HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-09 CGT Properties, Parcland Assoc, Oriole Homes Corp Settlement RESOLCTION NO. 99 -09 A RESOLCfION OF THE CITY COJ\f\HSSJON OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND. FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OFFICIALS TO ENTER INTO A SElTLE.:\1E1\T OFFER AND AGREEMENT WITH cGT PROPERTIES. L'lC., PARCLAND ASSOCIATES, LTD., AND ORIOLE HOM.ES CORP. FOR SETTLEMENT OF ALL CLAIMS AND APPROVAL OF A REVISED SITE PLAN. \VHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland has received a. revised site plan submitted by CGT Properties, Inc., and Parcland Associates; Ltd.; and \VHEREAS, the City has reviewed said revised site plan in conjunction with a proposed resolution to the Harris Act Claims, Civil Rights Action, and Petition for \Vrit of Certiorari filed by Oriole Homes Corp,. CGT Properties, Inc., and Parcland Associates, Ltd.; and WHEREAS, the City Commission believes that in conjunction with the Settlement Offer and Agreemem, it is in the best interest of the City Commission of the City of Parkland to approve the revised site plan and that to approve same would protect the public interest served by the City's Land Development Code and all other applicable regulations, and provide the appropriate relief necessary to deal fairly with the property and to protect the interest of the publiC health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City; NO\V THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIlY OF PARKLA~D, FLORIDA AS 'FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Settlement Offer and Agreement for Settlement by the City of Parkland pursuant to Section 70.00 I (4)(c), Florida Statutes, between the City. CGT Propenies, Inc., Parc1and Associates, Ltd., and Oriole Homes Corp., (on file with the City Clerk), is hereby approved, along with the revised site plan which is made a part thereof. Section 2. That this Resolution shall become in full force and etTect immediately upon its passage and adoption, PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 17thDA Y OF FEBRUARY s 1999. CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA /i{G:~ SAL AGU..\ ,fA YOR Resolution No. 99-09 Page 2 ATTESTED: S~__Q~~ SUSAN ARMSTRONG, C.M. . CITY CLERK ~'1,...o1 ~JdI ~~ky ~ ~ 4>$1"01. ~ r-~io' r; ~'1/t';"i ~ ~ , - 99-o'f, c; 1-() S"J 9 ~ -() , .,. 9 9 - 0 'J 'V- ~~~7 _ " ~ j tf 4>>--' ;Go ..~ ~ ' ~~ . . tt~..... {.II"h bM 1M ' IJw . ,;;1,pr/OI (j)~ . ~ IOV, A./)lJ .. g . tp'/..fU.J ljY'f' - ( )1 ". . 'gal - 0 I t'-I $dO' 7f~ ~~ CITY OF PARKLAND 6500 PARKSIDE DRIVE PARKLAND, FL 33067 (954)753-5040 FAX (954)341-5161 May 5, 1999 Donald R. Hall, Esq. Gunster, Yoakley, Valdes-Fauli & Stewart, P.A. Broward Financial Center 500 East Broward Boulevard, Suite 1400 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394 RE: City of Parkland Resolutions passed February 17. 1999 Dear Mr. Hall: As requested in your letter of February 19, 1999, I am enclosing three (3) certified copies each of the following resolutions: . Resolution No. 99-09 . Resolution No. 99-04 (recorded copy) . Resolution No. 99-05 (recorded copy) . Resolution No. 99-06 (recorded copy) . Resolution No. 99-07 (recorded copy) If you need further information, please feel free to call our office. Sincerely, Helen Lynott, CMCIAAE City Clerk Enclosures CITY OF PARKLAND 6500 P ARKSIDE DRIVE PARKLAND, FLORIDA 33067 (954)-753-5040 FAX (954)-341-5161 NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARING SITE PLAN APPLICATION CASE NO. 04-SP-98 PARKLAND PLAZA I BJ'S WHOLESALE CLUB FEBRUARY 17, 1999 Dear Property Owner: CGT Properties, Inc. has provided to the City, a copy of a revised site plan which is attached for your information. Also attached is a copy of the original proposed site plan which was previously rejected by the Parkland City Commission at a public hearing on October 22, 1998. Pursuant to Chapter 70, Florida Statutes, the City will consider a settlement offer which, if approved, would have the effect of approving a revised site plan, and resolving all matters related to the claim made pursuant to Chapter 70, Florida Statutes, and all pending litigation. The City of Parkland City Commission will hold a public hearing at Parkland City Hall, 6500 Parkside Drive, Parkland, Florida, at 7:00 p.m. on FEBRUARY 17, 1999 to consider the revised site plan and proposed settlement. The comments of any interested party may be presented in person at the hearing or may be submitted in writing to the Planning Department. As part of the package, the Commission will also consider the abandonment of various utilities easements. PLEASE BE ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such hearing, he will need to provide a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, he will need to ensure that a verbatim record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Non-privileged documents, and mapping regarding the Petition's revised site plan as well as the City of Parkland Land Development Code are available for public review at Parkland City Hall. - This information is provided to assure all interested property owners are aware of the proposal before the City Commission so that residents of our City may be aware of the total development proposal under consideration. Sincerely, MECCA eLVO I.... g!~ NI\' u 5T N>I U !'lACE r- 99-18cc N A ~ ~ :.: z Ni; 72 COU;;T ~ o <( o a: lLI t- <( I- \I) C) ~.., ~~ . Susan Armstrong, C.M.C.' City Clerk '" ~ NW 7~ COU;:;7 ~ ~ P ARKWOOO :.: '" ~ . z .... v v CiTY of Por~IC~d . \I) C!-sc...e o.-s~-.. . :J ~ - om lImI .. ...- .." ~ ,.,.- -.- IIll."'2f ....... !WJ...~'lI 1tQ- -.....- 11311111:11" MOrJIB311 W' .; .i Q II --- --==:...-::.::. ~,:,:,,,-~ n ~ .... . -..... --- ......... ....,.,. ...... H.~.""_""""". u.o.- .__~_"'''''''''''''''I&&c--..... " -- S3t1:>Y lO('''Z S3ij:;>Y lO'\ S~;)y 60'Z ~:>y l....1 S~:w Zc;'l S3t1:>'t SO'Sl :Y3t1\' 3115 lY10l :", V]tI't 3J.1S U:M'dJIIO :C# Y3HV 3US ~cWlO :tl v]tI't 3115 '~dJIIO : l' Y3ltV 31lS ~d.U\O :Y3t1't 111$ llVJJH ~ I .. -- L "n ...... f - . . -.. -- _-------L~ ~.-r=COOO---''''~NI- nUL __ . I I .. 1"II..~.t:-J ....., I :n_ I onu,.. r-~ -.JI .. . I I ..... I ... .." I 1 "=T-----=...u- - ---y~ -iQ - I I ... ..,~~I ~nru--_~~T-__ , . ..... .11.... ..... __ _+__ ~ ....~ -__1-- - ~ .. I -=' J .. --r ..:hJ~~... ~~-~~=_r...... - ,..- ~"------siSft GJ_ - i .-.'l'J1W3S .. ., _-;;---n. .". aut -... _ w-n II. ~ _NOW.. A--.. -... ... ....... .- ..... ... .___ ... .ft.... ._- -;it~ . ... .... ~ ... ..... 11ft 'It,.._ ..... ./1.... ..... .,. .... 0" .... I1i ...., - -- -- '1M aIM. )011" 'fJ<IO -.&w .~ ..0 alii '" E "l '" ~ Q I Z I P I I 'C I \ ill . I .; I \ I , I I I I I I I 1-.'InII Me 3)1'({ ~ -~tIfiJ Cj -- :='.:.~. an .II; QJOITIJLJ _..~ 86/~~/Ol UO!SS!WWOO '<llO ,<q palOa!a~ Revised Site Plan Submitted by Applicant zrI!:1&.... ;g.J:/-"n.- .. :1l..~~ . , , I, I ~ t..t 0, ij I " iI .J.;~ 01 ;" ii " .J I' i! .;'. " ..JL ;, ro.- ~: .j;. .~. '~-r'''':-.. IN(E - 'oJ .. 'MID .... . ~ ,... II-CIICInI . ern ~ --.-rt ...-.: _ ..... .. Me. lJ AI. ~ ...... ,....... _ lUll .... ", en ~.IDOU... l.' ~............... lID.... ___...... ......................-............. ..... . .-. .. ... - -- .. .. ....... ..... .., .............. f\M ~ .... ,oa _ ......-u _., .. elf . .........,.. _ .... . ...... ... ... ........ lVAa ... . ~ ............. ... ... ~) ........ f\. 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'. ... ~~UU~ ~, """""" (~. --'. . "'" : 1110) ..__,._..... '-- = '. 51 rc eM.CULI. TlONS ,~[~ .f'lA.N. ICII.tI ,.. 11ft ......- --- -""" -- ......""" - v, . ... .. ... _v. -. _J _..I ......1_. -_v, I _v, ... ... .. . . _v, ... .... .... -. -- RETAIL SITE NUx OIJTPARCEL SITE AREA ": OVTPARCEl SITE ARfA 12: OUTPARCtL SITE ARfA 13: TciTArW-AREk---..----- - "'0' - SUt..lMARY or PROPOSED USES. PARKING. AND LOADING -... - - "=" ... .. .. ..- ..--..........------ ~ II. . ....., ,__"w..... ...;IIp .. .. 'ul :_-~~ 20.73 ACRES 1.!!2 ACRES .95 ACRES .S!! ACRES ""-'-~ACffi (_I .-;1 ,. <: .-' ~t: 0.:' i <:: ~L ~ u_ d 0 ~ tf) L' r. " (~; ~i ~ sun Ai'"'i'ii~ .I~..--. (Df)-"I1.-~~~- ~:c _t... ~ -""' "'. .... .. .. -.. ItA DAft WI ........ .1,1_ .1'. ... Ii" 'A.. ~'--_'_Jor'" - -... , l~':::.~~lir w .... .... lIIlaIf -"."'1 I "'",-..-...~Iil ..--.--.-.-, I I' C' I ; i.. It ! I! ij I I:!: IT, --- _._..._._......,_._.......__.._. .1 u__,,_.___,.._~-? yrGf-<..-......,..lirr...-~:. ""-"'[''''''' '.',."...... .1rr..-~-~rrf ~ !ill!W!~~W:I~~li~~~:ill,I~l~<r'~~:~~;:;l~H'l'. .. ~ :,' · If Ii _f1 - - .... ..... .... u --... ..... 1l_U. "".v .............. _v, -- ", ...._u. .,;.;:., t: ^"' ~(\nn ^' ,.! r "^ :u:.:'~ C' "fJ I ,....:,t1.. . r:-.-l Gan~' L. Will Gary Sill icgd CGT PROPERTIES, INC MECCA FARMS 7136020051 CIO The Goodman Company PO BOX 3815 D&R HOLDING, INC 777 S. FLAGLER DRIVE # 1101 LANTANA, FL 33462 7201 N. STATE ROAD 7 WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33401 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607018 713607019 713607020 DEGOLLADA, MAURICE PAULEY, ROBERT SALVAT,JULlO 7265 NW 60 LANE 7255 NW 60 LANE 7235 NW 60 LANE PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607021 713607022 713607023 BRAN, VICTOR MARTIN, ELLIOT. SUPPE, STEVEN 7225 NW 60 LANE 6070 NW 72 COURT 6060 NW 72 COURT PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607024 713607025 713607026 ARNELL, ANDREW CA V ALIERI, DAVID WEINSTEIN, EZRD 6050 NW 72 COURT 6040 NW 72 COURT 6020 NW 72 COURT PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607027 713607028 713607029 GUTIREG, JA Y MICELI, JOSEPH RUBIN, SAUL 6010 NW 72 COURT 5980 NW 72 COURT 5970 NW 72 COURT PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607030 713607031 713607032 WALSH, CLARA METAYER, GRACIA KAMERER, MARK 5960 NW 72 COURT 5950 NW 72 COURT 5940 NW 72 COURT PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607033 713607034 713607035 KUN, n LOPRESH, PETER WEISENTHAL, ROBERT 5920 NW 72 COURT 5910 NW 72 COURT 5900 NW 72 COURT PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607036 713607037 713607038 HENDRIX, CHRIS AMBER, STANLEY CHARLESBOIS, BRUCE 5880 NW 72 COURT 5870 NW 72 COURT 5860 NW 72 COURT PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607039 713607040 713607041 MCOW AN, STEVEN DELSING, BART GERACI, MICHAEL 5850 NW 72 COURT 7222 N'W 58 WAY 7232 NW 58 WAY PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607042 7/3607043 713607109 FOSSAS, SILVIO RODRIGUEZ, D.H. LEE, NELSON 7252 NW 58 WAY 7262 NW 58 \VA Y 7157 NW 58 WAY PARKLAND. FL 33067 PARKLAND. FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607110 ~ ! ,6<l71 I I 713607112 SESTY, PATRICK FREEDl\l:\N, ALAN SPADA VECCHIA, VINCENT 5855 NW 72 COURT 5875 NW 72 COURT 5895 NW 72 COURT PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKWOOD. FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607113 713607114 713607115 PORTER, CAROLE GAZERRO, CARMINE CLANCY, WILLIAM 5905 NW 72 COURT 5915 NW 72 COURT 5935 NW 72 COURT PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL33067 713607116 i1360711i 713607118 ARMITAGE, JAMYE MARTINO, SHARON FINK, HOWARD 5955 NW 72 COURT 5965 NW 72 COURT 5975 NW 72 COURT PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607119 713607120 7136G7 \21 DEVARONE,GEORGINA SHIANI, V AIJI CORN, TIMOTHY 5985 NW 72 COURT 6005 UW 72 COURT 6015 NW 72 COURT PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607122 713607123 71360712-1 HIRSCIDIORN, LANCE SCHULMAN, SOLOMON MOQRE, RQBERT 6035 NW 72 COURT 6045 NW 72 COURT 6055 NW 72 COURT PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713607125 713609044 7136090-15 SPINNER, PAUL PEREZ, PEDRO, KORSHIN, CINDY 7270 NW 60 LANE 7256 NW 61 TERRACE 7254 NW61 TERRACE PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 713609046 113609047 8101000188 THOMPSON, KERITH OLIVERI, RENE BECKER, WILLIAM 7252 NW 61 TERRACE 7250 NW 61 TERRACE 6522 NW 99 A VENUE PARKLAND, FJ,.:33067 PARKLAND, FL 33067 PARKLAND, FL 33076 PARKLAND PLAZA CUy 01 Parkland, FlorIda Notice of Hearing SUe Plan. ;Applicalion Case No. Q4-SP-98 Parkland Plaza/BJ's Wholesale Club February 17, 1999 CGT Properlies, Inc- has provided to the City, a copy of a revised site plan tor the property located at the northwesl corner ot Hills- boro Boulevard and Slale Road 7 (US441). Pursuant to Chapter 70, Florida Stat- utes, the City will consider a Httlement offer which, if approved, would have the effect . of approving a re- vlaecl site plan, and resolv- Ing aU matters related 10 the claim made pursuanl to Chapter 70, Florida Stat- utes, and all pending Ntlgatlon. The Parkland City Com- ml8Slon will hold. a lublic hearing at Park Ian City Hall, 6500 Parksidc Olive, Parkland, Florida. at 7:00 p.m. on February 17, t999 to consider the revised slle plan and proposed settle- ment. The commenls ot any Interested parly ma)' be presented In person al the hearing or may be submil- ted In writing to the Plan- ning Department. As part of the package, the Commis- elon will also consider the abandonment of various utlNtles easements. PLEASE BE ADVISED that If a person decides to i appeal any decision made by the board, agency. or commission with respect to any matter considered at , such hearing, he will need to provide a record of the pro- ceedings, and for such pur. POH, lie will need to ensure that a verbatim record In- cludes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal Is to be based. Non-privileged docu- ments, and mapping re- garding the Petition's re- vised site plan es well as the CIty of Parkland Develop- ment Code are available 'for ""bUe review at Parkland, City Hall. This Information Is pro- vided to assure all interest. d property owners are aware of the proposa' be. fore the City Commission so thaI residents ot our City may be aware of the total deVelopment proposal un- der consideration. Susan Armstrong, C.M.C. 9Ity Clerk. FebrUrJ 11, 1181 CITY OF PARKLAND Telephone: (954) 480-4265 Facsimile: (954) 480-4490 MEMORANDUM TO: HELEN LYNOTT ROBERTABLANDING ~ FROM: DATE: April 14, 1999 RE: Oriole Transfer to City of ParklaodlParcel 4 I am enclosing original Settlement Offer by the City of Parkland Pursuant to Section 70.001(4)(c), Florida Statutes, which was recorded February 26, 1999 in Official Records Book 29272, at Pages 1650 through 1778, inclusive, of the Public Records ofBroward County, Florida. This instrument is the settlement of the Parkland Plaza Suites, and should be placed with the City's valuable records. Enc. ~ qq-115&02 T#001 02-2&-99 11:59AM COVER SHEET RE: SETTLEMENT OFFER BY THE CITY OF PARKLAND PURSUANT TO SECTION 70.001(4)(c), FLORIDA STATUTES BETWEEN: CITY OF PARKLAND, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Florida; and CGT PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida Corporation; and P ARCLAND ASSOCIATES, L TO., a Florida Limited Partnership; and ORIOLE HOMES CORP., a Florida Corporation This instrument prepared by and RETURN TO: ANDREW S. MAURODIS, City Attorney City of Parkland 150 N. E. 2nd AVi.\1ue Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441 Telephone: (954) 't80-4265 Telecopier: (954) 480-4490 ex: .,... f'\: \.Cl N -.J N -0 (i') C"\ CJl o (J~ G<J SETTLEMENT OFFER BY THE CITY OF PARKLAND PURSUANT TO SECTION 70.001(")(~. FLORIDA STATUTES This Settlement Offer is made by the City of Parkland, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida ("City"), to CGT Properties, Inc., a Florida corporation, its successors and assigns CD ~ N 1..0 N -.J N -0 G") ("CGT"), Parcland Associates, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership, its successors and assigns ("Associates"), and Oriole Homes Corp., a Florida corporation, its successors and assigns ("Oriole"), pursuant to Section 70.001 (4)(c), Florida Statutes, the Bert 1. Harris, Jr. Private Property Rights a- t:' Protection Act (the "Act"). I. RECITALS The following recitations establish the basis for and are a part of this Settlement Offer: A. Oriole was the owner of the parcel of property located in City described in Exhibit "A" and City is the owner of the parcel of property described in Exhibit "A-I" (the "Land"). B. CGT was the Contract Purchaser of the Land. C. On February 1, 1999, Associates purchased that portion of the Land described on Exhibit" A", and is now the owner of same. D. CGT, as Contract Purchaser, and with the consent of Oriole, submitted an application for site plan approval for development of the Land to City, said application being identified as City Case No. 04-SP-98 (the "Site Plan"). CGT also submitted an application to City for utility easement abandonment, said application being identified as City Case No. 01-AB-98 (the "Utility Easement") and an application to abandon certain drainage easements, said applications being identified as City Case No. 02-AB-98 (the "Drainage Easement"). E. On October 21 and October 22, 1998, City conducted a public hearing concerning the Site Plan, the Utility Easement and the Drainage Easement. On October 22, 1998, City denied the Site Plan and tabled consideration of the Utility Easement and the Drainage Easement. G. On November 24, 1998, CGr filed a complaint for damages and declaratory relief and 0:7 ~ N \0 N ...... N " G"') F. On November 23, 1998, Oriole and CGT filed a petition for a writ of certiorari, Case No. 98-018973-08, in the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit (the "Petition"). demand for jury trial in the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit, which complaint was 0"\ U1 N subsequently removed to United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Case No. 98-7426-CIV-ZLOCH (the "Complaint"). . H. On December 16, 1998, Oriole filed a claim for relief pursuant to the Act (the "Claim") . I. Associates has been assigned all rights, claims, causes of action and remedies of Oriole or CGT against the City, Sal. Pagliara, Robert Marks, Ricky Gordon, Bobbi Pugliese, Mark Weissman, and any City employees or representatives and on February 5, 1999, Associates filed for relief pursuant to the Act as successor to the Claim of Oriole who no longer owns that portion of the Land described on Exhibit A. 1. Subsequent to the filing of the Petition, the Complaint and the Claim, representatives of CGT and representatives of City met to discuss revisions to the Site Plan and the architectural design of the buildings to be constructed on the Land (the "Revised Site Plan") and, as a result of those discussions, and the significantly modified site plan (which includes revised architectural renderings) suggested by CGT and Associates, City makes this Settlement Offer. Page -2- K. These discussions referred to above were settlement negotiations aimed at resolving the Petition, the Complaint, and the Claim. L. This Settlement Offer shall become a Settlement Agreement as provided in Section M. For the purposes of this Settlement Offer, City shall mean the City Commission and co ,.... N I.D N -.J N -0 en IV. hereof and is made with the full understanding that it is a satisfactory offer which shall result in an acceptance thereof by Oriole, CGT and Associates. any board, agency or department of City. 0" U1 W II. CITY'S OFFER AND OBLIGATIONS A. City hereby approves the Revised Site Plan, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and Exhibit "B-1 II . Based solely on the Revised Site Plan and solely for the purpose of implementing this settlement of the Claim (and the Petition and Complaint), this approval allows the Land to be developed for the following uses: 147,428 square feet of commercial uses consisting of a 108,532 square foot retail store plus a 1,776 square foot mezzanine, a 24,000 square foot retail building and a second 13,120 square foot retail building and City shall construe the B-3 permitted uses (attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and referred to as B-3 Permitted Uses) to permit BJ's and other similar uses such as a Costco, Sports Authority, Office Depot, or Home Depot and shall construe them not as wholesale or warehouse uses but, in fact, construe them as permitted retail uses which may be constructed and operated on the Land, provided said uses are constructed pursuant to the Revised Site Plan (subject to the subsequently limited right to minor modification as set forth in the next paragraph). In recognition of the obligation to construct in compliance with the Revised Site Plan and the fact that this Settlement Offer and the above interpretation are made solely for the purpose of a Page -3- compromise based upon the Revised Site Plall, the parties understand that Associates may thereafter desire or have the need to make minor changes to the Revised Site Plan as part of a renovation, alteration, or reconstruction of any building constructed pursuant to the Revised Site Plan, after all set forth below. Therefore, the parties agree that under certain specific conditions and within certain co ,.... N \.0 N -.J N -0 G") buildings have been constructed. The City herein grants such right, provided it is strictly limited as specific limitations, all as set forth below and on Exhibit B-2, renovations, alterations, or reconstruction of the buildings constructed on the Revised Site Plan shall be permitted. The CT\ U1 ,l:'"' limitations are as follows: I. The Revised Site Plan shall first be constructed and all buildings depicted thereon shall have received certificates of occupancy; and 2. All architectural features and designs, including but not limited to the fountain, trellises, sidewalk and wall treatments, and entrance features, etc. shall be incorporated into any revised building or structure so as to assure a facade and development substantially similar in appearance and design as provided for in the Revised Site Plan; and 3. All construction shall comply with the City of Parkland code requirements in effect at the time of the new construction, including but not limited to any additional parking requirements as set forth in the City Code; however, provided that any alterations, tA,J.;. renovations, or reconstruction shall further be limited as set forth on Exhibit B-2; and "-"" +~ It, :,1tIf- .~ "'rr "',."/~,~, atv~"'"..., 0- '" O"".',,t.L-.. further provided that the height of the building, identified as building # IJ\ shall be ~ limited to 35 feet and the height of the building identified as building #2 shall be limited to the height set forth on the Revised Site Plan; and Page -4- 4. No alterations of any water bodies shall be permitted and no reduction in the amount of landscaping shall be permitted; and 5. All construction shall comply with the South Florida Building Code and other ,.. applicable requirements; and "",' 6. The building envelope set forth on Exhibit B-2 shall strictly control the footprint and extent of any alteration, renovation or reconstruction. In addition, solely for the purposes of this Settlement Offer, and Settlement Agreement, the L 1..1 L three parcels depicted on the Revised Site Plan as "Outparcels" may be developed for any of the B-3 Permitted Uses, subject to all other City regulations in force as of October 22, 1998. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for development for an Outparcel, an application for site plan approval shall be submitted to City for approval by the City Commission, however such site plan application shall not be reviewed by the City's Community Appearance Board and provided further that the architectural design of the buildings to be constructed on the Outparcels shall be approved by the City if the architectural design is substantially similar to the architectural design of the buildings constructed pursuant to the Revised Site Plan. The building which is constructed on Out-Parcel No. 2 shall be permitted to have a sign on the sides of the building which face S.R. 7/441 and Hillsboro Boulevard. In all other respects the signs shall comply with the Parkland Sign Code. City recognizes the fact that the Revised Site Plan does not depict building footprints on the Outparcels and City agrees that the building footprints will be approved if they comply with City's ordinances, this Settlement Offer, and the regulations of other agencies with jurisdiction and the South Florida Building Code. Page -5- B. City hereby approves the abandonment of the Drainage Easement and upon execution of this Settlement Offer shall adopt a resolution to abandon the Drainage Easement, and shall execute such documents necessary to implement the Multi-Party Agreement, in a form substantially similar C. City hereby approves the abandonment of the Utility Easements and shall, upon co " N \D N -.J N -0 en to the agreement attached as Exhibit "D" (copies of the Resolutions and the Agreement are attached as Exhibit "D"). Associates shall promptly thereafter record said documents. execution of this Settlement Offer, adopt a resolution abandoning such Easements (copies of which en U1 en are attached as Exhibit "E"). Associates shall record such easements. D. City, CGT and Associates shall execute such documents as are required to grant to Broward County those easements which are required to be granted pursuant to the Agreement among Broward County, The Kennedy Group, Mecca Farms, Inc., Oriole, Pine Tree Water Control District and the City of Parkland relating to the realignment ofHillsboro Boulevard, the aforesaid Agreement being dated October 25, 1988 (in substantially the locations indicated on Exhibit "F"). Associates shall promptly thereafter record said document. E. All applications for approvals or permits to develop the Land shall be reviewed in accordance with and shall be governed by the Settlement Offer, and shall be approved if they comply with the terms of this Settlement Offer and otherwise meet the requirements of City ordinances except as they are modified by this Settlement Offer, as those ordinances existed on October 22, 1998 and shall comply with the South Florida Building Code in existence at the time of development and the regulations of any other agency with jurisdiction. F. All permit fees or other charges of City which are required to be paid pursuant to City's ordinances shall be those fees or charges as they existed on October 22, 1998. Page -6- ID. OBLIGATIONS OF ORIOLE. CGT. AND ASSOCIATES As a condition to the offer set forth above, the following actions shall be required: A. Upon execution of this Settlement Offer, Oriole, CGT, and Associates shall deliver to City a Stipulation for and Order of Dismissal with Prejudice of the Petition which also joins a:l X N \.0 N -.I N -c cr:l Associates as a party for the purpose of dismissing any claim it may have (in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "G"). B. Upon execution of this Settlement Offer, CGT shall deliver to City a Stipulation for c;- L and Order of Dismissal with Prejudice of the Complaint which provides for the joinder of Associates as a Plaintiff and its participation in the dismissal with prejudice, as well as dismissal of the Claim (in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit "H"). C. Upon execution of this Settlement Offer, Oriole and Associates shall deliver to City a written dismissal with prejudice of the Claim (in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "I"). D. Upon execution of this settlement offer CGT, Oriole, and Associates shall execute a complete release of all claims in any way whatsoever related to the facts and issues raised in the Petition, Complaint and Claim, which release shall also include Sal Pagliara, Robert Marks, Ricky Gordon, Bobbi Pugliese, and Mark Weissman, and all other agents or employees of the City (in the form attached as Exhibit "f'). E. The Land shall be developed substantially in accordance with the Revised Site Plan. Page -7- IV. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This Settlement Offer shall become a Settlement Agreement when it is executed by City, Oriole, CGT and Associates. The effective date of the Settlement Agreement shall be the date upon c.c T< I".: \.C I".: which the last party affixes its signature hereto. The above provisions of the Settlement Offer shall thereafter be deemed binding covenants which are material elements of this Settlement Agreement. - I".: The purpose and effect of the Settlement Agreement shall be to resolve any and all claims or causes c:: of action of whatsoever nature that any party may have against the other (including, but not limited \,J u (] to those against the City of Parkland, the Parkland City Commission, Sal Pagliara, Robert Marks, Ricky Gordon, Bobbi Pugliese and Mark Weissman, in either their official or personal capacities) and all claims which were raised or could have been raised in the Petition, Complaint or Claim by either Oriole, CGT, and Associates (whether or not they are presently a party to anyone of these actions) or in any way arising out of or related to the actions of the City Commission, Sal Pagliara, Robert Marks, Ricky Gordon, Bobbi Pugliese, and Mark Weissman acting upon or in denying the site plan or tabling action on the utility and drainage easements on October 22, 1998, and to further affix the rights and obligations of the parties as set forth in the Settlement Offer and Settlement Agreement. Further, Associates, as successor to Oriole and as the present owner of the property described on Exhibit "A" does, as part of this Agreement, hold City, individual Commissioners, and all City employees and representatives hannless from any and all claims or causes of action which previously inured to the benefit of Oriole or CGT. v. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. In the event of a conflict between the Revised Site Plan and the terms of the Settlement Agreement and any City ordinance, resolution or other requirement of City relating to the Page -8- development of the Land, the terms and conditions of the Revised Site Plan and the Settlement Agreement shall prevail (with the exception of the South Florida Building Code and the requirements of other agencies with jurisdiction). B. City specifically finds that the terms and conditions of this Settlement Offer and CD 7"C r-.:: u:: r-.:: Settlement Agreement and development of the Land substantially in accordance with the Revised Site - r-.:: 0: c;: Plan protect the public interest served by the regulations at issue and the Settlement Offer and Settlement Agreement provide the appropriate relief necessary to prevent City's regulatory efforts \J c... II from inordinately burdening the Land. C. The parties agree that this is a binding settlement agreement under the terms of the Act. D. Either Oriole and/or Associates shall close the purchase and sale of the property described in that Letter Agreement dated August 30, 1989 between Oriole and City in accordance with the terms thereof; provided that Oriole and Associates hereby acknowledge receipt of the survey and title information (through Oriole) as required in the Letter Agreement and that all preconditions for the transaction have been satisfied by City and that payment to City shall occur the earlier of: 60 days from February 1, 1999, or the application for any site clearing, site work, or building permit to enable construction of any portion of the Revised Site Plan by any person or entity. E. The Settlement Agreement shall be binding upon City, Oriole, CGT, Associates and their successors and assigns and shall be recorded in the public records ofBroward County, Florida and run with and bind the Land and all future owners thereof F. The undersigned signatories do hereby certify that they have all requisite authority to bind the parties for whom they are affixing their signature to this Agreement. Page -9- G. This document shall be interpreted liberally to achieve its intent. H. In no event may this document be admissible in a court of law for any purpose other IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the dates co X N u:) N -.J N -0 C') than to enforce its terms and conditions. indicated below. CITY OF PARKLAND A Municipal Corporation of the State of Florida 0"\ 0"\ o ATTEST: ~~ ~City Clerk Dated: By: _~~ ~_ 17,1999 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROW ARD The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before e, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Florida, on this, the -12- day of 1999, by Sal Pagliara, Mayor of the City of Parkland, a Municipal Corporation of the State Florida. 9Jc Notary Public, State ofFlo ~,\\""IIl"'''''l ~~,~Y.LYM 1,~ ~ &..~........ O)'A # ~ ..~\SSION i;.. ~ I "'rJ'_...~V 18...,~... \ .: :t ~ ~~~ ~ =*: &.; ... : * = =. . ..... .. . .~~ s~~ tCC790368 :~i ~~..~ ~..t!... ~.,,~.. ~..... ..A;I ~.~..:- .~'\.....~ ~.. ,4.~:......:,::, \)~, '....~~..IC STJ\\~~\~ ~"""'..m"\\'~ Printed, typed or stamped name of Notary Public exactly as commissioned v-Personally known to me, or Produced identification: Type of identification produced Page -10- By: ex: 7"C Dated: &6~ J ""-J /2. , 1999 v u STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF fAL,YV\.. 13e:A c-. H The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Florida, on this, the I '2-~day of ' 1999, by Garry L. Witt, Vice President ofCGT Properties, Inc., a Florida corporati . OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL ooRANNE M GARVIN NOTARY PUBUC Sf ATE OF FLORIDA COMMlSSION NO. cc608883 MY COMMISSION EXP. IAN. 1,2001 Printed, typed or stamped name of Notary P~ exactly as commissioned Personally known to me, or Produced identification: Type of identification produced Page -11- ORIOLE HOMES CORP. A Florida Corporation Witnesses: 'B ~ By C - ~"'~"-~ - .~ Mark A. Levy, Pres' Officer h ) Dated: A 2 q~ I I CD rc: N \0 N -.I N -0 Ci'J (J G r"_ STATE OF FLORIDA ""'D COUNTY OF--BRO'..YAlU> ~(\L,,^- !J E.l\~\\- The foregoing instrument was ac~wledged before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Florida, on this, the I~- day of'F~~~~ l'\~i . 1999, by Mark A. Levy, President and Chief Operating Officer of Oriole Homes Corp., a Florida corporation. ~~C~_ . tary Publ1c, State urAun . . Printed, typed or stamped name of Notary Public exactly as commissioned --2S... Personally known to me, or Producedidentitication: Type of identification produced ~, JEANNmE CALDERONE ~d MY COMMISSKlN' CC 4814118 : · EXPIfEs: November 17, 1. IIcntIlI TIn NoIIry NIle lbIInwIIn Page -12- Witnesses: PARCLAND ASSOCIATES, LTD. A Florida Limited Partnership By: Goodman Properties, Inc., A Florida Corporation, its Managi Me r CD X N \.0 N -.I N -0 Ci') By: Harcland, LLC., a Florida Limited Liability Company, its General Partner 0'\ 0'\ W Dated:F:. ~r(,.) A.r J \ "l-. , 1999 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF: PAv~ ~eA-GH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Florida, on this, the \ "Z. +'---day of ..0 1'3 II r 1999, by William A. Shewalter, Vice President of Goodman Properties, Inc., a Florida co ration, Managing Member ofHarcland, LLC., a Florida limited liability company, general partner of Parcland Associates, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership. (/]2. ~ flClAL NarARYS~L /"' oi>oRANNEM~~fLORIf)^ . 6~.. Nor~~~~~iJ~gp~c~ 001 Notary Public, State of Florida MY COMMISSION Printed, typed or stamped name of Notary Public exactly as commissioned L Personally known to me, or Produced identification: Type of identification produced Challpc2lPaddlndlLi1igtionlCGI' ProperIieIISettlement4-C1.... 2/09/99 Page -13- EXHmITS A Legal description of property owned by Oriole Homes Corp. and sold to Parcland Associates, Ltd. - r A-I Legal description of property owned by the City of Parkland ~ . . B Revised Site Plan B-1 Shopping Cart Building G: B-2 Building Envelope '- ~ + C Broward County B-3 Uses D Multi-Party Agreement (Drainage Easements) City of Parkland Resolution #'s 99-05,99-06,99-07 E Utility Easement(s) City of Parkland Resolution #99-04 F Roadway Easements '. G Dismissal of Petition H Dismissal of Damage Claim I Dismissal of Bert Harris Claim J Releases OJ ~ N \D N ...... N .." en - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY ORIOLE AND SOLD TO ASSOCIATES 0'\ 0'\ U1 EXHIBIT A .!! .!! ,CD :f 4S at.~ '* c:-o o:a...e- _csas::a .~.!!: .....:2c: 0'0 Q'- -CI)g' 't:"O-e CIS CD .. .- 0.;:: 0 ... e-o Gi.o~- :5~asg>> Uic:;~ ..CDCDO wE-u r-::aUCD og_o- Z'Cgc; "'d III \Q CD ..... o HI W BK 2 9 2 7 2 PG I b b b --.-----..... -- .-.-- -- .._----- - . .------.--- I ,I -- ----...--..------ ----.-....------ --- ---......----..----.. ---.......-..-.-.--. --......--...-...-.- ==-.:-::-.:.:--.:::::==--_. ----------..- --...-...-- I . ~~~-=?::-:.-:--~-=:===- ! 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A C(HTJIIAL ItH~ 0' '2.0'"'''' ,.QR N4 ^"C DISTANCE OF 165.tO flt1;T to A PO,..T t:J# rAHCCH~ l'ti(Na!: S 00""'2- Era,," ".ft ,crT TO A "OHT OH mr H!XT Of:SCRlla:r C:Vtt~ SAID POINT StAAS S .r11'S'. w FIIlO" 1W: ftAOfUS -OINT: . ~(~fCE: ..011 llofwtS 1t11-. T AlCHO A CI"r.:uL.Nt CV~ TO "..i AICHT, ~1^"''''O A RAQtU$ OF' 1~IJ.24 FUT, A CEHT'RAL MIC;U: 0' 01...g.C~' FOR At4 I\RC Ol$fANa: ~ 165.5. FEET TO A POINT OF TAHC(He~ U/&tCf N J8-S9'Z" W ,on t 7J.0~ 'W: n."HC( H St'OO'3.J- E rOA Ja-'.Q3 ~ET' TC THE PO/NT oF' 8CClH""N~ i i r NOTE: Either part 0 document submitted f r alf of .thls, not clear and/or or recording is of recording for "m'e~ib'e at time agmg. purpo,e, Page 3 of 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF PARKLAND CXl 7'IIIi .... .... ~ I'.: .....: I'.: ""ti c;: c c; t. EXHIBIT A-I \ l:.AIIIUI (. P\- I .. I ~~ CCl CONSULTANTS,INC. I ~ ~ : . ENGINEERS o SURVEYORS o PLANNERS ~~ I '\ : POMPANO BEACH OFFICE '\ 2200 Park Central Blvd, N. , Suit. 100 '\ I (305) 914-2200 ,I I '" I NS'I.~'.$$." I ~r. "" \ I , 1'. . ".1. , I". '00. VERO BEACH OffiCE , 664 Azalea Lane,' Suite C-2 '(305) 231...(121 , . '-(1.", No'. .-'IN.'" ...."' ",_ 8'~.'- _1/1..., N"~"" . N 1"- 'I' '''1-'' .." ~o. 1ft.. (Jt.. .., ..... ..) . r__6$~~~~~~_______ ------'-, I -, I~ I J &.;~ / J ~ I I' I llilll l- I ,,~ I I I " 1 I ~ I I ! f~;' I I I , : I I I C7.\ ;~ o o -0 C'1 ~ I ~ ~ . . , " -"---- , " ,,0 ), I' I , I , I ' I .,. I " I ")41( elII- I ,. , , "D \: , , '\ . , " ~o UNTil Y oS I'DIAlr '\ , . (I! 6. "'" PG.~,) c:g .~ '0: NOTE: Either part or all of. th~9 document submitted for recordtng IS not clear and/or legible at time 01 recording lor Imaging purposes co -.J IEAJUNGS DEJUVZD FROM ftl rUt'&' DESClUBED 1M 'nil: LEGAL IlESClU''l'lOH . , LEGAL DESCRIP'I:ION:' \PARCEL .~ ) \0..-- _.-, A PORTION OF PARCEL 3, COUNTRY 1 S POIN'l', ACCORDING 'l'O 'tHE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29, PUBLIC RECORDS, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING HORE PARTICULARLY DESClUBED AS FOLU>WS: . BEGIN 'AT THE ::ORTHEAS'l' CORNER 01" SArD PARCEL 3: THENCE SOUTH 51000'33" WEST FOR 3'4.03 FEET, THENCE NORTH 38059'27" WEST FOR 262.E9 FEET; THENCE NORrH 51000'33.' EAST FOR 35.99 FEET' THENCE NORTH 89041148" EAST ALONG THE NO~H LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 FOR 420.26 FEET '1'0 THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.20' ACRES HORE OR LESS. . . SUBJEC'l' TO EXISTING EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, RESTRICTIONS AND . RESERVATIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. ~ . . ~OTES' . RE'RODUCTIONS Of TNIS I<<ETC. ARI HOT . VAl.IO UNUSS SEAl.ID WITH All DtIOSSIO SURVEYOR'S SIAL. 1. LAIIDS IHOWII HellION weill NOT AISTRAC1'IO . POR EAUHEIITS AND/OR UGNT.-or-IIAr or RlCORD. 3. DI\TA SNOWll HZIIIOH WAS COMPILeD PROM OTNIII INSTRUHENT. AND DOCS HOT CONSTITUTE A fllLD SUIIVEY AS SOCH. . "'V"'ON' DATI WTlrJCATIOlh " 1 HeRear CeRTIfY THAT THI ATfACNCO 'RCTC' ANO LCCAL DesCRIPTIOl! 11 TRue AND COIIR~ 1'0 THII:' ItST 0' ItY ItNafLeDGC >>ID I~LIU AND J'f MetTS tHII: MIHIMUM TEeHNICA~ ITAMDAIO' SET ranI a., THE 'LORlDA l'rATII: 10ARO or LAIIO . SURY&YORS. " ~ /Ap?#t . . "U"USIONAI.I.A"O 'UIIY.VO" 24'4 .'",. 0' '\,O'''OA ISHMAeL S. MOHAMED PoL.S. OAn O"AWN CWCCItID. ""'0 II. 7. .II IV M. D. IV IOOIt z u .. .. vO II. ft) .~ ~ t\J IV . -...-_ .___.~. ~.. ._"., _'_ ---...........-.Jo.. .. _ "0 , , co '"' N 1.0 N -.I N -0 G") ~~~\1-"', .~~:. ~: .;:":j.~,{A~i !~. ,:;ir:.:~. .....: ~.. 0'\ -J o . . :.:~:-...~: /.f~. l':' '.~'" i . ._~:~::.:;:: REVISED SITE PLAN CD " N \D N -.I N -0 (;) - 0'\ -.J - EXHIBIT B J I .! 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N ~ ~ 0 N N , -.J ., N at -0 .. en Co c 0"\ ... -.J - Co W ., <tJ - en " ., . - > ., a:: II -- !J" .-1 t = ~ 1= I I = : If'I r= ~ f) :i:11 ~~ x ~ei. Q...Cl. ~ ~ -- ~ OJ ,..... C N C') \.0 ., N Q -.J ., N Q. -0 C G") ., - Q. 0"\ II -.J ., .::- - en " II tit, - > II a:: II -= : Bal ~ !II - ~ t= I , - ~~ ~ ~ lIil :.. g ::.: ;'.I -1':1 ~~ . ~ e3 I ;,) .. .. .. Cl .. CD = .. ~ C .. - ~ U ~ - en 'a . II - > CD = ~ i~ 1.cQ :>j ~~ ~c. S ~ z ~ =:;\... \;If-- en ;M; N \.Q N -.J N -0 G') a-. -.J c.n i : III !I!i =:IiI ~ III I I ~.. JI'I -~ II !i: 1"1 SHOPPING CART BUILDING : CD ~ N \D N ..... N .." en - 0" -.J 0" EXHIBIT B-1 ::. ...- . ~ U- Irt -1 - .....,_CIJ Z~(\( .l\. -~(') 'V.J. Cl W LO . .V/ :::! Ir cO " ::J 0 ~ !.~yCD or- :" Vtf ~l1. \ )1 ~o.s~ ~ L ~ ~ "';) ~ ~ ~ ~ \. 'l.f.. 00.:. .,\ ~.... '>..1 ~/. l' ~ 1- \~>. '\V & ry V'. . 1- 0 ill 0...... d. .f ':>0 ~ ~ ~ '- ~ 0 \'Yo 'J(_ l~ ~ () '(,? . '<: '(' ~-y ~ ~'1\ ? \f\ O)'if 40 /' ~ Js' - o v ..6- . ~'z " \. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . , I I I w ~ O! .. It ~ (l ';! ..( ~\=n. I} \It U1 DOlt, - U. ~.lt f. ~... . 4~ f' ~ Oel! z' . ::J~{.( i. -< \). ell! ~ aJ ~ ~' JJ.I m 6 .{ n J \} -. () J \n 1-.c( a tI .{ U ',Vl. J ~ _()-s"./"o-,z 6! ~~[t~r: t3~\4J ~: ~ ~tf 0 ou~ - ~t; .ll !;i::~ :::~~J o~ oj u~ ..- It .s l1~ _~ ~L ~ ~ en -.J -.J c: '"" I': \.C N ...,J N -0 G") ~Mo r B~ ~ ~fl Exhibit 81 BUILDING ENVELOPE CD ~ N \.0 N -.J N -0 (i') - 0"\ -.J ex> EXHIBIT B-2 .~0 - . co 0: -0) J>'>-"--I- -t : 9 : I I I I I I .. I __ ________.l _ J I " 1/ H' I ~ !l ." n 1J c., 0-'-' ~ ~oy -:of) ~. ;> ,,~f) \: . I BK 2 9 2 7 2 PG I 6 I Y i - . ! ~gir 11':'1 - - - -;1oo!)... 0 V; o-$' .. .:)-4 i' ~ 0"..:0 ^,~f) " N m ..., 0- .Q o- s:::. >< lLJ BROW ARD COUNTY B-3 USES a:I 1"'l: N \.C N -.I N " en - 0'1 - \".:., c EXHIBIT C ZONING t 39-992 scaped areas shall be 'ntained in a live, healthy and g condition, properly wa and trimmed. Any ting of grass, shrubs or trees wJPch Ii ome dead or badly damaged shall be replaced with s. so healthy, plant ..... 7"l cf. Sees. 39-96~9-974. Reserved. - c; ( . ARTICLE LVID. RESERVED. Sees. 39-975-39.991. Reserved. ARTICLE LIX. GENERAL BUSINESS B-3 DISTRICT See. 39-~: Purpose of distriet. . The. B-3" General Business District is intended to apply to arterial streets and trafticways where business establishments primarily not of a neighborhood or community service type may properly locate to serve large sections of the city and metropolitan area. Such businesses generally require considerable ground area, do not cater directly to pedestrians, and need a conspicuous and accessible location convenient for motorists. I. -EcUtor'. DOte-Sec:tiOD 19 of Ord. No. 95-60, adopted NOV'ember 28, 1995, I,' _ repealed Art. LVIU, which pertained to the Spec:ia1 Buaineu B-2B District. Supp. No. 78 1081 Exhibit C Page 1 of 19 , ( f 39-993 BROWARD COUNTY CODE Sec. 39-993. Uses permitted. No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than one or more of the following specified uses: (1) Any use permitted in B-1 or B-2 district, provided that residential uses shall conform to the Broward County Land Use Plan. (2) New or used automobile, truck and trailer display, sales and repair. Repair and service garage, not including bump- ing and painting. Auto laundry. Display and storage of not more than 10 utility trailers for sale or rental p~. (3) Boat sales. (4) Home appliance repair, hand laundry, job printing shop, locksmith,' sharpening and grinding, redio, television and phonograph repair, newspaper printing plant. (5) Archery range, barbecue stand, boxing or sports arena, drive-in restaurant or refreshment stand, golf driving range, miniature golf course, bowling alley, pony ride and pony riding, skating rink, swimming pool, drive-in theater. (6) Armory, lodge hall, pawnshop, telephone exchange, taxi- dermist, veterinary, research and testing laboratory, pest control agency, plant nursery or landscaper. (7) Tire and battery store, retail plumbing and electrical fixtures, lawn mower rental, sales and service, ship chan- dlery, upholstering shop utilizing the services of not more than 4 persons on the premises and occupying not more than 4,000 square feet of floor space, offices of electrical and plumbing contractors including not over 4,000 square feet of enclosed storage and .shop space, With no..outside or open air storage of supplies or materials, used furniture and household appliances entirely within a fully enclosed building. (8) Accessory uses and structures. (9) Milk distributing statiODS, on a site not less than 2 acres in area, 200 feet in depth and 200 feet in width. Supp. No. 78 1082 Page 2 of 19 CD 7"C N \.0 N -.J N -0 Ci) 0'\ CO N r) \. :' . p" ZONING t 39-996 (10) Sales of used auto parts, new and used motorcycles, sign painting, glass and mirror shop, awning and canvas shop, furniture repair shop, all inside a fully enclosed building and occupying not more than 4,000 square feet of floor space. (11) Ceramic stores and/or schools having not more than a total of 25 cubic feet of electric or gas ceramic kiln capacity. (12) Mobile collection centers, pursuant to the provisions set out in section 39-175. (13) Food catering. (14) Designated uses as listed in section 39-134, and subject to . distance limitations specified in section 39-13a of this code. (Eft'. 3-14-75; Eft'. 1-16-76; Eft". 1-23-78; Old. No. 84-66, f 1, 8-17-84; Ord. No. 86-35, I 2, 8-26-86; Ord. No. 89-43,.1 1, 10-24-89; Ord. No. 95-50, t 18, 11-28-95) co ~ N \D N -.J N -0 en 0"\ 0:> W Sec. 39.994. Uses prohibited. The permissible uses enumerated in section 39-993 above shall not be coostrued to include, either as a principal or accessory use, any of the following, which are listed (or emphasis: (1) Open-air sale 'or display of machinery, farm implements, construction equipment. (2) Manufacturing, except as accessory to a permitted use. (3) Wholesale, warehouse or storage uses. (4) Any use first permitted in a less restricted district. See. 39-995. Limitations on uses. All products produced incidental to a permitted use other than food catering shall be sold at retail on the premises. (Ord. No. 89-43, I 2; 10-24-89) Supp. No. 78 1083 Page 3 of 19 , " f 39-997 aROWARD COUNTY CODE See. 39-997. Plot size. (a) There shall be no minimum required size of plot for nonresidential uses. Supp. No. '18 (The D~ pace is 108'11 1084 Page 4 of 19 , , CXl 7'C I'\: ~ N ...., N -C en 0" 0: .::- " t I I , I .,.... . :> ZONING ~ 39.993 Sec. 39-993. Uses permitted. No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than one or more of the following specified uses: (1) Any use permitted in a B-1 or B-2 district, provided that residential uses shall conform to article IX, section 39-162 of this ordinance. (2) New or used automobile, truck and trailer display, sales and repair. Repair and service garage, not including bumping and painting. Auto laundry. Display and storage of not more than 10 utility trailers for sale or rental purposes. (3) Boat sales. (4) Home appliance repair, hand laundry, job printing shop, locksmith, sharpening and grinding, radio, televiSion and phonograph repair, newspaper printing plant. (5) Archery range, barbecue stand, boxing or sports arena, drive-in restaurant or refreshment stand, golf driving range, miniature golf course, bowling alley, pony ride and pony riding, skating rink, swimming pool, drive-in theater. (6) Armory, lodge hall, pawnshop, telephone exchange, taxidermist, veterinary, research and testing laborato- ry, pest control agency, plant nursery or landscaper. (7) Tire and battery store, retail plumbing and electrical f'atures, lawn mower rental, wes and service, ship chandlery, upholstering shop utilizing the services of not more than 4 persons on the premises and occupying not more than 4,000 square feet of floor space, offices of electrical and plumbing contractors including not over 4,000 square feet of enclosed storage and shop space, with no outside or open air storage of supplies or materials, used furniture and household appliances entirely within a fully enclosed building. c:: 7-; G': l;., ( . (- Sapp. No. 12 1085 I I I ! . r Page 5 of 19 " , " , '. 