HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-56 Plat Approval Willow Acres RESOLUTION 99 - 56 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA FOR PLAT APPROVAL OF THE WILLOW ACRES PlAT; CASE NO. 05-PT-99. WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the City Commission, a public hearing was held to hear testimony for and against the petition of David & Gerchar, Inc. requesting approval of the Willow Acres plat, a 2.55 acre parcel located north of Ranch Road, west ofNW 84 Avenue and east ofNW 87 Avenue in the Ranches community; and WHEREAS, the proposed plat was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board with a vote of 5-0 for approval. WHEREAS, the City Commission finds the proposed plat is in conformance with all applicable subdivision regulations and is in compliance with current concurrency requirements as well as land development regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Parkland, Florida, that; 1. The approval is based on the plat entitled "Willow Acres" prepared by David and Gerchar, Inc. dated received by the Planning Department on October 19, 1999. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit the twenty (20) foot ingress / egress utility easement connecting the Willow Acres parcel to Ranch Road shall be reviewed by Staff and recorded with the county. 3 Petitioner shall obtain offsite drainage easement for drainage outfall prior to plat recordation. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS-LDA Y OF December. 1999. ~~ AITEST: CfetJ!C4--/ c~~-:;(;t:~ ; HELEN L YNOTI, CMC CITY CLERK res-wHo PLANNING STAFF REPORT AGENDA DATE: November 10, 1999 RECOMMENDATION DATE: November OS, 1999 SUBJECT: Case No. 05-PT-99; Willow Acreage: Petition by David & Gerchar, Inc. for plat approval of a 2.55 acre parcel located north of Ranch Road, east of NW 87 Avenue and west of NW 84 Avenue. RECOMMENDED PLANNING ACTION: Approval with conditions. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: This petition seeks to plat a 2.55 acre parcel located within the Ranches community. The subject property has a E.4 land use designation with a compatible AE-1 zoning designation. The subject property is located north of Ranch Road, west ofNW 84 Avenue and east ofNW 87 Avenue. The proposed plat would be subdivided to allow for one (1) single family residence and accessory uses as permitted in the AE-1 zoning category. The subject parcel has access to Ranch Road as part of a twenty (20) foot wide ingress / egress utility easement on the parcel to the south. The parcel to the south contains an existing residence as well as a barn. The subject property with the improvement for a single family home will utilize well and septic tank for water and sewage. Consistent with the approved level of service by the Comprehensive Plan for this area in the City of Parkland. SUMMARY: The Planning Department recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. This approval is based on the plat entitled, "Willow Acres" prepared by David & Gerchar, Inc. dated received by the Planning Department on October 19, 1999. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit the twenty (20) foot ingress / egress utility easement connecting the Willow Acres parcel to Ranch Road shall be recorded. plst20.rpt MEMOMNDlIM TO: Bradford D. Townsend, AICP - Director of Planning Charlie DaBrusco, P.E. - City Engineer ~~ ~~~_ SUBJECT: Case No. 05-PT-99 Willow Acres Plat FROM: DATE: November 5, 1999 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject plat and recommends approval with the following condition: 1. Obtain offsite drainage easement for drainage outfall prior to plat recordation. 99-121e ~c. