HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-38 Support Sales Tax Interlocal Agmt-1cent Sales Tax for Schools RESOLUTION 95 - 38 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE CITY OFFICIALS TO ENTER INTO A SALES TAX INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE SCHOOL BOARD OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the City Commission of t~e City of Parkland finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City to enter into a Sales Tax Interlocal Agreement with The School Board of Broward County that delegates the proceeds of a one percent (1 %) Sales Tax to the District for a period of seven (7) years, all of the proceeds of which shall be distributed to the School District to undertake capital improvements for educational purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to execute the attached Sales Tax Interlocal Agreement with The School Board of Broward County, Florida. Section 2. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 19 DAY OF JULY ,1995. ~a.~ ROBERT MARKS, VICE MA VOR . ., CITY CLERK cRobE-'Ll dl1a~1- Q/lce dVlayo't City Of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive, Parkland, Florida 33067 Office (305) 753-5040 · Home (305) 755-7469 July 18, ,~995 Commissioner John Hart Broward County Governmental Center 115 South Andrews Avenue, Room 421 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Dear Commissioner Hart: Attached please find the executed local agreement between the School Board of Broward County, Broward County, and the City of Parkland, Florida as approved unanimously by the Parkland City Commission at its meeting of July 19. As a growing City deeply interested in the issue of school availability and enrichment through the public educational system, we are pleased to forward the agreement to you and trust we will be the first of a unanimous level of support from municipalities within the County. ,~ll of us in Parkland appreciate your efforts toward meeting the crisis in our school system, and ask you to contact us should we be able to assist you in your efforts to enact the one penny sales tax. ~ Very truly yours, ~'G..~ Robert A. Marks Vice Mayor RAM/abk 95 - 220 @ Printed on Neve" paper l.. .., SALES TAX INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT .- FTL:59618:6 TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ 1. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT; EXHIBITS; DEFINITIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1.1 Preliminary Statement Incorporated . . . . . . . . ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Exhibits... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .': . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 Def1I1itions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. LEVY OF SALES TAX ..............,.................;.:.... 3 2.1 County Levy "...........:..:...................... 3 2.2 Sales Tax Rate ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3 PenOd of Collection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.4 Administration and Collection .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.5 Allocation to School District ........................... 3 3. REFERENDUM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.1 Call. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.2 Ballot.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.3 Notice.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.4 Costs and Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4. APPROVED PROJECTS; ACCOUNTABILITY OF SCHOOL DISTRICT ...... 5 4.1 The Project ....................................... 5 ' 4'.2. Receipt and Disbursement of Proceeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . 5 4.3 Citizens I Oversight Commi~": . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5. MISCELlANEOUS. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 , 5.1 Effective Date .................................... 6 5.2 Incorporation into Local Legislation ...................... 6 ' 5.3 Authorization. . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5.4 Counterparts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 EXHIBIT Exhibit A Project List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-I FTL:59618:6 (i) SALES TAX INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT TInS SALES TAX INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is hereby entered into by and among The School Board of Broward County, Florida ("School Board") as the governing body of the School District of Broward County, Florida ("School District"), Broward County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("County") and each municipality within the County that is a signatory hereto (individually, a "Municipality" and, collectively, "Municipalities "). PRELIMINARY STATEMENT A. There exists a dire need within the County to undertake capital improvements for educational purposes over the next several years, the cost of which far exceeds the funds for capital expenditures available to the School District from existing revenue sources. The deficit, presently estimated at approximately $1.4 billion over the next seven (7) years, has been investigated, evaluated and verified by numerous independent committees, including the Facilities Task Force, the