HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-34 Senior Aide AgreementRESOLUTION NO. 91 — 34 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PARKLAND AND THE SERVICE AGENCY FOR SENIOR CITIZENS OF BROWARD COUNTY, INC. FOR THE SERVICES OF A SENIOR AIDE WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland finds and determines that it is in the best interests of the citizens • of the City to enter into the attached Agreement with the Service Agency for Senior Citizens of Broward County, Inc. for the services of a senior aide; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the appropriate City officials are hereby authorized to execute the attached Agreement between the City of Parkland, Florida and the Service Agency for Senior Citizens of Broward County, Inc.. Section 2. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 21 DAY OF August , 1991. SUSAN ARMSTRONG, CITY`CLERK SENIOR AIDES PROJECT/HOST AGENCY AGREEMENT the same as that occupied by any other person who is on lay-off. Further, the Host Agency agrees that it will not discriminate against a Senior AIDE on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or handicap. The Host Agency agrees to provide documentation of an in-kind contribution if specified in an accompanying letter of agreement. Further, it is under- stood by the Host Agency and the Sponsor Agency that any contribution whether cash or in-kind by the Host Agency is purely voluntary and is not a condition for the assignment of any Senior AIDE. The Host Agency certifies by this Agreement that it is a governmental agency or is a non-profit agency which is currently certified as a Section 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code. Further, if the Host Agency '.s certified as a Section 501(c)(3) agency, a copy of that certi- fication is attached or is on file with the Sponsor Agency and is still in effect. The Host Agency agrees to inform the Sponsor Agency immediately if the Section 501 (c)(3) certification is changed. The Host Agency agrees to attend at a minimum at least one Host Agency Meeting each year. The Sponsor Agency agrees to recruit, enroll and assign a Senior AIDE or Senior AIDES to the Host Agency for the purpose of engaging in productive community service employment with duties and tasks as specified in a written job destription. The Sponsor Agency agrees to be responsible for all administrative and fiscal controls of the Senior AIDE. This Agreement may be amended by written mutual agreement. This Agreement is in effect from September 12, 1991 to June 30, 1992 SIGNED: CITY OF PARKLAND HOST AGENCY NAME N CITY MANAGER TITLE - AUGUST 21, 1991 DATE DATE SIGNED: SERVICE AGENCY FOR SENIOR CITIZENS f1R RRf)WARD (Yl11NTY Thr SPONSOR AGENCY ' V NAME Project Director TITLE September 12, 1991 X This Host Agency is a governmental agency. This Host Agency is a certified non-profit agency under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A copy of that certification is attached; or, on file with the Sponsor Agency. - 2 - City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 (305) 753-5040 Fax (305) 341-5161 MEMORANDUM TO: ANDREW MAURODIS, CITY ATTORNEY FROM: HARRY J. MERTZ, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: SENIOR AIDE AGREEMENT \ \ \ DATE: AUGUST 7, 1991 We have been advised our application for participation in the Senior Aide Program has been approved. Since there is an agreement that should go before the City Commission, I request your review prior to placement on the Agenda of August 21, 1991. 91 - 531 SASC; Service Agency For Senior Citizens Of Broward County, Inc. August 6, 1991 Mr. Harry J. Mertz, City Manager City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 Dear Mr. Mertz: Thank you for the prompt return of the Senior AIDES Program project proposal/ application for project year 1991-92. Your agency has been selected as a host agency for project year 1991-92. Enclosed are two copies of the Host Agency Agreement for the period July 1, 1991, through June 30, 1992. Please have the appropriate official sign both copies of the agreement and return both to us at your earliest con- venience. We will in turn send you a fully executed copy. If there are any changes to the agreement