HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-52 Plat Approval of Municipal Center Plat NE Corner of Univ & Holmberg Rd RESOLUTION 95-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA FOR PLAT APPROVAL OF THE MUNICIPAL CENTER PLAT LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF UNIVERSITY DRIVE AND HOLMBERG ROAD; CASE NO. 03-PT-95. WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the City'Commission a Public Hearing was held to hear testimony for and against the petition of the City of Parkland requesting plat approval of the MU,I).icipalJ:;~nterplat; and WHEREAS, the proposed plat has been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board which voted for approval. The proposed plat is found to be in conformance with all applicable subdivision regulations and is in compliance with current concurrency as well as land development regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Parkland, Florida, that; The Parkland Municipal Plat is approved with the following conditions: 1. This approval is based on the Parkland Municipal Plat prepared by McLaughlin Engineering, dated received by the Planning Department on September 1, 1995. 1 DAY OF NOVEMBER . 1995. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS SAL~,t;/~ '--~'-'i=- CLL.-~ SUSAN ARMSTRONG, C.M.C. CITY CLERK 95-S~ I mpact Analysis Report Parkland Municipal Center. for City of Parkland September 1995 . . . . . . . . . . . II II . II II II . -- -' 8 ~ 1 ~ < ~ ~ ~ < CJ:) ~~ :g~ ~~ ~~ ,'" ~~. ~ .,:.7.5 " .t.~ , -..... :.- ~f.'. "~ I j" , '. 'L 'I:. . :'., ..~-" ......, I_ . . I ~ ';~~I , ~..d ' " ___ ._ ..'lllj~' " -.r~ .:To. _ -l ~.-:.:' _...h~r.'~-:-~"~.. --c (1.) U ~ ~ 3 ~ A-1 r-l~V , '\c'-~ L..l ,I L _ d .J A-1 i !AE-2\ i ~' ; \--- f----l i \ i ! ~F I /- ; " A-1 CF AE RS-3 -- ~ 11------_/1 > I: A-1 I: I: J A-1 l- r -t. ".. - - - 1 SC1"'(r~"'> t: ~ Y"'S\O _L______________ t N 'P c:v 'K \ ",...cQ Z"''''''d ~c."p TABLE I PUBLIC SERVICE ANAL YSIS Net Chan~e in DU's Acres LOS/Gen. Gen,Rate QFn Demand Qm Sanitary Sewer: Community Facility 50,000 sq. feet 10 GPD/lOO sf 5,000 Potable Water: Community Facility 50,000 sq. feet 10 GPD/I00 sf 5,000 Solid Waste: Community Facility 50,000 sq. feet 6.01 GPD/I00 sf 3,005 NOTE: Level of service Standards are based on the LOS Standards in the 1990 City of Parkland Comprehensive Plan. Sec. 13-68 Development Review Requirements (1) Potable Water Analysis: The primary service provider is the North Springs Improvement District (NSID). NSID currently has a Consumptive Use Permit from the South Florida Water Management District to withdraw 1.26 MGD. The District CUP allows for annual average daily withdrawals of 1.26 MGD from the Biscayne Aquifer, with a maximum daily allocation of 2.079 MGD. NSID has four potable water supply wells. The total capacity of the four wells is 4.46 MGD. The DER rated capacity of the NSID water treatment plant is 3.20 MGD. Projected flows generated in the District for the year 1999 are 2.82 MGD. Therefore, there will be a surplus capacity of approximately 0.38 MGD. The proposed rezoning will slightly increase the demand on potable water capacity by approximately 26,729 GPD (Table I), which will be accommodated by this surplus capacity. The NSID has been working closely with the South Florida Management District and other agencies regarding future water supply plans within Broward County. It is projected that NSID will be able to provide service for growth within NSID into the year 1999. The NSID is formulating its water supply plan in such a manner to conform to the permitting realities that will be determined by SFWMD upon completion of the Broward County Water Supply Plan and the Lower East Coast Regional Water Supply Plan. (2) Sani tary Sewer Analysis: The primary service provider is the North Springs Improvement District (NSID). The NSID's sanitary sewer needs are met by a bulk user's agreement between the District and Broward County. This agreement allows for the treatment and disposal of up to 2.03 MGD of wastewater from NSID. Current flows are 0.76 MGD. The projected wastewater flow within the NSID to be generated in the year 1999 is approximately 1.64 MGD. Therefore, a surplus capacity will exist of approximately 0.39 MGD. The proposed rezoning will slightly increase the projected sanitary sewer demand by 27,279 GPD (Table I), which will be accommodated by the surplus capacity. (3) Solid Waste Analysis: The parcel is located within the Northern Service Area which is served by the North Broward Resource Recovery Facility and the Central Disposal Sanitary Landfill located in unincorporated Pompano Beach. This North Plant facility has an annual capacity of 640,000 tons per year. The proposed rezoning will slightly increase the projected solid waste demand by 3,324 tons per year (Table I). (4) Drainage Analysis: The parcel is located within the South Florida Water Management District's Hillsboro Canal Basin. The North Springs Improvement District (NSID) encompasses approximately 7,422 acres of the Hillsboro Basin, which includes the amendment areas. The current LOS is 35 CSM-I0 year/24 hour storm. The NISD has included the amendment area within its Water Management Plan, which is consistent with the criteria established by the South Florida Water Management District for the NSID. No improvements are needed to accommodate the projected drainage demand on the parcel. (S and 6) Regional Transportation Network - Traffic Circulation Analysis and Local Road: The proposed plat will increase the number of daily trips added to the roadway network by 2090 trips. Trip Generation Rates - Community Facility 50,000 square feet 41.8 daily trips per 1000 square feet = 2090 trips At the time of platting, the parcel will be adequately served by the extension of University Drive. (7 and 8) Police and Fire Protection: In the City of Parkland, the Public Safety Officers provide police and fire protection. Fire protection is on a first response basis with back-up provided by volunteer fire fighters. Adequate police and fire protection service will be available to meet the