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA - --- - .- - -~ - - - - - ...- V" 600 SOUTllEA.STTIlIRDAVENUE,J4thn. . FORT LAUDERDALE, n.oRIDA 33301.3J25 . TEL 954-765-'28S . FAX954-765-6349 Property Management It Site Acquisition Department Lee A. Stepanchok. Director CluJirperlort Vic. CluJirperlort SCHOOL BOARD LOIS WEXLER DARLA L. CARTER CAROLE L. ANDREWS JUDIE S. BUDNICK PAUL D. EICHNER. ESQ. STEPHANIE ARMA KRAfT. ESQ. MIRIAM M. OIlPllAA,. DR, ROBERT D. PARKS DIANA WASSERMAN ALEXIS WOLFSON Studert' AiWilor October 13. 1999 Mr. Dean M. Gerchar. P.S.M. David & Gerchar Surveyors and Mappers 4S0 1 Oak Circle. Suite 1 Boca Raton. Florida 33431 DR. FRANK TILL SUfnrirt,ertdert' of Schools Re: PROPOSED WILLOW ACREAGE PLAT Dear Mr. Gerchar: School Board staff has reviewed your request to determine the potential student impact your proposed development of one single family (1) unit in the City of Parkland may have on District schools. Based on th~ d~velopment type and total. number of units proposed. the development as currently proposed, will not generate any additional' students into District schools. This determination was based on computations utilizing the currently adopted maximum student generation rates for single family unit contained in the Broward County Land Development Code. However. the proposed development falls within the 1999/00 school year boundaIies of schools noted below. Additionally. other pertinent data regarding the schools are also noted below. Schools Students 1999/00 Twentieth School Under lOver Day Enrollment Capacity Enrolled Riven!lades Elementarv 0 1.270 861 409 Coral SpIinlls Middle 0 1.603 1.372 231 - . ----- Stoneman DouS!las HiS!h 0 3.307 2.693 614 Total 0 Please call me at 765-6562 if you have additional questions regarding information provided in this correspondence. agbos . Coordinator gement & Site Acquisition Department COA/coa cc: Lee A. Stepanchak. Director. Property Management & Site Acquisition Department Transforming Education: One Student At A Time BrOll'ard County Public Schools Is An Equal Opportunity/f.:qual Access Employer Item 1: Item 2: Item 3: Item 4: ItemS: Item 6: Item 7: Item 8: Item 9: Item 10: Item 11: [lAVID & -IjERCHAR, INC. SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 4301 Oak Circle, Suite 1- Boca Raton. Florida 33431 (561)417-6173 - Fax: (561)417-9619 e-mail: dgsurvey@bellsouth.net IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORT FOR: WILLOW ACREAGE The current land use designation is E.4, and the zoning designation is AE-1 Potable water will be obtained by an onsite private well Wastewater will be serviced by an onsite septic system Solid waste; Southern Sanitation will service this site Based on development type and number of units, this plat will not generate any additional students for the Broward County School Board At this time the site is vacant with only some Florida Holly present This site does not fall in a drainage district and drainage will be handled onsite along with a private agreement for drainage to the west of this site This site contains 2.55 acres and will accommodate one (1) single family residence This site will be serviced by Ranch Road along with a private 20' IngresslEgress Easement from Ranch Road The owner is aware of preliminary discussions concerning pennitted uses and allowable developments within the Ranches area. No traffic report is necessary based on this site generating fewer than 200 trips per day. CITY OF PARKLAND SUBDIVISION APPROVAL APPLICA nON Petition for Plat Approval of a Subdivision PLEASE SUBMIT: Name of Subdivision ''I tLI..C7vV d;(~ Date: Case # Receipt # /701-/'7'0-77 /.2-;:z~ -, 12 sets of plans (folded) 12 impact analysis reports 2 sealed surveys . The undersigned hereby petitions the City of Parkland for subdivision plat approval under the subdivision regulations of the City Code of Ordinances, and respectfully requests that the necessary departmental review and hearings by the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission be called to consider our request for that property generally located as follows: NORTH OF RANCH ROAD, EAST OF NW 87 AVE, WEST OF NW 84 AVE of 2 . 