HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-47 Interlocal Agmt Regarding Share EPA National Pollutant Discharge RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OFFICIALS TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AMONG BROWARD COUNTY CITIES, UNINCORPORATED BROWARD COUNTY, AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland, Florida finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City to enter into an agreement among Unincorporated Broward County, Broward County Cities, and the Florida Department of Transportation to share the resource burden of the system-wide EP A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the appropriate City officials hereby approve entering into an agreement among Unincorporated Broward County, Broward County Cities and the Florida Department of Transportation. Section 2. That this agreement is to share the resource burden of the system- wide EPA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit and authorize Broward County to conduct specific technical activities required by the permit to be performed by the Broward County Department of Natural Resource Protection. Section 3. That this Resolution shall become 10 full force and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. It-;o, . AND ADOPTED TIDS 3rd DAY OF DECEMBER , 1997. CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA SALe.~~ SUSAN ARMSTRONG, C.M.C,- CITY CLERK Department of Natural Re.ource Protection Water Resources Division 218 S.w. 1st Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 519-1270 . FAX (954) 519-1496 -----..----.- October 26, 1998 Ms. Helen Lynott, C.M.C. Deputy City Clark City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Plantaion, FL 33067 Re: Interlocal Agreement for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Permit (NPDES) Work Dear Ms. Lynott: Enclosed herewith is a certified copy of the Interlocal Agreement between Broward County Department of Natural Resource Protection, the City of Parkland, various municipalities and the Florida Department of Transportation. If you have any questions, please call us at (954) 519-1490. Sincerely, ~ Ashok Raichoudhwy Water Resources Division C:\fi1es'1larkl BROWARD COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - An Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider of Service. Norman Abramowitz Scott I. Cowan Suzanne N, Gunzburger Ilene Lieberman Lori Nance Parrish Sylvia Poltler John E, Rodstrom. Jr. World Wide Web: http://www.co.broward.fl.us/dnrp CITY OF PARKLAND 6500 PARKSIDE DRIVE PARKLAND, FL 33067 (954) 753-5040 FAX (954) 341-5161 December 11, 1997 Mr. David Lee, Director Water Resource Division Department of Natural Resource Protection 218 S.W. 1st Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 RE: Interlocal Agreement to Share the Resource Burden of the System-wide EPA National Pollutant Dischame Elimination System :. Dear Mr. Lee: Attached is the Interlocal Agreement among Broward County Cities, Unincorporated Broward County and the Florida Department of Transportation. This Agreement was , unanimously approved by the Parkland City Commission by Resolution No. 97-47 on December 3, 1997. Once it has been approved and signed by the Board of County Commissioners I would appreciate it if a copy could be forwarded to our office for our files. s~~ Helen Lynott, C.M.C. Deputy City Clerk (1) attachment CC: Charles DaBrusco, City Engineer winward\interloc.doc INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT among UNINCORPORATED BROWARD COUNTY , CITY OF COCONUT CREEK; , CITY OF COOPER CITY; CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS; CITY OF DANIA; TOWN OF DAVIE; CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH; CITY OF HALLANDALE; TOWN OF LAUDERDALE-BY-THE-SEA; CITY OF LAUDERDALE LAKES; CITY OF LAUDERHILL; , CITY OF LIGHTHOUSE POINT; , , CITY OF MARGA TE; CITY OF MIRAMAR; CITY OF NORTH LAUDERDALE; CITY OF OAIq-AND PARK; CITY OF PARKLAND; TOWN OF PEMBROKE PARK; I CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES; ~ITY OF PLANTATION; . CITY OF POMPANO BEACH; VILLAGE OF SEA RANCH LAKES; CITY OF SUNRISE; CITY OF T AMARAC; CITY OF WILTON MANORS; and r- FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIpN . to SHARE THE RESOURCE BURDEN OF THE SYSTEM-WIDE EP A NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM PERMIT AND AUTHORIZE BROW ARD COUNTY TO CONDUCT SPECIFIC TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES REQUIRED BY THE PERMIT TO BE PERFORMEIl..l:~Y TIlE BROW ARD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION to SHARE mE RESOURCE BURDEN OF THE SYSTEM-WIDE EPA NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHAROE ELIMINATION SYSTEM MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM PERMIT AND AUTHORIZE BROW ARD COUNTY TO CONDUCT SPECIFIC TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES REQUIRED BY THE PERMIT TO BE PERFORMEDJfY THE BROW ARD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION 'This is an Interlocal Agreement, made and entered into by and between: BROW ARD COUNTY, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," AND CITY OF COCONUT CREEK; CITY OF COOPER CITY; CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS; CITY OF DANIA; TOWN OF DAVIE; CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH; CITY OF HALLANDALE; TOWN OF LAUDERDALE-BY-TIffi-SEA; CITY OF LAUDERDALE LAKES; CITY OF LAUDERHILL; qTY, OF LIGHTHOUSE POINT; CITY OF MARGATE; CITY OF MIRAMAR; CITY OF NORTH LAUDERDALE; CITY OF OAKLAND PARK; CITY. OF PARKLAND; TOWN OF PEMBROKE PARK; CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES; CITY OF PLANTATION; CITY OF POMPANO BEACH; VILLAGE OF SEA RANCH LAKES; CITY OF SUNRISE; CITY OF T AMARAC; CITY OF WILTON MANORS; and UNINCORPORATED BROWARD COUNTY, municipal corporations existing under the laws of the state of Florida, and FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT), an agency ofthe State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "PARTIES." WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered into pursuant to ~ 163.oI, Florida Statutes (1991), also known as the "Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969," and other Florida law; and WHEREAS, the Enviromnental Protection Agency, hereinafter referred to as the "EP A," by way of the Water Quality Act of 1987,' 33 U.S.C. 1251, and 40 CFR 122.42(c), requires the COUNTY and the.P ARTIES to comply with the applicable conditions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NpDES) Ml1nicipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit Program; and WHEREAS, the EP A pursuant to its aliopted roles has designated all municipalities in Broward COWlty, except the Cities of Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood as part ofBroward County's MS4 for the purpose of obtaining a NPDES Permit; and , WHEREAS, the EPA has recommended Broward County Department of Natural Resource Protection, hereinafter referred to as "DNRP ," act as "lead permittee" and the PARTIES act as "co- permittees;" and WHEREAS, the Broward County Department of Public Works has the legal authority to plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain County-owned drainage facilities and/or drainage facilities located within the unincorporated area of Broward County; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY has.the legal authority and ability to coordinate and conduct specific technical activities required by the NPDES MS4 Permits; and -2- WHEREAS, although the Florida Department of Transportation does not agree or admit to the jurisdiction of the Federal Goverrunent under the Water Control Act of 1987, the Department is complying with said law and this Agreement shall be understood in that light; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES are desirous of procuring the services of the COUNTY, pursuant to the NPDES MS4 regulations, to manage and/or perform certain technical tasks necessary to determine compliance with the applicable portions of Parts I1Iand V of the conditions of the NPDES MS4 Permits; and IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual terms, conditions~ promises, covenants, and payments hereinafter set forth, the COUNTY and the PARTIES agree as follows: 1. AffL,ICABILITY OF AGREEMENT _...._.