5 39-993 BROW ARD COUNTY ZONING CODE : (8) Accessory uses and structures. (9) Milk distributing stations, on a site not less than 2 acres in area, 200 feet in depth and 200 feet in width. (10) Sales of used auto parts, new and used motorcycles, sign painting, g1aae and mirror shop, awniDg and canvas shop, furniture repair shop, all inside a fully enclosed building and occupying not more than 4,000 square feet of floor space. (11) Ceramic stores and/or schools having not more than a total of 25 cubic feet of electric or laa ceramic kiln capacity. (Eff. 3-14-75; Eff. 1-16-76; Eff. 1-23-78) See. 39-994. Uses prohibitecL The permissible uses enumerated in section 39-993 above shall not be construed to include, either aa a principal or accessory use, 'any of the following, which are listed for emphasis: (1) Open-air sale or display of machinery, farm imple- ments, construction equipment. (2) Manufacturing, except as accessory to a permitted use. (3) Wholesale, warehouse or storage uses. (4) Any use first permitted in a less restricted district. Sec. 39-995. Limitations on uses_ All products produced incidental to a permitted use shall be sold at retail on the premises. See. 39-996. Height. No building or structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding 100 feet. See. 39-99'7. Plot size. (a> There shall be no minimum required size of plot for nonresidential uses. Supp. No. 12 1086 Page 6 of 19 a ,... "- u: I'.: - N -0 en O"'l Cx::l O"'l " (-.,,') ZONING i 39-1011 (b) Plots containing a residential use permitted in a B-2 district shall be not less than 100 feet in width and 10,000 square feet in area, except for accessory uses. See. 39-998. Yards. (a) Plots which have both nonresidential and permitted residential uSes, shall be provid~ with the yards specified under section 39-169. (b) All plots shall provide yards in accordance with section 39-163. OJ ,.... ,...; \.C " - ,...; -c co: See. 39-999. Minimum noor area. The minimum floor area of a dwelling unit shall be 325 square feet. The minimum floor area of a rental Ileeping room in a hotel, lodging house, tourist home or similar use shall be 150 square feet. a ex - Sees. 39-1000-39-1009. Reserved. - A.KTl~LE LX. COMMERCIAL C-l Dun'J'uGT - -1010. Purpose of distriet. See. 39-1011. Use No building structure, or part ereof, shall. be erected, altered or a, or land or water , . 'whole or in part, for othe one or more of the fono. specified uses: Supp. No. 12 1087 Pagt! 7 of 19 " .' f 39-928 BROWARD COUNTY CODE Sec. 39-928. Yards. (a) Plots utilized for both a nonresidential and permitted residential use shall provide yards as specified in section 39-169. (b) All plots shall provide yards in accordance with section 39-163. Sees. 39-929-39-938. Reserved. ARTICLE LVI. COMMUNITY BUSINESS B-2 DISTRICT See. 39-939. Purpose of district. The B-2 Community Business District is intended primarily to meet the shopping an4 limited service needs of several neighbor- hoods or a substantial territory. Retail stores are intended to include convenience, fashion and durable goods. B-2 districts may be located along traffic arteries or in concentrated shopping centers. Sec. 39-940. Uses permitted. No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land and water used, in whole or in part, for other than one or more of the following specified uses: (1) Any use permitted in a B-1 district.. (2) Hotel, mQtel, rooming or boarding house, and multiple dwellings, provided they conform to the Broward County Land Use Plan. (3) The following kinds of retail stores, and others similar thereto: Antiques, art supply, automobile accessory, auto- mobile new parts, bait and tackle, boat and manne motors in buildings, business machines, camera and photographic supply, corsetiere, department, dry goods, furniture, fur- rier, greeting cards, home appliances, household furnish- ings, leather goods and luggage, linens, fabrics and drap- eries, millinery and modiste, musicalinstrwnents, newsstand, office furniture. and equipment, optical goods, Supp. No. 78 1074 ' Page 8 of 19 ,..-.... ( . I ~ CD 7'< N \D N -' N -0 G") 0"\ CX) CO i : i i I I I ZONING ~ 39-940 : package liquor, paint, pets, sporting goods, stationery and books, television, radio and phonograph, wallpaper, swim- ming pool supplies and equipment, dairy supplies and equipment not including feed or fertilizer, takeout service stores including home delivery. (4) The following services: Commercial gymnasiums, service stations, fur storage, health institutions, home appliance repair, job .printing, radio, television and phonograph re-o pair, reducing studio, coin laundry, automobile air condi- tioning installation and repair occupying not more than 4,000 square feet of floor space. (5) Dry cleaning establishment for direct service to customers, subject to the following limitations and requirements: (a) Service shall be rendered directly to customers who bring in and pick up the articles to be dry cleaned. (b) The establishment shall not provide pickup or delivery service. (c) The services of not more than five persons shall be utilized in the operation of the establishment. (d) Not more than 2 cleaniD;g units shall be used in any establishment, neither of which shall have a rated capacity in excess of 40 pounds. (e) The entire cleaning and drying process shall be carried on within completely enclosed solvent-reclaiming units. (f) All solvents used in the cleaning process and the vapors therefrom shall be nonexplosive and nontlam- ~able. (6) The following amusement and recreation uses: Aquarium, assembly hall, nightclub, music hall, bar, tavern, pool or billiard room, theater. museum, exhibits, amusement de- vices such as penny arcades, shooting galleries, games of skill and science, astrologists, fortune-telling, palmistry, phrenology. (7) The following office types of uses: Banks and financial institutions, business and professional offices, custom bro- kers and manufacturers' agency, employment office, gov- CD 7"C N \..0 N -oJ N -0 CI) O"l OJ \..0 .1 I i I ! Supp. No. 78 1075 Page 9 of 19 ) .: '. , " emmental offices, messenger office, post office, public utility offices, stockbroker, stock exchange, telegraph. of- fice, ticket office, travel agency, news~aper o~e. (8) The following water-related uses: Boat and marine motor service and repair while boats are in water, boat rental, livery and hire, charter boats, group fishing boats, commer- cial wharves, piers, slips and anchorages, sightseeing and excursion boats. ' (9) The following miscellaneous uses: Art, charm, dancing, dramatic or music schools, business or commercial school, artist studio, auction of art goods, jewelry. rugs and the like, costumer, dental laboratory. interior decorator, motor bus tenninal, lawn furniture sale, photographic studio, radio and television studios, day nursery or nursery school, mortuary ,or funeral home, not including ambulance ser- vice,_ except for transportation of human remains, crema-,,_ tory for human remains as an accessory use within the same building that houses a funeral home or mortuary, and furniture upholstery shop, the floor space of which shall not exceed 4,000 square feet. (10) The following noncommercial types of uses: Church, church school and uses accessory thereto; library. museum and similar institutions of a nonprofit character; publicly owned or operated buildings or uses, including community build- ings, parks, playgrounds, but not including dump, sanitary fill or incinerators; private club, l04ge, fraternity and similar uSes not operated for profit. (11) Accessory uses and structures, including an automatic ear wash rack as an accessory use to a service station when the plot occupied by the service station and accessory uses has not less than 135 feet ofstreet frontage and 27;500 square feet of area. (12) Self-service coin-operated auto wash, wherein the cus- 0 tomer performs all serVices in' washing, cleaning, and drying. There shall be a continuous unpierced maso~ wall five feet in height on all plot lines except street plot lines. f 39.940 : Sapp. No. 78 BROWARD COUNTY CODE co X N ~ N -J N -0 en 0"\ u::l o / \ (_0" 00 , 1076 Page 10 of 19 ZONING ~ 39.944 (13) Pest control agencies that do not store fumigant gases. (14) Mobile collection centers, pursuant to the provisions set out in section 39-175. (Eft'. 3-14-75; eft'. 5-14-76; eff. 12-13-77; eft'. 5-23-78; Ord. No. 85-20, ~ 1,3-15-85; Ord. No. 89-42, ~ I, 10-24-83; Ord. No. 90-31, ~ 1, 8-28-90; Ord. No. 95-50, ~ 16, 11-28-95) See. 39-941. Uses prohibited. The permissible uses enumerated in section 39-940 above shall not be construed to include, either as a principal or accessory use, any of the following: (1) Any use specified or similar in ch~cter or nature to any use in an industrial district; · (2) Any use specified or similar in character or nature to any use in a less restricted business or commercial district; (3) Any residential use not specifically permitted; (4) Any use not specified or similar in character or nature to any use in a more restricted business district or this district. (Eft'. 9-26-77; Ord. No. 90-31, ~ 2, 8-28-90) 0:1 7'C N \,,() N -oJ N -0 G? 0"\ ...a See. 39-942. Limitations of uses. (a) Except for automobile parki,ng lots, drive-in banks, mobile collection centers, and gasoline sales and day care centers, all activities of permitted uses, including sale, display, preparation and storage, shall be conducted entirely. within a completely enclosed b~ding; provided that drive-in type retail stores may conduct sales through open doors or windows. (Ord. No. 89-42, ~ 2, 10-24-89; Ord. No. 90-31, t 3,8-28-90) See. 39-943. Height. No building or structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding 100 feet. See. 39-944. Plot size. There shall be no minimum required width or area of plot. Supp. No. 78 1077 Page 11 of 19 'j t '. .' ~ 39-945 BROWARD COUNTY CODE Sec. 39-945. Yards. (a) Plots utilized for both a nonresidential and a permitted residential use shall provide yards as specified in section 39-169. (b) All plots shall provide yards in accordance with section 39-163. Sees. 39-946-39-955. Reserved. : B-2A DISTRICT The B-2A P ed Business Center Dist . t is intended for locations where re is a need for proper d 19n of buildings and . structures, access circulation and ration to surrounding areas to provide for e ient functionin of the permissible uses, especially business uses, d for ad ate protection to adjacent and nearby residential are The 0 ectives can be only defined in general terms and their re . z . on can only be attained by adequate yards, setbacks and Ii . tion on principal and acces- sory uses where the plot is ti s to or near residentially zoned property. Supp. No. 78 1078 Page 12 of 19 0: 7" r-.; '" r..: - ~ '"'t c;-. C1' \.C I'.: i \ r') .t .. J " . , , ZONING t 39-961 . Uses prohibited. e permissible uses enumera 9-957 above shall not b construed to include, either as a principal or use, any of e following, which are listed for emphasis: e listed as prohibited in a B-2 district. Servic stations, provided that this ,prohibit' n shall not apply to eas zoned B-2A prior to Novem I, 1962. : U lJ r, r (b) No secondhand or used sale, displayed or stored exce (c) All products produc sold at retail on the pre )(d) Any plot in a B- district, havin a common plot line with a residentially zon district, shall separated from such district by a subs , continuous, mas wall a minimum of six feet in heigh so designed and cons cted as to prevent horizontal visio ugh such wall, along e common plot line. Such walls s I not extend closer to a s required d or width, of yard on the property ~acent to the B-2A zoned plot. to a permitted use shall be i . I f $-960. Deleted. tor's DOte SectioD 39-960, deaJiDc with aite developm Dt plan, was e1eted by JecislatioD effective JaIL 16, 1916. See. 39-961. Height. No building or structure shall be erected or alterecl to a height exceeding 85 feet. Supp. No. 18 1079 Page 13 of 19 I " t 39-962 BROWARD COUNTY CODE : .~ ..1 very plot shall be not less than 100 feet in width and re feet in area. OJ rl: N \.0 N -.l N -0 G1 . Yards and setbacks. shall conform to section 39-163 and . g to this article. (b) Every plot s all be provided with an 0 least 25 feet in dep adjacent to all streets. a" \;.C .+:' (d) Driveways and walkwa space areas shall be limited (1) No driveway shall e eed 20 fe t in width, and no walkway shall exceed 6 feet width. (2) 1btal width of veways and w each street lin shall not exceed 0 percent of the plot frontage along t street; provided t where the front- age on a s is less than 200 feet, b t not less than 100 feet, 2 drive ays shall be permitted, eac not more than 20 feet in wid ,and each plot may have at east 1 driveway for each s eet frontage. (3) No driv: way or walkway shall be located n ~er than 20 feet any other driveway or walkway. (4) N 'veway shall be located nearer than 25 feet 0 a street . tersection. No driveway or walkway shall be located nearer th feet to any residentially mn4'!d P-'\f ~ L", "or nearer thm 10 feet to the plot line of any other property. . I I. 0"> I Supp. No. 78 1080 Page 14 of 19 ZONING S 39-923 The mi . um floor area of a 1-fami dwelling shall be feet; the minimum floor area of dwelling unit in a 2-f lly dwelling shall be 400 square feet, the minimum . floo area of a dwelling in a multiple dwelling hall be 400 are feet; and the minimum floor area of a ren sleeping room in a hotel, motel, lodging house. tourist me or sir-iIG" mlR "hAll h... 1&9 ..quare feet. ARTICLE LV. NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS B-1 DISTRICT See. 39-922. Purpose of district. The B-1 Neighborhood Business District is intended primarily to meet the local neighborhood shopping and personal service needs of a limited surrounding residential area. Retail stores permitted therein are mtended to include primarily convenience goods which are usually a daily necessity for a residential neighborhood. See. 39-923. Uses permitted. (a) The following kinds of retail stores: Confectionery, dairy products, dressed poultry, drug, florist, fruit and Supp. No. 12 1069 Page 15 of 19 , , ,- !" \.. l t r 1 I I I , I S 39-923 BROW ARD COUNTY ZONING CODE : vegetable, garden supply, gift, grocery, hardware, hobby supply, ice cream, jewelry, meat market, music, notions, pet supply, seafood, souvenir, sundry, supermarket, tobacco, toy variety, wearing apparel. (b) Bakery or delicatessen, provided all preparation of food is for retail sale on the premises, and the services of not more than six persons are utilized in any such establishment. (c) The following personal services: Barber, beauty parlor, . hat cleaning and blocking, pressing and mending, shoe repair, shoeshine. (d) The following misceUaneous uses: nay nursery, dressmaking, laundry and dry cIM"'''g pickup station, medical and dental offices, nonalcoholic beverage' bar, nursery school, restaurant, self-service ice stations, tailor, watch and jewelry ~epair, self-service laundry, business and professional offices. (e) Self-service coin-operated dry cleaning establish- ments, subject to the following limitations and require- ments: (1) Service shall be rendered directly to customers who shall bring in and take away the articles to be cleaned. (2) The establishment shall not provide pickup or delivery service. (3) The customers shall operate the machines provided to do their own dry cleaning. (4) The services of not more than three persons shall be utilized in the operation of the establishment. . (5) Not more than 10 individual cleaning units shall be used in any establishment, and the total. combined rated capacity shall not exceed 80 pounds. (6) The entire cleaning and drying process shall be carried on within completely enclosed solvent reclaiQa- ing units. Supp. No. 12 1070 Page 16 of 19 c:o X N \.J:) N -.J N -0 (;) (J"l \.C 0" " ~ .'-.... (' '\ I 1 I i ZONING S 39-923 (7) All solvents used in the cleaning process and the vapors therefrom shall be nonexplosive and nonflam- mable. (0 Automobile parking lot and parking garage. (g) Church, private or parochial school, nursery school or child care center, nonprofit private club. (h) A residential use ,accessory to a permitted use. (i) Accessory uses and structures. (j) One-family dwelling on plots the use of which is restricted by valid restrictive covenants of record to such residential use. (k) Sewage or water treatment, pumping and storage plants to serve the surrounding residential area. Such plants shall conform to the following requirements: (1) The plot shall not be less than 100 feet in width and 10,000 square feet in area, and shall be as large as necessary to provide required setback areas. (2) No building or structure shall be located nearer to any residentially zoned property or to any street line than a distance equal to the height of such building or structure. c:o 7"l; N \0 N -J N ""'0 Ci') C" \.D -..J (3) No unenclosed sewage, treatment facility shall be located nearer to any residentially zoned property than 175 feet. (4) No enclosed sewage treatment facility or water pumping or treatment facility shall be located nearer than 50 feet to any residentially zoned property. (5) All plots shall have a landscaped setback area at least 20 feet in width or depth adjacent to all street lines and adjacent to all plot lines separating the subject property from residentially zoned property. The aforesaid landscaped setback area shall not be used for any building, structure, fence, wall, parking or storage. The landscaped setback area shall be planted with grass, shrubbery and trees; and no part Supp. No. 12 1071 Page 17 of 19 I , ! , S 39.923 BROW ARD COUNTY ZONING CODE .. shall be paved or surfaced except for mlDlmum driveways and walkways for access. All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy, growing condition, properly trimmed, watered and cleaned. (6) All machinery, equipment and mechanical or electri- cal apparatus shall be so designed, installed and operated as to minimize noise effects upon surroun- ding property. (7) Plots shall not be used for storage of machinery or equipment or for service facilities for a franchised area. ~ r (1) Sewage lift or pumping stations, containing no treatment facilities, subject to all requirements of 'section 39-578(10). (m) Residence on floating homes and vessels. (Eff. 12-4-78) c; \..- , . Sec. 39-924. Uses prohibited. The permissible uses enumerated in section 39-923 above shall not be construed to include, either as a principal or accessory use, any of the following, which are listed for emphasis: (1) Automobile, truck, trailer, motorcycle, boat or ma- chinery sale, storage or service, including repair garages, used car lots, service stations and auto laundries. (2) Mortuaries. (3) Business offices, and professional offices not listed un~er permitted uses. (4) Drive-in restaurants or refreshment stands. (5) Wholesale establishments. (6) Pawnshops. (7) Sales, storage or display of lumber or building materials. Supp. No. 12 '\ 1 ...... --... ") 1072 Page 18 of 19 ZONING ~ 39-927 (8) Theaters, nightclubs, establishments for consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises. (9) Plumbing, electrical or sheet metal shops. (10) Animal hospitals and veterinary clinics. (11) Cabinet or carpenter shop. (12) Storage or warehouse uses except as incidental to a per- mitted use. (13) Advertising sign. (14) Any other use first permitted in a less restricted district. - ,- Sec. 39-925. Limitations on uses. - ~ II \.1 (a) Except for automobile parking lots, all activities of permit- ted uses, including sale, display, preparation and storage, shall be conducted entirely within a completely enclosed building. ' (b) No secondhand or used merchandise shall be offered for sale, displayed or stored. (c) All products produced shall be sold at retail in connection with a permitted use. (d) No retail store shall have a floor area open to the public, including display, service and sales, greater than 5,000 square feet. Sec. 39-926. Height. (a) No building or structure shall be erected or altered for a use first permitted in a 8-1 district to a height exceeding 2 stories or 30 feet.. (b) No building or structure shall be erected or altered for any other use permitted in a B-1 district to a height exceeding 4 stories or 50 feet. See. 39-927. Plot size. There shall be no minimum required width or area of plot. Supp. No. 78 1073 Page 19 of 19 , " MULTI-PARTY AGREEMENT CITY OF PARKLAND RE.SOLUTION #'8 99-05" 99-06, 99-07 CD ~ N \.C N -.J N ~ c;: - L C EXHIBIT D MUL TI-P ARTY IRRIGATION DITCH AGREEMENT This MULTI-PARTY IRRIGATION DITCH AGREEMENT (this "Aireement") dated as of , 1998 by and among P ARC LAND ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership ("Developer"), BROW ARD COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, through its Board of County Commissioners; BROW ARD COUNTY COCOMAR WATER CONTROL DISTRICT, through the Broward County Board Commissioners ("Cocomar"); PINETREE DRAINAGE DISTRICT ("District"); CITY OF PARKLAND, a Florida not for profit corporation ("Citt"); CITY OF COCONUT CREEK, a Florida not-for-profit corporation ("Coconut Creek") DEERFIELD IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION, a Florida corporation ("{& QIl"); and FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ("FDOT"). PRELIMINARY STATEMENTS c:o ~ N ~ N -.1 N -0 en WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of that certain real property lying and being in Broward County, Florida and legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Developer's Property"), a portion of which is currently owned by the City; and ..-J <=> WHEREAS, the Co-op is the owner of that certain real property lying and being in Broward County, Florida and legally described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Co-op Property"); and WHEREAS, Developer is in the process of developing the Developer's Property (the "Development") as shown on Exhibit "C"; and WHEREAS, the Co-op and Cocomar are desirous of having adequate irrigation provided to the Co-op Property; and WHEREAS, Cocomar is the entity which is responsible for the provision of irrigation for the Co-op Property; and WHEREAS, City is the entity which is responsible for approving the Development and owns a portion of the Developer's Property; and WHEREAS, a portion of Cocomar's facilities are currently being utilized in the provision of irrigation to the Co-op Property (the "District Facilities"); and WHEREAS, FDOT is currently utilizing the drainage/irrigation ditch which runs along the northern 35 feet of the Developer's Property, as shown in Exhibit "c" (the "llit.ch") for storm drainage from north of Hillsboro Boulevard and east of 441. WHEREAS, all parties hereto desire that the Ditch be filled in. Exhibit D Page 1 of 33 WHEREAS, Co-op currently utilizes this Ditch to provide irrigation water to the Co-op Property by way of the irrigation facilities highlighted in yellow and as depicted on Exhibit "D-I " (the "Existin~ Irri~ation System"); and WHEREAS, the parties hereto are willing to abandon the Existing Irrigation System for providing irrigation to the Co-op Property and replace the same with alternate facilities as depicted on Exhibit "D-2" (the "Alternate Irri~ation System"); and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the construction and implementation of the Alternate Irrigation System for the Co-op Property, Developer is willing to fill in the Ditch, upon the approval of the Development, and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the implementation of the Alternative Irrigation System, Co-op is willing to remove the existing pumps and pump house located adjacent to the Hillsboro Canal as shown on Exhibit "E" (collectively the "Pwnp House") and to accept the Alternate Irrigation System to the Co-op Property in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, Cocomar is willing to provide Irrigation for the Co-op Property by way of the Alternative Irrigation System in accordance with the South Florida Water Management District permit(s); and WHEREAS, the Co-op is willing to assign to Cocomar all of its pumping permits and licenses for the Pump House (collectively the "Pump Permits"); and WHEREAS, simultaneously herewith, FDOT, the County, Cocomar, the Co-op, District, City and the Developer have agreed to set forth certain rights between the parties with respect to providing Alternate Irrigation to the Co-op Property. over the Alternate Irrigation System. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and of the covenants herein contained, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, covenant and agree as follows: Section 1. The foregoing statements are true and correct, the preamble hereinabove is incorporated in this Agreement by reference. Section 2. Rights and Obligations of the Parties. 2.1 County and Cocomar Obligations. (a) Cocomar shall provide alternate drainage to the Co-op Property in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and as more particularly described on Exhibit "D-2". Such Alternative Irrigation System shall be in place on or before April 30, 1999 (the "Operational Date"). 2 Pa~e 2 of 33 co ~ N Y:) N -.I N -0 en -.I o N (b) County and Cocomar shall agree to execute any and all instruments necessary to vacate any and all drainage easements which currently are of record and which created the 35-foot drainage easement in which the Ditch is located (the "Drainaie Easements"). (c) Upon the vacation of the Drainage Easements, the County shall enter into a thirty-five foot (35') drainage easement with Developer and the City or their successors in title over those portions of Developer's Property which currently are owned by Developer and the City ("Tempof3.Q' Drainaie Easement") which by its terms shall expire and terminate upon the date that Pinetree obtains its pumping permits from South Florida Water Management District to facilitate Pinetree's recharge program; provided, however, in the event Pinetree does not obtain such permits and Developer grants an easement to Pinetree pursuant to Section 2.3(a)(5), then the Temporary Drainage Easement will expire and terminates on the date Developer grants such easements. (d) Upon the completion ofN.W. 71 Street, Cocomar shall allocate any and all funds necessary to convert the temporary canal constructed by Developer, and as set forth in Section 2.3 below, into Cocomar's final drainage scheme for N.W. 71st Street. (e) County and Cocomar shall assist Developer in obtaining those permits described under Section 2.3 below. 