HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-65 Transfer of Funds, 1993-94 Budget RESOLUTION NO. 94- 65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WITHIN THE 1993-94 BUDGET AS ESTABLISHBD IN ORDINANCE 93-15; INCREASING THE RBVlHUES AND APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN THB 1993-94 BUDGET; AID AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFBR OF FUNDS WITHIN THE GENERAL rUND - 001 AND WITHIN THE CAPITAL IMPROVBMEN'l'S FUND - 301. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland, in accordance with Ordinance 93-15, section 3, recognizes the necessity for the transfer of funds from one fund, account or department to another to provide and maintain a proper accounting for all financial transactions; and WHEREAS, the City Comaission of the City of Parkland desires to transfer funds within the General and Capital Improvements Funds; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland desires to recognize and appropriate additional revenues received within the General Fund; NOW, THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION or THE CITY or PARKLAND, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the City of Parkland hereby transfers funds as described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. That the City of Parkland hereby recognizes and appropriates additional revenues received within the General Fund during the fiscal year 1993/94 as described on Exhibit A attached hereto. section 3. That the 1993/94 Budget, as established by Ordinance No. 93-15, shall be amended to reflect the changes in accordance with Bxhibit A attached hereto. Section 4. That all Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. ... RESOLUTION NO. 94- 65 PAGE 2. Section 5. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect i...diately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and Adopted this 7 day of December, 1994. dt~A~ Attest: ~~.~ Susan Armstrong, C.M.C., Approved as to Form: CITY or PARlLAND PROPO~ED BUDGET AKENDKENT FY 199~/1994 City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 EXHIBIT ~305) 753-5040 Fax (305) 341-5161 FUNDS SHALL BE TRANSFERRED AMONG THE ACCOUNTS AS FOLLOWS TO ALLON APPROPRIATE ACCOUNTING rOR EXPENDITURES DURING THE FISCAL YEAR. NOTE INCREASE DECREASE GENERAL FUND: CITY COMMISSION; 001-511101-503612 RIVERSIDE DR-CONSULT . 130,000 " 001-511101-5-3613 HOLMBERG RD CONSULT A 111.000 001-511101-S04760 LICENSES/PERMITS A 12,400 001-511101-505450 SPEC. APP. RIVERSIDE A SI,OOO 001-SI1101-S06800 MATCHING PROGAA" 110.000 CITY KANAGER: 001-SI2120-S02300 HEALTH/LIFE/DISAB. S2,800 001-512120-S02800 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSE. 11,500 001-S12120-S04500 GENERAL INSURANCE st.900 001-S12120-504920 EMPLOYKENT ADVERTISING 11,300 FINANCE: 001-S131S0-S02300 HEALTH/LIFE/DISAB. 11.000 001-S1~lS0-S01011 SALARY IS,ns PLANNING: 001-S1S343-S01011 SALARY S2,OOO 001-S15343-502100 rICA 1500 001-515343-502200 PENSION 1200 001-515~4~-502300 HEALTH/LIrE/DISAB. Sl,OOO 001-515343-S04500 GENERAL INSURANCE 11.900 CITY E1tGINEER; 001-515350-502300 HEALTH/LIFE/DISAB. ISOO 001-515350-501011 SALARY S708 001-515350-502400 NOAl COKP .500 001-515350-504760 LICENSES' PERMITS SZ.500 001-515350-503615 CONSULT. OTHER S3,OOO CITY CLERK: 001-S19105-502300 HEALTH/LIrE/DISAB. S800 001-519105-501011 SALARY SI.250 ool-51910S-S04500 GENERAL INSURANCE 11,240 001-51910S-503042 MICROFILMING Sl,OOO PUBLIC SAFETY-POLICE: 001-521330-501011 SALARY S9,OOO 001-S21330-S01015 PAY ADJUSTMENTS SlS.OOO 001-521330-501S00 POLICE INCENTIVE 13.190 001-S2133O-502100 rICA Sl.100 001-521330-S02400 WORK COMP 13,850 001-521330-S04500 GENERAL INSURANCE 12.140 EXHIBIT A City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 (305) 753-5040 EXHIBHax (305) 341-5161 PUBLIC NORKS: 001-534440-501400 OVERTIME 001-534440-502100 FICA 001-534440-502300 HEALTH/LIFE/DI5AB. 001-534440-504500 GENERAL IN~URAHCE EXHIBIT A 12,400 11,300 u.aoo 15,500 COMMUNITY SERVICES: 001-572400-502300 HEALTH/LIFE/DI~AB. 001-572400-505355 RECYCLING 001-572400-504450 "ECCA LEA~E PARKING A 12,000 127,000 13.719 NONDEPARTMENTAL: 001-800572-506997 TRF TO PARXS 001-800519-506998 RESERVE FOR eIP A 110.000 148,119 TOTAL TRANSFERS FYE 09/30/94 1112,517 1112.517 ---....-------.--------- ..........-.......-..... ADDITIONAL REVENUES SHALL BE RECOGNIZED IN THE 1993/94 BUDGET AND APPROPRIATED AS FOLLONS: 001-302000-322100 BUILDING PERMITS B 1174,910 TOTAL ADDITIONAL REVENUE~: $174,910 .......----.---- -.--.-.-..-. BUILDING: 001-524340-501011 SALARY " 145,200 u 001-524340-501400 OVERTIME B 143.010 001-524340-502100 FICA " S7 .050 D 001-524340-502200 PENSION B 13.000 001-524340-502300 HEALTH/LIFE/DISAB. B 13,600 001-524340-502400 NaRK CO"P " $5,000 D 001-524340-503069 CONTRACT SVCS. PLANS B 123,000 001-524340-504100 TELEPHOIE/CO"MUNICAT B 12,000 001-524340-504410 LEASE/IMPS/"ODULAR B 130.000 001-524340-504700 PRINTING AND BINDING B 13.050 001-800572-506999 TRF TO CIP/BUILDING B 110.000 1174,910 ..---.-.---- .-.-.---.--. CAPITAL I"PROVEKENT~ PROGRAK - 301: City.of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 (305) 753-5040 Fax (305) 341-5161 EXIlIBIT A THE rOLLONING TRAN~FER OF rUNDS I~ REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A PROPER ACCOUNTING: INCREA~E DECREASE 301-512120-506200 OFFICE EQUIPKENT ADD~ :3.600 301-513150-506200 OrFICE EQ. ADD~. 11,984 301-51315 205 COMPUTER ~OFTNARE ADD~. :500 301-513150-506210 OFFICE EQ. REPLCKNT 12,925 301-515343-506200 OFFICE EO. ADD~. :3.400 301-521330-506045 ACCESSORIES NEN CARS 11, 500 301-521330-506226 COMKUNIC. CONVERSION 16,500 301-521330-506400 CAP. LEASES VEIIICLES 13.000 301-522310-506226 ~8ILE RADIOS S2,250 301-522310-506224 PURCHASE fIRE TRUCK 15,660 301-524340-506200 OffICE EQ. ADDS. 12.065 301-524340-506210 OFFICE EO. REPLCKMT. S100 301-534440-506064 MEDIAN/ROW/MAIHT. EO. S9SS 117.640 S17.640 ........................ ........................ EXHIBIT A