Broward Education Planning Initiative and the Blue Ribbon Committee; B. Florida law authorizes the imposition of a discretionary sales surtax which, if authorized by a county and municipalities representing a majority of that county's municipal population, may be shared with the school district within that county. The County and the Municipalities, which M~cipalities represent a majority of the municipal population in the County, hav~ determined that the levy of such a discretionary sales surtax of one Percent (1 %) for a period of seven (7) years, all of the proceeds of which shall be distributed to the School District, is the best alternative available for providing additional funds to the School District; C. The County, each of the Municipalities and the School District have determined that it is in the best interests of such governmental jurisdiction, the residents of each respective governmental jurisdiction and all the residents of the County that the discretionary sales surtax be levied, collected ai1d applied solely for educational purposes and that the proceeds from such discretionary sales surtax be expended for specific capital outlays, pursuant to specified procedures and subject to citizens' oversight; and D. As authorized by applicable law, including Section 212.055(2), Florida Statutes (1994), the School District, the County and each of the Municipalities have agreed to enter into this Intedocal Agreement in order to provide for the foregoing. FTL:S9618:6 1 NOW THEREFORE, the panies hereto, for good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, each intending to be legally bound hereby, hereby agree as follows: 1. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT; EXHIBITS: DEFINITIONS. 1.1 Preliminaty Statement Incoqx>rated. The recitation set forth in the Preliminary Statement are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by reference. 1.2 Exhibits. All exhibits annexed to this Agreement are, without further reference thereto, hereby made a.part hereof as if fully set 'forth at length herein. 1.3 Definitions. The following terms, as used in this Agreement, shall have the meaning hereafter ascribed to each: a. " Approving Referendum" shall mean a Referendum which is officially determined to have resulted in a majority of the electors in the County having approved the levy of the Sales Tax. b. "Commencement Date" shall mean the day, following an Approving Referendum, on which the Sales Tax begins being collected in the County, which day shall be the earliest day that is the first day of a'month which falls at least sixty (60) days after the Election Date, but in po event earlier than January 1, 1996. c. "Election Date" shall mean the date on which the Referendum is held. d. "Governing Documents" shall mean the constitution and laws of the State of Florida and, as to each Governmental Entity, that Governmental Entity's's clJa1:ter, codes, ordinanr.es, and resolutions, and the indenttlres, judgments, orders, decrees, contracts and instruments to which that Governmental Entity is a party or by which any of its assets are bound. e. "Governmental Entity" shall mean the County, the School District and each of the Municipalities, together with any governing authority that becomes the lawful successor to any of the foregoing. FTL:S9618:6 2 f. "Governing Body" shall mean, as to the County, the Board of County Commissioners; as to the School District, the School Board; and as to each Municipality, the official governing body of that municipality as established by the Municipality's Governing Documents. g. "Proceeds" or "Sales Tax Proceeds" shall mean the money distributed to the School District from collections of the Sales Tax deposited to the Discretionary Sales Surtax Clearing Trost Fund maintained by the Department of Revenue in accordance with Section 212.054(4) Florida Statutes (1994). ' h.' "Sales Tax" shall mean the discretionary sales surtax authorized to be levied pursuant to this Agreement and Section 212.055(2), Florida Statutes (1994). i. "Sales Surtax Fund" shall mean the independent, segregated trust account for which sales tax revenue, together with all related liabilities, obligations, reserves and equities, will be accounted. j. "Referendum" shall mean the referendum election on the Sales Tax called in accordance with Section 3 of this Agreement. 2. LEVY OF SAT .RS TAX. .- 2.1 CountY Le'O'. The County hereby levies the Sales Tax as provided herein and subject to an Approving Referendum. (1%). 2.2 Sales Tax Rate. The Sales Tax shall be levied at the rate of one percent 2.3 Period of Collection. The Sales Tax shall be levied and collected for a period beginning on the Commencement Date and ending seven (7) years thereafter. 2.4 Administration and Collection. The Sales Tax shall be administered and collected pursuant to Section 212.054, Florida Statutes (1994). 2.5 Allocation to School District. The parties hereto hereby agree that one FTL:S9618:6 3 hundred percent (100%) of the Sales Tax Proceeds shall be distributed to the School District for credit to the Sales Surtax Fund. Each Governmental Entity shall cooperate in taking such actions and executing such documents as necessary to cause the Deparnnent of Revenue to disburse the Proceeds from the Discretionary Sales Surtax Clearing Trust Fund directly to the School District. 