HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-07 Authorizing Agreement w/Broward Cty& Archdiocese of Miami-Mary Help of Christians Improvements RESOLUTIOR RO. 95 - 7 A RESOLUTIOR OF THE CITY COMMISSIOR OF THE CITY OF PARKLAIfD, FLORIDA AUTHORIZIRG THE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE All AGUEMBRT BE'lWED THE CITY OF PARKLARD, BROWARD COmrrY, THE ARCHDIOCESE OF MIAMI, Alf]) FLORIDA RATIORAL PROPERTIES, IRC. FOR IRSTALLATIOR OF REQUIRED IHPROVBKDTS RELATIRG TO THE PARKLAIfD HEIGH'l'S PLAT, KARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland, Florida finds and determines that. it is in the best interest of the citizens to execute an Agreement between the City of Parkland, Broward County, the Archdiocese of Miami, and Florida Rational Properties, Inc. for installation of required improvements relating to The Parkland Heights Plat, Mary Help. of Christians, and said agreement is attached hereto and made a part hereof; ROW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSIOR OF THE CITY OF PARKLARD, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement between the City of Parkland, Florida, Broward County, the Archdiocese of Miami, and Florida Rational Properties, Inc. Section 2. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 4 DAY OF .TANUARY , 1995. ,,~~.,~ ~~ - SUSAR ARMSTRORG, C . M. ., CITY CLERK ,... " , - ,I .':;:' '. f' '0 0# . '1~' :.. .,. ..... ~r !. ... ',,.,.. AGaEEHENT Monq 8ROWMD COUNTY Arid THE CITY OF PARKLAND And .TOHN C. FAVALORA And FLORIDA NATIONAL PROPERTIES, INC. for INSTALLATION OF REQUUED IHPROVEMENTS RELATING TO THE PARKLAND HEIGHTS PLAT This 1:1 an Aqreement amonq lH\OWARD COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter refezzed to as "COUNTY., throuqh its Board of County Commissioners, and THE CITY OF PARKLAND, a municipal corporation, orqanized and exis~.nq under the laws of the State of Florida, its successors and assi9fts, hereinalter referred to as "CITY.; and John C. Favalora, as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Hiami, a corporation sole, hereinafter referred to as "DEVELOPEP,", nJ..s successors and assigns; and FLORIDA NATIONAL PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinaf~er referred to as "FNP", its successors and ass1qns. WHEREAS, the Parkland Heiqhts plat (41-KP-93), hereinafter referred to as the "PLAT.', was approved by the Board of County COmmissioners ef Broward County on October 19, 1993, and the area of the PLAT subject to this Aqreement is described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto an~ ir.c~rporated herein: and WHEREAS, the PLAT was approved subject to certain conditions to ensure the protecticn of the public health and safety, and one of the conditions imposed at the time of PLAT approval was the construc~ion of certain improvements; WHEREAS, the PLAT is located vithin the boun~aries of the CITY: and Approved BcC.dJGJ q; -./rW Submlttud By ~'"') PETurt'l TO r.C,":W.:F:n C':>NT~.;L -;> ""17} ._~*'" 1~1~'---.- - ,a L 1 .....J " :' ;" . ~~ ~p"~' ;~;. r . t i" ! .~~ p.',. '.. --::A ":"'. .p.' ;..... 1: ~l .~ .,t,.'.,. ..~ . ; ;~~ ~: :;'.:~ ..' .r..' " '="~. .,r;' ", ~~I.~:' r.,.."...... .,~r:' ..:jt'.-; ~~ .' . ,I;;~ ..;-...,' ;'i~ itl~i ~~~ 1:.'~-. ::!~1~' i:t .~ ro . ......... ~ " ".' ~ :..... . '''. -, t,' ~ f'-' , . ~ C,,) C,,) " "... f'-' -==' C-, 0 W N : I I ~ ....' .. '.' '. - '. - _. . .. . .- . . . WHEREAS, the p.rti.. d..ir. to .nter into this .qr....nt to provide for the con.truction, tundinq and security tor the required i.prov..ena a. described in Exhibit "S" att.ch.d hereto .nd incorpor.ted ~e;,ein, NOW.THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual taBS, C9nditil:)!'\.' prolabe., and pa)'1llent. hereinafter ..t torth, COUNTY and DEVELOltER'aqr.e u follow. : 1. IN~ALLA'I'ION OF REOUIR!:D I~OVEMDf'l'S. R~ .';$ . '0. ," : -.c"QI.,..."-., ~.~.:,. .".~ '!#...~~~ ~iC'.o::'" , . .t.~.. ~ ,,,-Cit>, ~"!:S: tj. ~e.~ P. ~'~~. . ',#y ..~ ;;{/'.,~: a .; l:i-t. ;...."\.. ~..:.::~~~~ ::1~~.J.~. ,"~~~. ('!i~.. '" :'~~~.ij~ ~~~')'-:':;' .~"',. . ";.Q:;'~ " .' ~i~:j,~, -i.GI.,;,.....\ jf.''':.-t','.i' _t.:.,'i;!::"'::'" ...'r~ 1. .:,1..... Ii~>;'f....