2.2 Co-op's Obligations. (a) No later than fifteen (15) days after the Operational Date, Co-op shall disassemble and remove the Pump House down to its foundation. (b) Co-op shall have the right to retain ownership of the pumps or dispose of same at its sole discretion. (c) No later than five (5) days prior to the Operational Date, Co-op shall assign the Pumping Permits to the County. ,(d) If applicable, Co-op shall consent to the vacation of any and all Drainage' Easements which encompass the Ditch. 2.3 Developer's Rights and Obligations. (a) Provided that all Development permits necessary for the development of Developer's Property are issued by the City or other governmental entities or bodies, the Developer shall: (1) Fill in the Ditch on the Property in accordance with the terms of this Agreement no later than 120 days after Developer obtains all necessary permits and approvals. 3 Page 3 of 33 OJ 7"l; N "'" N -.J N -0 Ci) -.J <=> W (2) Developer will design and construct a temporary canal extension from the eastern termination point of the existing drainage ditch at Hillsboro Mobil Park to Cocomar's C5 canal as depicted on Exhibit "F" no later than 60 days after Developer obtains all necessary permits and approvals. (3) Developer will design and construct a permanent structure from the point where the temporary canal extension enters Cocomar's C5 canal as also depicted on Exhibit "F" no later than 90 days after Developer obtains all necessary permits and approvals. (4) Developer will fill in that portion of the Ditch located north of the Pump House as shown hatched on the location sketch attached hereto as Exhibit "E" no later than 120 days after the Operational Date. (5) In the event that Pinetree fails to obtain pumping permits from South Florida Water Management District to facilitate Pinetree's recharge program by the date Developer pulls its building permit for its retail project, Developer agrees to design and install a piping system from the State Road 7 to the west end of that portion of Developer's Property which it owns to accommodate such recharge program. Developer shall grant any necessary easements related thereto over Developer's Property all no later than 120 days after Developer obtains all necessary permits and approvals. (b) Developer or its successor in title shall consent to Cocomar's vacation of the Drainage Easements and any and all easements which encompass the Developer's Property on which the Ditch is located and which Developer or its successor in title owns. (c) Developer or its successor in title, in order to replace the Drainage Easements over the portion of the Developer's Property which the Developer owns, will enter into a thirty-five foot (35') easement ("Temponu:y Easement") along the northern boundary of that Property, the terms of such Temporary Easement will provide that upon the date Pinetree obtains its pumping permits from South Florida Water Management District to facilitate its recharge program, the thirty-five foot (35') Temporary Easement will terminate, expire and be of no further force or effect; provided, however, in the event Pinetree does not obtain such pumping permits and Developer grants an easement to Pinetree pursuant to Section 2.3(a)(5) the Temporary Drainage Easement will expire and . terminate on the date Developer grants such easements. 2.4 Pinetree Drainage District's Obligations. Pinetree will consent to the vacation of the Ditch and execute any and all instruments necessary to vacate the property which encompasses the Ditch. 4 Page 4 of 33 o:l 7"C: N \.0 N -' N -0 Ci) -.J o +- 2.5 City's Obligations. (a) City or its successor in title shall consent to County's vacation of the Drainage Easements as they apply to that portion of the Developer's property which the City currently owns, and will consent to the vacation of the Drainage Easements on that portion of Developer's Property which the City does not own. (b) The City or its successor in title, in order to replace the Drainage Easements over the portion of the Developer's Property which the City currently owns, will enter into a thirty- five foot (35') easement ("Temponuy Easement") along the northern boundary of that portion of Developer's Property, the terms of such Temporary Easement will provide that upon the Operational Date, the Temporary Easement will terminate, expire and be of no further force or effect. (c) City agrees to consider the property which encompasses the Ditch as abandoned for the purpose of the calculation of square footage of land required for site plan and other Development approvals. 2.6 Coconut Creek's Obligations. (a) Coconut Creek will consent to the relocation of construction of the temporary canal extension as set forth in Section 2.3(a)(3) of this Agreement. (b) If applicable, Coconut Creek shall execute any instruments necessary to provide irrigation to the Co-op Property by way of the Alternate Irrigation System. (c) Coconut Creek shall assist Developer in obtaining those permits described under Section 2.3 above. 2.7 FDOT's Obligations. No later than the Operational Date FDOT agrees to modify its weir structure located north of Hillsboro Boulevard and east of 441 in order that all storm drainage east of 441 and from Hillsboro Boulevard shall not drain into the Ditch but shall be diverted in the opposite direction to . flow into the temporary canal as depicted on Exhibit "F". Section 3. Representations and Warranties. 3.1 Each of the parties hereto hereby makes the following representations and warranties as of the date hereof with respect to itself for the benefit of the other parties hereto: (a) Each of the parties hereto has all necessary partnership or corporate power and authority, as the case may be, to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this Agreement. 5 Pa~e 5 of 31 c:o 7'" N \.0 N -.I N -0 en -J c:: U' All action on the part of the parties hereto that is required for the authorization, execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, in each case has been duly and effectively taken. (b) This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by each of the parties hereto. This Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the parties hereto enforceable against them in accordance with the terms thereof, except as such enforceability (A) may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and other laws affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights and remedies generally, and (B) is subject to general principles of equity (regardless of whether enforceability is considered in a proceeding in equity or at law). Section 4. Agreement for Benefit of Parties Hereto. Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended or shall be construed to confer upon, or to give to, any party other than the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns, any right, remedy or claim under or by reason of this Agreement or any covenant, condition or stipulation hereto; and the covenants, stipulations and agreements contained in this Agreement are and shall be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Section 5. Severability. In case anyone or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected and/or impaired thereby. Section 6. Notices. All notices, demands, certificates or other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed sufficiently given or served for all purposes when delivered personally, when sent by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested or by private courier service, in each case, with the proper address as indicated below. Each party may, by written notice given to the other parties, designate any other address or addresses to which notices, certificates or other communications to them shall be sent as contemplated by this Agreement. Notices shall be deemed to have been given if and when received by an officer, manager or supervisor in the department of the addressee specified for attention (unless the addressee refuses to accept delivery, in which case they shall be deemed to have been given when first presented to the ~ddressee for acceptance). Until otherwise so provided by the respective parties, all notices, certificates and communications to each of them shall be addressed as follows: Parc1and Associates, Ltd., % The Goodman Company Suite 1101 - East Tower 777 South Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 6 P~"'e 6 -f 3" c:tl 7"l; N \.C N -.I N \l en c: (j' With a copy to: Donald R. Hall, Esq. Gunster, Yoakley, Valdes-Fauli & Stewart, P.A. P.O. Box 14636 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302-4636 c:D '"' N \D N -.. N -0 (i") [Co-op]: Mr. David Neill Post Office Box 2547 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954 -oJ C With a copy to: Richard V. Neill, Sr., Esq. Post Office Box 1270 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954 Broward County: Office of the County Attorney 115 South Andrews Avenue, Suite 423 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Cocomar Water Control District: Office of the County Attorney 115 South Andrews Avenue, Suite 423 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Pinetree Water Control District 10300 Northwest 11 th Manor Coral Springs, Florida 33071 With a copy to: 7 Page 7 of 33 Donald J. Doody, Esq. Josias & Goren, P.A. Suite 200 3099 East Commercial Boulevard. Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 City of Parkland: Mayor City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 With a copy to: Andrew S. Maurodis, Esq. 305 S.E. 18th Court Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 With a copy to: Florida Department of Transportation Coconut Creek Oriole Homes Corp. 1690 South Congress Drive Delray Beach, Florida 33445 Attention: OJ 7'C: N \.0 N -J N -0 en -oJ CI 0: Section 7. Successors and Assigns. Whenever in this Agreement any party hereto is named or referred to, the successors and assigns of such party shall be deemed to be included and all rights, benefits, covenants, promises and agreements in this Agreement by or on behalf of the respective parties hereto shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of such parties, whether so expressed or not. 8 Page 8 of 33 Section 8. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each executed counterpart constituting an original but all counterparts together constituting only one instrument. Section 9. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida applicable to contracts made and to be performed in such state. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the rights and priorities of the parties shall be determined in accordance with applicable law. Venue for any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall lie in Broward County, Florida. Section 10. Amendment; Waiver. No amendment or waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless the same shall be in writing and signed by all the Secured Parties, and any such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific,instance and for the specific purpose for which given. No delay on the part of any Secured Party in the exercise of any right, power or remedy shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial waiver by such Secured Party of any right, power or remedy preclude any further exercise thereof, or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. Section 11. Headings. Headings herein are for convenience only and shall not be relied upon in interpreting or enforcing this Agreement. Section 12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including the documents referred to herein, embodies the entire agreement and understanding of the parties hereto and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings of the parties hereto relating to the subject matter herein contained. Section 13. Drafting. This Agreement has been negotiated and drafted by all parties hereto and shall not be more strictly construed against any party because of such party's preparation of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this MULTI-PARTY IRRIGATION DITCH AGREEMENT to be duly executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, as of the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: P ARCLAND ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership By: Harland, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, its General Partner Name: By: Goodman Properties, Inc., its Manager By: Name: Name: Title: Dated: , 1999 9 Page 9 of 33 o:l rc; r-..: \.C r-..: - r-..: ""'t C': ( II Name: Name: ATTEST: Administrator and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida Name: Name: Attest: , City Clerk [SEAL] DEERFIELD IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION, a Florida Corporation By: Name: David Neill Title: a::: ~ I'.: u: I'\:: Broward County: -" BROW ARD COUNTY, tl}rough its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS N -0 Ci:l By: County [" Chair _ day of ,19_. BROWARD COUNTY COCOMAR WATER CONTROL DISTRICT Pinetree Drainage District By: Name: Title: City of Parkland, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida By: , Mayor 10 Page 10 of 33 Oriole Homes Corp. Name: By: Name: Richard D. Levy Title: Chief Executive Officer Name: Florida Department of Transportation .~ N \D N -.I N -0 en -oJ Name: By: Name: Title: Name: City of Coconut Creek Name: By: Name: Title: Name: 83915.6 11 Page 11 of 33 -PAAa:t.. ,: '" POA110N OF' tRACT F. COUtHnyS POINT. ACCOcmlt'lG TO THE:' PV.T' 1tIfREOf' AS ~CORO(O 1M PlAT 6001< "9, PACe: 29. PU8UC AECOROS. eflOWARO COUN TY. F'lORJD^- 9EIHC '"'ORE P"'RTICULAl1U oe:ScAISED A.S fOU.OWS: BEClM AT 11iE NORlHE:AST CORNER aF' SAID TRACT F. S^IC POINT H"'~HC A AAOI/ol. SEARlNC Of S 88'22.*10. Vi mOM lHE: RAOIUS POINT OF' n-IE ~O'M"C; oacRISED CUR~ . >>t(NCE soU~E"STER\. Y AI."OHG A QRCULAR (4RVE TO TWE l.EFT.. . f1A~C A RAClIUS OF 28747,00 FttT, A CENTRAL ANQ.E OF' 0'"32 ~4 F'~ AM ARC DISTANCE OF' '7tS.9J FEET: . lllE:NCE S 42'S7'2,'" W FOR 50....7 FtET: tHCNCE S 89'05'%8. W FOR +OS.S9 f'EET TO A POCt/T OF CUAvAlURE; tHENCE NORlHwtsTER\&Y id.OMC ClRClIUR CURVE TO UfE R1QiT. HAIItNC It. RAOtUS OF 12'3.24 FEET. ^ COIlRAL. NI<U: Of' 3''02.'13. FOR AN ARC Dls"ApfCE en: IZ8.67 #EE I; THOICE ,., OO,",T1Z- VI f"OR eG.es rm 10 ^ PClNT Of OJRV^11JAE: 'n-lENce NORTIofE:ASTERl. Y ALOHO A CIRCUlAR CUR'4: Tt) nfE: AIClHr" HA","C It R~\lS Of' 6So.oo FUr, A CEN'fRAL. ANClE or 12'04"6 F'Oft Nt ARC DISTANCE or '~9.G5 FEET TO A PONT OF' TANCENCY: ~CE ~ 11"0"04" t FOR 184.60 F'te:T' TO A POINT OF CURVATUftE: lHOICE HOATHEASTE:Rl. Y Al.ONO A CIRCUlAR CURVE TO nit !.EfT. HAVlNC A RADIUS OF 740.00 F~ET, A CDITR.AL ANGLE OF I1"2$'f6- F'OR AN ARC OIST,U-lCE OF '''7.51 FEET; . ltlENCE: N eg...,'.S- t ALONG l11E NORm UNE OF" S,.,O llUCT r FOR HlS.91 FEET TO ~E POINT OF' BEc:tNNINC; P ARCEl. 2~ A PORllQH OF' Tl-fA T 80 FOOT *O~ CANAl.. EAsafOo(f AS RECOAOE:D IN OmOAL. RE:CORD 8001< 5261. PACE Z8&. P\J8UC RE~OS Of' 8ROW~O COUNTY, f\.QR.O.... ANO ,-""Ne IN SE:cnOJ'll " 'TOWNSHIP 48 SClIJtH, RANCE ~. €AST. 8ROWARO COUNlY, Fl.ORIDA. 8~NG WORE PARnCUUoALY OES~ISEO ....S rou.ows: stCIN AT M NORnfEAST CORNER OF' PARa:\. 3. COUHTR'fS PONT, ACCOROING TO TNE PV-T nERE or AS Rf:C~DEO IN PL^T Baol< 119, PAGe: 2'. pueu,c RECORD, 8ROvtARO COUNTY. FLORlOk n.IEHa:- N 8'".41''''13''' C ^lOHC n'E NORnt UHE or SAlO SECllQt4 1 FO~ tJO.oa FEET TO 1< POINT Off A CURVE. SNO POtNT SEARS N 89.":"415- E fROM THE AAOIUS POINT OF lliE NOO OESCRlSS) CURVE; 'n-tENCE SOUTHY€STDU.. "f' MoONG ~ ORCUlAR ctJR'JE TO THE RIGHT, . HAWK; A. RAOIUS OF '40.00 tEET A CEHTR.4L. ANCI.! OF ""="5- FDR ,.pf ARC DISTNlc:E' OF' '47.~I FEET TO A POINT OF TI'NGEHCY: lHEHCE S ""07.Q",- W f"OR 18~eO FEET TO A POINT OF CURVA1\JRE: . 1HOCCE SOU~~1. Y AlotolC A ClACUl.J\A CUR'WE TO THE LEFT, HM/IHC ^ RADIUS OF 660.00 FEET. A C(toITRAL ANGU: Of" 12'04'16- F'OR NI ARC DISTANCE OF' 13'.05 F'EET TO It PONT oF TNiOEHC'n TWEtoI<< S 00"57"'2- E F'OR K8D FET TO A. PO//'IT.ON THE NEXT OESc:A18EO CURVE. SAID POINT StARS 5 38'08',Q- W FROM THE RADIUS PCll"'~ niE:NCE /'fORl1iWESlERLY ~l"ONC 10. C1RCUUA CURve: TO T1-IE RIGHT. H^\1Ne ^ RAOIUS OF 12'~.2" FEET. ^ caUltl\L ANGlE OF' OS'OJ..:J'. FOR JoloI ARC OtSTNlCf: Of' fa7.JS F'EET: THENC( H aO"$"l~. W F'OR ,7.82 FtET TO ^ POINT OF. CtJI'WA'JURE; 'tHENCE teOR T11EASltRt. Y N.ONa ClACUl..AA OJR\'E TO THE RfctfT. 1i^~NC A RAD1US Of' 1.0.00 FEEf. A CtNTRAL ANCU: Of' 12"0."6- FOR N" N<<: DfSTNolct ~ 1oSS.90 n:ET TO ^ pOINT OF TJ\NGEHCY; 1M€.NeF.: ,.. "'07.04-" E FOR '8....50 FEET TO A PO'f'oIT OF' CURVATURE: ' niEl'lct HOR1l'EASlER'" T N..~IC A CIRCUtM Ct.IR~ TO l1iE LUT. HA"''''C A RAOIUS OF' eeO.fla FEET, A. CENTRAL ~C1.E OF 1J"2S'T6- FOR ^'" ARC DfSTAN~ OF tJt.se FEET TO TtlE POINT OF eE:cINNIt'IC: EXHIBIT CIA" Page 1 of 2 NOTE: Either part or all of thl document submitted for recording ,: "fot clea~ and/or legible at time o recording for imaging purposes !' Page 12 of 33 '. "'~"-_t;J PARCEL 3: A PORlIOH 0; PARCEL 3. COUHlRrS PcrNT.' ACCORDING TO THE PI.AT mE:RE OF AS RECORDED IN PlAT BOQK 119. PAGE U. pueuc RECORDS. BI10WI\RO COUf'ITY. nORIO.'" e~ltlO WORE PARnCUc..AAt.y DESCRIBED AS FOU.QVIS; BEClH AT THE N<lAYHE'AST ~NER OF SAID PARca. 3. $M) POINT SEARS H "."..8- t FROM Tlit RAOtUS POINT OF 'niE NEXT O($CRtSED CUR'IIE: EXHIBIT ItA II Page 2 of 2 THtHct'SOUlliWES1Un..Y N..OtIG A C~ CUR~ 10 THE RleHT. H.\WtG ^ IU.QIUS-(W' eSO.OQ.FEET. A CENTRAL AN<:U: OF 1125'1&' fOR AN ARC OISTANCE OF' 1.31"5& FEET TO A POlHT Of TNfCENC't'; THOICE: S 11'01'04- VI FOR 184.60 FUT TO A POINT OF CURVA1\JAf; THENCE SOUtHm.ilERI.Y ALONe" CtRQ.It..AA CURVE TO M.L.EfT. HAW.C; ^ RADIUS OF 140.00 FEET. ^ CXNTRAL AHQ.E Of 12"0....16. f'OR Nt. MC DIS1ANCE OF 15~JO FttT TO ". POINT OF TNt~CY; ni(foIc:( S OO'S'.'2- E F'CR. t1.82 FtET TO Ii POINT OH 1...[ NEXT oaCRI8m CUA.\IE. SAlO pOINf BEARS S 4J11"SS4 W FROhl THE: RAOIUS PqlNT: ~E~ICE NOA1l'IWESTE:Ftl y ~OtfQ A CIRCUUR CUft'IE TO 1tfE RleHT. "'AVI"'O A RAOfUS OF 12,.1.24 FUT. " CEHTAAL AtICl.E OF 07'''9.0~4 FOR AN MC DlSTANct or: 165.5" rEEf TO ^ POINT OF TAHCEHCY. nrQfcE: N .38-:;9'27' W FOR '''J.O,:) FaT; THENCE N 51"00'33" E FOR 36~.a3 FEeT TO lHE POINT OF stGlHt4INC; NOTE: Either part or all of this document submitted for recording Is not clear and/or legible at time at recording for imaging purposes - ~ !' ~ PARCQ. 4: A PORTION OF' PARCEl 3, COUNTRV'S PaNT. ACCOROINO TO. TH( PVo T TH(REcn:' AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119, P,.Ce: 2<;. PUBLIC RECORDS. BROWAAQ COUNTY, FLORIOA. BCINt; MORE' PAAlTCUWl,.Y DE:~lBm AS F'OLLOWS: . BEe'''' AT n-tE NOR1HE^ST conNER OF SAID PARCEL 3: 'THENCE S 51'OO'3J. W FOR 3C....a3 FEET; n IEtICE: N J",'2, W ~OR 262.69 f'Ett n'ENCE N. 51 "DQ'JoSe E F'OR 3S.~9 FEEl'; T1itHct N. eg."""<4ee E AlONG THE PfORTH UI'IE or S^IO FAR<:tI. " F'OR 42o.~G !"EET TO llE POINT OF' 8E:GfNNfNG; Page 13 of 33 EXHIBIT "B" L.egal Description to be 'attached by the Coop. Page 14 of 33 a: ~ \C -. . -".. -. "-= '"t: Ci": ... -.-- EXHIBIT '''en Site Plan SP 1 of prepared by Saltz Michelson Architects dated c.; ( Page 15 of 33 N \. ~5A77L:.,.J ":'<t~ I HllIs'6.0T0-::.'::::':::"~ Blvd ~ ~ ~ ~ Vl <? COCOMAR WCD July 1997 '€Y /'II ~ ,.,.. ZJ - / , ' CD 7"l; N \.0 N -J N -0 en ,*,,/,-, :~;,.: .... -J 0" ~~... ",'t." :~:. ~':' .:f ....:....'.1..,.. :~~:.~~:.; ".;4.: .: ",': of:: -'.:fi:. Page 16 of 33 - N _ COC:OhlAR weD MAINTAINED ....- , IMINTAlNED L..---J .\' o~ER' _ FU'T\lIUl GQHrnlUC'l\ON DAAlNo\GE DIVIDE * BOAT RAMP . \. H~C#~i\ \ ! ~ ~~. u ~ Fe,. '. Ii L:/~tlM 'J12IUfJ,A-ll~J .5'1S~' HIIsta'O ~-.d , (~.~ COCOMARWCD 1997 ~::;. CD X N \0 N ......, N " en , . -oJ -*..;,;.;... .:... -oJ .~~..:8~... ,ii;:~(. ~':.: :~t -\~: ...>. ":,'1>. . Page 17 \bf 33 '&-r'/4;-r IJ.. 2.. , ( HELLER- WEAVER AND CA TO, INC 310 S. S. Jst StrC:I Oclr.JY BC:lc:h, FL 3J~SJ 561.143-8700 -cntCl<EO DY: SCALE: , '\ : "tel (\.\:) 'I ~ , - ~ . t I Cl I ~ , j: . 0 , I ~ , . 2 :'" 1 u. C \J ~ W ~ Q Vii \0 . ~ )- 0 \fI \l.o U ~ , ~ ~- ! I < I .. I ~ I \ 1'1 ~ ~ l: .. - .., w . t...- '" - ~ ,,~ JV I, I II II , --- p !'" c - 1 ..!~ ~; ~ .. , ... ~ ~ - .~ - ~ c( ., !" -- ----. ----- - I J ~ ~~ ,/ , -- - oj - I. " - -- ... -- - - - -- -I- SL1 A. l>'_ ~.. ~ 1 - f",.. ", l:.. -"'fc1,~ ~ ~-.\o ~ "" I 1"- ~ .:. 'IIi:I \. j ~ - ~ ~ "f /' ~~ J iN 1 PJ~ -"I( ~.l~ '-' / I 1 00.+ \ ~ f) . J , -=- ~ ~~ "" ~ ~ -.. '':J.... ~ . ~~ ~~ . , ,\II , ~ ~...1 ",...- ~l ~~ - - ./ [::Is . 0'" .1-/ ,'" ~t II .. "~"I =' I. -1Q~rn\ It ~K I 'J"o,;a t .r 'O'~ ~ I IS) ~ N ~ ...!J ~~. - - ~ () tf.I Page 18 r- of 33 ~ t'VUTClTT II/ill --1 Ii. STATE ROAD 7 aQT 1 w 1 ecas . o ~ ...I .:::1 o a:l o a:: o lD III ;j X \ .:. ~< .. .. tIt' ~li ,'" .::' r:!1 .... t!" ,gl ~:. /,1. I i:1-50' R W F'OR N.W. "I 1151 PLACE "~ ..,' Un It., iiL.~~-~'STlNG d1r . ~~NACE ,:1, DITCH I'll r:!1 ~" --~--_..:, . ij!1 .... iW .:',1 ... luseORO MOBIUl!:1 HOME: PARK ~:, ,:~ iil .", ~'::I II I , , . I " , II / / I I I / , I . I, I / , I I I COCOMAR C-5 EXHIBIT nF" Heller - Weaver and Cato, inc. Engmeers '" SWTeyors .., Planners SCALE; 1's:400' ROPOSEO DRAINACE DITCH PROPOSED O~NAGE aITet-( wrT'H/H 50' R/W .. fU MI. - 97-14666 310 So t 1st $trftt. Sli1r . A!4rcy JftdI, n.W& 334.3 (101) lGof7II . IIrhr Itecll (4Iln ~ . ,. bell l3l51 m-e . ~ (~7) Z4H7n. r.z -. TOTRL PAGE.eez ._ ... I.J Page 19 of 33 RESOLUTION NO. 99 - 05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF THE NORTH 35 FEET OF TRACT "F", COUNTRY'S POINT, DRAINAGE EASEMENT CREATED BY COUNTRY'S POINT PLAT; P.B. 119, PG 29; DETERMINING THE NECESSITY THEREFORE; AND DIRECTING THAT A COPY HEREOF BE FILED WITH THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S AND COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICES IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO 02-AB-98. OJ ,.-.c N \.C N -.J N -c G1 1'-. { WHEREAS, the City Commission is authorized to cause any street, waterway, alley or public high~y to be vacated when the same may be necessary; and WHEREAS, this City Commission has determined that the vacation of the herein described property as a drainage easement is necessary and in the public interest and said property is no longer needed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That this City Commission does hereby find, after a public hearing was duly held with publication required by law, said public hearing being held February 17, 1999, that all the property as described in Section 2 of this Resolution is no longer needed for public use, and the vaca~glabandoning of same is necessary and in the public interest. . SECTION 2. That the drainage easement property of approximately 0.898 acreage described on Exhibit A is hereby vacated and abandoned. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk be, and is hereby authorized and directed, to place a certified copy of this Resolution of record with the County Recorder's Office and the Broward County Property Appraiser's Office and the Broward County Administrator. SECTION 4. This Resolution was adopted after a public hearing was had upon the subject matter hereof; notice of hearing was published as required by law, which public hearing was held at 7:00 p.m. on February 17, 1999, in the City Commission Room, City Hall, 6500 Parkside Drive, Parkland, Florida. Pag,~ 20 of 33 Resolution 99- 05 Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 11 DAY OF February. 