HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-01 Three Party Agmt WCI Communities-Issuance of Bldg Plats RESOLUTION 98 - 01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE eITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN BROW ARD COUNTY AND WCI COMMUNITIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND THE CITY OF PARKLAND, RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS WHILE PLATTING IS IN PROGRESS; CONTAINING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland, Broward County, and the WCI Communities Limited Partnership, desire to enter into the attached agreement; and WHEREAS, the attached agreement provides for the construction of nine (9) single family model units, a recreation building and a gatehouse on a parcel of land known as Parkland Isles, Plat Number 6-UP-97 and described on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the agreement also specifies certain lots on this parcel where this construction of nine (9) single family model units, a recreation building, and gatehouse may be done as follows: Lots 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, & 80 of Block A and Parcels A and B; and WHEREAS, the Developer shall be required to pay actual or estimated impact fees to the County and the City of Parkland for the nine (9) single family model units, a recreation building and gatehouse which the Developer wishes to construct prior to issuance of the building penn its by the City; and WHEREAS, this agreement will facilitate the construction of the nine (9) single family model units, a recreation building and a gatehouse within the boundaries of the Plat by the Developer during the time that preparation for the recordation of the Plat of the property is proceeding; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND: Section 1. The City of Parkland City Commission does hereby approve the attached agreement between Broward County and WCI Communities Limited Partnership and the City of Parkland and authorizes the Mayor to execute said agreement, provided said agreement is first executed by both Broward County and WCI Communities Limited Partnership. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED TInS.:!- DAY OF JANUARY . 1998. A TrEST: '-, )-<<a.~ Q~.~ SUSAN ARMSTRONG, CITY CL res-3pty . 3300 University Drive Coral Springs, Florida 33065 (954) 752.1100 WCI COMMUNITIES February 6, 1998 Ms. Helen M. Lynott City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 RE: Parkland Isles - Agreement to Obtain Building Permits Prior to Plat Recordation Dear Helen: The City Commission approved the attached agreement to obtain building permits prior to recordation of the Parkland Isles plat on January 7, 1998. The agreement was executed by the City on January 12th. I submitted the agreement on Jan~ 16th to Broward County for review and approval. .I received a call yesterday from the County informing me that they had misplaced the original executed agreement. Attached is another copy of the agreement and a copy of the previously executed signature page. I would greatly appreciate it if you would have the agreement re- executed so that I may submit a new original to the County for its execution and recordation. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you very much for your help in this matter. Sincerely, Patricia Z. Hitchcock, AICP Assistant Vice President-Planning Gk Attachments Exhibit "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portIon of Section 32, Township 47 South, Ronge 41 East, Broword County, Florldo, togather wIth 7rocts 5 and 32, Sactlon 5, TownshIp 48 South, Range 41 Eoat, FLORIDA FRUIT LANDS COUPANY'S SUBDIVISION NO.2, occordlng to tha plot thereof, recorded In Plot Book I ot Page 102 of the PublIc Records of Palm Baoch County, FlorIda, together wIth 0 portIon of Tracts 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 25, 26 ond 31 of aold Sactlon 5, together wIth 0 portIon of the OdJocent 15,00 foot wlaa rood Rlohts of