~ 1.1 This Agreement applies to the COUNTY and those PARTIES identified in this agreement for the County to perform the folloWing specific' program requirements of Parts III and V of the Broward County NPDES MS4 Permit: Part IIlA.2. Control QfDischarfes from Areas QfNewDeveloDment and SiWlificant RedeveloDment a. Continue to implement the Broward County Land Use Plan which contains objectives and policies relating to drainage and storm water management that provide controls for areas of new development and significant redevelopment. b. For areas of new development, adhere to the treatment perfomlance standards set forth in the State Water Policy. Part IlIA. 4. Ensure Flood Control PrQ,iects Consider Water QualifY ImDacts a. Ensure that all new developments, significant redevelopments and new flood control projects adhere to the pelformance standards set forth in the State Water Polley. Part lIlAS Identification. Monitorinv. and Control Qf Dischar~es from MuniciDal Waste Treatment. Storage. or DisDosal ('[Sm Facilities not Covered bv an NPDES Storm Water Permit a. Provide a description of the program employed to evaluate for each co-permittee, through inspections and monitoring, municipal waste treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) facilities not covered by NPDES pemlit(s). . Part IlIA. 6 Control qfPollutants Related to A1JDlicatioll Q,fPesticides. Herbicides. and Fertilizers a. Provide a description, for incorporation into the permit, of the existing public education program(s), employed within jurisdictional areas, to encourage the public to reduce their use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. b. Provide a description of the program and procedures implemented by municipal staff, within each jurisdictional area, to minimize the use of pesticides; herbicides and fertilizers and to properly apply, store and mix these products. c. Where no comprehensive program of this nature exists, the permittee(s) shall develop and implement a program to include proper training and/or on-the-job supervision for municipal employees who apply, store or mix these products. In a summary of the program developed in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT. Part IlIA.7.a. illicit Discharves and ImDroDer DislJosal - In.rvections. Ordinances. and Enforcement Measures a. Identify those of the non-storm water di.scharges listed under Part 1I.7.a. on page 16 ofthe permit -3- which will be allowed to be discharged to the MS4. b. Describe conditions, if any; to be piaced on allowable non-storm water discharges. Provide a copy of this identification. c. Develop a program to inspect drainage connections to the FOOT MS4 after project completion to ensure continued compliance with drainage connection permit requirements and to ensure that no illicit or non-permitted connections have been made. d. In cases where another regulatory agency requires a periodic certification of compliance, the program developed may allow FOOT to accept this certification of compliance in lieu of further inspections by FOOT. After development, include a description of the inspection program in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT for incorporation into the permit. "",",~_ Part IIlA. 7.c. Illicit Discharfes and ImTJroTJer Disvosal - Investi~ation QfSu$pected Il/icits and/or /mJzJ:Q.per Disl10sal a. Develop investigative procedures to identify the source(s) of illicit connections or discharges to the FOOT MS4. These procedures shall include notification to FDEP and EP A ofillicit connections. b. After development, include a summary of the investigative procedures in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT. c. Implement the investigative ' procedures developed to identify the source(s) of illicit connections or discharges to the MS4. Part IlIA. 7 e. fl/icit Dischar'les and Imvrover Di$posal - Public Notification a. Provide BrowSId County co-permittees with a copy of the Broward County DNRP's brochure describing the proper disposal of toxic materials and phone nwnbers to report the presence of illicit discharges and improper disposal of materials into the MS4. b. The brochure shall include 'information on the problems associated with illicit connections or discharges, what to look for and how to report incidents. c. Continue to make available literature informing the public about problems associated with illicit connections or discharges to the MS4, how to spot them, how to report incidents, and the 24-hour Broward County DNRP pollution c~mplaint 'hotline. Part IlIA. 7.r. illicit Dischar'les and Imvrover DisDosal - Oils. Toxics. and Household Hazardous W a~te Control a. Continue to make available to the public information (by means of literature, lectures, television ads, radio announcements, etc.) on the proper Uisposal of used motor oil, leftover hazardous household products, used vehicle tires and'lead acid battelies. Include information informing the public of the locations of the Broward County recycling facilities, and collection sites for used motor oil, hazardous household products, used vehicle tires, and lead acid batteries and the hours of operfltion. b. With each FDOT Drainage Connection Permit, include information on used oil recycling, propel' hazardous waste disposal, storm water regulations, and spill reporting. Part IlIA. 7. f. fl/icit Dischar'les and Imvrover Disvosal - Limitation of Sanita,y Sewer SeevQ'le a. Advise appropriate utility owners, County, andlor State Agency of violation if constituents common to wastewater contamination SIe discovered in the MS4 during routine inspections, regular -4- maintenance or public repc;lrting. b. Include a plan of action and schedule, to be detailed in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT, to correct the deficiencies. Part IIlA 8 a. Industrial and Hi'lh Risk Runq,fJ - Identification qf Priorities and Procedures for InslJections a. Inventory an~ prioritize all existing high risk facilities discharging into the MS4 within each permittee's jurisdictional area. b. High risk facilities shall include municipal landfills, hazardous waste treatment. storage, disposal and ~ecovery facilities, facilities that have reported under the requirements of EPCRA Title III, Section 313, private and municipal waste handling facilities and any other industrial or commercial discharge which the permittee determines is contributing a substantial pollutant loading to the MS4. c. This inventory shall identify the outfall and surface water body into which each high risk facility drains. d. Implement procedures, within each permittee's jurisdictional area, to determine if the identified high risk facilities are in co~pliance with all appropriate aspects of the stom water program (e.g. no illicit connections; compliance with local storm water regulation requirements; and ifthe facility is required to have NPDES permit coverage, a copy of the NPDES storm water pollution prevention plan on site). e. Maintain a list of all industrial storm water sources discharging to the MS4 and include an update in each ANNUAL REPORT of any additionally identified industrial facilities not previously listed. Maintain a log documenting the results of the inspections performed. f. Develop procedures fol' the inspection of high risk facilities which hold FDOT drainage connection permits to verify compliance with FOOT Drainage permit requirements. In cases where another regulatory agency requires a periodic certification of compliance, the program developed may allow FDOT to accept this certification of compliance in lieu of further inspections by FDOT. g. After development. include a summary of the procedures & inspection schedule for incorporation into the pe~it. Part IlIA 8. P Industrial and Hi'lh Risk RunQ,fJ - Monitorin~ for Hie/1 Risk Industries a.' Develop a monitoring program which addresses the water quality criteria included in the FDOT permitting process for those high risk industrial facilities which hold FDOT drainage connection permits. b. Include a description of the specific enforcment steps to be taken to require compliance with permit conditions if violations are identified. c. 