HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-34 Appreciation of Bobby Jo Benemio-Volunteer Firefighter , RESOLUTION 95 - 34 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, IN APPREClA nON TO ROBERT -BOBBYJO- BENEIIIO FOR HIS SERVICE TO THE CITY AS A VOLUNTEER RREMAN . WHEREAS1 Bobby Jo Benemlo has .erved the City of Patlcland _ a dedicated Volunteer Flretlllln for over 12 years; and WHE!.U=AS, his dependability, 8ttltude, and personable applO8Ch to his fellow Firefighters and alll8!idents of the City had been a five asset to the image of the Pstlcland Fil8 DepiJlfinent; and WHEREAS, in hia 12 yeats of service, he has endu18d middle of the night call-outs, hundteds of hours of training ....0"., and a variety of Public Safety elll8l'f1encl. with aplomb and tlI8I... sewice; and WHEREAS, Bobby Jo Benemlo epitomizes the efforts of 11II Volunteer Firefighters who riak their petsOnallllllety and intenupt their peISOnal lives to pfOvide essentlal setViceto their neighbors and the community: NO~ THEREFORE, BE" RESOLVED BY THE CITY COIAt/SSION OF THE CITY OF PARKlJtND, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. Bobby Jo Benemio ia hereby recognized with .'ncel8Sf appreciation forhia diligence, pets8v8l'8nce, and dedication to the City of Pstlcl_d for hia volunteer services as a Fil8 Fighter. Section 2. The Mayor, City Commission, City staff, and his fellow Volrmfeer Fire Fighters wish Bobby Jo well and al8 certain that hia effo". and service to the City of Patlcland will be I8111embeted with appreciation, dignify, and a sense of tradition he has establillhed within the City of Parlcland Fil8 Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 21 DAYOF JUNE . 19~. ~!~b~ "'5~, L2-.-~ SUSAN ARMSTRONG, CAfC, CLERK oJ ~ '.~ _ . .'-. -'.,'" .... ........ ...- -'- _,_._.__.____._.__.____'~ u_ _ ... _ ._" ~ . . . _ '. -. . , ,