55 acres, which property is presently zoned AE-1 has an allowed maximum gross density DD's / acre of 0 . 4 pe r ACRE which will yield ONE (1) units at maximum. Folio No.: 1/8'1/030100'Z 1/ The record use of th~ property is: EST ATE 4 The present use of the property is: VACANT / PASTURE The owner and/or petitioner hereby understand the City Commission may set forth certain conditions or require such modifications in order to ensure full compliance with the City of Parkland's Development Code and all other applicable regulations. The owner and/or petitioner hereby agrees that the final plat approval shall be withheld unless and until clear and convincing proof that all the concurrency requirements for level of service, as set forth in the Parkland Land Development Code, and conditions of approval are satisfied. The infonnation submitted pursuant to this application is true an~o ~e "t of Signed~d4 SignJ. ,j YVV\ fl Owner 0 Record Petitioner JEAN ANN BEATY DEAN M. GERCHAR (Print or type name) (Print or type name) . . . . . . Address of Petitioner: 4301 OAK CIRCLE SUITE 1, BOCA RATON, FL. 33431 Telephone: 561-417-6173 {~ ~ Address of Owner: 8585 RANCH ROAD, PARKLAND, FL 33067 Telephone: 954-753-3456 Filing Fee: ~;2l of) Received By: Date: /) a~ n1~ , plat-app.wpd EASEMENT AGRE~M:ENT :;I~f~? . :i~$}:::,:.-. ':ii::.,::":". . .~~~~ :J~;~> THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT ~ntmd into mis _ day of _ , 1999. by land between Je"ll Alln Beaty (hereinafter ret'erred to as "Crantor"), and Jean I\nn Stitt)- (h~rein:lfter rc1'ert"d to I:L!l "Ol'llQ~I:"). WITNESSF.TH: WHEREAS, Orantor is the own~ ot' cemin relll propeny located in Browarc1 County. Florida being mort particularly described in Exhibit "A" anache:d hereto and made 3 part hereof. WHER.EAS, Grantee is the owner ot'ccmain n::sl propeny located in BI OWIU'U County, Florida being more paroc\.llarly described in Exhibit "a" aUQc:hcd hereto and rnad~ a pm hereof WHEREAS. GrantOr has a~ecd to Qranf an easement tor p.:destrian a lei ....~hicular traffle o1l1d utilitic:s overthrouah, actoss and upon Thar pOrrion ufprupC'ny described in E <hibit "A" as describc:c1 in Exhibit "C" a=ched hereto; and NOW. THEREFORE. in considenadon oftbe sum ofTcn ($10.) Dol/aN and orhc:r ~ood and valuable: c:onsidenltion paid by CiraJltee to Otal\tor, The rect:ipt and llufficithC:Y of whic:h is hereby acJc.nowledaed. the panit:ll alltec: u t'Ull4,)Wll: 1. Gr.mtofE::asemcnt. Gnmtor does hereby grant a non-excll sive eu~mc:nt,license and prhdJeK': ofinKresS-earess for pedeStricm Md veh1c~lar lraftic and utiliti:$ o\'t'r througJl, ac:ross and upon the propt'rry descnbdJ in Exlubit "B". 2. ~asemcnt R.uns With Land. This easement shalll\1tl witn lne land as benl:fil und burdt:n to the re~ptlCti"t: pan:~ls. 'if,.' .' :~::':':.' '. i :i.::, . 'i:.:':"-7i.'" . "I~;',..u'" ~':'. ;-:'. .~~~. 3. Maintenance. the owners of the respective parc~ls shall shill e ~quall)' in the I:O!lt of maintc:nanc.: of thill ~3Sc:mc:nt. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have executed this Ef semenJ Agre~rne111 on the' date above written. ........ ':'\::"-,'" )~'.' Jean Anne! B~aty ::.-,.;," , ...