Way, together wIth 0 portIon of the quIt claImed 15.00 foot wlda road Rlghta of Woy descrIbed In OffIcIal Records BOOk 17234 at Poga 315 of sold PublIc Recorda of Broword County, FlorIda, 011 deacrlbed oa fOllowa' .t. .... . BEGINNING at the southeoat corner of the Northweat Ouortar INW 1/41 of aold SectIon 5. thenca North 89053'02- Weat, olono tha aouth lIne of sold Northwast Ouorter INW 1/41 on tha north RIght of Way Ilna of North Sprlnoa Improvement DIstrIct Canol C.4E os descrIbed In Official Recorda Book 5510 ot Poge 658 of aold PublIc Records, 0 dlstonca of 1259.33 feat to tha aoat Rloht of Way Ilna of Carol RlaOa Drive os descrIbed In OfficIal Racords Book 21116 at Page 542 of sold Public Records, thence North 00050'43- West, olong aold eoat RIght of Woy line, 0 dlatanca of 1.02 feat, thence North 00.51 '45- Weat, along aold eoat RIGht of Way lIne, 0 dlatonce of 3301.38 feet to the north lIne of sold Northweat Ouorter INW 1/4) of SectIon 5 and the south line of the Southweat Ouorter ISW 1/4) of aold Section 32, thence contInue North 00.SI'45- West, along aold east Right of Way lIne, 0 distance of 60.00 feet to the northeoat corner of sold Coral RIdge Drive on 0 lIne parol Ie' wIth and 60.00 faat northerly from sold aouth line of the Southwest Ouorter ISW 1/41 of Section 32, thence North 89045'28- East, along sold porolle' lIne, 0 dlstonce of 542.31 faet to the beolnnlno of 0 curve concave to tha aouth havlno 0 radIus of 2810.00 f.at and 0 central onole of 05048'57-, thence eostarly, olono sold curve, 0 distance of 285.23 feet to the point of tonoency, thence South 84.25'35- Eo.t, 0 distance of 160.85 feet to the beolnnlno of 0 curve concave to the north having 0 radIus of 2690,00 feet and 0 central anOle af 05049'46-, thenca aosterly. olano aald curve. 0 dIstance of 273.69 feet to the poInt of tonoency on 0 lIne porollel wIth tha south lIne 01 the Southeast Quarter ISE 1/4) of aold Section 32, thence North 8904~'39- East. Olano sold porollel Ilna, 0 dIstance of 457,29 feet to the beglnnlno of 0 curva concave to the north hovlno 0 radius of 2690,00 f.et and 0 central onole of 05.49'46-, thence easterly. olano aold curve, 0 distance of 273.69 f.et to the poInt of . tangency, thence Horth 83.5~'53- Eoat, 0 dletonce of 159.18 faet to the beolnnlno of 0 curv. concave to the eouth hovlno 0 rodlue of 2810.00 fe.t and 0 central onole 01 05.49'46-, thence easterly, olano sold curve, 0 dlatonce of 285.90 f.et to the point of tonoency on 0 line parallel wIth and 60.00 feet northerly from laId louth lIne 01 tha Southeolt Ouorter ISE 1/41 of Section 32, thence North 89044'39- EOlt, olano laid porolle' line, 0 dl.tonce of 84.37 feet to the northwest corner of Pine Island Rood os descrIbed In Official Recordl Book 21il6 at Pooe 55~ of laId PublIc Recorda, thence South 00.51'42- East, olano the west RIOht of Woy lIne of laId PIne Island Rood, 0 distance of 60.00 feet to laid aouth lIne of the Southeast Ouortar ISE 1/41 and the north line of the Northeoat Ouorter INE 1/41 of sold Section 5, thence contInue South 00.51 '42- EOlt, along laid weat Right of Way line, 0 dIstance of 1420.88 feat to the beollYllno of 0 curve concave to the northeast hovlno 0 --...... -~ ""~t"1'\ "^ ........ __... _ ___......_1 ___I _ _M ..ft_ftl ,ft8_. CITY OF PARKLAND 6500 PARKSIDE DRIVE PARKLAND, FL 33067 (954) 753-5040 FAX (954) 341-5161 January 13, 1998 Ms. Patricia Z. Hitchcock Assistant Vice President-Planning WCI eommunities Limited Partnership 3300 University Drive Coral Springs, FL 33065 RE: Agreement Between Broward County, WCI Communities Limited Partnership and the City of Parkland Dear Ms. Hitchcock: Attached is the above referenced tri party agreement relating to the issuance of building , permits while platting is in progress. The agreement was approved by the Parkland City Commission on January 7, 1998, Resolution No. 98-01. As agreed, once Broward County signs the agreement and it is recorded a copy will be sent to WCI eommunities Limited Partnership