HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-01 Appointing Current BRMA as Representative to SERMA RESOLUTIOR RO. 95 - 1 A RESOLUTIOR OF THE CITY COMKISSIOR OF THE CITY OF PARKLARD, FLORIDA APPOIftIRG JUDI'lII C. KILGORE, DIREC'lOR OF FIDlfCE, TO ACT AS REPRBSBJrl'A'!'IVE OF THE GOVDBIRG BODY TO SERVE OR THE BOARD OF DIRBClORS OF SDMA, .AJO) HARRY J. DR'!'Z, CITY MAlIAGER, AS ALIfERlIAD, .AJO) PROVIDIRG FOR AR DTBCTIVE DATE WHEREAS, on the 4th day of January, 1995, the City COIIIDission of the City of Parkland approved that certain Interlocal Agr~nt establishing the South East Risk Management Association ( "SBRMA" ); and WHEREAS, Article VI a., thereof provides that the governing body of each aunicipality comprising SBRMA shall appoint one person to represent the body on the Board of Directors for a specified term and another person to serve as an alternate; ROW, 'lHERBFORE, BE IT RBSOLVED BY THE CITY COMKISSIOR OF '!'HE CITY OF PARKLARD, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Parkland hereby appoints Judith C. Kilgore as representative of the governing body to serve on the Board of Directors of SBRMA for an indefinite term. Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Parkland hereby appoints Harry J. Hertz as Alternate to serve on the Board of Directors of SBRMA in the event that the above naBBd Representative is unable to carry out his or her duties. RBSOLU'1'IOW WO. 95-1 PAGE 2 Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AIID ADOPTED THIS 18th DAY OF JANUARY , 1995. SALG?~ ~.~ c2~'~ SUSAlI ARMSDOKG, C. M. C. , 1ft CLERK