demand created by the future development of the parcel in that the proposed rezoning provides for the location of a Municipal Center, which may include police and fire station facilities. (9) Recreation and Open Space Analysis: No requirement. (10) Public Education Analysis: No requirement. (II) Municipal Facilities: The proposed plat will provide a site for a municipal center to provide for municipal facilities to serve the community. (12) Pedestrian Circulation System: In accordance with Broward County platting requirements, a sidewalk will be required to provide for pedestrian access along adjacent trafficways. (13) Environmentally Sensitive Lancis (ESL), Local ,are,as of Particular Concern (LAPC), Urban Wilderness Areas (UWA), and Wetlands: No environmentally Sensitive Lands, Local Areas 'of Particular Concern, Urban Wilderness Areas, and Wetlands have been identified by the City of Parkland or Broward County within the parcel. (14) Well field: Not within a wellfield zone of influence. (15) Agreements: Development of this parcel shall be in accordance with the Parkland Municipal Center Agreement, dated January 18, 1995. NORTH SPRINGS Improvement District ,. .. , August 17, 1994 Cecelia H. Hollar, A.I.C.P. , Assistant Vice President Coral Ridge Properties, Inc. 3300 University Drive Coral Springs, FL 33065 RE: Parkland - Land Use Plan Amendment for a 22 Acre Parcel from Residential to Community Facility Dear Ms. Hollar: In response to your letter of July 8, 1994 relative to the proposed land use plan amendment for the above referenced property, we have analyzed the District's water and sewer system and water management system and have determined that the proposed amendment will not significantly effect our ability to provide either of the above referenced facilities. If you have any questions, please contact me. GLMlds 10300 N.W, 11th Manor · Coral Springs. Florida 33071 · Phone: (305) 753-0380 · Fax; (305) 755-6701 Southem Sanitation Service 3831 N.W. 21st Avenue Pom.,.no Beach. Florida 33073 (305) 974-7500 ~ A Waste Manage..... Campany August 17, 1994 MS. Cecelia H. Hollar Coral Ridge Properties, Inc. 3300 N University Drive Coral Springs, FL 33065 Dear Ms. Hollar; Please accept this letter as confirmation that Southern Sanitation will be able to service all of your residential needs in Parkland for the land use plan amendment submitted by your company. Should you need any further assistance, please contact me at 974-7500 ext. 227. SSladm a C:V!SiC~ ci Waste Management Ino, of Fionca ,. ~ .. Parkland Public Safety De"drtment 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 (305) 753-5050 Fax 753-4529 July 12, 1994 Coral Ridge Properties, Inc. 3300 University Drive Coral Springs, Florida 33065 Cecelia H. Hollar: In reply to your letter of July 8, 1994, reference the proposed land use amendment for a 22 aaes located at the N.E. comer of Holmberg road and University Drive, I have reviewed all of your attached infonnation. The Parkland Public Safety Department will be able to provide adequate Police and Fire services for your proposed land use amendment Sincerely; t Chief Ronald' Director RWBlgre PARKLAND MUNICIPAL CENTER AGREEMENT This is an Agreement between the CITY OF PARKLAND, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"), and FLORIDA NATIONAL PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation, its successors, grantees and assigns (hereinafter referred to as "FNptl). WHEREAS, CITY is desirous of purchasing a, parc;el of land suitable for its use as its Municipal Center; and . ...~.. WHEREAS, FNP is the owner of a parcel of land 22. 626 acres in size (hereinafter referred to as the "Twenty-Two (22) Acre community Facility Parcel") located at the northeast corner of the intersection of University Drive and Holmberg Road; and WHEREAS, FNP is willing to sell ten (10) acres of land (hereinafter referred to as the "Ten (10) Acre Municipal Center Parcel") that is located within the Twenty-Two (22) Acre Community Facility Parcel, to CITY for use by CITY as a Municipal Center for designated municipal purposes. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms, conditions, promises and payments hereinafter set forth, CITY and FNP agree as follows: 1. The statements of fact in the above WHEREAS clauses are true and correct and are hereby incorporated into this Municipal Center Agreement. page 1 of 13 2. CITY agrees to purchase from FNP, and FNP agrees to sell to CITY, at the price of $45,000.00 per acre, the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Center Parcel pursuant to the terms and conditions contained herein. The legal description of the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Center Parcel is attached hereto as EXHIBIT "A", and made a part hereof. 3 . CITY and FNP agree to cooperate and work together in order that the necessary amendments to the Land Use Element of CITY's Comprehensive Plan and the rezoning of the Twenty~Two (22) Acre Community Facility Parcel to community Facilities (CF) can be processed expeditiously; provided, however, that this Agreement shall not obligate City to adopt any land use or zoning changes. The Twenty-Two (22) Acre Community Facility Parcel is legally described in EXHIBIT "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof. In the event that said Comprehensive Plan and Rezoning Amendments for the Twenty-Two (22) Acre ,Community Facility Parcel have not become effective by October 31, 1995, then this Agreement shall be null and void ab initio and of no further effect. 4. (a) The closing of the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Center Parcel shall be held on October 31, 1995, at which time FNP shall convey to CITY marketable and insurable title to the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Center Parcel. At the closing, CITY shall pay to FNP an ini tial payment equal to Thirty Percent (30%) of the purchase price. The remaining balance shall be paid by CITY to FNP on or before June 1, page 2 of 13 ...... 