HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013040227-EngineeringBroward County Board of Rules and Appeals One North University Drive, 3500-B Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33324 Effective: March IS, 20 I 2 Telephone: 954.765.4500 Facsimile: 954.765.4504 FORM FOR "SPECIAL BUILDING INSPECTOR" SECTION 110.10-BROWARD COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AND THE 20 I 0 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: You are hereby directed in accordance with Section I I 0.1 0.1 of the Broward County Administrative Code and the Florida Building Code to retain a Special Structural Inspector (A Florida Registered Architect or Licensed Engineer) to perform the following mandatory or discretionary inspections, as outlined in Sections II 0.1 0, 1822, 2122.2.4, 2218.2, R4407.5.4, 2223.1 I. I, 1927.12.1, 1927.12.2, R4405.9.12.1, R4405.9.12.2, R4408.5.2 & R4408.1 0.11 of the Florida Building Code and submit progress reports, inspections reports, and a Certificate of Compliance to the Building Official as per Sections I I 0.1 0.6 and II 0.1 0.7 of the Florida Building Code. Note: The Building Official determines which discretionary inspections are to be delegated. DATE: March 19 2013 IDENTIFICATION, CONTROL OR BUILDING PERMIT# _________ _ PROJECT NAME: Parkland Golf and Country Club-Lot 330 JOB ADDRESS 8162 Bradford Way. Parkland ZIP 33076 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: _________________________ FOLIO# ________ _ A. MANDATORY INSPECTIONS TYPE BY CODE: I) Precast Concrete Units-Section 1927.12.1, R-4405.9.12.1, II 0.1 0.2.1 .............................................................................................................................. Yes D No 181 2) Precast Concrete Units-Section 1927.12.2, R-4405.9.12.2, .............................................................................................................................. Yes D No 181 3) Reinforced Unit Masonry-Section 2122.2.4, R4407.5.4, II 0.1 0.2.2 (per ACI 530.1-05-Level B Quality Assurance)* *unless noted otherwise on plan .................................................................................................................................................................................................• Yes D No 181 4) Connections-Section 2218.2, ................................................................................................................................................................................ Yes 0No 181 5) Metal System Buildings-Section 2223.1 1.1, I I 0.1 0.2.4, R4408.1 0.1 I ................................................................................................................................ Yes D No 181 B. DISCRETIONARY INSPECTION TYPE BY BUILDING OFFICIAL: I) Building Structures or part thereof of Unusual Size, Height, Design or Method of Construction and Critical Structural Connections -Section I I 0.1 0.1.1 .............................................................................................................................................................. Yes D No 181 2) Windows, Glass Doors and Curtain Walls on buildings over two (2) stories-Section I I 0.1 0.1.1 ........................................................................... Yes D No 181 3) Pile Driving Only-Sections 1822, R4404.13, I I 0.1 0.1.1 ........................................................................................................................................................ Yes D No 181 4) Precast Concrete Units-Section 1822, R4405.9.12, II 0.1 0.2.1 .......................................................................................................................................... Yes D No 181 5) Reinforced Unit masonry-Sections 2122.2.4, R4407.5.4, I I 0.1 0.2.2 ................................................................................................................................. Yes 181 No D 6) Other .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Yes D No 181 C. MANDATORY DOCUMENTATION I) Inspection schedule stating the specific inspection that will be made and at what phase of construction must be submitted with this application. 