HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03 Agreement with FPL for Nursery Lease Agreements RESOLUTION NO. 92 - 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND. FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PARKLAND AND FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY TO OCCUpy AND USE THE LAND AS DEPICTED IN EXHIBITS "A" AND "B". A'ITACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR AN INGROUND TREE NURSERY WHEREAS. the City Commission of the City of Parkland finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City to execute the attached Agreement between the City of Parkland and Florida Power & Light Company to occupy and use the land as depicted in Exhibits "A" and "B". attached hereto and made a part hereof. for an inground tree nursery: NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND. FLORIDA. THAT: Section 1. The appropriate officials are hereby authorized to executed the attached Agreement between the City of Parkland and Florida Power & Light Company upon satisfaction by the City of Parkland of insurance requirements and final approval as to form by the City Attorney. Section 2. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 19th DAY OF FEBRUARY . 1992. ~~ / RELEASE AND GRANT OF OWNERSHIP John Schulz (SCHULZ) does of certain trees, as specified (CITY) as follows: WHEREAS, SCHULZ is the owner of all the trees located on the property more particularly described on Exhibit A: and hereby release and grant ownership below, to the City of Parkland WHEREAS, SCHULZ formerly leased said property from Florida Power & Light, which lease has now terminated; and WHEREAS, the CITY is now the lessee of said property; and WHEREAS, SCHULZ wishes to transfer ownership of all trees on said property to CITY; and WHEREAS, a list of said trees and approximate value is con- tained on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, SCHULZ wishes to undertake this transfer without receiving any consideration from the CITY, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES AS FOLLOWS: 1. The above recitations are true and correct and made a binding part of this Agreement. 2. SCHULZ does hereby release, remit, and waive any claims to all trees presently located on the property more particularly described as Exhibit A. 3. SCHULZ does hereby grant to the CITY, full right and title, use, and all attributes of ownership to trees located on the property described on Exhibit A, which trees are more particularly described on Exhibit B, for the use of the CITY as the CITY deems fit. Upon the execution of this Agreement, the CITY shall be the sole owner of said trees. 4. The CITY does hereby agree to the estimate of the value of the subject trees as more particularly described on Exhibit B. 5. The CITY shall pay no consideration for said trees but does hereby acknowledge that the transfer of said trees is a donation by SCHULZ to the CITY and said trees shall be used for a municipal purpose as determined by the CITY to the extent needed by the CITY. 2.24.92 6. Nothing herein shall require the CITY to remove all trees and use same. The CITY shall have the prerogative to use as many of the trees as it desires at the time it desires. 7. This Agreement shall be effective on the last day upon which either party affixes its signature hereto. CITY OF PARKLAND Sa By: Date: 2.24.92 LICENSE SAGREEMENTismadethisLdayof tri / ,19..2;;Z between FLORIDA POWER" LIGHT COMPANY. a Florida corporation. whose mailing address is P. . Box 029100. Miami. Florida 33102, hereinafter referred to as "Company" and Ci tv of Parkland whose mailing address is 1;1:)00 PArk!=;; riA Or; VA PArk 1 And, FL 3 3067 . herein referred to as "Licensee." All terms used herein shall be construed as embracing such number and gender as the character of the party or parties require(s}. WITNESSETH WHEREAS Company is the owner of title in fee simple to property in referred to as "land" and described as follows: Broward County, Florida, hereinafter See Exhibit "An for Legal Description ..NO, WHEREAS Licensee desires to occupy and use the land of Company for in ground tree nursery "ld for no other purpose; )W, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, Company hereby grants and ~nsee hereby accepts a license to use and occupy the land oCCompany for the above described purpose, and for.i other purpose, ,period of...Q.Wi. yed, unless earliertenninated as herein provided. beginning on the -L:zt:.. day of ~IJ r I ,19 f.2. . mdingon the ..3 J ~f- dayof rYJ Ill'Cn ,19 9.3 forthetotalamountof$ 10 - 00 . plus sales tax )1icable, which amount shall be the net amount due and payable in payments of$t 0 . 0 0 x~'filUs sales tax if applicable, 'Tance. commencing on the first day of the tenn of this license ~_~~I'U~~~~xxxxxx xxxxx~~~~~~~~f~~xxxxxx ~lpllIS-UON) lue !WOo' R JO ~ a.8ud \ \ 'ulaJatf paU!U1uoa suo!SJAOold lunuo:> Alssa.xdn 81 puul etfl JO am atflletp 8aa.lJu puu spU'818.lapun 9aSU9:>!'I ~ 'lsanba.x uodn .AuudUlOO Ol peq81u.mJ uaeq uq 9:>llOU uen}.L\\ ,sAep 01 mun ~q:> AueJ.l91eUl .10 peuooutr.J aq lOU UJft\ puu e:>.lOj U1 8! a:>uu.lnsul jO A:>!1od Pf6S 9Rl uuo.!l AuvdUlOO lq!n :zg .IaA\od lrpJ.lot!l uo .t:>uu.lnsu! jO ettr.JYl1.19:> V .