required by your agency, please call me. We will schedule a Host Agency Supervisor orientation after we receive the agreement. This meeting will cover information necessary for effective supervision of Senior Aides. Thank you again for your interest in the Senior AIDES Program. Sincerely, Sharon F. Ross, Project Director Senior AIDES Program .P•S9�/P 1164 EAST OAKLAND PARK BLVD. • FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33334 • (305) 563-8991 SENIOR M MEN FUNDED BY: ACTION • AREA AGENCY ON AGING • BROWA RD COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS • NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS • UNITED WAY • INTERESTED CONTRIBUTORS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYERM/F/H SENIOR AIDES PROJECT PROPOSAL/HOST AGENCY APPLICATION PROJECT YEAR 1991-1992 Agency CITY OF PARKLAND Street Address 6500 PARKSIDE DRIVE City, State, Zip Code PARKLAND, FLORIDA 33067 Telephone (305) 753-5040 Signature (Signed) Signature (Typed) HARRY J. MERTZ Title CITY MANAGER Person to Contact Regarding this Proposal Date JULY 30, 1991 HARRY J. MERTZ AGENCY INFORMATION Furnish a brief statement of your agency's purpose and description of the services provided, including the target population. The City of Parkland is a State chartered municipality in place to provide a broad spectrum of expected community services and facilities to its residents. Included within such services are library facilities, presently generally serving the younger population of the City. The library service has just over one year's experience in the City and is already meeting a void since the nearest public library is over seven miles from the City. Library services available at the branch seven miles away from the City are aimed toward the general population of the region and not necessarily targeted to the population within the City of Parkland. Number of staff your agency currently employs: Full Time 40 Part Time 10 What unmet need(s) do/will Senior Aides fill with your agency? A Senior Aide will allow for a modest library facility to be open to the public without reliance on community volunteers exclusively. Regular hours can be set and publicly announced to enhance the public's opportunity to use the programs. Additionally, we envision the Senior Aide to help re -construct the chronology and compilation of the City's history using available resources and information not yet compiled within our current organization. What year did you first contract for Senior Aides? Never Number of Senior Aides currently assigned 0 Number of Senior Aides hired by your agency in 1990/1991 0 1989/1990 0 1988/1989 0 1987/1988 0 Number of Senior Aides interviewed for regular employment by your agency in 1990/91 0 Do you inform assigned Senior Aides of job openings within your agency for which they may qualify? We will Describe skills training provided during 1990/91 to upgrade Senior Aides' skill level and improve their employability potential. N/A List any barriers to future employment opportunities within your organization for Senior Aides. NONE What problems have been experienced with Senior Aides or the program? N/A SENIOR AIDES INFORMATION Number of Senior Aides positions requested for 1991/92 1 List the job titles for requested Aide positions and attach ajob description for each position. The position is to be titled "Library Aide." A job description has not been formulated since it is a newly proposed position within our organization. Generally, duties will include indexing, filing, records keeping, public relations, and communication skills (story hours), additionally, a working knowledge of the principles of modern Library Science through experience and/or education will be an asset. Describe the orientation you will provide the Senior Aides placed with your agency. Orientation will be provided by the Library founder and volunteers who have organized and operated the City Library facility for the past year. The systems in place and expectations of service delivery will be provided by Library volunteers. The City Manager's office will orientate the Senior Aide with City policies and procedures so the Library facility is meshed with the local government. Would you be willing to hire a