HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-41 Interlocal Agmt for Joint Funding to Prepare Development of Methods for Alternative School Financing cJs-h~ ~ 7p'l/"l S- - [/0 ID -- RESOLUTION NO. 94 - 41 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR JOINT FUNDING TO PREPARE DEVELOPMENT METHODS FOR ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL FINANCING AND BROWARD EDUCATION PLANNING INITIATIVES WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland, Florida finds and determines that it is in the best int~rest of the citizens to execute an Agreement between the City of Parkland, City of Pembroke Pines, City of Coral Springs, and other municipalities in Broward County to address the pressing concerns relating to financing for pUblic schools and education planning initiatives as described in the proposed Interlocal Agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, that: Section 2. Whereas public school overcrowding continues to be a major problem within Broward County the appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to execute an Interlocal Agreement For Joint Funding To Prepare Development Of Methods For Alternative School Financing and Broward Education Planning Initiatives between the City of Parkland, City of Pembroke Pines, the City of Coral Springs, and other municipalities. RESOLUTION NO. 94 - 41 Section 2. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF . 1994. SAL PAGLIARA, MAYOR SUSAN ARMSTRONG, C. M. C., CITY CLERK JUN- 2-94 THU 13:51 CORAL SPRINGS CITY ATIV. FAX NO. 3053445930 P.03 Revised 6/2/94 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR JOINT FUNDING TO PREPARE DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS FOR ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL FINANCING AND BROWARD EDUCATION PLANNING INITIATIVES This Agreement, made and entered into the , 1994, by and between: CITY OF PEMBROKE PINES a municipal corporation 10100 Pines Boulevard Pembroke pines, Florida 33025 day of AND CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS, FLORIDA a municipal corporation 9551 West Sample Road Coral springs, Florida 33065 AND a ~unicipal corporation (hereinafter joint~ly referred to as "CITIES") WHEREAS, public school overcrowding continues to be a aajor problem within Broward County; and WHEREAS, the five year (1991-1996) projected public school faoility needs for Broward County estimates the followin9:_:- a current defioit of 19,702 student stations; 57,000 new students (10,000 annually); 49 new schools will be needed by 1996, assuming existing deficiencies are addressed, otherwise 75 new schools will be requiredi and finanoial ~esources are available to finance 19 new schools; and - WHER~S, Pembroke Pines, Coral Springs and other municipalities in Broward County believe that a partnership is required to address the pressing concerns relating to tinancinq for publio schools and education planning initiatives; NOW, therefore, in consideration of the mutual ter~s, conditions and promises set forth hereinafter, CITIES aqree as follows: DOC. 22309 Page 1 of 5 UN- 2-94 THU 13:52 CORAL SPRINGS CITY ATTY. FAX NO. 3053445930 P.04 1. (a) '1'he purpose of this Interlooal Agreement is to develop methods for alternative school financing and education planning initiatives for the public sohool system of Broward county. In order to accomplish this purpose, it will ~e neoessary to hire professionals in desi<jnated areas, including but not limited to educators, statisticians, demographers, planners and attornQYs. In pertorminq this study, it is acknowledqed the issue of school growth must be reviewed and the current gap in the 'availability of financing. (b) Funding alternatives to be reviewed include, but are not li~ited to, a one cent sales tax, gener~1 obliqation bonds, state loan program, special assessment districts and impact suroharge. Broward Education initiatives to be reviewed inolude, but are not limited to concurrency requirement for schools, the privatization of school construction, leasing sohools from developers, considat'ation of dividing county schools into smaller SUbdistricts for more local input and control, and recommended changes to state law. 2. (a) '1'0 fund this project, each local government which is a party to this Interlocal Aqreement shall be liable for a proportionate share of th~ cost based on an amount to be agreed upon subsequently between the parties for the purposes of completing the responsibilities under this Aqreement. Payment by CITIES shall be made as expenses are incurred. The required funds shall be deposited into a trust account which shall be established by the firm of Josias & Goren, P.A., 3099 E. Commercial Boulevard, suite 200, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308. Funds shall be submitted, as outlined below, by CITIES for deposit into the designated Trust Account. (b) Upon receipt of invoices for expenses related to the project, Josias & Goren, P.A., Shall invoice CITtts for their prorated share of the. expenses. CITIES shall submit. payment. for deposit into the designated trust account within thirty (30) calendar days aft.er receipt. of invoice trom Josias and Goren, P.A. (c) The population figu~$$ to be utilized for per capita shall be based on the April, 1993, figures contained in the dooument referred to as the Florida Estimates of population, published by the Bureau or Economic and Business Research, population Division, University of Florida. 3. This is ana of several interlocal agreements between the city of Coral Springs and the City of Pembroke pines and various municipalities providing for the joint funding of DOC. 22309 Page 2 of 5 JUN- 2-94 THU 13:52 CORAL SPRINGS CITY ATTY. FAX NO. 3053445930 P.05 the project to develop alternativQ sohool finanoing and education planning initiatives for pUblio schools in BroW'ard county. 4. This Agreement shall be effective upon the exeoution by the second party to this Agreement. S. CITIES shall colleotively cooperate in..the selection of the required professionals which must be hired to 'undertake this project and in workinq toward the completion of the project. All final decisions required as part of this Agreement will be determined based upon the consensus of CITIES. 6. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and each fully executed counterpart shall be deemed an original instrument. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have ~ade and executed this Interlocal Agreement on the respective dates under each siqnature. ATTEST: CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM: _ day of , 1994. State of Florida County of Broward The foregoing instrument. was acknowledged before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Florida, anthis, the day of , 19 ,by Jonda K. Joseph and John Sommerer, city Clerk and Mayor, respeotively. Notary pUblic, state of Florida NOTARY PUBLI C SEAL OF OFFICE DOC. 22309 Printed, typed or stamped name of Notary Public exactly as commissioned Individuals who signed are personally known: no identification produced Page 3 of 5 JUN- 2-94 THU 13:53 CORAL SPRINGS CITY ATIY. FAX NO. 305344b9~U r.uo AGREEMENT BETWEEN 'l'HE CITIES OF PEMBROI<E PINES, CORAL SPRINGS AND , FLORIDA. CITY OF PEMBROKE Pl:NES, FLORIDA WITNESS: By Mayor-commissioner By day of ATTEST: , 19__ (CORPORATE SEAL) By: city Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: City Attorney DOC. 22309 Page 4 of 5 UN- 2-94 THU 13:53 CORAL SPRINGS CITY ATTY. FAX NO. 3053445930 P.01 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITXES OF PEMBROKE PINES, CORAL SPRINGS AND , FLORIDA. CITY OF ., FLORIDA WITNESS: By Mayor-commissioner By day of _ ATTEST: , 19_. By: (CORPORATE SEAL) city Clerk APPR.OVED AS TO FORM: By: city Attorney DOC. 22309 Page 5 of 5 0-,