3. REFERENDUM. 3.1 Call. The Governing Body of the County shall call for a referendum of the qualified electors of the County to consider whether the Sales Tax should be levied and disbursed as provided herein. The referendum shall be held intheCounty",on September 19, 1995; provided, however, that if the effective date "ofthis'Agreement (as provided in Section 5.1 hereof) is delayed such that there is insufficient time to publish legally required nouces or otherwise convene the referendum for September 19, 1995, then the respective Governing Bodies of the County and School. District ,shall agree on all alternative date that is as soon after September 19, 1995 as the County and School District mutually concur that the referendum can feasibly and practicably be accomplished. The Referendum shall be conducted by the Broward County Supervisor of Elections in accordance with the Florida Election Code. 3.2 Ballm. The form of Ballot to be submitted to the electors at the Referendum shall be as follows: OFFICIAL lJALLOT REFERENDUM ON ONE-CENT, SEVEN YEAR, DISCRETIONARY' SALES SURTAX FOR SCHOOLS AND 'EDUCATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS SHALL A ONE-CENT DISCRETIONARY SALES SURTAX BE LEVIED FOR SEVEN YEARS COUNTYWIDE ON ALL TRANSACTIONS IN BROWARD COUNTY SUBJECT TO '. STATE SALES TAX, WHICH EXCLUDES SERVICES, l\mDICINE, FOOD, HOUSING, AND ANY OTHER STATUTORY EXEMPTIONS, AND THE PROCEEDS BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE SCHOOL DISl'RICT OF BROW ARD COUNTY TO BE USED TO FINANCE, PLAN AND CONSTRUCT SCHOOLS AND EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES CONSTITUTING INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS FTL:59618:6 4 AUTHORIZED BY SECTION 212.055(2), FLORIDA STATUTES. FOR the One-Cent Sales Tax AGAINST the One-Cent Sales Tax 3.3 Notice. The County shall cause notice of the Referendum to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County, at least two times prior to the Referendum, once in the fifth week prior to the' Election Date and once in the third week prior to the Election Date, the flrstpublication to be at least thirty days 'prior to the Election Date. 3.4 Costs and E1Q?enses. All costs and expenses incurred in noticing and conducting the Referendum shall be borne by the District. 4. APPROVED PROJECTS; ACCOUNTABILITY OF SCHOOL DISTRICT. 4.1 The Project. The Sales Tax Proceeds, together with interest accrued thereon, shall be applied by the School Board solely to pay all or any part of the cost of financing, planning and constructing infrastructure, as defmed in ~ection 212.0SS(2)(d), Florida Statutes (1994), which infrastructure is summarized on Exhibit A annexed hereto (the "Project List"). A more detailed description of each component of the Project List is on fue at the respective offices of the Scl)ool Board, the County and each Municipality . It is anticipated that the Sales Tax will generate Proceeds that will be sufficient, together with other legally available funds of the School District, to complete the Project List. If the Project List is completed in its entirety (iricluding any part thereof that is abandoned), the School Board may apply any remaining Sales Tax Proceeds towards other infrastructure for which the Sales Tax may be expended in accordance with law. 4.2. Receipt and Disbursement of Proceeds. Promptly following the Commencement Date, the School Board shall es~blish the Sales Surtax Fund. All monies credited to the Sale Surtax Fund, together with interest thereon, shall be held by the School Board in trust and disbursed and charged to the Sales Surtax Fund solely to pay expenditures incurred in accordance with Section 4.1 hereof.Ÿ 4.3 Citizens' Oversiiht Committee. Promptly following the Commencement Date, a citizens' oversight committee to be known as the "Sales Tax Oversight Committee" (the "Committee") shall be established. The Committee shall have the responsibility of monitoring the expenditures of the School Board to assure that the Proceeds are expended FTL:S9618:6 5 strictly in accordance with provisions of this Agreement. The School Board agrees to establish and maintain record keeping procedures that will enable the Committee to readily verify all receipts into the Sales Surtax Fund and all disbursements from the Sales Surtax Fund, including the purpose for each disbursement and the specific project reflected in Exhibit A as to which the' expenditure relates. The Committee and the School Board shall establish procedures pursuant to which information and documentation reasonably required by the Committee to perform its function will be made available to the' Committee, on a regular basis. The Committee shall be composed of 21 members, selected as follows: 7 members appointed by the Broward County , Board of County Commissioners; 7 members appointed by the Board of Directors of the Broward County League of Cities; and 7 members appointed by the School Board. The Co-Chairs of the Blue Ribbon Committee and the Chair of the School Board will coordinate with the appointing bodies to assure that the Committee appointees are appropriately representative of the diverse interest groups throughout the community, as well as having the requisite expertise for the Committee's task. .. The Co~ttee shall adopt a regular meeting schedule and rules of conduct and procedure ("Rules") promptly following its formation. Any Committee member that resigns, is removed in accordance with the Rules or is otherwise unable to serve on the Committee shall be replaced with a new member by the entity that appointed the member being replaced. 