HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-48 Establishing Rules & Regulations for Use of City Park Facilities by Sports LeaguesRESOLUTION NO. 94 - 48 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR USE OF CITY PARK FACILITIES BY SPORTS LEAGUES; CONTAINING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City of Parkland, Florida believes that it is necessary and in the public interest to establish set rules for the use of public park facilities for the use by sports leagues; and WHEREAS, such rules and regulations will avoid confusion and conflict between various sports leagues and entities, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the attached Rules and Regulations governing the use of public park facilities by sports leagues are hereby adopted by the City Commission which shall be enforced by the City Manager. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24 DAY OF AUGUST , 1994. ATTEST: SUSAN ARMSTRONG C.M.C. LtiD TY _Ag;0-10e. SAL AGLIARMAYOR CLERK CITY OF PARKLAND PARKS AND RECREATION SPORTS POLICY I. PURPOSE AND INTRODUCTION The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for organizations and administration of all organized sports within the City of Parkland. The policy will set up standard operating procedures for governing City Sanctioned sports organizations. It will establish criteria necessary to add continuity to all programs and mesh these programs into one comprehensive overall sports program which will best suit the needs of City residents. The policy will state the proper procedures each group should take in communicating with the City and in organizing the program. Hopefully, the Sports Policy will clarify information on organizations which, up to this time, has been explained verbally with each sports group. Each recognized sports group president or Board of Directors will be expected to read and comply with all Articles stated within the Sports Policy. The Parks and Recreation Board through the City Manager or his designee and with approval of the City Commission will b the advisory agency for all matters pertaining to this document. The Policy will govern all parks and parcels owned or maintained by the City of Parkland which are used for recreational or competitive purposes. Any inquiries pertaining to the Sports Policy of clarification of any points within the Policy will be interpreted by the City. It is the philosophy and policy of the City that children be given priority of use of sports fields for league play. It is further the philosophy of the City that each league promotes the teaching of sports fundamentals and stresses the concept of good sportsmanship and fair play in order to make the experience enjoyable for the participant and thereby assure the well being of all sports programs in the City. II. RECOGNIZED SPORTS GROUPS The City of Parkland will recognize one and only one organized sports group to deliver the sport to City residents. The City will not recognize nor give any facility use to any organized group which tries to duplicate the services of an already established sport which has been recognized by the City. The following groups and sports are recognized as the sole agents to deliver that sport: $PORT GROUP 1. BASEBALL Youth 7-18 Years of Age Tee Ball 5-7 Years of Age 2. BASKETBALL Youth 7-15 Years of Age 3. FLAG FOOTBALL Youth 7-15 Years of Age 4. SOCCER Youth 5-18 Years of Age 5. COMPETITIVE (TRAVEL) SOCCER Boys Under 10 Team Under 19 Team 6. GIRLS SOFTBALL 7. ADULT SOFTBALL Coed Team Men's Team Over 35 Years of Age Team 8. VOLLEYBALL 2 Parkland Little League Parkland Sports Club Parkland Sports Club Parkland Soccer Club South Florida United Youth Soccer Association Parkland Little League Parkland Softball Association Parkland Volleyball No Organized League 9. EQUESTRIAN Parkland Horseman's Association Any new sport which presently is not sanctioned by the City must receive prior approval by the City Commission before organizing and becoming recognized by the City. All requests for sanctioning a new sport must be submitted to the City Manager or his designee, type- written six (6) months prior to the planned starting date. This will enable the City to make necessary arrangements for scheduling and sanctioning of leagues. The City through the City Commission reserves the right to revoke sanctioning of an already sanctioned sports group in extreme circumstances if it determines that the sanctioned sports group has failed to provide an adequate level of supervision or administration of a sport or activity. III. ORGANIZATION OF SPORTS GROUPS Each recognized sports group must operate in an organized manner. The group shall establish regular meeting dates so that it can properly organize the respective sport and solve problems. These meetings must be held in a public building. It is the responsibility of each group to establish a governing board comprised Qf directors and officers. Each group must elect this board of directors and officers for a period of no longer than one year. All members of the sports group will be entitled to vote for directors and be given ample notice of any election, such notice to be given thirty (30) days prior to the election with a copy of such notice to the City. The group will choose a spokesperson/president to communicate with the City. All information from the group must be funneled through this person to the City. This will eliminate confusion and will establish a one-to-one communication flow from the group to the City. All information and/or requests from the group should be channeled from the spokesperson to the City. Each recognized sports group will operate on a non-profit basis and shall be incorporated and each sport league shall also separately be incorporated. Each corporation may sponsor only one sport. This will dissolve any one individual from any liability and release the board of directors and officers from any personal law suit. All meetings of the group will be open to the public and a record of minutes will be taken for each meeting. It is the responsibility of each group to supply the City Manager, his designee, or the City with a