HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-39 Parkwood (Mecca) Replat RESOLUTION 92-39 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA FOR REPLAT OF A PORTION OF PARCEL D OF THE TERRAMAR TWO PLAT FOR THE PARKWOOD IX SUBDIVISION; CONSISTING OF 126 UNITS; CASE NO. 01-PT-92. WBBRBA8, at a regular meeting of the City Commission a Public Hearing was held to hear testimony for and against the petition of Mecca Farms, Inc. requesting replat for a portion of parcel D of the Terramar Plat, for development of 126 single family units to be known as Parkwood IX. . WBBRBA8, the proposed site plan has been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board which voted 6-0 for approval. The proposed plat is found to be in conformance with all applicable subdivision regulations and is in compliance with current concurrency, as well as, land development regulations adopted at the time of annexation with the approval of the POD Master Plan. KOW, TBBRBPORB, be it resolved by the City Commission of the city of Parkland, Florida, that; The replat of a portion of parcel D of the Terramar Two plat is approved with the following condition: 1. This approval was based on the plat and Impact Analysis Report titled "Parkwood IX" prepared by Carnahan and Associates, Inc. dated received by the Planning Department on October 30, 1992. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 2nd DAY OF DECEMBER , 1992. ~I~ ~s:.-~~~ SUSAN ARMSTRONG, C. M. . CITY CLERK ~~~ 9:L-31 c JRttta 'arms, JUt. P.O, BOX 3788 LANTANA. FLORIDA 3341185-3788 PHONE: (411071 888'3805 FAX: 14071 888'3740 December 8, 1992 Mr. Brad Townsend Director of planning city of Parkland 6500 Parks ide Drive /" Parkland, FL 33067 Subject: Parkwood IX Plat Dear Brad: Mecca Farms, Inc., the master developer of Terramar Two, and the developer of Parkwood IX Plat (described on Exhibit A and hereinafter referred to as "the Plat", hereby agrees as a condition of approval of the Plat to be bound by and take responsibility to insure that section 1 below shall be placed in the Parkwood Homeowners Association documents which have not been finalized. section 1. The Parkwood Homeowners . Association will take responsibility and jurisdiction to maintain that area between the western most row of houses along the C-1 Canal within tract A of the Plat by keeping the vegetation out and trimmed between that fence referenced on the site Plan and the water in the C-l Canal. section 2. The following lots will accomodate a 3-car garage but will not be restricted to a 3-car garage as a condition of the Plat approval. No other lots will be permitted to have a three car garage. Lots: 6,7,27,32,39,40,47,50,51,55,57,63,64,71,74,75, 76,78,85,98,102,103,104,108,109,116,125,126 section 3. This agree.ment shall run with the land described on Exhibit B and shall be binding on all future owners' of' said property and be binding on Mecca Farms, Inc., its successors and assigns. MECCA FARMS, INC. By: /J;i:i b,~ ~ETER L. MECCA, President Subscribed and sworn to before me on this --1.L day of lA .ut~b lr, 1992. >pou., 0 '-~&llt~ Notary.,. P 11C ~...