LE, 20 AMP., 120V., COORDINATE M. [-1. WI rH EQUIPMEN GROUND FAULT NTERRUPT 01,016X PE:CEP-LAC! E., 15 AMPS,/ 1205/ GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER DUPLEX RECEPTACLE, 15 AMPS., 120V WEATHERPROOF DUPi EX RECEPTACLE, 15 AMP., 125V., [op HAI 6 swyrcHLD, 12" AEI', UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED L20 V. SPLIT WIRE DUPLEX RECEPTACI E (6005 FOR DISHWASHER AND HAI [OR GARBAGE DISPOSAL) FLOOR MOUNTED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE., [5 AMP., 1.20V. FLOOR MOUNTED DUPLE/ 66669106/ 6, 15 AMP,, 121(2/ SPECIAL PURPOSE: OUTTEr 220 V.. COMBINATION TV/PHONE OUTLEI TV SATELLITE 9YSTIrs()1 JUNCTION BOX, MOUNT [30 05 SHOWN ELECTRICAL PANEL, SEE PANEL SCHEDULE SHEET(S) FOR DETAILS EXHAUST FAN DISCONNECT SWITCH MCI [06 STARTER SINGLE (TWO POLE) SWITCH 120V., 15 AMP. /M.H,=1.l"AI:I:) SINGLE (THREE POLE) SWITCH 120V., 150146., (11.1-1.-,--14" 06E), 3 -WAY SINGLE (FOUR POLE) SWITCH 120V,, [5 AMP), (011.--,1-1" ATE), 4 -WAY 611514 BUTTON FUR 006006 DOOR 0511111E12 RECESSED CAN FIXTURE 1C:1 vp RECESSED CAN FIXTURE- VAI -OR PROTECT 0 DIRFC I IONAI. DOWN 6161HT El/TURF - 10 BE SEL LIU ED BY OWNER E SA -11 WP KP KEY PAD CEN I RAL VAC si) SPEAKER M MOTION DE IECTOR LIGHTING FIXTURE, SUSPENDED MOUNTED RECESSED INCANDESCENT IGHT FIXTURE: LIGHTING FIXTURE, WAI 6 NOUN IE[) DOUBLE FLOOD LIGHT SURFAUE MOIINTED BAR 166 1 FIXTURE WALL MOUNTH) AT 86" A.F.E. 5(919 LIG[--I1 2' X1' (266055) FLUORESCENT 101-f6 Fix -1(R: DOOR BEM CHIME, VERIFY MOUNTED HEIGHT IN [1131/) 'THERMOSTAT SMOKE DE ELI OR COMBINE SMOKE/CARBON 510190/105 DETECTOR SAT 601.1TE PHONE LACK - PRE:ANNIE:1 0910 WA [FERPROOF GROUND CAM CAMERA f-il f f .1 I (:[' H I. ollPtIE',',°,11111111 f !,ECT 0/1,/,IE ' Sang -Yu() 1.(:(; Florida 'Ju. 72:12(1 I I L. (23 Cf:) re, 0 12 $.04 *eau *owl Om a 1 DRAWN BY J.HERNANDEZ CHECKED BY SCALE. 22 X 34 = SCALE AS NOTED 11X17 1/2 NOTED SCALE SHEET DATE 03-15-13 SHEET REVISION INFO 951 4686.1.`-;-05-13-13 SL SET REVISION INFO SHEET DESCRI RI ION 2ND FLOOR ELECTRICAL LAYOUT PROJECT NAME PARKLAND GOLF & CC -MONOGRAM BROWARD COUNTY LOT/BLOCK 331) T01 NUMBER 9033 MODEL. KLAN() ELEVATION NAME MEDITERANEA\ SHEET NUMBER E3 I I r SERIAL. NUMBER 1010)0 (fl CD (J') (-V r,11: cL CZ. CD cL () e_ C.) < - CD - ,n 27-- V) iYa-fj j 0 UJ cn cf..' 0 a_ cC o UJ LL. -7 0 1 -- LU of_ .▪ 71 • LLJ LL- J fn UJ -* UJ o 0 a: 2- liJ CZ LI) LLJ 2 0>0 LIJ UJ 0 UJ 0 - a: < UJ CK LLJ (,) (f) UJ CZ 0 1.1J <• T".. - a: LU (.1) 0 cy: (...„) 0 (Y: UJ C -J_ •=1-- CY 0 ▪ CC: F_ 0 11-1 Cf) I— a (f) u•-) 7D L , :fl <0 0 (f)n C) cn -;,-, c_..) __.) cn (5 ce In 2.:>--.0 .., --. ---. .)- en 0 1.-- Lu a: U u'I'...; Lu (f) 02:. 1— ▪ Lid I-- < > cif 0 co cx: "I- .,, n. < LLJ rm \__, 1_ (1); .I>(3WI 2: 2: L a LU c.727.: u) ____J< LLJ (-/II) < (.r) fy IJJ a: -7- ILI - - - 0 U._1 LI9 CK -,7?-f: 0 0 1-I--4 O U.J = 1 0 I— u < ID 0 irILI UJ i-- 0 u.... (r) z: 0 UJ I'II;II 32 CD co Ili E- of 2:: () 2:7 -:1'.•,. C) Lc) cL. -., 0(._.) r--Ic,...5 r --- LLJ II -I-' .-!--i (1-3 1.Y- II -J _ 27 .c.. 1.1_1 0 '—' ›- UJ a.: >- 07) 011 WP 323 A9 (4- (2. A 4 ('!") 424 313 CFI All 31,3 (1) pA1J 714 D14OVF N /704\ COOKTOP,„ • GOURMET KITCHEN( 0 /09 324 J BREAKFAST\ AREA \, / 32'9 53 0 433 „ 424 (II I 424 OVERED LANAI 42A, 423 (±)_:. 321 0 314 E - 3.74 LAUNDRY \Nil 446,8 416 )06 GII Pi 6 A31 421 PANTRY 442 GI I / BAR A V AllU #1 I)SCNIN 113(.111 -I -IN GARAGE )A16 011 ONE CAR tfi- \ , \, IktuaL, WIRING PANF1 A1/ 324_ --- HALL 0424 \ 7 - o,:, Aj0. / .,t) 318 6 4.52 2 CA 1 \ CI-\-)\ 22 Ic4 PWD 7\17 332 335 GREAT ROOv [Tv [cm m El ('—'"`) - /*-' , /r- / / . / / 'I:C) 321 . , ,/ STdEAGE (J) 322 DINING ROOM _ ... J310 324 ,/ A228 321 1111,121C/11 CUN 12AG ION SHAM. VI -NH W110 GDNIRACTOR Al L 05,7 602 1111- 3/11 1101 6H311 vi -R] 3 1.-XACT 021:46M 'HI AND WIRE 51/2 PRIOR TO 6 42 01 ANT) 1906) 91 Ili ANY DISCREPANCY 325 421 2 ) 41/ ro SWITCH ABOVE 12 AP -3 A26 ('\A25 ‘, BATH 4 ...... NII\43 32 NEMA 32,1 NE ,) A7C0rnmp FIRST FLOOR ELECTRICAL LAYOUT SCALE: 1./4"= 1-0" 00,8 328 UR MN1D. RECEPTACLE I OR GARAGE MON OPE MLR COVERED ENTRY (5) / // FOYER FO LIGHT V- 2- ABOVE 325 g30 -325 CI)325 , A30 430 -1-310 / /A30 430 4FT- - - ---- - 425 / / STU DY31" TV' A25 4207) 325 321(12 (44 TWO -CAR GARAGE 26 010. MN1D. m,GEHAuL 1-7 ' CARAGT: 0006 \ UOFNPR A30\[ Ya" EMP1Y CONDUIT T I IIi:121CAL 111..CIRICAL 2 GANG '4" 806 V\i/ PANI I "13" PANT! "A" BLANK PLAIT: IN ()ARA[;[ q) 0I-1/WP 421 MI) MA MI..11 k ELECTRICAL LEGEND 5101301. DESCRTP NON 1111'; ) I )WP CFI 1 D07166 RECFPFACTE, 15 AMP., 12nV., (M 12" ir\ T.r.), TAMPER RESISFA')(i. SING] E RECEPTACLE, 21) AMP,, 120V., COORDINATE 0.0, WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER DUPLEX RECEPTACLE, IL) AMPS., 120V GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER DUPLEX 25252 [42LE, .15 AMPS,/ 120\/ WEATHERPROOF DUr'i..b\ 3021, .1 25V., TOP HALF SWITCHED, 12 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE[) 120 V. SPLIT WIRE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE (HALF FOR DISHWASHER AND HAI I' FOR GARBAGE F10 OR MOUNTED DUPIFX RECEPTACIE, .15 AMP., 12U\/. F1002 MOUNTED DUPLEX RECEPTAL.F, 15 AMP., 120V. SPECIAL PURPOSE 6)11161:4 220 V.. comBINA [ION TV/PHONE OUR E TV SATELLITE. 06SFEM JUNCTION 130X, MOUNTING AS SHOWN EI TRIC/\ PANEL SEE RANH SCHEDULE SHEITI) 0541s EXHAUST FAN DISCONNECT SWITC MOTOR STARTER SINGLE (TWO POLF) SWITCH 1.20V , 15 AMP, (1\1.H.-----14"AFF) SINGLE ( I HREE POLE) sW1 [CH 120V., 15 AMP,, (M.11,=-1,1" AFT), 3 -WAY SINGLE (FOUR POLE) SWITCH 120V., 153217., (11.0.-,--H" AFF), 4 -WAY PUSH BUTTON FOR GARAGE DOOR OPENER KI,") RELESSED CAN FIX 101vp RECESSED CAN FIXTURE • VAPOR Pf<OI ELT -0 DI Fs' FICTIONAL DOWN LIGHT FIXTURE 70 BE 251.62 FED 83 OWNER 110021120 FIXTURE, SUSPENDED MOUNTED R8(.1ESSE0 IH..:Al.,DES(..EN I- I )-- 11611 I ING FIXTURE, WM I MOUNTED 000105 FLOOD LIGHT poDoR ISA T 202646.5- MOUNTED 8/16 LIGHT HxTuRE WAIL 001.1011:_fl AT ITGETT, 2' X 4' (2 T)3BES) FLUORESCENT LiGHT. FIXTURE DOOR I3E11. CHIME, VERITY 0111\11ED HEIGIHT IN FIELD THERMOSTAT SMOKE. 05452402 COMBINE SMOKE/CARBON MONOXIDE 051E2106 SAIELLITE P110195 :1102 _ 021 WP WAIERPROOF 020101) K7 1(EI1' PAD ,(y • CENTRAL VAC d..) S PEA I MD 1 MO HON DE1 LCIFOR 1 CAM CAMERA 11,4,1 'F l!t!!! !!,! !!!! idll! Fl 1'11FFT AF,FF11 I',FTE!!F !!' 11 F !F! F!!!! w,1 3 Sang;Yuh I. P Florid,, )lo 72328 1 1 1 (.77, 1-14 L.La _ 4:., r I :.„ 1 .1 62 "!"' 62 12 DRAWN BY j.HERNANDEZ CHECKED BY SCA" 22 x 34 -= SCALE AS NOTED 11)(17 = 1/2 NOTED SCALE SHEET DATE 03-15-1.3 SHEET REVISION INFO I. RFT 468615-05-13-13 51 SET REVISION INFO SHEET DESCRIPTION 1ST FLOOR ELECTRICAL LAYOUT PROJECT NAME PARKLAND GOLF & CC-MONOGRAV BROWARD COUNTY LOT/BLOCK 33D 1131 NUMBER 9033 MODEL BOLANO ELEVATION NAME MEDITERRANEAN SHEET NUMBER E2 _I SERIAL NUMBER 1010,0 LLJ .J 0 LLJ LU cY' L.I_J LU C A L.. N 0...i_F: II_ F N I IRE: 100 [All A HON SHALL HE. 111 ACCORDANCE_ W0H HP NATIONAL El LC TRICAI. 000E (NEC) N111 -"A-- /0 2000 ANI) HI I 0 0 `I 1 EDI DONS 00 ALI LOCAL. CODES, Rl1E LH AND ORDINANCE:.S I IAVINO 1110111E11,1100. /91 EQUIPMENT, UI:_VICE.S ANE) 10_.F_(; 11-'3001. I_:QUIi-'MI-.-.N 1 MUS i HI- /WENT/VT I) HI 1101110WRIIP00 LA13000100Y (0.I.), 00 ANY NA1IONAI RP:101;0I/I I) 11 0II110 AI -11000 O1 iip 'I I1:. 01 0il 1'IO 01I(, `,' f.v1 �,' IJ1( Curl`::i iP(1C KION 101: ) ON I RAC (00 IS 1 /EEC 110 0 f Ui (vl >) I AND Ii`1`., i AI) /\I I- 1II MS 100 A COMP1.E.1E: EI_.E011ICAl L'`>TF_M ANO 00OVIi)E_ AI I 01001101 0f 11 IS NE 1105 ARY 100 E::QUILMF N T TO RE ELA01110 I0 000E1I:::R WORKING 003 )I A AL I_ 00001101000 SHALL 00 1;0001 I1 iLPL HAWN LOCI -1' I A,.a 01111 0(1101 i00 H MINIMUM WIOL `0I/1.. SHALL. HE #i4 A.W.G. UNI.!-` 0 OIi1TIM1`.,I_ N1)1LD. LOAD 13 N !ERS ANI) PANEL.10()ARD`, 77. CURRL N 1 C,ARRIPING BUSE 0! 101 RE 1 01 1'E.R. 000001) HUS HAP`.' '1 IAI 1 01 0000ER. k•. Al L mcurr BREAKERS INSTAI E_I I) IN PANE: I-I-IOARUO S11011 EHE 1101 I 00 Al 1 OIRCUIL 0REAKI 0: 100101 TED IN LOAD (:E 01 E.RS `.01 101 1 Iii.- 1'1 111 IN. 0. AL1. CIRC;UI I HRL.AKLHS 10-1-011100 MP:0000)CAI EQUIPMI 01 1:11/0 E 01 i IANR i YIP 0100011 BREAKERS. (.uN IRAC;T0k SHAI I 000RDINA IL WW1 i i 001RICAL, 10.1 LPI IONi AND (..AHI I ' 1 (,-1q/' l J\1 l\,' 011 E0E_ 01- 1, n• DVE, 1,!