1999. CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA a::I "... N \0 N -J N -c G': r- SAL PAGLIARA, MAYOR ATTEST: SUSAN ARMSTRONG, C.M.C. CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: ANDREW S. MAURODIS, ESQUIRE CITY ATTORNEY Page 21 of 33 res-aba4 A PORTION Of PARCEL "f" COUNTRY'S POINT (P.n. 119, PC. 29) CITY OF PARKLAND BIWWA.RD COUNTY, FLOIUDA LECAL DESCIUPTfON: A PORTION OF THE NORTH 3S.OO FEET OF TRACT "F", COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119, AT PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT "F", COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119, AT PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY. FLORJDA, SAID POINT BEARINO ssaon.33"W FROM THE RADIUS POINT OF THE NEXT DESCRIBED CURVE; THENCE RUN SOUTHERLY ALONO A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT AND CONCAVE TO THE EAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 28,747.90 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00-04'11" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 3S.01 TO A POINT OF NON. T ANCiEHCY; THENCE SS~41.41"\Y AloNG A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 35.00 FEET SOlmi OF AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANOLES TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT "f"" FOR A DISTANCE OF 1117.93 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON TANGENT CURVE. SAID POINT BEING ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT "f"" AND BEAJmK1 srMS"33"E FROM ntE RADIUS POINT OF THE NEXT DESCRIBED CURVE; ntENCE NOlmfERL Y ALONG A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT AND CONCAVE TO THE WEST HA VINO A RADIUS OF 140.00 FEET AND A CENTRALANOLE OFr42'39" FORAN ARC DISTANCE OF 3S.01 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT "P"; ntENCE NI'-41'4rE ALONO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL"P" FOR A DISTANCE OF 1/16.21 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEOINNING. SAID LANDS SITUATE WITHIN THE CITY OF PARKLAND, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONTAINING 0.898 ACRE MORE OR LESS. CERTIFICATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TlitS SKETCH AND LEOAL DESCRIPTION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR LAND SURVEYING IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER6IG 17-6, OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027 FLORIDA STAnrrES. AS APPLICABLE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. DATED: JUNE 19, 1991 FILE: SURVEY\1473SA.PUB NOTES: 1.) THIS SKETCRAND LEOAL DESCRIPTION DOES NOT REPRESENT A FIELD BOUNDARY SURVEY ("THIS IS NOT SURVEY.). 2.) BEAR/NOS SHOWN HEREON REFER TO THE PLAT OF COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO PLAT BOOK I 19 PAOE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA., WHICH SAID BEARlNO REFER TO BEINO RELATIVE TO THE NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY TRA VERSE MERCATOR FLORIDA EAST ZONE GRID NORTli. THE NORTH UNE OF PARCEL "PO HA VINO A BEARING OF NI"41'41"E SHEET I OF 2 SHEETS rT5"F':C" 1:,... vVVI1' D I ,..... '0" l.:~ 1 ,.,L I : JUN :~ q, 1S98 Ii .;'. B'f : .f/u...;j.~..'i:i!:r~ PILE NO. 98-147J5-SS I .~. Palm Beach County 310 SoulhCllSl Firsl Street, Suite Four Dclray Beach, Florida 33483 (407) 243-8700 (407) 243-8777 FlU( (407) 732-2518 Palm Deach (30S) 979-oSS0 8roward Heller-Weaver and Cato, Inc. Eni!ineers ." Survevors .., Planners co 7'C N \.0 N -.I N -0 G") -.J r-....: .....~ " Page 22 of 33 EXHIBIT A t ~ ~ 5CAI.E: I' -I 00' NORTHEAST CORNER OF' TRACT .f" COUNTRY'S POINT (PLAT BOOI< 119. PAGE: 29> ".. . n ,- ".~ .~~ .~ -:.~ :",: :".f j \ ". i" "... ;"!: ';.i j'_,:'._ : : " ...:... '", ;.: ."J ,'i.."::':iI! i.;::....:.. ..I',._.~i l .'_ U ':, I) 'j: 'u ll, :t:;C~ I). ... ;,- '.. ',1. R . 74G.OO' 4. . r42'39" L~~~~__ _~:_...,. :~!!::~~;~rfr=~~7 z. oJ:' " rug I~ ('j :::;::: : oi~ I .- .", I ~Q)Ur.' I , :1. 7:.-:'(1' I }fC\l<~ I .- ::::,'~ : !.I~'oO ' ~.~ ~ g}.J i !lj;V!: ;.. -. 'I;. ..~ k. "~ I I- '"'-... f-o""I': I a"'~-' (.J 0....-..,... .: ,tB.... · ~ :Z _C.L., ""II)~: f! :::. ;::" : a QrG:'~ " :::;::; I ~~: I ~ '- : ...Ioa~.:, " ~ . ~"'I-....~' ... : <,~<"l' :. ...I : ual)'" " l- t o{;J l!J: '" I Cll~ l' ~ VI "': , , , I , . , I I I I I " NORTH LINE TRACT .f" N89'41'48"E W6.28' ll.898* ACRE S89'41'48"V W7,93' 35' DRAINAGE EASEMENT (PER PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE (9) jii; R · 28,747.9 " 4. . OO'l)4'U' ,. A . 3~1' .. " " :! n.;:/"c T' F' : :""" \'~:~ v" ::: F'U:N I' '.:' _ I:. ,.. L~~:' II '::', ~':.~ ::~ : :: ~": :;:. . I ... z W x . wU') ",N <U') 1o.I~ ~~a -a: 11\ =dGl Sa:w ..,1.:1 'Q.< .......Q. " II !! S88.23'33'V --RADiAi.--- ,.... d z~ Q~ <~ ~c1 ::> \oj'" I- < I- '" i. II .. .. 1H-1 ... z . w2: x- ~~ Will ~...", -<11\ =iN ... ::la:l!l iu'~< _....Q. LEGEND R = RADIUS I!J. = DELTA A = ARC LENGTH O.R.B. = Of"F'ICIAL RECORD BOOK P.B. = PLAT BOOK PG. = PAGE SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 35 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT (ABANDONMENT) A PORTION OF TRACT 'F', COUNTRY'S POINT (PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29) CITY OF PARKLAND, BROVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA SHm 2 OF 2 SHEETS HWC FIlE NO. 1111-1473$-5$2 310 S. [, 1st Stret't. Slit. 4 Detro y Bnch, norm 33483 <407> 243-8708 - IleIrcy 1Ifoch (401) 732-2588 - Pc'" Inch 005> 979-0550 - 1lroword <407> Z43-Bm - Fox 8 Heller - Weaver and Cato, inc, Ene-ineers ... Survevors '" Planners .~':..-...:::;.; I"- ~. Page 230f 33 - EXHIBIT'A O~ (.. ;) '- I C. I 1,;1 I r c- . RESOLUTION NO. 99 - 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF THE NORTH 35 FEET OF THE PARCEL KNOWN AS PARCEL 2, O.R.B. 16700, PGS. 900-903; IN SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST; DE'!ERMINING THE NECESSITY THEREFORE; AND DtRECTING THAT A COPY HEREOF BE FILED WITH THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S A~D COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICES IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO 02-AB-98. I . WHEREAS, the City Commission is authorized to cause any street, waterway, alley or public highway to be vacated when the same may be necessary; and WHEREAS, this City Commission has determined that the vacation of the herein described property as a drainage easement is necessary and in the public interest and said property is no longer needed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That this City Commission does hereby find, after a public hearing was duly held with publication required by law, said public hearing being held February 17, 1999, that all the property as described in Section 2 of this Resolution is no longer needed for public use, and the vacating/abandoning of same is necessary and in the public interest. SECTION 2. That the drainage easement property of approximately 2,801 square feet described on Exhibit A is hereby vacated and abandoned. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk be, and is hereby authorized and directed, to place a certified copy of this Resolution of record with the County Recorder's Office and the Broward County Property Appraiser's Office and the Broward County Administrator. SECTION 4. This Resolution was adopted after a public hearing was had upon the subject matter hereof; notice of hearing was published as required by law, which public hearing was held at 7:00 p.m. on February 17, 1999, in the City Commission Room, City Hall, 6500 Parkside Drive, Parkland, Florida. Page 24 of 33 Resolution 99- 06 Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 11 DAY OF February. 1999. 0:: ,..... r-..: \.C N -.l N -0 en -oJ N U1 CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA SAL PAGLIARA, MAYOR ATIEST: SUSAN ARMSTRONG, C.M.C. CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: ANDREW S. MAURODIS, ESQUIRE CITY ATTORNEY Page 25 of- 3-3- res-abaS CITY OF I'ARKLAND BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF THE NORTH 3S.00 FEET OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL KNOWN AS PARCEL 2,AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 16700 AT PAGES 900 THROUGH 903 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA AND LYING IN SECTION I, TOWNSHIP 48 SOlJfH, RANGE 41 EAST, BROW ARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, BI!ING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE NORm EAST CORNER OF PARCEL "3", COUNTRY'S POINT. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119, AT PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. THENCE N8~4I'41"E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION I FOR A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON TANGENT CURVE; SAID POINT BEARING NI~4I'41"E FROM THE RADIUS POINT OF THE NEXT DESCRIBED CURVE; THENCE RUN SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF PARCEL "p". OF SAID COUNTRY.S POINT PLAT BEING A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT AND CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 740.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF Or42"39" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 35.01 TO A POINT OF NON-TANGENCY; THENCE SI~41'41"W ALONO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 35.00 FEET SOU1lf OF AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION I FOR A DISTANCE OF 10.10 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON 1'ANOENT CURVE. SAID POINT BEING ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL "3" AND BEARING SI,.IS.49"E FROM THE RADIUS POINT OF 'RiE NEXT DESCRIBED CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT AND CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 660.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0J002.23" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 3S.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS SITUATE WITHIN THE CITY OF PARKLAND, BROWARD COUNTY. FLORIDA. CONTAINING 2,801 SQUARE FEET ACRE MORE OR LESS. -, CERTIFICATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. AND MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR LAND SURVEYINCi IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA. AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61G 17-6, OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027 FLORIDA STAT1..rrES. AS APPLICABLE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. HEmE WEA.VER. AND CA. TO,INC. FL RID tilLS. NO. 3449 JO D. r..w/J>>r/ .'RO '. HAL LAND SURVEYOR DATED: JUNE 19, 1998 FLORIDA STATE REG. NO. 35S0 FILI~: SURVEy\1473SB.PUB NOTES: I.) THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION DOES NOT REPRESENT A FmLD BOUNDARY SURVEY ("THIS IS NOT) SURVEY"). 2.) ,BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON REFER TO THE PLAT OF COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO PLAT BOOK 119 PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, WHICH SAID BEARINO REFER TO BEING RELATIVE TO THE NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY TRA VERSE MERCATOR FLORIDA EAST ZONE GRID NORTH. THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL "3" HAVING A nEARING OF N89041'48"E SHEET I OF 2 SHEETS r.~ F'C....-1'I.VEi5l , ..1 ~ 1.-' I JUN 2 4 1998 : i 3Y: .E19dLfU l.ty",._; FILE NO. 9a.1473S-SS3 .~- ~ Palm Beach County 310 SOUlhCllst r-irst Slreet, Suite Four Delray Beadl. Florida 33483 (407) 243-8700 (407) 243.87n Fax (407) 732-25118 PlIlm Ilcadl (305) 979~SSO Browaref Heller-Weaver and Cato, Inco Enl!ineers ... Surveyors ... Planners T" ... . .... ~ c:;: p..~ C' Page 26 of 33 EXHIBIT A i 1M ! NORTH LINE SECTION I, TO\lNSHIP -48 SOUTH, RANGE -41 EAST en ""' N \D N -a N -0 (i) $CAlL: 1'-100' NORTHEAST CORNER or PARCEL '3. COUNTRY'S POINT (PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29) i-" ;~'~F:t"" L !.~f'.J L l ,< (PL/..T l;:UUr': 15~:i. F'I,GE ;~8) L NORTH LINE TRACT 'f" N89.41'48' ,___ ____" .. _ __,.._______t._ RADIAL ......,J N -....I . oJ,.. 'I 35' DRAINAGE EASEMENT (jof~' (PER OR.B. 16700. ~, '\ ~,,' r.': " t"uw ~' PGS. 900-903) 1_ ~s-. '. . 'Gliz cotitJT'F;;;L,~;. F;'OJ"n l:; $ . :'F'LAT f;OO"- ll,:,.,t! o:i~ I ::"'Ar'~- ~ ,~.~...' /flU" I TF"".;(.7 ' r' : , ,..t.. L .." ~&~:!!~,:~ ::-;:Y"~Tr::..."~ ;:'Q1NT ;):i~ I !o. U'L/.',T Hlf1K 11'~. ;., I ~i~ ~ PA':;[ 2'~j.1 . I ~In "'::" I ~ u ~I!I; i l:; : '1"'~i91' ~ i (al i ~ ~ I I i LEGEND R = RADIUS b. = DELTA A = ARC LENGTH O.R.B. = OFFICIAL RECORD . BOOK P.B. = PLAT BOOK PG. = PAGE SKETCH _TQ ACCO~PANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 35 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT (ABANDONMENT) A PORTION OF PARCEL '2', <O.R.B. 16700, PGS. 900-903) CITY OF PARKLAND, BROVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA SHEEr Z OF 2 SHEEl'S HWC fl\.E NO. 11-14735-554 s 310 S. E, 1st Street, Sl.ite 4 DelrQY BeQch, norlda 33483 (407) 243-8700 - Delnly inch (407) 732-2588 - PQ!n inch (3OS) 97HS50 - Ilrowllrd (407) 243-8777 - FQX Page 27 of 33 Heller - Weaver and Cato, inc. Engineers ... Surveyors ... Planners EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 99 - 07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF THE NORTH 35 FEET OF PARCEL "3", COUNTRY'S POINT, DRAINAGE EASEMENTS CREATED BY COUNTRY'S POINT PLAT; P.B. 119, PG. 29; DETERMINING THE NECESSITY THEREFORE; AND DIRECTING THAT A COPY HEREOF BE FILED WITH THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S AND COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICES IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO 02;.AB-98. co ~ N I,J) N ...... N -0 en -.J N 0:> WHEREAS, the City Commission is authorized to cause any street, waterway, alley or publi~ highway to be vacated when the same may be necessary; and WHEREAS, this City Commission has detennined that the vacation of the herein described . property as a drainage easement is necessary and in the public interest and said property is no longer needed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That this City Commission does hereby find, after a public hearing was duly held with publication required by law, said public hearing being held February 17, 1999, that all the property as described in Section 2 of this Resolution is no longer needed for public use, and the vacating/abandoning of same is necessary and in the public interest. - . SECTION 2. That the drainage easement property of approximately 754 square feet described on Exhibit A is hereby vacated and abandoned. That the drainage easement property of approximately 0.334 acreage described on Exhibit B is hereby vacated and abandoned. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk be, and is hereby authorized and directed, to place a certified copy of this Resolution of record with the County Recorder's Office and the Broward County Property Appraiser's Office and the Broward County Administrator. SECTION 4. This Resolution was adopted after a public hearing was had upon the subject matter hereof; notice of hearing was published as required by law, which public hearing was held at 7:00 p.m. on February 17, 1999, in the City Commission Room, City Hall, 6500 Parkside Drive, Parkland, Florida. Page 28 of 33 Resolution 99- 07 Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THIS 11 DAY OF February 17. 1999. CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA c:o "'" N \.0 N "-oJ N " Ci') ......,J N \.0 SAL PAGLIARA, MAYOR AITEST: SUSAN ARMSTRONG, C.M.C. CITY CLERK. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: ANDREW S. MAURODIS, ESQUIRE CITY ATIORNEY res-aba6 Page 29 of 33 /'\. .-VI'\.IIUj'IC ur 1- t'\1",-I:"L ~ ......VUI' I'''' J I VII" I \. .u~ . I 7, I \.JIa ,:.-", CITY OF PARKLAND DROWARD COUNTY. FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF THE NORTH J5.00 FEET OF PARCEL "J", COUNTRY'S POINT. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119. AT PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE NOR'IliEAST CORNER OF PARCEL "3", COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119. AT PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. SAID POINT BEARING N89041'48"E FROM THE RADIUS POINT OF THE NEXT DESCRIBED CURVE; THENCE RUN SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL "3", BEING A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT AND CONCA VE TO THE WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 660.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF OJ"02'23" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 35.02 TO A POINT OF NON-TANGENCY; THENCE SI9"4I '41"W ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 35.00 FEET SOUTH OF AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL "]" FOR A DISTANCE OF 42,71 FEET; THENCE N51"OO'33"E FOR 55.99 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS SITUATE WITHIN THE CITY OF PARKLAND, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONTAINING 754 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. CERTIFICATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY 'IliAT THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR LAND SURVEYING IN THE STATE OFFLORIDA, AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61G 17-6, OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027 FLORIDA STATUTES, AS APPLICABLE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. HE~WEAVERAND CATO,INC. FLO DA TE LB. NO. 3449 JO . V~~~ PROFE AL LAND SURVEYOR FLORJDA STATE REG. NO. 3550 DATED: JUNE 19, 1991 FILE: SURVEy\14735C.PUB NOTES: I.) THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION DOES NOT REPRESENT A FIELD BOUNDARY SURVEY ("THIS IS NOT} SURVEY"). 2.) BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON REFER TO THE PLAT OF COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO PLAT BOOK 119 PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA, WHICH SAID BEARING REFER TO BEING RELA 'fIVE TO THE NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY TRA VERSE MERCATOR FLORIDA EAST ZONE GRID NORTH. THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL "P' HAVING A DEARING OF N89041'48"E r.~ J:"~ c:: r~ ia.;VED JUN ;:; .1 1998 D". /;'{l,J.'A..,h ,_ 1:) :t .-/._1'-. o SHEET I OF 2 SHEETS FILE NO. 98-14735-SS5 ~.. .~. Palm Be:lch County 310 Southeast First SIred. Suite Four Delray Beach, Florida 33483 (407) 24J-87oo (407) 24J-8m Fax (407) 732-2588 Palm Oeach (30S) 979~SSO Bro\Vard Heller-Weaver and Cato, Inc. En{!ineers ... Survevors ... Planners ,... ~ r. , . Page :W of 33 EXHIB,IT A 7$4~ sa. n. ACRE __~~_T_~_~l~.~,~~:~~_~~~~J___~ ________!_____L~~~~ ~ftJE ---~~~~~~~~::]!r ---- ---- ---;-;~ (PER ~~~ ~~~K 119. I'~ ~. ~ ~a:~ ~<.S~ ft"::;\L T "~.<< 'r"'.'",-,',.,,',:- '.~-i., ,_00_" l::~ ,_" -:..- Q ,:: COUNTVf'S: POINT C.OUNTF'I"~, F'OlNT o:ml:1c>. (f-'Li\T [;OOt< 119. -F'LAT :::!J01"., 11';". ~t\J~!-- ?/.l:E 2';) F'~!~;E i: /,r )...~...... ~ ~:11t ~ , ..1.."B ,..; eiD~ , ftl"", gn 4:1", ~t'~ ~ flln( g . ~ ~ ~o:, a; t 1M ~ SCIlLt: 1'. 1 00' G' ....!,. LI. N" T"( . _.! t:r., \ . _.'-"!l 'l..~ ;,.' _ '.!-U~ T 1:;00.- 1'5 ~:, r'~~tjE 2[,;) NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL '3' COUNTRY'S POINT (PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29) cf Ji l. e !t - ...J ... '" jj b ~ LEGEND R = RADIUS ~ = DELTA A = ARC LENGTH O.R.B. = OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK P.B. = PLAT BOOK PG. = PAGE SK~TQti-IO AC~~Y ~EGAL DESCR~PTI~~ 3S FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT (ABANDONMENT) A PORTION OF PARCEL '3'~ COUNTRY'S POINT (PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29) CITY OF PARKLAND, BRO\JARD COUNTY, FLORIDA 'SHEfT Z OF Z SHEDS s HWC fiLE NO, ta-'47~-SS' 3\0 So r. \st Street. SUte 4 Delroy Beach. noridG 33483 (40n 243-B700 - Dtlray Beoch (407) 732-2588 - Pa'" BeGch (305) 979-~ - Brorml (401) 243-8177 - r ax Heller - Weaver and Cato, inc. Engineers ... Surveyors ... Planners - ~ !" . , t- ., , ", .:.::: ;.;"~:'. ;.. Page 31 of 33 EXHIBIT A CITY OF PARKLAND BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF THE NORTH 35.00 FEET OF PARCEL "3", COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOf RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119. AT PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY. FLORIDA. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL "3". COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO llIE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119, AT PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, THENCE S51"OO')3"W FOR 55.99 FEET: THENCE S89041.48"W ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 35.00 FEET SOUTH OF AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO llIE NORTIi LfNE OF SAID PARCEL "3" FOR A DISTANCE OF 394.63 FEET; THENCE N3so59.27"W ALONG llIE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF HILLSBORO BOULEVARD AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 16700 AT PApES 826 THROUGH 186 FOR A DISTANCE OF 16.02 FEET; THENCEN5Iooo'33"E FOR 35.99 FEET; THENCE NI904I'4l1"E ALONG llIE NORllf LINE OF SAID PARCEL "3" FOR A DISTANCE OF 420.26 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS SITUATE WITHIN llIE CITY OF PARKLAND. BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONTAINING 0.334 ACRE MORE OR LESS. CERTIFICATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND MEETS TIiE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR LAND SURVEYING IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61G 17-6, OF THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027 FLORIDA STA TllfES, AS APPLICABLE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. DATED: JUNE. 19. 1998 . FILE: SURVEy\14735D.PUB NOTES: I.) THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION DOES NOT REPRESENT A FIELD BOUNDARY SURVEY ("THIS IS NOT SURVEY"). 2.) BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON REFER TO THE PLAT Of COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO PLAT BOOK 119 PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH, COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHICH SAID BEARING REFER TO BEING RELATIVE TO llIE NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY TRAVERSE MERCATOR FLORIDA EAST ZONE GRID NORTH. THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL "F" HAVING A BEARING OF N89041'4S"E f17F.{:-~T:::-I-\7EJ I ~..~..-' I JUN ~ 4 1998 [!2l:.:.l'jl;;.~:Yi~.__ SHEET I OF 2 SHEETS fILE NO. 98-14735-SS7 .~. Palm Beach County 310 Southeast First Street, Suite Four Delray Beach, Florida 33483 (407) 243-8700 (407) 243-8777 Fa.~ (407) 732-2588 Palm Beach (305) 979-0550 Broward HeIler- Weaver and Cato, Inc. Eneineers ... Survevors ... Planners CD ~ N \0 N -J N " (i") - -.J W N Page 32 of. 33 EXHIBIT B t ~ ~ SCIoLE: I '.UIO' NORTHEAST CORNER or PARCEL '3' COUNTRY'S POINT <PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29> POINT or BEGINNING F' ?F'r' U.,I'j[i I"/ ,:r-'LA T BOOK 1:::3, P'::'CE 28: NORTH LINE ----~~~~~-~:.~--. 0.33'U: ACRE ~~~: .........'V 394.63', .,' :1-----ml-m-- 35' DRAINAGE CASEMENT ,. / J ~. '- I !..;. ,J ' (PER PLAT BOOK 119, " ~~~ I :::.== PAGE 29),. " I ~1ISl:1 i ~~. ~~ -'- ;:;, '\ ' " I f&YlC I O,:tj " ,.~, P~K~L ..::~ (J Cl; ". ; ;Y_";;Zi.-d '\ iJUI.lNJ'-:;Y'S PUINT ).~t::!!! --- ~(\.,\. "F)::.:;~'_F;09~' 11'-:1. 1'~:!:WVi'I" ;'~~I-~ ./\ I-'~tl'[ c'.;) , Cl; "'-z<:rr.l.. \I~ ," ,- . ' ' . ~ -: .., ...J ~~' ~ I ,~t;c., ~' l:J":. -'(> , i:J $ .o:G~ u ~^ M I ~ltrS; I v~ a.: I..J ~'4 , ~~ "\ Is I 113~;f~ f l.. '- w I tJ!~~ i :. ~~~'t f e~/ ! r.o~~~~ I' i ~ ~ oCP..."B I Cot ~~~J. , I ~ -t ~ ~~)' '" ~~~J,,~ N! . "b-~I) '~J. I 19~G: <4.,. I ~ -~. \9Gj '-, N89041'4S'E 420.26' LEGEND R = RADIUS A = DELTA A = ARC LENGTH O.R.B. = OfF'lCIAL RECORD BOOK P.B. = PLAT BOOK PG. = PAGE SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 35 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT (ABANDONMENT) A PORTION OF PARCEL '3', COUNTRY'S POINT (PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29) CITY OF PARKLAND, BRO\lARD COUNTY, FLORIDA SHEET 2 OF Z SHUTS HWC f1l.E NO, 118-14735-SS8 ~ 310 S. [. 1st' Street. Suite 4 DelrQ y BeQch. Rorid4 33483 (407) 243-8700 - DelrQY BeQch (407) 7)2-2588 - PQII'I BeQch (305) 979-0550 - BrOl'Clrd (407) 243-8777 - r QX Heller - Weaver and Cato, inc. Ene:ineers ,.. Surveyors ,.. Planners ll;I; ~ '-C N -....I N -0 en --oJ c..J c..J Page 33 of 33 EXHIBIT B UTILITY EASEMENT(S) CITY OF PARKLAND RESOLUTION # 99-04 '-'" 7'i .. c;: - r. + EXHIBIT E RESOLUTION NO. 99 - 04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF THE EAST 12 FEET OF PARCEL "3" AND THE WEST 12 FEET OF TRACT"P , COUNTRY'S POINT, UTILITY EASEMENTS CREATED BY COUNTRY'S POINT PLAT; P.B. 11 Q, PG. 29; ADJACENT TO THE CANAL RIGHT-OF-WAY; DETERMINING THE NECESSITY THEREFORE; AND DIRECTING THAT A COPY HEREOF BE FILED WITH THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S AND COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICES IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO 01-EAB-98. CD X N u:l N -.I N ""'t: C": ( . L WHEREAS, the City Commission is authorized to cause any street, waterway, alley or public highway to be vacated when the same may be necessary; and WHEREAS, this City Commission has detennined that the vacation of the herein described property as a utility easement is necessary and in the public inter~st and said property is no longer needed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That this City Commission does hereby find, after a public hearing was duly held with publication required by law, said public hearing being held February 17, 1999, that all the property as described in Section 2 of this Resolution is no longer needed for public use, and the vacating/abandoning of same is necessary and in the public interest. SECTION 2. That the utility easement property of approximately 5,751 square feet, described on Exhibit A is hereby vacated and abandoned. That the utility easement property of approximately 58 square feet, described on Exhibit B is hereby vacated and abandoned. That the utility easement property of approximately 6,778 square feet, described on Exhibit C is hereby vacated and abandoned. Exhibit E Page 1 of 8 Resolution 99 - 04 Page 2 SECTION 3. That the City Clerk be, and is hereby authorized and directed, to place a certified copy of this Resolution of record with the County Recorder's Office and the Broward County Property Appraiser's Office and the Broward County Administrator. SECTION 4. This Resolution was adopted after a public hearing was had upon the subject matter hereof; n6tice of hearing was published as required by law, which public hearing was held at 7:00 p.m. on Febroary 17, 1999, in the City Commission Room, City Hall, 6500 Parkside Drive, Parkland, Florida. CD 7'Ii: N \..C N -....l N ""tl G') ~ 0'" PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS.JL DAY OF February. 