~!w OFFIC'AL SEAL ... ~.. B .:.... \ l.ORI J. SCHWA i II' . : My commission Expir~s ". . : June 30. 1994 ":~, ~.I/ Com"" NO. CC 024066 ..;.... 01 -,p;.. ......... k!.RS~, q'). -3t} .. EXHIBIT B LEGAL 'DESC'RIPTION - TRACT 0-1 A P()II'I'tON OF PARCEL "0" OF THE PLAT' ENTITI,ED "TERI<A!iAf< TWO" AS IU;Cm'/I,:n IN Pl,AT ROOK 14~ AT PAGE 43 OF 'l'HF. PURJ,JC RF.CORDS OF BROW/.:m COUNTY. FI,ORIDA. HI::rN(; MORE JlART I ClJI,ARr.Y Df:SCRIBED AS fo'OI.I.llWS: (:UMH"NI:INC: A" 'J'HE SOU'rliF.AS'I' (Sl-~) CORNf:R Of' SAID PARCr-:r, "D": THENCE SOUT!! :i~-41'48" WES'l', ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEL "0". ,', I>1S'J'ANCE OF 680. '/4 FEET TO THE POJNT OF HEGINNJNG; THENCE, t':()N'l" NilE 50U'J'H 89' 41 ' 48" WE!iT, AI.ONG SA J D SOUTHERI,Y BOUNDARY, A J)IS1'/I.rU:I:~ Of'El06,91 FEE" TO A POINT t.YING ON THE CENTERLINE OF AN IIU,U(' "'OOT CANAL EASF..Mfo:N'r A5 HECOHDlm IN OFf-'IC1AL RECORD HOOK 136~~ NI' P/I':r-; 64 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HROWARO COUNTY. FLORIDA: THENCE rmHTI' 1I1-j3'29" WEST, AI.ONG SAil) CENTERI.JNE, A DISTANCE OF 1206.~0 n:ET "'I) A POINT LYING ON THE NORTHERI,Y BOUNDARY Of SAID PARCEL "0"; TIlJo:Nn: NORTH 89-4jI48"" EAST, AI.ONG SAJI) NORTHERI.Y ROUNDARY, A nl:;'rM~CE OF 606.9j FEET: THENCE..50UTH 01 '13"29" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1'0 (, . ~)O FEJo':T TO THE PO J NT OF RECH NN J Ne;, 5AJJ) I,ANOS SJTUATE IN THF. C1TYOF PARKI.AND, RHOWARD COUNTY, FLOHI!IA, ANn CONTAIN 16.808 ACRES, MORE OR I.ESS, LEGAL DESCRIPTION - TRACT D-2 A PCIICI'ION OF PARCEL "0" OF THE PLAT ENT l1'I.ED "TERHAMAR TWO" AS RECOIWED IN PI.AT BOOK .142 AT PAGE 43 OF THE PUBLJC RF.CORDS OF UROWAliD COUNTY, FLORIDA, BF.JNe; MORE PARTJCUI.ARLY DESCRIBED AS I-'OLI,C1WS: Hf-;GlrWING A'I' THE SOUTHEAs'r I Sf-; I COf<N,,:t-< OF 5Aln PARCf-:!. "r>"; 'rHI-:NCf. SOU'I'1f B9'4('48" WEST, AI,ONG THE SOU'J'HF.RI.Y ROUNnARY OF SAID PARCEl. "0", A DIS1'ANCE OF b80.74 f'EF.:'l': THENCE NORTH 01'13'29" WEST, A D I S'J'^NCE OF 1206. ~o Fl-~F.'r TO A 1'0 I NT r,y I NG ON THE NORTHERI,Y BOUNDARY Ofo~ SAID PARCEL "D"; THENCE: NORTH 88'41'48" EAST, ALONG SAID NOR'I'lIfo:RLY ROUNDARY A OJ S'rANCF. Of' 88.84 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVi\TURE Ofo' A C1RCUI.AR CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THf. At<C Of-' :>A I n (:UJ~vr-:. AI,SO HI-~ 1 NC: SA J D NORTHERI.Y BOUNDARY, HAV I NG A HAI:IUS ()To' I4~0,OO FEET ANn A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12'28'26", A UJ:;'I',"f4CE (W JJ~.bH f'F.F.T TO A POJN'r LYING ON A NON-RADIAL LINE: 7I!fo:lt.'F SOUTII 13' '"'0 "00" WEST, ALONG SAID NON-RADIAL LINE, A DISTANCE ()fo' 1(l'1.~J "'F:Fo'r: TIIP-NCE SOUTH 32"16'16" EAST A DISTANCE OF 139,60 ,,'I-:f-;':" THENCE SOUTH 67' 34' :>0" EAS1'. A DISTANCE OF 230,00 FEET TO A I'OIN"~ I,Y.JN(~ ON THE r:ASTERI,Y ROUNnARY OF SAln PARCEl. "D" (THE LAST TUHH (3) COURSES I.YING ON THE WESTERLY HOUNDARY OF A NON-EXCLUSIVE I NC:Ji "':;S F.r.HI-:SS EASEHI-:NT): THIO:NCF. SOUTH 39' 15' 00" F.A5T, ALONG SA I D EASTERLY HOUNOARY. A DISTANCE Of 37,30 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01-20']4" I-;AS'I" Al.ONe SAln F.AS1'F.RI.Y nOIlNnAHY. A J)IS"'ANCF. OF 879.7J FEE'!, TO THE: ;'0 IN,. ()to" BEG 1 NN I Ne;, SAil> I,ANn5 ~I"'lIAn: IN nIl-: r.l'rY ()to" PARKl,Mm, HHOWARJ) cOtlwry, FJ.OI~'I)A, ANn CON1'AtN If).aoa Ar.R!