2) Progress Report/Inspection reports during construction in accordance with Section I I 0.1 0.6. SPECIAL BUILDING INSPECTOR: D Registered Architect and/or 181 Licensed Engineer State of Florida Registration# ___ 3"'5,_,6,8,_,3,__ _____ Fax # (561) 752-5542 Telephone# (561) 752-5440 ___________________________________ Date: _____________ _ Building Official (or designated representative) ***BE ADVISED THIS DOES NOT PRECLUDE YOU FROM OTHER MANDATORY INSPECTIONS IN THE CODE*** G:\SHARED\Forms\20 I 0 FBC Special Bldg lnsp Form.doc AREA CEILING AREA GARAGE COMMON WALL EXTERIOR WALLS GALE INSULATION S/0 # 401322367 CERTIFICATE OF INSULATION -INSTALLATION JOB ADDRESS 10145 EMERSON ST PARKLAND, FL LOT 33D PARKLAND BUILDING PERMIT# LQ \ 5040~G l STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE: We, the undersigned, hereby certify that the thermal insulation has been installed in the referenced building in compliance with the South Florida Building Code, Chapter 52, and the approved plans and specifications, and in accordance with good construction practice. The insulation furnished is of the type, thickness and R-value as set forth below: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALUE MANUFACTURER FIBERGLASS 12" R-38 OWENS CORNING BATI FIBERGLASS 3.5" R -11 OWENS CORNING BATI REFLECTIVE .75" R-4.1 FI-FOIL COMPANY FOIL COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION: The COMMON (PARTY) walls separating different tenants shall be insulated as follows: Frame/Metal Stud Walls R-11 (min); CBS or Concrete Walls R-3 (min) by Energy Code requirements. See Energy Code, Rev. 1/87, paragraph 903.2(b), on page 0-17, latest edition. These "minimum levels of insulation" are not included in the Energy Calculations, but shall be installed in the field. INSULATION CGC1512179 INSULATION CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE: BUILDER: TOLL BROS. SIGNATURE: ------------ I PERSONALLY KNOW THE AFFIANT, PAMELA FENTON. Sworn to and subscribed before me this J j day of /} 1/1/'L '2014 I . ( ,- ) fui!ftkJ tzP Notary Public, State of Florida ,,, .... ,,, , .:·~m~:"v ""~{~ MELISSA S. SAPP ' i. ! . ~ Notary Public -State of Florida • \"}. ,d My Comm. Expires Aug 1, 2017 • '•,::,~one'(~:-·· Commission# FF 41864 IIIII ''""'' December 6, 2013 City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 SPECIALTY ENGINEERING CONSULT ANTS, Inc. Dade • Broward • 'Palm Beach Re: PROJECT: TOLL BROTHERS-PARKLAND GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB LOT :w>@ 8162 BRADFORD WAY, PARKLAND, FL PERMIT #: 2013-040227 Building Department: We have personally inspected the complete "engineered unit masonry" system for this building. This inspection includes all of its components such as; steel placement; horizontal joint reinforcement; vertical and horizontal reinforcing steel for the concrete masonry units and all associated tie beams, tie columns, etc. In addition, we have monitored and verified grout placement. We find that all aspects of this system conform to the approved plans and the Florida Building Code, sections 2122.4 and BCAC Respectively submitted, SPECIALTY EN EERING CONSULTANTS, INC. State of Florida: _ Registered Professional Engineer: #0035683 Registered Special Inspector: #1177 1599 S.W. 30th Avenue, Suite #20 • Boynton Beach, FL 33426 • Office: 561-752-5440 • Fax: 561-752-5542 SPECIALTY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, Inc. Dade • Broward • Palm Beach CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR TRUSS ERECTION December 6, 2013 City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 Re: PROJECT: TOLL BROTHERS-PARKLAND GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB LOT 33D@ 8162 BRADFORD WAY, PARKLAND, FL PERMIT #: 2013-040227 Building Department: Please be advised that we, Specialty Engineering Consultants; Inc, monitored the erection of trusses with bottom chord in excess of 35' or height greater than 6' in accordance with Section 2319.17.2.4 of the Florida Building Code for the referenced project. We