~:~~~' WITNESS my hand llnd officialll~:ll in the County and SUite aforestid this _ day of . 1~99. d:{;, \ ..';;'1,;.... "::.-:,".". '....... I',; '.W:.~"._. '."' . ;I~, Slate of Florida ) ) 5,5. County ot'Palm Beach ) 1 HEREBY CER.TtFY lhltt on this Way. bcf&)re ml:, lU1 officer. duly i.uthorized in the State aforesaid and in me COLlt1lY aforcsaid. person'll!)' appeO\ted Jean Ann Seaty to mc known to be thc persons ckscribed or produced a as identification an:! who dic1ldid not take an oath. ,....:.'.... : I ':.......'.'.".:..... J~:#.lf\ . ~ .~:~~}::~~<. Notary Public " ;.;I~.:.....l....:.;i '}ii; ~:.:.; . '. ROV-lQ-DD IO:&T FROIHARBIERI , SCRENCI/REALTY LAND TITLE CO. +56IDD7812D T-725 P,03/05 F-186 EXHIBIT "A" '~.":. ", .f: . .~. .: .' .r;: .' ~ ..- I:, -. . .... ':<',' ;~. ....: ~ ":}:..,::.: \!:Fi;'~.:,~.~(,l':;: ::.: . .'; ~.::. ....... .... i I ! j i i , I \ \ DESCItIP'I1ON: A PORllON or I.DTS 15 AND 18 QF' aaa AANCHES 2ND AtUITlON (AN UNRECORDED PlJ\1') ..ORE PAllllCULAAL Y DaCAI8ED AS FClL.UMS: '!liE EAST 112 r:I 'ntE ~G DESCRl8ED PARCEL: THE SW 1/4 QF' nt~ SW 1/4 OF' 'THE "~Y4 OF SECl10N :J. TOWNSHIP 4IJ SOU"" RANGE 41 EAST. LESS 1HE sau1H !O . SAID LANDS S1lUATE. LYING I.ND 8E1NG ~~ ~~~A11QNS. CONDlllOHS, UMIT"'I1ONS AND 1:ASE1l1ENTS OF RECORD. IF ANY. LEES AND DCEPT 1WEREFIUIU THE f'DLJJ)W1NO DESCRIBED PARCEl.. BEGINNING AT 1HI HDlt'IHwe:sT CORNER OF lHE AFaREMENllONED PARCEL OF LAND; lliENCE SOU'J1oi 81'58'4" EAST. A DlSTANCf Of' 304.88 FEET: lHENCE SQU'Ili 00'52'4'. EAST, A DISTANCE OF 364.40 FEET: '1l4INCS NORlH .._..,. wEST. II DlSTANCC OF 304.87 FEET; ~D CE NOR'!li 00'51'33- v.tST. A DISTANCEOV 314.40 FEET TO 1HE PClNT ar II!GINNIN& SAID LANDS S1TU~lE. L'tING AND B!lNG IN BRO"AIm COUfll'1'V. JIlORIDA. CONTAINlNO 3.024 ACRES MORE OR LESS. . NOY-18-U 10111 FROM-BAIIIERI & SCRENCI/REAL TV LAND TITLE CO. +1811878128 HZ5 P.Ul05 HIS I EXHIBIT "BM ~.', ", " :'~"~~.J: ..<t'" . ,,: " ~. ; , I I i . . i ! I ~ \ < ~ .. .' . ';'" ..':;...... ." .' ' . ~:... :.::: !~.:' .,": i.', ':";'. '. . .:. ~.' :..~ :;..~~.:, "..,.. DESCRlPlION: A POR11C>>f OF 1.01$ 1a AND 11 OF' B88 RANCHES 2ND ADDIlION (AN UNRECORDED PL.Al) WCRt: PAR1!CUURI. Y DESCRIIIED AS ~ 111E e:~ '/2 el1HI ~ ~ p~ M IW 1/.. 01' 1ttI _ '1" elM ":.'/''' 111' sEC11C>>t .1. TOWIil5t1f 41 SOU1\; RANCE ., I!:AST. Las 'lHl1OU1M 10 . UlQ \MIllS snuATC, \.'ml3 ANO IIING IN IROWARD c:cuN1Y. P1.CRIDA. sua.eCT'1a lID1\IIIC'ftClMS, RESalYAtlaNs' caNDllIClNS, UWITA'YIaHS ""0 !ASEMENTS or RECORD. IF ~Y. LlSI AND CUZPT 1HDEfttCM 'neE f'Ol.I..OWNB D!SCftI8!l) PMCEl.. lDINNlNQ AT 1t4l saulHllEST CClRHER OF '1ltE AFOREMENl1ClNED PARt.tl. OF LANDi lHENCE NaRnt aaU43" .at. It, DlST~ OF QUI F'EE1'l 111INCE 1OU1H 11"5I'4'2- EAST. II DISTANCE rI ~D-4.B' ~ 'IMINe! DlTH CID'I2'..!,__usrr. It, DIStANCE " 411.42 FEED.. THENCE HORn. Ift2'SS" VDT. II DiSTANCE Of' 304.80 rsr ,.. ,n.. lICIlNT rJllIIDNNlNG. -SAID LNfu:t 511\1AlE, &."I"ING AND I!lNG IN IItOWAIIQ ctlL*TY. ~ CClNlAlNINO 2.f15D ACRIS YaRE a. LESS. :~'.' ',' ,'.\',':: <~t;. 'f:':':.-- .:i;:~:- .:. . .,,~X,:,:.: ::\; ": .::~:~\~.~ . "(:';"'::' ..:~:>:. :.....':.~~: .::..,f..:'.... ':$.1tX':. :~ft:.~ . .'~'.'.Oo(... " .11 fc'i t.....; . . , ..-,:,,' 1lOY-18-88 10:18 FRQI,toBARBIERI & SCRENCI/REALTY LAND TITLE CO, +5610878128 T-725 P.OS/OS F-186 EXHIBIT "e" . ::. .~ ...-;~ .'.. " .. . . '" . .0, . . :,' .~ . , " \.tiN-. ~11QN~ t . . .. A'" rooT ... I1llIP tI UIID I.'VIND VIl1'HIH TRACT Ii I , ; '..~ =Jr~cr::V_:~~aT''tl.L~. l' .' j ~. ~_~ tIIIIIIJNI. IO.t.G'O "'tWIOo ; .. .... Dllln'1A AI FOLLG\IIII ! i . alllENaMG AT 1HE SGUlMIUf CORNER Of' ",..EASURE ; I, MIlD": ...... NGR1H ...'