1996, plus interest at eight percent (8%) per annum on the outstanding principal balance. Any and all amounts may be prepaid by CITY at any time without penalty. This obligation shall not be considered a mortgage, nor shall the ad valorem taxing power of CITY be deemed to be pledged thereby. The payment obligation shall survive this Agreement. (b) The closing shall be held at a mutually agreeable time at the office of FNP in Broward County, Florida. (c) CITY and FNP agree that the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Center Parcel may be used for one or more of the following designated municipal purposes, which shall be set forth in the Warranty Deed: community facilities, government administration buildings, police and fire protection (public safety) stations, libraries, civic or cultural centers, active and passive park recreation facilities, lakes and canals, and accessory uses and facilities; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any of such uses shall not include any public or private schools, colleges and universities, places of worship, hospitals or clinics, public maintenance facilities, public works facilities, corporate yards, utility sites, governmentally sponsored or subsidized residential-care facilities for the aged page 3 of 13 and/or handicapped, nursing homes, convalescent homes, group homes and congregate-care facilities, cemeteries or mausoleums. CITY and FNP agree that any part of a governmental facility to be located by CITY on the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Center Parcel may be used on an accessary basis for legal or administrative courts and for educational purposes. None of the land to be conveyed to CITY pursuant to this Agreement shall be conveyed, leased, rented, or otherwise assigned to any person or entity other than CITY, with the sole exception being that CITY may offer to reconvey the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Center Parcel to FNP at the same price and on the' same terms as found in this Agreement. CITY and FNP agree that the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Center Parcel and the Twenty-Two (22) Acre Community Facility Parcel shall be developed in substantial conformity to the architectural guidelines attached hereto and made a part hereof as EXHIBIT "c" . CITY and FNP may revise the architectural guidelines attached as EXHIBIT "e" by mutual written agreement. CITY and FNP shall agree upon a plan allowing reasonable cross access to and the use of parking areas of the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Center Parcel and any. houses of worship, if any, located or to be located page 4 of 13 on the remainder of the Community Facility Parcel. (d) CITY and FNP agree that the remainder of the Twenty-Two (22) Acre Community Facility Parcel shall not be used for governmentally sponsored or subsidized residential-care facilities for the aged and/ or handicapped, nursing homes, convalescent home, group homes and congregate-care facilities, cemeteries, mausoleums, hospitals or clinics, utility sites, public works, or public schools. (e) CIT~ ac~no~ledqesthat the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Center Parcel shall be conveyed "AS IS" as of the ~ date of the closinq. CITY shall have sixty (60) calendar days from the effective date of this Aqreement and fifteen (15) calendar days subsequent to the effective date of the rezoning of the Twenty-Two (22) Acre CommunitY.Facility Parcel to Community Facilities (CF), to enter upon the property and make any physical inspections and environmental tests and audits, or to conduct such . "- other reVl.ews of the property, CITY deems necessary of the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Center Parcel to determine if the property is sui table for CITY' S intended use. If CITY determines (in its sole ~.. - discretion) that said land is not suitable for its intended use, then CITY may elect to terminate this Agreement by qiving written notice of termination page 5 of 13 ,j executed by the city Manager to FNP as provided in paragraph 7. of this Agreement within the aforesaid sixty (60) calendar day period or fifteen (15) day calendar period whereupon this Agreement shall be terminated, deemed null and void, and of no force and effect. All such entries shall be at the risk of CITY, and FNP shall have no liability for any damages or injuries sustained by CITY, ,or any of CITY · s agents or contractors. CITY agrees to repair, or restore, any damage to FNP's property caused by CITY, its agents and contractors. To the extent permitted by law, CITY agrees to indemnify and hold FNP harmless from any and all loss, claim, action, damages, demand and liabili ty which may arise against FNP, the Twenty-Two (22) Acre Communi ty Facili ty Parcel, or the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Center Parcel, by virtue of any of CITY's actions pursuant to this paragraph. (f), FNP and CITY agree that any plats containing lands wi thin any part of the Twenty-Two (22) Acre Community Facility Parcel shall include a non- vehicular access line along the complete length of the eastern most north-south property line of the Twenty-Two (22) Acre Community Facility Parcel; and the parties further agree that, even in the absence of such a line" there shall be no vehicular access ...:., !lltolt page 6 of 13 '..~. from or to neighboring property across the eastern most north-south property line of the Twenty-Two (22) Acre Community Facility Parcel. (g) CITY and FNP agree to cooperate in requesting the Broward County Traffic Engineering Division to locate one (I) median cut on University Drive at a point 660 feet from the midpoint of the intersection of University Drive and Holmberg Road to provide access solely to the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Facilities Parcel, in accordance with the drawing attached hereto as EXHIBI'r "Dn. CITY and FNP shall cooperate to locate this median cut and access point at such location 660 feet from the midpoint of the intersection of University Drive and Holmberg Road in accordance with sound engineering practices. CITY and FNP also agree to cooperate in requesting the Broward County Traffic Engineering Division to provide up to two (2) addi tional median cuts to provide access to the remainder of the Twenty-Two (22) Acre Community Facility Parcel. 