'After developmentrmclude a summary of-the monitoring program in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT for incorporation into the permit. d. Implement the monitoring program for high risk industrial facilities. Part IlIA 9 a. Construction Site RunQ.ff - Site Plallnin~ & Structural and Non-structural Controls a. New land development and construction projects shall incorporate Broward County DNRP's BMP guidelines for erosion, sediment, and runoff control and surface stabilization as described in the Part 2 application. -5- Part IlIA 9 b Construction Site RunQlJ - I~ction and E'lforcement a. Provide a copy of the municipal and DNRP programs for inspecting construction projects outside of the independent drainage districts for compliance with their licensing conditions and which provides for enforcement action against those in violation of their permit stipulations. b. If none exist, develop and implement an inspection program for construction sites outside of the independent drainage districts where runoff discharges to the MS4, to verify compliance with local storm water ordinances and codes. c. The program shall include systematic inspection procedures, and proper enforcement mechanisms. -~-'.. _...'.. d. After development, provide a summary of the inspection program for sites outside of the independent drainage districts for incorporation into the permit. Maintain a log docwnenting the inspections conducted. e. Develop and implement a program to inspect construction projects that propose to directly discharge storm water to the FOOT MS4 and have been granted an FDOT drainage connection permit for compliance with FDOT permit conditions. f. Require connection entities, who are found or suspected of discharging storm water of unacceptable quality during or following construction, to sample and test the discharge to prove compliance with FDOT permit conditions. Part llIIl. 9 c Construction Site RunQ,ff - Site Qperator Traininf a. Provide for the training of inunicipal construction site opemtors on measures to reduce pollutants from sites, awareness of the NPDES program requirements for construction activities, erosion & sediment control BMPs for construction sites, structw'al and non-structural controls for construction activities and on the enforcement protocol to facilitate compliance. ' b. Provide a description of any currently implemented curriculwn and/or certification programs(s) for construction site operators. ' c. Develop and implement a procedure to notify building permit applicants, in developments subject to the storm water regulations, of their application responsibilities under the NPDES permitting program for construction site runoff. d. After development, include a summlUY of procedures in the subsequent ANNUAL REPORT based on the receipt of procedure data from each PARTY. Part VC 4 ANNUAL REPORT The ANNUAL REPORT shall contain a Narrative Report to succinctly discuss the SWMP Elements which were not included within the SWMP S.wnmary Table. Those SWMP Elements required to be developed under Parts II and III of this permit shall be discussed within this section of the ANNUAL REPORT based on receipt ofS\VMP information from each PARTY. 1.2 The requirements of Part III.A.7.b. of the MS4 Permit are the subject of the previous Interlocal Agreement for the County NPDES MS4 Permit and are not a part of this Agreement. 2. PARTIES RESPON~IBILITIES The PARTIES agree that they will conduct the following tasks and provide the data indicated -6- to the COUNTY within the time frames shown that will enable the COUNTY to submit the ANNUAL REPORT and other data to EPA within the times required by the Permit. Part IlIA.] Operation and Maintenance qf Structural Controls and Storm Water Collection ~ a. Conduct inspections and maintenance of the structural controls and storm water collection systems discharging to the MS4 within each permittee's jurisdictional area. Responsible Party All Parties Submission Dates See Item b. below. b. Maintain an internal record keeping system to track inspections and. maintenance activities performed on structural controls during the permit term and submit a copy of the records to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Dates All Parties July 1, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001; and December 17,1997,1998, 1999,2000, and 2001 c. Semi-annually, assess the accomplishments of your inspection and maintenance program as compared to the target goals outlined in Table II.A.l.b. of the NPDES MS4 Permit and submit a copy of the assessment to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Dates All Parties July 1, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001; and December 17, 1997, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001 Part IlIA.2. Control qf Dischar~es from Areas qfNew Develonment and Si'Plificant Redevelonment a. Employ new FDOT Drainage Connection Permit requirements which include a "certification of water quality" to be provided by the connecting entity. Submit a copies of the certification of water r fi d DNRP qua Ity or approve projects to Responsible Party Submission Dates FDOT July 1,1998,1999,2000, and 2001; and December 17, 1997, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001 Part IlIA. 3. Operation and Maintenance Q.f Public Streets. Roads. and Hiehwqys . I . a. Implement the litter control program(s) for highways and streets within each permittee's jurisdictional area, as described within the SWMP of the Part 2 application, and properly dispose of the collected material. Provide a report updating the status of the program and an estimate of the volUme of litter collected to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Dates All Parties July 1, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001; and December 17, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, /lnd 2001 b. Perform scheduled maintenance on storm water structures (i.e. catch basins, etc.) and roadside ditches and properly dispose of accumulated sediments. Maintain an intemallog documenting these maintenance activities. Submit a copy of the log to DNRP. Include, in the first ANNUAL REPORT, the maintenance schedule for the storm water structures and roadside ditches. Submit a copy of the schedule to DNRP. If these activities are performed by others under a contractual agreement, then the permittee shall retain copies of the contractual agreement which specifies the maintenance activities to be performed and the schedule of frequency. I Responsible Party I Submission Dates -7- All Parties Submit copy of log by July 1, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001; and December 17,1997,1998,1999,2000, and 2001 All Parties Su~mit copy of maintenance schedule by December 17, 1997 All Parties If maintenance work is contracted out, submit copy of each contract and maintenance schedule within 30 days of execution c. Provide a description, for incorporation into the pennit, of the standard practices