HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-10 Plat Approval of Meadow Run West SubdivisionRESOLUTION 93-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA FOR PLAT APPROVAL OF THE MEADOW RUN WEST SUBDIVISION CONSISTING OF 82 DWELLING UNITS, LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF HOLMBERG ROAD AND PINE ISLAND ROAD; CASE NO. 01 - PT -93. WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the City Commission a Public Hearing was held to hear testimony for and against the petition of Florida National Properties, Inc. requesting plat approval for the Meadow Run West subdivision, consisting of 55.15 acres and 82 dwelling units; and WHEREAS, the proposed plat has been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board which voted 7-0 for approval. The proposed plat is found to be in conformance with all applicable subdivision regulations and is in compliance with current concurrency, as well as, Land Development Regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Parkland, Florida, that; The Meadow Run West plat is approved with the following conditions: 1. This approval was based on the plat prepared by CCL Consultants dated received by the Planning Department on March 16, 1993. 2. This approval is based on the Impact Analysis Report received by the Planning Department on March 16, 1993. RESOLUTION 93-10 PAGE 2 3. The subject plat has a park impact fee requirement of 1.353 acres. The owner is using 1.353 acres of the impact fee credit provided for in the August 11, 1988 agreement with the City to fulfill this requirement. If the requirements of the August 11, 1988 agreement are not completely complied with by the owner then said conditional impact fee credit will be of no force and effect. The owner would therefore be required to make the appropriate dedications or monetary payments for impact fees. The City reserves the right to enforce this requirement in any way it deems appropriate. 4. Prior to signing of the plat by the City Engineer, the Petitioner shall have General Notes No. 1 on page 2 and 3 of the Meadow Run West plat amended to include the following language: Parcels A, B, and C shall remain as landscape and open space areas and maintenance shall be the sole responsibility of the Meadow Run Homeowners Association, it's successors, and assignees. 5. Subject to an increase in impact fees for the School Board as established by the Broward County Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 5 DAY OF MAY , 1993. SAL PAGLIARA, YOR ‘7.7";;T:11_ SUSAN ARMSTRONG, C.M.C. CITY CLERK