~-'!; ~ .w,;-~. . \~i..} ~&~' . ~lt . ."'"fV'.... :f~: ,c.;......, "JA:--' ~~~: If.'' ~ (.) DEVELOPER aqrees to and DEVELOPER shall constrUct the i.provement. described in Exhibit "S" .ttached hereto, herein.tter referred to as lithe IIIprove.ena. .. Said I.prove.ena sh.ll be constructed according to the schedule set forth in Exhibit "B.II Cb) The I.prov..ents described in Exh1bit "B" shall be installed 1n accordance with applicable COUNTY, State ot Florida Department ot Transportation standards and specifications and 1n accordance. with the Develop.ent Review Report for the PLAT. The construction plans tor the I.prove.ents, including pav...nt urk1ng and siqning plans, shall be sub.itted to CQUN'l'Y tor review and approval prior to C01llZllencement ot construction. Construction shall be subject to inspection and approval by the COUN'l'Y. Pavement marking and siqning shall be provided tor allot the Improvements anet shall be subject- to review, field inspections and tinal approval by the Broward County Traftic Engineering Division, which Improvements shall be consistent with the previously approved plans. (c) Notwithstanding subparagraphs 1. Ca) and (b) above, COUNTY aqrees that the turn lane improvement.(s) described in Exhibit liB" shall not be required it the associated opening(s) in the nonvehicular acce.s line depicted on the PLAT are eliminated through the recordation of an aqreement to amend the nonvehicular access line pursuant to approval by COUNTY. In that event, COUNTY aqrees to authorize reduction of the security provided by DEVELOPER according to provisions of paragraph 5. below. 2. DEVELOPER understanc!s and agraes that it is DEVELO?ER IS responsibility to complete the Improveaents etescribe~ in Exhibit "B" and that all costs ~elating to the installation of the I.prov..ents will be borne by the DE\~PER. 3. CITY agrees not to issue buildin; permits for construction of a principal builclinq wi thin the PLAT until such time as DEVELOPER provides CITY with written contirmation from COUNTY C:U1249 05/13193 -2- -' '. ........~. C-' 7'~ N c..; '" '" N -, C") o W N N .' . ,.; ~-:~ ~::~~i~" ~'~;~y};' '. . :..,- ..... ....-..'~ -of" -. .,:11r.~. .'~~~ ~:~::~~: ~-':'.:':':'::.'.';.-~: . '. '. "" ::.'~ : :.;......<.~;~.. , ;';';'(1.."';.'1 ';c .._;~. :-....,;~tl ~... .. ...~ l4k~~. t \C~~~~\"iri' ~: ;~-~:.J1~~;" .: ~'~:':;~i~ ", '~~f . ~~~ . :~~;~~2 . ...;:~~jf; ....! ~..c.!n. :..~.\..~ ~. ~.:. t !: t.: ~!'t;&~ . .. \~~C"'~ --il';,;.' . .",'!.i'f.t~~.:.. 't~,W~l,;{1.., ;1ir&~~l~! :l'At..,.i;f~~ "~~C~~J~~ ": ~J0:'~~;~~'. . '\.,~.,.,~,. l-.tE~~' '!~i.!~'.'''' :';:::"i .T.r:-:'.~S';J'''-.i:.~'ft .lt1\.-.....~--r. ._-oo;~ .'Ji~kt': .~~~",u,' t. !~r." ~l. ~~ i.' .- .~:t;li.:~~ .~:..._ c.,:,.. ...... .' . ':.\j~~;. . ,~ !.~~~:~ ;.W3~;{ .i::; .~~~ .,.. ,. r.c' ...._~ ";~~; 'i .. ....: : .; ;~.. ; ~': .:,": , t .; ".' ~ O' .. ~~~ ,..~. I ;!1,T.. ~.~'.~~ . .r' . ;:':.~ ~ ~ ...".. ~ ~:~:.;: , i.'. ..~..~ -4 ~,.~;~"f'7: ,~:;. : :,,:::>' , . 4. that DEVELOPER haa cOlllpli.d with paraqraph 5. (c) of thh Aqr....nt. CITY a;r..s not to. i"\18,&ny certiUcat.s ot occupancy for the plat prior to co.pletion ot. i1iprav...nta. accord in; to the .chedul. s.t forth in Exhibit RB." 5. SECURrI'Y AND DEFAUL'!': A li.n 1s h.reby iapo.ed by the COUNTY aqain.t th. r.al property id.ntifi.d 1n Exhibit "A" in the aaount of Forty-Three Thouaand One Hundred Sixty-Six" 00/100. Dollar. ($43.166.00 ). Such l1en shall .ecure the constrUction ot the IlIlprov..enta identified in Exhibit "8" attach.d h.reto. Such lien shall exist until fully paid, disCharged. released, or barred by law. The li.n created by this Aqree.ent shall be superior to and shall ha.,. priority over any lIlort;a;. on the real property described in Exhibit "A." The DEVELO'ER shall caus. this AareUlent to be executed by the holder ot any such aortgag., which execut.L"U ahall constitute the .ortgagee's consent to such subordination. DEVELOPER aqrees that this Agreeaent shall be recorded in the Official Records ot Broward county, Florida, against the property described in Exhibit "AR to put subsequent purcha..rs, ;rant..., heirs, .uccessors and assigns ot any int.r.st in such