employed to reduce the ppllutants in stonn water runoff'from areas associated with road repair and from all municipally-owned or operated equipment yards and maintenance shops that support road maintenance aptivities. Submit the description to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Date -..:.:-.:".. All Parties December 17, 1997 , d. Provide a summary of the activit!es perfcinned under the Broward Clean and Beautiful Program, within jurisdictional limits, to maintain the public streets, roads, and highways to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Dates , All Parties except July 1, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001; and December 17, 1997, 1998, FDOT 1999,2000, and 2001 e. Describe the coordination efforts for the "Adopt-A-Highway" program for local organizations to be identified with specific highway cleanup and beautification projects and provide a report to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Dates FDOT July 1, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001; and December 17, .1997,1998, 1999,2000, and 2001 f. Conduct routine inspections of each FDOT maintenance facility to verify that BMPs are operational and to detennine changes necessary to improve runoff quality. Submit a copy of the inspections to DNRP. Responsible Party Submiss-ion Dates FDOT July 1, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001; and December 17, 1997, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001 Part I1IA.4. Ensure Flood ControlPrQjects Consider Water Quality ImTJQcts a. Provide two copies of the municipality's adopted comprehensive plans to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Date . All Parties except December 17, 1997 FDOT Part /IIA 5. Identification. Monitorin~. and Control of Dischar~es from MunicilJal Waste Treatment. Stora~e. or Di.mosal (I'SD) Facilities not Cov€!red bv an NPDES Storm Water Permit a. Implement the program designed to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges from municipal waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities which are not covered by NPDES pennits. Provide DNRP with a list and description of the facilities that were found and how the cases were processed. Responsible Party Submis,rion Dates All Parties except July 1, ,1998, 1999,2000, and 2001; and December 17, 1997, 1998, FDOT 1999,2000, and 2001 -8- b. Provide a description of the program to monitor pollutants in runoff from City of Tamarac Sewer Treatment Plant and Sludge Farm closed in 1987. Submit the program description to DNRP. Responsible Party City of Tamarac Submission Date December 17, 1997 Part IlIA 6. Control Q,l Pollutants Related to Armlication qf Pesticides. Herbicides. and Fertilizers a. Submit copies to DNRP of proper certification for all applicators contracted by the municipality to apply pesticides and herbicides on municipal and FDOT property. Responsible Party Submission Dates All Parties July 1, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001; and December 17,1997,1998, 199?, 2000, and 2001 b. Provide a description of any e~isting public education programs employed within municipal jurisdictional areas to encourage the public to reduce their use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Dales All Parties except December 17, 1997 FDOT c. Provide a description of any existing program and procedures implemented by municipal staff within municipaIjurisdictional areas to minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Dates All Parties except December 17, 1997 FDOt d. Implement the program, described in the FDOT Statewide SWMP, to minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers and to properly apply, store, and mix these products. Submit a progress report on the program implementation to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Dales FDOT July 1, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001; and December 17,1997,1998, 1999, 2000,and 20en Part IIlA.7,a. fllicit Dischar~es and Improper Di~posal - Inspections Ordinances and Enforcement Measures a. Identify those of the non-storm water discharges listed under Part II.7.a. on page 16 of the permit which will be allowed to be discharged to the MS4. Describe municipal conditions, if any, to be placed on allowable non-storm water discharges. Provide a copy ofthis identification to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Dales All Parties except December 17, 1997 FDOT b. Implement developed program to inspect drainage connections to the FDOT MS4 after project completion. Inform DNRP of the implementation of the program. Responsible Party Submission Dales I , , FDOT December 17, 1999 -9- c. Maintain an intemallog docwnenting inspections and enforcement actions performed and provide a summary of these records in, each subsequent ANNUAL REPORT. Provide a copy of the log to DNRP. Responsible Party FDOT Submission Dates July 1,2000 and 2001; and December 17,1999,2000, and 2001 Part IILA 7.~. DUdt Discharfes and Improyer DisDosal - Investi~ation ofSusDected Rlidts and/or ImDroDer Di~posal a. Report all suspect conditions and violations (regarding illicit connections and improper disposal to the MS4s) to DNRP for investigation and elimination. Responsible Party Sub,mission Dates All Parties except Notify DNRP within 30 days of the discovery-of the condition or FDOT violation Par', III.A. 7.d. Rlicit Discharfes and ImDroDer Diwosal- Spill Prevention and ResDonse a. Implement the various municipal procedures for handling and disposing of chemical spills within each permittee's jurisdictional area. Include notifying the Broward County DNRP Response Team to provide technical support or remediation assistance for hazardous materials or chemical spills. Provide a copy of the plan to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Dates All Parties except December 17, 1997 FDOT and Broward County b. If no procedures of this type exist, the pennittee(s) shall develop spill prevention and spill response procedures to effectively mitigate pollutant discharges from spills to surface waters and the MS4 and provide DNRP with a copy of the procedures. Include training personnel to recognize and quickly assess the nature of spills and to promptly report all hazardous material spills and chemical spills to the Broward County DNRP, Responsible Party Submission Dates All Parties except December 17, 1997 FDOT and Broward County . . c. Provide a description of how the existing or developed spill prevention and response programs or procedures were utilized to mitigate pollutant discharges from spills to the MS4 and surface waters. Responsible Party Submission Dates . All Parties except July I, 1998, 1999,'2000, and 2001; and December 17,1997,1998, FDOT and Broward 1999,2000, and 2001 County d. Implement the FDOT's Emergency Operations Procedures which effectively mitigate potential pollutant discharges to surface waters. Responsible Party Submission Dates See Ite~ b. below FDOT e. Provide a copy of the applicable portions of this document to DNRP for incorporation into the permit. - 10- Responsible Party FDOT SII~mission Date December 17, 1997 Part IJ1.A J.e. I11icit Discharies and ImoroTJer DisTJosal - Public Notification a. Maintain,a citizen complaint lo~ documenting all reports of illicit discharges and what actions were taken to investigate and resolve the problem. Submit copies of the log to DNRP. Responsible 'Party Submission Dates FDOT July 1, 1999,2000, and 2001; and December 17,1998,1999,2000, and 2001 , b. Establish a direct dial local telephone number at the District Office tQ.p.