HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05 Opposing Retaining County Employees Displaced due to Annexation RESOLUTION NO. 98 - 05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA OPPOSING ANY LOCAL OR GENERAL BILL WHICH WOULD REQUIRE A CITY ANNEXING UNINCORPORATED PROPERTY TO ~TAIN COUNTY ~~LOYEES WHICH MIGHT BE DISPLACED AS A RESULT OF SUCH ANNEXATION; CONTAINING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City of Parkland believes' that its home rule powers give Broward cities full authority to determine the nature and extent of its labor force, levels of service, and hir;i.ng policies; and WHEREAS, a proposal has been made to the Broward County Legislative Delegation which would require any cities which annex property (whether through a voluntary annexation or a local bill) to retain County employees which might be displaced as a result of said annexation; and WHEREAS, such a bill would violate the home rule powers of Broward cities, be extremely difficult to implement given the differing employment policies of the various cities in the County, and would unfairly burden cities in determining proper policies, levels of service, and service issues; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Parkland does hereby urge the Broward County Legislative Delegation to reject any local legislation which would have the effect of imposing upon the cities any requirement to retain, re-employ, or otherwise provide for any displaced County employees resulting from any type of annexation process. Further, the City of Parkland urges the Broward County Legislative Delegation to oppose any State: legislation which would have the same effect. Section 2. adoption. This Resolution shall become effective upon.' PASSED AN ADOPTED THIS 21 DAY OF JANUARY , 1998. ATTESTED: .~ .d-zr-...... . .9..~~..'6../f:!J;:\ .~/3L ..~ 1k4~ if;, /,;1 Lf j"g CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA , SAL4dt~. ~a SUSAN ARMSTRONG, CLERK