1999. CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA SAL PAGLIARA, MAYOR ArrEST: SUSAN ARMSTRONG, C.M.C. CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: ANDREW S. MAURODIS, ESQUIRE CITY A ITORNEY res-aba 1 Page 2 of 8 12 UTILITY EASEMENT (ABANDONMENT) A PORTION OF PARCEL 01301 COUNTRY'S POINT (P.B. 119, !'G. 29) CITY OF PARKLAND BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA EGAL DESCRIPTION: PORTION OF THI! EAST 12 FEET Of PARCEL "'JOI, COUNTRY'S POINT. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED I PLAT BOOK 119, AT PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. BEING MORE \RTlCULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOl.LOWS: EGIN Kf THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL "3", COUNTRY'S POiNT, ACCORDING 1'0 THE PLAT THEREOF ECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119, AT PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORJDA. SAID POOO EARlNG N89"'<41"41"E FROM THE RADIUS POINI' OF THE NEXT DESCRJBED CURVE; THENCE SOUTliERLY ALONG A IRCULAR CURVE 1'0 THE RIGHT ANQ CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 660.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL HOLE OF I 1~'16" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 13l..S6 FEET TO A POINT OFTANOENCY; THENCE SI 1-07'04"W FOR 11<4.60 EET 1'0 A POINI' OF CURVA TUlE; THENCE SOUI'HERL Y ALONO A ORCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT AND CONCAVE TO HE EAST HAVINO A RADIUS OF 7<40.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANOLE OF lr04'16" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 155.90 EETTOA POINTOFTANOENCY; THENCE soo-srlrE FOR 17.12 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON.TANGENTCURVE;SAID AST FOUR (<4) COURSES BElNO ON THE EAST UNE OF SAID PARCEL "')..: SAID POINT BEARING 5<43-11 '29"'W FROM THE ADIUS POINT OF THE NEXT DESCRIBED CUR VB; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH RIOHT OF WAY LINE 'F HILLSBORO BOULEVARD AS DESCRIBED IN OFFIOAL RECORDS BOOK 16700 PAOES 826 THROUOH 186 BEINO A IRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT AND CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING RADIUS OF 1213.24 FEET AND A ENTRAL AHOLE OF 00-<47'''2'' FOit AN ARC DISTANCE OF 16.1<4 PEET TO A POINT OF NON.TANGENCY; THI!NCE '00"'57.12"W FOR 6.01 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE IGHT AND' CONCAVE TO mE ~ST HA VINO A RADIUS OF 752.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLf:; OF 12"04'16" FOR AN ,RC DISTANCE OF 151.<43 FEET TO A POINT OF TANOENCY; THENCE NI 1-o7.04"E FOR 1....60 FEET TO A POINT OF 'URVATURE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG A CIRCULAR CURVE TO LEFT AND CONCA VI! TO TI,m WEST I-lAVING A ADIUS OF 6041.00 FEET AND A CEN"I'RAL ANGU~ OF 10"33.59" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 119.50 FEm' TO A POINT OF ION-TANGENCY; THENCE NSI"OO'33"E FOR 15...7 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. AID LANDS SITUATE WITHIN THE CITY OF PARKLAND. BROWARD COUNTY, fLORIDA. :ONTAINING 5,75 I SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. ;ERTIFlCATE: HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS TRUE AND CORRECT 1'0 THE BEST OF MY :NOWLEOOE AND BELIEF, AND MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR LAND SURVEYING IN THE STATE )F FLORIDA, AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61GI7-6, OF THE 'l.ORJDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECI'ION 472.027 FLORIDA STATl1rES, AS APPLICABLE FOR I..EGAL )ESCPIPTIONS. fE~R- 'Ti rND CATO, INC. o . Yi/l4w-{ 'RO AL LAND SURVEYOR DATED: FEBRUARY. 20, 1998 ~LORIDA STATE REG. NO. 3550 FILE: SURVEV\I4699A.PUB ~OTES: .) TI.IIS SKETCH AND LEGAl. Dr:SCRII'TION DOI:S NOT RI:PRI!SI:NT A FmLO BOUNDARY SURV~Y (WilliS IS NOT A SURVEY"). ..) BEARINGS SliOWN HEREON REFER TO THE PLAT OF COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO PLAT BOOK 119 PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, WHICH SAID BEARING REFER TO OmNG . RELATIVE 1'0 THE NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY TRA VERSE MERCATOR FLORIDA EAST ZONE GRID NORTH. THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT "f'" HAVING A BEARING OF N89"<41 '<4S"E SHEET I OF 2 SHEETS RECEIVE FILE NO. 98-14699-553 .~. BY: Palm Bench Couniy 310 Southeast First Street, Suite Four Delray Beach, F'lorida 33483 (407) 243-11700 (407) 243.am 1:11.'1 (407) 732-2511 Palm IIcac:h (30S) 979.o5S0 nroward Heller-Weaver and Cato, Inc_ C""''''';_''''''''f''II C'.,...'o,,',,~ Dl",,,,,.,~..(' .~ . co ~ N \.C N -.J N -0 C") -.J W -.J .j:...... . N. .'. ,....' EXHIBI.1f A Page 3 of 8 I 00 1 NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 3, COUNTRY'S POINT (PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29) C 35' DRAINAGE EASEMENT (PER OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 16700, PAGES 900-903) N89041'48'E I ._. .. -.....-.......-..-..-....,... . .... -......--. ........ -., _._----_._-- ...--. //1 I. - [-35-' -- ,.. -~. -~ ~~.g~~~h/- .-} - -; ~ - i.: - - - :'" ~. ii~g?;:~'-- A = 119.50' ,CJoi,~ I" A = 131.56' ....c.j... I" J ~aiO I;' DRAINAGE EASEMENT I e t.J I, 35' DRAINAGE EASEMENT (PER PLAT BOOK 119f J Q:-:'gc;! / (PER ~~~~ ~~~K 119, PAGE 29) I- f ~C\Jq:~:;, ...... ~", 41>-\1>:' ~:c &0'1 0' >-ul-.... I : 1"l1f,~C.LL ~~: a.:::i c ~~l~ :': t& C .-] J I 'r c y ,,,' 0 ,.." r . ')' "'u Q)' \D' c~' q: q: ,L.l '..J p;' ..~ I LJ.:. \J ~>.q:""'''': e-:~~ :: Q:'C1. " f,; I ..::' 1- G ['ll'W ~, 'l OQ:'C1. / Q) ,~.... :. 1-0'1' ~ . ...1' ....., ..,' ,- . ..' , I- 41, .... 1-11) c.,~ ,. k.c;. r:') ~'ol-;t'::- ;)0': f,u~0'I' .' .:z: ^'^'....: : ....::::::: r" I . .,- ... ....,/. ~::;j.... Q' u~.~\O,. ..., ~ ....0.... " ,;) ....octt:f\D: I W ~ - ...Ju~S' · Q:'o (.Jct:l,.' ' ~Cc., /- C'? 0 :..1 J ...J ~.~Q:' J, Ii::; Ii >- c., 0...., ;... oq:,_'" OJ. . Q:' q:...J~ ~, Q ~iSl-...JQ)': /-/- /- t.J tJ /- /:.. c!~CJCJc., I..' ,'1 ~ ~ 12' UTILITY Q:' q: , .... ...,C....t.J >J- - i5 EASEMENT (PER ~~ ~ '" cf:klf::u I I :) e: u PLAT BOOK 119, \,oi r ct:lQ:'Q:'e~:: PAGE 29.)~, --11 I : ,- 12' UTILITY EASEMENT ~ I ;' (PER PLAT BOOK 119, R = 752.00' I " i PAGE 29) . 6 = 12.04'16' : I : 58 3' r .. A = 1 .4 , ~<:> . I !F"I i 9.01" I ~;( I ; N00057'12"w ,~..~ . . I /pj I ~;n I ~,:.':'.v ~ I ~yo"'" . ~',,~ 'S 15.4 7' N51000'33'E SCAlE: l' - 80' I [NORTH LINE TRACT 'F' _.._....f_..___ .___.__..._......__.___. r h\\C r 'T'''' C. :~II..I N T k Y , S i.:; Cl IN T ~~'L,:~r ,PU(J~~ :.].~, t ~ tOt (~: ~~ :~.~: ~.::1 > R = 1213.24' 6 = 00047'42' A = 16.84' ~ ,~ . Cfl;", <d'~ ! '9<~ ". ~~ I 1782' Q,.t',('o,o~<J",~" ~ ~ SO'ooS7'12'E ...('~ 0$';;''''>'''' ~o~ .. .0'9. ~ -e .00,('0 "'" ('f., <J~o$' ~(,~I't~/."... '1~~ >, 19~6: ~J' '9<ilba ""'. <:) '-.." ~ .b<2Ip~~ rpo '.... 10 \9($'J ~.f- A,~.b<2 ',.( 1'($'>.'YI' ~ '/1'1. a ~~~' ~ '9fl ~ LEGEND R = RADIUS 6 = DELTA A = ARC LENGTH SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 12 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT (ABANDONMENT> A PORTION OF PARCEL 3, COUNTRY'S POINT (PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29) CITY OF PARKLAND, BRO'WARD COUNTY, F'LORIDA SHED' 2 OF 2 SHEETS ~ Heller - Weaver and Cato, inc. ~n"inoor(l ~" ""''''''''''(1 01~"nnl"'<" HWC FU: NO. 98-1411"-554 310 S. E. 1st Strrrt, Suite 4 llWu y Ileuch, rtorldA 33483 (407) 243-8700 - Iwlny Bellch (407) 73NS88 - P,1n Bellch (305) 979-0550 - Bronrd ,.n,\ .,.., n.,,,,,, ra.. co 7'C N \0 N -' N ." G") -.J (.,J (Xl . ~~. . . , " t EXHIBIT.A Page 4 of a 12 UTILITY EASEMENT (ABANDONMENT) A PORTION OF' PARCEL "3" COUNTRY'S POINT (P.II. 119, PC. 29) CITY OF' PARKLAND BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA I..ECAL DESCRIPTION: , PORTION OF THE EAST 12 Ff::ET OF PARCEL "']". COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDINO TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED N PLAT BOOK 119. AT PAOE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEINO MORE 'ARTICULARLY DESCRIBE!) AS FOI.LOWS: lEOIN AT THE NORTIIEAST CORNER OF PARCEL "]", COUNTRY'S POINT. ACCORDINO TO THE PLAT THEREOF tECORDED !'l PLAT BOOK 119, AT PAOE 29 OF THE PUBUC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY. FLORIDA. THENCE tSl-OO'JJ"W fOR IS.47 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANaENT CURVE; SAID POINT BEARINO S89"26'SS"E FROM THE tADIUS POINT Of THE NEXT DESCRlBSD CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY A'.DNa A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEfT AND X>NCAVE TO THE WEST HAVINa 1. RADIUS OF 641.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANOLE OF OO-SI"IT FOR AN ARC )fSTANCE OF 9.67 FEET TO A POINT OF NON-TANOENCY; THENCE NW41"48"E ALONa THE NORTH LINE OF SAID 'ARCEL "J" FOR 12.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEOINNINO. ;AID LANDS SITUATE WITHIN TIiE CITY OF PARKLAND, BROWARD COUNTY. FLORIDA. :ONTAININO S8 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. :ERTIFlCA TE: HEREBY CERTIFY TIiAT THIS SKETCH AND LEOAL DESCRIPTION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY ~NOWLEDOE AND DELlEF, AND MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARD!'l FOR LAND SURVEYINO IN THE STATE )F FLORIDA. AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CI-!APTER 61017-6. OF THE ILQRIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027 FLORIDA STA1UI'ES, AS APPLICABLE FOR LEOAL )ESCRIPTlONS. ~~TO'INC '~ALLANDSURVEYOR DATED: FEBRUARY, 20, 1998 :LORlDA STATE REO. NO. 3SS0 FILE: SURVEy\14699B.PUB ",OTES: .) THIS SKETCH AND LEOAL DESCRIPTION DOES NOT REPRESENT A FIELD BOUNDARY SURVEY (-niIS IS NOT A SURVEYj. :.) BEARINOS SHOWN HEREON REFER TO THE PLAT OF COUNTRrs POINT, ACCORDINO TO PLAT BOOK 119 PAOE 29 OF THE PUBUC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHICH SAID BEARlNO REFER TO BEINO RELATIVE TO THE NATIONAL OEODETIC SURVEY TRAVERSE MERCATOR FLORIDA EAST ZONE ORID NORTH. TIiE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL 3 HA VINO A BEARINO OF N89"4 I '48"E SHEET I OF 2 SHEETS FILE NO. 98. I 4699-SSS Palm Beach County 3 I 0 Soulhea~t First Street, Suite Four Delroy Beach. Florida 33483 (407) 243-8700 (4U71243.K7n FWI (4071 732.2S88 I'alm nC"oIdl (JUS I q7')-OS~O IIrtlword ~. Heller-Weaver and Cato, Inc. 1:'M,..:...."'^_... C".._."..__,.. nt",__"..,.. ~ ~ N \.0 N -.J N -0 (;") c..: u: " ,., EXHIBIT B Page5of,8 t fHI I NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 3, COUNTRY'S POINT (PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29) POINT OF BEGINNING 12.00' N89'41'48'E 35' DRAINAGE EASEMENT (PER OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 16700, PAGES 900-903) seAL!: " . eo' NORTH LINE PARCEL 3 COUNTRY'S POINT ~ (PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29) j -~ArrrAL-lfr-A~RU'Sy~.26'SS"E ~/ If - [- oR ~ 6;-8;0~ - - -;yr - t r - - -f T ;- '[~~: '~;~I~~~; ~~;E~E~T- l::. = 00'Sl'17' i I ...J,.., ! (PER PLAT BOOK 119 A = 9.67'. ! I ~~~ PAGE 29) , .' ;' I i:4~ IS.47' 3S' DRA!NAGE EASEMENT i I !..:Ita~ SSI.00'33'\I (PER PLAT BOOK 119, ;, oCO~ PAGE 29) I : a:"Q)t.:Jo' .' " ,~ ,:: Ifru <~ :; !-- fC ~ t\J I: w).,\Q ': V 1 /! !~iif1// 3,..,1 <,.., . ,k....~ " ~t1\' 0..<:.., .': Cho.... .1: k.Q f... ~~ i: '!'Cf""'''"' :' OQ" ::: of... .' " ;r a:"~~ :! 1.01,,", ~ ,., ~ ... ~~WO\Q ," <:...., !Z~O ': ~go..uco '! ....;.. 0 ....).,0 I: Ita w, :. ...J~~ ...J~~ ,"...J ~\Q :: ,..,~,.., ,..,,..,,.., :.: 1"?"'-...Jf}j I i ,,",.:::I < ""'~< " " <~~<rC ".' ~8...J ~CJ~ !: <.JoCJ~t:J IX ; e; \j<.Jv . I . CJ...Jl::t.:J : ,-..........; " ,'f5Jitio!:: ' . : 1)1 '-"0.: l " . I I 12' UTILITY i ' " .' EASEMENT (PER i : :' ! PLAT BOOK 119,,' I : PAGE 29'> I L I i -: I' -/ 1- 12' UTILITY EASEMENT : I I (PER PLAT BOOK 119, : I ; _ PAGE 29) j I I I I l I N89'41'48'E ;-';\I~C[L ,~ COUNTRY'S POINT (!:)I A" T EO[l" l1q III r._ : ~ .. . K. ," ,I "",.\ f-O[ ."11..... - H...l . .:. :~ 1 T i~~ t', C~: T A F' 11 '" .1,.Ir'.J-'F:'!'~: FJft<T I. !,,;. t~ l: i] LJ..~ 11:; . :""':"', Ci[" . ~:.:.:\.:) "; ,)" ro~ .. "../ t:e " L ~ "'" '0 ~~'\ ,< 0,0(' ,()~G,. " "'..... ,0(' ".p'~ ". 'O"~ . .t(l~ "'4"')- ."-.,.. ~<> ; ,()'1~ .p~,()-9. 0,0(' "'" .&><) ~'" (l0-f>.'-P)-)-~ ""." ~~ c9~6',~'" '1~-<9a '....... ~ i9&-<9Oa~~~O "-,. ~.b ~ rt- +~1- <9a . "'. -'6'.> '/' ~ "", 00 ~f" '~ . '1.po Il;:'" L..EWUl R = RADIUS ~ = DELTA A = ARC LENGTH '-, SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 12 rOOT UTILITY EASEMENT (ABANDONMENT) A PORTION Or PARCEL 3, COUNTRY'S POINT (PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29) CITY OF PARKLAND, BROVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA SHEET 2 Of 2 SHEETS HWC RI.E NO. 08-1461111-$56 s 310 S. [, 1st Street, Slite . Detro. y Beilch, RorIdl 33.83 <.on 2.3-8700 - Delray Beilch <.on 732-2588 - Poln Beilch elO5> 979-9550 - Broro.rd Heller - Weaver and Cato, inc. -"\ G"" - -1= C I. .,:~L~'.~ . ';:if,:;:';f EXHIBIT B' Page 6 of 8 12 UTILITY EASEMENT (ABANDONMENT) A PORTION OF TRAcr "..... COUNTRY'S POINT (P.n. 119, PC'. 29) CITY OF PARKLAND BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF THE WEST 12 FEET OF TRAcr "F'", COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO nlE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119, AT PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: . BEGIN AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TRAcr "..... . COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119, AT PAGE 29 OF THE PUBUC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY. FLORIDA. SAID POINT BEARING NI9"'41'41"E FROM TriE RADIUS POINT OF THE NEXT DESCRIBED CURVE; THENCE SOl1l'HERLY ALONO A :IRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT AND CONCAVE TO nIB WEST HA VINO A RADIUS OF 740.00 FEeT AND A CENTRAL AlolOLE OF 11~5'16" FOR AN ARC DIsTANCE OF 147.51 FEET TO A POINTOFTANOENCY; THENCESIle07'04"WFOR 114.60 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE SOlmiERL Y ALONO A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEfT AND CONCA VB TO ' THE EAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 660.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANaLE OF IreM.l6" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 139.05 FEET TO A POI..rr OF TANGENCY; THENCE SOO-51'12' FOR 11.19 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE; SAID LAST FOUR (4) COURSES BEING ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRAcr "F"; SAID POINT BEARING S3rol.ll"W FROM !l'HE RADIUS POINT OF THE NEXT DESCRIBED CURVE; THENCE SOl1l'HEASTERL Y ALONG THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OFHILLSDORO BOULEVARD AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 16700 PAGES 126 THROUGIi 116 BEING A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEfT AND CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAS:I' HA VINO RADIUS OF 1213.24 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00-43'35" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15.31 FEET TO A POINT OF NON-TANOENCY; THENCE NOO-srI2"W FOR '>1.52 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONO A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT IoND :ONCA VE To THE EAST HA VING A RADIUS OF 641.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12-04' 16" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 136.52 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NII007'04"E FOR 114.60 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT AND CONCAVE TO THE Wr:sT HAVING A RADIUS OF 752.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANOLE OF 1I~5'16" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 149.90 FEET TO A POINT OF NON r ANGENCY; THENCE SI9"4 I '41"W ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF SAID TRAcr"f'" fOR A DISTANCE OF 12.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS SITUATE WITHIN THE CITY OF PARKLAND, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONTAINING 6,nl SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. CERTIFICATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS TRUE AND CORREcr TO THE BEST OF MY IOIOWLEOOE AND BEUEF, AND MEETS nIB MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR LAND SURVEYING IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA. AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61017-6. OF THE FLOR'DA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027 FLORIDA STATlII'ES. AS APPLICABLE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. DATED: FEBRUARY. 20. 1991 FILE: SURVEV\14699.1'UB NOTES: I.) THIS SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION DOES NOT REPRESENT A FIELD BOUNDARY SURVEY ("THIS IS NOT A SURVEY.). 2.} BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON REFER TO THE PLAT OF COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO PLAT BOOK 119 PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. Fl.ORIDA, WHICli SAID BEARING REFER TO BEINO RELATIVE TO THE NATIONAL OEODETlC SURVEY TRA VERSE MERCATOR FLORIDA EAST ZONE GRID NORTH. THE NORTH LINE OF TRAcr"f'" HA VINO A BEARING OF N8go41.41"E SHEET 1 on SHEETS FILE NO. 98-14699-SSI ~ .~- , APR 0 3 1998 BY;~ Palm Beach County 3 10 Soulheasl first SIred. Suite four -. Delroy Reach, florida 33483 (407) 243-8700 (4117) 243-8m fux (407) 732-25111 J'alm 14c:ac:h (lUS) 979~S50 Ilrowunl Heller-Weaver and Cato, Inc. C"I"':":~,"""'1"'t'" ~"~.:""lo".f"'"\-~ Dl"",",,sP<<" o::l ~ .... '" \!: ~ - ~ ""'t C': . ...,~ ,,:,,~.;"'. ",." ," ", t~:~;.:~:~..' ';::;'<:) .. EXHIBIT C Page 7 of 8 I IiiII I POINT Of BEGINNING NORTH~EST CORNER Of TRACT 'P COUNTRY'S POINT (PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29) 35' DRAINAGE EASEMENT (PER OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 16700, PAGES 900-903) . :iCAl.E: " - 80' TRACT 'f" J N89'41'48'E " - Ai I - [- - ~: ~~~~;~ 7~ ~ I - r - 1- L :S'--D~'IN:~ ~~;.:; A - 14751' ! I ...J ,... " (PER PLAT BOOK 119, -. i I oq'N~ P GE 29) . , , u-'w I A 35' DRAINAGE ,EASEMENT : : t;~GJ ' (PER PLAT BOOK 119, ! I CJ I",j ~R = 752.00' PAGE 29) ,,;.: tJei'1No' 6 = 11'25'16' p)' 0\ I 't.i(\l<o J A = 149.90' (\I,Ia." J.. :' lu>-\D v , ' " cJ l.U . I >-t:JI-- J. !<-:c <.1 l:) .' I ~-r~~ ,0 Q: Clt i ......a. "0 ,~ ,... lu 'ct a.. ., Cl... ''''' ,. ,.. a. ,... /,' c.. ~~;;q , .......... ~O\' . 'O\D~ ..,.,~ ~ ~ klS- ! I , (\J",,,, Q:/ ,. ~ I- Oa: - : '''''I/').q - 'lu ~...' ~ ' :::r tJe~" ," ("" ..... ". !i~g : 1 ;;~JfBi ~,p of::: :J&~ / I Ji~}f, ~ IS !.J",Ef ,...,..;,... " l:t lu \D p,:.., ~>-o "'~< 'I' :;:~I-...Jf}j",=;: ...J",~ oq'O...J ; <-<< 0''''' ,... 1-,... 12' UTILITY t.iua. : lug151:::!"':"" "'~< EASEMENT ~! I c/::](;jt::f5;;; I ~O..J (PER PLAT : V:o;)Q:Q:e~ 1 u~ BOCK 119, , I T PAGE 29.) --......... " I I "--: I 1--12' UTILITY EASEMENT R= 660.00' : r I (PER PLAT BOOK 119, A = 12'04'16" ~. PAGE 29) A = 139.05' : " I R = 648.00' I . ' :> I::. = 12'04'16' ~: I ~ A = 136.52' Ie) , ", ~< ~< I ~ l~~ /ftC:> ~"'" r.. c,.. CD ~~. ^ ~I'"... ,~^ III CD (J\ Z ~...) v;C' ..o-^ y~\. V..6 · . ~ ~ ~..~ ~e', .~ ,g~ ~!b"" . ~~< >1'4+/", .&l~" (I) /~~r:s ..o~ ~ ..00,(", ~ . ~ ",'5 ~('J' ?'(\;~/')-~" ('oJ,... c9~ ~Q ~ <J'. '-. '1..p ~..;' ~~~1<>~;:-." ~ ....cSl V^..~ v ' R = 1213.24' ~ v;f- 1-('+~~ .... -I::. = 00.43'35' ./~> 'I' ~~ " A = 15.38' 00 ~ '~" . -7~Q "" " ,., . RC'-' ,- ;"'r, t.L j ro' 'N~RY'; -. r-.llr"IT _ h_ !.... i . '\, '\ .. :..1 I'~ 'F"I ".," f"'U"O'" l'lg ~. ~,... . :'I. ..., - I\(-E ?r.:n I-'hJ I..,' T' R "'1" ". F- II' , ~: I-il_ C[JUt"4 "'-I~Y"S t:'OINT (PLA T BOOK 119, "'" r r: -.(' '\ ~ r-' l.J L~ C. ....4", ~EGEND R = RADIUS A = DELTA A = ARC LENGTH SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 12 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT (ABANDONMENT) A PORTION OF" TRACT IF"I, COUNTRY'S PCINT (PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29) CITY OF" PARKLAND, BROVARD COUNTY, ,F"LORIDA SHEET 2 Of 2 StUB HWC n.E Ha. lIlI-t4tU-SS2 s 310 So (. 1st Street. Slite 4 lleIrGy BeClch, rtortdCl 33483 (407) 243-8700 - lIetroy 8eClch (407) 732-2SlI8 - PI'" 8eClch (1fl'\) Q1Q-ll'i'ill .. h.nrd Hp.llp'f - Wp.HVp.r Hnrl Cato. inc. CXl " N \0 N -..J N -0 G') -.l +" N . ,:. ".~", ,', ~~::. :." '."t~;...:~..~. . '::. . '.::'~ . ~,r,. '. .:,~,":.'.J ... EXHIBIT C Pa~e 8 of 8 ROADWAY EASEMENTS . CD ~ N \D N -oJ N -0 G") - -J +- eN EXHIBIT F BK 2 9 2 7 2 PG I 7 4 4 ~ I - .::,:' - r'.:'''''l"'-~~:--: .::".::,.~:",,,. · -J~;~ ~a'l:-:<t{;l-- '>W~-'~1'''-' j ., 1--':";-- ;-- .1 '-'f ----i"".. ';. .-+.-. .i ;! ' .~. -'-+- +-,-+---+_.. u. ..;t oW 4-l 1- 0 .Q .... 1- .J::. OJ >< 00 t1l ,UJ 0.. I J -'...-j ....'T-. ......T'... -, ,"' ~:. - I! , I ! ... .i, .. ;:--r -, !, r-' . ~i:-'.f'r ':,- -~ -- -j _._-;--t- :.' I!, t '..: t1. , i--;-=i"-,~r-t~J=k~ [Tr -~, . - ... -. "'. I '. I ; .L. --1-.-+ _ -i- : ~ ---)-:--7,--,; . I, . =;~ .; !.. .... 'TT t- ~--~_. Ii .,. .. ~:, n' ___l_ I ; --1 '. ...... . 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".' ~ NOli" .........,. ~~.:=-...-:..: "_~--."':3.:10 ........c. ~----- COUll'." POINT - '.ACT Il ...- .. I '-1 ........r--- I I 01 j I i L._...L._j___ .1. ._-~. --- .j---""': ! J -! H t ,,~~ _ -j ~'::C-~l~~j--:_ , i -- .. ~"l'.' . t. '. .~:_..-I .. +,' _.0 , I ._..-..__.. i ! .n.i._- I, '0, ~_+_ i.. ._.~_ , , - u__ . , ,. i _.;:.~:~:~ --_.f. .....1..,_" 'T:~:-~--~"':'- .':: t. .. I I " 1-" I ol II I :1 ,! I \ i- ..~T.~ .. i 'I. t: ;:, I t ; ~; ,-,. ~.~ z.,,: . ,:,F' '12. It ";:.,' 'j '-T" .+.. -i"-'~-" L ~ L I ~d Z L Z 6 G l8 ,;,. '" I>> OQ 11l ~ o H'l ~ DISMISSAL OF PETITION - " .. - .... . ~ EXHIBIT G 106405.1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 98-018973-08 ORIOLE HOMES CORP., a Florida corporation; and CGT PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation, Petitioners. v. CD X N \D N -J N -0 en CITY OF PARKLAND, Respondent. I -.I .::- u: STIPULATION FOR AMENDMENT AND lJOR ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE STIPULATION Petitioners, Oriole Homes Corp. and COT Properties, Inc., ~d Respondent, City ofParkJand, pursuant to Rule 1.420(a) of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, stipulate as follows: 1. The Petition for Writ of Common Law Certiorari to City of Parkland shall be amended to substitute for all purposes in place of Petitioner, COT Properties, Inc., "Parcland Associates, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership, through its general partner, Harcland, LLC, a Florida limited liability company." 2. This Petition for Writ of Common Law Certiorari to City of Parkland is dismissed with prejudice, each party to bear its own costs and attorneys' fees. ANDREW S. MAURODIS 150 NE. 2nd Avenue Oeerfield Beach, FL 33441 954-480-4265 PHONE 954-480-4490 FAX Attorney for City of Parkland OUNSTER, YOAKLEY, V ALDES-F AULI &. STEWART, P.A. Suite 500, East Tower, 777 S. Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-655-1980 PHONE 561-655-5677 FAX Attorneys for COT Properties, Inc. and Parcland ciates, Ltd. By: By: Andrew S. Maurodis Exhibit G Fla. Bar 1#259551 Page 1 of 2 RUDEN, MCCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER &. RUSSELL, P.A. Suite 1900 200 East Broward Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33302 954-527-2466 PHONE 954- 764-4996 FAX Attorneys for Oriole By: c:c 7"'11; N u:l N -.l N -0 UJ Glenn N. Smith Fla. Bar #165334 ORDER APPROVING STTPULA TION ~ THIS CAUSE came before the Court upon the Stipulation of the parties for amendment and for order of dismissal with prejudice. The Court having reviewed the Stipulation and being c otherwise fully advised in the premises, it is hereby ORDERED and ADJUDGED that I. The Stipulation submitted by the parties is incorporated herein and approved by the Court in all respects. 