HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-07 Backflow Preventers-Residential RBSOLUTION NO. 92 - 7 A RBSOLUTION OF THB CITY COHKISSION OF THB CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA RBQUBSTING THAT THB BROWARD COUIITY BOARD OF RULBS AND APPEALS AXBND SBCTION 4620 OF THB SOU'lB FLORIDA BUILDING CODB TO CODORX WITH FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVB CODB SBCTION 17-555, 360 AND AXBRICAN WATBR WORKS ASSOCIATION GUIDBLINBS PBRTAINING TO CROSS CONRBCTION CONTROL FOR COIOlURITY WATER SYSTEMS WHBREAS, Florida Administrative Code Section 17-555, 360 requires community water systems to establisb a proqram to detect and prevent cross-connections tbat create or may create imminent and substantial danqer to tbe public bealtb; and WHBREAS, said rule requires tbe community water system to develop sucb proqram usinq accepted practices of tbe American water Works Association quide1ines as set fortb in AWWA Manual X- 14; and WHEREAS, Soutb Florida Buildinq Code Section 4620 does not follow tbe AWWA quidelines in tbat it: (1) requires backflow protection devices be installed on every new water connection ratber tban just tbose recommended by tbe AWWA quide1ines; (2) requires a dual cbeck valve be installed on every new sinqle family connection despite tbe specific probibition of tbis device byFAC section 17-555,360(4) (f) (except in areas served by water re-use systems); and (3) requires retrofit of existinq water connections wbere no backflow protection is recommended by tbe AWWA quidelines; and WHBREAS, tbe aforementioned additional ..asures required by tbe Soutb Flori4a Bui14inq C04e place an unnecessary an4 burdensome expense on water customers and do not contribute siqnificantly to the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, ..endinq the South ~lorida Buildinq Code to follow said quide1ines would in no way prevent any municipal water system from providinq additional cross connection control measures applicable to its particular needs; NOW, THERE~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COKKISSION O~ THE CITY O~ PARKLAND, ~LORIDA: section 1. That the Broward county Board of RUles and Appeals is hereby requested to amend section 4620 of the South ~lorida Buildinq Code to brinq it into conformance with the ~lorida Administrative Code and the American Water Works Association quidelines with respect to the jurisdiction of the community water system over cross connection control proqrams and the type and frequency of required backflow prevention devices. section 2. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 18thiDAY O~ March , 1992. dL~ -SAA-~ a... ~~ ~ SUSAII ARMSTRONG, CIIC, C TY CLERK