2011070224-Survey81YOWARDIPALY BEACH COUNTY LINE . . ...... .. ------ TYPE 'D" CURB T�YPE 'F�'CURO . .. .... . ... PLA T LWITS p15' 'ODE R1G111­0F­-'0iAY PI.B. 1, PG. 102, P,B.C.R.) TYPE 'F' CURB COUNTY LINE ROAD 120' RICH r- Of _- WA Y) (O.R& J4527, PG 820, 60R.) tv 0 TYPE "R" CIJRe ce 12' U. E. 8 CQ NCR ETF,, SIDEW X j Ln LID 0. PARCEL CIO PARKLAND GOLF_ AND COUNTRYICLU8 REPLA T# 2 s.aa IN (P 8, 174, 137 - -161, PGS, B.C.R.) DESCRI PTICN;- A portion of Parcel B-11, Parkland Golf and Country Club Replat #2, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book '174, Pages 137 through 161, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida. Being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 54, Block H of said Plat; thence South 89*36'56" West, a distance of 33.60 feet to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the South; thence Westerl y along said circular curve having a radius of 195.00 feet, a central angle of 29*11'41 " and an arc length of 99.36 feet; thence North 29*J4'46 West, a distance of 3.39 -feet to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Southwest; thence Northwesterly along said circular curve having a radius of 50.00 feet, a central angle of 60'48'18" and arc length of 53.06 feet; thence South 8936'56 West, a distance of 262.96 feet to a point of curature of a circular curve concave to the Southeast; thence Southwesterly along said circular curve having a radius of 50.00 -feet, a central angle of 59*52'31 ;) and an arc length of 52.25 feet; thence South 29*44'25" West, a distance of 1.65 feet to a point on the arc of a I t a radial line bears North circular curve concave to the South and to said point 29"44'25 )7 East; thence Westerly along said circular curve having a radius of 195.00 feet, a central angle of 50 °30'52" and an arc length of 171.92 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a circular curve concave to the North; thence Westerly along said circular curve having a radius of 200,00 feet., a central angle of 25 °34'11" and an arc length of 89.26 -feet to a point of reverse curvature of a circular curve concave to the South; thence Westerly along said circular curve haing a radius of 395.00 feet, a central angle of 13 °49'50" and an arc length of 95.35 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a circular curve concave to the North; thence Westerly along said circular curve having a radius of 255.00 feet, a central angle of 29'35'16 and an arc length of 131.68 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a circular curve concave to the South; thence Westerly along said circular curve having a radius of 195.00 feet, a central angle of 95.46 feet and an arc length of 95.46 feet, with the last twelve (12) calls being coincident with a South line, of the aforesaid Parcel B--1; thence North 00'23'04" West, a distance of 61.50 feet to a point on the North line of Parcel B--1; thence North 89 °36'56" East, a distance of 1,385.06 feet; thence South 85'31'33" East, a distance of 200.72 feet; thence North 89*36'56 East, a distance of 300.00 feet, with the last three (3) calls being coincident with the North line of Parcel B.