HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-35 Transfer of Budget Funds-Parks RE:;~LU'TION NO. ~a--35 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WITHIN THE 1939-1990 BUDGET AS ESTABLISHED IN ORDINANCE NO. 89-15; AUTHORIZING THE INCREASE OF THOSE BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS TO REFLECT THE RECEIPT OF ADDITIONAL REVEWJES; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR IMPROVEMENT TO CITY PARKS. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland, in accordance with Ordinance 89 -- 15, Section 3, recognizes the necessity for the transfer of funds from one fund, account or department to another to provide and maintain a proper accounting for all financial transactions; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland desires to appropriate additional revenues received in the General Fund for actual expenditure; and WHEREAS, the City Corr~ission of the City of Parkland authorizes the expenditure of funds for improvements to Cit1 Parks; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the City of Parkland hereby transfers funds as described on Exhibits A and B attached hereto and made a part hereof; and appropriates $198,129 additional revenues generated within the General Fund for actual expenditure; and authorizes the transfer of funds within the Park Improvements Fund for improvements to City Parks. Section 2. That the 1989-1990 Budget, as established.by Ordinance 89 -- 15 shall be amended to reflect the changes in accordance with Exhibits A and B attached hereto. Section 3. That all Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4. That this Resolution shall be full force and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AIID ADOP'l'ED 'l'HIS 19 DAY OF December , 1990. ~IDA ~--- PAGL ----')"'iiii:iiiC2 ~ 8U8A11 ~, CIn ~'C"-r" \~~~fr:-..r~ .....~r Ki~....; j-i,-I,' T:-::] :"',~"T: Jt>cl ') () :; 5 '-"I/--,-r'"'l"'" '-.. ~I ,... i...;..... i ""'" ,.,... --,--,.. .,j..."o.,iv...... FUND ACCOUNT A '.-'r-A.!'f"'un-"T KJ ',-I"~"l,-,\j. .1'.-, 1-. ".i ,. Ti-lE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS WILL BE AMENDED TO REFLECT A BUDGET r::CREASE BY THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO: COMMISSION CITY MANAGER PERSONNEL FINANCE LEGAL PLANNING ENGINEERING CITY CLER,I( BUILDING CODE ENfORCE. PUBLIC WORKS PARKS & REC. PUB. SAFET'/ TOTAL TRANSFERS 511101-507011 511101-504700 512120-501011 513115-501011 513115-502100 513115-502300 513115-503700 513115-504920 513115-504600 513115-504700 513115-606260 5131/5-606261 513150 501011 513150-502200 513150-503300 513150--504500 513150-505012 514110-503034 515343-503625 515343-505011 515350-501011 515350-502100 515350-502200 515350-502300 515350-504047 515350--505011 515350-506200 519105-503046 519105-503061 519105-504600 $500 $725 $1,300 .$4,800 $200 $275 $1,425 $3,000 $485 $385 $600 $3,500 tL" ('1-' r: .." J , vl..J $1,150 $4,060 $17,700 $800 $4,700 $47 1100 $1 , 300 $1C,20C $1,600 $3,000 $680 $t75 $230 $522 $1,800 $2,800 $225 $1,350 $35,600 $350 $1 ,200 $7,050 $725 $3,500 $ 75, 100 $1,300 "&"0''''' "ioiUVU $46,500 $800 $$5,500 $19,5:15 $13,800 $1,825 $750 $7,382 $590 ~4, 750 $ 7,210 519105-504700 524340-503069 524340-504000 524340-504700 524345-501011 534440-502300 534440-504370 534440--504350 534440-505200 534440-505280 5:14440-506063 572445-501011 572445-506300 521330-501071 521330-501400 521330-502100 521330-50220C 521330-504670 521330 505011 521330-505060 521330-506400 IIT,""I" . ." . $334,029 RES. 90-35 TI-iE fOLLOWltJG ACCJU/'fTS BE .~t:[t.'V:= AND TRANSFER or rU::DS TROM: D'CF'ARTMENT ru:t;) /,:::=Uf;r f~O.. Caf\1f>1ISSIOf; 511707--503&50 5 1 1 1 0 1 .- 5 0 4. 0 8 0 ::Tl/ f.1ANAGER 512. 7 20-,505290 5:2120-506200 PERSONNEL 513115-502800 FINANCE 5:3150-504600 513150-50620'0 513150--5062l0 LEGAL 514l10--503033 PLANNING 515343-503042 5l5343-503066 ENGINEERING 515350-503610 515350-503615 CITY CLERK 519105-503690 519105-504900 BUILDING 524340-502300 524340-505280 524340-505400 PUBLIC WORKS 534440-501011 534440--502200 534440-503690 534440-504630 534440-504680 534440-505281 534440-506043 53444-0--50C200 PARKS & REC. 572445-501400 572445-502100 572445-502200 572445--502300 572445-50432S 572445-504610 572445-504620 572445-504650 PUB. SAFET~' 52: 330-525000 5~li3JC-.52~100 S21330-5052SC 522310-504650 522310-5C5C6~ 522310-505400 522310 506043 TOTAL FUNDS TRANSFERRED "TROM": ;:;,:rL:Ci A BUDGET 1"'Ir:-r.,-,r:-,""r- ""';~ ......,',:- "1.v,- 8UDGET Al-~E/"'1t!)l~1'!:.t;: .$l2,000 $2,000 $1 , 300 ';:,900 $2,000 $1 ,200 $4,650 $500 t!-~ ..,,,'" v""" I 'oJ\; $1,000 $13,000 $9,800 $10,000 $2, 100 $: ,800 $2,500 $900 $500 ~ I. ,..",.., v'-i,vvU $1,000 $6,[;00 $2,500 $3,500 $2, 100 $2,900 $2,000 $500 $ 1 ,000 $500 ~2,OOO :'1,200 $1,500 $2,000 :;;3,000 $2,500 ....~ ~r.,"'" .;,>. , ...iV\",- $3,850 $1,60C $3,300 $1 ,200 $4,300 $135,100 THE BUDGE; WILL BE AMENDED TO REFLECT ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION OF REVENUES RECEIVED BY THE GENERAL FUND DURING THE FISCAL YEAR 1989-1990: LICENSES/PERMITS 302000-322100 LICENSES/PERMITS 302000-322~OC STATE GRANT 303000-334900 CHARGES/SERVICES 304000-34l200 MISC. REVENUES 306000-369905 MISC. REVENUES ~O~OOC-~69910 MISC. REVENUES 306000-3699l5 TOTA~ ADDITIONAL APPRCPRIATICN: $59,341 $46,000 $13,688 $23,000 $5,000 $41,100 $10,000 ':1')[,,729 RES. 90-35 RESOLUTION 90 -35 - EXHIBIT B THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS ARE AMENDED TO REFLECT BUDGET TRANSFERS TO PROPERLY ACCOUNT FOR THE EXPENDITURES TO IMPROVE CIT>' PARKS: DEPARTMENT FUND ACCOUNT NO. BUDGET AMENDMENT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~.-. .~ w~ ._ _ _ .. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ ._ _ ._ _ _._ _ _ _ _. __ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ._ _ _ _ __ FUND 112; 572445-506300 TRANSFER "TO"; 572445-506320 TRANSfER "TO"; 572445-506410 TRANSFER "TO"; TOTAL TRANSFERS "TO"; $23,000 $62,915 $61,602 $747,517 572445-506044 TRANSFER "FROM": TOTAL TRANSFERS "fROM"; ~., -1" ~..,.., ";'1 ~I I..)' J $147,577