qualified Senior Aide for positions which are vacant at your agency? Yes X No Please provide any recommendations or suggestions that the Senior AIDES Program can implement to make the administrative process better. N/A SENIOR AIDES PROGRAM JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE LIBRARY AIDE HOST AGENCY C1 TY OF PARKLAND JOB LOCATION QUIGLEY PARK ON PARKSIDE DRIVE HOURS VARIABLE 9 to 5 SUPERVISION: MRS. CAROLYN MARKS, LIBRARY FOUNDER MR. HARRY J. MERTZ, CITY MANAGER Mrs. Audrey Kapuler, Assistant to City Manager DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: A JOB DESCRIPTION HAS NOT BEEN FORMULATED SINCE IT IS A NEWLY PROPOSED POSITION WITHIN OUR ORGANIZATION. Generally, duties will include' indexing, filing, records keeping, public relations, and communication skills (story hours), additionally, a working knowledge of the priniciples of modern Library Science through experience and/or education will be an asset. TRAINING TO BE PROVIDED: Training will be provided by the Library founder and volunteers who have organized and operated the City Library facility for the past year. The systems in place and expectations of service de- livery will be provided by Library volunteers. The City Manager's office will orientate the Senior Aide with City policies and procedures. COUNSELING TO BE PROVIDED: Counselling will be provided by the City Manager. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION: Skills, experience in government, libraries, or literature EFFORTS TO BE MADE TO HELP SENIOR AIDE OBTAIN UNSUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT: Every effort will be made to place Senior Aides into open City position, as qualified. IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR: Mr. Harry J. Mertz, City Manager Mrs. Carolyn Marks, Library Founder Mrs. Audrey Kapuler, Assistant to City Manager City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 (305) 753-5040 Fax (305) 341-5161 July 30, 1991 Mr. Mitch Ceasar 8181 West Broward Boulevard Plantation, Florida 33324 Dear Mitch: Finally, we have completed the application forms for the Senior Aide Program in the hopes of acquiring services for the City Library. A copy of the application is attached for your information and the original has been forwarded to the Service Agency for Senior Citizens per your request. We trust you will make the appropriate contacts on behalf of the City and our application. We shall await your advice and direction. Ve;y truly yours, Harry Jv Mertz City Manager HM/abk cc: Mayor Sal Pagliara Parkland City Commission 91 - 507 City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 (305) 753-5040 Fax (305) 341-5161 July 30, 1991 Ms. Sharon Ross Service Agency for Senior Citizens Senior Aides Program 1164 East Oakland Park Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334 Dear Ms. Ross: Enclosed please find the application for a person to assist the City of Parkland in library services. Please contact my office should additional information be required. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Very truly yours, Harry Mertz City Ma ager HM/abk cc: Mr. Mitchell Ceasar Vice Mayor Robert Marks 91 - 507 SENIOR AIDES PROJECT PROPOSAL/HOST AGENCY APPLICATION PROJECT YEAR 1991-1992 Agency Street Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone Signature (Signed) Signature (Typed) l Title Person to Contact Regarding this Proposal Date AGENCY INFORMATION Furnish a brief statement of your agency's purpose and description of the services provided, including the target population. Number of staff your agency currently employs: Full Time What unmet need(s) do/will Senior Aides fill with your agency? Part Time What year did you first contract for Senior Aides? t Number of Senior Aides currently assigned Number of Senior Aides hired by your agency in 1990/1991 0 1989/1990 O 1988/1989 0 1987/1988 0 Number of Senior Aides interviewed for regular employment by your agency in 1990/91 0 Do you inform assigned Senior Aides of job openings within your agency for which they may qualify? /s__ • Describe skills training provided during 1990/91 to upgrade Senior Aides' skill level and improve their employability potential. skUi List any barriers to future employment