legible copy of the minutes of each meeting. Each group must establish sound accounting practices and balance sheets of incoming and outgoing monies. These documents must be a matter of public record and must be, upon request, submitted to the City for review. All items pertaining to accountability of money must be strictly recorded and administered. Misappropriation of funds, whether by accident or on purpose, will not be tolerated by the City. Any misappropriation of funds will be reviewed by the City Attorney for possible legal action. The group will be responsible for establishing registration dates for their respective sport. The dates must be advertised in advance to give public notice of the registration. Registration must take place in a City building or facility, not a private residence or business. Plans for the registration place shall be made in advance with the City so space will be available for the desired dates. The group will be responsible for establishing registration fees for participation in the sport. Each group, upon request by the City, must be able to explain how these registration fees will be used to implement the program. The sports organization must establish guidelines and criteria for selection of coaches and officials for athletic teams. The league should conduct meetings, clinics, and seminars to train coaches in each respective sport. Each group shall strive for quality sports officials through in-house training or by contracting with outside qualified organizations. IV. FACILITIES The City will assign the facilities for play/practice to the sports group. The City reserves the right to assign any sports group's activity to any facility that it deems fit for that particular sport. The City, at any time, may change the site for a sport if it deems necessary. 4 The following facilities will be maintained by the City for sports practice or games: TERRAMAR PARK Soccer Fields: Soccer Field No. 1 = Adult size under 19 yrs. Soccer Field No. 2 = Under 10 Soccer Field No. 3 = Under 8 Soccer Field No. 4 = Under 6 Soccer Field No. 5 = Under 6 Soccer Field No. 5 = Under 8 Two Regulation Baseball /Softball Fields: Field A = Adult size baseball/softball field Field B = Little League baseball field When soccer fields #1,2, & 3 are being utilized,• baseball/softball may not be played on Field A. When soccer fields #4 & 5 are being utilitized, baseball/softball may not be played on Field B When fields #1,2, & 3 are not being used for soccer, football may be played on those fields, as well as baseball/softball. QUIGLEY PARK 2 Baseball/Softball Fields: Field #1 = Regulation size, Tee Ball, Girl's and Men's Softball Field #2 = Adult regulation size 1 Under 10 Size Soccer Field 1 Tee Ball Practice Field Field #3 When fields 1, 2 & 3 are not being used for baseball/softball, soccer or football may be played on the soccer field. 5 The above facilities descriptions shall be expanded as new park facilities come on line. It shall be the policy that where there is an overlap of sports seasons resulting in a conflict for use of fields that priority be given to the league which is completing its season. EQUESTRIAN CENTER AT TEMPLE PARK 1 Show Ring 1 Dressing Ring The City of Parkland will maintain fields for games, practices, and special activities. It will be the responsibility of the City to do all striping, dragging, raking, mowing, and all other maintenance items. At no time will a person from a sport group do any maintenance to any field or court without permission of the City. All removal of water from fields will be done strictly by Public Works employees. The City, at any time, may cancel, postpone, or delay any athletic contest or practice due to inclement weather or any other factors. For the most part, the City will maintain facilities for recognized sports groups at no charge to the group. However, if the City deems it so, it can assess a maintenance surcharge to the groups to cover the cost of materials and labor. The striping of fields will only be done for games, not for practice. Any private groups wishing to use a public facility may do so if the facility is available. However, any use by a private group may be done on a lease or rental basis. V. FACILITY PERMIT PROCEDURES All City facilities will be used on a Permit basis. A Permit is a document issued by the City granting the right and reservation of a particular facility. All groups, whether public or private, must secure a Permit prior to use if they wish a guaranteed use of said facility. Any 6 use of a City facility which has not been permitted can be used on a first-come, first -serve basis. Any group which has a Permit for a facility can, upon arrival to the facility, ask any group which does not have a Permit to vacate the area. The right to use that facility during the specified time belongs to the permitted user only. The City Manager or his designee will be the enforcing agents when any conflicts arise. The Public Safety Department might have to be brought in if it is necessary in order to solve a dispute. Any organized team, civic organization, recognized sport organization or other organized group must obtain a Permit from the City in order to use a City facility for a game or league play. There are primarily two types of Permits that an organization may apply for: 1) Long -Term Permit: This type of Permit is granted to an organization that wishes to use a facility four (4) or more times for games or practice within a given season or month. The organization must be a recognized sports group with a written Constitution and/or By - Laws and a governing Board of Officers that is recorded with the City. The City must be notified within seven (7) days of any changes to such documents. The organization must be a civic or sports group that is non-profit. The organization must supply the proper insurance coverage (See Section VIII, Insurance). A list of people to contact in the various phases of their program such as registration, scheduling, etc. must be submitted to the City. Game and practice schedules must be submitted prior to the start of the Permit. Rosters of all participants by teams including coaches, managers, and players must be submitted to the City prior to the same season. The City will only grant Long Term Permits to sanctioned organizations requesting use of ballfields that can accommodate two or more types of sports activities when 50% or more of the players of the organization are City residents. Upon satisfaction of the above-mentioned items, the City Manager or his designee will issue the Permit. A Long -Term Permit will not be issued earlier than thirty (30) days prior to the starting date for the sport or activity. Any cancellation by the sports group of a Long -Term Permit must be made at least one week prior to the date that the Permit goes into effect. A Long Term Permit expires at the end of each playing season including play-offs and finals. 