---1; thence South 45'`32'11" East, ci distance of 49.08 feet, thence South 01"21 , 18 " East, a distance of 65.10 feet, with -the last two (2) calls being coincident the the East line of Parcel 13­1; thence South 88 °38'42" West, a distance of 152.70 feet to a point on the arc of a circular curve concave to the Southwest and -to said point a radial line bears North 37'2921" East, said point also being on a South line of said Parcel B-----l; thence Northwesterly along U­ie arc of said circular curve having a radius of 195.00 feet, a central angle of 57'52'24" and an arc length of 128,90 feet; thence South 89*36,56 West, a distance of 66.24 feet; thence North 85'31'33' , West, a distance of 167.92 feet; thence South 89',"56 , 56" Fast, a distance of 12.25 feet to the Point of Beginning, with the last four (4) calls being coincident with a South line of the aforesaid Parcel B --I. Said lands situate, lying arid being in the City of Parkland, Broward County, Florida. Containing 134,901 square -feet (3,10 acres) more or less. DE TA IL /V. T'5 LEGEND: P, O. B. POINT OF BEGINNING 0, R, B. OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK U, E. UTILITY EASEMENT D. E. DRAINAGE EASEMENT P, B, PLAT BOOK PG. PAGE T, 0, B TOP OF BANK E,O,w. EDGE OF WATER N, G. V. D. NATIONAL. GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM SQ, FT. SQUARE FEET R/W RIGHT OF WAY CVRD, COVERED FND, FOUND I/R IRGN ROD N/D NAIL IN DISK N/T NAIL IN TAB CONC, CONCRETE (M) MEASURED (P) PLAT MON. MONUMENT CENTERLINE t- M. E. LAKE AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENT F, P&[_ FLORIDA POWER &L.16HT EEC. ELECTRIC RES. RESIDENCE REF, REFERENCE CONST, CONSTRUCTION (C) CALCULATED EL, ELEVATION H. H, HAND HOLE B, C, R. BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS R RADIUS D DELTA (CENTRAL ANGLE) L ARC LENGTH N, T, S. NOT TO SCALE N, S. I, D. NORTH SPRINGS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NON­-VEHICULAR ACCESS LINE NORTH LINE Of' PARCEL 8-1 NOR IN LINE OF THE ,AVORrHEAST QUARTER SECRON JJ-47-41 — – -------- a —77 C; 45.413'-- Ln 10 T-) 3' 4 7.0 4 -70,1 40.2 1 383 60' 16-. 89,36,56 W /V 85 �33 1 W ro N) 10 12 25' — 4 . P. -6, W 59 58 57 56 54 5 89 *J6 7/57" 0 0 52 51 -SOUTH LINE OF PARCEL 8-1 53 60 A2! XR-LOCK H D= .29'11'41 R =1.95, 00 PARKLAND GOLF AND CbLJN TRY U13 REPL A rj 2 POWr BEGINNING L =99. 36' (P. B. 774, PCS 137- -- 161, X.R..) 7HF NORTHEAST CORNER OF L 0 T 54, BLOCK H PARKLAND 601F ANO COUNTRY CLUB REPLA r 12 CO (P,6. 174, PcS 137-161, B.C.Rj 5 2_ 51 NOR 1HEA S T CORNER OF SEC TION JJ-- 4 7— 41 (FOUND BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER) 28 27 (Document # 52354) JJ 34 15' WOE RIGHT-OF-WAY (P,9. 1, PG, 102, P3,C,R.) APORTION OF TYPE 'F" CURB X1 PARCEL H RIGHT-OF-WAY (P.8. 172, PGS. 81-86, 8,C,R.) > I / '- Qlz> 56.67' zz _$URVEY NOTES: 262. 96 D=60'48'18 :1z .0 D=5952,31 RZ=50, 00�� 74 *02 �51 D _9 dr R-If I D=25 *J4'1 I 00' "S R=:�5O� 00' PARCEL L-4 L-7-52.25' L =53 06' J. 0 =28 R. 1,95. 00' .00, -R=200. *1 71 70 L 89.26' 6 B J� X., > N 29 `15 PIk L=95.46$ 73 72 D =13 49 0 69 R­J95. 0 SL 0(-X H NY 1.6 S 29'4425 W INFCRY,ATION ONLY, AND DOES NOT PERTAIN TO ANY OTHER INFORMATION L =95.35 ' SHOWN HEREON. 4, BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE PLAT OF PARK[.-AND G'0[._F & COIJNTRY CLUES -SOWH LINE Of' PARCEL 6­1 REPLAT 2, P.B. 174, PIGS. 137 THROUGH 161, B.C.R.) 5, BENCHMARK REFERENCE: BROWARD COUNTY ENGINEERING BENCHMARK # 2582, PARKLAND GOLF AND COLIN TRY CL S RE PL r# 2 ELEVATION= 15.19 NGVD 1929. (p& 174, PGS. 137-161, 8,C.RJ 6. THIS RECORD SURVEY IS COVERED BY PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY ENSURANCE. DESCRI PTICN;- A portion of Parcel B-11, Parkland Golf and Country Club Replat #2, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book '174, Pages 137 through 161, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida. Being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 54, Block H of said Plat; thence South 89*36'56" West, a distance of 33.60 feet to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the South; thence Westerl y along said circular curve having a radius of 195.00 feet, a central angle of 29*11'41 " and an arc length of 99.36 feet; thence North 29*J4'46 West, a distance of 3.39 -feet to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Southwest; thence Northwesterly along said circular curve having a radius of 50.00 feet, a central angle of 60'48'18" and arc length of 53.06 feet; thence South 8936'56 West, a distance of 262.96 feet to a point of curature of a circular curve concave to the Southeast; thence Southwesterly along said circular curve having a radius of 50.00 -feet, a central angle of 59*52'31 ;) and an arc length of 52.25 feet; thence South 29*44'25" West, a distance of 1.65 feet to a point on the arc of a I t a radial line bears North circular curve concave to the South and to said point 29"44'25 )7 East; thence Westerly along said circular curve having a radius of 195.00 feet, a central angle of 50 °30'52" and an arc length of 171.92 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a circular curve concave to the North; thence Westerly along said circular curve having a radius of 200,00 feet., a central angle of 25 °34'11" and an arc length of 89.26 -feet to a point of reverse curvature of a circular curve concave to the South; thence Westerly along said circular curve haing a radius of 395.00 feet, a central angle of 13 °49'50" and an arc length of 95.35 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a circular curve concave to the North; thence Westerly along said circular curve having a radius of 255.00 feet, a central angle of 29'35'16 and an arc length of 131.68 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a circular curve concave to the South; thence Westerly along said circular curve having a radius of 195.00 feet, a central angle of 95.46 feet and an arc length of 95.46 feet, with the last twelve (12) calls being coincident with a South line, of the aforesaid Parcel B--1; thence North 00'23'04" West, a distance of 61.50 feet to a point on the North line of Parcel B--1; thence North 89 °36'56" East, a distance of 1,385.06 feet; thence South 85'31'33" East, a distance of 200.72 feet; thence North 89*36'56 East, a distance of 300.00 feet, with the last three (3) calls being coincident with the North line of Parcel B.---1; thence South 45'`32'11" East, ci distance of 49.08 feet, thence South 01"21 , 18 " East, a distance of 65.10 feet, with -the last two (2) calls being coincident the the East line of Parcel 13­1; thence South 88 °38'42" West, a distance of 152.70 feet to a point on the arc of a circular curve concave to the Southwest and -to said point a radial line bears North 37'2921" East, said point also being on a South line of said Parcel B-----l; thence Northwesterly along U­ie arc of said circular curve having a radius of 195.00 feet, a central angle of 57'52'24" and an arc length of 128,90 feet; thence South 89*36,56 West, a distance of 66.24 feet; thence North 85'31'33' , West, a distance of 167.92 feet; thence South 89',"56 , 56" Fast, a distance of 12.25 feet to the Point of Beginning, with the last four (4) calls being coincident with a South line of the aforesaid Parcel B --I. Said lands situate, lying arid being in the City of Parkland, Broward