opportunities within your organization for Senior Aides. Alo AA; What problems have been experienced with Senior Aides or the program? SENIOR AIDES INFORMATION Number of Senior Aides positions requested for 1991/92 1 List the job titles for requested Aide positions and attach ajob description for each position. Describe the orientation you will provide the Senior Aides placed with your agency. Would you be willing to hire a q ified Senior Aide for positions which are vacant at your agency? Yes No Please provide any recommendations or suggestions that the Senior AIDES Program can implement to make the administrative process better. SENIOR AIDES PROGRAM JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE HOST AGENCY ��\\ JOB LOCATION l.�- HOURS ari SUPERVISION: DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES: ! IL-, cr. TRAINING TO BE PROVIDED: a COUNSELING TO BE PROVIDED: C� CRITERIA• FORN: 1/40 i(l' fr w rs� , ` 1 EFFORTS TO BE MADE TO HELP SENpIIO��R, AIDE _O/BTTAI}N- UNSUBSIDIZE EMPLOYMEN' • � .- tArcn!C'€ fl(OW wCJ dr"' (JJf; IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR: Agency information The City of Parkland is a State chartered municipality in place to provide a broad spectrum of expected community services and facilities to its residents. Included within such services are library facilities, presently generally serving the younger population of the City. The library service has just over one year's experience in the City and is already meeting a void since the nearest public library is over seven miles from the City. Library services available at the branch seven miles away from the City are aimed toward the general population of the region and not necessarily targeted to the population within the City of Parkland. Unmet needs A Senior Aide will allow for a modest library facility to be open to the public without reliance on community volunteers exclusively. Regular hours can be set and publicly announced to enhance the publics opportunity to use the programs. Additionally, we envision the Senior Aide to help re -construct the chronology and compilation of the City's history using available resources and information not yet compiled within our current organization. Job Titles and description The position is to be titled "Library Aide." A job description has not been formulated since it is a newly proposed position within our organization. Generally, duties will include indexing, filing, record keeping, public relations, and communication skills (story hours), additionally, a working knowledge of the principles of modern Library Science through experience and/or education will be an asset. Orientation Orientation will be provided by the Library founder and volunteers who have organized and operated the City Library facility for the past year. The systems in place and expectations of service delivery will be provided by Library volunteers. The City Manager's office will orientate the Senior Aide with City policies and procedures so the Library facility is meshed with the local government. TO: FROM: Mitchell Ceasar, Esq. DATE: May 28, 1991 RE: Senior Aides MITCHELL CEASAR, P.A. ATTORNEY AT LAW SUITE 300 BIBI WEST BROWARD BOULEVARD PLANTATION, FLORIDA 33324 BROWARD 475-2500 MIAMI 940.7340 MEMO 4 0..D,Ja r City Manager Mertz and Parkland Commission In response to City Manager Mertz' additional request, please find a list of responsibilities for the employment program previously discussed. I believe this memo, in addition to documents previously submitted, should expedite the filing of our application. I have spoken to the Executive Director, Ms. Ross, who has indicated that Parkland has an excellent chance of obtaining funds. 1. Sponsor - National Council Senior Citizens (funding source). 2. Funded under Title 5 of Older Americans Act. 3. Coordinated locally - Service Agency for Senior Citizens - Miss Sharon Ross. 4. Paperwork flow - enrollment is to be performed by ser- vice agency. 5. Employer of Record - City of Parkland is to sign merely a two page agreement. 