HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-069 Planning and Zoning Board Appointments RESOLUTION NO. 2022-069 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, APPOINTING FIVE (5) REGULAR MEMBERS,TWO(2)AT-LARGE MEMBERS,A 1ST ALTERNATE AT-LARGE MEMBER, AND A 2ND ALTERNATE AT-LARGE MEMBER TO THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in accordance with City of Parkland, Code of Ordinances Division 30, Section 30-20, the City Commission shall appoint members of the Planning & Zoning Board to serve a two-year term expiring in December 2024. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Mayor Walker, Vice Mayor Cutler, Commissioner Brier, Commissioner Isrow and Commissioner Mayersohn hereby make their individual appointments to the Planning & Zoning Board as follows: Mayor Walker *i i0 o r' C.\ 104-s 1 c Vice Mayor Cutler 1`i'rvl'n, s1 0 Commissioner Brier .cc c!l Rce c-S Commissioner Isrow LC&Z0 kA) Commissioner Mayersohn Section 2.That the City Commission hereby appoints the following At-Large and At-Large Alternate positions as follows: r At-Large Y�t� ( - 0 At-Large@,, q 10.n At-Large 1st Alternate t' g i 1.i At-Large 2nd Alternate ( - JO A Section 3. That this Resolution shall become in full force and effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 16th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2022. CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA RICHARD W. WALKER MAYOR ATTEST: * ts". - Ilit1)4-4 ALY r N MORALES, MMC CITY CLERK •�� O' Parka C �Q. Record of the vote Mayor Walker �J-C� ptlil SEAL ,t Vice Mayor Cutler 04. Off~ Commissioner Brier �1b# Court ty i~ u Commissioner Isrow t e5 Commissioner Mayersohn le,5