HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-015 Updating the Approved Charities RESOLUTION NO. 2022-015 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, FORMALLY UPDATING THE APPROVED CHARITIES AND FUNDRAISING EVENTS SUPPORTED BY THE CITY OF PARKLAND; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County adopted Ordinance 2011-19 relating to a Code of Ethics for County Commissioners as well as elected officials; and WHEREAS, Section 1-19 (c)(5) of the Ordinance places restrictions and requirements on an elected official engaging in charitable contribution fundraising; and WHEREAS, Section 1-19 (c)(5) of the Ordinance requires elected municipal officials to file a form for public inspection disclosing the name of the charitable organization, the event for which funds were solicited, and the name of any individual or entity that may have promoted the solicitation; and WHEREAS, the City Commission places great emphasis on the importance of local charities and fundraising events; and WHEREAS, Section 1-19 (c)(5)(a)(4) of the Ordinance provides an exemption to the disclosure requirement for charities or fundraising events formally approved by the official's governmental entity; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has, from time to time, adopted Resolutions to update the listing of charities and fundraising events supported by the City of Parkland which would be exempt from disclosure requirements; and WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to formally amend the previously approved listing by adding: ARC Broward, Inc.; Areawide Council on Aging of Broward County, Inc.; Arthur R. Lanni Memorial American Legion Auxiliary Unit 365; Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department and Broward Sheriff's Office related charities; Camp Wings of Friendship; Center for Independent Living of Broward, Inc.; Coastal Community Church; Crohn's and Colitis Foundation, Inc.; Dylan's Wings of Change; Early Learning Coalition of Broward County, Inc.; First Call For Help of Broward, Inc. (2-1-1 Broward); Fish Mending Nets, Inc.; Food for the Poor, Inc.; Helping Abused, Neglected, Disadvantaged Youth, Handy, Inc.; Jewish Federation of Broward; Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County; Junior League of Boca Raton, Inc.; Junior League of Fort Lauderdale, Inc.; Kiwanis Tamarac Foundation Inc.; Parkland Pokers Baseball Club Inc.; Parkland Pokers Elite Baseball Inc.; Parkland Pokers Blue Inc.; Parkland Pokers White Inc.; Samaritan's Purse; Scott J. Beigel Memorial Fund, Inc.; Soldier Rush; Special Olympics Florida; Stand Among Friends, Inc.; and The Unicorn Children's Foundation, Inc. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, THAT; SECTION 1. The foregoing"WHEREAS"clauses are confirmed and ratified as being true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein. SECTION 2. Attached as Exhibit"A" is an updated list of charities and fundraising events formally approved by the City of Parkland. The charities and events listed may be supplemented by motion of the City Commission. Support of activities on behalf of those charities or events are deemed exempt from the reporting requirements per Section 1-19 (c)(5)(a)(4) of the Broward County Code of Ethics. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 2nd DAY OF MARCH, 2022 CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA 1 ,.„1//j/1; RICHARD W. WALKER MAYOR ATTEST: of ALY N MORALES, MMC •1''�� Park/d CITY CLERK �J Record of the vote MI SEAL Mayor Walker44,~ Vice Mayor Cutler y&S �$1,� Commissioner Brier yQS COUn" Commissioner IsrowS Commissioner Mayersohn eS 2 CITY OF PARKLAND APPROVED CHARITIES LIST AMERICAN RED CROSS ANTHONY RIZZO FAMILY FOUNDATION ARC BROWARD, INC. AREAWIDE COUNCIL ON AGING OF BROWARD COUNTY, INC. ARTHUR R. LANNI MEMORIAL AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY UNIT 365 CORAL SPRINGS-PARKLAND FIRE DEPARTMENT AND BROWARD SHERIFF'S OFFICE RELATED CHARITII BOY SCOUT FUNDRAISING BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS BROADWAY BOUND SHINING STARS FOUNDATION BROWARD COUNTY SCHOOLS LOCATED IN PARKLAND BROWARD EDUCATION FOUNDATION BROWARD LEAGUE OF CITIES ANNUAL INSTALLATION DINNER BROWARD LEAGUE OF CITIES BOARD MEETING LUNCHEON BROWARD LEAGUE OF CITIES YOUTH LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE CAMP WINGS OF FRIENDSHIP CANINE ASSISTED THERAPY, INC. CENTER FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING OF BROWARD, INC. CHABAD OF PARKLAND CHRIS HIXON ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP FUND CITY-RECOGNIZED YOUTH SPORTS LEAGUES COASTAL COMMUNITY CHURCH COMMUNITY ADVISORY BOARD SCHOLARSHIPS CROHN'S&COLITIS FOUNDATION, INC. DRIVE-IN MOVIE DYLAN'S WINGS OF CHANGE EAGLE'S HAVEN EARLY LEARNING COALITION OF BROWARD COUNTY, INC. EATS N BEATS FAMILY FUN FEST FARMER'S MARKET FIRST CALL FOR HELP OF BROWARD, INC. (2-1-1 BROWARD) FISH MENDING NETS, INC. FITNESS ON A MISSION, INC. FORT LAUDERDALE INDEPENDENCE TRAINING & EDUCATION CENTER, INC. (FLITE CENTER) FOOD FOR THE POOR, INC. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE OF NORTH BROWARD AND SOUTH PALM BEACH, INC. FRIENDSHIP JOURNEY GREATER BROWARD PAP CORPS GINA MONTALTO MEMORIAL FOUNDATION GIRL SCOUT FUNDRAISING HANDS ON BROWARD HELPING ABUSED, NEGLECTED, DISADVANTAGED YOUTH, HANDY, INC. IN JACOB'S SHOES INDIAN PRINCESS JEWISH ADOPTION AND FAMILY CARE OPTIONS(JAFCO) JEWISH FEDERATION OF BROWARD COUNTY JEWISH FEDERATION OF PALM BEACH COUNTY JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON, INC. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF FORT LAUDERDALE, INC. KIDS IN DISTRESS KIWANIS TAMARAC FOUNDATION INC. MAKE OUR SCHOOLS SAFE MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CHURCH MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS SCHOOL MAYOR'S CHESS CHALLENGE EVENTS MSD HEROES CHALLENGE MOVIES IN THE PARK NORTHWEST COUNCIL OF ELECTED OFFICIALS LUNCHEON NOT MY DAUGHTER ORANGE RIBBONS FOR JAIME PARKLAND BUDDY SPORTS PARKLAND CARES PARKLAND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PARKLAND DASH PARKLAND FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY PARKLAND GARDEN CLUB PARKLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY PARKLAND JUNIORETTES PARKLAND MOMS CLUB PARKLAND POKERS BASEBALL CLUB INC. PARKLAND POKERS ELITE BASEBALL INC. PARKLAND POKERS BLUE INC. PARKLAND POKERS WHITE INC. PTAs, PTOs, &SIMILAR ORGANIZATIONS RELAY FOR LIFE SAFE SCHOOLS FOR ALEX SAMARITAN'S PURSE SCOTT J. BEIGEL MEMORIAL FUND, INC. SHINE MSD SOLDIER RUSH SOS CHILDREN'S VILLAGES- FLORIDA SOS PARKLAND SPECIAL OLYMPICS FLORIDA STAND AMONG FRIENDS, INC. STAND WITH PARKLAND STONEMAN DOUGLAS VICTIMS FUND TEMPLE KOL TIVKAH TEMPLE KOL TIVKAH SCHOOL THE UNICORN CHILDREN'S FOUNDATION, INC. TOMORROW'S RAINBOW INC. UNITED WAY OF BROWARD COUNTY MAYORS GALA