6. City Responsibility: Supervisor: Review and signing of time sheet twice a month; Evaluation: once a year (form) Attendance of Yearly Meeting: as to program changes City of Parkland 6500 Parkside Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 (305) 753-5040 Fax (305) 341-5161 May 7, 1991 Mr. Mitchell Ceasar 8181 West Broward Boulevard Plantation, Florida 33324 Dear Mitch: I am in receipt of the Senior Aides information sheet which I can and will complete with the limited information at hand. I reiterate our need to know the parameters about the program including but not limited to the funding source, the State or Federal agency coordinating the project, rules and regulations regarding the program, and the paperwork flow necessary for participation in the program. Obviously, I do not want to incur multi -hours worth of paperwork weekly or monthly to obtain the services of a part time person who in retrospect, perhaps should be hired to complete the paperwork necessary because they were hired. Your complete report on this grant possibility is appreciated so I may pursue the application process so the City Commission may be aware of our efforts and have some degree of satisfaction in obtaining a grant, regardless of the accessory cost incurred. Very truly yours, Harry JL/ Mertz City Manager HM/abk 91 - 319 SENIOR AIDES In '1968, the National Council of Senior Citizens contracted with the U.S. Department of Labor to sponsor an employment program for older workers. The National Council of Senior Citizens (NCSC) chose to call the program Senior AIDES— to emphasize that older workers give: Alert Industrious Dedicated E nergetic Service The Senior AIDES Program is now authorized and funded under the Older Americans Act, Title V, the Senior Community Service Employment Program. SERVICE AGENCY FOR SENIOR CITIZENS SENIOR AIDES PROGRAM 1164 EAST OAKLAND PK. BLVD. #206 FT. LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA 33334 9 A National Council I" m of Senior Citizens SEN iR AIDES an employment program for older persons Senior AIDES Program 92515th Street, N.W. - Washington, D.C. 20005 Phone: area code (202) 347-8800 arij SENIOR AIDES In 1986, the National Council of Senior Citizens (NCSC) completed its 18th year as an administrator of the Senior Community Service Employment Pro- gram (SCSEP) on behalf of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Senior AIDES Program, as it is more com- monly known, is funded under Title V of the Older Americans Act. Currently, the program provides over 10,500 jobs to older men and women who are at or near the poverty level. NCSC currently operates 146 Senior AIDES projects in 27 states and the District of Columbia. PURPOSE The purpose of the Senior AIDES Program is twofold: (1) to provide socially useful part-time employment for low-income elderly- and (2) to improve and ex- pand erxisting community services and create new ser- vices where needed. It is neither a welfare program nor a "give-away" pro- gram. Since NCSC first began administering the Senior AIDES Program in 1968, it has consistently maintain- ed this original concept of the program. The Senior Aides employed under the program work 20 hours a week at jobs that are much needed in the communi- ty They are comnen<ated at the Federal minimum wage or at an hourly wage commen.urate with the job being performed. ELIGIBILITY To be eligible for the Senior AIDES Program, an in- dividual must be 55 years of age or older and be capable of carrying out the job he or she has been hired to perform. There is no maximum age in the program; no one is too old to be a Senior Aide. To be financially eligible, a Senior Aide must have an annual income at or below the U.S. Department of Labor low-income guidelines. Anyone who wishes to be enrolled in the program should consult with the local project director concerning eligibility. JOB ACTIVITIES Senior Aides work for public agencies or private non- profit organizations in their communities. There, they work in a wide variety of jobs and perform a very diverse range of services. just a few examples of the services that the Senior Aides provide are: home health care, physical therapy assistance, visitation to shut-ins, information and referral, teacher assistance, para legal and consumer affair services, transporta- tion assistance, and home repair. SENIOR AIDES IN ACTIOF HOME HE -\t 111 .\IDE t.\FORM.