5. All conveyances from FNP to CITY provided for in this Agreement shall be by Warranty Deed, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances which would render title unmarketable and uninsurable, subject to the terms and conditions contained herein. FNP shall be responsible for taking all necessary actions to page 7 of 13 deliver full possession. The Warranty Deed for the conveyance of the Ten (10) Acre Municipal Facility Parcel shall be in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT II E" , and made a part hereof. The following procedures shall apply to all conveyances provided for herein: , i , (a) Evidence of Title: FNP shall, at FNP's expense, furnish to City not less than thirty (3 0) days prior to the closing either: (l) a complete certified abstract of title which shall commence with the earliest public records through the Effective Date; or (2) a prior ownerrs title insurance policy issued by a currently licensed ti tle insurance company and a partial certified computerized title search from the date of such policy through the Effective Date. FNP shall convey a marketable title to CITY to the property, subject only to (i) liens, encumbrances, exceptions or qualifications set forth in this Agreement, and (ii) reservations, restrictions and easements of record, except those which shall be discharged by FNP at or before closing. In the event of any reservations in favor of any state agency, such reservations shall not render title unmarketable, and shall not extend the date of closing to obtain the release of such reservations. Marketable title shall be determined according to the applicable Title Standards adopted from time to time by The Florida Bar and in accordance with law. If title is found to be defective within the aforesaid thirty (30) day period, CITY shall notify FNP in writing specifying the defects in reasonable particularity with copies of all underlying instruments evidencing such defects. If such defects render the title unmarketable, FNP shall have ninety (90) days from the date of its receipt of such notice to cure the defects, and shall take all reasonable measures to cure same, and if after said period FNP shall not have cured the defects, CITY shall have the option of (1) accepting title as it then is, or (2) notifying FNP, in writing, that it is rejecting the right to purchase the subject Parcel and canceling the transaction. (b) survey/Legal Description: Within the time allowed for delivery of evidence of title and examination thereof, CITY may have said property surveyed, at its expense. If the survey shows any encroachm~nt , . -J page 8 of 13 on said property, or that the improvements, if any, located on the subject property, encroach on the lands of others or violate any of the covenants herein, the same shall be treated as a title defect. If the survey discloses discrepancies with regard to the legal description, then, when mutually agreed by CITY and FNP, said legal description shall be corrected by an addendum to this Agreement. (c) Liens: At closing, FNP shall furnish to CITY an affidavit attesting to the absence (unless otherwise provided for herein) of any financing statements, claims of lien or potential lienors known to FNP, and further attesting that there have been no improvements or repairs to the property for ninety (90) days immediately preceding the date of closing. If the property has been improved or repaired within that time, FNP shall deliver releases or waivers of construction liens executed by all general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and materialmen, in addition to FNP's lien affidavit setting forth the names of all such general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and materialmen, and further affirming that all charges for improvements or repairs which could serve as a basis for a mechanic's lien or a claim for damages, have been paid, or will be paid, at closing. (d) Corporate Good Standing of J'NP: Within fifteen (15) days prior to any closing contemplated herein, FNP shall obtain from the Secretary of State of the state of incorporation, a certificate certifying that FNP is an active corporation and in good stan- ding and a copy thereof shall be furnished to CITY. (e) Expenses: Abstracting prior to closing, and recording corrective instruments, shall be paid by FNP. Recording of the Warranty Deed and any title insurance premiums shall be paid by CITY. Docu- mentary Stamps on the deed shall be paid by FNP. (f) Prorations, Creeli ts: Taxes, assessments, insurance and other expenses and revenue of the property shall be prorated through the day before closing. Cash at closing shall be increased, or decreased, as may be required by prorations. Taxes shall be prorated based on a determination made by the Broward County Revenue Collector in connection with acquisition of property by municipalities; PROVIDED THAT, in the event the closing occurs between November 1st and December 31st, then taxes shall be page 9 of 13 prorated on the current year's tax bill (based upon the maximum allowable discount). (g) Special Assessment Liens: Certified, confirmed and ratified special assessment liens by governmental authority through the date prior to closing (and not as of the date of this Agreement), are to be paid by FNP. Pending liens as of the date of closing, shall be assumed by CITY. (h) CITY shall execute all DR-219 forms in connection with this transaction. 6. The time, or times of performance specif ied in this Agreement are of the essence. Any delay will be excused only if such delay is due to strike, fire, flood, windstorm, riot, act of God, act of a public enemy, or other unforeseeable cause beyond the reasonable control of either party to this Agreement. 