and also to the City of Parkland. Thank you for your help and should you require further information do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, H~C~ Deputy eity Clerk Enclosure CC: Bradford Townsend, Director of Planning winward\wci.doc RECEIVED DEe 1 8 1997 BY: 3300 University Drive Coral Springs, Florida 33065 (954) 752-1100 WCI COMMUNITIES December 17, 1997 Mr. Bradford Townsend Director of Planning City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 RE: Parkland Isles Dear Brad: The Parkland Isles plat was approved by the County Commission on September 16, 1997, and we are preparing the plat for recordation. The plat recordation process is, however, quite detailed and normally takes several months. We would like to begin construction of nine model homes, the recreation amenity and one of the gatehouses in February 1998 prior to plat recordation. Enclosed is an executed original of Broward County's standard form tri party agreement which would permit the City to issue building permits prior to plat recordation. The.plat will be recorded prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy as required by the agreement. Please schedule the agreement for the next available City Commission meeting. I must have City approval prior to submission of the request to the County. Please call me if you have any questions or require further information. Thank you. Sincerely, /---'~j.'~ ,. . 'V" .".' t 1 \", ~. 1.....-"1 ,/ ~?'::<' / ,,-\.,-tJ;\f:C'C.~..?_ ~;atricia . . Hitchcock, AI~P Assistant Vice President-Planning Enclosure 3300 University Drive Coral Springs, Florida 33065 (954) 752.1100 WCI COMMUNITIES July 6, 1998 Ms. Helen Lynott, C.M.C. Deputy City Clerk City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 RE: Agreement between Broward County, WCI Communities & City of Parkland Dear Helen: Attached for your file is an executed, recorded copy of the tri-party agreement for the issuance of building permits prior to the recordation of the Parkland Isles plat. I just received this from the County today; the paper moves slowly through the system. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you. a Patricia Z. Hitchcock, AICP Assistant Vice President-Planning Attachment f/G,/9~- ~~~~ CITY OF PARKLAND 6500 PARKS IDE DRIVE PARKLAND, FL 33067 (954) 753-5040 FAX (954) 341-5161 January 13, 1998 Ms. Patricia Z. Hitchcock Assistant Vice President-Planning WCI Communities Limited Partnership 3300 University Drive Coral Springs, FL 33065 RE: Agreement Between Broward County, WCI Communities Limited Partnership and the City of Parkland Dear Ms. Hitchcock: Attached is the above referenced tri party agreement relating to the issuance of building permits while platting is in progress. The agreement was approved by the Parkland City Commission on January 7, 1998, Resolution No. 98-01. As agreed, once Broward County signs the agreement and it is recorded a copy will be sent to WCI Communities Limited Partnership and also to the City of Parkland. Thank you for your help and should you require further information do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, H~C~ Deputy City Clerk Enclosure CC: Bradford Townsend, Director of Planning winward\wci,doc ,../ " .:'" .-' } IncorDorated CAI'#234 04/21/95 .....----- 98-211792 T#001 04-10-98 10:34AM A G R E E M E.N T Between BROWARD COUNTY and CITY OF PARKLAND and WCI COMMUNITIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Relating to THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS WHILE PLATTING IS IN PROGRESS ~ L ~.pproved 8ccJnlq~ ~~?5 / Submitted By'A:PA)Jlt>I~~ ~ · RETURN TO DOCUMENT CONTROL A G R E E MEN T Among BROWARD COUNTY and CITY OF PARKLAND and WCI COMMUNITIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Relating to THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS WHILE PLATTING IS IN PROGRESS This is an Agreement between: subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," Commissioners; BROWARD COUNTY, a political