\[11*' ,,ND REFERRAL -\IDE TEACHER e4_�r:. \n>E CHILD DAY CARE AIDE PHYSICAI. THER API AIDE -- % r ADULT DAY CARE AIDE HOME REPAIR AIDE TRANSPORTATION AIDE The National Council of Senior Chir• is a non -proal organization that sent, a non-partisan political and social acn voice for our nation's elderly. The Cour. supports: • Comprehensive health security ;;,: American. • Adequate and moderately housing de.ugnr-tl to moo; ni•etl- o: • elderly • Improved low cost transportation services for the elderly • Trained licensed personnel and .an standards for nursing homes • Employment opportunities everyone desiring to work. include the older worker SENIOR AIDES PROJECTS ALABAMA East Alabama Regional Planning & Dev. Comm. Anniston East Alabama Services for the Elderly, Inc. Auburn Birmingham Regional Planning Commission Birmingham :efterson County Commission -iirmingham \ lal rama-Tombigbee Regional Commission anulen North Central Alabama Ring. Coon nt Gots. ' h.t alio a Reg. Plan. & Dev. Comm. Dothan 'ouch Alabama Regional Planning Commission vtobile Northwest Alabama Council of Local Governments stuw'le Shoals Vest Alabama Planning & Development Council 'Jorthport :ALIFORNIA darneda County Catholic Charities Diocese of Oak. )akland •lexican-American Opportunity Foundation akersfield lex ican-American Opportunity Foundation 3st Los Angeles :onomic Opp. Comm. M Imperial Cry., Inc. Centro Older Americans Org. of Fresno & Madera Ctys. Fresno City of Inglewood Inglewood Chinese Committee on Aging Los Angeles Creative Alternatives, Inc. Modesto The Alliance on Aging, Inc. Monterey County Bay Area Comm. Serv., Inc. Oakland Community Services Agency Orange County Santa Ana Me \ ic'an-American Opportunity Foundation l.h 1.ud Adult Protective Services San Diego COLORADO SENIORS! Denver Seniors Resource Center Wheat Ridge Pueblo Senior Citizen Resource Development & Coordinating Agency Pueblo CONNECTICUT City of Bridgeport Bridgeport Community Action Comm. of Danbury Danbury City of Hartford Hartford Office of Grants Adm. New Britain Hill Health Center New Haven N.E. Connecticut Reg. Comm. and Adult Education Program Putnam Waterbury Area Retired • Workers Council Waterbury FLORIDA United Way of Volusia Co., Inc. Daytona Beach Service Agency for Senior Citizens of Broward Cty. Ft. Lauderdale City of Fort Myers FI. Myers St. Lucie County Council on Aging Ft. Pierce Senior Centers of Dade Co. titiami Palm Beach County Dept. of Comm. Serv. West Palm Beach ILLINOIS Belleville Area College Bel levlL Dept. of Human Services City of Chicago Chicago Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago Chicago City of Kankakee Kankakee Catholic Social Service Diocese of Belleville MI. Carmel Project NOW Community Action Agency, Inc. Rock Island Catholic Charities/Div. of Lake Co. Services Waukegan INDIANA Community Action Program of Evansville Evansville Gary Neighborhood Ser., Inc. Gary Flanner House Indianapolis AC1IUN, Inc. of Del. Co. Muncie Real Services of St. Joseph Cty., Inc. South Bend IOWA West Central Development Corp. Harlan Woodbury County Comm Action Agency SIOu\ City LOUISIANA The Lafayette Parish Council On Aging Lafayette Evangeline Council on Aging Inc. Ville Platte MARYLAND Anne Arundel Cty_ Eton. Oppnr. Comm., Inc. Annapnik Balli,., City Health Dept. B,dtimure F,inoh s Children's t,olien. Baltimore State lir Maryland Office on Aging Baltimore Jewish Coun. for the Aging of (treater Wash., Inc. Rockville Prince George's Cty. Gov., Dept. nt Services & Programs for the Aging Hyattsville Wicornico County Salisbury Balto. Cty. Dept. of Aging Towson MASSACHUSETTS Commission on Affairs of the Elderly Boston Bristol County Home Care for the Elderly Inc. Fall River Old Colony Elderly Services, Inc. Brockton Elder Services of Cape Cod & the Islands Inc. South Dennis Citizens for Citizens Fall River King Philip Elder Service, Inc. Foxboro Franklin County Home Care Corp. rumors Falls Ider Services of the Merrimack Valley, Inc. _awrence stinuteman Home Care Corporation .exington :oastline Elderly Serv., Inc. Yes. Bedford •un cervi I le -Cambridge Elder Services omerville lty of Springfield pringfield 'its of Worcester Comm_, on Elder Affairs Vn rc ester IICHIGAN Uri & Family Service of Washtenaw County nn Arbor lid -Counties