7 A permitted user follow-up report will be issued to any group that does not show up at the facility when they are scheduled. Also, the same report will be issued by a group that abuses a facility. leaves excessive garbagg, or uses the facility in an incorrect manner. If any organization receives three (3) such reports during their Permit period, the City reserves the right to cancel the Permit and stop the activity. The City has the right, at any time, to revoke or alter any Permit in order to serve the needs of the public. 2) Short -Term Permits/Spot Permits: A Short Term Permit is granted to an organization, team. or individual that wishes use of a facility for less than four (4) consecutive days in order to secure a Short -Term or Spot Permit, the applicant must be Parkland residents unlgss otherwise specifically approved by the City Manager or his designee. The organization must be non-profit. Any requests for Short -Term Permits can be made verbally or written at least ten (10) days prior to the use of the facility. An adult coach, manager, or team leader will be recognized by the City as the contact person for this Permit. This person will sign the Permit and be thePerson responsible for the facility. Cancellation of a Short -Term Permit must be made at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled time for use. Short -Term Permits, at any time, may be cancelled or altered by the City to suit the needs of the public. VI. SEASON PLAYING DATES AND PRACTICE Each sport group shall schedule all practice dates and game dates for their league. The City will coordinate the season schedules for all recognized sports leagues. The City can, at any time, alter the playing season if it will better serve the needs of the community The following is a guideline for each sport and the time of the year each will take place: BASEBALL = February 1 through June 15 TEE BALL = February 1 through June 15 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SOFTBALL = Plays year round on both fields at Quigley Park GIRL'S SOFTBALL = February 1 through June 15 8 FLAG FOOTBALL = End of August through the first week of November SOCCER = Season begins the first Saturday in October through the last Saturday in February. BASKETBALL = November 1 through February 15 VOLLEYBALL = Plays during the months of April and May EQUESTRIAN = Year round There will be provisions made through the City Manager or his designee to accommodate All-Star practices and special competitive teams after the regular season. Any post season play involving Parkland facilities must receive prior approval from the City Manager or his designee two (2) months before the event. If the sports group plans any special event which coincides with its program, permission must be granted by the City Manager or his designee two (2) months before the event. If the City deems it necessary, it can levy a maintenance surcharge to cover expenses of tournaments or other special post season events. No sports organization can put any restrictions on children who wish to participate in another sport. It is the philosophy of the City that each child should be given the opportunity to participate in as many sports as possible. VII. PARTICIPANT ACTIVITY FEES (REGISTRATION1 It is the responsibility of each organized sports group to set registration fees for its sport. There may be two fee schedules, at the option of the sports group or the City, for each sport participant. The first fee schedule will be for resident players and a second fee schedule may be for non-resident players. The non-resident fee schedule shall be fifty (50%) percent more 9 than the resident fee schedule. This additional fee levied for non-residents will be paid to the City through the sports group in the form of a check which will cover all the non- residents in the program. An example of the procedure follows: Resident Registration - $10.00 Non -Resident Fee - $15.00 (50% more of $5.00) If your group has four (4) non-residents in the program, the group would issue a check in the amount of four times $5.00 which would amount to $20.00 to cover the fee for non-residents. This check would be payable to the City of Parkland. VIII. INSURANCE It is the responsibility of each organized sports league to provide Accident Insurance acceptable to the City to all its participants. The fee for this insurance can be levied separately or can be incorporated into the Registration Fee. It is also mandatory for each sports group which is issued a Field Permit to submit to the Risk/ Safety Manager of the City, liability insurance coverage. It is the responsibility of each group to contact the Risk/Safety Manager so that the limits of this policy can be set. The City of Parkland must be listed as an additional insured party on the policy certificate. Once all the necessary insurance documents are on file with the Risk/Safety Manager, then the field Permits for use will be issued. No field Permits will be issued to any group unless these documents are on file with the City. 10 IX. LAW ENFORCEMENT IN CITY PARKS All persons entering any City park or parcel must comply with the City's Park Ordinance (See Attached Ordinance). If a person is in violation of the Park Ordinance, a law officer of the City of Parkland may be called to enforce the law. CODING: Words in underscore are additions to the document. 11