find that all aspects of this system conform to the approved plans and the Florida Building Code. State of Florida: Registered Professional Engineer #0035683 Registered Special Inspector #1177 1599 S.W. 30th Avenue, Suite #20 • Boynton Beach, FL 33426 • Office: 561-752-5440 • Fax: 561-752-5542 December 6, 2013 City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 SPECIALTY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, Inc. Dade • Broward • Palm Beach Re: PROJECT: TOLL BROTHERS -PARKLAND GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB LOT 33D@ 8162 BRADFORD WAY, PARKLAND, FL PERMIT#: 2013-040227 Building Department: We have personally inspected the truss system on the above referenced property and find the trusses are erected properly and without any apparent damage. We have checked all aspects of this truss system -roof trusses and floor trusses, where used -including, but not limited to the following components. 1. Proper size, grade and species of lumber used in the assembly of each truss per engineering. 2. Nail-on position or press-on plates checked for proper size and position per engineering. 3. Trusses and girders checked for proper anchorage for both gravity loads and uplift loads. 4. Lateral bracing applied to truss members per engineering and building code. 5. All other bracing to resist lateral forces, in addition to that specified by truss engineering, has been applied as required by the Architect-of-Record's approved plans. This includes the addition of shear walls, let-in wall bracing, floor system bracing, proper positioning of sheathing, etc. We have also inspected any repaired and/or modified trusses and have ascertained that they have been corrected in accordance with: "Sealed" repair engineering supplied by the truss engineer. All engineering sheets for repaired and/or modified trusses are included herewith. Resp~Ctwely submitted, ~f:'ECIALTY ENGJNEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. ~~~~ --~ ----..._ -. ------~----------____..--- _(1a~L _~ ~;P~-cp~~ner -- -' ~- .,.-.. ,, State of Floridci Registered Professional Engineer: Registered Special Inspector: #0035683 #1177 1599 S.W. 30th Avenue, Suite #20 • Boynton Beach, FL 33426 • Office: 561-752-5440 • Fax: 561-752-5542 SPECIALTY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, Inc. Dade • Broward • Palm Beach LETTER OF INTENT FOR SPECIAL INSPECTOR FOR TRUSS ERECTION March 19, 2013 City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 Re: PROJECT: PARKLAND GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB-LOT 33D 8162 BRADFORD WAY, PARKLAND, FL 33076 Building Department: Please be advised that we, Specialty Engineering Consultants; Inc, have been retained by Toll Brothers, Inc. to supervise the erection of trusses with bottom chord in excess of 35' or height greater than 6' in accordance with Section 2319.17.2.4 of the Florida Building Code for the referenced project. This letter of intent is to be followed up by an Inspection Certification for truss erection which attests to the above. Respectfully submitted, Specialty ineering Consultants, Inc. State of Florida: Registered Professional Engineer: #0035683 Registered Special Inspector: #1177 1599 S.W. 30th Avenue, Suite #20 • Boynton Beach, FL 33426 • Office: 561-752-5440 • Fax: 561-752-5542 SPECIALTY ENGINEERING CONSULT ANTS, Inc. Dade • Broward • Palm Beach STATEMENT OF INTENT AND SCOPE OF WORK FOR ENGINEERED UNIT MASONRY March 19, 2013 City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 Re: PROJECT: PARKLAND GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB-LOT 33D 8162 BRADFORD WAY, PARKLAND, FL 33076 Building Department: We, Specialty Engineering Consultants; Inc, shall personally inspect the entire "Engineered Unit Masonry" system for this building, including but not limited to the following: 1. Masonry units, mortar, grout and reinforcing steel met specifications. 2. Dowels properly placed with adequate spacing. 3. Steel column ties in columns, pilasters and beam elevation transitions properly placed, tapped and tied. 4. Masonry field work: head and bed joints, horizontal joint reinforcing installed correctly, cells free of excessive mortar fins, walls level and plumb tolerances. 