its successors and assigns, through its Board of county AND CITY OF PARKLAND , a municipal corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as "CITY;" AND WCI COMMUNITIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP , its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as "DEVELOPER." WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, DEVELOPER, is the owner of a certain parcel of land, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and known as the Parkland Isles Plat, Plat No. 6-UP-97 , (the "Plat") xcam:txxxxxxxxxx)C, located XiaC between Pine Island Road ana Nob Hill Road , and situated within City of Parkland , on (Municipality) which Darcel ot land DEVELOPER cont.emp'lates ~he construction of Nine Single Family ~dels, Kecreat10n Bul.l(fing an-d Gateh~\1s-e . and , CAF#234 04/21/95 2 ~U'......,..".--",.~.~."""...... WHEREAS, the Plat was Commissioners on September 16 approved by the Board of Coun~y 19 97 i and . WHEREAS, DEVELOPER is now desirous of obtaining building permi ts from the CITY' so that DEVELOPER may construct Nine Single Famil Models. Recreation Building and Gatehouse ,hereinafter referred to as the "Improvements," within the boundaries of said Plat; and WHEREAS, the CITY' may not ordinarily issue building permits to DEVELOPER for construction of said Improvements within the boundaries of the Plat ~!XX~~J, prior to recordation of said Plat; and WHEREAS, on Q1'-UO~iJ~ /1. ,19 '11?, , the COUNTY' authorized the issuance 0 bU1lding permits by the CITY to DEVELOPER for construction of said Improvements within the boundaries of the Plat (Lot * ), prior to plat recordation; and WHEREAS, DEVELOPER shall be required to pay actual or estimated impact fees to the COUNTY for the Improvements which DEVELOPER wishes to construct prior to issuance of the building permits by the CITY; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY' requested and DEVELOPER agreed that, prior to the issuance of building permits, the parties shall enter into an Agreement setting forth specific conditions applicable to the issuance of such building permits; and WHEREAS, this Agreement will facilitate the construction of the Improvements within the boundaries of the Plat (Lot * ), by DEVELOPER during the time that preparation for the recordation of the Plat of the property is proceeding; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the promises and mutual covenants hereinafter contained, the parties do agree as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein. 2. The COUNTY represents to the CITY that it does not object to the CITY'S issuance of building permits to DEVELOPER feftehou s construction of Nine Single Family Models, Recreation Building a*ne "Improvements"), within the boundaries of the Parkland Isles Plat (Lot * ), prior to the recordation of said Plat, subject to the following conditions to assure compliance with the Broward county Land Use Plan: (a) No building permit shall be issued by the CITY unless and until DEVELOPER shall document payment of the impact fees which are due for construction of the Improvements, CAP#234 04/21/95 3 * Lots 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80 of Block A, and Parcels A & B pursuant to Chapter 5, Article IX, Broward County Code of Ordinances, the Land Development Code; said impact fees may be estimated in those instances when the COUNTY is not able to determine actual impact fees at the time of issuance of the building permits; and (b) No certificate of occupancy, which is complementary to the building permits, shall be issued by the CITY unless and until DEVELOPER shall record in the Official Records of Broward County said Plat which has been approved by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners; and (c) Should the DEVELOPER fail to record the Plat approved by the Board on September 16 , 1997 , wi thin eighteen (18) months of the date of approval, or otherwise allow the plat to expire, the building permits issued