7. All notices required herein shall be delivered Certified ...;.... Mail, Return Receipt Requested, or by hand delivery, as follows: AS TO CITY: Mayor city of Parkland 6500 Parks ide Drive parkland, Florida 33067 AS TO FNP: President Florida National properties, Inc. 3300 University Drive Coral Springs, Florida 33065 8. The preparation of this Agreement has been a joint effort of the parties and the resulting documents shall not, solely as a matter of judicial construction, be construed more severely against one of the parties than the other. It is the intent of the parties that this Agreement be construed liberally to achieve its intent. page 10 of 13 ..... 9. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be binding unless it is in writing and signed by the party against whom it is asserted. The failure of either party to comply with any provision herein shall not relieve it of its other duties and obligations hereunder. 10. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties, and supersedes all prior oral and written understandings, r~presentations, negotiations and agreements between the parties, expressed or implied, relative to this, transaction, and no modification of the terms shall be permitted except by a written document executed with equal diqnity. 11. FNP and CITY agree that a memorandum of this transaction mutually agreed upon by the parties shall be recorded in the Public Records of Broward County, Florida and shall run with and bind the land and all successors in interest to FNP and CITY. 12. Should either party be required to enforce any term of this Agreement through legal action in a court of law, the prevailing party shall be reimbursed for its attorney's fees and costs by the non-prevailing party, including at the investigative, trial and appellate levels. 13 . All the terms, provisions and conditions contained in this Agreement shall survive the closing and delivery of the deed of conveyance which may be involved in this transaction, and the obligations shall bind the successors and assigns of the parties. 14. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. page 11 of 13 ._.~--~'-~---~~- 15. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date on which the last party affixes its signature hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and FNP have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates set forth below; CITY, signing by and through its Mayor, authorized to execute the same by City Commission action on the 16th day of NOVEMBER , 1994, and FNP, signing by and through its President, duly authorized to execute the same. CITY OF PARKLAND ATTEST: By. s~~ sJa!J '-~.~-~~ Susan Armstrong, City lerk Date: l~r/9~ , , STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF BROWARD) < , The foregoing PARKLAND MUNICIPAL CENTER AGREEMENT was acknowledged before me this 18 day of JANUARY, 1995, by SAL PAGLIARA and SUSAN ARMSTRONG, Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the CITY OF PARKLAND, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, on behalf of the CITY. They are personally known to me. ~~~~ Name: Belen M. Lynott (notary seal) My commission expires: Notary Public Commission No. tcc 075539 SOTARY Pl'DLlC. ST,\TE OF nORIDA.- ~,fY CO:;t:.:ISSIO~ EXI'IR~S: Feb. I'. 1t9S. &;\i;..DtD TUlU ~UTAKr rtUI.IC ~'Ou,waITus. page 12 of 13 FLORIDA NATIONAL PROPERTIES, INC. By: A~ J,.. (~-9s Date: STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF BROWARD) The foregoing PARKLAND MUNICIPAL CENTER AGREEMENT was acknowledged before me this L!l- day of ..:TArJtJttR. '-{ , 199~bY R.W. RAMSEY and JAMES P. McGOWAN, President and Secretary , respectively of FLORIDA NATIONAL PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation, on behalf of the corporation. They are personally known to me. (notary seal) My commission expires: ~~ 'k. 9;uJJ~ " 4l!.../ N e:GlAG.E, k. ~"TnGf<,HDVS~ ~~ IbS03 ~ Notary Public Co ission No. .~ .. .- NOT#,RY PUBlIC STAlE rI FLORIDA MY C~lSSlO~ EX'. JUNE 1.1995 SOhOED TKRU GttlERAl. INS. UffO. page 13 of 13 EXHIBIT "An A po~ion of the Northeast Quareer (NE 1/4) of Sec~ion 4, Township 48 SQuth, Ranqe 41 East, Broward County, Flor~da. described as follaws: ...; i Commencinq at the southeast; corner of said Nor~east Quarear (NE 1/4): thence North 00.50' 47" West; (Bearinqs are relative to State Plane COorcUnates as shown on STOtfER/KErm ~uxVi:;t OF A JlOR'r:tOH OF '1'OWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, RAHGE 41 DST, AU. 01' 'l'OWHSBIP 48 SOUTH, RAtfGE 41 EAST, , ALL OF TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, accoJ:tlinq t:c the plat thenof, recorded in Miscellaneous Plat Book 3 at Paqe440t the Public Records at said Breward COunty), alo"q the east line ot said Northeast; Quarter (HE 1/4), a distance o! SO. 01 teet to the nor1:h Riqht of Way line of Holmberq Road as described in Official Record Book 1378 at; paqa 586 of sa14 Public Records: thance IIortb .,.51'35- Weat, along said north Riqht of Way line, a ~~e of 10.00 feet to the PODIT OF BECIHBIRC: at the southvat corner of that parcel of land conveyecl to Horth Sprin9s Improvement ~= by tile Varranty Deed recordecl in Official Record Book 20423 at 'aC)e 88 of said Public Records: thence cond.Due North .,-51'35" West, alonC) said north R1qht of V.y lifte, a d1s~ce of 601.05 teet to a po.t.= em a noZ'tberly RiCJht of Way 11ne at HolJllberq Road (llea1.ilJB8Cl) .. clasc:ibect in Official Recore! Book 11006 at ",e S.S of aid Public Records at the beq1JulinCJ of a non-tangent cw:ve concave to the sau1:hv~ bevin, a ncU.us of 2351.83 teet and to saiel point a rad1al 111\e bears Nordl OS-25'33" ~: ~ thence northwesterly and westerly, alonC) said cur.re on said nonherly Right of way line, throuqh a central anqle at 03-39'03", a distance of 149.86 teet to an easterly 11ne of 'rJIE tAHDIHGS OF PARKLAND, accorcl1ft9 to the plat 1:heraot, a. recorded in Plat Book 137 at 'aq. 22 at said Public Records; thanee Nortb 06-36'52" za.t, non-tanqent to said =rve, alOftCJ said aaatUly 11D., a c:lUtaDc. of 0.96 teet to the 1IOSC ~ly corner of said THE LANDINGS OF PARKtIHD at the aouthe.at corner of MEADOW RUH, ac:corc:limJ to the plat 1:henof, as recorded in P.1at Book 151 at Pa,. , of sale! Public Records; thence continue North 06-~6'52"East, alonq the easterly 11l\e at said MEADOW RUN, a distance of 308.05 f..t to the beqinntnq of a curve concave to the southeast havinq a radius of 2340.00 feet: thence northeasterly, alonq said curve on said easterly line, throuqh a central anqle of 07.56'00", a clista"ce of 324.00 feet: .,~~... J'" paqe 1 of .; thence South 75.27'08" Ease, departing said easeerly line, radial to said curve, a diseance ot 96.78 feee: thence North 89.09'13" Ease, a diseance of 552.77 feee to tne vese l1ne of said parcel of land conveyed to North Sprin9s Improvemene Diseric~ by the Warranty Deed recorded in Official Record Book 2042J at Page 88: thence South 00.50'47" East, 410n9 said vese line. a diseance of 620.00 teet to the POINT OF BEC:::lNIUC. ' Said land bein9 in the City of Parkland, Brovard County, Florida. containing 10.000 Acres, more or less. ~!