HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-068 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Appointments RESOLUTION NO. 2022-068 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, APPOINTING SEVEN (7) REGULAR MEMBERS AND TWO (2) ALTERNATE MEMBERS TO THE PARKS &RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,in accordance with City of Parkland, Code of Ordinances Division 2, Section 2-47, the City Commission shall appoint members of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board to serve a two-year term expiring in December 2024. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Mayor Walker, Vice Mayor Cutler, Commissioner Brier, Commissioner Isrow and Commissioner Mayersohn hereby make their individual appointments to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board as follows: Mayor Walker 'ZDV\ $C0--Sep' Vice Mayor Cutler �y n J(1 Cock r:aybi\ Commissioner Brier Srctna(Xl 3;k_ac mcen Commissioner Isrow Let) Cy-or-Join Commissioner Mayersohn -`,01NG Wk.(yi i Section 2.That the City Commission hereby appoints the following At-Large and At-Large Alternate positions as follows: At-Large S ULndrk sG k+ UK?r At-Large Days; At-Large 1st Alternate ?Dr'‘an, er I''\to At-Large 2"Alternate r S p\c Section 3. That this Resolution shall become in full force and effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 16th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2022. CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA /1Z- RICHARD W. WALKER MAYOR ATTEST: "_ 14/ ALY#ON MORALES,MMC CITY CLERK `1 of Pan Record of the vote �q+ Mayor Walker 4 e—C iw SEAL A C/ Vice Mayor CutlerLie-5 04 -s S O Commissioner Brier Commissioner Isrow yes County Commissioner Mayersohn y�S