HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-23 Amendment to Reso 1990-20 RESOLUTION NO. 90 - 23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF. THE CITY OF PARKLAND, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 90 - 20 RELATING TO THE INITIATION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE BROWARD COUNTY TRAFFIC CIRCULATION PLAN FOR THE REALIGNMENT OF PINE ISLAND ROAD AND NOB HILL ROAD AND DELETING THE SAWGRASS EXPRESSWAY EXTENSION FROM THE BROWARD COUNTY TRAFFICWAYS PLAN AND DIRECTING CITY STAFF TO NEGOTIATE A SETTLEMENT ON THE TRAFFICWAYS AMENDMENTS. WHEREAS, the City Commission oT the City oT Parkland believes that it would be in the best interests oT the residents oT the City oT Parkland and Broward County Tor Pine Island Road and Nob Hill Road to be realigned; and WHEREAS, the City oT Parkland City Commission believes that the proposed realignment, as contained in the attached Exhibits A and B oT Resolution No. 90 - 20 does not provide the most appropriate realignment Tor Pine Island Road and Nob Hill Road or is in the best interest oT the City; and WHEREAS, the City Commission believes the realignments contained on the attached Exhibits C and D are in the best interests oT the City; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The City oT Parkland does hereby repeal Resolution No. 90 - 20 and declare it OT no Torce and eTTect. Section 2: The City OT Parkland hereby rescinds the requests as presented in Resolution No. 90 - 20 and requests that the realignments depicted on Exhibits C and D be used as the basis Tor negotiations with Coral Ridge Properties Tor a realignment oT said roads. Upon conclusion OT said negotiations and agreement on a realignment, the City shall also consider an application Tor deletion oT the Sawgrass extension. Resol. 90 - 23 Section 31 This Resolution shall take e~~ect immediately upon pas.age and the appropriate City o~~icial. shall implement same. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS_____DAY OF 1990. SAL PAGLIARA, MAYOR SUSAN ARMSTRONG, CITY CLERK ~ t-.. i 0 ~~..~''''-_ u ",:"~~ crro~ ON"SI JNld .,' ,..' U1' 11: ....~ ., .. <( " "," .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . - . .~ . I ~ -', ~ S3~JV OOl - 7 "" s:: I ~ I, ~ I~}. ~._._._.~.~.~,~.~,~.~,~,~.~t~.~~ --.--- o . . . . I . , '~, ,OYOII 1,tH ION i ~ , .........................T......~ . ' J . j , i . I J , i I i . i , , I 3A11IO UISII3AINIl I:~,~ 7h-r ,P--' 10 _~"/. EXHIBIT D (..... /"f' "-'" r) "/ V '''- /L..~.Ycr{ . fo - & 3 . L. I . . /:l = . ~ - I-j lQ I-j = ~ ~ r..-..-..-.......-.- i l._.._.._.. ~ o G: ~ a:: J- <fw Vl> 0_ a.!;( Oz a:: a:: a.w a.f- a::;;i u . . I . . .