~ .,'\' Page 2 of " L THIS IS NOT A SKETCH 0' SURVEY. Z. IIAIIINOI &Ill IlIUTIYI TO ITA'I: P\.AlC CIllCIIlQDt&TIS AS SMOWM ON STONIII/IICITH AlSIUIVn OF A I'OIlT1Oll ~ 'TOlIlIlIMlP.., SOUTH. IlANOI: "I un, ."L 0' TOWIll"'" .. IOUTM, .....1 41 UST · "'"" Cll' TOWMSMlP ... SOlIN., NMGI ., USf. ~ to THE "-AT THIIIIO', IIICOIIOIO'" "'~~ "-', ..,. J 6Z NOI 440' THI "'.LIC IIICOIID' fW ..OWAIID CIllUIIn. n.OIIlOA. ~i .!!2.!. ~ ~ ---\..--:::-..--TDWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, RAMiE 41 EASr.- : '\ (ORA 55, PG. ~OO, a,C,R.I,-.",. , " I e., . '. - .~ -- , su...... JO~. .,i .........," LM ~ ll&. 1/4 " fill S",lOll 4....4.-. 33! \ 31fJ ,j , l / ! i i , -_.~~.__.. SDUTH, .' ,- .. .....; .. , . 'a. · a 1"0 I: ~.. .. ..... .. ~a 4~ . . ~ ~ = ;;: ; ~; . i= : ~! \ 1; .. i~ L;~ I~'" e,... ...- .;.'! \ii .:~: lL ,a: g~ ~~~ .~ i -~-~-= ! z z 0; ... . ; J ItAN(;E 4' EAST--.- -.: U1d ... ...-me ....... r--~f OII,"a SI.. , ....-u......, fJII ...., i cu.a- 11011. ,.. .... a.c.a.. I \ \ 'v-l ,. ..." MEADOW RUN j ~; "'::~7(1!B. /SI, /16.6, Bal.J~ .. " / ~'" ". " ......,. . f ; fII SICnlllI.~ ____. t.lt.L "' . ... ~ .,'. ... ' .. I . .....-... .:...... .... '. .............- .' ~- to' .; C w_ 0.;: ~. . zi; .. . ~=;:i '.. Ue_ a... " ....... ..- I.. =:~ .3 04.1 . -..." - .! 1.0 ;:! .I 0"'.. . ...~. ... :w L..' ,..-- . z,:S oc: ~-"O ,,' ....--:'.:.. "C.II, 0.11 .. pa pG 'NOICAns IHDIC':'TES IHOI<<:':'TU ":ol<<::r[$ lIIowaao COUNn IICCOIIOS O,.,ICI..." "ICOIIO aoolC PLAT '!I001C ...GE. ......, _r,...... ..L..'.. .... :~'...... ../ 1_.... .....,. i ... ....,~: '''.,'', ... / : ./ N.,.'I.SS-W...'" I ........~. 10.00' ( "--MOL...t.G AO.O IAI.~IGMIGI 1120.0C" ,..101 AOCM' " ..a.. 'OM.. ..ouc.. "G :'6\ .C:'l \ "OOt "..I' J :. t. " .I 1) N 89.51')5" W 601.05' 2) N 05025'33" E RADIAL BEARING 3) R= 2351.83' 0- 03.39'03" L= 149.36' 4) N 06.36'52" E 0.96' 5) N 06.36'52" E 308.05' 6) R- 2340.00' 0- 07.56'00" L= J2,L 00' 7) S 75.27'01" E 96.11' I} N 89.09'13" E 552.77' 9} S 00.50'47" E 620.00' ..', .. ,.at. oN ~~-:a . -- EXHIB IT '''8 " A portion of the Northeas~ Qua~er (NE 1/4) of Sec~io~ 4, Townsnip 48 Sou~. Range 41 Eas~, Broward Coun~I' Flor~=a. desc=ibed as follows: Commencing at the souateast corner of said Nor~heas~ Quan.&r (HE 1/4): thence North 00.50'47" West (Bearings are relative to State Plane CDordinates as shown on STC:IER/KErm RESURVEY OF A PORTION or TOWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, ALL OF 'rOWHSHIP 48 SOUTH, RAlICE 41 EAST, , ALL OF TOWHSBIP 49 SOUTH, RANCE 41 EAST, accordin; to the plat thereof, recorded in Kiscellaneous Plat Book 3 at pa;e 44 of the Public Records of said Broward county), alon; the east line of said NortheastQua~er (HE 'lf4),a distance of 50.01 fee~ to the north Ri;bt of Way line of HolJ:berq Road as c:lescribecl in Official Record Book 1378 at pa;e 586 of said Public Records: thence Horth ".51'35- West, alon; said nort.'1 Ri;ht of Way lina, a distance of 30.00 feet to the POIUT OF BECIHHINC at ~. southwest corner of that parcel of luc:l conveyed 1:0 North Spri.nqs ImprovUlent District by the W&J:raftty Deed J:'8corded in Otficial Record Book 20423 at pa;e 88 of said Public Records: ';')ll atence continue Horth 89.51'35" West, alon; said north R1qbt of Way line, a distance of 601.05 feet eo a point on a nort:harly tiqht of Way line of Hol:berq Road (Raaliqnad) .. daacribed in Official Record Book 16006 at paqe 545 of said Public Records at the baqiJminq of a non-tan;ent curve concave eo the southwest bavinCJ a radius of 2351.83 feet and to said point a raclial line bears Harth 05.25'33" East: thence northwesterly and westerly, alon; said curle on said northerly IliCJbt of Way line, throu;h a central anqle of 03-39'03", a distance of 149.86 feet eo an ustarly line of 'rBE LAHDINCS or PARKLAND, accardinCJ to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 137 at Pa;e 22 Of said Public Records: thence Horch 06-36'52" East, non-tan;ent to said curve, alOllCJ said ~lY line, a distaftce Of 0.96 feet to tile IIDat nortbeastarly comer of said THE LANDINGS OF PAlUa.AHD at the southeast comer of KEADOW RUN, ac:c:orcl1ncJ to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 151 at paCJe , of said Public Records: thence continue Horch 0'-36'52" East, alon; the easterly Une of said HEADOW RUN, a distance of J08.0S feet eo ene beqinnin; of . curve concave ta the southeast bavinq a radius of 2340.00 teet and a cen~=al an;l. of lS-47'05": thence northeasterly, alon; said curve on said eas~erly line, a distance of 64~.66 feet: "ffr..:' la ~ ,. Page :. of ~ e.hence ~o~ 22.23'57" East:, along said easterly line, a dist:ance of 180.74 feet: to ~~e nor-::neast: corner of said MEADOW RUn: ehence cont:inue No~~ 22-23'57" East:, along ehe norcheaseerly prolongaeion of said east:erly line, a dist:ance of 554.87 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the norchwest baving a radius of 4187.40 feee and a cenual Angle of 11.20'03": thence northerly, alonq said curle, a distance of 828.34 feee t:o the wese line of said parcel of land conveyed eo North Sprinqs Improvement Dist:~ic-:; by the ~arranrl Deed recorded in Official Rec=rd Book 20423 ae Page 88: thence Soueh 00.50'47" East, non-tangent: to said curve, along said west line, a distance ot 2412.31 feee t:o the POI1IT OF BEG!NNING. Said land beinq in the City at Parkland, Bro~ard COUll':":.. Florida. Coneaining 22.626 Ac~es, more or less. 