HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-04 Site Plan Approval Mecca Farms Castle Rock 47 Single Family Lots ~~ ?HJCf~ ~ ,~~ RESOLUTION 95-4 , RESOLUTION OF THE CllY COMMISSION OF THE CllY OF PARKLAND. FLORIDA FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL OF THE CASTLE ROCK SUBDIVISION CONSISTING OF 10.0 ACRES. PROPOSED FOR FORlY- SEVEN SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES; CASE NO. 04-SP-94. WHEREAS. at a regular meeting of the City Commission a Public Hearing was held to hear testimony for and against the petition of Mecca Farms. Inc. requesting site pla~ approval of the Castle Rock subdi~ision; and WHEREAS, the proposed site plan has been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board which voted 6-0 for approval. The proposed site plan is found to be in conformance with all applicable subdivision regulations and is in compliance with current . concurrency as well as land development regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Parkland. Florida, that; The Castle Rock site plan is approved with the following conditions: 1. This approval is based on the site plan entitled "Castle Rock" prepared by HPT Consultants. and aT Conceptual Design. dated received by the Planning Department on November 7. 1994, containing site plan. preliminary engineering drawings and preliminary landscaping plans prepared by Nancy Butler. Landscape Architect. 2. Provide a. minimum of 110 feet for vehicle stacking for gate house at front entry feature. 3. Modify canal slopes to conform with current standards relating to slope or provide a continuous fence along rear property lines abutting canal. 4. Change all references from 1994 to 1995. 5. F-type curb and gutter shali be provided at all intersections and curves as shown on the plan attached. 6. All fire hydrants shall be located a minimum of 6 feet from driveways. RESOLUTION 95-4 PAGE 2 7. Changes in the landscaping plan relating to more native material. 8. Construction of a tot lot on Tract I shall be completed prior to the issuance of the 20th certificate of occupancy of the Castle Rock subdivision. 9. The developer shall install a four foot hedge along the western property line. 10. Parking space for the guard house shall be provided. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ~ DAY OF JANUARY I 1995. ~~ ~ \'~~~_ GJ~ SUSAN ARMSTRONG. CI' ERK