5. MISCELLANEOUS. 5.1 Effective Date. This' Agreement shall be effective from and after the date on which it has been executed by the County, the School District and Municipalities that, collectively, represent a majority of the municipal population in the County and each of such Governmental Entities has adopted the legislation referred to in Section 5.2 hereof. 5.2 IncOl:poration into Local Leiislation. On or prior to its approval hereof, and as a condition to the effectiveness of this Agreement, the County shall adopt an FTL:S9618:6 6 ordinarice, by the affinnative vote of a majority of its Governing Body, levying the Sales Tax in accordance herewith. 5.3 Authorization. Each Governmental Entity represents and warrants to the other Governmental Entities, as follows: a. that such governmental entity has the power and authority under its Governing Documents to enter into and perfo~ the provisions of this Agreement; b. the execution, delivery and performance ,gf ,this. Agreement has been duly authorized by all action required by such Governmental Entity's Governing Documents, including approval by the Governing Body of such GO\(ernmental Entity; c. the person(s) executing this Agreement on behalf of such Governmental Entity is duly authorized to do so and such signature is valid and binding upon such Governmental Entity; and d. neither the execution nor delivery of this Agreement, nor the performance hereof, will constitute a violation of, or default under, any of such Governmental Entity's Governing Documents. 5.4 CounteI:Parts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which together with a counterpart executed by each of the other parties hereto and thereto ~ha1l constitute a single origina1,' and shall constitute but one and the same instnlment. ' : [TIllS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFf BLANK] FTL:59618:6 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day of , 1995. FTL:S9618:6 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF BROWARD COUNTY, as the governing body of the School District of Broward County, Florida By: Its: BROWARDCOUNTY, FLORIDA By: Its: MUNICIPALITIES: CITY OF PARKLAND BY:~~.~ Its: VICE MAYOR ROBERT MARKS ay: Its: By: Its: 8 MUNICIPALITIES: By: Its: By: Its: By: Its: By: Its: : By: Its: By: Its: FTL:S9618:6 9 FTL:59618:6 MUNICIPALITIES: By: Its: By: Its: By: Its: By: Its: : By: Its: By: Its: 10 MUNICIPALITIES: By: Its: By: Its: By: Its: By: Its: By: Its: By: Its: FTL:S!l618:6 11 MUNICIPALITIES: By: Its: By: Its: , By: Its: By: Its: : By: Its: FTL:59618:6 12 EXHIBIT A (29 pages) SUmmary of Capital Reeds Sorted by City ~CBOOL/J)ItPT. Funded Amount Unfunded Amount Facility 7DtIl c~ Coconut Creek Atlantic Vocaticma1 Center Atlantic West AdultfVoc. $6,425,580 ElementaIy $5,018,253 ElementaIy $1,884,104 High $9,231.741 ~tAq $2,828,300 Totals for City: $25,387,978 Cooonut Creek Coconut Creek Winston Park f 1 of 2~ ~54,825 $7,080,405 ,$820,480 $5,838,733 $611,560 $2,495,664 $1,383,201 $10,614,942 $79,500 $2.907,800 $3.549,566 $28,937,544 8qtlnn.~ 01 Capltalll'eeds Sorted by City Funded Unfunded Facility SC:SOOL/D1I:PT. &nount A~ount :rml CitT: Cooper City Cooper City EleQletttary $5,016.500 SO $5.016.500 Cooper City High $5.097.800 $1.'250.450 $6.348.250 Embassy Creek Elementary $2.678,300 $180,000 $2,858,300 Griffin Elementary $4,858,800 $322,000 $5,180,800 Pfo~ Middle $7,045,475 $1,200,000 $8,245,475 Totals for C~: $24,696,875 $2,952.450 $27.6't9,325 .. .:.. It 2 of 29' JOHN P. HART. COMMISSIONER Board of County Commissioners (305) 357-7003 . FAX (305) 357-7295 July 19. 1995 The Honorable Sal Pagliara 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland. FL 33067/1 Dear Mayor p~rr Attached is an insert to Exhibit "A" of the Sales Tax Interlocal Agreement that was distributed with my letter dated July 14. 1995. Please insert Page 2A of 29. the Summary of the Capital Needs for the City of Coral Springs. that was inadvertently left out of original Exhibit "A" that was provided to me by the School Board. I am sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused. Sincerely, ~ John P. Hart County Commissioner Enclosures cc: City Manager$ BROWAAO COUNlY GO./ERNMENTAl CENlER . 115 SOUlH ANDREWS AVENU: . FORT lAIJOEROAI.E. R.ORlDA 33301 ReSD04e1hlJ, Renovation, ExpaJ1.1oa. & Replacement Sum1l1U7 or Capital J(e~da Sorted by City Funded UnNn.d~ f a.cilitl>' !lCHOOL/DEPT . Amount ~unt Iml Cit7: Coral 8}u'fap Cot'8J Park . EkrnaataJ)' $572,359 $10,000 $582,359 Coml Sprin&s High $7,129,140 $l,l38,700 $8,267,840 Coral Sprinp MJdd1e $5,665,612 $0 $5,665,6 t2 Coral SprinCI ~tary $1,817..t27 $938,750 $2,756,111 Cou-ntty Hilla EJcmenW)' $2,552,359 $60,000 $2,612,359 Forest 0Icn MicldJc $5,349,834 $87,875 $5,437.109 Forut HiIb EJemmtuy $4,421,684 , $131,537 15,159,221 HW1~ Jame:s S. Elemcnta%)' $808,546 $0 $808,546 Maplewood Elementary $1,185,859 $1,081,620 , $2,267,479 Park Sprinp Eleulcntary $0 $60,000 $60,000 Ramb1ewood Btemcntary $8,184.884 $819,4<>9 $9,004,293 Ramblewood Middle $9,678,791 $591,010 $10,269,801 Riverside Elementary $552,359 $10.000 $562,359 TaraveDa High $5,065,316 $4,566.635 $9,632,011 Wc.tchester Ete:nentary $3.907,959 $1,303,555 $5,211,514 TotaJa 14.