Employment & Training Consortium Lille Creek it} of Detroit Emp. & Training Dept. etroit Immunity Schools Senior Citizens Service int tpitol Area Community Services Inc. nsing akland Livingston Human Service Agency intiac 1NNESOTA ty of Duluth rluth Minn. Central Labor Union Minneapolis Amherst H. Wilder Foun. St. Paul MISSISSIPPI So. Miss. Planning & Development District Gulfport Aging Services, City of Jackson Jackson Copiah-Lincoln Junior College Wesson MISSOURI Cardinal Ritter Institute (Two projects) St. Louis NEW JERSEY Community. Planning & Advocacy Council Camden North Jersey Comm. Union Newark Middlesex County Economic Opp. Corp. New Brunswick NEW YORK Babylon Town Hall Lindenhurst Steuben County Economic Opp. Program Inc. Bath Dept. of Senior Services Buffalo Chautauqua County Office for the Aging Mayville Chinatown Planning Council, Inc. New York City N.Y. City Human Resources Administration New York City Federation Employment & Guidance Service New York City Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults Inc. Jamaica ' City of Rome Rome City of Schenectady Schenectady Comm. on Economic Opp. for the Rensselaer County Area Inc. Trov NORTH CAROLINA State of Franklin Health Council, Inc. Bryson City Coordinating Council for Senior Citizens Durham Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Fayetteville United Services for Older Adults, Inc. Greensboro Cape Fear Area United Way Wih ningtun OHIO Senior Workers Action Pro. Akron United Way of Ashtabula County Ashtabula Columbiana County Mental Health Clinic Lisbon The Senior Citizens' Ctr. of the Greater Dayton Area Dayton Comm. Action Prog. Corp. of Wash -Morgan Cys. Marietta Youngstown Area Comm. Action Council Youngstown PENNSYLVANIA Tri-Cty. Manpower Admin. Butler Greater Erie Community Action Committee Erie Lancaster County Office of the Aging Lancaster Allegheny Co. Adult Services/ Area Agency on Aging Pittsburgh YMCA of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Regional Devel. Corp. Pottsville Luzeme/Wyoming Counties Bureau for the Aging Wilkes-Barre RHODE ISLAND Self -Help. Inc. E. Providence Mayor's Office of Community Development Providence SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston Area Senior Citicem Services. Inc. Charleston Lowcounty Senior Citizens Services Inc. Varnville TENNESSEE Senior Neighbors of Chattanooga, Inc. Chattanooga Office of the Mayor City of Knoxville Knoxville Northwest Tennessee Development District Martin Senior Citizens Services Inc. Meniphis TEXAS Amarillo Sen. Citizens Assn. Amarillo Dept. of Parks & Recreation City of Austin Austin • Sheltering Arms Houston Galveston County Commissioner's Court LaMarque Senior Citizens Service Inc. Port Arthur WASHINGTON, D.C. D.C. Dept. of Empl. Ser. Washington Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. Washington WASHINGTON Tacoma/Pierce Cry. Emp Training Consortium City of Tacoma Pierce County WEST VIRGINIA Marion County Commissio Fairmont Children and Family Services Assoc. Inc. Wheeling WISCONSIN Eau Claire City -County Assoc. on Aging Inc. Eau Claire Curative Workshop Rehabilitation Center Green Bay Senior Comm. Services o Southeastern Wisc. Inc. Kenosha Comm. Relations -Social Development Commissio- in Milwaukee County & Milwaukee Marathon County Comm. on Aging Wausau Senior Powat (Revised 5/Rt 91331690 RESOLUTION NO. 91-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND INDICATING ITS APPROVAL OF A PROPOSED VACATION OF THE EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY ON A PORTION OF TERRAMAR TWO, NOTIFYING THE COUNTY COMMISSION OF THE CITY'S APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION; CONTAINING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the Developer of Terramar Two, Parcel E, is applying for a vacation of the existing right-of-way more particularly described on the attached composite Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, as part of this proposed vacation and abandonment, the Developer proposes to dedicate right-of-way for a right turn lane at the new location for the right-of-way and relocate the 15 foot utility easement; and WHEREAS, the City Commission approves of the proposed vacation of the existing right-of-way on this