-:~i. !-!OH~ ()II I.ESS. December 4, 1992 ATTACHMENT.~ T~~LU:ION 92-39 City of Parkland \/-PrvJ;:f.~ IA~'. 6500 Parkside Drive ~ 0 . Parkland, Florida 33067 b (305) 753-5040 tV() 0 ~ Fax (305) 341.5161 ~ ~ ~~ Mr. Gary Smigiel Mecca Farms, Inc. P.O. Box 3768 Lantana, Florida 33465 SUBJECT: PARKWOOD IX PLAT Dear Gary: As you are aware, on December 2, 1992 the City commission took affirmative action in approving the Parkwood IX Subdivision. To satisfy the requirements of the Commission, the following issues need to be resolved: A. -Letter from the Association of Parkwood Homes responsibility and jurisdiction to maintain the canal bank referenced within Tract A of the Parkwood IX Plat. B. A listing of all lots which may accommodate a three car garage to ensure adequate distribution within the plat. Please have this information forwarded in writing to the City of Parkland, prior to the City Engineer, and City Clerk affixing their names to the final mylar. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, /;A~ Bradford D. Director of -- / _ .L"? A oz"v>'. 4-J - Townsend Planning /kqt cc: Harry Mertz, City Manager Charlie DaBrusco, City Engineer ~san Armstrong, City Clerk Andrew Maurodis, City Attorney H.P. Tompkins, Jr., P.E. 92-197 E S january 13, 1993 city Council City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, FL 33067 Subject: Parkwood IX Landscape Plan Dear Council Members: parkwood Custom Homes, Inc. respectfully requests your review of the following landscape condition. It is our intent to comply with the Councils approval of the landscape plans, more particularly the approved landscape buffer for the Northern lakes will be planted in accordance with -Alternate A- as per Commissioner Lazowicks direct request t,o soften the buffer by adding a curvilinear hedge. please be advised this modification will cause the plantings to encroach into the first (5') five feet of the (20)' twenty foot lake maintenance easement. In the event there is a conflict with any governmental entities that have 'jurisdiction over the northern lakes main.tenal1ce easement. parkwood Custom Homes and the City of Parkland will cooperate with that entity to resolve any conflicts. If the removal of the hedge encroaching into the first (5') feet is required, parkwood Custom Homes will immediately remove the portion of the hedge that is curvilinear, therefore, reverting back to the original landscape plan for that portion of the project. Please give written confirmation that our interpretation is correct and our position is acceptable to the City of Parkland. {;--- n, Vice President ustom Homes, Inc. rc: Commissioner Gordon Commissioner Marks Comreissioner Lazowick Commissione,' Stein ~.1ciyor Pa:.;;l i~r.;:\ 8rad Townsend, City PL~nner Charlie DebnISc.o. City Englr;(!er City Clerk _6221 West Atlantic Boulevard. Margate. Florida 33063 Phone (305) 341-6112 FAX (305) 341-7414