property on notic. of the obligations .et torth her.in, which shall run with the property until tully pertormed. (c) Prior to the DEVELOPER obtaining a building permit tor construction of any portion ot the PLAT which, according to the schedule set forth in Exhibit "8," requires the installation ot the I.provUlents, or a portion thereof, DEVELOPER shall provide a torm ot security acceptable to the COUN'l'Y in the form ot a letter ot credit, surety bond, or other acceptable security in the amount ot Forty-Three Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Six & 00/100 Do).lars ($ 43.166.00 ), in substitution of the lien imposed hereby, and t~. COUNTY shall cause to be executed and recorded in the OiUcial Records ot 8roward County a release or satistaction of the lien upon the property described in Exhibit ",." (a) (b) (d) Pursuant to subsection S(c) above, DEVELOPER may elect to provide security tor any individual phase as listed 1n Exhibit R8," 1n order to release a portion at the lien imposed on the PLAT tor the individual phase. In that event, DEVELOPER shall submit a c::ost estimate prepared br a Reqistered Engineer for the Improvements required in CAP'/249 05/13/93 -3- -.---........- -. - - - . ~ -: ~ ~ ;~:;,I .j 'r a... \ -j j ~ <:, ~ .'~,~ ~ -- 'I~ ".-.r~ , ;;;;~l -'..7':/ "I. " "'f. ......... . . '--.J~~~ ~~~. . 'i,.;': :~'~~ ....~1: . .:\:jJi; .:. '.~~~~1iJ"~. - ~. .. 1"J.t. . .: .".:::':~ :~~:!~.. iyi !~t; ;;1\: l I, ~. . ~il. I r::~' .;::j~ I ;:' ::I~~,.;::~I~1j ( ...... ,...~.~. I ~, ,'J:":.ili .1 ".:~~:,r~. : ,,!.:.:: ;~.. ''''t. ...~;~{ .: ..' -".... .. ." .. CI ~.. N (.) W (.) N -, C', o (.,.) N (.,.) :" . .J: ., I '-I - .' ::,i-;~f~ :.~ :.', . . .. " ,:'3 i!i . !.~ ,~... .r.. .,:':J....: .~..~ . <~"~.:,;'\t- .),.>';;', . .~{jJ~.::. .. ..".t~~.: ~.1t ~...~;.!~.; ~"""''''C-''' ~ii ~.........,,,, ~~w~ e;',,~', .......4.~ 1>;., . ""J1(; ., ..~ .'';' .:-:"!=:~... . ~,,>,:: '~-~=:"- .:.:: ~~'t~\ 'f~"i.!..' '. '" :~;ir:~~.lti ~,~:.~;.. "rI~~~-:.~...."""'. ;.if:t\.:'~}~ .7,': ;.... ..~-:'"';.G.'., .' . ~*~~*i.;,:::; '. :;;fjF.:",~;. .:.. . ~:~~~~ ':~.'~.' Jf.~,,:.,. -. I{~~;'! ... ~JI.~.. ,. . ~ ; :..."i".:...... ~;, i."f;-,;~.r.... ~E~~~~.~:~. .~.': :'.~:. : ~':".>C'" ;.-,.._', ~i~~~:.~;:tr .~~~........ ... . . ~~.~1~~~~. 'To j~ -' ~~)"":.::.:.. .~~........'.,..O'. ' ;:-7;?r~L.J.."""":.,' . ~~..w/G~:.,~:( \: Ji!iIJ~-4,-.;.'...,. .' \i.-~~;;, .~-""'t..t;, - '~~~f; 0;,'"'''' ~f.:::~:': ...... .:1. ""~":' . y .c,,,,... >> CAr1249 05/13/93 ," ','. ..~. - . "_.._ _.._a- II. aucb ph.... Upon .ccept.nce by the COUNTY of the coat ..tiut., and paya.nt by DEVE1.OPER of any applicable fee, that portion of th. PLAT .hall be rd....d frolll th. lien 1apo..d .nd the total ..ount of the l~.n .hall be reduc.d b~_th.approved ..ount. (e) .. In the .vent DEVELOPER faU.. . to. construct the I.prov.ent. according to the t.1:1III and condl'tion:s ot tht. Af1'.&:l.nt, COUNTY lIUly r.cov.r such .WIlS tro. DEVEIDPD .. are n.c....ry ln order to ca~.. the conatruction of the I.prove.enta th.t are outatandlnq. Such ..., plus coats ancl .ttorn.v'. te.., MV be recov.reel by COUNTY .qa1nst the DIVELOPD throuqh a civil .ction, or ..y be recov.red by .ctlon .. prov14ed by the appllcabl. .ecurity. In the .vent that DEVELOPER tails 'Co construct .n improv..nt ..cur.d by l1en cr.ated hereund.r, .uch li.n DV be tcr.clo..d or othervbe .nforc.d by th. COtJN'1'Y by action or suit ln equity as for the for.c10.ur. of . 1II0rtgaqe on r..l prop.rty. DEVELOPER shall ensure that the ..curlty remains valid and in full torce and effect until DEVELOPER'S . b~prov..ent obliqation. are =_:'1y p.rfoned. Expiradon of the .ecurity prior to DEVELOPER'S pertormance of such obliqation, or notice to COUNTY that the security vill expire or has been canc.led or d1satfi1"1lled prior to DEVELOPER'S .atistaction of all obliqations hereunder, ahall constitute a detault of this Aqree.ent. In the event DEVELOPER d.faults under the terms of this Agreement and COUNTY dravs on the security, DEVELOPER shall be responsible tor COUNTY'S reasonable costs and attorney's tees incurred in drawing aqainst the security. In the event the letter of credit, surety bond or