HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-41 Plat Approval Greene Plat 3 Acres Holmberg Rd & 66th RESOLUTION 95-41 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA FOR PLAT APPROVAL OF THE GREENE PLAT, A SUBDMSION OF LOT 168 INTO A THREE ACRE PARCEL IN PINE TREE ESTATES, LOCATED AT NW 66 AVENUE AND HOLMBERG ROAD; CASE NO. OI-PT-95. WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the City Commission a Public Hearing was held to hear testimony for and against the petition of Pulice Land Surveyors, Inc. requesting plat approval of the subdivision of Lot 168 Pine Tree Estates, into a three acre parcel located at the southeast comer of Holmberg Road and NW 66 Way, to be known as the Greene plat; and WHEREAS, the proposed plat has been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board which voted to recommend approval. The proposed plat is found to be in conformance with all applicable su"'rfivision regulations and is in compliance with current concurrency as well as land development n.Q..uations. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Parkland, Florida, that; The Greene Plat is approved with the following conditions: 1. This approval is based on the Greene Plat prepared by Pulice Land Surveyors, Inc. and dated received June 14, 1995, also included is the Impact Analysis Report dated June 14, 1995. 2. The approved plat shall indicate a 17.5 foot drainage easement along the eastern property line, as well as, 5 foot drainage easements along northern and southern property line for each lot. 3. The land owner shall pay the park impact fee relating to development of each lot prior to the issuance of a building permit for each lot. PASSED AND ADOPTED TInS 6 DAY OF Sepb"-'IIher . 1995. ~~. , ~ SAL P LIARA, MAYOR ~ ~<,,~ ~ SUSAN ARMSTRONG, C.M., TV CLERK .......,....--.. ',"..........$.'.-..