HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01 Special Assessmetn for Construction & Paving of 66th Lane 92058472 1,,17 r,:"') I 0 l" 'r. ':16 11/:- r ;...:..,'. r.t I hJ- _' RESOLUTION NO. 92 - 1 , \ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND FOR THE PAVING OF 66TH LANE WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland met at 6:30 P.M. on January 22, 1992 at City Hall, 6500 Parkside Drive, Parkland, Florida, as an equalizing board to hear and consider any and all complaints as to the special assessment for paving of 66th Lane, and having equalized said assessments on the basis of justice and right; and WHEREAS, Notice of said meeting having been mailed to all affected property owners as provided by law and having been properly advertised as provided by law in a newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland has decided to levy the special assessments as set forth in C(I" "', Resolution No. 91 - 36, and they are hereby approved and \.0 Ci' confirmed. -0 C"> CJ x:- CV. CJ" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA: Section 1. The above referenced findings are true and correct and made a part of this Resolution. Section 2. The special assessments proposed in the amount of $10.314 per lineal foot for the paving of 66th Lane in the area indicated on the attached map and as provided for in Resolution No. 91 - 36, are hereby equalized and approved and . " ; . ' ~.,. ~ fl' oJ...!" .,,~~... FEE ITEM RETU RN TO COnl\..lT ,.,.r-.A___u. q ~ 1\1 ~ 1.1 ~,~. , ., .', I . I ~ \. ), . , l .~ '" J ~i , ~ { RES 92 - 1 such assessment shall stand contirmed and remain leqal. valid and binding tirst liens. upon the property dqainst which such assessments are ~de. until paid. Section 3~ The City Clerk is hereby instructed to promptly record said special assessments in a special book to be kn~~n as the "IMPROVEMEHT LIEN BOOJ<". The aUeesmenta 1 evi ed sha 11 not be in excess of that stated in Section 2. and shall be reduced to the extent actual costs are less than the estimate. ~jon 4. This Resolution shall be in force and shall take effect immediately upon ita paasaqe and adoption. The City Clerk i. hereby authorized to record a copy ot this Resolution in the Public Recorda in Br~rd County. Florida. PASSED AND A~J~ THIS 22HP DAY OF J~ABX. 1992. . .. ~~'" SA PAGLIARA YOR :.: .,LJ ; '. ~ .;' .~ . (' (.1 :. ,...... I . '. ~ ... . . ,....J -'. ".. . : .~Tr..f-\ TOR .' ... . I '- <)... d'_ Q....:;z,.~ i SUSAN AR:MSl'ROtro. CMC . J C I TV CLEm< c. -0 C'l c:- . Q -.1