other t01"1ll ot .ecurity provided to COUNTY, as described in paraqraph 5(c) above, expires, is canceled, or is disaffirmed, COtnrrY .hall .end notice to DEVELOPER, aCCOrding to the notice provisiona of this Aqreelllent, and DEVE1..OPER .hall havo tour (4) lIIonth. frolll the date of suCh notice to provide substitute security in a tOt'1ll acceptable to COUNTY. If DEVELOPER tails to provide acceptable substitute aecuri ty , COUNTY may record a docWllent entltled "Notice of Lien to:: Installation of Required IlIIprovements" which shall constitute a lien on the property described in Exhibit "A" for the amount due hereunder, until fully paid, dischat"ged, released or barred by lav. To the extent that the failed security is attributable to an identitied parcel or portion of the PLAT, the Notice of Lien for Required Improvements may be (t) (9) (h) -4- -~.........-.-.....- - ...... ,... ~ ... . ~. . ':f~j:( ., .... . :.t;: .. ..3"'.1' . . " :'. :1._:.. .' . ~..; ~ ::.., ~~:~!:;' ~ . ',';'( j". :l:t:;,~~!~ f:. i;.~;"'~:;;1:~J~., '. ...." .....' ....... .~'::[.:~~i~.~}~ I . . ,. ".. ,':" .. "', .. '., . I ;. ~! - .. .;~. :..; .... '- . ..... ... i..t,. I ::..:..:,!:~\'::; I ;,;.: ~.~;: . .' . c ~ .: ~~.:' .- ~ ~ " r.1 ;"0 N eN c." N -,' C-, o eN N .::- " :' "., " , " '. - " .-_. ..# UT ~ record.d against and apply only to such parcel or portion ot the PLAT. 6. Upon the completion of one or 1Il0re of the Improv.ments specified in Exhibit "B," the DEVELOPER may r.quest a partial rd.... at ..cu:-ity tro. the COUNTY. The DEVELOPER shall submit . sealed certification by a Registered Engineer of the vork co.pleted, and a cost estimate of the remaininq ImprovUl.ntlto be completed bued upon the curr.nt.approyed County unit price.. .Upon acceptance by the COUNTY of said c.rtiUcation and cost .Itiaat., and payment by the DEVELOPER ot any applicabl. fee, the COUNTY shall release that portion of the .ecurlty, it any, which is in eXC..3 ot the cost of the remaining Improve.ent..Fin.l r.l.... of the full .ecurity is subje:t to the standard COUNTY maint.nanc. period ot one (1) year trom the date ot completion ot all of the Improvements specifi.d on Exhibit "B." It a full or partial release is warrant.d for Improvements secured by 11en under this Aqreement, the COUNTY shall execute any and all documents satistyir.; and discharginq said lien which shall be recorded in the Official Records of Brovard County. 7. DEVELOPER aqrees that the ,construction contract (s) tor the Improvements shall include the folloving: <a> Indemnify and save har1:lless the COUNTY, the Board of County C01lllllissioners at Brovard County, and the State of Florida, its agents and employees, from or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person or persons during or on account of any operations connected with the construction of the Improvements; or by or in consequence of any negligence in connection with the same; or by use of any improper materials or by or on account of an act or omission of the said contractor, subcontractor, agents, servants or employees. (h) Workers' compensation Insurance to apply for all employees in compliance ....ith the "Workers' compensation Lav" of the State of Florida and all applicable federal laws. 7"' ~"... :".' to.) ", N ""\~ C'J o W N c.n (c) Employers' Liability with a limit of One Hundred Thousand Dollarc ($100,000.00) per accident. (d) Compr"hensive General Liacility Insurance with minim~m limits of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) per occurrence combined single limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. Coveraqe must be afforded on a fOrD no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Comprehensive General Liability POlicy, CAFI249 05/13/93 -5- ~........._- ..._.........................._~--_. ., , - . :.tC- '~I~"~~\~~~ , .;(.:M... ,0';..,: f" - ." , '.< .' ., . . . by the 0\ ,.;.. 7.'.;::'. ~~ ;'~~.~~.; ;':!";.i;' ,. "~:~~ !~:~oG~.~~I~- '" ,.;.:~~;. :G:'. . .~:i.:::;' ~~~...~,. :e~B~';,1 ~.. ,,_.~, !--fj~< '-." ~........~ tJI.1?~';;.i.;: , t'o"ll'':.:.~!;:''.;'.. ~:il~:;:'~". .~~1i~~'.'::':~. ~~~,,,.;~.-:.. ;t"t!. ';"':;,";',.;', ~f' ~~'r.: ' \".;:~' a':"-;;;> ~ " ~.':>" .. tR~i.