5. Monitor grout placement, verify grout slump, proper consolidation of grout and proper low or high lift grouting procedures were followed. 6. Correct embedment of reinforcing steel, bolts, ties, etc. 7. Compliance with ACI 530-08/ASCE 5-08 and commentaries, approved plans and 2010 FBC. This letter of intent is to be followed up by an Inspection Certification for Unit Masonry which attests to the above. Respectfully submitted, Specialt ineering Consultants, Inc. ~-----~---- State of Florida: Registered Professional Engineer: #0035683 Registered Special Inspector: #1177 1599 S.W. 30th Avenue, Suite #20 • Boynton Beach, FL 33426 • Office: 561-752-5440 • Fax: 561-752-5542 March 24, 2014 To: City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 Test Date: Permit#: Address: Contractor: Roof Pitch: Attachment method: Tile Type: Device Used: Total Sloped Roof Area: ~BB Engineering & Testing Co. 7450 Griffin Road, Suite 140, Davie, FL 33314 Phone: (954)581-7115, Fax: (954)581-2415 www.cebb.net R fT"l U rftT tR rt 00 1 e 1pn es epo1 March 24, 2014 2013040217 Parkland Country Club 10325 Candle berry Street, Parkland, FL. Action Roofmg Services 3:12 3M Foam AH 160 (NOA 12-0228.18) Entegra Bella (NOA 11-0414.08) "IMADA DPS 110" force gauge (Serial# 155879) 3 .00 squares . . . . . . -. ... All Testing is in strict accordance with the Florida Building Code, 2010 Edition, High Velocity Hurricane Zone- Testing Application Standard (TAS) 106. Roof Area: 3.00 squares Total Number of Tests Number of tests Passed %Passed Field Area (1 ): Perimeter Area (2): 5 5 100% No. of Corner Areas (3): Ridge/Hip Areas: -pes --- Based upon the field tests, I certify that 100% of the static up-lift tests "PASSED" the testing criteria of35.0 lbf load, and meets the attachment resistance, as specified in the NO A. Should you have any questions regarding the above, or if require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, CeBB Engineering & Testing Co. (NOA 13-0919.02 revises NOA 08-0924.12) 03/24/2014 Paul Peana, P .E. Fla. Reg. No: 373 4 For The Firm 1 Cc: Action Roo mg Services Enc. Location Sketch Calibration Certificate MAR 2 7 2014 @88 Engineering & Testing Co. 7450 Griffin Road, Suite 140, Davie, FL 33314 Phone: (954)581-7115, Fax: (954)581-2415 www.cebb.net HAND LIFT RESULTS: Passed the protocol criteria of less than 3% loose. We performea iht: 47'-l~ft ~st. -.. . .. . .. . . Roof Area: 3.00 squares Field Area (1): Perimeter Areaf2): No. of Comer Areas (3): Ridge/Hip Areas: -pes Total Number of Tests Number of tests Passed 5 5 -- TAS 106 TESTS LOCATION SKETCH Permit # 2013 040217 Parkland Country Club 10325 Candleberry Street, Parkland, FL. . -• o/c P?~~d : • • 100% - ~BB Engineering & Testing Co. 7450 Griffin Road, Suite 140, Davie, FL 33314 Phone: (954)581-7115, Fax: (954)581-2415 www.cebb.net QC Metallurgical, Inc. Testing & Consulting Services -. January 14, 2014 CEBB Corporation P.O. No. Verbal QCM Job No. 14AM-29 Imada-Digital Force Gauge Range 0-50 kg. Serial No. 155879 Standard In kg. 0 10C 20C 40C 60C 80C · lOOC lOT 20T 40T 60T 80T 100 T CAl .mRATIQN CERTIFICATE Accuracy ± 1.5 % @Full Scale Instrument Reads in kg. 0 9.9 19.9 39.9 59.9 80.0 100.2 -9.9 -19.9 -39.3 -59.3 -79.9 -100.3 Scale is within ±1.5% at full scale. Calibrated with Instron Tensile Maclline, Load CcU. SIN 936, QCM-414, 2 pieces. Range 0-1000 Lb.'s. ACl:uracy at ±1.0"/e. N.I.S.T. N Cert. #RP1004200009. Date 8/912012 ·819/2013. . . ~ . --- Calibrated I.A.W. ANSIINCSL Z540-I ---------- The accuracy and calibration of this instrument are traceable to the Nationallnstitute of Standards & Technology and are guaranteed to meet published specifications. Date Calibrated 1114/2014 Date Due 1114/2015 Kevin Grate Q. C. Metallurgical, Inc. 2870 Stirling Road* Hollywood, Fl. 33020-1199 * (954) 889-0089 *Fax (954) 362-5742 E-mail: fgrate@qcmet.com _,..., SPECIALTY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, Inc. Dade • Broward • Palm Beach THRESHOLD/SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT: ~.