shall be revoked by the CITY and any improvements constructed pursuant to such permits shall be removed within three (3) months of expiration of the current plat approval unless the plat is reapproved within three (3) months and recorded before expiration of the new approval. The COUNTY shall refund all impact fees paid for building permits where the improvements are demolished. (d) Conditions 2(b) and (c) shall appear on the face of the building permits issued by the CITY. However, failure of the permits to so indicate shall not alter any terms of this agreement or the right of the COUNTY and the CITY to enforce the terms of this agreement. 3. The CITY agrees that any building permits issued for the construction of said Improvements will be issued in accordance with paragraph 2, and the CITY reserves the right to evaluate DEVELOPER'S application for building permits for compliance with all existing laws, ordinances and regulations controlling the issuance of building permits for construction within the CITY. The issuance of building permits shall be at the discretion of the CITY. 4~, Nothing in this Agreement shall prejudice the COUNTY'S right to impose conditions on approval of the Plat covering the lands described herein which are required by COUNTY plat ordinances and regulations or are otherwise necessary to insure the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Broward County. 5. DEVELOPER agrees not to occupy the Improvements unless and until a certificate of occupancy has been issued. CAFI234 04/21/95 4 . , 6. In those instances when estimated impact fees are paid they shall be adjusted at the time of Plat recordation and any .underpayment or overpayment shall be taken into consideration. 7. The DEVELOPER assumes the risks associated with constructing the Improvements prior to plat recordation. The issuance of the building permits before final plat recordation shall not be considered by DEVELOPER, the COUNTY or the CITY as a grant to DEVELOPER of any vested right whatsoever for the use, occupancy, or completion of the construction of Improvements within the boundaries of the Plat (Lot * ), nor shall the COUNTY or the CITY be deemed estopped from enforcing the terms of this Agreement because of the issuance of the building permits or construction completed pursuant to such permits. Furthermore, if the presently approved plat expires without the plat being recorded, the DEVELOPER shall be required to meet all land development regulations in effect at the time the new plat is submitted and shall be subject to new concurrency determinations. 8. This Agreement shall be recorded in Broward County, Florida, at the Recordation of the Parkland Isles an automatic release of the obligations herein. the Public Records of DEVELOPER'S expense. Plat shall be of DEVELOPER set forth CAI'#234 04/21/95 5 * Lots 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80 of Block A, and Parcels A & B IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature: BROWARD COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its Chair or Viqp Chair, autho~d to execute same by Board action on the -171J:J day of .ua'-t:~ ' 19 ; the CITY, signing by and tough its , authorized to exe~ute same by Co sloon/Council action on the 1~:iJ day of ....Jan&.br#\ , 19~; and WeI Communities Limited partnership , signing by~d through its Vice President duly authorized to execute same. ATTEST: COUNTY BROWARD COUNTY, through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS f{. /{p. county A~nlostrator Officio Clerk of the county Commissioners county, Florida and Ex- Board of of Broward n /L. -0 Chair f ~, 19qr """,'''''I'''P9 .."- COMM1,SS........... ~~..I.' .......... lO"'1.~ ,t. ~~' ,.' '. __t. ~. ". /.' ~ Jo'f. .....-: " . .r\'" ~ 'J . · ~..,. ~. 0: CREATFO ...: . \ 1" 0 'wi' " i - : oel: 1 ~T : ! ...' 1"'1-- -. .. .. ~~ 03 iJ ~, ~ ':. ' ~.. ~ o' ~. ~ ~ -. ~ ~...'( '" .-liD cou~..., ~~ ~ ....c.... ~ .... * .,~ .