'It," 4, I~ , ,. :,;1 ?3~e : ':)t .; I, THIS IS HOT A SKETCH or SURVEY. %. U&'UHOS U( II(LATN( '"' .,....T( "-AJC c::ooIIOIMATU AS SMClWN ON STOH(II'ICI:ITH IIUUllvn or A I'OllTICR OIT TOWWS....~' SOUTH, "ANO( ~'UST, ALL 0' nr.IlIHI.. ~a SOUTH, IlANGI: ~, UsT . Al.L CI" TOWNSHI.. ~I sount. A&NOt 41 EAST, .IoCCCJllllNa TO 'TM( P'\.AT TH(II(O'. II(CCIIO(D IH Ylau.u<<DUS P\..AT IClOIt S U NOt 44 0' THI: ..UIILIC III:COIIDS U UOWAIID alUMTY, n.OllIDA. ~I .!!2!. ~ ~ ----I..--:;,,-..--TOWNSHIP 4T SOUTH. RANGE .,f EAST,- , .,."", (QRA 55, PG. ~OO, a,C,R.I,-.." . \,"'" po- .~ -- '\ "'-44' SO.. ",/ '_TH ~ OIIU:. 1/4 or SO:TIOII 4......41-'. 3-' 3.:1 .j, \ 4~ --- 3 '-'" , / i ! i -- '~. --'._--'1' 48 $DI/TH, ...- -- ". .. . . ;b; '''0 a- :;:= ... ... ... ~::; RANGE 41 EAST--.- : .. co ...- ~~ ...0: a= i! 2;- i:.: 0: , ... }. ",of' ~ ..i:. ..s: ;!~ ,.- \'ii '~i; ~~ ~i:: Z::; i- -~?-= ! z z .. .. . k . - .. z 2 , ... lIOII1'I SPIIlIIGS r=lIIPf OlSflleT SI.4 I Clll..ace......f fI way i &CULI. IIOSl. .... ,10. &.CAI I .. ... .. .. ... o "'" \ '\. .~ Cll yJ' MEADOW RUN j r"':,::,~;:>'"(P.B. /5/. PG. 6.1Ja1J-'::'~~' "\ ; ,,' - .. "...; 4 .... ..;: zi; .. J ~= ;; 2s. "',,_ . z... w ..... "1[_ !. 3.... :.~ ~e ~ . ... .. .~Ci:.:! o~ 0"': Z.. ..._ , ...=- . z,: '= oc: ....0 ---- ~I <It . .i ,:';.... ...: I .... ~... . ..'- . . I I -- .......- '.C,II, 0.11 e. pe PG INOIC.1TES INOle:'T!:S IHOle:.'!:s ":OIC~TES IIlOW.IIC COUNTY II(C01IOS O,.,'CI"'L III:COIIO eOOK PL..., 'lOOK ..aGE. ..... t...... "-0001.". (II CO .O~O '.[hICOIl[CI U2e.oo' ''''01 III1C"' C' w.", to.. 8. I.OUG. ..c :. 4 ~ t:I c:r . ~aQt ~..r J :. ,. ,/ .1 '~ Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT "C" ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELXNES In order to encourage compatible development, the desiqn and layout of buildings shall provide for open space with the positioning of the elements of each site in the Twenty-two (22) acre community Facility Parcel in a "park-like settinq", and in a manner which will protect and enhance the adjoininq residential areas. No structure will be higher than forty (40) feet to the ridge of the roof, except for houses Qf worship. Any development will preserve the character of neighboring residential developments. The Twenty-two (22) acre Community Facility Parcel shall be desiqned and developed in a uniform architectural theme based on the following guidelines: LANDSCAPING Trees, shrubs and qround cover shall be located in such a manner so as to tie 'together all the other elements of the design of the project. a) Front Yard Setback Area - Landscaping in these areas shall consist of an effective combination at street trees, berms, shade and o;namental trees, ground cover, sod and shrubbery. All unpav~d areas not utilized for parkinq shall be landscaped in a similar manner. b) S ide and Rear Yard - All unpaved areas not utilized for parkinq shall be landscaped utilizing ground cover, berms, sod, and/or shrub and tree materials. c) Screening - Areas used for parking shall be screened from view or have the view interrupted by landscaping and hedqes from access streets, trafficways, and adjacent properties. d) Boundarv Areas - Boundary landscaping is required on all interior property lines to ~fer adjoining residential development. e) storaae Areas - All outdoor storage shall be visually screened tram access streets, trafficways, and adjacent property. No storage shall be permitted between a frontage street and the building line. f) Refuse Collection Areas - All outdoor refuse collection areas shall be visually screened from access streets, trafficways and adjacent property. q) Teleohone and Electrical Service - All "on-site" electrical lines and telephone lines shall be placed underqround. Transformer or terminal equipment shall be visually screened from view from streets and adjacent properties with adequate landscaping. Page 1 of 3 h) LandscaDe Buffers - Landscape buffers adjacent to University Drive and Ho1mberg Road will be provided in accordance with the City of Parkland's "park-like" Ordinance and Landscape Code. OPEN SPACE A m~n~mum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the 10.0 acre Municipal Center Parcel shall be developed as pervious open space. SXGNAGE Signs used for identification, communication and vehi~lar con~ol should be uniform. Signs shall mean and include any structure, component, fabric, device or display which bears lettered, pictorial or sculptured material, including forms shaped to resemble any human, animal or product designed to convey information or images and which is exposed to public view. a) b) * c) d) e) No sign or lettering shall be formed or constructed of paint or material which is not compatible with the buildings' exterior materials and colors. No sign shall be constructed or erected so that the top of the sign is fifteen (15) feet higher than adjacent finish street grade. No sign shall be constructed or erected with more than seventy-five (75) square feet of surface area per siqn facing and no sign shall consist of more than two (2) such faces. The use of exposed neon tubing is not permitted. The use of reverse channel lettering is an attractive alternative. Masonry monument signs are encouraged at the entrances to the Municipal Center. LIGBTDlG Exterior light fixtures should be of an attractive design which is compatible with the overall theme of thedevelopment. a) Illumination levels should be maintained at levels which will provide adequate security to the site, yet minimize glare on the surrounding areas. Security lighting should be hidden under overhangs or concealed in ways that promote the design of buildings within the Municipal Center. Page 2 of 3 ROOFS Exterior elevations facing adjacent trafficways should reflect sloped roofs or mansard roofs. a} Roof Coverinas - Roof coverings should be made of flat, rolled or barrel tile. Raised seam metal in a