.t- ..,. M.ONG lME \\DT UHi! ; aF lAD ~W ..... A DISTANCE QF 51.:21 n:n I 1HENCE NDR1H .....,...,. A DISTANCE OF '0.00 I'!!T. TO: \ .. ...rr '" .....0 1MINeI."'" ao-o....". ~. A . i alITAMCI f6 4It JD ~J TO 1HE POINT OF TERMiNUS. SAID .P.IIfJ!~~AL5D BEING aN ~ NOR'" ftlGHT-OF-W,\Y UNE or , IOAI). ," " .. . .,. L.HOI .1UA~ L'*CI A HI) DaNG IN GRO""R\) GOUNTY. ~A, CDNTAlMNG B.14I.IQUME RET MORE OR LESS. .~, ' ._-~ .:...... . " '. :.:~~;.,:::.( :.:: .., ..:..... . I~ ::::;:.-i::":"" . .Jt:t:..... "....~I:..~'!..~.~.t..;_....~... "," ';'-:':':;"', .r ::' .... .....-. .;. >:.'~'. ~. :~.~i.:. ~.....': \ ~ \ SUN -'E N TIN E L PUBLISHED DAILY LAUDER~ALE, 8ROWARD COUNTY, ~LORIDA RATON, PALM 8EACH COUNTY, FLORIDA MIAMI, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA ......,.."', ,...,.,........ '1 "- fe.T Be A STATE Of FLORIDA COUNTY Of SHORE M t3EACH/DAOE NeD A U TH 0 R IT Y PER SON ALL Y, A P P E , RED WHO eN OATH SAYS THAT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE A~SIFIED DEPARTMENT OF lHESUN-SENTINEll DAILY .'EWSPA?ER PUBLISHED IN BRCWARD/PALM BEACH/DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT THE ATTACHeD COpy Of ADVERTISEMENT, EEING ~ F U 9L I C HEA~ING IN THE MAT.TER OF PESOLUTION# 99-56 IN THE CIRCUIT CCURT, WAS PUBLISHED IN SAID NEWSPAPER I~ THE Issues Of c , 11/21, 1 x AFF!ANT FURTHER SAYS THAT THE SAID SUN-SENTINEL IS A ~EWSPAPEP. PU5lISHED IN SAIO 6ROwARO/PAL~ eEACH/DADE COUNTY, fLORIDA, AND THAT TH'E SAID NE_SPAFER ~AS ~ERETOfORE BEEN CONTINUOUSLY PUBLISHED IN SAID BRO~ARD/PALM EEACH/tADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, EACH DAY, AND HAS BEEN ENTERED AS SECO~D CLASS MAlTER AT THE POST OfFICE I~ FORT LAUOEPDALf, IN SAID 9ROwARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR A PERIOD Of ONE YEAR NEXT PRECEDING THE FI~ST PUBLICATION OF THE ATTACHED CCPY OF ADVERTISEMENT; AND AFFIANT FURTHE~ SAYS THAT HE/S~f HAS ~E!THER PAID NOR PROMISED ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORFORATICN ANY DISCOUNT, REBATE, CO~~ISSION OR REfUND FOR THe PURPCSE Cf SECURING THIS AOVERTISEMENT FOR PUBLICATIOH IN SAID NEWSPAPER SWORN TO AND SU3SCRI8ED EEfORE ME THIS 21 DAY 0 NOVEM~ED.R 1\ fl. A.D.. 1999 c)[_Al~ ........... ............................. (SIGNATUP-E OF NOTARY PUBLIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FERZONALLY KNOWN ...~.~............. OR PRODUCE~ IDENTIFICATION ................. .. - City of Parkland. FL PU8UC HEARING The City of Parkland will hold a City eommlsslon meeting on December 1. 1999 at 7:00 PM at Park- land CIty Hall, 6500 Park- side Drive, Parkland, FL 33067 on the follOWing: RESOLUTiON NO. 99-56 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA FOR PLAT AP- PROVAL OF THE WILLOW ACRES PLAT; CASE NO. 05-PT-99. PETITIONER: DAVID & GERCHAR, INC. RESOLUTION NO. 99-57 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL OF A GAS STATIONI CONVENIENCE STORE AT THE SHOPPES OF PARKLAND. LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF STATE ROAD 7 (US 4411 AND HILLS- BORO BLVD, PETITIONED BY SALTZ MICHELSON ARCHITECTS: CASE NO. Oa-SP-99. Notice: Please be advised that If a person decldea to appeal any decision made by the board, agency or commISSIon with res~ to any matter considered at 1 5 Osuch hearing or meeting, he E H . will need a record of the proceedings, and for luch purpose he will need to en- sure that a verbaum record InclUdes the testldlony and evidence upon which the aOD8aI II to be daaed. . In accordance with the Am&rlcans with Disability Act and Florida Statute 286.26 persons with disabil- ItieS needing lpeclaI accom- modation to partlcl~te In this proceeding should con- tact the Cll)' Clerk no later than threEo (3) da~ prior to the meeting at (954) 753- 5040. Helen Lynott, CMC City Clerk November 21, 1'"