\,1111 l N 1IAN(,,) 1 (�r.A 11( Ohl N'I', /\^I�{ � � Iv �+ 1\, ..:)_I'J i r, Irl_, ... ,'I•..,- � /` �. I 011100 0E06O'f:if/LEN T. ))<0\J[[)E DISCONNECT' SW11101110 If(110 A/0 3- 00111M1LNI AND PUMPS EI 0 M01(IJI'A0[0010'5 RECOMMENDATIONS. /. i'IIOVIDI) GROUND FAUL1 (1100011 IN11001.1E11.R PHO 010100 (011) AN 11.10 011 L.0 :;'10 0(0). EHIS `;HALE INC1 UI)L_ 00111R)OMS, GARAGES, 011111000 01 1,E1D 1 ACI.ES, K1 1 CHENS AND Al WEi HAR SINK ARE, 00 A0011110111 E. AI I !,)WEL LING UNI T EAMI1 Y ROOMS, LIVING 000M1O, ELAOI_000, 0H00101.1), .`:,, 1)I IIS, 01 0R00MS, SUNR0OMS, RECREATION EINOMS, CL05I1 P11, 11011 WAO" 1, (JR `.,IMI! 011 r_r 0 000M5 00 AREAS SI-IAI_E- 01 0001E1:1T0 WITH AN ARC 1-0111.1 COMH)NAI0,0.3 lt_ 1'r1'E.I IN ILR01JPTLI1 PER NEC 210.12(0) LU .-1 in '� I1 (E.)R0MASSAGE_ BA HI [LJHS Si -HALL HE 1010101 1 E1,) AS I'E.R NL(. 0(1)1 U) o. A0L,I' SSIE3ILI l Y HE-IALI- 01-. I—IV/VOID 00) PER NEC 0(31) / 2 1,. AIL ME. 1.01 PIPE SYSTI M, ME1AI PAR 1S 00 1I E.0ERIC-A1_ 1. 01110011 NI, AND u) 170 00100' ,''_ O 11 111 'r"+ 10 fH lD'LHf1E10, 1° ICE NEI 01 I`1 Of. 00011)1 1) EO0L 0E0 IE0 10!00 0 0,1)111011 000.3300 Ji 1M1'i I<, IN' -111 A 11 0, 111 COVERLD 00 BARE:-, NO :;MAI 11 R TI-IAi'J # 8 50110 AS 0(1< 010 (181) /4 no 0 LLJ rx 1-4 (_7 7 0 f2_ >- 0 LJ 1 (..J) Ca v) 1!J Ul LL.I ..J < 0 Ur-) c] L1.1 (j) J < n_ LY_ 11.1 0 > (.) u.J 0 11_ 0 LU F -1 Ll_ (.3 LU L -L 0 L: LLJ ( w >- c' L1 - c 0 L1J C) m 5.7 LU (, _J LJ_ .J 0 0 Ll_ < (_) 1— 0 10 1ICH iS LOCAiE_D ABOVE SHOWER 00 HA WI i1)0 00IAI0 131- 0111101311 'r0I0 WI 1 11.100 HON (SHOW! -_R iRIM). 011 1<1301-3' I ACLLS 10 IAL!_ 1131' I AMPI 11 I<0SI5 i ANC I. SWI ICHAND 0001 !-' I ACLE L OCA TION`.':, MAO VARY 01 10) 1 11'1 D111, 1(1 F i1AMII'H AND MASONRY F )EE).D CONDITIONS. General Lighting & Receptacle Load Total A/C Square Feet General Lts & Rec 3W./SQ. ET i-il-1: ats 20 at 65 VV/Lights at 100`Yu Total General L_ils. & Rec (Watts) General Lts & Rec Panel A General Lts & Rec Panel H 7 /A\ I- J Ckts 4084 12252 1300 13552 WattsiCkt Total Watts 9 847 7623 7 847 5929 IN 101. 10005>10RM)' 0 100 KVA f1a (100 KVA) -= 41 7 A Cc)) 240V01 : I EI 1 10110 417/Z(1.6) 42,//9A IT IS: NUN'1il3 0 03 CION1_)UCT000 PER PHASE: CONHUC; 00 LENGTH '1_': CONDUCTOR (3 VALUE: M 'r El 1 I i 1 -1- 1.902 x40 -x 12,_1/9 /,49,3 x 240 #1 -(0' 7,49,5 1).:344 0 -)r.', Iii 1 1" x 1,1 1.101 220, A.1.0. RA 1013 Al 1110 SERVICE - 115f 100, A.I.C. RATED A I E'ANTLS GAEIACF 01.) MINT GARAGE. WAI I PANE) PAN0 I ,11" 150 A. 100 A mv MAIN MAIN ##2 OF 2 ##1 01 2 MAIN MAIN 0000). 1:)IS(;ONN. 100 A M.C.I). 150 A. //::) x ;4' 1/ ) ,':111 NEI MA ._3 R (2) 0 9 0 .31' (1) 120/240 V. 11N000614)i,111D 01-.1..1, 110!0. SERVICE f NOM 1101111I COMPANY 400 A. O 7 011 I001 ;#1 00,1))WN 10 2" CONDUIT (2) FF 11) 11-10I I MAIN )'ANE I "A" ,3#1 (30,1))WN IN 2" 11000011 (/) .1)71 CAI, LEN'Ll I1 ()NOUN!) I INF ._ (0) 1(1 C.W.P. WHEN P11 IAII-TN W01113 i'II'ING 10 II[I) WIRE r'(.; I e I3 k r C> 5 : 1101111,I A PANE.!_ 4)) 1) I,It:)31'00 (i\(:k' 0,1',4-11)0 1E'0, i-LF000:3 -'!I Cu 1t-I1,VN 1 ;r(,1.111131!rl:J(){ 5 / 11 112 1 2O 1a it12 1112 11....._ it I.1 1/1 1 it 14 1011' '0-1-'2 - 012 012 LOA .) CA1 r: SUBJECT. TO )TT1A 1) DEMAND FACTOR 0A1 0UI ATION`-: 1.1(10.) 01-410 liii)O 1"0:)) IrLi1n 21 '110 1'))) 27 hil '>ti 11.21)0 ;31 ;11)11 33 35 10)1)) 37 3O .1O 0000 .1i''IP) 1L,O /\1111 [\li ( r /1) 1.0 11, Wu() _. —1/ 1) ?_-_ _ ir1133. ;I 41,1- T0)00) 1 OAD SUBJECT 40 DF'MANF) 00C1"00 01004 1031)) W A! 10)) (?L.3- '' ,1)1 TOTAL Ai(; LOAD 1 I 1 011/1.. CONNE_C; i 01) 100t) (WA 11 0) Af1,1P3iVi) 1340 Lb/ND CAI..(:;UE.ATiON 13 13AsE;.1) 00 A,(; rd(?N (U JIN(;l1)1 1 i) (1 VVi1c Polo E3kr (30)) IJV): pane! MAIN [3 PANEL: 6/10 `„.T.) (::it blo;)k)Jr 001 TACIT.. 120/210 `\' • 1E0 00)10 1b0 /111''1 0,(: €3 1-1:120) 11 -IRU GARAGE: 1,0011 1 t) ('011 I-3 1 i ('f\ 1011_(:)1 '11 i t ('i'1 ).`.:1i I ( ;:) O1. E-0';ci i1,11r;I) 0113(111 3 00 10 0/3........,_..__- SPA(;E: 11) SPACE SPA00 ) ACE, 5 l , /\(.E 30A00 SPACE (1) I- P0003 C:3 ['ANE) 4(1 <0 Hooker VC )I. FAG-: FEE:DERR. 13 t,1 Cu 11-11/VN 1 :16 (.-LJ 12)) 111 1.>.0 ##4 Cm CONIINUOUS GROUND.. (-LAMP 10 ' FOOTING SIE:Fi W/APPItHVEDI 1310001 [ Wire Pole E3kr Desc111)lion i3URIAI. CLAMP t+(j 2 C>(.) 1 A'(:;',00-1 1-1.`i;tur1)) f0', 0_,f L;;S „) /l:7 (; 1) 1 I 410 414 414 30 1 15 1 1331"11(:110P,1 ,t'3 11111 FI u2 ,7Ft;l 15 )(Al ;''1 'R,\ 1 I1 113 003.1 (.11(©ECT TO 11)E:,MANI.) FAL: E(:)0 DE.MANE) FACTOR CALCULATIONS. 001AL 00AE) SU1:3JEC T TO DEMAND) FACTO FIRST 10000 RE.S 1 \Ai/'01"1"8 Al 110001 0•10 L (301) l OTA!. CONNECTED LOAD (WATTS) AMPS(V) 2.10 LOAD C:: ALCLILA1ION IS B!\ V'J 7\ if - 16 IO 1 ( 7250 '> 0173 OI) 11 C•I00 ':1(11) 1(10 11 ; 1; 10 ) ((I)9 111 (300,:riptl);It 13kr 1'r'If; Ore Sr /i\....1 :1 \C;1:: j S07<00. S Ea AC; 0. SPACE 300:0'. PACK._._._..,......__._ .. PACE. 1'',10)0, 1,,0 1011;1, (\il.(.) 0lr li llt (i 111 ;`.`::IFIi`rSii(ri,'.'.1.)'''0 LLI 1) 2 15)))..) 1(1111)))) 1) 00 ON A;C; NON C;ONINCIDLiN 1 I_(:) 01 Il (,fC.''F;`.; i\i ('.i+r\'i (1,{ i'• i. i,l.t.t,Pd1' E3kr (30 ).))i..: Wire 46 I (10)) 1t''f-1 :71'711 i'.I' i [5 1 /)1.1 ),:11 1-PfiL .1 1: EE(; I I\'ICAL C;ORI RAC 101E `_HALL VEI<II / WI 111 Mf:CH/111''I(•A'I (.EN ll\'AC l (H3/ AI I 19 (,11101 MI HIS 1 (113 li ,),) /L 11N11 '..11011 0REAK1:_0 :0/1. ANI) 00 :51/1- 0000 10 00003 ANT (011111M) 0 f AND 1 1)11111-1D 101:3/.1 0 /010 1)1 I(;i,1 0AN(: i ('I , �Ih I'4 ifrf Cl nS (�f , ,'.I I•I��.i '•II'.f 11 ��., Sa11y Yul! Lr;C I' f Florida Na. 721'8 II 1 178 L.1 3,) T.d DRAWN BY J,HERNANDE/' CHECKED BY SCALE 22 X 34 SCALE AS NC: :11X17 == 1/2 NO LED SC I. r.; SHEET DATE 03-15-13 SHEET REVISION INFO I 011 »6)3011.1 11`.,- L11 REVISION INFO ET DE.-SCRIPIION ELECTRICAL SCHEDULE & NOTES PROJECT NAME 7)A- KLAND GOLF & CC -MONOGRAM BROWARI) COUNTY LOT/BLOCK 33D NUMBER 9033 MODEL BOLAN() ELEVATION NAME MEDITERRANEAN SHEET NUMBER l AL. NUMBER 1010.0 E 0 C_D Lfl • 0 w (.r) 0 0 LU a_ 0 LLJ ▪ 142 >F- UJH 0- D 0 DC <L. •-• LU > ._J uJ 0 > LL UJ 0 Cn 0- L1.1 I - L15 11-1 (-)u-) 0 UJ a_ D > - 1.1.J LU < - CZ ° LU -J - < ce < >-- T..) 1-1 W (-n < 0 cL 0 0 (1) L1J < • 1"7CC LL 0 (.1) LU - >rn w co < - -I 0 0 < 1.13 u__ --, cd.), • k-6 0 0 ... in c.D (NJ Ln cr cca 7-- 0 ce • _J cL _J 00 L.. ) I_L 0 0 CZ uJ a_ (f) LU 0 0 0 0 w 0 (1) 0 0 0 0 (1) 0 LU 0 cy uJ 0 >--00 LLJ 0 LCL.4-1 ›- CCI 0 1.1.1 uJ Li) Lu ci Lu ce 0 0 LU C.) 0 0 CCI LU uJ CO cn (1) 6.7 0 LIJ UJ erf LLJ 0 Ln uJ 0 (1) LL0 LU 0 0 LU LL_A UJ LU LLJ 0 I_IJ (,) LU LU _J _J LU LU 0 (1) F- LU LU rt uJ 0 1.1J •-• _J " E- L) LU 0 a_ 0 Lu uJ Ln LU :r LU 0 (1) 0 (70 27. LU 5: 0 w rY 0 0 LLJ 0 CZ LL - Ln 0 >- 0 uJ 1.74 r-4 0 IJJ cc) LLJ LL LL_ 0 TOP RISER TO WOOD FLOOR JOIST w/ (7) 16d NAILS MINIMUM 2 x 6 SYP. 2 x 12 SYP. 5/16" x 4" LAG SCREWS @ 16" 0.0. STARTING 6" OFF ENDS 0 2 x 4 SYP. x 12 SYP. / STAIR FLIGHT TO WOOD LANDING HEADER SCALE: 1/2" =1"-0" 1' STRAP w/ ALL HOLES FILLED PER. MANUFACTURER POST #2 SYP. POST TO STAIR CONNECTION, SCALE: 1/2" =1-0" z/Z 2x4 SYP. THRUST BLOCK (3) 2 x 12 SYP. STRINGERS 3/4" CDX (HARDWOOD) 1" SYP. (CARPET) 1/2" PLYWOOD RISERS #8 x 3" WOOD SCREWS 16" 0.0, w/ GLUE TO WOOD LANDINGS THRUST BLOCK SECURED TO FELT w/ 1/4" x 3 1/2" TITAN SCREWS OR TAPCONS @ 16" O.C. TO CONCRETE STRINGER BOTTOM TO CONCRETE FLOOR SCALE: 1/2" =1'-0" {OR WOOD LANDING) (3) 2 x 12 SYR STRINGERS 1" SYP. TREADS (CARPET) 3/4" CDX PLY. (HARDWOOD) 1/2" PLYWOOD RISERS ALL GLUED & NAILED w/ 16d NAILS # EA. LOCATION STAIR CROSS SECTION SCALE: 1/2" =1'-0" 2 x 6 SYP. 1" STRAP w/ ALL HOLES FILLED PER. MANUFACTURER POST #2 SYP. POST TO STAIR CONNECTION SCALE: 1/2" :7,1'-0" DOUBLE 2x4 #2 SYP. SUPPORT POST NAILED TOGETHER w/16d 16"0.C. POST ANCHOR FASTEN PER MANUFACTURER HILTI 1" CONCRETE FASTENERS POST TQ CONCRETE SCALE: 1/2" =11-0" BOLANO STAIR PLAN FOR CONCRETE: FELT w/ (2 ROWS) OF 1/4" x 3" TITAN SCREWS OR TAPCONS @ 16" 0.0. 