- ;.~~;t.:.:~ ~~'}~;;"r'l. ~. -",.,~v;:':.'-" ~~f!"~~. ,,1 ~"""l i~~~,::;-.. ~~\':'i'.:;.,:: 1 . '<:~.~~:'~I ~~~ij ~ without restrictive endorsements, as filed Insurance Services Office, and must include: Premise. and/or Operations. Independant Contractor.. Product. and/or completed operations. Underqround Coveraqe.. COUNTY and the Broward County Board of County Com- mis.ioners are to be named a. additional insureds with re.pect to liability addnq out of operation. pedormed for COUNTY by or on behalf of COH'l'RAC'l"OR o,r neqliqent act. or oaissions of COUNTY in connection with qeneral supervi.ion of .uch operation. (e) Busine.. Automobile Liability Insurance w1th minimum limits of Three Hundred Thousand Dollar. ($300,000.00) per occurrence combined s1nqle limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damaqe Liability. Coveraqe must be afforded on a torm no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Busine.. Automobile Liability Policy, without restrictive endorsements, a. tiled by the ..I.nsurance Services Ottice au,", must include owned vehicles and hired and non-owned vehicles. Notice of Cancellation and/or Restriction: The policy (ies) must be endorsed to provide COUNTY with thirty (30) days notice of cancellation and/or restriction. 8. COUNTY aqrees that this Aqreement satisfies the requirGments of Section 5-200(d) (2), Broward County Code of Ordinances, that developers install all required improvements prior to issuance ot a development order or enter into an aqreement to provide for installa~ion of the required improvements within a reasonable period of time or before issuance ot building permits or certificates of occupancy, as required by the County Commission. Upon otficial acceptance ot the Improvements by the applicabl~ permitting agency, the local government may is.ue certiticate. of occupancy tor parcels or portions of the PLAT. 9. Nothing herein sha~l prevent the COUNTY or CITY from enforcing the requirements of this Agreement against the o,,"-ners , succe..or. or ...i9ns in any part of the PLAT. 10. The DEVELOPER aqrees to execute any and all other instruments or documents as may be required to effectuate the requirements C:Ul249 05/13/93 -6- -- .. ~.'. .;~ ~ .. . ........ ~.... ~ ...0 ... · ..c._ '1:.~' .....,;..,. ..~ .... ~ '''t~! ' ,:.,'.' ,'t~l.p, .: .~ ':;;.~;r~~~. '. ,I ~ .,.tDf ' - . I. ~;t~~r_.' , '-::::t' '~!1~:Jj~;, _. -~ ,:.r~",,:,)r:"~~~,';':l ," _ :.l,'h::i.~ ...... ~if~~*. ~:J:~~~ ' ., '~~;~~:.~' 1 :, ':-'[ i . ~:o4 . . ,~ .f'" . . - . ": '.~.* ~ .,~t~ '"..1',t ,'~~ " :'(:-.o:I.< ~Y.X; ;.:]~i~ ,!;~' :~;::dl,tie: ..~,... #.:&.~~... : ;::.;1i1: r~~~',": :. :~' ',!.;~~:;'~j~ ~;~~~~~~~~~i~ ~, ~, . . ,~'. l"~~'~' F,lc~~~~~~' .-;~.. :,~~. .,." l;..',,;;~, :4. . '\';: :;1!~~'i'1~~( . "'-~ ":'-r.;i~~~.":'; l.'t';'l:,:':"l~ ~'::;;;~j~~: , ; ::~t; ~ i.- 1 ;h~ "-' (.) (,,) 1') ~ r:J o W N Ci" ~ '! ,", .. , :.:.. : . '!:f~:~ ~. ~~ .~~II~ ';':~~~:L " ., .,~".'" II: ",-: ~. .".; .' ;.}."i . : ~~': '--1 :2: ~~ . .; - .' " of .~ ~ ~-~ '. _ _.... l_L-L1~. of Chapter 5, Article IX, Broward County Code of Ordinances, and this Agreement. 11. NOTICE. Whenever any of the parties desire to give notice ~ other, such notice must be in writing, sent by U.S. Hail, postage prepaid, addressed to the party tor whom it is'intended at the place last specified; the place for giving of notice shall remain such until it is changed by written notice in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. For the present, the parties designate the following as the respective places for giving notice: For the COUNTY: Director of the Broward County Engineering Division 115 South Andrews Avenue, Room 321 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 For the CITY: Hr. Harry Hertz, City Manager City of Parkland 6500 Parks ide Drive Parkland, Florida 3~~~~ For the DEVELOPER: Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Miami 9401 Biscayne Boulevard Hiami, Florida 33138 For FNP: Hr. Douqlas L. Vance, Vice President Florida National Properties, Inc. 3300 University Drive Coral Sprinqs, Florida 33065 12. RELEASE. When all of the obliqations set forth herein are fully paid and performed, COUNTY, at the request of DEVELOPER or its successor and upon payment of any applicable fees, shall cause a release to be! recorded in the Official Records of Broward County, Florida, evidencing such performance. To the extent thOlt the: obligations set forth herein are divisible and attributable to a specific parcel or portion of the PLAT, COUNTY may grant a partial release of this agreement for A specific parcel or portion of the PLAT for which this road impact obligA~ion has been satisfied. 