factory applied color could also be used. b) Roof Fascias and Co~nices - Roof fascias and cornices should show substance, such as wide fascias with multiple horizontal relief. An e~ception to this provision relating to roofs shall be made for houses of worship. EXTERIOR TREATMENTS Common building materials will be used for all buildings and structures. a) Exterior Colors - Exterior colors shall be soft colors or light pastels, unless natural materials are used, such as wood, stone, brick or brick facade. Liaht Fixtures - Exterior light fixtures should be of an attractive design that is compatible with the exterior elevations. Columns - Columns should be proportionate in height and width to the overall size of the building. b) ;i c) laSCELLAHEotJs a) Sidewalks - Sidewalks from parking areas to buildings should be provided. b) streets - If curbs are not installed, pavement widths should be wide enough to prevent vehicle encroachment on the landscaped roadway edge and drainage swales should be installed to accommodate stormwater runoff. c} parkina - Sufficient off-street parking areas should be provided, which shall be paved with asphalt or concrete or other substance permitted by the City's Kinimum Construction and Design standards. d) Setbacks - All buildings or any part of any building shall be set back a minimum of seventy-five (75) feet from the ultimate right-af-way line of University Drive. ' Page 3 of 3 ?i THIS IS NOT A SKETCH OF SURVEY. AU. OIIEHSI0'6 AA; ~ TO CCP*'t_ TtC1'4 BY A REGISTERED u.rc:I SI.JFNEYOR. SCALE: 1 INCH - . . 01tJ o c. 0<./3 "" It) . /3^- c aPt , . ~ ' ~-.I . ~ - OZ. ~.. ....07. '- ~.3e' Q:- ~~1AE" 1.0002 ACRES .~~ '....... ~f:Jrlvt: N89- 09"13-E 485.12' . a 8.0028 a A eRE s ~ ~ 552.77. NEE- 09. 13-E 8.9998 ACRES SECTION 4 TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST CITY OF PARKLAND. BROJrARD COUNTY. FLORIDA \ I I i; ~I It) U ~ :1 CJI ~ ~\ 10 oq-I _ 0 o N o ~ ~I o ~I ~ ~\ n. ~l c UI UlI ~I ~I oC( ~\ ~ ... ~\ ... I XI " :1 ('11 I -N "_'_,_, HOLMBERG ROAD 4- -'-,_ 010 "- -:---. ~ !J -(f__ ~ : : "- ---- ---- ~ :, - ----- - I EXHIBIT "n" Page 1 of 1 o 10 A.w.-: ,""",, ""...1Mn r....... I~ IF"" H_......': SPACE .uoYE 'IBIS LIME FOR RECORDING D4 TA This W.rruty Deed MilIU GNI alClltd Ilu My of A.D. 1996 by FLOIUDA NAnONAL 'ROPERTlES,INC.. II CtlrpDIfIIitNI Gi#bIt fIltIUr .Iw IIJwI of IIu SUIt, of Floria. GNI ""WII, iu prindplll p/IIu of bIuina:r lit JJOD UIliNtSiq Dtiw. Conal $priIttI. FID1itJJJ J.JQU IuniIltI/Ir mlUtlllu 'tfUUor. .0 THE C17l' OF PAULAND. noRIDA. (I rrutidpIIl Ct1tpor=iotl aisIilIt ...,.1Iu1lJwl oflluSlllufl/F11ri14. with ilspltfJlllMtr/ pt/JIof/iCt tIIUruJ lit 6$00 l'tI1tsiJU Driw. /'ruI:JJmIL FbiJJ4 JJ067. 1IIIf!itlIt/Ur CIIIlW.. ".".. .-.--------"".-.-....-.---..-- ~ --",- -----",-- Witness.tlr: DcIIt 1M ".."". lor ONJ lit ~ of. IIlIIJ of nD-oo 0Nl <<Mr 1IIJlruzb1, CDIISM,nuiotU. nctipt wIIInof II Mnby ~1eJ. by lAG, pra",u .. ".,.,. barr... ulI. .... ,.,ut. rdcra,. CtlIIW'1 GNI ctm/frrn IIntO 'M 'NIfI~ 011_ unoiIIlIJIIIllqtJlly daaibcd .. &NbIl -A -. CIllIUiafIrI of /... (4J pII,a. IIltIldtt.d htrtlo GNI IIIaIrponIIlJlllurrin by Iltis "''''''". sJJut, ill dw QJy of PrttIJI1wL BIfIIfWIItI c..r. 1IDritI4. SUBJEC;T TO !he rcsuiclive COftIIIIIt dIIc &be IJIIlI Jamby CDIM)'eCl sbaJl 0DIy be lIIed for i.,. faciIitia. '0._..... admiDistnlioIl buildiDcs. police IIId rue pracecdoa (pUblic safay) lIIdoas.lDtnrics. ciYlc or adIInl ClIIIIIII. aahe ad pIIIhe prt r=alioIl Cacilitics.1aka IIId CIIIIIs. aad .. ...'1 __ racilides; pcaYided &ba& 11I'/ of... ... IItaU .. ...... ..., pabIic or priVlle sdtaols. coUqcs IDd W~UI(dea. ~ ol~, lIclIpiIaIIor cUIdcs. paItIk...1 .....1IciDda. paIlUcWCllb ra:iIIda. corponac yuds. utility lira. 16~ClI" .it, ~ or ~ ~&.I -=- IIdUdII for ... .... ..uor IIIDdk::appcd. aaniIIc bamcs. COIWIIcIccal...... paap IIoIIIa 11I4 CIOII&"pII-cae radIIdeI. I """.. or - . lI:plVrilIelI flInIIcr elm 11I'/ pan of a p~ -01\1 CadIIly Iocaed oa die ... dacribecllaDd .., III.... for __ I . Ic-I purposes IS U ICCCSSOry use. 11I4 lids nsaicdoa IbaII be . CIlMIIIIIt naaiq willa die Iaad.IlIDdiII& apoa ... amac. lis IlIl:CaSOCIIIId mips. TIlI.tlle, '"'" oil. .CftIJIIGlU. ~ .. ~ ".". ....,., or ill 0II1Wis' tJPpmairlitl,. TIl a_V. elld '" aDli, .. _ i11lt1limpk/tftWr. And .Iw ,trIIIIor Mrtl11 ~ MIll soitI,raJII<< _It II liIwfd7 '''11/ ItIi4I11114 iIIl" rimpll: rIuIt i. Iuu ,ood ri,hI 11IIII lowjtIIaIII<<iI1 .0 ,tlIlIIfIl CIIftW7 said lad: r/rIIt 11..-, JWI7 WIImIIItI .. dIIIlo IIIJd 11III411IIII twill dt/tNI dw S01lII IlpilUt III, /4wfrtl dJlJlllllI/ d",." I_.IWIMI';" r/rIItllli4,."" lIJm 11/ IJII e..a." WIaI capt for MUl/or 1996 tIIId IIIJ alii"""" 1*US: II1Id 1lIf1lftlJlll. rartit:tiotu. IIftnIlIIiGlu. ~l_tdIIII, Ii--..., M4 artdiIiIIrv of IKON. if tl/fY. (CORPORA'm SEALJ III Wlm.ss Wllerellt tilt ,rani or Iw ClllUttl rhG, prurNS 10 lit Q<<ttIIII ill Its ...... .. lu CIItJIOIfIIe "., 10 ", latnruatll t1/fiud. by iu proptr oJIIan ......."."""". tilt" 11IIII ,., Jint tIbow wrilltJL ~ .cnm:. FtOIUlM NmONAL PROPERnES. INC. I. P. TllrawUII. Jr.. AssisulJll StcrIltuy Si,Mrl. stdlld tmd dtliwrtd ill 'M pralllC' of: By: JtI1fIG P. McGowon. Wet PrtsidrN NOIfII: NtIIIIt: STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNtY OF BROWARD I HEREBY CERnFY IhIIl Oil lhis Uy. bqorl IIlI., a ot/fat' tbdy tutdunit.td ill . Slot, tmd C1umy aforlSllid If) 11IIe, acIau1wIaJ,mlllU. pmoMlly apf/<<Ind 1II1IUs P. M,Go_1IIId J. P. TGtrlWllII. Ir. well bDwn '0 nil 10 b, Ihl! Viet PraMI!," IIIId Assislal SICrttGry. rnpl!CliYriy. of lilt Ctlrporalioll tUIIrItd III ,rrtlllor ill tht /orl'oiII, dud. 11IIII thIII Ih" sl!Wtnllly IId:nowl.,ttI U<<IlIill' 1M SIII1It ill Ih, pralllC' 0{ n..o sabsaibilr, wUlIGICf /rftIy tmd fItJbuIuuiIy IUIdtr CIIIIhority dilly valid ill rhl1ll by IIlid torpOrtlliOll tmd .h4t Iht stili t1ffutti ,htrtlo is ,hI! Inll! ct11'pOnIIl! uolll/ .. CIItptII'OIltm. Thq ~ pmONJlly b10W11 10 11II. IVITNESS my har.d and oJJkiDl sl!al ill Ihl! County IIIId SllIIt lIIIt tt/oraaid rlris day of . A.D, 1996, II, C-II,.. tun" -.-: II." hMic c-....II.. 1It_,.,Suo E}"'1HB IT t1r" ....