County, Florida. Containing 134,901 square -feet (3,10 acres) more or less. DE TA IL /V. T'5 LEGEND: P, O. B. POINT OF BEGINNING 0, R, B. OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK U, E. UTILITY EASEMENT D. E. DRAINAGE EASEMENT P, B, PLAT BOOK PG. PAGE T, 0, B TOP OF BANK E,O,w. EDGE OF WATER N, G. V. D. NATIONAL. GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM SQ, FT. SQUARE FEET R/W RIGHT OF WAY CVRD, COVERED FND, FOUND I/R IRGN ROD N/D NAIL IN DISK N/T NAIL IN TAB CONC, CONCRETE (M) MEASURED (P) PLAT MON. MONUMENT CENTERLINE t- M. E. LAKE AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENT F, P&[_ FLORIDA POWER &L.16HT EEC. ELECTRIC RES. RESIDENCE REF, REFERENCE CONST, CONSTRUCTION (C) CALCULATED EL, ELEVATION H. H, HAND HOLE B, C, R. BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS R RADIUS D DELTA (CENTRAL ANGLE) L ARC LENGTH N, T, S. NOT TO SCALE N, S. I, D. NORTH SPRINGS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NON­-VEHICULAR ACCESS LINE NORTH LINE Of' PARCEL 8-1 NOR IN LINE OF THE ,AVORrHEAST QUARTER SECRON JJ-47-41 — – -------- a —77 C; 45.413'-- Ln 10 T-) 3' 4 7.0 4 -70,1 40.2 1 383 60' 16-. 89,36,56 W /V 85 �33 1 W ro N) 10 12 25' — 4 . P. -6, W 59 58 57 56 54 5 89 *J6 7/57" 0 0 52 51 -SOUTH LINE OF PARCEL 8-1 53 60 A2! XR-LOCK H D= .29'11'41 R =1.95, 00 PARKLAND GOLF AND CbLJN TRY U13 REPL A rj 2 POWr BEGINNING L =99. 36' (P. B. 774, PCS 137- -- 161, X.R..) 7HF NORTHEAST CORNER OF L 0 T 54, BLOCK H PARKLAND 601F ANO COUNTRY CLUB REPLA r 12 CO (P,6. 174, PcS 137-161, B.C.Rj 5 2_ 51 NOR 1HEA S T CORNER OF SEC TION JJ-- 4 7— 41 (FOUND BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER) 28 27 (Document # 52354) JJ 34 15' WOE RIGHT-OF-WAY (P,9. 1, PG, 102, P3,C,R.) APORTION OF TYPE 'F" CURB X1 PARCEL H RIGHT-OF-WAY (P.8. 172, PGS. 81-86, 8,C,R.) > 49 DE rA /L N. r -5, 0 .-A PZ_ A r L /01 TS �EAsr vNE, OF PA RrFL B--1 0 I / '- Qlz> :. M !�' _$URVEY NOTES: :1z 201.73'-­ SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER PARCEL B-1 THIS DRAWING, SKETCH, PLAT OR MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL_ PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT VALID. Q), 2, ANY ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS RECORD SURVEY DRAWING BY OTHER THAN THE 66.24' � 31 S 39 ',3656 �V > SIGNING PARTY IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY. 50 190 88 11142 W I 3. CERTIFICATION BY THE SIGNING SURVEYOR IS LIMITED TO THE AS-BUILT 49 DE rA /L N. r -5, 0 .-A PZ_ A r L /01 TS �EAsr vNE, OF PA RrFL B--1 0 PP 77_7PIP R9 UJ V7AW GR 0 UP P _$URVEY NOTES: 1. UNLESS IT BEARS THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER THIS DRAWING, SKETCH, PLAT OR MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL_ PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT VALID. 2, ANY ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THIS RECORD SURVEY DRAWING BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY. 3. CERTIFICATION BY THE SIGNING SURVEYOR IS LIMITED TO THE AS-BUILT INFCRY,ATION ONLY, AND DOES NOT PERTAIN TO ANY OTHER INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON. 4, BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE PLAT OF PARK[.-AND G'0[._F & COIJNTRY CLUES REPLAT 2, P.B. 174, PIGS. 137 THROUGH 161, B.C.R.) 5, BENCHMARK REFERENCE: BROWARD COUNTY ENGINEERING BENCHMARK # 2582, ELEVATION= 15.19 NGVD 1929. 6. THIS RECORD SURVEY IS COVERED BY PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY ENSURANCE. PP 77_7PIP R9 UJ V7AW GR 0 UP P