~ used for the reporting of illicit cormcctions, accidental spills, illegal dumping, or other water quality violations to the FDOT District NPDES Coordinator for investigation and action as needed. ' Responsible Party Submission Dates FDOT Establish number by December 1, 1999, and report it to DNRP by December 17, 1999 Part IlIA. 9.0 Construction Site RunQff~ Site Planninf & Structural and Non-structural Controls a. New stonn water management systems owned or operated by permittee(s) shall adhere to the treatment perfonnance standards set forth in the State Water Policy. All parties shall confirm this action in writing to DNRP. Responsible Party All Parties Submission Dates December 17, 1997 b. As per the FDOT Statewide SWMP, employ new FDOT Drainage COIDlection Pennit conditions which require cormecting entities ,subject to the NPDES stonn water regulations to submit a copy of their NPDES Stonn Water Pollution Prevention Plan to FDOT. FDOT shall provide copies of the cormection pennits to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Dates FDOT July '1, 1998, 1999,2000,and2001;.andDecemberI7, 1997, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001 Part IlIA, 9. b. Construction Site RlInqff -InsDection and Enforcement a. Provide DNRP with a copy of the municipal and independent drainage district programs for inspecting construction projects in independent drainage districts for compliance with their licensing conditions and which provides for enforcement llction against those in violation of their pennit stipulations Responsible Party Submission Dates All Parties except December 17,1997 FDOT b. If none exist, develop and implement an inspection program for construction sites in the independent drainage districts where runoff discharges to the MS4, to verify compliance with local stonn water ordinances and codes. The program shall include systematic inspection procedures and proper enforcement mechanisms. Responsible Party Submission Dates All Parties except December 17,1999,2000, and 2001; July 1, 1999,2000, and 2001 FDOT - 11 - c. After development of any new municipal and independent drainage district inspection programs for projects in the independent drainage dis'tricts, provide a summary of the inspection programs to DNRP for incorpomtion into the permit. Maintain a log documenting the inspections CO!1~ucted and provide a copy of the log to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Dates All Parties except December 17,1999,2000, and 2001; July I, 1999,2000, and 2001 FDOT Part IlLA. 9 c Construction Site Runq,ff - Site Operator Traininr , a. Provide a description of any currently implemented curriculum and/or certification program(s) for construction site operators to DNRP. - Responsible Party Submission Dates All Parties except December 17,1997 FDOT Part V.A.l. Seasonal Loadinfs and Event Mean Concentration Verify data on the maps previously submitted to DNRP and provide a copy of the current storm drain system subjeCt to the EPA NPDES MS4 Permit to DNRP. Responsible Party Submission Date . All Parties October 15,1997,1998,1999,2000, and 2001; January 15, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001; April 15, 1998,1999,2000, and 2001; July IS, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001 Part v.c. Annual RelJort a. Each permittee shall contribute to the preparation of an annual system-wide report. The ANNUAL REPORT shall cover the 12-month period beginning December I, 1996, and annually thereafter. Responsible Party All Parties Submission Dates As indicated elsewhere in this agreement b. The preparation and submittal of a system-wide ANNUAL REPORT shall be coordinated by a "committee." The committee shall include a meplber or designated representative from each entity covered by this permit. The designated representatives from each party are indicated on Attachment A. A party may change its representative upon written notification to DNRP. Responsible Party All Parties Submission Dates Within 30 days of the change in representative c. Provide a list of contacts and responsible parties from your agency (e.g.: name address and phone number) who had input to and are responsible for the preparation of the ANNUAL REPORT to DNRP. ' Responsible Party All Parties Submission Dates December 17, 1997, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001 d. Provide a summary table to DNRP that shall indicate each permittee's activities and accomplishments other than the activities conducted on behalf of the permittees by DNRP. The format for this information shall adhere to the example shown in Table V.C. I. on page 52 of the permit. - 12- Responsible Party Submission Dates . All Parties December 17,1997,1998,1999,2000, and 2001 e. Provide to DNRP a narrative report to succinctly discuss the SWMP Elements other than the activities cond\lcted on behalf of the permittees by DNRP which were not ~ncluded within the SWMP summary table. Responsible Party All Parties Submission Dates Decemberl7, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001 f. Provide a complete fiscal analysis for each permittee's program implementation to DNRP, both for the past calendar year and the next. The analysis shall indicate budgets and funding sources. Responsible Party All Parties Submission Dates December 17, 1997, 1998, 1999,2000, and 2001 g. FDOT shall report to DNRP on the status of tile FDOT statewide Storm Water Management Program elements as shown in Table V.C.8.a. on page 53 and shall indicate whether the resulting program modifications have been implemented at the District Office. In addition, FDOT shall also indicate the number of District employees included in the training courses described in Table V.C.8.b. of the NPDES permit. Responsible Party Submission Dates FDOT Oecember 17, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001 2.1 It shall be the responsibility of the parties other than DNRP to perform the requirements of the NPDES permit not listed in this or any previous Interlocal Agreement. 2.2 There shall be no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement. 3. SCOPE OF SERVICES 3.1 COUNTY shall perform the necessary tasks to insure compliance with Parts III and V listed under the APPLICABILITY OF AGREEMENT and the applicable provisions of Parts III and V of the NPDES permit conditions. This is tQ be done through the DNRP, or any successor division as may be designated by the County Administrator. Broward County (DNRP) will develop this requirement and implement it for the parties. 3.2 It is underst~d and agreed that COUNTY may be required to employ additional personnel to perforql the services required under this Agreement. 4. FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES NOT TRANSFERRED TO COUNTY It is specifically understood and agreed that all rights and powers as may be vested in PARTIES pursuant to Florida Law, or any other law or ordinance or Charter Provision of any PARTY not specifically transferred to BROWARD COUNTY hereunder shall be retained by PARTIES. 5. FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION COUNTY agrees to perform the services set forth in Section 3, SCOPE OF SERVICES, at a cost to each PARTY of$I,250.00 plus $.375 per capita based on the 1990 census data, with the Florida Department of Transportation paying a flat fee of$25,OOO. The fees for 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000 shall be payable on December I of each year in accordance with the schedule shown on Attachment B. See also Attachment C, Dep811ment of Transportation ADDENDUM. 6. TERMSOFAGREEMENT -13 - 6.1 This Agreement shall be effective for the duration and shall continue in full force and effect for the duration of the NPDES pe~it term. ' 6.2 This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect unless written notice oftermfnation by COl)NTY or any PARTY.is provided pursuant to Section 8, NOTICES. 7. ACCESS TO RECORDS This Agreement may be 'unilaterally canceled by the parties for refusal by a party to allow public access to all docwnents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by the parties in conjunction with this Agreement. 