- Cft7: ~92,18a .U,4OS,091 "3,29'7,219 2A of 29 SUJlllIft."" or Capital Needs Borted by City ~ed Unfunded Facili~ ,csOOL/DBPT. Amount Amount i21Il ~ Dania Colli.,. Elementary $975,000 $1.100.000 $2.075.000 0a1\i& Elementary $976,000 $888,000 $1,864,000 McFatter, WiU.iam T. AduJtfVoc. $'l,393.ooo $0 $7,393,000 01sen Middle $550,000 $0 $550,000 Totals for City: $9,894,000 $1,988,000 $11,882.000 '. " 3 of 29 Snft'lftlal'7 of Capital Beec18 Sorted by City Funded Unfunded Fa~tt 'CHOOL/DBPT. APiount Amouni I21Al CLty: Davie Davie Element&%)' $2,078,000 $360,000 $2.438,000 Fire Acad.emy Adult/Voc. $2,100,000 $84.000 $2,184,000 P'1amfn&o Elcmcntaxy $3,741,000 $1.316.000 15,057.000 Rawkes Bid Elementary $2,928,300 $80,000 $3,008.300 Hova MMtfl~ $3,222,000 $578,000 $3.800.000 Nova. High $6,075,000 $4,045,000 $lO,l20.000 NON. 8I8Dche Jl'ormaa ~tary $3.275.000 $579.000 $3.854.000 Nova Campus High/MIddle $2,929,000 $() $2,929.000 Nova ~t D. Eisenhower Elementary $434,000 $668.000 $1.102,000 SjhIer Ridge ltlementary $3.665.300 $0 $3,665.300 West Centi'al. Bus Complex Adminiatratfve $4,800.000 $0 $4,800.000 Weetmn Hjgb $3.750,000 $1.149,000 $4,899.000 Totals for City: $38,997.600 $8,859,000 $4'1.856.600 : ~ 4 of 29 . Summary of Capltal.eeels Sorted by City ~nded Unfunded. Facilit;y SCHOOL/pEn'. Amount Amount Is!aI City: Deerrleld Beach Deer field Park Elementuy $0 $44,000 $44,000 Deerfield Beach High $4,940,000 $1,2'10,000 16,210,000 . , Deerfic1d Beach ~tBry $7,309,955 $175,000 $7,484,955 Deer1JeJd Beach Middle $10,151,390 $400,000 $10,551,390 Quiet' Waten . E1ementaJy $2,773,300 $45.000 $2,818,300 TotUs for CIty: $25,1'74,6'\5 11,934,000 $27 ,108,645 .. f , 5 of 29 s........v of Capital ...d, Sorted by City Funded Unfunded Facilitv SCSOQl./DBP1'. Amount Amount Tma1 Clt7; Ft. Lauderdale ~ew E1emcntary $1,579,295 $103,500 $1,682,795 Bennett ~eatary $4,141.213 $203.941 $4.3~5, 154- CroiMant Park E2emcntary $0 $10.000 $10,000 Dillard Hich $23,777.187 $6,486, ISO $30.263.337 DifiarcI' Elementary $0 $0 $0 EaA AdmiDi~ Office Adl11tJVoc. $0 $2.515,555 $2,515,555 Edgcwood 'Itlementuy $3.564,112 $147,340 $3.711,452 Plor-.ada E1emen1my $11,184,448 $466,140 $11,650,588 Fort Lauderdale High $4.000.373 $270,000 $4,210,373 Harborda1e Ele:mentaTy $848,477 $199.054 $1,047.531 tau4erdaJe Manors Elcmentaly $3,095,139 $376,362 $3,471,501 Loo~.rt Stadium $25,000 $25,000 $50,000 North Fork RI_.-tmy $2,231,631 $1.863,472 $4.095.103 1forth Side FJmnentluy $2,536,595 $10,000 $2,546,595 Riv'erland. ElernenbllJY . S712,725 $0 $772.725 Rogera M"Jddle $2.682.420 $0 $2,682.420 !W1hnA1; Bend Oiatrict: Complex Admini8tt'atiYe $500,000 $0 $500,000 SeIlgu1l School Center $1,786.760 $0 $1,786,760 Stran_h-u Hich $11,406,900 $239,465 $11,646,365 Swlft~d Parll: ' . ~mbuy $1.996.950 $0 $1.996.950 8uDriac MIddle $0 $0 $0 J SUnMt Sehool Center $1.720,360 $0 $1,720.360 VIJPUa ~h~ Young Elamcmtary $0 $39,100 $39,100 Walker Etc:me:ntaly $3,665.540 $1,933,694 $5,599,234- WaDcer ~ Etementa:y $406.250 $0 $406.250 Westwood HeiJhts E2emenWy $44,000 $0 $44,000 TotalS for CIty: $81,965,375 $14.888.773 $96.854,148 6 of 29 S.-mary or Capital.'" Borted by City SCHOOL/DEPT. fYpded Amoun..t Un1\Jndcd Amount E~ I.2l&l City: HaDandale HenAn"A'e Elementary $1,658.000 $870,000 $2.528,000 Han.ndale Hish $4.887 ,000 '1,500,000 $6,387,000 Hallanda1e AdultfVoe. $8,000,000 $0 $8,000,000 South Ma AJten2ati1,e Center $2,785,000 $630,000 $3.415,000 TotJlII for CIty: $17,330,000 $3,000.000 $20,330,000. :' I! , 7 of 29 ~tttft'l"'7 of Capital Reeds Sorted by City Funded J.]nfunded facility fCHOOL/DEPT. Amount Amount ' ~ City: Hollywood ApoDo Middle $6,773,789 $2,288,659 $9.062,448 ^ttuCD Middle $1,552,000 $2,860,000 $4,412,000 Bethune Elcmentuy $2,095.000 $948.000 $3,043,000 Bou.tevazd HeJshts Elementary $2,699,500 $1,538,000 $4,237,500 Colbert El~~tmy $2,896,300 $2,123,700 $S.02O,09O Drlft.wood. Elementary $5,000,000 $0 $5,000.000 Driftwood Middle $10,903,742 $0 '10,903,742 HoDywoocl Central Blementary $72,000 $0 $7'2,000 HoJbrwgod HIlla ElementaJy $11,505,397 $0,017,787 $20,523,184 HoJbrwgod HD1s Higb $17,896,108 $178,692 $18,074,800 Ho1lywoocl Park Elementaty $1,659,301 $539,116 $2,198,411 McArthur High $15,052,611 $0 $15,052,611 McJUco) Middle $20,600,000 $0 $aO,600,OOO Oa1aidge Elementary $2,110,000 $640,000 $2,780.000 O1'aDgebrook EJ.emr:ntary $11,505,391 $7,399,309 $18,904,706 QueSt. Center $240,000 $0 $2:40,000 Sheridan Hill. Elementaly $3,;'79,845 $460,925 $3,940,770 Sheridan Park ~ $132,938 $6,198,940 Elementaty $6,066.002 Sheridan Voc:./Tf:1;h AduIt/Voc. $3,529,883 $1,032,537 $4.562,420 South Biowam High $7,932,000 $1,000,000 $8,932,000 StJtUDg E1ementiuy $689.325 $10,000 $699,325 WeetHoUywOod J:lmneDtIuy $689,325 $10,000 $699,325 Totals forCfty: $134,977,525 $30.179,66$ $165,157.188 If 8 of 29 SWIUIlazy of Capital Needs Sorted by City 8CBOOLlPEPT. Funded aPlount tlnfunded Amount Fa~ ~ City: Lauderdale Lake. AncSereon. Boyd Higlt $13,925,435 $4,515,625 $18,441,060 Centra! Area. Administrative Off'lCle Administratiwl $0 $0 $0 Lauderdale Lam Middle $10,960,187 $0 $10,960.187 Oriole Elementary $3.786,413 $142,012 $3,928.425 Tom.. for Cfty: $28,672,035 $4,657,637 $33,329,672 .