2x6 SYP. SEE PLAN FOR WALL TYPE FOR WOOD: - (2 ROWS) OF 5/16" x 4" LAGS SCREWS @ 16" O.C. LANDING PLATFORM TO WALL SCALE: 1/2" -.2:.1-0" 2 x 4 SYP 7--- 2 x 2 BLOCKING. JOIST HOF - 3/4" CDX PLYWOOD SUB RISER & TREAD VIEW THRU LAMINATED WOOD BEAM. LANDING PLATFQRM TO WALL SCALE: 1/2" :-.:1'40" 3/4" CDX PLYWOOD - SUB -TREAD LAMINATED SKIRT BOARD TREAD 1 1/2" LAMINATED - WOOD BEAM 3/4" CDX PLYWOOD BACK OF RISER 1 1/2" BEAM TO WALL LAN DING PLATFORM TQ WALL SCALE: 1/2" =1'-0" -13 .11 LL.I IZ/LP It I, I/GS DlAliii 1 GGP1 I H T11& iPPLlCAE1: MIN:1,,11, 11 It Z.:NG L1141 II LI FLO AS OI 4414 CLPTIrICATION NIG GN 03-18-13 Sang -Yob Lee P.E. Florida No. 72328 FRAME ORLANDO 111 M DRAWN BY J.HERNANDEZ CHECKED BY SL 99 C I 09 71- 111 0 r* 09 31. cr) 47 [-L1 c 0•0 z SCALE 22 X 34 = SCALE AS NOTED 11X17 = 1/2 NOTED SCALE SHEET DATE 03-15-13 SHEET REVISION INFO J SET REVISION INFO SHEET DESCRIPTION STAIR DETAIL PROJECT NAME PARKLAND GOLF & CC -MONOGRAM BROWARD COUNTY LOT/BLOCK 33D TBI NUMBER 9033 MODEL BOLANO ELEVATION NAME SHEET NUMBER SERIAL NUMBER 1010.0 XPCCLUBN, "ft - 1 Z1.1 ,1111 -7"-; a .41 C23 5.35] <'2) 2 (0 o (0 0 - . FF15111 1E -F -14•J-21 <0+ .351 [FF. cn* 4 ()CI 11)'' <.c.2.0 14.5.,00i0 .-IFF145._90] IF 14'50.1 r_F --4\ .-45.0 (FT41rE-fi A4C) C)( IFT4.5Q1 ILF.14.5p1 00 , 14.00" 1 5 5 Ci .501 14.551 cTh IFF 14.201 F14..30_1 \). [-FF 14.30j [F1 14.851 r__ if_Tr 14.72_1 103 N 1/Y 1 L. 11/All / /N I I_ N- 11 -74 ] 1 47- in (..-7 IT) •(' ... ''-'.... ,._, C) . i '. 40.7-''' .r. ,°...) 'e.. c.'.• -;"•'' 62 1 0 e2 1FF 14.251 1:4.15 IFF 14,N LF 14.7014 4-51 13.55 x 4,20 .90 CAN11,11.1.. \ ST. 0 Ntk :53 riF-15.051 <5' • •7•, -?9 'Cf:? • e2 7/ CAM' IAA ST. „25 [Fr 14.80 5 '12.5 2-00 01` ) F T' 1 4 5 0 1 '09° 5 2 -0 12. '\ .540 - [Fr 14.001 , 7(13,45 [FF 14.00 7(1 3,60 y.100 IFF 14.501 • 4.00 12.00x 0 • i [[FI 4.50 '400 13.20x 7-1 -.;-• C: F::, '.- .) ,- ,y. .._,-, ,`:-..) ?:.. K'''' - ., .. -..) .....N---ir ..,^ s ' °O ,-- + e/I' t10 1"i / -.1 • .2 11, .„,. \ 6"._..... s 0 '. i'. V LAKE. l',FF 14,8 40 k_ [FF 14.4 [FF 14 90J [FF15.19] FF15,00 12. 50 • 21 .50 12. 12.5 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 02° Nc) 12., 0 cANDLitLRRY ST If 5 'F 14,80 , 14 00 [IT 1 5.501 73.6 12:71 ITI47.5(7] 2- [(.0\41)-.:;: 1.5.1 12.3 [Fr 14.101 \-5-" BUF 12.0, I'MMO 1FF 15.001 2.4 9 74. 75x 111:15.251 71• 60 1J. 90 FF14.70 12.00 [ft14.201 2.00 • 1FF 14.801 '2.00 [F14.40] 0 4.6 \ [FFIT.-6.] LAKE 145, [FT 14.401 v -F 14...S0j rfo5 (0- N1D* 1.41[ /4 2. 5 [FT 14,84 4?)1°-1- IFF.1.4.201 12.00 \‘5YP [F- ri4„3-51 -1-1-5S35 111'14.301 Oa LAKE FIL14351 12.00 3.15 em- Nsc1, .90 x 13.60 [Fir 14.8qj [FFT4.501 00 16r.rri-M - 13.15 13.0 12.45 111_1419 13.30 [FT 14.05] „ 13.55 y.140 F 15.25] [Ff 15.251 's1 13.2 13.80 / To co P 12• t 1:1.101 13.60 12. P15.101 )04.50 - VF -IM )04 151(1] lt115 .ob- <5' 1j.01 1240 11.90 1714.95 -14.95 12.10 2.45 FFF 14.101 x 13.55 0° x 14.00 11.80 • 12.15 12.7 3.00 [FE 14.30 x 1J80 3,30 LAKE 11.80 N-1" ---- 12.00 13.30 12.10 73,5Q 2.00 IFF14.0i X1200 x 13 50 12.30 [[F 15.25j 12,00 2.45 FPF 14.57)1 K15,25] x14.75 13 72.7 14.2.61 13,70 IFF i.59] 3.75 LAKE 120 13.30 JFFER 8-1 E. O. W. LEGEND RIGHT-OF-WAY AND BOUNDARY LINES CENTER UNE PROPOSED EDGE OF WATER ----- EASEMENT LINE LOT LINE TOP OF BANK PROPOSED LOT GRADE PROPOSED ROADWAY SPOT GRADE [7212.001 PROPOSED FINISHED FLOOR ELEV, PROPOSED FLOW ARROW 1.5% PROPOSED FLOW PERCENTAGE EARTHWORK FILL NOTES: 1) ROADWAY LIMITS TO BE FILLED TO 10 INCHES BELOW CENTERLINE GRADES. 2) HOUSE PADS TO BE FILLED AT 12 INCHES BELOW FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION. (FLAT FILL BETWEEN ADJACENT HOUSE PADS) 3) BUFFER PARCELS TO BE GENERALLY FILLED TO 12.0 AND GRADED TO MATCH INTO ADJACENT GRADES AND HAVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE FLOW. 4) SEE PLAN SHEETS FOR YARD DRAINAGE BASIN INFORMATION. NO -TE: SEE PARKLAND COU FOR ADDMONAL H • Y CLUB PLAT OL INFORMA11 PLT SCALE: <1( uJ CO 0 LL 0 Cr < uJ 0 GEE JEN' A Division ot EB 0000072 11575 Heron Bay Coral Springs, Fl PH (954) 752- 0 I.' ww.o.i2.com JOB NUMBER Lu 0 OD 0 LU 0 74, z cr 0 0 oo 0 0 ....1-12M HILL AA 001992 vd. Suite 106 33076 ,X (954) 752-6730 175485 CAD FILE P17 _C101g___YD SHEET NUMBER SHEET 12 OF 17 14 2!: 5'-O^ SLOPE DOWN .02 FT./FT FINISH CRAD[ R/W LINE 3/4" RADIUS ' TYPICAL. 1� 12" COMAPACTED SOIL SUBGRADE SHALL BE [__ COMPACTED TO A DRY DENSITY OF AT LEAST QO% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY. �|F\[��| ^//u�,vn.._ FS CONC. MIX © 28 DAYS, MAX, SLUMP 5" < SECTION TYPE A jO|NT 1" DEEP JOINT SEALER TYPE B JOINT th^ DEEP SAW CUT CONTROL JOINTS 0 5'-0" 0/0. EVERY 25-0` MAX. CUT ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE SIDEWALK. NOTES: l. CONCRETE TO BE. TYPE | 3000 P.S.I. 2. USE OF REINFORCED CEMENT IS PROHIBITED 3. 4" THK. MIN, (IYP] 6" THK, AT DRIVEWAYS, EXTENDED TWO -F[[[ BEYOND DRIV[, ON BOTH SIDES. 4. SIDEWALK SLOPES SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT. 5. C0N3[RUCT EXPANSION JOINTS AT SPACINGS SHOWN ABOVE; a) AT POINT OF CURVATURE b) AT ADJOINING STRUCTURES c) AT THE END OF DAYS WORK. ` RADIUS �| )�--- ! 4 12" COMAPAC1 ED SOIL SUBGRADE SHALL BE COMPACTED [0 A DRY DENSITY OF AT LEAST 98% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY, SIDEWALK EPON JOIN LONGITUDINA SEC -10N .��-�� /��/� SILT FENCE AT PE:RIMETER LOCATION MAP - -WET TO SCALE _ PROPOSED PAVER AREA 1 338 SO. 20'-0" WIDE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE THROUGH SILT FENCE, LOT 34 BLOCK GOLF COURSE PARCEL 0 o~1ma'4* A=86.77' m/33 BLOCK � PAVER 17 - LANAI 18.17 ...14 &5' PROP. PAD �:ii� �{£ ` �� � "~ "---•- . -� n�c� /^ n~�^^mr---_� ---' ,=,.~ ----_.-^-^ . '___ _ 2 PAVER � BOLANO -MED PROPOSED 2S0RY RESIDENCE FE, EL -15.10' mR.a~ ,/m ��10.1« am""„:3no3Q�--` k•. � 14,001 9 5, , PAVER ORGIEWAY LOT 32 BLOCK ZIG-ZAG LINE -- REPRESENTS SILT FENCE / LOCATIONS. 2' VALLEY GUTTER ° BRADR]RDWAY \ 57.05'(C) _ PARCEL A (PRIVATE STREET) 24' PAVEMENT 2' VALLEY GUTTER PLOT PLAN MODEL BOLANOW0-GAR-L REVISIONS F.B./PG. PARKLAND GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB REPLAT#2MONOGRAM COLLECTION MININI1111191M1P14....... HOMESITE INSTALL ROCK OVER CE0-FABRIC UNDERLAYMENT FOR STABILIZED ENTRANCE 457 STONE OR LARGER) 20' MIN. BACK 08 CURP LIP OF CUTTER OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT NOTES 1, ROCK AREA TO 8E MINIMUM OF 7O' -x 20' x 4" DEEP AND PLACED OVER C[0-FABR|C UNDERLAYWENT 2. ROCK SHOULD B[ FLUFFED, REFRE3HED, OR REPLACED REGULARLY. 0J-}9-13 MAM SMP DATE N - LEGEND: ME CATCH BASIN CABLE JUNCTION BOX xcw/cnuyc w CLEANOUT 0 CONCRETE MONUMENT o ELECTRIC SERVICE \L�!~cuswnow. xy—ou/o 77' ELEVATION, PROPOSED -IV FIRE HYDRANT FLOW ARROW HOM | u/ � � m An r [l u LIGHT POLE - CONC. * LIGHT POLE-uETm 0 MANHOLE — SANITARY SEWER 0� MANHOLE - STORM SEWER 4 NAIL mnwTAB � NAIL & DISC \// SAN/nm,sERVIoE(s) � TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX o WATER METER I>,1 WATER VALVE 0 YARD DRAIN �N uv ��N� /�/�/vu FUER FABRIC MATERIAL A - B - N/A C - 1" HDPE' SDR 11, 200 PSI D - 1" x 3/4" METER STOP (PACK jt x METER SWIVEL N01' FORD 803 OR EQUAL E - POLYPLASTIC SINGLE METER BOX W/ PLASTIC READER CARSON INDUSTRIES MODEL 1015-5 (SEE NOTE 6). F - 3/4^ x 3/4" #8[R SENSOR METER WITH PROREAD ENCODE AND MINI PIT PAD WITH 6'-0^ OF WIRE. (SEE NOTE 7). � - 3/4" x 1" DUAL CHECK VALVE (METER SWIVEL x MNPT). WILKINS MODEL 700, OR EQUAL (SEE NOTE 7). H - 1" x |" PACK J[ COUPLING (FNPT x PACK JT), FORD C14, OR E004I. (SEE NOTE 7) NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL SET METER BOX. METER BOX TO BE SET IN GRASSY AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CITY, 2, SUCCESSIVE TAPS INTO THE WATER MAIN SHALL BE 18" CENTERS (MIN.). J. MINIMUM COVER k}R SERVICE LINES SHALL BE 2'-0^ 4, CONTRACTORS SURVEYOR SHALL CONFIRM LOCATION OF R/W L!kE' BEFORE SETTING METER BOX, 5. J" SCH. 40 PVC CASINGS REQ'D FOR ALL SERVICE LINES CROSSING ROADWAYC, S|DEWNKS. OR OTHER PAVED SURFACES. 