7 ..---- ~c.'._~~.;;tII\__~. . ~~",:'" 4 , .~~,"I,.: '. .'~"": ~~"> iLj: r: ,; " .. -. I,', , ' , " , ' :~'t. \' ~, '. ~i C., f~~~ ~~~ ..... '~,'~ i~:: i.~4J' ~~ :-?~ 1;... ).... '?:'k, :',:~ ~ ~ .~ ,.,. ," ~ N ~" W 1:., N -;, (0) o W N -Z I I " "~~':~l;;;:;I:Z:~;~~~;: f.;~:~:~' . . ',;o.r;~'.", ...\~<t~'ft .f.~, ~~1:r:~J~~['f~ . .ltw,,_ . .~,:~::f~ y' ' ~ ...--. . " I, AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION or REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS relati-, to the PARKLAND HEIGHTS Plat IN WITNESS WKEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature: BROWARD COUNTY thrl)uqh ita BOARD or COUNTY COHHISSIONEa5, signing by and thr,ouqh ita ChajJ; or Vice-Chair, authorized to execute same by Board action. on the "... day of (-~~ , 1993; THE CITY or PARKLAND, signing by and"throuqh HsMayor "r Commissioner, ,_.AuehC)ri:ed to execute same, JOHN C. FAVALORA, as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Miami, duly authorized to execute same; And FLORIDA NATIONAL PROPERTIES, INC., signinq by and through its Vice President, duly authorized to execute same. Coun Administrator and Ex- Offici~ :lerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida ",,---..... ,I' '{ C01,t;';l'l,,, (1'\':"\ ......... ~ 1\ Po;, l .~... .... .... '-1.:0":' · 0 · .. ....'\. :..,.. C"'~A · ~.~ ~ "" ! 4"l~n:O \ (I\:'. ... . OC-, f""r · :t)lf ~. . .;, · (,I)" l :l 1916 ~ : f ,"'~~ c f'..o't~l l ...!!f!!!1..... ~ . ,.. WITNESSES: ~~ ...e, 9-7V~ ~ Q. IO^,,~ "il'\~ ~ BROVARD COUNTY, through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS , 1995 Approved AS to form and legality by Office of County Attorney for Broward County, Florida JOHN J. COPELAN, Jr., County Attorney Governmental Center, Suite 423 115 South Andrews Ave~ue Fort LaUderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone: (305) 357-7600 i By \.., .;.w,.# \.. .' .. J Assistant County Attor~,y /~' '.J//";- I ill.! CITY OF PARKLAND By L/ ~/ _ S~AM, yorlSijtHicU:Ww --1..L day of FF.RRIIARY , 199~ 8 -_...---- - -,.f I~ 1 I , 1.,,<r~1! I' " '.'i" 'f. I ., , , ' . ~r.".' o. .' ."~, '"", .. I '?~h-:;~ !iNi:fSljj~ ,\'1 i'':~....... ~" ;;~~'l,~.... ~~~JI";" ~)~! .~'_i ~:i' ". i../ ;~(I.~: . "il" ',: :';~.:...: {~~1. ",.. . , . 'hlO t. . . ~... "- . .~l1(~ '. ,~~t .". ~.. .~;... (' , ;", ": c..: w W N .' .: If: : ~. " t;;") ::; .' . . ~ :-,' ':...; ."V C? ~ ' ",~r ..;i::'::~l~);~H!~~,:":"~". ';,:'::::~.~": J~..;... ;,- ,'''f ,;I.,..,'l"'.;..;:.~.. .'!:" .' ,; .,,\...,._;5I~. '<Ii: " .:. :.;;- :';~!!_~': :~: Ie ~ . .. .. ':, . . ~ ~~'~~::l1:;. ~ ~, . . , ,-:;.-: " :~. . .;:' ~:),:: ;" ,(. ~ ; ':..,'.,:~~ ' :~~;: .t~:~~~~}; " '~~ - ~I in" :;;.~ 1 JUI A .1 ' "~i' '. ,;~~~~.> '. ,'- :~.:tJ. :,.'1\ '... ':~1! i .. . ~' "..j:;..., ~ " "...rt ", .' ~t!'.i .' ~; i.,;C*~'S:'Hrt ' ~~~i~~~~~; ~; rt.!,,_,~tll ,! l!f';:-~ . : .:f:.~. :e" : :'i~a' . t.. ~ ~L"'~ ' ...',~., ;. ;'~~:-.~f I.. '.. ~..l- , .>..i;~ ~'~~~~H! I'> '; . , ~:{.~., , . '..' '., ',1.' ., :.! ::".,~$,:.i: ~~ ~ ~#,.:1'.."~~)~ . '~'. ,~, ' 1..4 - AGREEMENT roa INSTALLATION or REQUIRED IMPaOVEMENTS rdatinv to the 'ARKLANO HEIGHTS Plat ATTEST: ~~~D'-' r2_'2:'~~ S(J~Alf ,~NG. City c: nit ....... . ,o\l~~:'"" ..\\......(:---~~T& S&ALl .t .... <<,:"'1)" "'. ~.., Jt" t'ioj "\ , -i ci ,It-..- l~i . .... -~ ..... l ~ ... w . _ - ",. .-~ : >to : . J.. .~. lj. . ..... ......\ .: 1..... ~ .............. 0....... .... i .STA.t.~/lbr ~RlDA ............ COUNTY OF BP.OWAPoD ) ) 1 SSe By , 1994 $' ty Manager APPROVED AS TO roRM: .~ Cl.t~AttOt~.Y The fore9oinq day of FEBRUARY City ot Parkland. instrument "". aclcno"ledged before Ille this ..22- , U9Jj'S,by Harrv J. Mertz " SUS.JI.D-.