HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-40 Declaring Results of Deliberations as Equalization Board for the Special Assessment in RanchesRE$OLUTIOii NO. 94 -;ia • 4 94-350246 07-15-94 12:50PM VA* - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY coMmIsomi OF THE cm or P4RKLAND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF ITS DELIsERATtoNs X$ A BOARD10F.EtJALI2)- TIOj POR - THE SPECIAL *grip ,FoA To; pR4±44# nfto irktb c4wERINp. A F!NLANOSANENT ROLL BeFIL:16-vAND_THAT Ta SSESSMT 5 T 'b,;HEREIN SHALL STAND CONFIANED AND R3M LEd4t.: VALID, AND BINDING FIRST LIENS U N THE:PROPEPTI AGAINSic'WHICH SUCH ASSESS S ARE PAIb 1tp4f, the City Commission of the City of p4pcland has, in R4014464 No. 94 02, made its aeareipgifOg tO;. special , .:3Ha •, al004:*94t pp t4f R&nches area for drainage imprOV,eitentsi end WVEREAS, all appropriate as required 0Y Florid Stat- . utes have been held upon pioper notice to all interest parties; and gigti* the City Cc*ssion, on the bails': of expert teetimony i.. - and publliC input, has confitied the advisability and propriety of the Iv drainag* imprOtamenti and the special assesfments on property in the co ... Ranches to fund the drainage improvements; and cl .c= cr; CD WHEREAS, the City Com*is*ion had sat as an equalizing board and heard all cOpplainiiii with kegatd to 14,4 asiwimente and has det4- mined, on the basis of justice and riht, te 144er assessment of eaCh pr4erty �peCiUy beWefited By tfie da,tnge imiprovementi; and CITY OF PARKLAND 6500 Parkside Drive PARKLAND, FLORIDA 33067 aussego FEE ITEM RETURN TO FRONT RECORDING Resolution No. 94 - 40 Page 2 WHEREAS, the City does find that the properties in question are specially benefited in the amounts as set forth herein, and WHEREAS, based upon these determinations, and this Resolution, a final assessment roll consistent herewith shall be filed and the special assessments shall stand confirmed and final as first liens on the affected property, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Parkland does hereby confirm the decision to levy a special assessment on the Ranch- es area for drainage improvements as originally set forth in Resolu- tion No. 94 - 02 and as further set forth in Resolution No. 94 - 33. Section 2. Each individual property shown on the assessment roll which is on file in the City of Parkland is hereby determined to benefit from the drainage improvements in excess of the special as- sessments provided for in Resolution NO. 94 - 02. Section 3. The special assessments proposed at $318.53 per acre in the Ranches area for drainage improvements are hereby equal- ized and approved. Resolution No. 94 - 40 Page 4 Section 8. This resolution shall be in force and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and shall be recorded by the City Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ATTEST: 6 SUSAN ARMSTRONG, CMC,TY CLERK DAY OF JULY , 1994 SAL PAGLIARA, OR RECORDED IN Trill OFFICIAL RECORDS SOCK CF 3ROWARI) COU N i Y, FFLORiOA COU wry ADMINiSTR4TCR