1993-34 Opposing FNP Amendment to County Land Use Plan for Unincorporated AreasRESOLUTION NO. 93 - 34 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND OPPOSING APPLICATION PC93-8, COUNTY LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT, UNINCORPORATED AREA AND URGING THE BROWARD COUNTY PLANNING COUNCIL AND BROWARD COUNTY COMMISSION TO DENY THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT REQUESTED BY FLORIDA NATIONAL PROPERTIES IN UNINCORPORATED BROWARD COUNTY WHEREAS, Florida National Properties has requested a land use amendment for the unincorporated area of Broward County from approxi- mately 24.3 acres low (3) residential, 622 acres industrial and a proposed airport site, 65.8 acres commercial, 47.5 acres office park, 102.6 acres transportation and 124.1 acres commercial recreation to approximately 24.3 acres commercial and 962 acres low (3) residential; and WHEREAS, the subject property was formerly within the municipal boundaries of the City of Parkland and remain subject to an annexation agreement with the City of Parkland; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland believes that the proposed land use amendment would have an adverse impact upon the City of Parkland, would overburden City park and recreation facilities as well as roads and other City services with their "spill over" effect; and WHEREAS, in light of the stated policy of Broward County with regard to annexation of unincorporated areas, the proposed land use plan amendments will be contrary to said goal in that land use deci- sions which may affect the future municipality will be made contrary to the wishes of that neighboring municipality; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland believes that the proposed amendments will lead to excessive commercial devel- opment in the unincorporated area, which commercial development will compete with commercial development to be located directly east of Pine Island Road within the City of Parkland, thus diminishing the value of commercial property within the City of Parkland, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Parkland does hereby urge the Broward County Planning Council and the Broward County Commission to deny Land Use Plan Amendment PC93-8. As grounds for said denial, the City would provide the following reasons: 1. The proposed land use changes would have an adverse impact upon the City of Parkland. Said adverse impact would include a "spill over" effect upon a planned City of Parkland recreational facility directly adjacent to the area in question, increased traffic within the City of Parkland, and other demands for services which the RESOLUTION NO. 93 - 34 Page 2 City of Parkland, as a neighboring municipality, would necessarily be forced to cooperate in providing should the need arise. 2. The proposed Land Use Amendment would create excessive commercial development in the area in question. Said commercial will be in direct competition with commer- cial development to be located within the City of Parkland along Pine Island Road. This excess of commercial development would have the effect of reduc- ing the value of the commercial development in the City of Parkland and saturating the area with commercial development. 3. The proposed Land Use Amendment is contrary to Broward County annexation policy. The County has a policy of encouraging annexation of all unincorporated areas. The subject area was formerly within the City of Parkland. Under the County's annexation policy, the proposed area should either be annexed into the neigh- boring City of Parkland or Coral Springs. Prior to said annexation it is premature to make such drastic land use changes as are requested without a considera- tion of the adverse impact to the City of Parkland. 4. The tremendous increase in residential development provided for in the proposed Land Use Amendment will have the effect of further burdening the overcrowded school system. The Broward County school system is struggling to meet the needs of its present school population. The proposed Land Use Plan amendments would allow for 2,815 new homes in the area thus increasing the crisis of school capacity which already exists. Section 2. Wherefore, based upon the above -state reasons, the City of Parkland does respectfully request that the Broward County Planning Council and Broward County Commission deny the proposed Land Use Amendment PC93-8. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 22 DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1993 SUSAN ARMSTRONG, CITY CLERK • V • SAL"PAGLJARA,/' YOR