- of the He or she is personally known to Ille. Ar1Utrong " Sa! pagHara, NOT"'-'! PUBLIC: (Seal) My commission expires: (D _..."lIGtt . MY ~ ,cc_ . OPIII:"" '" - ...._~NII_ (CORPORATE SEAL) ,; ~~ Print Name: Belen M. Lynott. commission Number: DEVELOPER John C. Favalora, as "'-CHBISHOP OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF MIltMI 9 Mayor ,:.., ~, N CoJ CoJ c..: N -;l CO"' :::::;I (.oj N \Q . ..-..' ....... . .. .~. ~~.-. .' ." ;L~~,',~;!r~:. :~.;.,~f..t:, .: ,:~t~~~:.:." ."~ i~:~ ~~;~ ;_..~~~.. ~(}t~~ I. ';.~~~". .' " .-~r!i" L l'" . ':~~:i~ I",: ~;. :; :::7~ ~,: .:' "f~ir~',:, : ~ i...~/.;~.:~ :"~ :l~~;~i. :~ '-.~~ ::~ 1 .!-~..~r;;'" .~: ,.' .~':.:. \ ;It ."..~ ~... '.' . ~~~: ..' -... . ",.- '. . ", , r '~ , l.' ".. '.,'. '. ' ..... .-: " .: , .r': ','. :~.' .~,:.:"" .... . ~ ~,' ".: . . ~ II =:1'; , . J II AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION Of REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS re...ating to the PARKLAND HEIGHTS Plat STATE OF FLORIDA 55. COUNTY OF BROWARD instrument wu acknowledged before me this I ~ ~ , 1 99i", by John C. Favalora, as Archbishop iami. He is personally known to me. ~~. ~ !~-~. :",;: lJ,.~ ~... t'~, ;~~ ~\. ~:': NOTARY PUBLIC: :f Hy commission expiJe.~:, Print Name: f1' h-- ,,\,,,..,,,&$) 1'1 '17 Commiss ion Number: FNP FLORIDA NATIONAL PROPERTIES, INC. By.0. L. Vr6bP-- D. L. Vance, Vice President 3300 University Drive coral springs, Florida 33065 B'ii... day of ]P~CEI11~f""" eJ .... / I .'Ja~ ,P. .. . ..-. . : It: ,._... .0 . . : :...:' (COfl~TE SEAL) ~ : ~. ,. . " ,':, " .0 ", '. 1994 ..' . " _ I""':' ,:.., STATE OF FLORIDA l'-.: W (.,) (.,) N 55. COUNTY OF aROWARD ~ng Agreement was acknowledged before me this Jhlday of , 1994, by D. L. Vance and James P. McGowan, the Vice President and Secretary, respectively, of Florida National Propeties, Inc. They are personally known to me. G) ;:::) c..',) c....:l c::> (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC: P~ Commissic~ Number: ~ My commission expires: WAn'ANN NANCi NCrArf PUIUC srA~ Of no 0JIi6(1!lSl0N NO, cr:::z:JWJl WY COWWl!l5lON !XI', SD'T 8 1996 10 tl'I""'"'~ b. 1SI1... l ~ .--....-- EXHlIlt -,.,- A pont_ ot 7noU n .... U, leaCion 2, tawMlai, .1 .ouCh, ...... 41 leet, rLOUDl Nrl't I.UDI CIllII'urr'l 1V8D1VU1Cllf 10. I, -s.r to ... plae _t, nocmIed in 'laC loOk 1 Ie .... 102 .t ... Mlia ....... of ..la ..... CltUftCy, nod". I ponion ot tile ....COd 11." tDOC vide na4I Utbt .t wet ed20laint _u 'maca U .... U .. ....1JMilI in Oft oid ileai'd .... UIOI ae .... In ot tIIo, .....110 aocoZ'lla ot InWerd caunty, florida. .. a por:Ci_ ot tile loutbHtIC aual'tU en 1/.. ., ...u_ 4, ftIIMILf., 4. .ouCh, "",e 41 lad. anval'll c.acy, norida. ea14 puc101U1 lIa.a:1bell .. t.U....' , c-noint at tho MlItMUe 0DmQ' of _u ....-.e Quutel' (" V" of Iect10n 4' t.boncJe IIoI'tII 00"2'01- -..c, al.., ... ...c Uno .t _1. IoIItllooat QautW (n V4" a diaCuoe, .t IU.14 fMe to ClIo IaIIIr or MlDIliIDM _ ... _au,"l, Uno of Ulat ...... of ~ 2".A of tM 1a"9ftU ~, .. ....u.I &II tile DMd .t aiR nonded la Official ....... loOk was ae .... tOO .t _IA .....Uo ....... of ......... c.acyr ' tIIonce IIoftIl n'll'''- ...e, al.., .i. ..at.rl)' Uno, a 'iRlftCa of 122.14 t.t to a point: at t.bo ....iIIn1n9 ot a non ~1\18ftC aan. 00IICIft to the ....-.t ,..".", . nd&aa of lnl.n tNt, . 00fttn1 ....1. of 02.n'12- .... to ad. point a radial 11M lIMn Iortla "'41'20- aut, tII.nc:e MC'tIIWatorl" al..... _ieI canoe _ Aid .a.torl)' 11M, a distance ot 106.01 teet to tile ...t nortberly comaI' ot _IA "l'Clel 204.A, tIIenca 'outll ".12'S'- -.at, .1..... the nol'tbuly UM of ..lIS ...1 'O..A, nd1a1 to Aid cun., a dJ..unc:e ot .0.00 tMt to a point at CIte ....1nnint ot . cano Oft tile ...tarly l1tJIat of wa, Uno of Unlftnlty Drift .. deRriIMcI in Oft1Gtal IlOCont look 12141 at .... 4" ot _IA ...110 1lOConl8, Aid ClIno bel", CIIIftCne to tile eoatbVoat ba"i", . ndlu 01 lnl.11 teet .... to' AU point a ra4ial 11M ~ Iol'tb 12'1)"'- Ia.t, thence northwe.torly, alDn9 Aiel c:une on Aiel ...tarly tittlt ot Way 11M, tIInu9Il . central 1",10 ot 10.