HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-11 Broward Governmental Co-op Purchasing Group Agreement RBSOL1rfIOR RO. 95 - 11 A BBSOL1rfIOR OF ftIB Cln COHMISSIOR OF THE Cln OF PAlUtLAIIJ), FLORIDA .'lABLISBIIIG POLICY RBLA'lIRG 'lO PUBLIC PURCBASIIIG nOlI mB BJlO1WU) ~AL CO- OPBRA1'IVB PURCllASIJIG GROUP DBDlCAUD 'lO COOllDID'lIRG JOlft PURCllASIRG BB'I'WBD OOVBlUIJIBIrlAL AGDCIBS IR S01rfllBUDRlI FLORIDA WHBRBAS, the City of Parkland, Florida expends a significant portion of its annual budget on the purchase of capi tal equipaent, consuaable _terials, and services, and WHBRBAS, it is in the policy of the City of Parkland to obtain these goods, services and equipment in the ~st cost effective aanner in order to .axiaize savings and reduce the burden to the taxpayer, and WHBRBAS, a recent research survey by the Rational Institute of Governmental Purchasers (RIGP) has resulted in finding that 66' of the governmental agencies that responded to the survey do participate in cooperative purchasing and through this participation have benefited with the achieve88nt of significant savings, and WHBRBAS, as there exists a governaental purChasing cooperative, ~e Broward Governmental Co-operative Purchasing Group, dedicated to coordinating joint purchasing between governaental agencies in Southeastern Plorida, participation will greatly facilitate the realization of the City of Parkland's goal to increase cooperative purchasing of goods, services and equipllent, now therefore, RESOLUTION NO. 95-11 PAGE 2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Parkland hereby authorizes the ezecution of a letter of understanding for cooperative purchasing with the Broward Gove~ntal Co-operative Purchasing Group, a copy of which is attached, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the head of each depart.ent and all staff aeabers responsible for purchasing in the City of Parkland are hereby directed to actively consider and participate in joint or cooperative purchasing efforts with Broward GoveJ;DlB8lltal Co-operative Purchasing Group, where savings can be realiaed, and BE IT FIlIALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be transaitted to each departaent head and those directly responsible for purchasing in the City of Parkland. PASSED .ABD ADOPTBD mIS 15 DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1995. BAL<Uf~ ~~~ ~i~ SUSAIf ARMSftORG, C. C., CI'l'Y CLBR1t