HomeMy WebLinkAboutSABLE PASS-STAFF REPORT STAFF REPORT CITY OF PARKLAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date Prepared: December 21, 2016 Updated: January 24, 2017 I. Petition Description Petition No: CAB 17-001 Project Name: Sable Pass Monument Sign Renovation Owner: Sable Pass Community Association Petitioner: United Community 11784 W. Sample Road Coral Springs, FL 33065 Agent: Graphlex Signs th 2630 N 28 Terrace Hollywood, FL 33020 Request: Community Appearance Board approval to renovate one (1) existing monument sign. The Community Appearance Board application is Attachment “B”. Location: The sign is located at the intersection of Holmberg Road and th NW 57 Way. The location map and monument sign is Attachment “A.” Project Area: Broward County Property Appraiser Folio number is 484101014000. CAB17-001: Sable Pass Page 1 of 8 II. Staff Analysis The petitioner requests Community Appearance Board approval to renovate an existing th monuments sign for the Sable Pass development at the intersection of NW 57 Way and Holmberg Road. The work includes stone cladding, new columns and wall cap in PVC with a stucco finish, new carriage lights and new lettering. The petitioner is proposing to install carriage lights on the ends of the signs, facing traffic. These lights will have frosted glass and use low wattage bulbs. In addition, the lights will turn off at 11:00pm. Community Appearance Board Sec. 100-1510 – Requirements for signs in all districts. A. Design and structural requirements. 1. All structural members utilized in the construction or erection of signs shall be concealed except for vertical supports or other supporting members which are designed and arranged so as to be an integral part of the aesthetic composition of a sign. Response: Work is to be done on an existing sign. All structural members on the existing sign are concealed. 2. All signs shall be designed so as to be architecturally compatible. No sign or sign face shall cross or disrupt architectural features of the building to which it is attached. Response: The sign in this case is freestanding. 3. Permanent freestanding signs are limited to monument identification signs. Response: The sign is a monument sign. 4. All of the following requirements apply to monument signs, and paragraphs a. and e. apply to entrance wall feature signs: a. Height. Except as provided in subsection E., signs shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. Height shall be measured above the edge-of-pavement elevation of the nearest abutting road at its closest point to the sign location. Response: After renovation, the sign will remain under six (6) feet tall. b. Design. The sign base shall be, at a minimum, the same width as the sign structure, unless otherwise designed to take the form of an architectural enhancement that complements the design of the building(s) and plaza and coordinates with the uniform sign plan. A masonry or concrete base is not considered an architectural enhancement. Response: The base of the sign is the same width as the sign structure. c. Supports. All supporting members or materials utilized in the construction or erection of monument signs shall be concealed. CAB17-001: Sable Pass Page 2 of 8 Response: All supporting members will be concealed. d. Artistic signs. Monument signs that qualify as artistic signs pursuant to subsection E., are permitted to vary from the standards or paragraphs b. and c., above at the discretion of the city commission. Response: Not applicable. e. Landscaping. Permanent freestanding signs shall be integrated into a broad, lush landscape that is sufficient to achieve a balance of scale such that the sign does not dominate the landscaping around it. This requirement for signs to be balanced in scale and extent by landscaping is a performance standard. The community appearance board shall determine whether the landscape materials, extent of landscaped area and composition of the landscaping comply with this performance standard. In no event, however, shall the landscaped area around the base of the sign be less than four (4) square feet for each square foot of sign area with landscape materials in accordance with subsection 95-1525.E. Response: Existing landscaping will be retained and any landscaping damaged in the renovation process will be replaced. 5. Wall signs on multiple-tenant and single-tenant buildings (including those on outparcels) located in the same commercial center shall be stylistically consistent and compatible with one another. The color and font/style of letters used for such signs shall be identical unless otherwise specifically approved by the city commission. The height of letters used for different signs in the same commercial center must fall within a four-inch range unless otherwise specifically approved by the city commission. Response: Not applicable. 6. All wood, whether used for new permanent signs, for replacement of existing signs, or for any part thereof, shall be rot and termite resistant, through open cell preservation methods as specified by the American Wood Preservation Association, or by any other open cell preservation treatment approved by the city. Response: No wood is being used on the sign. 7. The use of lettering and sign design shall enhance the architectural character of the facade on which the sign is located. Response: The materials, choice of colors and style of lettering and graphics work well together. B. Illumination. The following conditions and restrictions shall apply to illuminated signs: 1. Except as hereinafter provided in this section, illuminated signs, or illumination in show windows, display windows, in or upon any building shall have the source of light concealed from view from the exterior of the building or structure. Response: The source of light for the proposed carriage lights is concealed and the existing ground lights are concealed by landscaping. 2. Permanent signs may be illuminated internally within channel letters, back lit for a silhouette effect (reverse channel letters), externally illuminated from the ground, or externally illuminated from an architectural (decorative) overhead full-cutoff fixture CAB17-001: Sable Pass Page 3 of 8 (i.e. a gooseneck lamp) that is integrated into the design of the sign or facade. Monument sign cabinets may be internally illuminated only if opaque cabinet panels with cut-outs for individual letters and characters are utilized, providing the appearance of channelized letters. Response: No internal illumination is planned. 