6. CITY SHALL INSTALL AUTOMATIC METER READER (AMR) IN LID OF METER BOX. COORDINATE HOLE DIAMETER W/ AMR SUPPLIER. FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL SECURELY FASTENED - TO THE POSTS - APPROXIMATELY 8" OF FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL MUST EXTEND INTO A TRENCH AND BE ANCHORED W/ COMPACTED BACKFILL MATERIAL. —RUNOFF APPROXIMATE 4" x 4" TRENCH DIRECTION OF RUNOFF WATER ACKRLL[D TRENCH O 4P PLACE THE END POST OF THE -------- SECOND FENCE INSIDE THE POST OF THE FIRST FENCE. " STANDARD SILT �[N� FENC ROTAIE BOTH POSTS AT LEAST 180- IN 0T|N A CLOCKWISE DIRECTION TO CREATE A TIGHT SEAL WITH THE FABRIC MATERIAL, DRIVE BOTH POSTS ABOUT 10" INTO THE GROUND AND BURY THE FLAP. <* 1" SINGLE WATE SERVICE W/ 5/8" x 3/L" MIN. LENGTH EQUAL TO BASE THICKNESS. TROWELED CONCRETE EDGE RESTRAIN r, CONCRETE PAVER / TE,R -- 1" (25 MM) BEDDING SAND 4" LIMEROCK BASE. -- COWAPACT[D SOIL SUBGRADE SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A DRY DENSITY OF AT LEAST 95% OF THE 0001R[D PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY. N0[S 1. USE 5:1 (AGGRECATE:CEMENT) MIX FOR CONCRETE EDGE. 2. RECOMMENDED FOR NON --FREEZE THAW AREAS. J. CONSTRUCTION OF THIS DETAIL CAN BE USED ON RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS IN NON --FREEZE THAW AREAS. 4. THICKNESS OF BEDDING SAND WILL VARY WITH SUBGRADE CONDITIONS AND CLIMATE. COLDER CLIMATES MAY REQUIRE THICKER BASES. JAT|mWnLVJE`|u[N|m_ DRIVEWAY W/ T�/lUV�|�� /`/lN[`�[T� EDGE RESTRAINT. ���vv_�_u u��/vu ��-/ _ CLEAN OUT ----- 4" SEWER FROM HOUSE CITY SEWER ------ ��N�� CONNECTION ``�,,u` u`//v�-u/m/v The use of these specifications and plans shall be restricted to the original client and site for which they were prepared. Any reproduction Dr distribution is expressly limited to such use. Aey other reproduction, reuse, or disclosure by any method, in whole or in part, is prohibited. These drawings end specifications contain proprietary information and title remains with Specialty Engineering Consultants, Inc. i� 0 [] r� SPECIALTY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, Inc 1599 SW 30th AVE. SUITE #20 U0YN 0N BEACH, U- 33426 DADE - DROWAKD - PALM BEACH FL, CA. #009217 561 - 752 -- 5440 OFFICE - 752 5542 FAX FILE NAME. 1 /4 "-1`-0" _ ~ 3/16/13 / SCALE DATE RVD. BY [�. D. DRWN, BY REVISION [lA .| � SEAL GARY wonOuGLI.. PE FL #5621* .SHEET # � �/ ~] OF Cr) c 1.--4 Cs.1 CY q_3) UJ Jo CZcJ ›- __J 0_ J 00 cos uJ co 11. 0 cr LU Ca_ Ca- LLJ 0 ›- CO 0 L1.1 11-1 CC 9 OR REPRESENTED (/) 0._ LU I1J CC 1'2 CDC LU CL ›- 0 LU 0 _J C.) SED BY OR D 111 CO Cn f -Y UJ CZ riD __J __J Lfl Ln LU _J _J CY 0 LL LLJ ca I-1 LU LU CO 0 1.-c2 LLJ Ul 0 CY 0 Lf) 0 LU F-1 0 0 111 L1.1 (f) UJ = U >- CO > 0-,-, 111 L.1.1 Cl. 2: LU 0 LLJ rc-- (Y I -U 0 r0 _J -J< < cn (J .CC (3 LLJ 0 (0 LLJ uJ 0 LLI LL LLI cn LU CO. - LU 0 LU 0 LU 0 < L9 U-1 (i) LLJ (n 0 LU LU 21.7, CC LL 4-4 LL1 0 CO __J 0 0 LU CO D L1_1 L.! LL0 General Beam Analysis 2 • C•44..7-21E1,,,41Prc-p“,E04,-s 29 270,) 9 11 ^.3i. 11.1 47 Md 4,423 /74'1) 4111 1122,7,81272d ,c21,29T1-,11,2,, \'•,744-71 1141 :7227 4) 49 4,4v 17 .) 41010110 91.11.101104) « 2 iii241-1) t C2,,1,7.71,27y1 4., 1 r • nnoi nefle‘. non I 41,4 4...41 I.,1,1,1,q,v,a4J r741 914, D07,..17,,t11 TI7.7I 071, 4,144 4.11744714,,I Dee,- sn,n omi U 077) C .7); , 0'2'1,117, "';o:,, in F orr. & Sta.sses 0,7 L22271 11t-,;,,,dti2.2-73 .4,Co4 vmum 47.84.421224-27, L.11,I.42,LOodi L Oa VIS - 10 , Mv.7.20 I 1-7;11. 217,,,rtutn (7.7.7. s 41) LC,: '74 42. 4 I '7,472 17 1 117 0 H General Beam Analysis i- 214 Prcl,i,dndd L 0(0 1,2 Snc:n SC) A94 hod L('ack 14..L;ria14-4.1 0 214741"1: 4....Lov Vaal!. 4 1 1 „ 17) - 912.1MARY ,,o„naLon Bork f4-41 .79 4 4111 :74.247, --,41 (2,421,1772,2421 '2) :414 :27*, 1)41 44.4494'n , r Lanc r/1,..1,11?41ii 1,11 0.3 1:74.1. 4.,o D7,47,414.04,1 19,4.4 9411. 44 at 20 94,774-u1 tMal M.e,n-nuri Forces & Stressc:s for I ro,4,1 11941124 921107)43 , !,":: 24: • 41 127 4., 1), t.,,,ntro.l,..7o,..1 Loads v„.., VIMI 1 EL.,41,.2fions for Loac; Con binr,,dlunk„ tor,.1 L,La.4425 24.-t r tr';',1111 ,v 1 921) k 14 4774 4,74 v4,7, 7 .4, I , 1 '"'';,2.4.-47.11I 1-'411 1' 1 2:0 0 21'4 417421 .1, General Beam Analysis .4424C.444/ „- , !.1.1 D„,..-.74r.r7721 2 411 General Beam Analysis General Beam Analysis 4 4: , „ r74.4474pii,. 4.I Cer,,-„taf 29,000 0 ksi 141 tip,o 22,.•,--,01 411 44) 8 Appl79 [4*r94 rr,n2,1 1)0)4 2 2 4'J ft 212xim1.i11 Pa.-m:441g .4 21,942k-8 [1,....4414.vm 7441,,,14' I74,171 CC n.b.4.1.44;c1 11441111141'011100,9)2111111,11 ',pan 17 171; -enso n on Sr3n 4 Arm,. Sn,,r, 4 1 f1413 )4,l,-( 74-41 0 ON) 41) tylr,x 1,, Li -SI D4V1v7.--177.n 0 000 ]» 12141 2 120 to r41,0• U.-7,cl 1.741 D...`1, 99994,5 11444 Sp,. -" 32 L':11 fi C;,7, "v7. 11-.11-7c1i.. c; 4.: v.. v7 10 0 -.1'2 11,t4.15 190,0 70,1 92,4.„22; 40.1.4:s ,rittr•!:..! 14,1,4 7210.-.44,44, 1,4)44)47.997'.) c.41.47447.054, S aff!44 ',',(s141 711.-0,11710 11,7751S Rd -oda -id Fur -s & 72,41.-..4543 4117 Load Comb1r;t1,:r1S t 1'2,47 277 1 ,11X S101.13 R,., --, f1...111,, 0, .444!,14.4 4:44,,, -1,10.1 R,;111110 ;4 ... .... „D„ . cc. I. ,..........c, I , 41... 4.4 41, 74 1.1.--21 • 7,),,,x - 4',' Y.:01 kl, M11X 1:1 ' , 1' 174 1.*.n \.,1!..',.., c':. 4 ., 9, -e..,:-.. 42.4, 1,4 • 2, :4 4974 .71 1:,) 9,11,111 1,1,4. 7-44444 pc 11,;(.02,,r,S -1..1221722,for41d 1,24115 242, 71411-1 11,155 for Load CcantdraUons LInf:aLti,,td)d Loads T t. 2:21 7.1.-7x 2101 L.434:77 :42'-!, 2 1' ..141 C.1 v.:;t, 1,1,rtiLal1o971197.... • Lint ",f'fffffff.ffi 4:445 1,„it :144 '244,-441C:7 74:744,44411 9 pc:17 2 2:4-,.4; , 712 2211 2 27 214py-')-- Saa ,„..,24s 41 KIPS [ General Beam Analysis 94 ;•. „ 1L110.[ 110,11 111,1:0 ',.1 \ - 144 4,q,.60,4C,1,,I.11.1145 VC"; VHF ,1.111_1141i,71 -11N,111,114 03.18-13 Sang-Yub Lue P.E. Florida No 72328 Q4 114,1 1f r.1 Cid 0 1:2. 42) L U DRAWN BY J.HERNANDEZ CHECKED BY SL 1"...7ff0222 SCALE 22X 34 = SCALE AS NOTED 11X1.7 = 1/2 NOTED SCALE SHEET DATE 03-15-13 SHEET REVISION INFO SET REVISION INFO SHEET DESCRIPTION ROOF CALC, PROJECT NAME PARKLAND GOLF & CC --MONOGRAM BROWARD COUNTY LOT/BLOCK 33D -FBI NUMBER 9033 MODEL. F3QLANO ELEVATION NAME V EDITERRA\ SHEET NUMBER EAN S6.07 SERIAL NUMBER 1010.0 r\I E • • Lr) re-) Go- • c•-) r C) r1:3 > 0 w 0 LU (f) LLJ 0uJ LU CL_ 0 _J 111 1.1_1 00 0 LIJ > _J LU > > 1.1.J LU 0 I— LU < 1— 2: < U_1 yLU (n LJJ0 cr: LU >- >- UJ < C3, 0 Lu 1-- u_i 1--- NC, AND ARE COP 0 Cfl LU cLL E-- 0 >- CY CC) < _1 I 0 0 LL0 LU 0 a_ E USED BY OR DISCLOSED OB AND TOLL BROTHERS MENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE 0 0 LL_ UJ --4 CC) 0 (/) LU CC U CO ORS SHALL VERI CALED DIMENSIONS CONTRAC (I)< LLJ LU 0 11.1 0 0 LLJ (-) < LU (.0 111 I-1 co L1J LU 0 Lu 1-- cc LL (/) • Ln 0 OH- ---4 LU LU U.I LL1 Cr) 11.J LLJ - H-27 UJ 0 in ca L1_1 Lt. 1-0 < HLJIY: 001 I LC f\ 0 (DI H.) 1070 71I[[3015 (7[)5p5i 1-00 [120/ A00 500s 31 SEWHEkn n 09 61 PEAC 001 '4'7\0 00) 30 07) zi . / p Q , 29.5' 15.8' '2 / p /.3' .12.3' ; )/ :1 7 5 -i 2/5 - 1 .3 0 -124:38 /28 114,4 -218 411 - 1033 4-1623 4-825 110 +220 55[7) 809 1500 + 5 5 / 6 :331: +4193 7.§ NJJ 1=1" 4-4 I 0 gl rd N --- - 1 1 --.-_, .-.-A I 1 T . i 11 4222.i.JE,LIUiftlitilWIII.Li'iQULE--7,Vaa4,--' % 1 , • 1 ‘n: I crl! i cni i II. IRO I I A* A SHA KIM A ORR:: I 11 RIF ;PRE- ENG 11.006 TRUSS 0 MAX, 24" O.C. „ • . 1 • • . ' • ' 'L, " 1111111111WIliMalffildlialiallaillifOtOONSALEA OPEN "-3-)_0-- 281 lbs 45_9),C= 354 ii3S 321 lbs 442 lbs 1 ! ! „ t I -- „i_ Wad 1 1 ii- --1 - 111 1. i _ , , i i FOR CURVED WC. SECMLN1S PROVIDE #5's 0 IC 0/5 PAID AT JAIO/S, 1 1 1 1 1 5459 .1; , LOWP -00F 1.111111••111111111111•111•4110111111Elil 1•1111611.11 /111/111•1 smatimg.ma gimes ment6oxlmaire. MOO MORIOSIRMINOMSMOO11.61111OIMUMOIMO 2.0. animaavareamailasimammtninvillaniana G.T. semi othasiolimminammaiedionamfailmistastantia! at win comaki "..""".""". 6'i0GU= 53°77642'1(i' tootosiamlnisolatliati taismaimanionamasulloOloiammitomisimilameiromilliamoi !9> ., 1 1 1 4.0 mum- examanassimeammainieutiniftwamingsanstolimaisintipass arealwanammage LAI iosilooleoluatompoigaaroanyouisimilaymoinalosaml,loalsymoloymasaalsooloymealsoormoyeatioy 1 11 i 1 —t 1- ; a UP -)E 00r r.72,1 IL § c." I di LI ki ! 1 3567 Ito Gt, 9719 lbs bi 1 I-0121111 f I —A - - --11 4- -11 _ 1 I t - - , r — I i 7.1` -472r.1 = 442 lbs H151 uf 5,, NUM 57 515 N CuNIPt (51, 55107 THE APPI.11 01,F 715135M EA P11,3 f. or* IN tit-ECI 61 V 11 of 011I (53-18-13 P E. Florida No, 72328 (0 114 DRAWN BY J.HERNANDEZ CHECKED BY SL SCALE 22 X 34 = SCALE AS NOTED 1.1)(17 = 1/2 NOTED SCALE SHEET DATE 03-15-13 SHEET REVISION INFO SET' REVISION INFO SHEET DESCRIPTION ROO,' CALCI PROJECT NAME PARKLAND GOLF & CC -MONOGRAM BROWARD COUNTY LOT/BLOCK 33D TBI NUMBER 9033 MODEL BOLAN° ELEVATION NAME LI1 MEDITERRANEAN SHEET NUMBER S6.06 J SERIAL NUMBER 1010.0 Lf1 3-1 coCr) CD .