2. The Petition for Writ of Common Law Certiorari to the City of Parkland is amended as set forth above. 3. This action is hereby dismissed in its entirety with prejudice, each side to bear its own fees and costs. DONE AND ORDERED in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida this _ day ofFebroary, 1999. Circuit Court Judge cc: Andrew Maurodis, Esq. L. Louis Mrachek, Esq. Glenn N. Smith. Esq. --2-- Page 2 of 2 DISMISSAL OF : DAMAGE CLAIM CD .,... N \D N ..... N -0 en - c EXHIBIT H UNITED STATE DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Case No. 98-7426-CIV -ZLOCH Magistrate Judge Seltzer CGT PROPERTIES, [Ne., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, v. STIPULATION FOR AMENDMENT AND FOR ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE - , f" - CITY OF PARKLAND; SAL PAGLIARA, individually; ROBERT MARKS, individually; RICKY GORDON, individually; BOBBl PUGLIESE, individually; and MARK WEISSMAN, individually, Defendants. I Co. r- STIPULATION Plaintiff, COT Properties, Inc., a Florida corporation, and Defendants, City of Parkland, Sal Pagliara, Robert Marks, Ricky Gordon, Bobbi Pugliese, and Mark Weissman, pursuant to Rule 41 of the federal Rules of Civil Procedure, stipulate as follows: . I. The Complaint for Damages, Declaratory Relief and Demand for Jury Trial. is amended to substitute for all purposes in place of Plaintiff, COT Properties, Inc., "Parcland Associates, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership, through its general partner, Harcland, LLC, a Florida limited liability company." 2. Pursuant to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures. the parties stipulate to the dismissal afmis action with prejudice. ANDREW S. MAURODIS 150 N.E. 2nd Avenue Deertield Beach, FL 33441 954-480-4265 PHONE 954-480~90 FAU( Attorney for Defendants Exhibit H GUNSTER. YOAKlEY, V ALOES-FAUll & STEWART. P.A. Suite SOOt East Tower 777 S. Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-655-1980 PHONE 561-655-5677 FAX ;;:O~f~ . Cl .Hal Fla. Bar #I 118820 By: Andrew S. Maurodis Fla. Bar #259551 Page 1 of 2 ORD1!:R APPROVING STIPULATION THIS CAUSE carne before the Court upon the Stipulation of the parties for amendment and for order of dismissal with prejudice. The Court having reviewed the Stipulation and being otherwise fully advised in the premises, hereby orders and adjudges that: 1. The Stipulation submitted by the parties is incorporated herein and approved by the 3. nus action is hereby dismissed in its entirety with prejudice, each side to bear his or CD ~ N \.0 N -.a N -0 en Court in all respects. 2. The Complaint for Damages. Declaratory Relief and Demand for Jury Trial is amended as set forth above. its own fees and costs. -.J CJ1 W DONE AND ORDERED in Ft. Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida this _ day of February, 1999. WILLIAM J. ZLOCH United States District Judge Copies furnished: Andrew S. Maurodis. Esq. 105 N.E. 2nd Ave. Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 L. Louis Mrachek, Esq. Gunster. Yoakley, Valdes-Fauli & Stewart, P .A. P.O. Box 4587 West Palm Beach, FL 334024587 -2- Page 2 of 2 39218Q TnTOI p ''''~ DISMISSAL OF BERT HARRIS CLAIM co 7"C N \0 N -.I N " Ci) - -.J U1 +- EXHIBIT I HARRIS ACT STATEMENT OF SETTLEMENT WHEREAS, Parcland Associates, Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership, its successors and assigns (Associates) was previously the owner of the parcel of property located in the City of Parkland, more particularly described on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, Oriole filed, on December 16, 1998, a claim for relief pursuant to the Bert Harris Private Property Rights Protection Act, Chapter 70, Florida Statutes (the Act); and WHEREAS, on February 5, 1999, Associates filed a claim for relief pursuant to the Act (the Claim) related to the Land; and OJ 7'C N 1..0 N -.I N -0 G') WHEREAS, Oriole has since transferred aU its ownership to the Land to Parcland Associates, Ltd. (Associates); and WHEREAS, aU issues raised in the original filing of December 16, 1998 by Oriole and in the Claim, have been satisfactorily resolved and settled with the City of Parkland; and -.I U1 U1 WHEREAS, therefore, there is no longer a basis for the Claim; NOW THEREFORE: Associates does hereby declare the Claim to be settled and resolved. All claims, allegations, requests for compensation, other demands and causes of action in the Claim or permissible under the Act against the City of ParklaIld are hereby waived, released, .and deemed fully and irrevocably settled. PARCLAND ASSOCIATES, LTD. Witnesses: By: Dated: ST ATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROW ARD The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Florida, on this, the _ day of , 1999, by of Pare land Associates, Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership. Notary Public, State of Florida Exhibit I Printed, typed or stamped name of Notary Public exactly as commissioned _ Personally known to me, or Produced identification: Type of identification produced Page 1 of 2 HARRIS ACT STATEMENT OF SETTLEMENT WHEREAS, Oriole Homes Corp. (Oriole) was previously the owner of the parcel of property located in the City of Parkland, more particularly described on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, Oriole has since transferred all its ownership to the Land to Parcland Associates, Ltd.; and .. OJ ~ N \.0 N -.J N -0 Ci) WHEREAS, Oriole filed, on December 16, 1998, a claim for relief pursuant to the Bert Harris Private Property Rights Protection Act, Chapter 70, Florida Statutes (the Claim); and WHEREAS, therefore, Oriole no longer has standing to file the Claim inasmuch as it is no longer the owner of the Property and has transferred same for consideration; ..-J CJ1 0"'\ WHEREFORE: Oriole does hereby acknowledge to the City of Parkland that it no longer has standing to pursue the Claim filed with the City on December 16, 1998, and that it is no longer the owner of the Land in question, nor does it have any interest which may be the subject of a claim by Oriole. Therefore Oriole's property rights in the parcel in question are no longer at issue and neither the Claim nor any action under the Act related to the Land may be pursued by Oriole. Oriole shall not pursue the Claim against the City of Parkland, its Commissioners, employees, or agents. ORIOLE HOMES CORP. Witnesses: By: Dated: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROW ARD The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Florida, on this, the _ day of , 1999, by of Oriole Homes Corp., a Florida corporation. Notary Public, State of Florida Printed, typed or stamped name of Notary Public exactly as commissioned _ Personally known to me, or Produced identification: Type of identification produced Page 2 of 2 RELEASES CD " N U) N -.I N -0 G') - -.I c.n -.I EXHIBIT J RELEASE ORIOLE HOMES CORP., a Florida corporation, its successors and assigns (ORIOLE), does hereby execute this Release for the purposes of releasing any and all claims, causes of actions, or other liability of the CITY OF PARKLAND, SAL PAGLIARA, ROBERT MARKS, RICKY GORDON, BOBBI PUGLIESE, and MARK WEISSMAN, and all employees and agents of the CITY (hereinafter collectively referred to as RELEASEES) as follows: co ~ N u::> N -.I N -0 Ci) WHEREAS, ORIOLE was the owner of the parcel of property located in the CITY described on Exhibit A until february 1, 1999, and CITY is the owner of the property described on Exhibit A-I (hereinafter referred to as the Land); and WHEREAS, ORIOLE contracted to sell said Land to CGT PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation (CGT); and -.J c.n CO WHEREAS, with the approval of ORIOLE, CGT submitted an application for site plan approval for development of the Land to the CITY OF PARKLAND, said application being defined as City Case No. 04-SP-98 (the Site Plan); and WHEREAS, CGT also applied for various utility easement abandonments and drainage easements as part of said application (Utility Applications); and WHEREAS, on October 22, 1998, the RELEASEES denied the Site Plan and tabled the Utility Applications; and ' WHEREAS, on November 23, 1998, ORIOLE and CGT filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari, Case No. 98-018973-08, in the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit (the Petition) to reverse the afore described actions of the RELEASEES; and ' WHEREAS, on November 24, 1998, CGT filed a Complaint for Damages and Declaratory Relief and demand for jury trial in the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit, which Complaint was subsequently removed to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Case No. 98-7426-CIV-ZLOCK (the Complaint); and WHEREAS, on December 16, 1998, ORIOLE filed a Claim for Relief pursuant to the Bert Harris Private Property Rights Protection Act, Chapter 70, Florida Statutes (the Claim); and WHEREAS, the Land bas since been conveyed to Parcland Associates, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership, on February 1, ,1999; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this Release is to resolve any and all causes of action, liability, claims, or other obligations arising out of or in any way related to the subject matter as described herein and shall cause all said claims, causes of action, liability, or other obligations of the RELEASEES (collectively and individually) to be fully and completely resolved and settled for all time; and 1 of 21 Exhibit J WHEREAS, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt, sufficiency and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned does hereby affirm, acknowledge and agree as follows: Section 1. ORIOLE does hereby acknowledge and affirm the above WHEREAS clauses as being accurate and correct and does hereby incorporate those WHEREAS clauses within the body of this Release. Section 2. ORIOLE does hereby release, waive, forgive, and determine settled any and all claims, causes of action, liability, suits, controversies, demands, or other obligations of whatsoever nature in any way whatsoever arising out of the denial of the Site Plan by RELEASEES on October 22, 1998, the tabling of the Utility Applications by the RELEASEES on October 22, 1998, and all other actions taken by RELEASEES at the meeting held on October 21-22, 1998 (or prior thereto), and any other claims, liability, causes of action or other obligations in any way whatsoever relating to or emanating out of those acts or the facts or legal issues as set forth within the Petition, the Complaint, or the Claim, or such issues, claims, or facts which could have been set forth therein. This Release shall inure to the benefit of the RELEASEES collectively and individually, officially and personally, and shall serve as a complete and final settlement of any and all claims or liability as referred to above or in any way related thereto, and shall be liberally construed to fully effectuate the intent of ORIOLE to fully and irrevocably resolve the matters referred to above. Section 3. The undersigned officer of ORIOLE executes this document for the above described purpose~ and does hereby represent that he/she has full authority to execute this Release and that said Release is binding on ORIOLE. ' Section 4. This Release shall be effective upon the date that the CITY OF PARKLAND executes the Settlement Offer. At that time and thereafter, it shall be effective, binding, and irrevocable. Witnesses: ORIOLE HOMES CORP. By: Date: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROW ARD The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Florida, on this, the day of , 1999, by Page -2- 2 Of 21 CD 7"c:: N \D N -oJ N ""0 G"') -.J U1 \.0 me or has produced of Oriole Homes Corp., who is personally known to as identification. Notary Public, State of Florida Printed, typed or stamped name of Notary Public exactly as commissioned CD ,.... 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IUCIVS 0" .1213,24 FUT. ^ COITRAL. AN(,.t.E: 0' JJ"01'1~. 'OR AN AIle OlS1'ANCl elf-' .821,' 7 ~"h Tk~a: ,., oo-.sr'2- w I"CIA 81.8. rm TO A I"ClINT' 01' C:U~,,1\IR(: f10lENcr "'CA""~5TtAt..., At.OHO A C'IRCU,-^A c:uA~ T1:J nfl JlICHT: WAWOlC A ItAOIUS Q" "0.00 J'UT, A COtTAA!. AHGI.! 0," 12'04'"'' rOA ,ta,. AAC; CI$fANCr: 0' '~'.oS nxr TO .... PClINT 0' ",.NCOICY: ""'~CE N "'01'0"- f: F'OR 18'UO ~ fO A ,.OfNT 01" C\.IAVATURE; 'TMt:~IC::e: MOAf1olCASl"ERlY "LONe A C1RC\J~R C:UR\'! TO nee l.ffT. 14,.",NC A AAOIVS OF' 74Q.OQ 'CET, A CPITR"L AN~ r$ tl~!I"a. 'Off iaN ARC DISTAI'Ic:t OF 147.$1 FEET: ltlOfce: N IS..".a- r AI..OHG THE NOAnt UN~ or S~IO nuCT' ,. FOA " IS.11 ~tT TO f10lt I'OINT OF BtCtNNlNC: p~ct1. 2: A POftT'lO" C' "". r 80 FOOT 'MOl CANAL tASOfUIf AS R(COIIOID IN omOA\. RceORD eOQl( sze,. PACe tea. PUGue "EC~OS Of' 'Row~a COUNTY, l'\.OAIO'" ANa ,""NG IN'SEcnON t, 'TO.....SHIP ... rouf1of, '11.\101<< 41 ~T. ~RQWAAO COUNTY. flt;ClftlO~ lelNC WORE P""fleuU(tI.Y QlSCR/IEO AS f!'O\.\.OWS: BEGIN AT TW( p.lOA~EA.ST COAHtA OF .AAc:a ~. COUNl1IIV'S POINT. ACCC"DI~C: TO ~c ""AT ~ or AS IlECQIUl(D I" 'LAT;(lOt( "I, plACE 2'. P\.ISU.C RtCOAO, 'RaWARO COUNTY. FLOAlDA: - . ~IOfct- N e~."I'''JJ. t A&.Of<<O ne. HaR114 L1flE Off' SNO aCTlOr, , raA eo.oo F'EEr TO ,. POINT ON A CUA~ SNO JlOIIff GEMS N .f...,..... ! rRa. n4E RAOIUS POlN T 0' 11C H(XT DtsCRI8€O CURVE; , ~C% sauTHVCS 1t.1fC. Y -'LOHG ~ CIIlQA.AR ~ TO tHE fliGHT, . IoIAWofG A RAOIU$ Of' 140.ftO fUT 14 ctN'1'RI4C.. ANQ.! OF l1'"2.S"'. F\1lII ,AN ARC: OI$T......c:r or '''1.~' FUr TO A "aNT OF T~GfMa: "",,G4<< S tf'U7'O..- W ,QIl 1~1O P'!ET TO A POtff 0' C:U~VAlU~ 'n-lOfCX SOU'n4.cSTl:Jq,Y AC.CIH4 A ClAC2JUII CUA'tC TO THE LaT, "'A\tlNC ^ AADIUS 01 ..a.aa F"CCT. A c:DtTItAI. AflIQ.E Of' 12'04'1'. ~A AI4 ARC DISTN'CI r:1I' '.11,0$ '11'1' 10 A P(lfHT ", r~c." T1ol(}ol<< S OG"Sr'2- E F".. 14... ~ TO A PatttT ,ON nIt H[:.;r DESc:A'8(O OJR~ SAID PClIHr SCARS s ~a'QI'to. W "'ow l\-tE flAGIUS I'O"~ l11OfC~ PfOfU"WUll:RL. '" "'AC . atCLl\.l4A ClJR'4: TO 1104C AlCiHf. HA","C ^ RI4O~ 0' 12'~t.. 'UT. A ClNTRAL AMCU:: ClF' O''Qj'J,. raft AH ...,.C DISTAl'll:( Of 107.3$ mT: ",lCN~ "" OO.S1'I~. fI '011 17.111'tET TO A "a..,T ~ C\J~V"l\J~E: THo.a: f'IC:lR ft1EAS~" N.ONO aACU\.M ~ TO THe RlCHT. ltAWilC A RADIUS (W 740.0G FElr. A CCN1ftAL ANC\.I ~ '~"4'''. '0.- N4 Alft: DlSTMCI Of' 15.s.'0 FU1' fa A POINT err:' TANGOfC'r, 'TWOICC N "'0'.04' e: F'OR 1'4l.,a ~T TO .. PO...? 0' CUINA1\M(: n-tll'lct Pf(M'''(ASTERt. T I'C.GtlC A CIRCU\M c:uR'toE: TO lH[ 1..!Fr. ...^~c: A A"'OlVS 0' "O.net FetT. A eOfl'RAl. ANQ.t OF ""25"S- 'Of/( Nf .ARC aISfNof<< 0' t !f.$. nxT TO !tIE POINT OF I(CIN",""G; 5 of 21 NOTE: Either part or all of this document submitted for recording Is not clear andlor legible at time of recording for imaging purposes " ;::- "" f". P,,~cu. J: .. PO/tffClN OF PARC(&. 3. eOUN""T'" ~f. ACCC"DINO TO THt 'I.,.,lT n-Iml OF -'S RCC:OAom .. ~T 10(lH( 1", PAG! ZJ. PU!UC "EcOt'as. IJRCW""O COV"IT"r. ""CRIO.~. eCltfO .,CRE PAlt11C11v.R1,." OES~leitl ,\s ; ou.aVl'Sl etGrI'f A r 'nit ~ ""EAST CCANE" 0' SM) llAAal. ~. SAIO POINT 8f.A1U III S9'41'.'. C 1'Rc.i 1101' JtAOtUS POINT OF ~ NEXT oe;seltl.D2 CV"\!(: NOT~. E doC . ither Part -- not Uc7:;: SUbmitted ,:: r:~ro~ this of reCO'din;~~~O~ le~ible at~~iS Imagmn p e II urpose, TlfElo4C( SCU"..wt:STlJtLT NmIG A ClACI.It..AA CUAv( 'fa 1'i1 tVGHT. MA\II"O A IlAOIUS Of' eeo.oo 'tE'T. A ClNTJltAJ., ~o.l. 0" 11"25"16" 'aA AI4 Alae C"STAHCE 0" '31.S. Il'tI:T TO A PQlHT a,. TAoNCOCC'W': ""(Ne( , 1 1'01'04. W' F.QR 18....0 neT 10 A PClHT 01 G\JAVAlVAC: n.f(HCE SCIU 'ni'fll(S~l..'" ALONe It tlnCl.ll.AA c:u,,'<It TO THf.'l.EFT. HA~ A RADIUS O~ ,.a.oo F!E1'. A CXNTIIAl. ANCLI: O~ '2'1:24'"'' ,.QR N4 ~c: QlsrAHCE Of' '$'.'0 FaT to A POp4T tY rNfClHC~ Tlft:l'ICIt S 00"5'.' 2- E' F'O" ''P.U'CrT nJ A IIONf Off T"!t" N!XT DtSClltlem cv,,\C. ~AlO POINT ICAAS S 4.n,',,- W'AOW TW( ftA(lIUS ~OtNT'~ ~(~fet Jl40"""'WESTtltt.T At.CHO It. elll~ C\.I~\'t TO lt4E AICHT, . "10.\11"'0 A 1U00US OF 1'2IJ.J4 fQT, A CENTRAl. MICU 0' 07.""0"- FOR . AH Aile DISTANCC 0' !65.S4 FEET TO A POINT OF TAHCCNCV; HIf:~C:( N Ja-ss'z,' w ,en '73.a~ 'W: n.tl'lcr /II Sf'co'3J. E ~OA ~..Q3 !'"CEf Ta 'THE POINT CF 1(C1HN,NC: ~ ~ 6 of 21 ~ t ~ ~ . ~ '\ -h...o... I \"'--.....1 I ~.I-: '"'t CCl CONSULTANTS. INC. I ~ ~ : ,ENG/NEiRS '$VItVEYORS ,PI.ANNERS ~~ I " l POMPANO BEACH OFFICE " 1'lOOPark Centra.! BlYd, No , Suite 100 "I (3C.5) 914-2200 " I I 'l. _ I N r.l-4~'J~ # I JL "1', I , " VERO BEACH OFFICE 6G4 Aza.!u. Lan.,'Sulte C-2 . (305) 231....uJ1 · . P.tJ. I. No'. ."''''#1 .v..,,~ ".41 ....c. ,. .,. .., '-A"ff.' . ",1.-.-1'",#"1 "'4.'''' ,~..~...."') t i' Se,ltl .. ,,' , ""~ ' , . "'" IS' ".'NAC.. . 'I-.r. ----~--~------------ \ -\r---- \ \\ '10 'h 1\ I , I \ I \ I ' , I " I ,.'>4 It c , , I\.' \ \ i \; \ \. . , \ ~(JI.I.v7'IIY'.s '-"IAlT'" \ \ . ('-4. "'. I'a. rf) I -, I~ I &.. ~ J 4' 8 ,. I 'Ii _rJ ' I '" , I : l~. 1 I tl4' I I .~. I / f~~ / I I I / I I I BEARINGS DERIVED nO" tHl 'LAT DESCRUID IN '11ft: LlCAL DESCRIPTION . , LECAL DESCRI~IONf\PARCEli .~ \ ......... --..,,- A PORTION OF PARCEL 3, COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT. THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 11', PAGE 2', PUBLIC RECORDS, BROWARD COUNTY, rLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: . BECIN )..r THE ::ORTHEAST CORNER or SAID PARCEli J 1 THENCE SOUTH Sl000'J~" WEST FOR 3U.03 FIETl THENCE NORTH 3805"27" WEST FOR 262.E9 FEETt THENCE NORTH 'lo00'~~u'EAST FOR 35." FEETI THINCE NORTH 89041'48" EAST ALONG THI NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 rOR 420.26 FEET TO THE POINT or BEGINNING AHD CONTAININC 1.206 ACRES HORtOR LESS. . . SUBJECT TO EXISTING EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-O'-WA~, RESTRICTIONS RESERVATIONS 'OF RECORD, IF ANY. ~~~'"00UCTION' or THIS GXETCM Aal NOT . VALID UNLESS SULCD IIITM All auoueo SUllvnOR'S '~Al., 2. l."NO' .1I01lN HlaEOIt "CRI IIOT ..."...cno roll UICMlIITS AIIO/OII IIICIIT.-o,-"", 0' neDIID. J, O~TA 'NOWN "CIIIOM IIA' CO"'ILIO 'liON OTIlCll INSTIIU"CN1'S "110 DOCS 1I0T CONSTltuTl A rllLO ,ullyey AS .ue., . DAff ,,. , -~,..:.~.. CI) .,-.: N "" N -oJ N -0 en ...:;'..:tf. '.-;.; ~(. ~~:~~f~,.. i;:~"" i:; -.l 0"'\ +- .,::",' " .: '': ',' ". :....... .:\. :', ::..,{~ :~r ~. '\. /= ." ....; " . is:. .. AND. " NOTE: Either pert or . all of th.ls document submitted for recording Is not clear andlor legible at time of recordIng for imaging purp0888 . . W'I'JCAIJQHI, 1 MCAtlr eCIITlry THAT THC ATTACH CO SIITe. AHO LlCA~ OCSCftl'flON IS TRue AND COIICCT TO THe'ltsT ot ItV xwr:t/C.CllGC AIIO 1.&1.1&' AltO 11 HnTI 1'HI: MINIMUM TtC:III/IC~t. IfAMOUot In rOln If "1'11& nOllDA STATe 10AtD or l.ANO . IUIIVUOIIS. . . /~GJwt.~. . '1I"".II0HUI....O IVllvnOll 1414 ,uft O' HOIIIO. I HIIACt $. /tI0HAM~D POI..S. on. OIl.WN eHfeHO. '11\,0 1/. ".11 IV H. 0. IV 10011 .......... ,"'-_..' ..,. '~f-2'i- .......,.................. ....,.- . ft) \! t-... ~ I u .. Old ~~ RELEASE PARCLAND ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, its successors and assigns (ASSOCIATES), does hereby execute this Release for the purposes of releasing any and all claims, causes of actions, or other liability of the CITY OF PARKlA_llIlD (CITy), SAL PAGLIARA, ROBERT MARKS, RICKY GORDON, BOBBI PUGLIESE, and MARK WEISSMAN, and all employees and agents of the CITY (hereinafter collectively referred to as RELEASEES) as follows: WHEREAS, ORIOLE HOMES CORP.(ORIOLE) was the owner of the parcel of property located in the CITY described on Exhibit A, and CITY is the owner of the property described on Exhibit A-I (hereinafter referred to as the Land); and CD """ N u:J N ...,J N <: c;-: WHEREAS, ORIOLE sold that portion of the Land described on Exhibit A to ASSOCIATES on February 1, 1999; and v (,J WHEREAS, with the approval of ORIOLE, CGT PROPERTIES, INC. (CGT) submitted an application for site plan approval for development of the Land to the CITY, said application being defined as City Case No. 04-SP-98 (the Site Plan); and WHEREAS, CGT also applied for various utility easement abandonments and drainage easements as part of said application (Utility Applications); and WHEREAS, . on October 22, 1998, the RELEASEES denied the Site Plan and tabled the Utility Applications; and ' WHEREAS, on November 23, 1998, ORIOLE and CGT filed a Petition for Writ of · Certiorari, Case No. 98-018973-08, in the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit (the Petition) to reverse the afore described actions of the RELEASEES; and WHEREAS, on November 24, 1998, CGT filed a Complaint for Damages and Declaratory Relief and demand for jury trial in the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit, which Complaint was subsequently removed to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Case No. 98-7426-CIV-ZLOCK (the Complaint); and WHEREAS, on December 16, 1998, ORIOLE filed a Claim for Relief pursuant to the Bert Harris Private Property Rights Protection Act, Chapter 70, Florida Statutes (the Claim); and WHEREAS, ASSOCIATES has succeeded to all rights, remedies and claims which either ORIOLE or CGT has against RELEASEES and has purchased and is the fee simple owner of the Land; and -I- S of 21 WHEREAS, the purpose of this Release is to resolve any and all causes of action, liability, claims, or other obligations arising out of or in any way related to the subject matter as described herein and shall cause all said claims, causes of action, liability, or other obligations of the RELEASEES (collectively and individually) to be fully and completely resolved and settled for all time; and WHEREAS, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt, sufficiency and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned does hereby affirm, acknowledge and agree as follows: .. Sedionl. ASSOCIATES does hereby acknowledge and affirm the above WHEREAS clauses as being accurate and correct and does hereby incorporate those WHEREAS clauses within the body of this Release. Se~tion 2. ASSOCIATES does hereby release, waive, forgive, indemnify and hold the CITY harmless, and determine settled any and all claims, causes of action, liability, suits, controversies, demands, or other obligations of whatsoever nature in any way whatsoever arising out of the denial of the Site Plan by RELEASEES on October 22, 1998, the tabling of the Utility Applications by the RELEASEES on October 22, 1998, and all other actions taken by RELEASEES at the meeting held on October 21-22, 1998 (or prior thereto), and any other claims, liability, causes of action or other obligations in any way whatsoever relating to or emanating out of those acts or the facts. or legal issues as set forth within the Petition, the Complaint, or the Claim, or such issues, claims, or facts which could have been set forth therein. This ReleaSe shall inure to the benefit of the RELEASEES collectively and individually, officially and personally;' and shall serve as a, complete and final settlement of any and all claims or liability as referred to above or in any way related thereto, and shall be liberally construed to fully effectuate the intent of ASSOCIATES to fully and irrevocably resolve the matters referred to above. Section 3. The undersigned officer of ASSOCIATES executes this document for the above described purposes and does hereby represent that he/she has full authority to execute this Release and that said Release is binding on ASSOCIATES. Sedion 4. This Release shall be effective upon the date that the CITY executes the Settlement Offer. At that time and thereafter, it shall be effective, binding, and irrevocable. -2- 9 of 21 co ~ N \.0 N -.J N .." en -J 0"'\ 0"'\ Witnesses: P ARCLAND ASSOCIA TES, LTD. A Florida Limited Partnership By: Harcland, LLC., a Florida Limited Liability Company, its General Manager By: Goodman Properties, Inc., its Manager .. By: William A. Shewalter, Vice President CD ~ N \.0 N -' N -0 (i') Dated: ,1999 -.J CT\ -.J STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROW ARD The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Florida, on this, the day of , 1999, by of Goodman Properties, Inc., Manager ofHarcland, LLC., a Florida Limited Liability Company, General Partner of P ARCLAND ASSOCIATES, L TO., a Florida limited partnership, who is personally known to me or has produced as identification. Notary Public, State of Florida . Printed, typed ~r stamped name of Notary Public exactly as commissioned Clllllpc2\PalldGT PIopIdia\LilipliDnIRMM3 02I0lII99 -3- 10 of 21 i : , I ~~~Ii ~ ~ ~ i () ~.~ ~~ '\;;. :e 'b'., ~ ~O J:: ~ ~ ~ ~ )( ~ ....~.~~q' jLLJ q'b' ~b ,e~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~'li I is '$)~ ~o ~ /. ~~~..# <;,. rb~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~tti ~ I d';:) (j ~ 'S C;- ...ti' ~~ () , I I f I -t_'lV~.. . -, < ;,111 :il '-III: i i 1 .Ii I ,. I' ~ I . !t i ; i iI r ,~! i II I; I" ''-' ~ IlI:P ~ : I : Co ~ r..: \..C r..: ti-J N ""\j (i"J ~ ~ , .;.... 