3. External light sources shall be shielded, landscaped when ground-mounted and, except for decorative overhead architectural fixtures as provided in paragraph 2., above, not visible from any adjacent rights-of-way or residentially zoned or developed properties, or from dwelling units on upper stories within the same building on which the illuminated sign is located. Light fixtures that are architectural elements of a building need not be hidden from view, provided that the bulbs or other light source within the fixtures are shielded from view. Response: The proposed carriage lights are meant to be an architectural element and not to serve as a light source for the sign. Petitioner has stated that they will use low wattage bulbs and frosted glass to keep the lights from being a distraction to drivers. 4. Intensities of illumination in all cases shall be approved by the building official before the issuance of a sign permit for compliance with the following maximum illumination intensity levels: Maximum Illumination Intensity Level Type of Illumination Located Within 500 Feet Located Beyond 500 Feet of (and Visible from) a a Residential Zone Residential Zone Direct, internal or back 90 footlamberts 150 footlamberts lighted Indirect or reflected sign 10 footcandles 25 footcandles 5. Illuminated signs located within five hundred (500) feet of a residential zone, and which are visible from such residential zone shall be turned off not later than 11:00 p.m. each night. Response: The signs and associated lighting are located in a residential district. Having the lighting turned off by 11:00pm will be a condition of approval. 6. No intermittent or flashing illumination will be permitted. Response: None are proposed 7. All exterior electrical outlets for signs shall terminate in a galvanized box with a blank cover, which shall be flush with and not protrude beyond the finished surface of the exterior wall. Response: All sign-related outlets are hidden within the sign. CAB17-001: Sable Pass Page 4 of 8 8. Transformer boxes, outlets, conduits, and other accessory equipment for any sign shall be placed so that they are not visible from the exterior, and no face jumping shall be permitted. Response: These items are not visible on the sign. 9. All lighting for all signs shall be designed to prevent light spillage from sign face, and shall not be of such intensity or brilliance as to cause glare, visual distraction or nuisance. Response: The proposed carriage lights will utilize frosted glass and low wattage bulbs. 10. The use of neon is limited to an internal light source for signs. Response: Not applicable to this application. 11. Strip lighting shall not be used to border or outline a window, door, canopy or any portion thereof. Response: Not applicable to this application. C. Maintenance. Every sign, together with its framework, braces, angles, or other supports shall be maintained in a safe condition, properly secured, supported and braced to withstand wind pressure as required by the Florida Building Code or any other applicable regulatory code or ordinance in effect within the city limits. D. Location. 1. No sign or support shall be placed in such position or manner as to obstruct or interfere, either physically or visually, with traffic circulation (pedestrian or vehicular), any fire alarm, police alarm, traffic signal or sign or any devices maintained by or under public authority. Response: The proposed sign for this project will not be moved from its present location. 2. No sign over a walkway shall have a vertical clearance of less than eight (8) feet in height as measured from the bottom of the sign to the walkway. Response: Not applicable to this project. 3. No sign shall be located within a sight visibility triangle. Response: Not applicable to this project. E. Artistic monument signs. Response: Not applicable.to this project. F. Changeable copy signs. Changeable copy is permitted only as specified in this subsection. Response: Not applicable. Sec.100-1530 - Permanent signs; location. Only such permanent signs as are authorized in this section shall be permitted to be erected or maintained upon any building, plot or parcel of land. Except for those sign types identified in subsections A. through D., below, city commission approval is required CAB17-001: Sable Pass Page 5 of 8 for all permanent signs through community appearance board approval of a uniform sign program or individual signs for properties exempt from uniform sign program approval. Response: The applicant is seeking Community Appearance Board approval for the sign for this project. Subsections A through F are not applicable. III. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends Approval of Application No. CAB17-001, subject to the following conditions: 1. This approval is based upon the application and supporting plans date stamped received November 17, 2016 by the Planning & Zoning Department. 2. The proposed carriage lights shall have frosted glass and must use low wattage bulbs to minimize distraction to drivers. 3. The carriage lights shall be turned off by 11:00pm. The uplights on the sign do not have to be turned off at 11:00pm. 4. Obtain proper signage permits from the City prior to construction. 5. Petitioner shall pay to the City of Parkland an amount equal to the total expenses incurred by the City in the processing and finalizing of the subject applications prior to issuance of any building permit. This includes, but may not be limited to, expenses for planning, legal, advertising, and landscape review, and any related expenses that the City has or will incur as a direct cost of the applications. IV. Planning and Zoning Board Recommendation At the meeting on January 12, 2017, Board Member Lynne Fenoglio motioned to approve the application subject to staff recommendations. Board Member Gina Stephens seconded the motion. Passed unanimously (7-0). CAB17-001: Sable Pass Page 6 of 8 Attachment “A” Location Map & Monument Sign CAB17-001: Sable Pass Page 7 of 8 Attachment “B” Community Appearance Board Application Subject Property CAB17-001: Sable Pass Page 8 of 8