- cr (13 0 0 LU _I LJ < < (f) D 0 11_ 0 LU Ca - 0 1.111 < wr > LU 0 U_J 0 0 < 0 (f) 0 0 0 a. (f) 0 Li) w LU CL. LU OLL BROTHERS 0 UJ >cx J 11J 0> > I -U LU 0 H LIJ LLJ LU r2K LU >- LLJ 0 Cn cr< LLJ CY 11-1 0 >"- CC) < J 0 -J0 0 LLJ LL. 0 0 0c LU I— 0 0 11-1 (i) (f) 0 CD -; .07.) >- co L1_1 CC) .—I U_1 < 0 0 (f) LLJ uJ >_ CTORS 0 w 1/1 0 0 0 1-1 LLJ 0 (i") LU uJ CD 0 c0 P IL < u UJ 11_ uJ 0 U) LLJ 0 CC1 LL1 0 Cn 0 1.LJ (-) 0 0 I -I- U I— 0 0 LIJ TIONS FROM Wood Column 2X4 12" O.C. © 1ST FL. 2X6 © 16" O.C. © 1ST FL. General Infoimation 333.,h, .3, 11,3;3d Art tV;i1Lf.'s F rup & L.,d)3.1‘3.q4 L,Fted33,-; 03 dr:311 I3)333,3F) !770 t.70 Pt0.0 S De 0 3 1740 75 700 116 0140 prh F !v AYLr., 3.; , f .337` 4131. h 7 1) ;as ti; . • , Applied Loads C,3".333-3. f as:Judi:A : )27',4 IL, Dead L33,:ad AXIAL LOADS . Lc -;1 103; 70(07, 0 773:7,, 4'4Cc 7,707 sf'70 71 - 4470, L. 33 0:713 5isil3I3ARy us.33-firra & Shear Cher k ke:oits, 13130, ;0; ii.8,t's1:-.7 01'00"H -010r! ) 1,3, ,.. tjL 4o77,0; Load Combination Results 12,0 711.330,3,31331 313.1 • 030 . 9 3 3 h3 71:'L • n • Maximum Reactions - Unfactored -'1'',) 1: 0 3721 : 1 331 9 '33.7 1 17'3- 0,004635 : I 3[0;30 10 s 1.) 011 1 ;0 s 2114 1.50 3,50 ,!, •1 340 001 757777771, ',,r 7070 •1 0444 001 001 ' t! 1 0 t MIS Ft, , I.jd) )),3333,., )3,, '3, ;3' 73,3„), ).0 313 1115 3!: e d'::::)t),11- .t,) MoRtilltail SERVICE Lateral Load Reaetions 1.4,1.1(1 .7')134.313 1 )1-7j7.t" 9 r t,93, 3,114, x, Mt3xTpord SERVICE Lo.tri L„ter,d 00;),,Vons 0333 s 3133; •., 11 Other Factors used 70 )3.1147).),Ite aIiew.lble stresses , Sues3; Rasa 44:tee :,calti33,-; 3,1'„:39 ;3`'' ; o 0 0 711 7 ''•'. 13. 0.73021 „) 971 0 33.301 1 33 4 -3; i"))) lo;31 „ o 171) 0 u - a x .433 3, R: 17 I 402'3553 1,.)'hi: iha3i: SLesi, Rats Le 00104)3 't 3131-1:3; 3,1) 10 3') 'I 1()") :t(); 1);.) ju 7) 777,3-7 2X6 © 16 O.C. 2nd FL. EXTERIOR WALL Wood Column Geriaral Information 13n3 7 4) ,, idure...31 31 r it :%3: r.„ )1' It :4 71" ), 7,07.570071 1 450 3`7; 170 U 0; 711. 41414 1 ro, f -t 71,t,t per, 4310 eul - Pt.q. ; 1i110) '31 •18 7,0,71(7„7„,7,77 .70)717,77140. \77,7 /-1,11 1,7'31)' 0,00 0 2x6 1,50 n4-3,, io3.3a3;: 5,50 3 3.1.J33,;30.•: -.7H 1 0 20 737 a'a , 0-1 1:) 1 547 4, 4 f 33. t t3ttt 14. •,,t 1,0 I 0 1 rt !).1. 1,...] TO 0 r 1 31 1110 Flu Applied Loads 'a 271 ;33' tarial I a:OE:313; ax ;AL. LOADS .3t 3 0 1, ; r...3 Yre,-'37').1 3.e33.;7, 1371313D;715 LOADS . 7,3)7433)7 5.441,13147 E3333:03i,u975 Shoar 1414,a3", Rue '7: - 333 l.'333 34033:•, R.3,3. a 0,8328 .1 issaa 333.0,3 ue.s : ti,t 7471 15" :34D1iE31 14'- :'.-)-1 a0 nr, i 110k 0.1745 :1 3,o ft , t'ttf 1 7573 ;777 lo:)d Combination Results 13 3:1 9:3,1 37:50-,13'353.711E311 Maxmdorn SERVICE Lateral Load Rer,:te,Fotts „ ). , ,t,t, 33 „ X C. :3,13 Maxdpurn SERVICE Load ,,,,, 1" 4,13 it? ,.) Ott,,) Factors to:c..).d lou4ctd.A33, allorvable stresses )3!3:3313:13,1 1,..,•,-• 77.,.7,7,7,!.e,3:7i 0 . 1,-..3 3) 7113. ‘ t )'1'I ''(-(1:7' .:.,1! ,:, .)) 0:77t.3',i3t):,33,),I , ,1,) :: 7; 7:--15) ! , ,,3iis,),7,1,,,,0t7 1 ! (, r, 7,,):,:3,,,, ; ... . eii 03-474 1 ':;:`1 31I: 1 3,3 ,, 05201 ; i1,1,t.s33 ,• 7i3t; 1,, ,., ,) ,, , . 2331 :, ,, 3 .aaau: . , u 733,2u0 a ',4'3 i . 3 13/`, .13 11 W o od Col u m n 2t3-' 333 3.; , • • 3 3723-3,33,,033,A3)373033,...)32)4,3.3,333,-4,33a.....j.3... :7. 23‘'..31 "3.1.241a, 41;31,3.32.LaL,33,13 L9.,7t .34 Maximum Deflations for Load Combinations - tot ads ( L't Hy MA 514-7 77 Sketc.tes. I Wood Column Maximum Reactions • Unfactored „7773, 1.4:114) 5 03:3 d Ytt1 %,. t..,, ';t., -i ',:a. A,I,tt!'”U itt!1 Lt,1 7 ),,,:174:, 4, 3 1154' 8.17 -1' t:44:l J 'Lit.' 7 1- 2 l' ri 7,S 3. -,1237 73)1, o 13') 34----7 t ..3••3t 3, .1:01:4 01377 3. 770 1773, 0714,0171 C, ' -7 , 7 1, ,,1 ,k .7'.:6 :,; T.t 3 4-314, (13,77717, Maximum Deflections for LoiA Combinations • thifactored Loads .. ' '1,, 7 X 0-01010, 13:0,:,: 0 ,, 10' 2,10 ..!! 0 103 .4 t..: 13d„d, d Fd'y 131d d , -',:7 '11 C - :,1 1,1 -73-41 77 ''7 0 435: 17 Sketches 7 Wood Column [17:-).: 3') General information 7t'14•,-11 Ailt,vv,thiti0 L13-„,s,,j,', top 3 Bcrf torn Puti313001 11.1,,t",tv 1.0 .tH0 1340 10 0 fl 33113.11Fem 4-771)r) 5170.2 De07,te. 73” 4' 110it,,k : 5" - lb - 105, ,71 1450 r.00 F 1771)47 - 1450;7:0 71 771-, 770 f57- P7.7 175007 Dr 35.17 f44 Pre -J 7st E h5,77.5.71.ts 01 LI:07.1070; 4-0E7757177) .,777,7307,37..4 17o0 1105 tT.3seciat.un24,)') 414-1445)771 7.14 407;1 1/10 2x6 1.50 Fachas 5.50 in 3., 1 7) 2';O tr13,, t 1 0 Vj? 1 0 1.747 ce4 9,33 9,-3.: F.3,31-.: 10 1 0 , FL.3dtti,r 1 0 "i 7,03.;:•33, 1 1,) 0333 Fr R): 7,10 X l,,,tod.,70 s '3'1.7 K .17 "333y a3s: ".:;;;-,;ta Ax.s. :2,1 kir 5' 10 Applied Loads as.luduel . 7101 *3: ' Dr:sal:a:ad 0;'- 314447 I. ()ADS 433311 aad 1710-4. aieco "3 15.31n. 330.359 is. D. 0 50, L. 1714 7101471')-' 7144304' •, „. „..„._ faundog & Shear C7d33.3)31, Rc:33itts :31,)) lusa0L3,0013) Stre:33 Rasa 0.2404 :7 iD30.37 -j'03,5 Comp Onii, 14 13-:,' (j37i )735"33 1.14,11!)1,:, Ptt11:.) Load Combination Results 1.233311:„;; blaal.331 0.003030 :1 fl>7.:11 0 5'3, , :,,,, 17,) o Maximum SERVICE Lateral Load Rede.tirmis 071044/7.:t1 .1, ,,, 0031375 1, t a,- ,j 0,001875 7 !I ,< 001075 Maximum SERVICE Load Lateral Deflecficras 33t.JF) Y-3 -00)7)5-1 11 )!t F, ) d 7173 1.1,:tt-7!' FA. f t.tC (!)Mt! ',t3,•.1331 13,1 Other Fig to,, used to ca)cutate atfet.:).ds S;::,;,: -p:71,,: (3:" 1 Fur) f.',0!3ttrti 4 • 13,3d83 717'4;5541i,7'711 41,.,3!713131311c! +300:10, hitt.".35011 71)1, ,S 7,701,0"1 310 0,087373 1-,`• '113 0 011 37)7)101)14 71 10.0 it ,130 ,0 0 240-1 ; '"-.' 73.0') .3 003i) ,,r) 71,, 17)71 :. • 14 0 2008 [ ;77. , 0.0 1 .).002525 , , 40 0 ft :f.',- LI i•:,:,,,..3, :r.. 63H 0 2008 ; ',•' 0! 0,011 0 002525 1004 '13-1' 1!1.! -0 ',:>.1.: ......,: ,,',)l 0 ;'01.Wi 1- 0000 71711) 30),214'1 It) 0 ft 03' 1 t -'41.11:, 75".--1! l'-1 ,',-iii 0 .,,,ii1-3 : „3-333., 0 0 ft 3 Oi.i2`30,5 140 ft 0 '775 '1-0 , 77 7 7.1 0 1 114-371-1' 1 1141') 0 E07„70 0-14 J-,"',11471 1 1,3 0 a Maxiirium Reactiols • Unfactored 7 :. 11•Y ,t0s133'.3.3"141 ,:!',116•.'••111 1.,1: :1,13 0702 0370,7.17 -3-3)4 5177,717 !WoodColumn . 7„: - -'31 4 Max imtim Deriet-hioi)s, for Lood Combinations • Unfactoredhoads Sketches 1!:1 Lit ST !di 73770)1115! t17I-111-1) 1-11, EM:1!1,10,1 6,7 03-18-13 Sang-Yub Lee 71013 Florida No, 72328 111 cr) DRAWN BY J.HERNANDEZ CHECKED BY SL 35- 0 0 -777 -41 0 4-1 f•-^ 1,1-1 04 37 1..La 0 14 SCALE 22 X 34 = SCALE AS NOTED 11X17 = 1/2 NOTED SCALE SHEET DATE 03-15-13 SHEET REVISION INFO SET REVISION INFO SHEET DESCRIPTION FRAMING WALL CALC. PARKLAND GOLF & CC-MONOGRA1 BROWARD COUNTY LOT/BLOCK 33D TBI NUMBER 9033 MODEL BOLAN° ELEVATION NAME: MEDITERRANEAN SHEET NUMBER S6.05 LLJ j SERIAL NUMBER 1010.0 I-4 0 ILI cr) LL. LU 0 LU > LU 0 0 LIJ 0 7:> uJ LL_ 0 0 cx LU Cl_ uJ h- 1.--1 LU 0 [74 LLJ 1.1-1 0 OF - LU LIJ C• LIJ j 0 0_ LU >-- LIJ < 0 LL_ Li) LU 0CO _J _J 0 CO 0 1.1▪ J 0 0 0 L) (J) 0 BLE FOR ALL DIMENS (r) cc Lu 0 CO _J 0 LL_ 0 ,>-- 1— LU 0 uJ 0 >-- o LU 0 LU L.9 —1 LIJ • LU - (-9 DATE: Monday, March 18 0 Lu a_ >- 0 LU 0 (-) (.1) 0 0 >- CO 0 uJ (r) LU CC) _J CTORS SHALL VER _J (J) ce LU 1.1_1 uJ LU 0 72D LL 0 LU 0 1••••••••1 0 LU LL LU O._ (J") LIJ 0 0 < (1) (.9 0 w UJ 0 C.1) UJLL " I:71 LL.1 L14 1- 2:0 • 1-1-1 UJ clD • LU 0 1.1- ▪ 0 ~S. Wood Column 43 General Information Arc-i!y,,s Alit tt,t0 l'4,0.,igrt End t7trf & L5.03,3-5 I-Lroctc.-1 ixtxy G5,3,, i53,t11.03 1-2 i0r'-i 2.000 t' t7,1 „5,571 C.507r :5050 0 v- 77 o 's 52 215 Pp 50 0 t.t3 E E75.73c 0 2,070 0 f'.1[3.3.3t3 1,tts 7 54 4171 7-4 13,10 t453 3-37*3 Wood Column thss,syVon 5' PSI Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations - Unfactolad Loads XA, Dc1,. s,--> „ox t'tt tHq N7,15.,t '25x5 25 , s i ft u tr, it3fi tt 5.250 Sketches 5.250 ,- 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 C/ 10 1,0 1 t) 1.10; yl X 3-tht,1101 tt ft 1 1.. s Applied Loads s, f t 65'5 if F3, I..), ;VIAL L070s MAL -33141 15t ft„5,7,,f 5. 