8. NOTICES Any and all notices given or required under this Agreement shaltbe in writing and may be delivered in person or by United States mail, postage prepaid, first class and certified, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: IF TO COUNTY: Department of Natural Resource Protection Director, Broward County Water Resources Division 218 SW 1st Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 IF TO PARTIES: Mayor, City of Coconut Creek 4800 West Copans Road Post Office Box 63-4007 Coconut Creek, Florida 33063 Mayor, City of Cooper City 9090 Southwest 50 Place Cooper City, Florida 33328 Mayor, City of Coral Springs 9551 West Sample Road Coral Springs, Florida 33065 Mayor, City of Dania lOa West Dania Beach Boulevard Dania, Florida 33004 Mayor, Town of Davie 6591 Southwest 45 Street Davie, Florida 33314 Mayor, City of Deer field, Beach 150 Northeast Second Avenue Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441 Mayor, City of Hallandale 308 South Dixie Highway Hallandale, Florida 33009 Mayor, Town of Lauderdale-by-the Sea 4501 Ocean Drive Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Florida 33308 - 14- Mayor; City of Lauderdale Lakes 4300 Northwest 36 Street Lauderdale Lakes, Florida 33319 Mayor, City ofLauderhiJI 2000 City Hall Drive Lauderhill, Florida 33313 , Mayor, City of Lighthouse Point Post Office Box 5100 Lighthouse Point, Florida 33064 Mayor, City of Mar gate 5790 Margate Boulevard Margate, Florida 33063 Mayor, City ofMiramar 6700 Miramar Parkway Miramar, Florida 33023 Mayor, City of North Lauderdale 701 Southwest 71 Avenue North Lauderdale, Florida 33068 Mayor, City of Oakland Park 3650 Northeast 12 Avenue ' Oakland Park, Florida 33334 Mayor, City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 Mayor, Town of Pembroke Park 3150 Southwest 52 Avenue Pembroke Park, Florida 33023 Mayor, City of Pembroke Pines 10 1 00 Pines Boulevard Pembroke Pines, Florida 33025 Mayor, City of Plantation 400 Northwest 73 Avenue Plantation, Florida 33317 Mayor, City of Pompano Be'ach 100 West Atlantic Boulevard P. O. Drawer 1300 Pompano Beach, Florida 33061 Mayor, Village of Sea Ranch Lakes 1 Gatehouse Road Sea Ranch Lakes, Florida 33308 Mayor, City of Sunrise ' 10770 West Oakland Park Boulevard Sunrise, Florida 33351 --. , - 15 - Mayor, City ofTamarac 7525 Northwest 88 Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321, Mayor, City of Wilton Manors 524 Northeast 21 Court , Wilton Manors, Florida 33305 Unincorporated Broward County Director, Public Works Department 11 5 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 ~':'...... Florida Department of Transportation Clark Turberville, P .E. District Pennits and NPDES Engineer 3400 West Commercial Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309, 9. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 Assiinment: COUNTY shall perform the said services provided for in this Agreement exclusively and solely for the PARTIES which are parties to this Agreement. PARTIES shall not have the right to assign this Agreement. 9.2 Yiaim: The waiver by either party of any failure on the part of the other party to perform in accordance with any of the terms or conditions of this Agre~ment shall not be construed as a waiver of any future or continuing similar or dissimilar failure. 9.3 SeverabilitY: The invalidity of any provision of this Agreement shall in no way affect the validity of any other provision. ' 9.4 Entire Aireement: It is understood and agreed that this Agreement incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, agreements or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements or understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not contained in this document. Accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether oral or written. 9.5 Modificatiohs: It is further agreed that rio modifications, amendments or alterations in the terms or conditions contained, herein shall be effective unless contained in a Written document executed with the same formality and of equal dignity herewith. , INTERLOCAL AGREEMJ:.'"NT AMONG BROW ARD COUNTY AND P AR1IES TO SHARE THE RESOURCE BURDEN OF THE SYStEM. WIDE EP A NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM MUNlCIP AI... SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM PERMIT AND AUTHORIZE BROWARD COUNTY TO CONDUCT SPECIFIC TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES REQUIRED BY THE PERMIT TO BE PERFORMED BY THE BROW ARD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION. IN WIlNESS WHEREOF, the parties have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signatw'e: BROW ARD COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE~, si~ng by (J ~ :hair!5' Vice Chair, authorized to execute same by d action on t~ day of 199't and PARTIES, signing by and through its V duly authorized to execute same. .16. A ITEST: County ~mf.7.!- Ex-brr~~i2.~lerk of ~"e'&ef}'~ 1~'':'~~S1/ !VIM1.t'4I..l1....ward ,,~~~ ~;wo'Y~ . f .~.rnty, Florida:o.:q,.\. '0. ..;.v.- t u: CReATEo ~ (i\ ~ . : C""- . -::oJ.. : : v I. 1S1 : (;) i . .rn 1'~'5 .. ~ ~~-b .:;~ ~: ~ 1. ....~I'\ ~... i'~ ... .~-:~ ~o.. I.' ~. ...r"'!Fl!rf...~. .... ...... .. .... .~.. ~ ... ....... Jt1:~ ~.:~v' '?"J'tII~,~,:, ,~.. . COUNTY BROW ARD COUNTY, through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BQ~ O~ ~ Chair ~dayol9~t-'19J! Approved as to form by -'-'"",, Office of County Attorney ~fU R.Ot1/ /..... c'iBU<. Broward County, Florida j..:/ITER-,ttr ('(JV"vT-Y ;f-rr(){J~fy JOliN J. COPELAn, JR., C8t1ftt) Att8I'f\C} Governmental Center, Suite 423 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone: (954) 357-7600 Telecopier: 54) 357-7641 ~ . - 17- '. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AMONG BROW ARD COUNTY AND PARTIES TO SHARE THE RESOURCE BURDEN OF THE SYSTEM-WIDE BFA NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM PERMIT AND AUTHORIZE BROW ARD COUNTY TO CONDUCT SPECIFIC TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES REQUIRED BY THE PERMIT TO BE PERFORMED BY THE BROW ARD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION. CITY OF PARKLAND Attest: By ~ ~~ May~~' Sal pagliara 5.......... ~'~ JJLdayof DIlCI<MBER .19~ City'.Clerk Susan Armstro~ By -1JLdayof DECEMBER, 19 97 - 18- INTERLOCAL AGREElVlENT AMONG BROW ARD COUNTY AND PARTIES CONCERNING NPDES MS4 ATIACHMENT A LIST OF COMMITIEE MEMBERS 1. City of Coconut Creek Contact: Mr. Paul Romano 4800 West Copans Road Coconut Creek, FL 33063 (954)973-6786 Fax(954)973-6794 2. City of Cooper City Contact: Mr. George Haughney P.O. Box 290910 Cooper City, FL 33329-0910 (954)434-5519 Fax(954)680-3159 3. City of Coral Springs Contact: Mr. Louis Aurigemma 9551 West Sample Road Coral Springs, FL 33065 (954)345-2161 Internet:LCA@CI.CORAL.SPRINGS.FL.US Fax(954)345-2169 4. City ofDania Contact: Robert J. Palm 100 West Beach Blvd. Dania. FL 33004 (954)921-8700 ext. 321 Fax (954) 921-2604 5. Town of Davie Contact: Mr. Gus Khavanin 6591 S.W. 45th Street Davie, FL 33314 (954)797-1113 Fax(954)797-1119 6. City ofDeerfield Beach Contact: Mr.Tony Viola 150 N.E. 2nd Avenue Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 (954) 480-4270 Fax(954)480-4268 7. City of Hallandale Contact: Mr. David Pritchard 630N.W. 2nd Street Hallandale, FL 33009 (954)457-1604 Fax(954) 457-1624 8. Town of Laude rdale- by- the-Sea Contact: Mr. Bill Mason 4501 Ocean Drive Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, FL 33308 (954)776-0576 Fax(954)776-1857 Interlocal Agreement Among Broward County and Parties Concerning NPDES MS4 Attachment A -- List of Committee Members Page 2 9. City of Lauderdale Lakes 'Contact: Mr. Clifford Goodin 4300 N.W. 36 Street Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319 (954)731-1212 Fax(954)733-5126 10. City of Lauder hill Contact: Ms.Kelly Cai-penter 2000 City Hall Drive' , Lauderhill, FL 33313 (954)730-2967 Fax(954)730-3075 11. City of Lighthouse Point Contact: Mr. Dennis Fox 2200 N.E. 38th Street Lighthouse Point, FL 33064 (954)946-7386 Fax(954)784-3446 12. City of Mar gate Contact: Mr. Steven Ivanic 1001 West River Drive Margate, FL 33063 (954)972-0828 Fax(9S4) 978-3489 E-Mail heres@msn.comordees@laker.net 13. City ofMiramar Contact: Mr. Steve Montemayor 6700 Miramar Parkway Miramar, FL 33203 (954)967-1657 , Fax(954) 967-1656 E-Mail Miramar@P.aradise.com 14. City of North Lauderdale Contact: Mr. Mike Shields 701 S.W. 71 Avenue North Lauderdale, FL 33069 (954)724-7070 Fax(954) 720-2064 15. City of Oakland Park Contact: Mr. Roland Salsberry 3650 N.E. 12th Avenue Oakland Park, FL 33334 (954)561-6259 Fax(954) 561-6296 16. City of Parkland , Contact: Mr. Charles Dabrusco 6500 Parkside Drive. Parkland,FL 33067 (954)753-5040 Fax(954)341-5l6l Interlocal Agreement Among Broward County and Parties Concerning NPDES MS4 Attachment A -- List of Committee Members Page 3 17. :fown of Pembroke Park Contact: Mr. Herb Kunen 3150 S.W. 52nd Avenue Pembroke Park, FL 33023 (954)966-4600 Fax(954) 966-5186 18. City of Pembroke Pines Contact: Mr. Taj Sidd~qu\ 10100 Pines Blvd. Pembroke Pines, FL 33025 (954)431-4500 Fax(954) 435-6755 19. City of Plantation Contact: Mr. Gary Clough 400 N.W. 73 Avenue Plantation, FL 33317 (954)797-2282 Fax(954)797-2273 20. City of Pompano Beach Contact: Mr. Alan Garcia 100 West Atlantic Blvd. Pompano Beach, FL 33061 (954)786-4061 Fax(954)786-4028 21. Village of Sea Ranch Lakes Contact: Mr. Herbert Yardley One Gateshouse Road ' Sea Ranch Lakes, FL 33308 (954)943-8862 Fax(954) 943-5808 22. City of Sunrise Contact: Mr. Jo1m Fogelsong 10710 West Oakland Park Blvd Sunrise, FL 33321 . (954)741-2580 Fax(954) 746-3287 23. City of Tamarac Contact: Mr. Raj Verma 601] Nob Hill Road Tamarac, FL 33321 (954)724-2427 Fax(954)724-2428 24. City of Wilton Manors Contact: Mr .David Archacki 524 N.E. 2] Court Wilton Manors, FL 33305 (954)390-2]2] Fax(954)390-2199 Interlocal Agreement Among Broward County and Parties Concerning NPDES MS4 Attachment A - List of Committee Members Page 4. 25. Unincorporated Broward County Contact: Mr. Fran Henderson Office of Environmental Services , 2555 West Copans Road Pompano Beach, FL 33069 (954)831-0760 ' Fax (954)0708 26a. Florida Dept. of Transportation (District 4) Contact: Mr. Clark Turberville 3400 West Commercial Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 (954)777-4377 Fax 677-5270 e-mail: clark.tuberville@dot.state.fl.us (954)777-4223 Fax 677-7893 26b. Florida Dept. of Transportation (Turnpike) Contact: Ms. Renee Pfeilsticker P.O. Box 9828 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33310 (954)975-4855, ext.1220 Fax (954)321-5538 , INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AMONG BROWARD COUNTY AND PARTJES CONCERNING NPDES MS4 ATTACHMENT B Financial Contribution for Each Party by Year Party Coconut Creek Cooper City Coral Springs Dania Davie Deerfield Beach Hallandale Lauderdale-by-the-Sea Lauderdale Lakes Lauderhill Lighthouse Point Margate Miramar North Lauderdale Oakland Park Parkland Pembroke Park Pembroke Pines Plantation' Pompano Beach Sea Ranch Lakes Sunrise Tamarac Wilton Manors Unincorporated FOOT 1990 Population 27,485 20,791 79,443 13,024 47,217 46,325 30,996 2,990 27,341 49,708 10,378 42,985 40,663 26,506 26,326 3,558 4,933 65,452 66;692 72,411 619 64,407 44,822 11,804 155,757 N/A Total Cost 1997 $11,556.88 $2.681.33 $9,046.63 $2.098.92 $31,041.13 $7,201.91 , $6,134.00 $1,423.16 $18,956.38 $4,398.10 $18,621.88 $4,320.50 $12,873.50$2,986.80 $2,371.25 $550.16 $11,502.88 $2,668.80 $19,890.50 $4,614.83 $5,141.75 $1,192.95 $17,369.38 $4,029.90 $16,498.63 $3,827.88 $11,189.75 $2,596.15 $11,122.25 $2,580.49 ~2,584.25 $599.58 $3,099.88 $719.21 $25,794.50 $5,984.63 $26,259.50 $6,092.51 $28,404.13 $6,590.09 $1,482.13 $343.87 $25,402.63 $5,893.71 $18,058.25 $4.189.73 $5,676.50 $1,317.02 $59,658.88 $13,841.56 $25,000.00 $5,800.30 1998 1999 $2.815.40 . $2,956.17 $2,203.87 $2,314.06 $7,562.00 $7,940.10 $1,494.32 $1,569.03 $4,618.01 $4,848.91 $4,536.52-. $4,763.35 $3,136.14 $3,292.95 $577.67 $606.55 $2,802.24 $2,942.36 $4,845.57 $5,087.85 $1,252.59 $1,315.22 $4,231.40 $4,442.97 $4,019.27 $4,220.23 $2,725:96 $2,862.26 $2,709.52 $2,844.99 $629.56 $661.03 $755.17 $792.93 $6,283.86 $6,598.05 $6,397.14 $6,717.00 $6,919.60 $7,265.58 $361.06 $379.12 $6,188.40 $6,497.81 $4,399.21 $4,619.17 $1,382.87 $1,452.01 $14,533.64 $15,260.33 $6,090.31' $6,394.83 2000 $3,103.98 $2,429.77 $8,337.11 $1,647.49 $5,091.35 $5,001.51 $3,457.60 $636.88 $3,089.47 $5,342.24 $1,380.99 $4,665.11 $4,431.25 $3,005.37 $2,987.24 $694.08 $832.57 $6,927.96 $7,052.85 $7.628.86 $398.07 $6,822.71 $4.850.13 '$1,524.61 $16,023.34 $6,714.57 Total 982,633 $424,737.38.$98,544.10 $103,471.30 $108,644.87 $114,077.11 Cost Based on flat fee of$ 1 ,250.00 plus S .375 per capita, 1990 Census Data File:fraltcot.wk4 =================================================================== WPINo. FA No. SAMAS Approp. Fund Code 'SAMAS Object Job No. Contract No. Org. Code Vendor No. =================================================================== Attachment C Florida Department of Transportation Addendum to Interlocal Agreement Between ......-. Broward County and Parties to Share the Resource Burden of the System Wide National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Requirements and to Allow Broward County to Conduct Specific Technical Activities Required by the Permit by the Broward County Department of Natural Resource Protection This Addendum shall be effective as of the _ day of 1997, and is a condition precedent to'any duty of the Department to any party under the above-referenced agreement. The Stat7 of Florida Department of Transportation is hereinafter 'referred to as the "OEPARTMENT", and the Broward County Department of Natural Resource Protection is hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY". 1. The DEPARTMENT shall be entitled to perform any necessary inspection services, surveillance and monitoring procedures (in addition to that of BCDNRP) as it feels necessary on its own MS4 systems. 2. The DEPARTMENT shall pay to the COUNTY, the total amount of TW~NTY -FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000). Payment dates and amounts are indicated in Article 5 and Attachment 1 of the interlocal agreement. These amounts shall be paid in advance by the DEPARTMENT in a two (2) part payments which shall consist of a payment from the District and a payment from the Turnpike, funding to be in the following (ro) percentages: District 4 (88%) Turnpike (12%) Installments Estimated Invoice Date $22,000 (to the District) + $3,000 (to the Turnpike) = $25,000 The DEPARTMENT shall receive statlJs of work completed by the COUNTY every 6 months. Properly documented status reports shall include a statement of the status of the work that shall have been cOr:"pleted on behalf of the DEPARTMENT and a description of work to be accomplished due the next status period. The COUNTY shall submit invoices in sufficient detail to allow a proper pre-audit and post-audit thereof. The invoices shall be sent to the following addresses: District 4 Turnpike Clark Turberville Bruce Seiler , FOOT - District 4 FOOT - Turnpike Director of Operations 3400 West Commercial Blvd. Post Office Box 9828 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310-9828 (954)777 -4377 (954)975-4855 Attachment C Florida Department of Transportation Addendum to Interlocal Agreement Between Browerd County and Parties to Share the Resource Burden of the System Wide National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Requirements and to Allow Broward County to Conduct Specific Technical Activities Required by the Permit by the Broward County Department of Natural Resource Protection 3. Any Amend~e~ts or Supplements to this agreement shall be effective when executed by both the COUNTY and the DEPARTMENT. 