- ~ , 9 of 29 81U1U1lUY of Capital.... Sorted " City ~ded Unfunded Facility IJCIIOOLIDItPT . Amount Amount I2YJ CltJ': Lauderhill Caat:le Hill E1emen:w)' $1,985.680 $715,000 $2.700,680 Lauc:lerhUl MJdd1e $4.472.475 $715,000 $5,187,475 LaudcrhiD Paul Turner ElementaIy $1,341,110 $0 $1,341,110 Royal Palm Elmnentaly $5,138.300 $1.030.000 $6.168.300 TofaII for City: $ 12.937,56S $2,460,000 " $15,397 ,565 '. ..~ :.- .- I! 10 of 29 8P-"u~.-y of Capital.eecls Sorted b,. City SCHOOL/DEPT. Funded Amount Unfunded Amount Facili~ I2!!l Marptc Narpte Cft7; Margate Elementary $6,003,439 Middle $10,526,211 Totals for City: $16,529,650 .- f ,~1 of 29 $437,885 . , $836,520 $1,274,405 $6,441,324 $11,362,131 $17,804,055 - 8nfttJlla-y otC.pltaJ .eeda Sorted by City Funded ynfunded Fa~lit3! ICIlOOL/DEP'l'. Amount Amount IgyJ CltJ': L1iramar Fairway Elementa1'y $186,063 $328,376 $514.439 . Mlramar High $2,679,000 $1,831,000 $4,510,000 Miramar ElcmeDWy $2,678,300 $10.000 $2,688,300 Petry Middle $0 $0 $0 Pcny. .Annabel C. E)~eDtaJy $6,089,095 $742,376 $6.831,471 Sea Castle ElementaJy $2,948,300 $0 $2,948,SOO Sanebino Elementary 11,999.294- $209,013 $2.208,367 Whl8pering Plnea , CcDta' $1,545,000 $905,000 $2,450,000 Totals for CIty: $18,125,052 $4.025,825 $22,150,817 ,. k ~ ~ ~2 of 29 S1I-ftl&q 01 Capital If'" Sorted by City Funded Unfunded Facl1ih' IICIfOOL/DEPT. Amount t.mount I2!Il CIty: North Lauderdale MOITOW' Blementary $4,759,043 $589,125 $5,348.168 North Lauderdale 81ementary $8,196,179 $749,091 $8,945,270 Pinewood Eleme:ntuy $4,591,550 $596,420 $5,181.970 Silver Lakes Middle $5.690,494 $715,500 $6,405,994 Totall for cttr: $23,237 .266 $2,650,136 $25,887,402 -- .- ~ 13 of 29 Snftl....". of Capital Neecla Sorted b,. City Funded... Unfunded Facfii1;y SCIlOOL{DEPI'- Amount ~ount I2til Ole:,,: Oakland Park Diatrict lrfa1ntenancel Adm1niatrati:ve $29.236,075 $978.000 $30.214.075 TraD.sportatioD Complez Uoyd Estates Elementary $9,052.300 $689.475 $9,741,775 Nortbeaat High $8,061,758 $1,600.500 $9,662,258 oakJaDd Park Elem.entaJy $7,407,625 $2.166,525 Sg,514.1SO RJckarda Middle $1~ogl,250 $285,000 $1,376,250 Rock Island Elementary $3,814.530 $852,012 $4.666,542 Twin tala=. Annex t~tiw: $2,344,609 $0 $2.344,609 Totals far car: $61,008,147 $6,511,512 $67.519,659 .- I! 14 of 29 ~CHOOL/DEP't. Riverglades Stoneman Douglas, MaIjory '- . ..:- : "--' Remodeling, Renovatio!l, Expansion 85 ReptacePlont Summary of Capital NeedaJ Sorted by City Funded Amount City: Parkland Elementary High Totals for CIty: "...$0 $1,260,435 $1,260,435 \ , . '. .' .' . 15 of 29 Unfunded Amount $10,000 $0 $10,000 ~ .~"''''-- ~!!'-'~22~ Tota.f 11.-' ^ - :;.-,;-......,- - $l.260.... ~ ., '1'71\ = Y=j--""", -- SUm"'qy of Capital Reeds Sorted by City SlJOOLIDBPf. Funded Amount Unfundccl Amount Faeill~ :tlaIl 'Lake Forest Watldna Clt7: Pembroke Park E1emcnw;y $3,134,000 'ElementaJy $8,173,1+4 Totals for CIty: $11,307,744 .- ~ ~ ,l~,of 29 $1,158,000 $0 $1,158,000 $4,292,000 $8,173,744 $12,465,7.... 811D1mary of Capital Beede Soned by City Funded Unfunded Facility SCHOOL/DEPT. Amount Amount !m!1 City: Pembroke Pines Palm Cove Elementary $2,906,300 $360,000 $3,268,300 pP_d~.nP Lakes Elemental')' $3,964,000 $0 $3,964,000 Pembroke Lekea ElementaJ:y $4,902,300 $0 $4.902,300 Petnbroke Pines ElemcntaIy $2,84",&45 $515,789 $3.360,634 Pine$ Middle $4,470,000 $0 $4.470.000 Pmea Lakes E1~CDta~ $4,962,300 $150,000 $5,112.300 South Area su.- Lot ' }t.dft'lml81:rattve $730,000 '100,000 $830,000 Young. WaUler c. Middle $5,352,475 $0 $5.352.475 TObII' for CIty: $30.134,220 81,125,789 $31,260,009 ~ ,- ~ 1-7 -of 29 Sammuy or Capltallleeda Sorted by City Fund.ed Unfunded hciUtv' SCHOOL/DEPT. Amount Amount I9.tal CltJ': Plantation Central Park ElemcntaIy $205,000 $345,075 $550,075 Mirror Lake Elementary $5.870.300 $210,000 $6,080,300 Peten Elementary $6,464,300 $206,400 $6,610,700 Plantation Elementary $11,505.397 $0 $11,505,397 Plantation High $9,146.000 $632,000 $9,778,000 Plantation Mid4l8 $11,311,566 $1,182.227 $12,493,793 PJantation Park &ementaty $1.363,200 $0 $1,363,200 SmliDlOIe .. Middle $8,344,697 $670,400 $9.015.097 South Plantation High $3,920,000 $0 $3,920,000 Tropical Elementary $1,905,657 $80.550 $1.986,:207 Tc*18 for City: $60,036,117 $3,326,652 $63,362,1~ .- ~ 18 of 29- I . SUmmary of Capltallleect. Sorted by City Funded Unfunded FllCjli~ 8CHOOLlDEPT. Amount Amount ~ City: Pompano Beach en. Creek Center $20,000 $895,000 $915,000 Cyprc.$ Elementary $2,932,824 $0 $2,932,82-4 Cypress Run Center $5,000,000 $0 $5,000,000 Drew. Charles R. Elem.entaJy $780,000 $60,000 $&40,000 Dtew. Charles R. Reaource Center $0 $70,000 $70.000 El8 High $10,630,000 $6,740,000 $17,370,000 Madmam,. Robert c. , $4ao,ooo $1,365,000 ~Wy '9SS,OOO McNab Element&!)' $9,,061,350 $120,000 $9.181,350 North Area Bus Lot Administrative $0 $150,000 $150,000 North AmL Vehicle Mainteoance A"'wnin1matiYe $175,000 $150,000 $325,000 Pompano Beach Middle $6,646,200 $292,000 $6,938,200 Pompano Beach F.1<'!!11C!ltary $664.015 $0 $664,015 Pompano Multipurpo.e Center MuJ.t/Voc. $15,26~.500 $78~,SOO $16.045.000 SancienI Park Elementary $375,000 $900,000 $1,275,000 Totals for City: $$1,016,889 $11,094,500 $63,071,389 ,- ~ 19 'Of 29 Summuy oICapltal..... Sorted 1t;y City funded.. Unfunded Faa1Jt;i SCHOOL/DEPT. Amount Amount 1.Q1al Clt)J': Sunrile Bair Mid.dle $2.686.000 $1.508,980 $4,194.980 Banyan EJementa1'y $5.568.745 $755,736 $6,324.481 Horizon Elementary $3,906,718 $693,725 $-4.600,443 Indian Trace E1cmentaly $2,928,300 $80,000 $3,008.300 Nob BiU Elementary $4.956,988 $413.000 $5.369.988 Piper High $11.866,432 $1.354,5()8 $13,221,000 Sendpipef' ~eme:ntaly $3.243.300 $11S.000 $3,358,300 ~ Elementaly $140.000 $:UO.ooO $350.000 V1l1age E1cmcntaty $4.838.000 $622,000 $5.460,000 We1leby E1ementaJy $2,898,300 $180.000 $3,078.300 Wmpinc Middle $410.000 $250.000 $660,000 Totals far City: 143.442.783 $6,183.009 $49,625,792 f 20 of 2"9 .