<..... CLIENT: ll ~J.-.Iy.A DATE: f--l <i · I 3 CONTRACTOR: e: E('~ PERMIT No. Z() 1..3 0 V 0 ~ ;2.. T INSPECTION TYPE: sP _, 4_:.0 TRACKING #: ~/ <.f :;.,}= J <) PROJECT LOCATION: ~( J PERFORMED BY: M~/AREASIN::JTED:£ =::~ ~ l.J[/!c.__~ ~Uo-d._ DISPOSITION I RESULTS: ~ GENERAL NOTES: Respectfully submitted, Speciality Engineering Consultants, Inc. D. Mark LeBlanc, PE Partner State of Florida: Registered Professional Engineer: #0035683 Registered Special Inspector: #1177 Form001 ThresholdSpec1allnspec GG 01/04 11u2. DISTRIBUTION COPY: 1599 S.W. 30th Avenue, Suite #20 • Boynton Beach, FL 33426 • Office: 561-752-5440 • Fax: 561-752-5542 SPECIALTY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, Inc. Dade • Broward • Palm Beach THRESHOLD/SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT: Pr-e (! • CLIENT: ob I l b-.,:, U...,.,. DAY:tU'CJ~ DATE: 9-~ ~3 ·t.J CONTRACTOR: ~ INSPECTION TYPE: sIt ~ .. D PROJECT LOCATION: e .. Xc Q MEMBERS I AREAS INSPECTED' ~~::t.~" J) 2. tft )~~~·1i:::ttit! DISPOSITION I RESULTS' ~4 0 GENERAL NOTES: Respectfully submitted, Speciality Engineering Consultants, Inc. D. Mark LeBlanc, PE Partner State of Florida: Registered Professional Engineer: #0035683 Registered Special Inspector: #1177 Form001 ThresholdSpec1allnspec GG 01/04 ~7 DISTRIBUTION COPY: 1599 S. W. 30th Avenue, Suite #20 • Boynton Beach, FL 33426 • Office: 561-752-5440 • Fax: 561-752-5542 SPECIALTY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, Inc. Dade • Broward • Palm Beach THRESHOLD SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT: U6 36 CLIENT: CONTRACTOR: MEMBERS I AREAS INSPECTED: DISPOSITION I RESULTS: GENERAL NOTES: Respectfully submitted, Speciality Engineering Consultants, Inc. D. Mark LeBlanc, PE Partner State of Florida: Registered Professional Engineer: #0035683 Registered Special Inspector: #1177 Form001 ThresholdSpeciallnspec GG 01/04 PERMIT No. TRACKING#: PERFORMED BY: DISTRIBUTION COPY: 1599 S. W. 30th Avenue, Suite #20 • Boynton Beach, FL 33426 • Office: 561-752-5440 • Fax: 561-752-5542 SPECIALTY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, Inc. :::::~O~~INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT: = /3,et~thRv _5 CONTRACTOR: INSPECTION TYPE: PROJECT LOCATION: MEMBERS I AREAS INSPECTED: 33 t,t Dade • Broward • Palm Beach DATE: II it ~ TRACKING#: 2__) L,!?l7c) PERFORMED BY: Respectfully submitted, DISTRIBUTION COPY: Speciality Engineering Consultants, Inc. D. Mark LeBlanc, PE Partner State of Florida: Registered Professional Engineer: #0035683 Registered Special Inspector: #1177 Form001 ThresholdSpeciallnspec GG 01/04 1599 S. W. 30th Avenue, Suite #20 • Boynton Beach, FL 33426 • Office: 561-752-5440 • Fax: 561-752-5542 SPECIALTY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, Inc. Dade • Broward • Palm Beach THRESHOLD/SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT: i:J/~c CLIENT: CONTRACTOR: INSPECTION TYPE: PROJECT LOCATION: MEMBERS I AREAS INSPECTED: GENERAL NOTES: I 7]{}1 Respectfully submitted, Speciality Engineering Consultants, Inc. D. Mark LeBlanc, PE Partner State of Florida: Registered Professional Engineer: #0035683 Registered Special Inspector: #1177 Form001 ThresholdSpeciallnspec GG 01/04 DAY: DATE: 1/ /) PERMIT No. 2D \ ~ Dlj D "Z-'7..-. j TRACKING#: 2 jt-I 21<LS PERFORMED BY: C:i] b ~~c DISTRIBUTION COPY: 1599 S.W. 30th Avenue, Suite #20 • Boynton Beach, FL 33426 • Office: 561-752-5440 • Fax: 561-752-5542 SPECIALTY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, Inc. Dade • Broward • Palm Beach THRESHOLD/SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT ~ PROJECT: pc1C C CONTRACTOR: INSPECTION TYPE: ~ PROJECT LOCATION: MEMBERS I AREAS INSPECTED: DISPOSITION I RESULTS: GENERAL NOTES: Respectfully submitted, Speciality Engineering Consultants, Inc. D. Mark LeBlanc, PE Partner State of Florida: Registered Professional Engineer: #0035683 Registered Special Inspector: #1177 Form001 ThresholdSpec1allnspec GG 01/04 DAY: '"'~S 'f-17-1> DISTRIBUTION COPY: 1599 S.W. 30th Avenue, Suite #20 • Boynton Beach, FL 33426 • Office: 561-752-5440 • Fax: 561-752-5542