9" ex: I , I' : ; II ~ / I ; I IIi! 'h' 'I "II ';"1' 'I : ~::::: :~~:::: :~:ll:~::~: I. 111 : Ill'n 1111 it! I : 1'\' ',Iii 'Ii 'II' , II " \ I ,ili: L !Ii : I "It , 'ilt ,I" , 11:11'" I'~ I :1:1 , 111I'. 1'1' it! I 'i '111'1/111. f ,'ll' I':! II ,:". 'II "1'1' OO!1 !,'llf !I !! l;i /., ,. 'II:' ., I I , III '! I, It I I j:! . 'I 'I 'I 'I' I .11 I ,: I,,' I' .'1 I' II I II iI. : I I 'I I ,I "I I III ' . .1" ", ',I'" I I . . i I',' ill IIi ! ,j Ill; r II! I Iii : i. I , ',' i' II i" I ; I 'I I "I j I ',' il iI' I'. II 'I', I rI" \ .,J ~, I 1"1;: , t!., II', '!, I,l "".1 ii,' I 't.. , ,,1 'J.lt II "I! tlf .1 II !,II, I nIl 11!1~~ I~, 1'1 1 I,. I, ., I . ',I'll' 'I ,I, " JiI I!nlh II' hI i: II Ii Ii ~ liB' I .I, ;l~ " ;if,!, II ; III fl :;, ;Ill 'I I I, 'I 1'1' J ,I ; I 'I ", f' 'I .: I ! ,,! ,i, ,il :: I!':j : I:: . 'I ;;; I ", II (11' I' 'II" III' .'1', '.1 ,I I I. ." I .. .. . 't 1" . 'i.t I: I! .1; I,' I ',' '. ., .1 ,I. ,I, "; Ii 'I '"( ',. II" I:. I :1 !:' . '. . 't , .. I, II .. I, '0.. iI i Il' I! I If. 'Ilt 'i :11 Ilf J II: !I:, 'Ii ! I :' II :r! j i; I H~ :11, .' "","" jlll: I'~f " ,'!il 1;1"11 ',Ill'! I",l'i ;,,',' ,",li'l!jl Ii!l ill . 'I' I' ,I' II ' "', I I'" II, I 'I, 't!1 .. I': · '. I' . I. . I' I , . I, ~;' . t. . , . t, I; .!. i!lllll I' ',I j',' 1,1'11'( I" Ii i'IIII' III'PII' ill 1'1 Iri rlltl:. II! Ill' " ,I' , ; I I 'I";' ",,, ,'" i II", I . 'II I I'; III'! il ;11' ,I. mil' .111111111 . I!IIII!_ .,I,l"11! I '!'llll'I' ,I. 1,11111' I' . !I' I.!II JII I I, Ii: ,j JIll, III Ii I,ll I,,, Ii IH '11i I: Ii 11111 III J; I :11 II!t ._~ .. -.' ---- -:.--_- ----,. 11 of 21 -- - ,. POA"O" c:I WU-CT F". COUWmy'S POINT. -,cc:~QI"'6 TO ,",lIE' 'v-' 1'1lREoF' AS RtccAO(O IN ~T 13001< 11t, PJoG't 29. pueue ItEC:CAOS. ,p~AAQ COUNTY. n.Q~Q"" 8iltiG waRt PARTICUI.JJU."I' otSCfll8EX1 AS ,QU.OW$: Kat' AT '!IE ...~THf:A.ST C:ClJItNfll 0' SAIO TRACT F. SAfD POINT ",,""He ,. AAGI"'" 1lt""INc; Of S 88"21.'0. w mOlo! 'nol( RJoOlU$ POINT' OF ..,..E f"QU.O......c; CKSCFU8ED cuRvE: ' n-4OCc.E sau~t:..S1Vll. 'T Al..QNc; A C'I"OJl.t'A CUR'-€ TO T104t LE1T. I1AWOIC A '....CIUS " :28,,,'.;0 FtET. A ct"'TlUoL ANa.! 0" 0"32'~4. FO" ".. AIle; DIS'T ANa oF' 71~,U FEET: "fENCE S 4'1,,"2'. 'II FOR 5441 , ((T: n1Oo1CE 5 8S'C!'ZS. W rOtt ~S.9' ~tT TO A POltl' OF CURVATURE; 1'-4E1"C( N~n-lVC:STER" "t ALOl'4C ClRaJlAI' CURvt TO lH[ "tCHT, tiA\IIWC A IUCIVS elF' '1t3.24> fUT. ^ l:O'1RAL ANr.u: Of Jt"CI':~36 'Of' 10M AItC QISrANct Cl" 821.61 ~t[h THCI'la: ... oo~TI2. w r'OR 8e.es mT 10 A "OINT' of CtJA\lAT\lAE; "..ENCE NcA'noI[JlS~RL'" ,.l.ONO ,. OACUV,1l CUA~ TO n~( "'QoI1' WA"""C A lUOIUS O~ 6eo.oo l'UT, A ~TAAl. ANCl.! Of 12'04'"'' rOR ,.I'f' AA~ DISTANce or '~I.o5 n:ET TO A POINT 0' T"NCEl'/CY; ~~cE N "'07'0"'- E ~OR 18".'0 ~u:r TO /Ii. ,oINT or C\JAVATUAE: PAACf:1- t: 'n1(~llX HOR""'tAsn;m..,. ^L.ONC A ORCUI.AA cufNE TO nit l.t:fT. ~,,"'NC A RJo()l\J$ OF' 740.00 FCET, A CDITR"L ANCLl c# 11~!I'ta' F'OA 1M ARC OI5T,Uolct OF 147.51 FE:ET; , 'tlOfct N 1S..,'.8- E Al.ONG l1'tf NORn1 UN( or SIo'a T1UCT F" rOR 1115.12. ~ET TO n-tt PO'''''' ~ BECINNIHC; p ~ctL 2.: A pOl\no... 01" ll1" r 80 F'OOT WIDe: CANAl. (ASOfEJolf AS REeo~Dta 1M omClAI..AtC:~O llooI( 52.tH, PAQE la&. f1ueuc "EC:~OS Of" 'ROW~O COUNTY.. l'\,OA'OA ANO l."'r\NG IN'SECT101'o1 '. "TO'fWNSHIP ~ SOU~, RANG!: 4' (.t.ST. 8AOWARO COUNTY. F't.ORIOA. IIElNC IICOAE: II t.R 1lC\J\,Jl~1. y , oe:sCtIlIEC AS rOl.LOWS: eECIN AT THE ~OR~[AST CORNER OF ~AAea J. CCUHTI''''S POI"'T, ACCQAD'NC TO "..1 II'l.AT no.F.RE CIF" A!S ll(c~a(D '" 'I.AT ClOCI< "9. PACi'E 2', P\JSU.C RECClftO. eROWARO COUNTY. Fl.O.UDA: TtIEHct- N eg...'....,. ( Al.OfofC nlE Hen"" 1.11'4! fS SAID SECT10tf , F'OA ~O.OQ FEET TO ,. POllfT OH A cuRve. SAlO pQlt4T etA"! ... 89'41..8" E f"ROM n4E: RADIUS POINT ~ 'nC HrxT OCSCRllS€O CURve; ~~ SClU~~~'" ALONG ~ ClRcu.AR ~~ 1'0 THE "IGMT. . HA~ A RADIUS OF 140.(10 nET A ctN1'R.A1. -'NCI,.[ OF 11-='156 Ft'lA /-,.. ARC D1STNlc:E OF 1 41,~1 feET TO A "CIINT OF r~GENCT: "..(HC% S "og1'Q",- VI F'OR 184..10 1'!ET TO I. POINT OF CU~VA1\JIt~ ~o-.a: souno.wES"TtAl.Y A&.C>>fO A QAC:U~ C\JA'ft: TO T1~E LEn, t-I^,,/4~C ^ RADIUS oP fCo..ClO ~(T. A Cl"lmAI. ANctL Of' 12.0....". FOR ~ ARC OISTAN~ orr '3'.05 F'!!T TO A paHT OF TAHOENCT: nol""CC $ 00'57.12" E 1=''''' N..t II'UT TO A P~II'IT.O/'I 11lE N[~T OESCAtSE:O CUR\;[. SAID POINT IIURS , 3a~"a. w FROW THE ~AOIUS ,.OtfT': ll101CE ,..Of\n1wUTEJ1L.'T .'.ClHC A C1fl~ CLJAVE TC "..r AltiHT, WN,,,,.4r. ^ RJ'OIU'S OF 12,~.t.. 'UT. A c:ENmAL ANQ..E OF' OS'a.1'3'. 'OR AH lAC Ot5TNfC( 0' 107,35 '(tT; "'I~d: .. oO.S7',a. '#II ,.o~ ,7.81 nET TO A 'OINT Oll: CUllVAl\JIlE: l'r1~~ t4ctt n1EASMU. Y '-".OHO aACU~ C\JRVE TO 1M!: RIGHT, 14^V1,",C A Ju.OlUS Off '~.Og FEU, A eCN1ftAl. NlC\.E OF' 12"'04'15. ,Oft AN loRe: DIST>>ICE Of' 15.5.'0 F'f:CT TO ,. pQtlolT or: TNolG,"C'\": n4CNeI; H 11'07'04" E rOA '....80 ,:aT TO .A POINT O~ CURVA'lURE: n'1Erlct HO""I(AS~I.T I'lOtIC A CIRCU~ etm'..t: TO 'THE \5T. 1'1^'\I1NC A RAOIUS 0" lee.no FttT. A COIT1Ul. ..,.C1.E OF 11"'25'16. F'QtIl I\H ARC aI5TAH~ ClII' '3t.~. r:'UT TO '!tIE POIWT oF 1&:1;1,.."",.1(;; 12 'of 31 . NOTE: Either part or all of this document submitted for recording If;' not clear and/or legible at tim'~ of recording for Imaging purposes CD 7'11: N \D N -.I N -0 en -.1 0'\ \.0 p AIlCn. 3: A I'OAllON or PAAC(L 3. COU..".,.., ~CfNf,' A&:COADINCl TO 1M&: jtl.,AT T\-I~( ~ -'S ~EC:O~o("O IN """.T BOOK 119. P.O! 13. flueuc JlECO"OS, ,"OWMO CC\J~If'r, ".OAIO.", BEltlO ",ORE PM~"C:Uv.m." oe:ScRleE'O "$ F Ou..oWS: BEGIN A r 1M!: N"~ "...E,\.$1' C:OftHE'A oF' SAIO p~c:a ~, SIUO POINT BEARS N 81'4,'.8" t F"Ro..I 1l'41l u.CtUS pOINT aF M ,.OT otseRllED CUI'\/(: ~EMC€ sou~W(S't1:l'\." ~~IG ,. Cl"c:uLAR CUA'4 TO lHE Rlat'lT H,,"'HG ,.. IUOIUS of' e6C.DO FtET. " CEl'l~1. foI"i;..L. 0' ,,'25.' ,L rOR ~ .AC OISTAl'fc:E or lJl.S1 nx' TO ~ PO....T or TANCOU:'l": T",(tlc( s '1'01'04" ",'FOR \84.50 F'itT 'TO A POINT 01 O.IAVATUAC; TUENct 5eUn4lfj(5'TIAL.Y N,.Qt4C ^ ClftOJ""'" CUf'vt TO ~,t.EFT. I'<AWtC ^ RADIUS 0' 140.00 FaT, A conll.AL ANCLE 0' 12"04'\11" FOR ,.,.. ^"C QISTANCE ($ ,!~.,o FEET TO A POlI'IT 01 TNtCVIC'l": ni[..ce: s 00,",'.'1" E roA. ,'.12. 'En TO A poNT Of't nlE H!:Xl D~CRlem cv,,~ SNO POINT SCAAS S 4.J"1\'!s'" W rAO" ~E ~AOIUS "atN": . ~(tlC:E p.lOR~WES'Ttlt\.T At.~O A CIf't;\.JLo'A CU~ve: TO "..i AleHT, ~I^"'..IO A AAOtUS Of' 1113.24 FElT. It. CENTTtN. AtlCU of' 01."g'04" FoA AM ARC DlSfAHa: OF 165.S4 fttT TO '" POIHT OF' TA"C(NeY'~ fttEPlC! p./ .18'59'2," '(It ,on t7J.O~ I'!!T: ~f.:I'4C( 1'4 S,'oo'33- E rOA 3&4.Cl3 FEU Tel 'n-IC POINT oF' 1f:C1Nt4I~~ . 13 of 21 NOTE: Either part or all of this document submitted for recording i~ not clear and/or legltllt> at tim& of recording ior imaging purpc~a:l a:J 7"'lii N \D N -.I N -0 G') -.J -.J o Exhibit ~N CCl CONSULTANTS. INC. I ~ ~ I ,ENGINEERS oSVIIVEYORS 'PLANNERS ~~ I \ I POMPANO BEACH OFFICe \ 2200 Park CentrAl Blvd, N. , SulCe 100 '\ I (305) 974-2200 \ I I 'l. . I NSO/-""''',, # I J.r, ,.~ \ I , Se114.. ,", /tJ()' , A-l .. I 1 \ -'0- - - _ _ \ \\ "rJ l, J\ I \ I \ I \ I ,\ I \\ I P'>4 oft c. # , I \. \ \ ..0' \ NOTE: EIther part or all of th~, document submitted for recording is not clear and/or legible at time of recording for imaging purposes VERO IlEACH OFFICE 6G4 Az4Jea Lane,'Sulte C-2 ,(305) 231~1 I 'At:1.8. """..*"",*. --AIf:#1o , . .e". 'G.' (,u. ~ ~,.) ~ I ~ . ~ . a , .f#C. I. .,1. 41 \ , /'" IS' '1"'~"'4' ',"",,,, ---_4__~---_________ , -, I~ I I ". ~ I J tl J' I 'Ii .Ii I v'.. I I I ~. " / <14' I I .~. I ! f~~ I I I I " I I / \ \ c. (J ",M 'T Il If 'oS 1'''0.1 r \ \ . ('-6. "f~ Pt;. n) """'" BEAIUl:ftiS DEJUVED rJlOH TItS 'LA., DESCltIlID IN 'I1fE LECAl, ClESCIUPTION .. - . . . . LEGAL DESCRI~IONf~ARCEL ~ '\ ~,-' , A PORTION or PARCEL 3, COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO THI PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119, PAGE 29, PUBLIC RECORDS, BROWARD COUNTY, FLoRIDA, BEING HORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLows: . DEGIN 'AT THE ::ORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL J 1 THENCE SOUTH 51000'33" WEST FOR JU.OJ FEETt THENCE HORTH 38059'27" WEST FOR 262.E9 FEET; THENCE HORTH 51000'JJN. EAST FOR J5." FEETI THENCE NORTH 89041'48" EAST ALONG THI NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL J FOR 420.26 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.206 ACRES HORE OR LESS. . . SUBJECT TO EXISTING EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WA~, RESTRICTIONS AND . RESERVATIONS 'or RECORD, IF ANY. !!!!IU , r:---lC'AOOUCTIONI or THI, IXE~H AI. NO? . YALlo UNLUS JEALeD WITII !\If DlIO.no SUIVeYOA'S 'EA~. Z. LAND. .II0IlN nUOIf 111:1I' NOl' Ul!ucno '01 eASCHENT' AHO/OI AIGQTI~r.IfA' 0' IICOIO, ). DATA SHOWN NEACON WAI COM'ILED 'ION OTIII:I IIISTIlVHIIITS AHO DOli NO? CONSTITUTE A rllLD .UIlYI' A, 'UCI. . . . .(VIIIO... wmICATI~, , 1 "CIEI' Ctlll'lrr THAl' THe ATrACNCO 'CE~. AHD LEGAL DC'CR1'TION rl rAue AND COllECT TO rllC'tElT or H' ICNewc.cOGC AHO IJLU' AND IT Hcnl rllc HII/IIeU,. TICIINIC~r, IrANOAlOI lET rOITN " rHI 'LOll0A IrATI 10ARD or LAND . "'/A P?#L.~. . 'll"'.....NU UNO 1l,/IlYfYOll 14S4 IUTI 0' '1.0'"0.. I HIJ.Ut $. IJOHAIJ~IJ IHoS. DUC C:HIC.CO . "11.0 /1. ,." ~. D. .., loalC I II .. .. . vO I' . II') '~ ~ <\J 0"" .... ......... ''--. ....,... "...........'.... - ---.....~....- .....,.- " 14 Qf 21 ,h"";-'" co ~ N \.0 N -..J N -0 G"> ~~. \~: j:~i' ~~.. ... :;1:~...~; -oJ -oJ .:~.. .' .''1'::; ," :'''..1" '0',;. :':. ':::'''~- .~.::' .: j' .~. }:: ,1 :{ -':, ,', ~ ;i:. .. RELEASE CGT PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation, its successors and assigns (CGT), does hereby execute this Release for the purposes of releasing any and all claims, causes of actions, or other liability of the CITY OF PARKLAND, SAL PAGLIARA, ROBERT MARKS, RICKY GORDON, BOBBI PUGLIESE, and MARK WEISSMAN, and all employees and agents of the CITY (hereinafter collectively referred to as RELEASEES) as follows: CD i": N \D N -.J N -0 Ci) WHEREAS, ORIOLE was the owner of the parcel of property located in the CITY described on Exhibit A until February 1, 1999, and CITY is the owner of the property described on Exhibit A-I (hereinafter rererred to as the Land); and WHEREAS, ORIOLE contracted to sell said Land to CGT PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation (CGT); and -oJ -oJ N WHEREAS, with the approval of ORIOLE, CGT submitted an application for site plan approval for development of the Land to the CITY OF PARKLAND, said application being defined as City Case No. 04-SP-98 (the Site Plan); and WHEREAS, CGT also applied for various utility easement abandonments and drainage easements as part of said application (Utility Applications); and WHEREAS, on October 22, 1998, the RELEASEES denied the Site Plan and tabled the Utility Applications; and WHEREAS, on November 23, 1998, ORIOLE and CGT tiled a Petition for Writ of Certiorari, Case No. 98-018973-08, in the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit (the Petition) to reverse the afore described actions of the RELEASEES; and WHEREAS, on November 24, 1998, CGT filed a Complaint for Damages and Declaratory Relief and demand for jury trial in the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit, which Complaint was subsequently removed to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Case No. 98-7426-CIV-ZLOCK (the Complaint); and WHEREAS, on December 16, 1998, ORIOLE filed a Claim for Reliefpursuant to the Bert Harris Private Property Rights Protection Act, Chapter 70, Florida Statutes (the Claim); and WHEREAS, the Land has since been conveyed to Parcland Associates, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership, on February 1, .1999; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this Release is to resolve any and all causes of action, liability, claims, or other obligations arising out of or in any way related to the subject matter as described herein and shall cause all said claims, causes of action, liability, or other obligations of the RELEASEES (collectively and individually) to be fully and completely resolved and settled for all time; and 15 of 21 WHEREAS, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt, sufficiency, and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned does hereby affirm, acknowledge and agree as follows: Section 1. CGT does hereby acknowledge and affirm the above WHEREAS clauses as being accurate and correct and does hereby incorporate those WHEREAS clauses within the body of this Release. co ,.... N \.0 N ..... N -0 en Section 2... CGT does hereby release, waive, forgive, and determine settled any and all claims, causes of action, liability, suits, controversies, demands or other obligations of whatsoever nature in any way whatsoever arising out of the denial of the Site Plan by RELEASEES on October 22, 1998, the tabling of the Utility Applications by the RELEASEES on October 22, 1998, and all other actions taken byRELEASEES at the meeting held on October 21-22, 1998 (or prior thereto), and any other claims, liability, causes of action or other obligations in any way whatsoever relating to or emanating out of those acts or the facts or legal issues as set forth within the Petition, the Complaint, or the Claim, or such issues. claims, or facts which could have been set forth therein. This Release shall inure to the benetit of the RELEASEES collectively and individually, officially and personally, and shall serve as a complete and tiBal settlement of any and all claims or liability as referred to above or in any way related thereto, and shall be liberally construed to fully effectuate the intent of COT to fully and irrevocably resolve the matters referred to above. -.. - c...: Section 3. The undersigned officer of COT executes this document for the above described purposes and does hereby represent that he/she has full authority to execute this Release and that said Release is binding on CGT. Section 4. This Release shall be effective upon the date that the CITY OF PARKLAND executes the Settlement Offer. At that time and thereafter, it shall be effective, binding, and irrevocable. Witnesses: CGT PROPERTIES, INC. By: Date: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROW ARD The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Florida, on this, the day of 1999, by Page -2- 16 of 21 me or has produced ofCGT Properties, Inc., who is personally known to as identification. Notary Public, State of Florida Printed, typed or stamped name of Notary Public exactly as commissioned CD 7lI: N \0 N ...... N -0 G"> - - .. ~GI' PnIpaliII\LiIipIionIRlloMe2 0V0lII99 Page -3- 17 of 21 NOTE: Either part or aU of this document submitted tor recording Is not cleer and/or legible at time ot recording tor imaging purposes I , I I I < ; " : ,- II ~ I, . I ; I I II i .. I 'f' .r I Iff .1, I ~l II' i Iii' .--~. - ::-tre..." - - 'I' ' j,lll :'1 'I, ' ~~!!'!! ;;/: 1;1!i;-'I: /' I IJ', 'I r: ' ,I" ; !! ; ii ;/ I ' ,~~ . .;' I~III~ . II II ' " I .:I" ~l' .. . ~ ' ~. I ~ I, 'f:' .~,..I. :,' 'II ,~ ' .; ~ '~ , , - -I I r , ; '1/ , " , i' I ~L,'.!} !!f I 01' j ,i c - I ii ~ " ; . . . 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I, 1/ I fl' " " " " , I I' I' "11 _ "_ ' ,I I 111I'11;',' I ' I " __ __, _, _ ' . :"I.! III -~-- ~ - ---- '.---., -..... 18 Qf 21 BK 2 9 2 7 2 PG I 7 7 5 - , , I , : I I I c( ; I' : ,- I i ~ I, ;-.~ ." ~j :""". I , 'f'. . ; , , - -. I I , ! , . . I : I .--~. -~~~~ ,fill' : ,', I :': 'I. ' i~lllli' !! ! d j j;r:i: ~', :, wi' /' If;iPF.; I!;;; ill . ,[I , " ,j' III : II~ m~,:""", , . ." ".' , . , I f : I) ~ :, 'Ill , I '1 :1",,1. I II, ! ,1 I 1IIIII'I:i:t~/I:l:illi!ii~ r"'''~r..'rldf I . . ......S'. ii ~ ~' ~ I . . . I , , , 1I ',Ii " I J I.', r,' " II II I 'I'j ,: II III 'II' :, I ,I ~ii i ,'" ", I. ,I " I I ,I, . I Ii:' ,,' II': II. i "II : . II," ~J : I,' liP r 'I! I I" q I' ,I'" ", I'" II" I, ; l " ". r';' " " I' J' I, "I Ill' I I I . '1 " " r f.I '" I ,! I UIi;! f,:' II, m I,llii . lir i~ rl'~1 '.!, It Iii J!nlh II r ','1 ~l"'~ h Ii IliI ~,' ;11 II "f I 'I . J I II I II, II ~ '!I!fJ!1, !/i ,. ' . I ' I' I , ' , I. .: " If' I I I I ~I' "I I , h" I II ' " I " t'" '/ I , . II 'I' If I ;1 ,'jl ," "I " I" .: I' II I ill" .1 'I ,',!;;"'i' ,i jll' !II ::.Iii:.i/i! :,,:::' 'I H ,I 'f,"," I 'II ;1' ,. '.il ,1" !,'lli'l "1 ," I 'I' I!!. I I. .'! :, !., i' .' I' 'f :', If i l.iJP' ", t., !. I' I:. I :1 I~; I! I I!':, l!!ilii ih ill I, I;liill Ii!! IIi 1./ ~ i1 liil! j Ii i W !II , !f! II i' :jll,:/r;tri /:1 j. ,I. r 11:'l,',I:! !!l m Ij !il :llil;1 Ii i ill, m,l,' 'lIl1',,' hi' Ii:! 'i! ,I 'jl : 'I i,',' ;,11: 11'1/ pl" ;:ll :: II! (,11111. Ii: Ii Jir I' IiI' ,'~ ,I ill,: h! I! Ii; I, d!,: 'I ul'I'l: Ii Ii,' I Ii: . ,I ,I. III II II' Iii I' I",.. " 1.1 " ! I' . III ~__ __~___._._ '~II:IH:I;I,hli;( ---:--- ~ ..-- , -~ NOTE: Either part or 811 of this document submitted for recording Is not clear and/or legible at time of recording for imaging purposes 18 Qf 21 BK 2 9 2 7 2 PG I 7 7 5 - ,.~ACt1. ,: ,. PO'Il"O" 01 ~CT F'. CCUN~""S 1It01NT. ..~QI"'G TO nolIE' ,,,,,,f ~1AIEef:' AS U~C(O IN ~T aoolC ",. PJoC[ 29. PUIUC "EC.OAOS. IfIOWAflO COUN TT. n.O'llDA. ef:IHG IoIQRE P...ATI~\.l' otSCt'18E:D AS ,ou.ows: 8CCiIf' AT ~ NOftTWCAST CCftNC" ~ SAID ,",ACT F'. SAra pOINT M.......c: ,. AAGl/4 8~'NG r$ S 11'21.'0. .. mO'" 1\0,( RAOIUS POINT OF nol€ F'OU.DWI"C: OCSC:Rll(1) CVRvE: . Tt-4OC~ 50U~P;AS~L T ALONe: A Cl"C\I~ OJR~ TO ?WE: LEFT, MAWilG A ....CIUS " 28''''.110 mT, A CE",nUL ..Na.I Q'OI'''%'~~. '0" AN ""'~ OIST ANd: or "S,SJ ~: ",(NCE S 41.,"21. W F'OA SQ.41 ,UT: 1HOfC! 5 ,,'05'Z8- W F"OR ~~.s, rttT TO A POl.fT OF C\JRVA TUitE: "..Cf\lcr NC<< lHtCS TtR\. ., ALe>><<: C:"~aJLAI' CUlt~ TO lHf: ~ICHT, tU\MIIC A .UDIUS OF'U.13.24 FUT. A c:onRAL. ANC'ltE 0' JI'Ot'23- 'all AN ."C 0151'.\"'CE ell," 821.' 1 ~c, h 11oID"CE ,.. ~7"12. W r'CA 81UI n1T TO A ..ClINT' fY C\JA\I^T\.IAEo 'fto4ENClE NCA"-IE,ASt1:RLY ALCHO A ClltCUL,AR c:uR~ ro n04C "IOMf ",,,WilC A .,.,QlUS o~ sea-co lIUT, A ~TAAL ANC!.! or 11'04'11" rOA AN AAC OIST'ANCt C" ,:S'.ol nxr TO A POINT 0' T"NCENCY: ~INC( N 1\'07'0"'- t F'OR 18".'0 ~ TO A ,0INT Of C\JAYATUAE: 1t1(tICE No"THEAS1t;m.. T ^L.ONG A ClRCU'-"R QJRVE TO nlC \.!fT. WA'IINC A 1ilA06\JS OF' 74a.OQ F'CET, A c:DITR"1. AN~ ~ It ~1I'tI. F'OA 1N ARC DIS'TA,II'Cf, OF '47.51 F€ET: 1tlOfCC ,., 1S..,'48- t AI..QNG TMt NORnt U~I or $"'0 l1UCT" rOR HlI.I" fl"EE:T TO "..( POINT OF SE:C1NNIHC: p AoRctL ~: It P~"ON 0' ",,4 r 80 FOoT WIDe CANAL [ASDfUff AS REcaAOla IN omaA\. AceCAO 1001< 51<<11,. PAGE 15'. pueuc ItEC""OS Of'IROWMtO COUNTY. I'\O"IOA ANO L"NG 'IN' SECT1~ '. 'To....SHIP 401 IOU,,",. AANct: ' .1 ~T: !ROWARD COUNty. "'-~IOA. '''''0 weAE: P"'U'C\.I~I1LY oa~IIKO AS ro\.l.OW5: . 8(CIH AT TW( ~ORn.4[A.ST COANt'I OF ~ARen. ,s. CQUH'T1It""S POINT, ACCQ"ClI,..C TO f10Il "'-AT nol~ ~ AS "cc~a(o IN 'I.AT IClOIe n9. PAGE 2'. PUStJ.C RE:cCflD. ,"OWARO COUNty. FLOAIDA: 'Tt104ct.,., 8Q.4"".,- I': A&.Cf04C n'l HClfllW U!C ar $NO SECT1Qr4 , FOR 60.00 FEET TO ,. POIUT OH A CUA~ SAIO lIc>>tT ,tAftS N 8f'41..8. E ".~ n.E RADIUS POIMT ~ M NM at:SCRl8€O CUAY!: . 11-101(% souncvcsmu. Y A\.OHG ~ ClRc:.u..AA ~ 1'0 THE !"GMT. . HAw.fG A AADIU$ f7 140.nO nIT ,. COfTR-A1. ANG\l OF 11"="'. FOR ,.~ ~C ClSfANC! U 1.'," FECT TO A ..aNT OF T~GOfCY: 1104CNCE 5 "'07'0"- W FOR , IHoIG PU:T TO A PCltfT OF CU~"A1\JRe "..04<< soun..cITCA...., M.C>>IO A C1AC1IUA CUR~ TO T1~E L.aT, t-fA...NC A RADIUS 01' ..a.oa FlIT. A <:PImA&. ....Q.t a' .2'04'1'- ~A N'f ARC OISTAI'CI: 01' 1.11.05 ~11' 10 A POINT'" TAHGt:NCT: n.l~ S OQ.ST1Z- E r:"n ...at PUT TO . "OI'lT ,Off T1fE H,:CT OESCA.8€O C:UA\Jf:. SAlO POINT ICARS S 3'."0- W "'OW tHE IlAOIUS "OI"~ THOIC!: ..aRn1W€sn:n.." ...ot4C A ~CLA,.toR alA~ TO "..1 _l'iHT, 1-4AWfC: ^ ~I~ QF 121~t.. 'CET. A ClNTML ANOJ: ClF' 0"0.1'031. 'CIA AIf .tAC DlSTNfc:( 0' 107..)$ mT: "'D4c:E lit OO.""~- 'II ,.Olt ,7.11 rcET TO A ~aINT ~ CUllVAT\J"E: n10tC& "c" nif:ASftm. 'f' ~.CHO aAC\.I\.AR C\JINE TO THe RIGHT. 'WN'C A RAD1U9 D" 740,00 FEef. A COITIU,l.. ANClU Of 12"04'''- ~Df' ~ t.ltc: OtSTMCC at' t 5!.IO PUT TO A PQIIoIT Oil" TtV<<iO'tC1': TWD'CC H '1"0'.04- E F'Oft "4.'0 ':UT TO A pat..,. Of CURVA'f\JtIl~ ftofl:PlCt HCM'"EASlEAt. T "'-GtIC A CIACUlM C\JR\IE: TO lW( lIFT. H^~..e: A ,...oruS 0" '.~.no F'ClT. A CDlTRAl. ~CI.t aF 't'"2~'Ui. ,QlIl N4 ARC OtSfM'lct 0' '3t.~. FaT TO nlE POt"'T OF .(I:I,....."'IC;; 19'of 21 . NOTE: Either part or all of this document submitted for recording IS not clear and/or legible at time of recording for imaging purposes a: "" " \.C I'\.: ..."j N -0 en -..J -.J 0"\ II A_elL 3: " FOATlCII'I oF' "j.ACo. 3. COU"~""" ~f. "CCCJltOIN<i TO ,H( ItI.AT ~"'( or AS IilEC:OfiOt'C .. ~T eOCilK '1'. PAGt 2.!. 'U!UC JIIECOflDS. ,nOWMO COV,.IT"t'. ""ORIO.'. S(ltlO ..ORE P MIT1CUVJ't." ClESC1'ISitl ~ S ~ Ou..oWSl ep;(jI'" A r 'TME H~A ~EAST <:OtlN'" OF' $AIO ,.~cn. ~. SAlO POINT e~ftS iii It'." .e" to F"R"'" n-tl IUCtUS pOINT aF ~ HOT or:sc..'ltD CUf''-€: 1lfEMC€ SC\J""w(S~" ~'G A c",cuLAR OJAvC 'Ta 1'1'41 JltIct4T HA",..a A ~IUS of' eea.OO ,t$T. A ClN17lA1. ~Q.t. Cl' 11~5."L r:oR ItJ<f Aile OISTAI'4ct Of' "":5' nx' TO " POINT a' TANC"'C"= "'I(tICe $ 11'01'0"" 'f'I'r:OA 184.&0 ,n:T 'TO A POI"T 01 C\.lAVATUAC: TH04Cl scu T\'4~,'T'EAL. y ~Q"'C: ^ C'"OJ~ C\JtI~ TO nc. u:FT. I'<A'NICi A RADIUS 0' '.0.00 FaT. /II COITJII~ ANCl\.1 0' 11"a4"'" reA M Me "ISTANCE OF 155.'0 FEET TO A PO,.T ~ T^",ClMC~ . . TWo4t"'C<< s CC~ ,.,1" E F'OA. '7.82 ,tIT TV It. fIIOIN" 0fiI T~IE Nof D~CA,.m c:v,,~ sAle POINT BellAS S 4..r1"S'" 'II J'AOIIA flolf: ftAOIUS 'OtNT: , ~(tIC( ...O"THWESTtJ\~" ALOI'IO II el"~ C\J~ve: TO "n'4t ,.,CHT, . HA",,.IO A .uatUS of '~13.24 fUT. ~ CENntAL ....tICu: 0" 01'"g'04.. FoA AN AAC OCSfAHC'C 0' 16S.S4 mT TO ,. POINT OF TA"~(He"'~ {HeptCe: 1'4 Ja'5I'~?' 1ft ,en , 13.a~ Il!ET: ~f:"'C( ~ Sl'OO'33- [ rOFl3a4.a3 I'1:Ef TCI 1'l-IC POINT 0' '(CiIH~INC: 20 o~ 21 NOTE: Either a document SUbm~e~ t or all of thl~ not clear and/or I o~ recording Is of recording for i eg.,ble at time magmgpurposei a;, " N \.0 N -' N -0 Ci) -..J -..J -..J r::.xnlDit ~N CCl CONSULTANTS. INC. I ~ ~ 1 ENG/NElIIS' SVIfVEYOIIS. PLANNERS ~~ I \ ~ POMPANO BEACH OFFICE \ 2200PatlC Centra! Blvd, N. , Suit. 100 \ I (305) 914-2200 \ I I -{ _ I N r:t-(Jt)'.34 # I ,1.1: ,.,. \. I \ SC~/6 .. I'.' /00' A-l .. ~ 1 VE~O BEACH OFFICE 6G4 Azalea I.4n.,' Suit. C-2 . (305) 2Jl-u27 . "(1.1. .,..,. ...,"'." ....,.." ,*,,,,,* ,3,..,. -I. .., ,.",~C,& . NI'-~/'4IHI . 4~~.,.' (of<<',.,......) ~ , ~ ~ . I , , rl$' ".'''''4'' ""r-, ---_J________~______ I ' I -'1 I~ I ,.~ J ~I J' I 'Ii .Ii I v\' I I I" 1 I fii I I .1' I I f I '~ I I I " I I / , \. t: (J ,,/oJ T II r' oS I'DIAI r \. \. ,(1!6. ",~ I'c. r,) \ . art or all of this NOTE: ~Ith~~i~ted for recording is documen SU d/or legible at time not clea~ anf Imaging purposes of recordmg or . BEARINt;$ DERIVED rROH TH' PtA'l' DESC:RII.D IN THE r.lGAL ClI:SCJaP'f%OH . . LECAL DESCRI~IONI'\PARCEL .~ ) ~ --"'..", . A PORTION or PARCEL 3, COUNTRY'S POINT, ACCORDING TO THI PUT . THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PUT BOOK 111, PAGE 29, .PUBLIC RECORDS, BROWARD COUNTY,' FLORIDA, BIIHG HORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLoWS: IlEGIN 'AT THE ::ORTHEAST CORNEa or SAID PARCEL J 1 THENCZ SOUTH 51000'3:3" WEST FOR 3U.03 rEETt THENCE HORTH 3105"27" WEST FOR 262.Et FEETt THENCE NORTH 51000'33'" lAST FOR 35.', rEETt THINCE HORTH 8,041'41" EAST ALONO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3 FOR 420.26 FEET 1'0 THE PoIH'l' or BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.206 ACRES HORE OR LESS. . . SUBJECT TO EXISTING EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, RESTRICTIONS AND . RESERVATIONS or RECORD, IF ANY. ~, r;---.EPAOOUCTIOII. or THI. IKE~H All HOT . VALID UNLII, .tAUo WITH 1\1I DlIO.llto SUIVIYO.,. lEAL. I. LUO. IIIOWII HCIEON NUl NOT AIIT'ACTeO rot EAIEMEIIT, AIIO/OI A1Cllrl-or-NAY or k&COAO. J. OATA SHOItH HEACON WA' CONPILtO 'ION OTllca INSTAUNEHTI AIIO OOC' NOT COIISTITUTE A 'ItLO IUIVIY A' 'uel. . ~ -rVltIO". . ~...--.-... (E....~ IlCfttoA w.mICA~, COUIrr ~RAJi flirAe.y ctlflry THAT THC ATTACHeD 'II~, AND LeCAL oeSCRI'TION I. TAue AND COAlecT TO TNe'ICST 0' MY XHQWLtDGe AHD IJLle, AND IT HCCT' THe "'MIHUH TECHIIICAL 'TANGlAO' liT rOI,.. I' THe rLOIIDA STATe 10AIO or LAND '''7~~#t'~. . "''''.UIONAL L"..o .y"...."olll 1464 IUfI O' 'LOII'OA I HMACL $. M()HAM~D IH.S. 0"" O"AWIf CHICICIO 11.'.".... M.D, .... . . ft) \S ~ <\) 0"" .,. . ""-0 .001 I II .. "'0 ~. ~.. ......... .....--. ....-.......... ... - ---............ ....- . ..,.- " 21 Qf 21 , Jlo.,,::-.. ~~ \~. '.. ::~~:~~;5. ;.;.~l.' ;t.;',~..:::. co 7"\: N \D N -' N -0 (i") ....' . -.J -.J CO .'\. .... ,;~ it: ':. ;. j:: I ..i.'. .', ...... ., ...... ."l f: .~'. .' -'0' u."