- 8n"'Wll.~ of Caplt.! Jleea Sorted bJ' City SCHOOL/DEPT. f'>>nded Amount TUI18t8C Clt;'yl Tamarac E1ementaly $735,062 TotaJe for City: $735.062 :' ~ I! 21 of 29 Unfunded Amount $850,200 $850.200 Facilitv ~ $1,585,262 $1,585.262 8a~m..,. of Capital Ifeeds Sorted by City Funded. Unfunded Facilitv SClfOOL/DEPT. Amount Amount Is&Y City: Unincorporated O<>\:h'ltJ' $1,960,000 Bright Horizon. Center $930,000 $1,030,000 Broadriew Elementaly $3,539.760 $524,615 $4,061-,435 B1"OW'8rd EetateliJ Elementary $2,361,500 $0 $2,361.500 Countly JaJe. Elementary $3,665.300 $0 $3.665.300 Cresthavcm E1eInentary $142,500 $0 $142,500 Czy8ta1 Lake Middle $4,230,000 $1,350,000 $5,580.000 Ee&Ie Point BlemenWy $72,000 $0 $72,000 Foster. Stephen, J&mentruy $2,298,867 $2,027,soo $4,326.367 IOns. Martin Luther, Jr. Elemeatasy $1,235,000 $75,000 $1,3 JO,ooO Wkda1e Elementary $6,327,440 $0 $6,327,+40 :Me.dowbrook Elementary $2,088,350 $0 $2.088.350 New River Middle $20.661,132 $0 $20,661,732 New River Esta~ Site Elementary $170.000 $0 $170,000 Norcn:ot E30meatary $7,271,549 $120,000 $7,391.549 North Andrews Oardena Elemental)' $10,930,101 $120.000 $11.050,101 . PabnV1ew , E1ementaly $1.040,000 $3,125.000 $4.165.000 Pluiaidge . . $4,100,000 E1emeotaly $3,?~,OOO $970,000 Parkway Middle $10,462,075 $0 $10.462,075 Pine Ridge Center $1,176,300 $1,514,450 $2,690,750 Tedder ~ $6,460,000 Elemcutary $5,530,000 $930,000 Teclueata Ttace J.UdcD.e $675,000 $0 $615.000 WiIlfam Dandy Middle ' $0 $0 $0 Wingate Oaks Center $1.483,900 $2,028,000 $3.511,900 1'bta1l for ClCr: $90,021,374 $ 13,8 J 4,625 ,$103.83S,9gg 22 of 29 Summary of Capital Needs Sorted by City Funded funount SCHOOL/DEPT. :~ CitJ1 Wilton Manors E1emenU\IY $5,798,300 $5.798.300 WUton. Manors Touts forelly: ~ 23 of 29 Unfunded AmQunt $0 $0 Facility 'rotal $5.798.300 $5.198.300 ..... II !i CltClO 0 0 Ion 0 000 C'I 8 g~ 0 8 0:3 0 000 VI 0 I\j a 000 (0 0 ji! 0 c.i f'i d cioo "T. 0 0 ClO 0 <"l00 en 0 "0.... &on II'l N 0 ....ON ut o. oil - 0:; aj .; 0 ulN': a:"" - II"" ..m ('I') 4It I\'l 0 .., (0 .... , ~ .... I\'l .., en I\'l .... ..."W .. ... !~ ~ ... ..., 40It C( ~ I E 5 en Ii E .. ! ,... I ;;. ~ D. rJ 4t $ ~ ~ Co In ~ ~ .. S e .. f j 1 u : l!c '6 Iii -! ~e a.~ ...c ~ ~~ 1! '.B ~ III . c: 'Zt ~ ~-e 1! 'g~'E ~ -ootB .1! -.!! i ~ ~ 4)~G.I::. U).2: ~i5. ~~~~?;> ~iili~ 1~"a]~ &.!! :: = D ~ ~::J .1!1 · '5Gllis-S 17..a.Cot: -5llit i:2~i8 . . . . . c'" o ~ "j8 ~-a. ~~ dI.;o .Eg ~"ft ~B. CI:.3:1 ..: 's g. ~ ... liE 'U Ii u"a. :. . .....J! ~e latA E E 1:1 0 i~ taS 01.5 ~- If! 2'': ~! ~~ 00 'fit "i:E "0 u ~~ 8~ 1.01 ClI'g :13 !~ u . :tJ "B"B ~:2 " . 1:1 ... ::J ... U S ! s .s:. ~ IJ' ~ c:: . "0 a .. .0 CD i "' oS 'i "2 ~ I :a t! o a. o i III .!! ... o s:: o 'tl 2 ... III & Cot at -5 .. .2 I "0 1 ,a::; " ~.5 -:11 ~5 tD ! -0 -fiu t:ofl ~ ~ $ :;J e J f cD "0 o ~ U tit 'l5 :l i ~ ... I IS ~ R ! Ii .e :1 "0 ~ ... CI.. . .. ~ ~ ~ ... a.. .5 "0 ! 24 of -29 ft "8 .s::. ~ ~ u C In N :2 ;; lID . m c:: Ii ;J u e a. t: ~.g!5 ~ ~ I i ~ ~;~t'j -5 1it~B.E ~ "5"0 tI ~ l"afi~g~ .1:.1' Ei......tD2~ ~.!!]]~8t: 0'8UIb~ _ CI.I::..G"O ~ .ti.!:!~.'6~~ i}'5.B1!:~12~ :,u'; ,.~:S2S~ - tlblli"C......u ... -b.5l m'?' Ii ... ~ . ~i..g[~Ki.~ l,,~J:zj"5Ei:l -S,2 ~...o8 E ~8u.s ! ~r: IO~U ol::..cll g :> ~ 'i!~"'~ ~ -g~~ -'''S S uS ;'E~.2 lP ~i~.s~ul~a.5 i ~ ~s ~ ~_..~1'; ~~89-;i)~~~8 a::J~..!Q~"=tol!:cN ~t~~i~~wif! uB~ull;J-L:oI:i! ~.1Sl'JuCl"-~g. liB~njilli ~ ,,>... CDi ti til i;; - ~ '~ ~ I ~ It dl B' g.t ~ . . . " . . . . . . c::: . ~ i I z '" ~ ~ cw .a ~ <Ill CIl .. iil E~ oz 5 i-l o!,e ~~c: OI'lS- a::~~ s<e ~& S:ft1 ~ ~ lit 5 ~ .Sl c ::l E E o ~ ""Ii t- Gt c:: o +:i ~ 2 E l;' ~ \I 1i ::J C C cO 'CI c:: 1II ~ C e e a. f ~ S 3 .. ... . ell -5 a .. -= .! . :i u C) 0' 1i. E ~ o E u ... "Q c III a ',lJ .. i; . i .. i! e $ CIa. i"8 SJ! ....i: i~ !~ IS · ~s '0"0 -8-3 II zz . . G' ~ lIJ ..... ... &b l.. ~a ~l j~ c:~ 'CI . c o 1II t;'i2 .xf fit < In '" .... ... ... ~ ~t Kltchtn Rep1acement EqUt2ment ~e lIbray CoGeetIona Unry AutcmItIon S1Itern . Upgrllde MIgnet EquIpment New and Rep/ac;emeut Safety & Security Equlprntnt UDtl N VI o '"" N \0 Expansion of editing SIt-. EJernent.)' (12 acres) Bus Lata (15 acres) South Anla .....~ (10 1CftlI) WarehouIe (23 lICreI) Jblnt~ Tnns'. to Genef'II Fund DeEr1ptJan at CapitAl ~ 1995 . gc tJvmVt' 2M1 . 2002 7 V.. PlIn Swnrnwy DakI~ · Inl:ludes costa to rwplace end InttaI aging kitchen equipment beyond economical repair, · lJw'ada coIections schools nI centera. · ~ d...