(81 suone.8![qo lSU!U!8 aJnsu! Ol pes.ropue eq neqs A:>![od pres .9:>Ua.r.ntY.)O et!uls ~ (s}uo8.lad JO tfluap .10 A.mfa! .(Upoq .IoJ 000'008$ JO S'l!Ul!t WUUl!U!Ul tpJft\ ~Ul 'JoaJa1{l UO!SU91xa Aue .10 asue:>!1 sJtp JO POJ.lad etfl !UJ.lnp 'ne I! atfl.loJ se!lllua '1d.!ll8UId'll palt\l ' o 811 18 'DueleD 01 S .~ 1 \ I I I I I EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of the East 335 feet of the North 1183 feet of the South 2083 feet of the North half (N~) of Section ,2, Township 48 South, Range 41 East, Broward County, Florida. more particularly shown on the attached drawing marked Exhibit liB" attached hereto. IV .' \ . 335.OZ \ ( --- --_/~-\ - '~-(:\, \ ,\ ~ \ oj ~ t~\, - ..IJ~ 1 \- .l~ "'~ \ 0 I \]I \" \ ~. ~ l... ~- v"" ." _.~- ~/ \~ I, I \cS \~ ~ -1 t:. .. .. A1S''7 -- .--. ---- . ~_.~ - -- .;:::-. ~--:'~:;/.-' ---,,' '~~;.^ ~~1l"~ , 1--'" . , .---_...-~- '1: i \ L..rA5~ AP-r.A 5! ,AcRES" -- to ~, ~ l' ~ \ \ ~ .~ \-- ... , .fIt .110 CJ C \-t::Ait J\f..~A . . - tl EXHIBIT "C" ADDENDUM A. Licensee shall keep Company's patrol road clear at all times. B. The highest surface of trees or materials being loaded or unloaded shall be kept beneath the l4-foot height limitation. C. Licensee shall have the right, under the direction of FPL Company Representative. to deposit fill dirt upon the herein described property to raise the grade of said land to an elevation not to exceed the lowest elevation of the existing FPL patrol road, the intent being to prohibit surface water from draining onto Company's patrol road and interfering with the passage of Company personnel or vehicles. Licensee agrees to the passage of Company personnel or vehicles. Licensee agrees to obtain any and all permits required by law to fill the property as herein above outlined. Upon termination of this license, all fill dirt deposited by licensee shall become the property of the Company D. Licensee shall be permitted to plant and remove trees located on the leased premises, including movement of associated soil and use of machinery normally attendant to such activities. E. Paragraph 14 is hereby amended as follows: To the extent permitted by Section 768.28, Florida Statutes (and any successor legislation), the Licensee agrees it will exercise its privileges hereunder at its own sole risk and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Company (including its parents, subsidiaries. affiliates and their respective officers, directors, agents and employees) from all liability, loss. cost and expense, including attorneys' fees (including such fees for pretrial, trial. or appellate matte$) which may be sustained by the Company tc:> <<7ny person, natural..,!r a~ti~ficial by reasofl of the death of or l.nJury to any person ',or damage . to any property. wRetacr or RO~ Slie te e- ..c"'l1EieS Sol Llu:::~ negl19~tm~ ei tRQ CQmpa~, its agents or employees. arising out of or in connection with the herein described purposes by the Licensee. its contractors. agents. or employees; and the Licensee agrees to defend at its sole cost and expense and at no cost and expense to the Company any and all suits or actions instituted against the Company for the imposition of such liability. loss. cost and expense. tx:I X ::t H lXI H 8 o -c :I: en ~ " -c :2J m :I: -c ;D ."m- -I r- ." - O~O ." ::n en)> "11 0 O-,,-c ~- s: m 3' )>>0 ...-1 "OZ'" :;:m ~>Z to m C) en ~." :omC -- ~ ~~ ~ ~ !:~Z !1:C: ~O~ ~ ~ -c~S:&Z ("))>C-" 0:2J~ ~m S:-C-' ~ "0 s: CD ... 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"'0 ea .... Ql CD CD ::J ::J ~ -< ... "' 00 W )> V1 , V1 g:. "- Z C ~ , V1 t.. W . , Co C'> OJ (/) -- rt -- , OJ CD 10 CD CD rt :T w 2' (/)~"" c: ~ _l1In rt 0 CD 3 "0 N OJ -- ::;, V1 '"< " ;;" -:: en ... Ql ... .CD N -6' o o a. CD :x -. OJ 3 -. "TI r- -I CD ii' "0 =:r o ::1 CD Z c 3 c:r CD .... I City of Parkland 6500 Parks ide Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 (305) 753.5040 Fax (305) 341-5161 It -5l I~~. 1:1~ 3 October 25, 1994 Mr. Jim Hunter FPL P.O. Box 6387 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33340-6367 Dear Jim: Pursuant to our recent conversation and verbal advisements in the past, please be formally notified that the City .of Parkland no longer desires to use or maintain the in-ground tree nursery under and adjacent to your firm's overhead power lines north of the FPL sub-station on the north side of Holmberg Road in the City of Parkland. Your records will indicate a executed by FPL and the City of again confirm our desire to agreement. lease agreement and license was Parkland on March 11, 1993 and we terminate this arrangement and We thank FPL for its cooperation in making this property available to the City of Parkland and certainly hope similar arrangements can be made as mutually desired in the future. HJM/abk cc: Mrs. Susan Armstrong, City Clerk Mr. Brian Archer, Landscape/Code Inspector 94 - 444