~ ." ~""''',I''. Approved as to form Office of county Attorney for Broward County, Florida JOHN J. COPELAN, JR., County Attorne: Governmental Center, suite 423 115 South Andrews Avenue' Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone: (305) 357-7600 Telecopier: (305) 357-7641 BY~~~..k A sistant County Attorney CAF#234 04/21/95 6 AGREEMENT PARKLAND RELATING PROGRESS BETWEEN BROWARD COUNTY f.. THE CITY I TOWRTNEN RSH<lF , AND weI ~OMMUNITIES LIMITED llA TO THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS WHILE PLATTING IS IN ~ CITY OF By 4t ~~ra ---12- day of JANUARY , 19-2..fL ATTEST: ~~ Q-~~ Susan Armstrong, City rk By Barry --12.. day of JANUARY , 19...2.!! CORPORATE SEAL APPROVED AS TO FORM: BY~ Andrew Maurodis STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD ) ) ) S5 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 12 day of JANUARY, 1998 by SAL PAGLIARA who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did/did not take an oath. N~~~ HELEN M. LYNOTT Type or print name My commission expires: tt. C' C ?t- ~ 00"t 0 COmJD1ssion No. G) HEI.EN M. L'iNOTT .: . MY~I_ItJI'CC4lllMD . EICPIAES: ,..., 11, 1_ ...... 1IIu NolIIy "'* ......... 7 CAP#234 04/21/95 AGREEMENT PARKLAND RELAT.ING TO PROGRESS BETWEEN BROWAR~ AN~C?ttJtIYdOMMUNl~fES Llcm1lr1P~ERSH~f THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS WHILE PLATTING IS IN IP . Z. G .~J::... ~~am2~<. -i -ness s~at % t,a-u;tA... La. c)C I . W~tness name printed ~gnatur Paul J. Angelo, Vice President Name printed 3300 University Drive Coral Springs, Florida 33065 Address ~I -11c... day of u...:.Q.e.M\)e,,-, 19n CORPORATE SEAL COUNTY OF ) ) 55 ) The foregoing day of trument was acknowledged before me this 19 by Of corpora on behalf of the He/she is personally known to or produced identification and did/did not ta as , a corporation. as Type or pr~nt My commission expires: COmJn1.ss~on No. c:AF#234 04/21/95 8 AGREEMENT PARKLAND RELATING TO PROGRESS BETWEEN BROWARD COUNTY, THE CITY I TOWN OF . , AND WCI COMMUNITIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS WHILE PLATTING IS IN COUNTY OF ) ) ) SS The foregoing nt was acknowledged before me this day of who is personally known to me or as identification and who an oath. Type or My commission expires: Comml.ssion No. PARTNERSHIP STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD ) ) SS ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 16th day of December ,19 97 by Paul J. Angelo , on behalf of WCI COMMUNITIES LIMITEDPARTNERSHIP He~ is personally known to me e.-has-~~ as--id~-f-i~-on- and 4i~/did not take an oath. OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL PATRICIA M CRAIG NOTARY PUBUC srATEOF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. CC651WS MY COMMISSION EXP. JULY 12,2001 ~ CdM. i..~ {Yl. U.lk4- NOTARY PUBLIC 1/ patricia M. Craig Type or print name CC657975 Commission No. My commission expires: July 12, 2001 CAF#234 04/21/95 9 AGREEMENTD BETWEEN BROWARD' COUNTY, THE CITY I TOWN OF l1ARKLAN , AND WCI COMMUNITIES LIMITE'D PARTNERSHIP RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS WHILE PLATTING IS IN PROGRES.S MORTGAGEE ,---, ~~ !l- it;;~~~ Wi trness Jeanette 'A. Streander ~~~"~~ Witness M~'/.IAJ' L.J~, Y ~'- .8hiVk gosloAJ Jl A~ - , (Mortgagee) . By and'l:hrough: y? I ./d ':. /!i/(7/- Viu.,. He J,'./t'-I'.j- ~S- day of ;.,6ve;st.6-i~ , 19 97 STATE OFGGbR.a If} ) COUNTY OF J>G:1-( A}.... (3 ~ 55. 115 Perimeter Center Place, N.E. Suite 500 Atlanta, GA 30346 BEFORE ME personally appeared ()/ce fri-e5Ir:LL~t ~~,u P. ~J5 0 of ~,4A),b(~~fl))j. ~ I A-. , (Mortgagee) , as known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing Agreement and acknowledged to me and before me that h~ executed same for the purposes herein expressed. I ~ WITNESS my hand and official ~UVeN) CBe>-e:. , 19.=12. seal, ') C t-L this ~~ day of OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL Cheryl Geoffrion Notary Public State of Georgia My commission expireM, Commission Exp. April 30, 2000 CAF#234 08/10/92 10