4. PAYMENT RIGHTS (only applicable to an advance payment) Section 215.422(5), Florida Statutes. requires the DEPARTMENT to include a statement of vendor (including the COUNTY) rights. Contractors are hereby advised'of the following: Contractors providing goods and services to an agency should be aware of the following time frames. Upon receipt, an agency has five (5) working days to inspect and approve the goods and services, unless the bid specifications, purchas~ order or contract specifies otherwise. An agency has 20 days to deliver a request for payment (voucher) to the Department of Banking and Finance. The twenty (20) days are measured from the latter of the date t,he invoice is received or the goods or services are received, inspected and approved, by the Department of Transportation. If a payment is not available within forty (40) days, a separate interest penalty, as provided for by law, will be due and payable, in addition to the invoice amount, to the Contractor. The interest penalty provision applies after a 35-day time period to health care providers, as defined by rule. ' Interest penalties of less than one (1) dollar will not be enforced unless the Contractor requests'payment. Invoices which have to be returned to a Contractor because of Contractor preparation errors will result in a delay in the payment. A Vendor Ombudsman has been established within the Department of Banking and Finance. The duties of this individual include acting as an advocate for Contractors who may be experiencing problems in obtaining timely payment(s) from a state agency. The Vendor Ombudsman may be contacted at (904)488-2924 or by calling the State Comptroller's Hotline, 1-800-848-3792. The DEPARTMENT shall have ten (10) working days to approve invoices submitted by the-COUNTY. 5. This agreement shall continue in effect and be binding to both the COUNTY and other parties and the DEPARTMENT until the project is completed and appropriate reimbursements are made. All bills for travel expenses,' if applicable, shall be in accordance with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes. 6. In the event this Agreement is in excess of Twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) or has a term for a period of more than one year, the provisions of Chapter 339.135(7)(a), Florida Statutes, are hereby incorporated. "The DEPARTMENT, during any fiscal year; shall not expend money, incur any liability, or enter into and contract which, by its terms, involves the expenditure of money in excess of the amounts budgeted as available for expenditure during such fiscal year. Any contract, verbal or written, made in violation ofthis subsection shall be null and void, and no money -2- Attachment C Florida Department of Transportation Addendum to Interlocal Agreement Between Broward County and Parties to Share the Resource Burden of the System Wide National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Requirements and to Allow Broward County to Conduct Specific T echnical ~ctlvities Required by the Permit by the Broward County Department of Natural Resource Protection may be paid on such contract. The DEPARTMENT shall require a statement from the Comptroller of the DEPARTMENT that funds are available prior to entering into any such contract or other binding commitment of funds. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the making of contracts for periods exceeding one year, but any contract so made shall be executory only for the value of the services to be rendered or agreed to be paid for in succeeding fiscal years; and-this paragraph shall be incorporated verbatim in all contracts of the DEPARTMENT which are for an amount in excess of $25,000 and which have a term for a period of more than one year.. 7. The COUNTY and other parties agree to keep complete records and accounts in order to record complete and correct entries as to all costs, expenditures and other items incidental to the offering for public bid and prosecution and construction o~ the project. 8. Such books and records shall be available at all reasonable times for examination and audit by the DEPARTMENT as well as other State and Federal , auditors and shall be kept for a period of five (5) years after the completion of all work to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. 9. This Agreement or any interest herein shall not be assigned, transferred or otherwise encumbered by the COUNTY and other parties under any circumstances without the prior written consent of the DEPARTMENT. However, this Agreement shall run to the DEPARTMENT and its s\.lccessors. 10. The COUNTY and other parties warrant that they have not employed or obtained any company or person, other than bona fide employees of the COUNTY and other parties to liolicit or secure this Agree,ment and they have not paid or agreed to pay any company, corporation, individual or firm, other than a bona fide employee employed by the COUNTY or other parties. For breach or violation of this provision, the DEPARTMENT shall have the right to term ill ate the Agreement without liability. 11. This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. ;.3- Attachment C Florida Department of Transportation Addendum to Interlocal Agreement Between Broward County and Parties to Share the Resource Burden of the Sy.tem Wide National Pollutant Dl.charge Elimination System (NPOES) Permit Requirements and to Allow Broward County to Conduct Specific Technical Activities Required by the Permit by the Broward County Department of Natural Resource Protection IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DEPARTMENT has executed this Broward County Interlocal Agreement for NPDES Permit this _ day of ,1997. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the later date the COUNTY or the DEPARTMENT has executed this agreement. ~:-,;,::... STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Approved to Form: By: District Secretary By: Department District Legal Counsel Funds Approval: Attest: Executive Secretary Seal Date: Office of the Comptroller IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BROWARD COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. signing by and through its Chair and Vice Chair, authorized to execute same by Board action has executed this Broward County Interlocal Agreement for NPDES Permit this _ day of ,1997. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the later date the COUNTY or the DEPARTMENT have executed this agreement. BROWARD COUNTY, through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Approved as to form by Office of County Attorney Broward County, Florida JOHN J. COPELAN, JR. County Attar. ey BY: BY: sa Zima Bosch Assistant County Attorney CHAIR ATTEST: County Administrator and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida /-l r I ,I -4- STATE OF FLORIDA )SS COUNTY' OF BROWARD ) I, ROGER J. DESJARLAIS, County Administrator, in and for Broward County, Florida, and ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of said County, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Interlocal Agreement as the same appears in the minutes of said Board of County Commissioners held on the 20th day of October 1998. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 21st day of October 1998. ROGER J. DESJARLAIS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR (SEAL) .......'H~ .." otJ\M'SS,(""~ tv........ OA, ~.. .. . v.tI. I ,.... I .... '\~. I~.. ~O" (1\\ i :::;,: Cf\~P\ 51 \ \ , 0 : OC1. '. oc:: I t u ~ '\9'\S ,; \ ..~- ~~., '\ ..;~ -~ ... / '-, ..~'!~.~~;.. ~. '* r ~...",~