~1'41-, a diatanco ot 210.7' t..t to a UM parallol with and U71.GO t..t nortberly n- tlSo ooutll 11M of ClIo SOUtlnMet Qual'tar en v., ot ..ilS Soc:tlon " tIIonca South ".27'4'. laat, a1Dn9 ..ld paraUol 11M, non-t&Il9ent to Aiel c:ano, a dl.~nco ot ~12.11 f..~ to tbe weet 11Do of ..ld .outbvoa~ QUarter fSV 114), tIIonca conl.1nuo 'out!l "'27'.7. laat, olont odd panUol 11M, a dlstance ot ....,. t..~ to a poin~ on a CUJ'YO on tII_ A~.rly Une of tho land convoyed ~ IIoI'tb SprS..s x.,nv_M DlaUl= by tIS. lIananty Dood recorded in Official Jl8coI'4 look 17'21 at "'0 " of Aid Puallc Recorda, Aid curv. bol", ccmca". to the vest ba"int . recU... ot 1114.1' fo.t and to .oid point . radial l1ne bean North ".13'12- ca.~, c., "t .. 'a,o 1 of ~ :~'. .;;;".~i~~.T .. .'. '...... Cl ;t, N C-J c..J c..J N ci'5 o w w tIleace _tIl.a.~uly and ICIUtIlel'l" I1C1f1lJ ..14 G\Irv. Oft ..id ...url, 11M, ~ . -.cnl anql. of 21'11'01-, a ~ ot I'C,I. teee, tIleace 'GUtta OC"2'U. ~, &1.. ..14 ...terl, 11M, a dbu- of n.n teee to tile -.t -tIlerl)' acmeI' at ..14 IonIa Ipr1Ap fr f I OW 1 t D1atnct land, tbence continua 'GUtta 04'U'U- ~, . dbte_ of IS.OO t..~ to tile nOl'ttaedJ' 11M at "real Jos,r ot tIl. s.vvn- ~'-~r _ cle.cr1bed in tile Deed at cUR n ~_... 111 ..u Otticial Ileoord look 122U .~ .... toO, tIlence 1I0rtJI 1S'27'4'. ~, &1.. ..U DOrtJluly 11M, . d1Ranae of S1I.a ~, t2Ience HaRIa U'S7'U. ~, &1... ..id nort!lerly line, . diatance of W.OI Ieee to . point at till betiMiftt 01 . ~ CIIII'ft aonca.. to till ~ ...."'" . ndl_ 01 1112,21 f..t, . cetlU1l1 &1191. ot 07'11"4- .... to ..id paillt . nell.1 11M bean IIonb 10'21'40. JaR, tbence no~tuly, a10alr ..14 earn .. ..ld DOC'tIlerl)' 11M, I cUatance of 211.21 fee&' tbence lorth 21.11'0.- -.c, &1ClftlJ Mid northerl)' 11n., non-~ to ..14 can., . dilt&nce of 21.ac f..t to tbe -U nortiael'lI OOl'ner of ..ld Pucel JOS.P Oft tIMi __ 11M at .. d '!'net 21' hid land beill9 in tta. eJ.ty at Pu1tland, kavarcl COUnty, noricSa . t~ .' .. Containinq 11.721 Acra., .ora or 1.... C7:l 7' N W W W N -, c;J c::> w W N I ..;J: ..-:.~. I~.,. Ill:t:: ~ ~-"J I~~~ I~~; .1tr.::.~. HJ~~ f-=--~ .:"1~~ ~~~'; ~~f-S' ~lPS~ ",,""~m~ i?_~~ "~~ :. .:"!;r~"j ~ :~j~~~ ':;~ '-~"', ,.. '~~ ',", '3~ "l.~ ~~ ~~ ~7 ~ ~ ~i~f: f~..~ ~ !'.': . .'.h.7...;,- " ~~h ~;''m< :.&' ~" , tf~';; c.H~~ i'-'nifl',~ ""''''1-" , ,';~ ~~m~ ,....~-'~.ID ;! ;m!~;;~j t!I._ continua 1IoC'UI 21'11'04- "-t, . dilt&nce of 42.00 f_t to tile PO~ or IIIQIIuIIIlQ. USS any portion of tile .... ~1bed land 1y1nlJ within that ceruin parcel ot land -'.7M to lartll _~ x.pr"OY~ D1SUict by tile v.C'raftty Deed racorcIed 111 Offlclal Jecord Ioa~ 17123 at ~ 17 of ..id Publlc a.corda. paq_ 2 ot 2 ~ ~ .. ....'t.. I .~ ~:~ ~~\ ~~;- ~!~L E~ )j~- .:.,"1 t -'c.' 1......1 :~;~ :-:~ ...... (, --;-~J ~" .. ) ~? / ':f';~J.t~1}~t ", ...!~ " ,,~,:,-, .,~J"1.';"::~'~8'; :' ~i$.,~ ,}~f;-{1~~~i~~~C1! ,~ '.' ..:-,....... (..-~ ~~)f' =~ .-~..;; , ,,'oli<'-:' M",~,'-n~:v,'\ ~ ": ..1f.'~-) ~;1t:-:itt.!~ --~.. ' . ~ ~-.6"~~'~J>;--,:~i'!5. ~~~~~~:; , p., f;.~.' ~!hi~ ... aequi:e4 %JIPrO'faaDU1 1. A ~ right turn lana em vniversity Drive at tha on. hUDdn4 (100) foot ~ with two !l1mdn4 (200) faat of Ronq. and ODe imDcSn4 (100) feat of tranSition, 1nclud!nq thIlCIl'P1.utiCI pa....-nt ~ and .iqniDq. A northboUnd left turn laDe em university Drive at the on. hundnd (100) foot .,,-4 nq with two hUDdred (200) faat of ataraqa and ODe ~ (100) f..t of tranSition, includ!nq thIlCIl'P1.Utic paw.ant ur}dnq and .ign!.n9. A .idavalk within the University Drive ri9ht-of-vay tram the .=them plat Uail:. to the nc:tharn plat 1.iJd,t. z. . co.platicm 1GhadUl.1 'fba aboVe ~ shall be ca=plat84 prior to tha iuuanca of a c:artificata of occupancy for a bQUcU.nq with tha boundaries of tha property clUCribed in Dtlibit -A-. .fCCt'otO It( llll OffICIAL RECOl'OS lOot Of I\QWAAD COUIl'l'. fU)ll.lOA cou1IT1 ADltoIlltStMTCI\ Paqa 1 ot 1 , ~~~~:~~j:r;~;~ :<t,to\._*,,,~~~ ,,",,: .' . ~~:{:',! "t~ .}~: ~:~.;.~:' ..- .'.....:,~~..:~...;~.~} -' ~~ t:;~ .tiJ...::::"I;,.~,~.t ....--.. ~ ~~ "",t".- -~. .", '.. " f ,'G6<.~~' 'lP~'?':'J..:;; \:~; . ' -""." .,..:...--. .....:~, -- . '~;',_;,~;,t,;,':.',,','__:'..,:, ..~':,'.:c,',,-',:>" ." )-..~' " ./ ~. " ,:~;, '~'~{;;i~~~~.r c:; '" N (...:' W W N -0 ~ o w w w