5 K.: t. LL. 5 ;0, t. k 0 2088 1 05,51 -,Lt 077,7 0 7 1 x.1 352, 1.11 '.140 0 0 1. 11 1545'5 21 353 0.57 tft3.00,1;01,... 0.004543 1 '01,7 10 0 3 1 .11 Load Combination R:stilts Maximum SERVICE L.atoral LQ,leiRth,,tctiosis „ Y 1. .o1. 1 1, .:7 1 4 E3 ,1.7}31)1 Moxtv,..pol SERVICE Load Lat,:ral Doflochons .s X Other rah tors used to allOAtablEt 51105705 f. t,thttr Att tf ,1,• 41 51, t 15.7,t.,,,,,ts 750 11/1 5703.3 1,33131)3 Vtf...t.x, R.t.) 1575.,t; I .t, 5, /5735.3 t 1,5 ft S) 01(-4`,4 1 -155 7,3551,5-5,07. 5. 1 7 tt..., 5 00 ft 3.t0 ,,,,, ,t1 ict 0 ft 1.1771 '., 01)11 't CP t ',s1.5 1 10 0 ft sti-., (5' 1 1 75. , 37 t.73 .tt.:„4.,,H 0 1 ,` hi '- 7.0 1,. 4 C5.0,-531 105 tt ,1,555. i's..0t 'It if...535,1 t -i ,:).1 7,5'5 0 0 ft C17hi ,'',:x 11 ;011 ft 0,170,?, 0.01 1u71 H) 0 'rt 1 75' 5.5) f0:30F 01 0 177 5 (311 7 tit, 55,t1 10 0 ft Maximum Reactions - Unfactored 1500 L Steel Column ,10 11 /1 1,0.s ,••".1” '7,'71 Sc ' , c. '1,-1., • • ros1., Ref7 000- u,tcl t7o0 1.7.37d : 2010 d-134 A,';;f: E. I -10 tc,n , TS3.5x3 5x114 y ft:,••• I 17 Ef3 t,5 ts.. t ;Lid 155,5i 7010 i 750 ‚7 1)5(7 7-10 /phoJ L1 112 7'1 ft, 77)x1 7 11 74 5,f5t Bending & Shear Check Results 77st -1.171 I ,st 5ts "01 1.&Ll410 1- '1 & {3011S,Itl ;7417:t) c .0 I - ft, s 1 „t Y51' )55s 1 t 5.7,15 5.7 7'5.5 ft K ',f,•itt,,,St, tJt stod -3,,t52 f03.5s ,rt stt, sr., •01:1s0 3,,51.5, 0-1 110 tol I1,-77sts.tr-gc,.., I huff ':141 ' •7)417(4 c • 11. 9.141 71.7314 319 G , • 7/.131. ; 7)1 •L, 11 • • 9 ft 7: A A, 1./C!:..0 13:7)71 (3717)717 s 1 177.1-3511 k 1.1 : r : 5 5 11 ,m.sh ,4) st 411.-S , '11 11 ,1 011:S to it 01+,) I (111, ,, 1,0 It II (.1) ic E;s: 11S,12, for ft 50, : 1. .1 •• ff. ,91 '1)11 . Steel Column 7 Ccs C. s 7 ,,31j..kr. I A:1•A• 71,77)4171)1 D'il,C117:105 COP0b, 0;111010S - ‚777)737) 417 iois x 5 07„t77 -5 511:.C17 1)1c 5'u11 Iro 0-.711,':1 „.. „. .„. t„L• ,'s . , Y ;A r 1,13 11 11 24, C, 67,1, 17 c' c'' 4 S 3:1,2 3 A 1 Wood Column 47 „1 - 3151. CoVri) Genwal Information_ End -15 & 7,nne7) jolt.) , i"Sl. >tLF t7 - 33353 7' '7,00 4L3 53 11s3 t.t 7,90() p),„ t'fC 7,500 0 417 71,7171/ /47777) E A- X E04.:,0g Potos... 2.500 f,1,3757,3:1 1,7131741 '10 C) 3 5x 5 25 cy,„,cci cc,03.w.,L,.t,,3 'c.c.,: 3 tc, t 3.50 sl A)cfct,,-ttcto F 13,s 5.250 ,1 54' 5' '1 1.5 si it, tLf t.tt xt. 10 5'05 „,5 54 0 2:7251) 751 (3 77) 411 Cc) 1 7) 32 210 ',Ai C.") 103 1 CI y.y 77) 244100 2,0011 0 1,s,1 LICE; 1,0115 54 1,1 lt,•" rh,1„,ws 4c1141' )c,.,5Y .41775 '7 Avs LL,t-t , 'St `I, 4 L-1 71 Applied Loads 41.171 ibs AXIAL I -7 . 0 u X(.:cc 0 :-.,!30 YUCsC , 5250 D 1 O. L ;ti 0J.:77)(.7N SUMMARY 6,575og 47. 713,-..tr Check 7,7,..ultLx ts. 5,, csc.i 11:0S Icc„i's ...J.:, tti „tos.'eC,,Hs.: 1, , .c,01 Loud Combination Results 0.3033 :1 10,1 Corop 031/, 15.7774 LI 0 't 0.003120 1 +F30 10 0 !) 0 90,17 3 250 4)51,1 filt,t>,1171t.itl SERVICE Lttoral Lox/ RooLtsons ix, B.ht;:fc r. x 077Et„C„ft, 3txtr.) Pilaxin,am SERVICE Load 1,31e301 004:11.1000 0.:202 57,107 771) 34 07. 3307. -00773-5(15 3,„50 1,0,3 :-71)----140 Other Factors h;e:Ito ch1h0:ata Amiable stress 1) 07703 0,0)7/13 k I ,10, I -..)1.0 -s1 .1., /353st) [535t,tiosI S t , .11,1 fit.0).„):), 7f1141 xf!, . rt 1,1 0 17 \‘' .(1(:.)11 '355:0; 0.12'0,6 ((tk(1))))) fifftitit 11O'i(170r41 141-41, 1 1i )1) 4111 Li4C) I (3C) fi f7 Mazximini Reactions - Unfactorad 7t,..5"3 5253f: LH X•5 r'51 (0) 71*13 7-17 -43 CI --1) illi 11111 il_IN_ MI 11111 i 0 i 111.114,1 1 F-4.0 WF -2.0 IT a a 2X4 STUD (g) 12" 0,C. tso f„) (73 (31 !Wood Column t '• • ','"„tff,t .S • Di-to:.t.t.,' Maximum Nflections for Load Combinations - Unfactored Loads 41,, .1r- ,,,, t..‘,,,,c,-, .• 1.`.., 7.,,' C C 011 -.CC, '3 ss, Sketches CMU 111711 lel WFC --2.0 2X6 WOOD BEARENG WALL © 1,6" 0,C. wr-C-1.33A TUBE STEEL COLUMN L _ WF -1.33A (4) STUDS PACK - EFEJ:EnriTii,Er.,ini WF -1.33A F --2.0A I48i r•-1 Lx- a .1 tc-3.0A 4-1,33A EXTERIOR FIG tA I WF --2.0 47.77-20 <SD (xi _J 4-1 WF -2.0 I(ITERIOR FIG IC 11 hs-) It ft 5/7- 2.0 6.1 (NI to (1,1 c:1 EXTERIOR FIG 1B WFC ---2.0 INT imi Pp_ imi 1.71:1111 CMU WALL 1 a bEt,T x11 lt,t 1)HUI DIA Mitt Ltf,Xt•Sltrt 7117 .S Trilf St,P1.1, "5.1 VI1Is°,1,.! 01141 EFFF,C.T AS t ;Alt ttf t31•111(7,1A1•11tAtIl 11+ 53,18-13 Sang-Yub LA: P.E. FloridaqNo. 72328 FE DRAWN BY J.HERNANDEZ CHECKED BY SL SCALE 22 X 34 = SCALE AS NOTED 11X17 = 1/2 NOTED SCALE SHEET DATE 03-15-13 SHEET REVISION INFO SET REVISION INFO SHEET DESCRIPTION COLL,M \I CALC. PROJECT NAME PARKLAND GOLF & CC—MONOGRAM BROWARD COUNTY LOT/BLOCK 33D TBI NUMBER 9033 MODEL 30LANO ELEVATION NAME MEDITERRA \EAN SHEET NUMBER S6.04 j SERIAL. NUMBER 1010,0 DATE: Monday, March 18, 2013 - 1:35:00 pm L.L. ° < (I) 0 (f)LLJ 0 LU r 0 w Lu iu = > LLJ00 = < a > ▪ Ce LU 0> > LU LU 0 0 F- LU F- < LIJ Ce UJ - (f) t_u 0 Lu caf >- >-- LL1 j0 w -2:7 :Io (.9 cx < cL Lu 0 00 ( 2: c 11J 0 Ce 0 1LL0 cz LU 0 rip 0 [-- 0 oz, 0 LU 0 (J) (;) 1 0 0 tr) 0 LU 0 ___J 0 LL 11J ._J CC1 (-11 0 CL UJ C'e LIJ (Jr) < LLJ ›- t-- 0 LIJ 0 >- en 11...1 (f) 7.3 LU cfj 1 cL LU LJJ („9 (De (1) EY () (f) LIJ 0 <1: LU LL 0 LU 0 uj Lu U) C.„5 11.1 0 cn LI., 0 tly) s‹:t (1) EY 0 et 0 0 0 (1) Lu ECEDENCE OVER SCALE 0 (r) 0 LLI 0 LU .._J 0 1--- 1Wall Footing A '13;43I.31.2,f"'„":2'4" 23:63 058,745315773 1.8 167' 0312 815 Cu.577 k,,:1'(", 1..1"sr III:11,113111111 l.15661 51)10 E)153 k";, sk"1)5311: General Information rt. C ,,,ktsfssf 51,1.1ity 37 f003,33-381,0131 8.80 E38:„ 137264733 35758303 1135 30563 3 37 368 313: .1 330 63.3.5 1603153 of 1,121 0,771.3 '353 5,350 f 37,183 1•163 6337333 77.7`63y317,373.3 77.3:7C27. 727870 113;t. ,11143, LI. Dimensions f 3,14:117 7.8311 111 TI1k1,161.s<5, 1's1.1.111 1,1 ;387:72 '7."11").1111,1-115113.61114 Applied L03ds 77.733,1355314 121.11314/71637 3:33,1310171 1 u 1 33 1 /843.88. 3333 833 53.30833:8 33:88,38[8,80,31-.81.3)3F38.831.0i 33' 811 73771 6703,33,711733.53710-1757 ,142-35171,63343 57-1.3137,3335,3373 Ckk:y.ff sik 51.13 5,,>» A11sksy ;1116;k".^.1:r kr 1313354 per 3.3:88 ;if rth 13.0 el 3; 733.323713,32 2 17'. 3 1372333 -3 8 3735 770631 13cr8:880. 10E030 5.433,33.7334 .53 063725 31033333 = 1 5 ;3 3 3074 554 053363 0:3.3173,334 / / »5 002353 44:34 6 3 14j4,1 ft 310'319 Z 7.,.»s 7753 171+ 71F05333 -e180 1.73.,y SH,1,111 Wali Footing 117730.337.31.33 3173 331 1S11 . s :011 CO' • It11.14'0115 111.skts'i 1 ;1011.1 I Ff.: R. 72537 E3 7- 10 General Information 73 33- 7234 73 '37 3,33737233» !y Rsk."1: 1,/, 5338 172-3,33377' 6430 1.7447,2 33 6:060 I-037336 3 33 1,6713 :3333,35 548 6130 ' „ B3,351:3333 53:236 1,33 7=11777' „. 133236p R,„fs,) 1+132 6515131 1763332 1)::: 51,7033031ety 733373 0,37:30 -24; 36631 .':74, Dimensions 32,13, 33355-4163 Applied Loads 673 7)'74 38,2 131337 373 07312733 7165010354 513' "37,1•630 '2 0 723 30(3 +76 33 1207 0 3+: 1-15 0 73331 09:,) 1).750 s 6132211,1 t4.03311,74 1 I) 77 3 3333» .313:.,,), 233 33 35 . 3 31.742 3353 33 45)4 3 k 313 k 8 53.2 +711 8 332 5 8 82 13.533+51 3 3 P1^1 Reinforcing 13.63.7 03272 71,71 77,37 743333333 13' 0655 13=6 7:22333 6, 73,6 71371371,71 ,+1• 115677 Nk11 01k, tkk's'Ikk I733 53.43, 7737,34,1,1t 31 ..21I.,61,skit 303. 7,31...7 -I =3 60 3: 173,45433 1333,0573 730264 By 1:30:123 330 0» 13 74 732635 77023212;5 2 33.3 03377,3,63 3=3:83,7733,364.1„, 3237357 00:631 32. 11•SS •.• k • s si 0.1 31•41SS• .437,4 1313-53077, 13332e4733 204 3.371 331322241:1 .353353; c:333,;f3,31,23+3 43t.I.3.0 5633 1337-2•6357 35,737005 5521.337.47477,3732 3,1'1,11 Ir.s."1,11,1 AksItykr II+1113 0,7,0 Li 311 31) 00 1:1: )11 1413) 037 0)) 0:.) 5, 538.37e1,72 0133313334 33 56 73.231 5 5 2:7)» 835 33 1 363 ;33 0 7,0 0:,) 0 0 0 12,0 6 Reinforcing k1dI Pur, 13733,63773313:37 53'5 0 0 31 0 0 3.1 1 .1 +3,1 33 0 37 41 ,S 5355317 Wall Footing kf':+1,4is Ekl+ks15f5r.Y.ks kik; Ik+ u.s5sfsssk,135-s^k r sk yff..kk 5I+ILks,,,S.' l`sfs:f6.+Y'sk I -.11.! 1.IsIfII.0111. 33- 2 65. 7 1073,73..3!„77,25.383713 3, 350 317,7- 3356. 37,3:5573, - Cr4,-kp;543 [31+:1,ff2r:R ks irk 1„ .F3=1,713-31 =0371712 -3330+3 7657 =0 75332 +13 631+73717731.70 753313=11 -0 =71057550 71,S1.0 3335,6'3= El 70+3 2535 713 781,6711737777111 '13:01,5301.») 7523+35273F -57H =0 '3 1573-31 7555-3 52173E 21 10.08,7 170+170 0,e7unnnj 0555077,383370 0133352 137,501333 F1732 27373 -1 4730 31 4030 . 