1999-53 Site Plan Review-Parkland Shops and Office Centre RESOLUTION NO. 99-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR A REVIEW OF SITE PLAN APPLICATION OF THE PARKLAND SHOPS AND OFFICE CENTRE, CASE NO. 01- SP-99 BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON NOVEMBER 3, 1999. WHEREAS, the City Commission intends to review Site Plan Application of the Parkland Shops and Office Centre, Case No. 01-SP-99, which was recommended for approyal by the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Parkland on October 14, 1999; and WHEREAS, while the Parkland Lakes PUD Ordinance refers to a requirement for adoption of a resolution such as this only for multi-family residential development, the City Commission wishes, in an abundance of caution, to specifically state its intention to review Site Plan Application No. 01-SP-99; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA as follows: l/fII!:: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Parkland hereby states its intention to review Site Plan No. OI-SP-99 at its meeting of November 3, 1999. Section 2. That this Resolution shall become in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 20th DAY OF October , 1999. CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA s~f~ ATTEST: 9k~~I~~A-, ~ HELEN LYNOT~ CMC/AAE CITY CLERK OCT. -21' 99 (THU) 10:46 ANDREW MAURODIS TEL:4804490 r. UU 1 CITY OF PARKLAND ~fj) MEMORANDUM TO: lIarry Mertz, City Manager- FROM: Andrew S. Maurodis, City Attorney DATE: October 18.1999 SUBJECT: Transcastcm Commercial Development on :Parksido Drive While I do not believe that it is absolutely requircd by the Parkland Lakes PUD Ordinance, just to be on the saie side. I would recommend that the City Commission, at its next meeting, adopt a resolution providing that the site plan, recently reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board, be reviewed by the City Commission and that the City Commission :fix the date for such review. This should be at the next meeting. I would recommend that the resolution read as follows: ....# ,,".. ~ . "- ( . "'" ...,.;.-.,.' " A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND PROVIDING FOR A REVIEW OF SITE PLAN APPLICATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON WHEREAS, the City Commission intends to review Site Plan Application , which was recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Board ofth.e City of Parkland on October 14~ 1999; and WHEREAS. while the Parkland Lakes pun Ordinance refers to a requirement for adoption of a resolution such as this only for multi-family residential development. the City Commissiol1 wishes, in an abundance of caution, to specifically state its intention to review Site Plan Application No. NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CITY COMlMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA as follows: Section t. The City Conunission of the City of Parkland hereby states its intention to review Site Plan No. _ at its meeting of Ulil. -.n '::f'::fl!I1U/ lU:qO ""'" -"'flnn'm",,\ .."'~r AI~UKtl'l flJ.l\UKUU I ~ ItL:qlSUqq'::fU r. UUl '.tnn,",U1 'C'IIf'\"n.f'\ "'~1 ,if ^f\ of" nn Section 2. That this .Resolution shall become in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. CITY OF PARKLAND SAL PAOLIARA. MA VOR HELEN LYNOTT. CMC\AAE en-y CLERK ASM:jms