basis, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Commission of the City of Parkland does hereby register its approval of the proposed vacation of the existing right-of-way as detailed on the attached composite Exhibit A on the basis of the agreement by the Developer to dedicate right-of-way for the right turn lane at its proposed new location and relocation of the utility easement. The City Manager is hereby authorized to provide copies of this Resolution to the Broward County Office of Planning and Broward County Administrator. s� 0 to FEE ITEM RETURN TO FRONT RECORDING \6I ANDREW t..URODIS. ESQ. RESOLUTION NO. 91-33 Page 2 3054804490 R.03 SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 7th DAY OF SUSAN ARMSTRONG, CITY'CLERK AUGUST , 1991 SAL PAGL A•', MAYOR 03 O+ CD LO 1- cm SURVEYORS Resol. 91-33 CARNAHAN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS PLANNERS 6191 W. ATLANTIC BLVD. MARGATE, FLORIDA 33063. (305)-972-3959 NOT A SURVEY (SKETCH AND LEGAL) TERRAMAR TWO RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE VACATED LOCATION MAP SECTION 36-47-41 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF TRACT "W" OF THE PLAT OF "TERRAMAR TWO" AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 142 AT PAGE 43 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHERNMOST CORNER OF SAID TRACT. "W"; THENCE SOUTH 01°31'12" EAST, ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT "W", A DISTANCE OF 272.47 FEET; ..THENCE SOUTH 02'20'22" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 180.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01'20'34" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 65.77 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT "W"; THENCE NORTH 45'49'23" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 32.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°41'48" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 14.73 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°18'12" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45°05'18" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 50.02 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01'31'12" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°17'39" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 180.40 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THE LAST SIX (6) DESCRIBED COURSES BEING COINCIDENT WITH THE SOUTHERLY AND WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT "W". SAID LANDS SITUATE IN THE CITY OF PARKLAND, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND CONTAIN 0.162 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. NOTE: BEARINGS BASED ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL "E" OF SAID "TERRAMAR TWO" HAVING A BEARING OF SOUTH 01'20'34" EAST, ACCORDING TO SAID PLAT. ID/VACROW2. TER REVISIONS DATE BY CTPD NOTES: SHEET SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH SHOWN HEREON COMPLIES WITH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR DESCRIPTION AS CONTAINED IN CHAPTER 21HH-6, 006(1), FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION RIGHT—OF—WAY TO BE VACATED TERRAMAR TWO P.O.B. NORTHERNMOST , CORNER OF TRACT W "TERRAMAR TWO" I P. B.142.PG.43,B.C.R.) EAST BOUNDARY OF TRACT 'W F N.02°17'39"E. 180.40' IQ I 0 Ii P. I I PARCEL "E" "TERRAMAR TWO" (P . B .142, P G.43, B. C. R. ) N.01 °31' 12"W. 200.00' I N WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF TRACT *W• N.44°05'18"E. 50.02' - WORDED IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS BOLA OF BRDW'RD COUNTY. FLORIDA COUNT ADMINISTRATOR N.00°18'12"W. 80.00' S.89°41'48"W. 14.73' N.45°49'23"W. 32.03' z • Res. 91-33 v N N W c 1 0) D O N 441 (S.R. 7) S.02°20'22"W. 180.38' S.01°20'34"E. 65.77' 100' (R/W BOOK 8. PG. 22. B.C.R.) CO 0' CO 3 c, O LEGEND B.C.R. = BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS = CENTERLINE P.B. • PLAT BOOK P.O.B. • POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C.• POINT OF COMMENCEMENT R/W • RIGHT-OF-WAY U.E. 4 UTILITY EASEMENT '-10,.= NON -VEHICULAR ACCESS LINE SCALE: 1" = 60' SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS eCARNAHAN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS SIIRVFVARS lawn TIFVFI APMFNIT rfnNQI II TAIJTC 01 A\IIAICoc