2 63.8070 533330 11377431 17771 213073 501.371 On 7 113011 231021 4331.79 506+1 5311 236+1 601 a„5os+ 1 05334 234131 53340 3 734. 250+1 63.4373 35.31. 23562 033012 53371 2577 0527+4 5323 3330+0 15013711,776 23053 681" 1 772s 3,17),',) 50400 552 333 22673 5,352.012.533 723 33022 53136 7,7,17=3'7 = 23000 53133 530S 333 351141 533733 273017.3 4,.) :») 5'11 -3 1,0013 36 01773,7 +1 4:0 3- I 23331-213.33371 7321 +1 3330 33 2352+1 24630 525313,36 " 311143" 1 3,347+0 5:1 331 30331 5246,3 536,3 +1 33073 53431 4318 +1 70073 csyki.^1.:"1 '1 Y72001 533+0 5157333 +3 2533731534.4.1236717 / '1717+1 2102751 /71317>1 2 742 781 2 42 +.5t 177.1217>1 / 42 I333+1 2 fl.y) 2 112 ksf 40')') 63 3 777'4 a* 35174 37',:? 2, 3546;;; 3 772 ;^ 01526 el 3 732 in +736,n 3845 X 606,67) "17 E11,511:051 3 -X 457,13,70 '1435 +5 6723372 712592 -.X 63.11270 731323 = 133332) "3722 -X 73; run 13 75 5,3551 1314+1 X 53:13031 77 )13')+X [36111.3.31 3733 X 60115,07 3.13 5510 +5 6052» X 153,5';') :11,123 +X 13387,53 73:311( X 3)3.52733 )3:38510 X 133802, 279) sY't k.551sTYk '17 636,33 2332 3' 331115 417363 0008 0 0027' 2:0363 77323 0377435 3 8,324 0 30,52 7111:21 33,6342 032315 0 3354 0 77018 0337349 3'317117 7, 2042 33315 633 131:32 14114 f.,I833 AC P„18, AC 12» AC 4,1,5717) 530 AC 5133 1.' 557-1170 51,3 1.1313730 517: 3+13 514 743 533 770 5132 A0 731,33 AC 51,2 7)13 533n 1417, 11>5 135 10 5 1') 5 1917 10 5 '3 5 015 105 10 5 1315 615 10 5 305 105 12 5 12 13 10 5 3 1657 31 3 4117 1.7 73 3427 72 011347: 0 1451 77 311'24 kr 311 634 73 0 1124 k+ 0 3454 ks 1„:+1 757 133 7, 3.1 330 63 153 30 33 7,6 5,4.30145: 0 770 82 178 76 13 336 30 156 330 0 7,73 83.1130 5332 13,'>,52 158 73353 k1i 1131 32 1575 0 1:21 62 154 7373 1 '237 2 552 121 '.14117>7 2/.113+1 531 2 731 +81 715,'); 2 721 +21 2 568 354 1 7 1377 3; : 731 ' 31,18 7-7 752, 33, 382 3012 8 3332 8 5652 8 562 8 302 82+2 8 352 1) 362 836:3 834'2 12,3,„ 8 7172 k 362 3 352 3 362 51.11,sk U•111) ^ 33K OK 0K 05 727K 3707‹ OK OK Wall Footing 74• :U3.1123317k 1„ 0;088 3pt83,81 3330.173,33888;(8,2 0317737211535 R20331,3 31 173s+, -7) =1301 +31+4 7572,03 71: '1')) +74,5:537)45 73331,676 -073 70341+0 75033 3743323370 '01911711+3 7123100 7533363 3; 373 75210+0 75131+35217116+9 +3+117353+3 253F633752553E76 1,5703175 2,1824 51.743131,7 333, trlds NO 0 .5IL13, I5,338323 1 I 333 NO 376851 ri.A0.15J 13 =1 451 .1 4177 31 20670 534371 7.441 530 ; 31 Ykki,s0 fs,;:lyf <6;kt, 11 534-I +3/933,354'7+ 3 54',S Is I >119 , 20071 OA -315063,3173133 +1 23671 535.772 514. , 376371 63131.353 232 +13('0'0 521'l OBS 353(4+9 5'1+1 ,33S +345:13+.,) 5,262 533073 +1 0715639 5352+2 704.333 =1 23073 535.333 535772 71 3(313,3 531.3113 5::S+3.1+' +7 251.0-30 1.13351 o•JID >341:0 +1 „1:130 3; 13 31.3 +33,30:7113171 71 236+3 536 -3 53671 51372 31 27,001 53:13471 534. 71 700 , 53k =1 530 , 1 04653 k 1:0 511333 71 33070 5114+3457,';',' =1 20003 51,0 -0 235,E 7:15 +St .'177)5 +0 3 545 721 /6431751 2 1145'721 3 445 751 :45 3',) 2 445 721 • 3,7'53 0 223 7 0243 1324) 3 3376 '33228 /23313 31328 1/738 33 235,8 )7'2713 32713 3 2780 3 311 0 0 5: 3 3 tn 0 8 015 (Is) l'11 9,3),, 73 0 633* 7X 03330.722 -X + X 663325 -X 658,03 8X 63.18833 17 B:0333,73 -X 6331,740 X 137.35,372 737 6573873771 -X 6015763 7 X 6735332 X 6,7183» 6.47+ 5 7333033, 7X 6323763 1.7 4615 303 0 206130 0312732, 43613;0 0 48731 30 0 4601736 2.16617333 C ;4861 30 hz+ 0 0250 75 3133.1251:3 0307)13', 942257> 0 72 325 72 0 45/517;, 0 0535 78 3.1 '1 "43.3 7371 '3: 5 30 2071 3,1;' ,5' 10 0137 7,4737,0 145 3 2107 1.3,2 7,38 107 217137 513, AO 105 7):7),:7 13,31,0 1715 79,475 r.,10, 140 105 0(4775 1,181 7+4,) 40 5 0 37175 450 7,0 105 O 13375 13,1» AC 195 0 5,275 34317)4, 335 04)07') 171»1.0 10 5 1391)75 131,23/,C 14 5 0('375 MI AC, 30 5 0:1075 71137.4' 195 0 2075 Mon 72, 105 045153 62 1175 00 2 132" 9 52.6 12.1557:5+' 714912 373,1 3352 11,8 821 ‚3434,1 453 1+2 153 36 11 45361 4.1+1 732 1f13 k."1,1 714851 3,83 62 1613 7331 14341 7371 +2.155)7) 3 4+7141 3371 5.2 158 736 C/K 03K OK 023 3.7K OK 1:7K OK OK 5.1K 0K (3K 051 DK (11;( 1135< 4$"2 4 412 4 422 44,,,,' 4 4712 4317,2 44/ 4 4 32 2 432 4.4132 4 45,2 4 402 4 422 4.402 4 403 3,7e OK OK OK 37K OK 336 ('K OK 47K 3173 (:1< 0K OK OK 0'5< 141, OK 31K 74K C.233 B Wall Footing 17 174, ;'r* Is 51. p& 34:344103 : 11+31:3)34 173 0l1y4.114 14211.<1.,,114,7<<"., 4.330,13.74,3 2,333,73002 13560 : 21110 :740 374 ASC. 1,10 General Information 53,.,',,; '3 0,0 73333, 153, 033330213358 Y1,i 86,2310 177 756375 5237) ,33 9,713538 e 8,1:781 0.333,83830.3 f/3338.3.88 83/3 .3; f8. rt 5333 3377.03,743-337333013 17,13:, Mks: SI 323'9 1.4:kfrty A0333C.,,i;„ r3;ctur; ',144;;31d ,,„„ 01. Dimensions f 3738333 7684 3,581 51337,73,572 301,3113.33,27,33311761 03=231737276 of 3:,33,3330 Applied Loads .7,31.1 736 3200 783 31 2 2 0 45, 1433 pc) 1) 00 ct 750 Isk • 3„1, 3I 1 7,1 ji5: I Irk. k1) 30 1 1 0 I 1311531, 3483.11,833„ A313,,,3ii11e 8888 6e81,388, 43+rease B,8:8,r314 By Fo38.ni3,',....33,3,1/1 8>) 17»>>;e f3,8,838.8,3nce 434'rk:03,711 17o8 Dc34551e 1180511rs,r;e51. R(frfea:nce Depth 1,4),;,33,Soff,-tr,c. 133,nv P -33.33.8384.+ -nese f3r.; 3I5r,333.33 it:cf 3cD5f3+f,1323,833.3.i 333534.3n„j 7„::31322 Rrefc..18 1,35:1e4553p2.3 ALT; 55-13:413 8,81+3 41r8,n, Fy.t.r8.3,) f133knes 20 0 in f113-4,ar Der -31;31D° io Edge of 0,;30.,e/e1e. 081388,0m of 1081338) 3 0 11 ;.,330853.8 178.48.64511 ';,-881f8AIARY 0733/7 5,:1h»15,: 032 (2 352•33,37-3:32 - 2 Z 15033:f: 134d kl6k .331.,;13,3f.,31 7304:32 1, '3 :2255,33 3173.6253 72 4 '300 5. 8011838 451 1 0,8)/ 88338.,; +.3) 513,3 17'3 4. 01) 03) '710 00 0 ft '30 0 3.) ..1 ;83.0,e f 83p 51 )451,74) 121 2 3.738) 721 0 0 741 ('33 0,317 0 )7105 7,41 3 255,1 5.ft 0'3 pkyi 0 0 VY,I 1- cN 2 742 7.34 00 5 II I) 0 17 a 'a kr 2f .572 13,A2 k ft 5'2 1173 ;AI 3 3 j.11.1 'f'ss ,S 6.13:57, +7sykYskt, 9;1 Reinforcing B1.11.3 „„1:+53 1035 II of 68.38; 12" ,535/3 f3888180.8j 17..:e WF - 2.0 3 3 I 3 3 , 1. 1 , . 3 1 3 ! I i 3 3 3 7113 '3,0 +st '113.33-3 2720 0 3,335f 0 230 33, k 337 0 771 0 017 0 0 177 " • V1a7+r- Ic.faks,f,;:k3A . _ 3-1)+2 3151[3.33,731,13L+0 122 3.2...! ;.3•31) ^3.3,33:322,2 i421,1k 414:31.3^0 233376 +14'47+.4f'17'1,'>'537' 11 1 int 2X4 STUD © 12" O.C. --- (4) STUDS PACK EXTERIOR FTG WF -2.0 Wall Footing (385420‘2,37F.3241'ki'3,37003T3,17333.7.7 • „ 73 • .. 43.43 3 0-.377,33IBI33,3742.5713350I1.757.35,333737, , 3-443.73337, 63:333338;3403:3537503)7711737011F3,. 74303.333231.4,,,38 3.1 0' 337253335778, 53311.45775; 14413 F584.7115=4 11>913'131 33 .31675;73E . 3D :071613 33031,,H 75731 7051 f e'Is5k. `I 4r 51 ,-0,0 "ifk,.:Lyik =6340460i 'DI(175.III 75165,7 4451,Y1:1•11 .)132713(33131 , 331_737`231.33 1.33`2[ 339 1.33,351 ,72,,, 7.),) F2,35-9 63210,2 31.3,522.,33 7323,302) 556373153 , 3 3 F."sll(13H.s NO 11731,41sg 13833)(3,180j :31 470 4'0[) +1 $s13,'25':),,11,05')1610 ss 1,00.11,0 11/0." 1 1sk0k 2>13+1'':1.11.1+0 ','1111 k:410 ,,1 26E0 (1(k). klk 5,450 . '401D 453,4' '3 74.31. '>2>0''> 0,2433,3333 71 01:537'1 5315+3 5377 , 27333,72437117,43+3, 5.253 237E60 504+1 37,32,5 =1 22100 513.3 I ;CGS 108313,8731,,381; +3 5333,81 31 2313+0351883 31.321 20(1)332 '2,1 -3211 `,31.631.2 2+0,0 883,3334838,3„1„) «1 2180813 0313 2:338, F8 «1 "‘„31.1211:35.2i 3,3233-2-I2 1133,333,31,187351,83/ CMU WALL WFC -2.0 2 imI 2X6 WOOD BEARING WALL ((I) 16" O.C. 175) 11:21 7-41-1 WFC -1.33A TUBE STEEL COLUMN WF -1.33A ,^) 2.0A 42_1 7317 -1.3317 WI 0 -2.0 53 34 333 2 45711,1 3.401 53 1635 3: .7 43333= 33,353 •632317 ksi .V-51 3 422.173 3,061,2 67.31133711 31+ 13':1'.'s sk's1 CS)111' s111 ; /.11 sk;I 345'..11,1 75 656353 -X B33,333-2 7X 6.42755 6573333-4 =X 175213031 X 17533 fe: +71 62403'3 r• 6532 x 7737.3422 X B3333263 5 14,;1.,,; 2, 2 71065 *= 676.3,2 01 K.) fc) 14ss E/Ty'v-r1+:2 j F . t. 411 -16.11411111,111150411-11;k1 r 11 I sk I 1s I Esfilci.fri- 111-1 1:1E00,1LIWI1161 ''''' WF- I .33A 7501-2.0 Ili IN ISI _ _IN liamilac_ JAL_ --lig CMU WALL 1 1 762 0347 0817 7,33 '34'911 1,',nAll 033057 7183, A0 031/ 771,1140 3.11,3',3C34 ,2313„f1, 331,31 I233 +1,0 0 27253 ^.1;n7„0 70417 4,18317:383 0 03313 17131 AC, 38318 34.;'?,(. 31115 1,1,1317)', 0 3012 11:3 /317 ,331.24/ .33c., 331.14 +233,3V, 3 CC:15 013014: 0 1;312 (1 '3045 3713,73". 