-oom ICe'. to Itnry c:alec.tIons lit: lSChooIs IJld centers. · PnMdea ecppment to keep magnet IJI'OPhS up.tO-date. · ConthIeI aIItIng ~t perlty pragian, for II tehooIs. · HeIpa II lIChodt keep current. the bMIc equipment lilt pun:twsed for new schools. · HIIps ldIooI-baed nI cIItrICt .'641 .tuts Iaeep Q.lfent technaIogIcaIty. · instil. survdanc:e cameral In e111Chod1. ' · Reflects the need to ..... existing schooa tItet to tccommadatI new c:onetructlon. . Land l'lIeded to build new schools. · RequIred to house ~ whIcIea tnd tutu,. growth pun:hasea. · \WI .... In e>>atIng lei.. end k1cftae ttme on t8sk effk:hlncy. · .. help to elmlnate the alrreM Itcnge deficit. · Reftec:tll reductlan from 93-904IflYel. " ~att S~& F2dI1rIM ()lulIdIrvf) " 8uI Lots · Requncl to house eldstlng veticlea end futute growth purchases. South Atel ~ · wm eliminate JII existing lease Ind man time on t.. efficiency. Wanhou.. · WI help to elmin~ the current 4tol1lge defldt. Dt!bt ~ principal! and Interest TnuL..~ V~ Buses M8Int:InII1Ce '/13~ · Payback schedule tor CertIficates of PartJdpetJon IInCI 237.161 Ioan8 for next MYen years. ThIs mult be funded from two mIItt nI wi not be funded by one-cent ales tax, Bas" an a 996 groMh factor lKids 1197 lues to ...... atudent ~ RepfKes buaet blued en . ten ynr nlPlIcetnent C)'tle. B8IId on . 3" growth '1Ctor IICSds 0463 veHcla to addrets adtItIon8I new echools. RepllCelI Y8h1dtt baed on . ten ~ replacement c:ycIe. C8p1tlII Needs (After Reductbls) ProjectM Seven v.... 0Ip1tal Revenue ~ Sewn Y... s.In Tn: RtW'flnue Total Projected Seven V.... RWlflUe Pip 2/Summ.ry . Elf After ~~)I $3.500,000 $6.300,000 S1.500.oo0 $12.57-4.076 $49.532,068 11.477,000 $76.883.1.... 4 '" 1 1 $21,000,000 , $7.200,000 $1~.OOO.OOO $2.000,000 14.600.000 $46.800,000 $118.208,966 4 1 1 $12.000,000 $4,000,000 S2.,Ooo.ooo 518,000.000 $174.313,239 $61,201.108 .l1.Z1.6..1ZS $70.917,583 S2.05O.935.724 $1.058.5.....167 $992.391.557 $2.050,935.72'1 ~ 2~1 ~!~f &wa Ot:r~ e.o E- o o - ~ ~'e. f(A~ (J)i~ g.~a ~o~ 2.0 o - ,*u ':J(. ~ zBWI ~Cc. S1? ci& ~ ~~a ~gW ag o - b(' rn. ::P .0 .~ ~ ~ .~ > \0 CJ'} ~ c '-'0 ~~; ~ I-t "'< .... 0 s:: .~ .1\.) .0 o ~ . ~ o N ':\i:~' ,1' ,"., ' .1'1,....:.)'," f ' .'" , II' '{' j' Ii' ,"'" ," . '" '<.Y';' 'T :'i' i'!I!~'fll'~ if LI"1 :.1 ~;: :':':.:"', : -,.: ~,: ,1.lt"';I" ;1.: !i~!" "rr t'l 1" -ffi\ I.,.!,. ,I.':! 111,',.- r :', ,".111''' ..,1,1:,.',..0< I,:'~,.'l' 'I' 0"11' " .:. ,Ii,: 11,:~!I'H 11""1 'I:' ",' .' ,1!.:l!,I,.,,'~. ~:I'," '. .. i,ll,' ,,11"(" II " 'I" : II I ! ~' ;.' 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O)Ol)) .... C>>.. . .;:.. .. 0 (Xl -..J oIlot.O'"'>JC1\ U\ CD o Capital Program 1995-96 througb2OO1-2002 Bxis~/~ew / REWlacemcmt F~~ , AREA SUMMARY .. l!n.J , SOUth Area I OneIl.n,1 I Date I j (After =ctJoal) I ReDIANIJftlent 1 DrIft.wood Elementary . 2 Drff'twood Middle 3 Ha11andale Adult 4 HoDywood HJJls Elementary 5 McNicol Middle 6 Orange Brook Elementary 7 Watkins Elementary N ...... o t-Tl ' JteDovaUona. RemodAlln~ ADd ~stOD \., Replacement ec:b.ool Replacement echool Convert to a middle ,fChool Replacement achool Replacement school Replacement &chool Replacement school Replacement School Sub.'l'otal :EzI8tm. Scllool8ab-Total $5.327.951 $11.157.465 $5.140.723 $10.503,320 $16,253,723 $10,759.120 $8.427.461 $67.569.775 $243.007 .669 N \0 New CoMtractlon 1 Elementary 2 Elementary 3 ElementaIy 4 K.-91 Elementary 5 g-91 E1ementaIy 6 Silver Palma ElementaIy (R-91) 7 E-91 Elementary 8 Eagle Point 9 Indian RIdge Middle (JJ] 10 SIlver'Ira11 Middle (FF) 11 EEE Htgh T,BD nm . TaD 97/98 99/00 96/97 95/96 95/96 96/91 96/fYI 96/91 lteUef "'h_1 1BD (MJramar Area)) TB~ (MJramar/PJnea Area) TBD CSouthweat Ma) DaVIe/SlIver RIdge Sea Castle Pines Lakes ClDwDgate) PInes Lakee Counhy 1a1e/Plamingo Ttqueeta naceJPJoneer W.C. Young Cooper Clty/Mlramar/Westem New School Salt-Total $11.605.897 $11,505.397 $11,505.397 $11,935.699 13.505.397 11.505.397 o 325,723 8,135.312 18.692.995 3. 72Qr 734 $102.387.448 . ._._-..----............~ ,- , GraDd Total olSoatb ANa haded Projects $412.914.892 .....--...---...---.....................--..-.----..... ." ~---....-..------..--._.-.-.._.._.......-elR..t-a::-, ..- .... _ .. N co o HI N \0 Capital Program 1995-96 through 2001-2002 . . AREA SUMMARY . ..,t.ft-tmt 1 Cypress Run AltematJve 2 Deer1leld Beach ~ntary 8 DeertleId Bea.cb Mkldle 4 FlOrailada Elementary 5 McNab Elementaty 6 Norcrest Elcmcntazy 7 North Andrews Gardens ElcmcntaIy 8 Pompano Beach MuWpurpose Center Renovations. Remod..lt~ 8Ild BimaD..toq ~ew Collatl'w!tlon 1 Elementary 2 F -91 Elementary S 1-91 Elementluy 4 L-91 6 M-91 Elementary 6 EE Middle 7 HH Middle 8, GaG HJgb " TaD 98199 96/97 95/96 98/99 96/97 97/98 00101 De8et1ptiou Replacement 8Cbool ~ent achool Replace111eDt school Rep~t school Replacement school Replacement 8chool Replacement achool Conversion to high school fact11ty RepJaeeme.l School Sub-Total BdatIDC SaIaool8ub-Total V"IIa'8ehool NorthweetlParkJand Rel1eCfor Tamarac/Banyan Re1tef' for W1Dston Park RdIcf for Countty Hms/RlvCIgJades Met for WCltcbeatcr , Reher for Coral Sprmga/FOteet Olen!Ramblewnod. CIystal Lake/Deerfte1d Bcb./Margate Coconut Creck/Doug1as/l'aravc1la New 8chDD18ab-TotaJ Grand Total of North ANa Pundecl ProJecta $5.258.723 $6,188.161 $8.807.140 $11.438,17] $6.132.636 $6,992.022 $11,183,824 $15.516.22& $71.511.900 $212.400.150 I $11.505.397 I 11.491.264 2,081.461 o 13.505.397 2.408.751 21.174.506 38.811.965 $100.984.741 ._u ~~8~.896~ 791