3532 223132-C 10 5 15 1.15 105 1,15 10 17 13 5 13 5 10 53 105 1,45 13s 135 175 14 5 3335 1:11:3 ;IS 73 11 0 '1 111 1 ' k kl 11; "1 '1 7, I 7, 11 r3 =7 71 11 13 31 31 1 k WE --2.0 WF -2 0 T13i 0- 1 INTERIOR FTG 21.513131373715041 '331X Iskr, 3732 NI (.7 01 ,3 EXTERIOR FTG WFC - 2.0 — 2,8k ,,-,-..•-,µ.---,-,--,•--.^-Y•, 1k1 's1I t sll 17) I NOVO" usks, irk ,sk,s, 1.,+1 k,k ,N 111sAAIIIkk k kM1'11ES "HE Aekk.P. f.ks:F +3+433kt+ 11.11.13:k5 363k: IN If FiC:1 1,17 ',+'571( 31+3111:34161.:N 1113(k,si 03-1813 Sang-Yub Lee RE Florida No. 72328 G N M M <17: -'1' Pc; DRAWN BY 1HERNANDEZ CHECKED BY SL 313 45 45) 1„1„i 17(1 +114 0- (‚-3 -4, -530 r - SCALE 22 X 34f SCALEASNOTED 11X17 - 1/2 NOTED SCALE SHEET DATE 03-15-13 SHEET REVISION INFO SET REVISION INFO SHEET DESCRIPTION BEARING WALL CALC. PROJECT NAME PARKLAND GOLF & CC -MONOGRAM BROWARD COUNTY LOT/BLOCK 33D IBI NUMBER 90:33 MODEL BOLANO ELEVATION NAME MEDITERRANEAN SHEET NUMBER S6.03 SERIAL NUMBER 1010+0 1-4 0 0 LU 0 U_ 0 LU 0 - < w co u>..1 : - Lu ;00j < 0 0 LU - 11J o > 111 -- w0 Cr) 0 LU < 0 < UJ cr L1J ▪ < Lu CL Ili CL (/) >-- >3 - LU 1JJ < c-3 Lu U- __J (.9 I— 0 L LU 0 ° ca /-4 1-L1 Ce- < 0 0 0 cn 1.1.1 2: CC LL. ca 1-4 Zs. 0 oz Cri < Lu LU 0>- cfl< 47- - 0 1 - -- 0 LJ 0 - 11_1 Cr) 0 0 1.1) Ce 0 > 0 UJ (r) UJ CD, ("1 w • LU F- 0 ce cr>- 0 0 (.) I- 11_ 0 0 (Y) 1/1 C:C UJ UJ LU DE 0 ce 0 13- 0 LU CL (9 1-4 0 I-1 Ca a: 1— >- 0< 11-1 2: LU LU CC CL LU ce LU L)0 0 1-4 LL1 CL CC (i) UJ '57 LU (9 FORS SHALL VERT 0 1/1 0 —1 LU 0 UJ U) LU 0 uJ 11J 0 LLJ LU ce LU <r. _J cn (9 0 LLJ UJ >- CC:1 0 cn O 0 (r) 0 Masonry Slender Wall „ 7,1,11 1.:tider71.tifnrrince,ii. 1.4.4:11,1 121)1:11J1I1:411411:1'• Ur" ,t,,1 23'JI11 5551ASCII 1. IL; 31'tt)37,1471inft,riO3tion Ciiiot4,777..11Tytt..4 iiiirr1ii3ittt1 Horis.,:i; 17.7r1 7,10 forii,,,tori,, 11,t1 1 5011,33t t131:' :. ,/,) , .87 8 .1 13-77;...11,q..3,3,83 th., ry.) 1,71,1 ,473) 0 r"::.1 .iiii.Lirrr 11,rrir,', :, ..., i r:r<141.4r ,:i 1',1,1A: .5,sO..3 Crirj,r711111 r.::-.41 RA:0 : f)1 O;8; 4::,1.:14 711 41717! r: • :1 ,3i312 31 p,,313,3-3,31 ',•..,,,,,,-)1E;,.:33 "7 3- ;311113 641 Sr,!.., 4 5 tr; r31;i )/31;7,t ',."3/.311',3/-„;•,;')C ‚7 131 ;3 •433,t V ri 11 .4 (J346143.1 .31 733/ or ((....3k »r./' 314:134337/ C7,1 Eit7627313343-6 74:3,337,1 f.017-3-7,1 74311.3.3.73-33!s ‘:3-t `.7.311.t t,83.71.4)073 11,135137144 17,r73.;‘))./7,1.7.771 1.,•,41,151,47,14.1ti 1.0 120 $. 1,, 3,4 13. 6 641 (1 f..0 0 7 300 2 ))3; 13)04)31 ndio, (..31cy 67i V.'. 111 3.6 53,3.3416 1/ 33,14.33,1313.( 3.,t I 44 4 .3.3.4( 446( L. Masonry Slender Wall i2.,E3J3.3,43) (th (474;,,t1 ; 317 336'7317 '! P.'3.1.13,11',',.tt,3:':.`c!.t.t.t.Thittrtttt.t...t,..t.t-t-t-:tati,t."-ft:t.t. ,t44t.,:,r,/tag..,‘..-tj-,-.7)-.1.11)1))1i:1121111.L r„‘1'1 X.:31.114,E17...111) .083 -331513.101,1,1A1 -1Y G34/73m.ni L.J3),.1 C.3,7,073a1,337, 071,273) +1 200+0 501,7.0 506+25 373/, 7, 03.3f[77.1.0t,3777,47,3 o + L .4113,30 (171731. +1 20()./11 601. 10 1734;;JL,;;; tr)).€73k Dc3,33.43311 1,1,h413, 43,341 (3,477131),'1,i113.37373 73,3,11 /.441 33., t) 1 4,1-•,4,31 17133,r _ fesolts reported for "Strip Width" of 12.0 in 01)6..1:71:71 . , 7171,, .'71rtrie V,.:1111,1r/ fili-nm Ben/l,rij Slit.ss R,Oio = 0 9736 WO: Mu -2 3213 13-31 Ph, ' ..1.31 0 446 711 P,11,1 [712 71310 160 197 '3:33/ ; .4)3.7133 113;710 ),!,i., 12cr3»31,773 1 3)2,) 571+2» 3)51 1 13.0 t3 Ma), 03. , 09 51 218,s' 0t2"13, 1s00 0 137trot,373.1 0 0833.3,1 C2,..3,;:og As.133 0.3033.53 Ast..,j ,3.1111rn3J231. 71 1144 ,71.,3t,171,;;;.J t,47.st 1371333H0r,,,..-.2‘22,1 \t'e.7`.77111-1,33-.)•:1373,7) 4715 1f1 tr.);;;;;;; 3;1 H-03,1.7 ;7)1373,1C.»,1))37,11,73) 71 Or/y D +1 + 1 L + Lr $.3, 3381 133 .13.3( 3 1 ri 1433 nir ,t‘t, 7,47 7. 7.131,S 3 J.1)1 r , .3:17 = 1 3.3 7 .34 • I . 11' 4 • ) 1. - 33; ' 1.3 (3' .1 411 , 7, 4) .117 .33 rt,) 7137.5 .57 .3») 311413 , 713 (3. , 21, 46, 33,3, 17„) 17 r:r 7,1 :1141 0:71111V1 fr),ifIcir;tions 71341,331 I, 4.721 7.1:,;(36(31v,'71es 1',: 1.71.r t3,33317,i; 1.5,713 (13.1 3.37 7 3.3 41336-) () ( 3 .3 3177 11 11 .3 - 11113Ctal &1-17trizont)7.( )tt '1,t-,3 3.11 7)47 .''373 .541 317 332 241,34 31 43,4 1/1 7(1: 1 417, 347 433 63436 7377,3);13,37,,7,7;711 ,7 331 .113 (4 • ( 3 6 4, 33 1344 331(11 113.4:31 1. !3/41,5 31. 4L);,31 S 1113.33.3 14363, 361313, I 71ft4,3771333 13. 11.3. 13n 0411 R.,1, 3331 21'»'))) 132 (63 1 442 '332 0.317 7,112 3,74,373 0 261 .1 13 13)43 7(31(133 V7117), (1)317611313,(74). r.r:1 1 71.0 33 0 (12) 16'.61330 713) Masonry Slender Wall 7C. 1.3.11 F 433'26 7 41,5 1'2 0.01631-1€136330,c.i-s i ,,,.3.13.,(t.ni)7hxtit..03,141t3.031 : 2010 1165 &ASCE) /1,10 ..173103.11 t,furrr,,-.)31p),0 C10•113:311:0;117/P1)' (63471,1773..1 1 iciilotiii Corirrdit f.1..r.....nory 7171 = 1 50 iisi 6:11t .7,7 Th.trittin,s F y - 713,31 17") (1 ..1 07).1.1r I5,,71.E-7,?. Ft ,32.pi3e 61 0 [-LI R.)1,,:r "71° ,,jis.,7,,,, 7(000 30,3»f i33:331R,r)3,3i 51,x L .,, 81 1,,ii -; 0.11,131 11.11 037330o:1 (7/4,3)1113,33..3 3., 1310p,1 71..20,I'5 I Nunn .1 01713j1.1 01,.) i3(6';51 '.-,,:', 0 3,4 73/3.10.-. t31uut321,431 ittbof 3,311s otdy Slory1',14.11 1,:7.:,t) r: (71:5'.,') '13,31( 7,,,3',374.3..,67, )!).));4333,34",;17,1-11,)„,733., , 7 , • , ;„; ) 1.c..ijk,r173.341 000000*t0,a 1/.10 L571'7.1.',1 t, 1 1) F-4.0 761 r61 0.0 1,1 ct C1 :11 T4'.:7,1 L3111 ft.: .7374 . / 71,I1A1,23,:3,,t-i,17,11z17-/ti EPA R,11,1/ 3 813 111 r,3„,71.,;:l 31,3 41 150 0 00',30 Di 1.1 411 • 0. 1,1 1133(1.434k1„1371 2! 713343 1 7.3,A 0,60 .1 0 '150 0 8(1 ,11 WF -2.0 Imo --r-- t S'Vr,r,A Lw,lry of Ldtoral W,1ll W.5rql1I 4343,1,),:341:1,47, 111.441 Masonry Slender Wall • . • =•' 1.: • - 111-1,112141..ifil1,111,1-1`V Rosnits 1.0110313)2 for "Snip Width" of 12.0 in '..1,,,133311434v,7371 ;.333)33) t) 0+/ 1) 4 1. .312)10+) 6:111 0 1301 "1 3,37) 1/7 "3:,0770.11 -717)717,1)7 1'0 1 4,4.441 I ' 11 :4'1,1 , ' 31.1 6, ,16"11»'13-1 171( I 511,0611;.101 - 11; i°1103 A '.0r .1 I 00 1 10,73(7331 (337.7.4,(3 133; 1414; 11741h-1 1 8.7) r rrir.1•:711'.rit .1 • ' 141 h 31 -1 A 1./ 1 ,r .7) 133 2.1271n5 .51-13,76-2c,Ht5 CMU WALL12 imi •riiI]!J!L. _j.!UL,L.JimmIUL _Jun_ ViF--2.0 2X4 STUD © 12" 0,C.— (4) STSTUDS PACK EXTERIOR FTC - 17 C•1 -1' WFC -2.0 L)..) 2X6 WOOD BEARING WALL WFC -2.0 ;91.,..tttt @16" O.C. r 15 • -J g C41 6X6/34 /4132,3136 1441,7.6 ' P,1310m....,r1 8nr,difig 5(6.5Ri11.10 " 0.6186 1.170:1.1,1 0 '.7,17-) it '; i't.," '.1 1 .1.)7 i. 11 VP 3),), R.:133 21 3 .71, " ., 31:L:3,1'3.17, 70:11; 1',11iY. 1:1•1`i41C,11,1:1 :1'1 r:/.1 rr. 41, /trir...V 1)3,5 i't .7i) ' ',:1,1'4. Pri 1 AJ -I '1 1.1 'c1.1 r tr! ! .!;'' fc rr rr:,1 7) ...„. ,„),.-!. ii....'n C:333.31.!3,2) A33.4,), (!) , .7 il;,:,:•4 .4. r 717 1114 (1,3 t , 7) 11311 7 0, Jr .4 3,1 1411%, ,!4/1 3 '" 1 4. .14 . , , ' . ' t,t, th 13,1 31.1 1 . '1 ".. ',I , 1 ' 4 4 1 17,,, , .8. 71,) ; 7 , , 344 3411 443) 1 3 In 1.3... , A 7.3 I .:1 I ' .114 171 3 ( , I ' f 1 (1 WFC -1.33A N , 1" TUBE STEEL COWMN 5,‘ ., , ilAt, \-, \ f:-- 2.0A ‘3t,(2\,„ \•,<•>‘.... ,--)<-1— c\-.i. ,. [ u... - 1 E it- ifif4) p 4 41111411E 31:F. $.0 lit 5,- 11,4,44,11, 1$: 1 IE $ :.i WI -1.33A .‹ t•'.',' ,---) ,..: r.••-, .• [ [113T-viiiiiif.,-In•41-ndadinaiilailltinittadlim.gail.,5 .-- -i.- C_D I ,. - -....-- 17-3.0A "T t7t.'f7,77,3 13)/3,., 1.73,13, 13)73373 )43)7 ) )771 '37 ;;; )3) z1,37),,43 Por, .1471 .1:1 :41 ,44: 7'471 :'71 :1 144 3.63 It 41 (173 ,,,t4 37", , • . 1,.p it , WF--• 2.0 WF --2.0 dTERIOR FTG WF -1.33A A 2.0 EXTERIOR FTG [3 NFC --2.0 11_ lag11.111.2111K4 Pm I®N II *Et 541_4.4 CMU WALL 1 rro HI Er: ',1 ,r1 41, 4,4,4,117,1, 171 7 5:4r7r, 14 14(.141r 1+111+ r 41'11E3 A 1144 APP,1' 411'1:1,45 17.1/111.71,6 ;r4; 33)41 Cr I. ,.11 P1114: AT:1:ti141,14.M. 11..1 (Jr) SHEET NUMBER 0318-13 Sang-Yub Lee 0 E. 01000,1 No 72328 (>11( 01 u LJ -1 Cf) N 171 r1771 1111 0 20 <1' (7, 144 7."7", 71, 718 -11 DRAWN BY J.HERNANDEZ CHECKED BY SL SCALE 22 X 34 = SCALE AS NOTED 11X17 = 1/2 NOTED SCALE SHEET DATE 03-15-13 SHEET REVISION INFO SET REVISION INFO SHEET DESCRIPTION BEARING WALL CALC, PROJECT NAME PARKLAND GOLF & CC -MONOGRAM BROWARD COUNTY LOT/BLOCK 33D TBI NUMBER 9033 MODEL BOLAN° ELEVATION NAME MEDITERRANEAN S6.02 SERJAL NUMBER 1010.0