HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-22 Authorization for City Officials to Endorse Parkland Sports Assoc By-Laws RESOLUTION NO. 90 - 22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECum AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PARKLAND AND THE PARKLAND ATHLETICS AND RECREATION FOR KIDS. INC., d.b.a. PARKLAND SPORTS ASSOCIATION TO DEFINE CERTAIN RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARKLAND SPORTS ASSOCIATION AND ACKNOWLEDGING THAT THE CITY OF PARKLAND HAS ULTIMATE CONTROL OVER ITS OPEN PARKS WHEREAS. the City Commission of the City of Parkland finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City to execute an Agreement between the City of Parkland and the Parkland Athletics and Recreation for Kids, Inc., d.b.a. Parkland Sports Association to define certain responsibilities of the Parkland Sports Association and acknowledging that the City of Parkland has ultimate control over its open parks; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, that: Section 1: That the appropriate City officials are hereby authorized to execute the attached Agreement between the City of Parkland, Florida and the Parkland Athletics and Recreation for Kids. Inc.. d.b.a. Parkland Sports Association. Section 2: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. Seotember PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ~ DAY OF . 1990. sA1IA&t~ -~'-b'~'-- SU ARMSTRONG, Ci ty~erk AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into this 5th day of September, 1990 by and between the CITY OF PARKLAND, a Florida municipal corporation (Parkland). and the PARKLAND ATHLETICS AND RECREATION FOR KIDS, INC., d.b.a. PARKLAND SPORTS ASSOCIATION, a Florida non-for-profit corporation (Association). as follows: WHEREAS, Parkland and the Association wish to cooperate in the scheduling of events at the Terramar. Quigley, and Equestrian Center Parks in the City of Parkland: and WHEREAS. the parties wish to define certain responsibilities, acknowledging that Parkland has ultimate and total control over its open parks: NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT AGREED BY AND BE'IWEEN THE PARTIES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. With respect to the Terramar, Quigley, and Equestrian Center Parks, the Association shall have authority, subject to approval by the City Manager, to create a master schedule of all athletic events requiring field space. Section 2. The Association shall coordinate the master schedule through the designee of the City Manager, which person shall be responsible for ultimate acceptance of any master schedule suggested by the Association. This schedule shall include any practices by sports teams. Section 3. The Association shall maintain all soccer goals. nets, and bases. Section 4. The Association shall coordinate all concession activities, provided that appropriate notice is provided to Parkland and that the City Manager approves those concession activities and that sufficient insurance is provided to protect Parkland from any liability. Further, the Association shall provide reasonable written notice to Parkland of any building or operational deficiencies in reasonable advance of any use of the taci Uties. Section 5.. The Association shall provide reasonable written Department as anticipated crowds might warrant. Section 6. The Association shall provide supervision at its sporting events to monitor and thereby minimize damages, incidents and desecrations against public properties and immediately report said incidents and matters requiring maintenance to the person designated by the City Manager to coordinate activities with the Association. Section 7. The Association shall coordinate and communicate between all Parkland groups requesting usage of the facilities and shall communicate any requests for use of the facilities to Parkland. Section 8. Parkland does hereby maintain ultimate and total control and use of the facilities referred to herein and either party has the right, upon thirty (30) days written notice to cancel this contract, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF PARKLAND. FLORIDA By.~~~ . SAL AG lARA, 0 PARKLAND ATHLETICS AND RECREATION FOR KIDS, INC.. d.b.a. PARKLAND SPORTS ASSOCIATION By: DON FERGUSON, PRESIDENT ATrEST : --.5...... r>- Q ~~ SUSAN ARMSTRONG, CITY' -2- AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into this ~th day of September, 1990 by and between the CITY OF PARKLAND. a Florida municipal corporation (Parkland). and the PARKLAND ATHLETICS AND RECREATION FOR KIDS. INC.. d.b.a, PARKLAND SPORTS ASSOCIATION. a Florida non-for-profit corporation (Association), as follows: WHEREAS. Parkland and the Association wish to cooperate in the scheduling of events at the Terramar. Quigley. and Equestrian Center Parks in the City of Parkland: and WHEREAS. the parties wish to define certain responsibilities. acknowledging that Parkland has ultimate and total control over its open parks: NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. With respect to the Terramar. Quigley. and Equestrian Center Parks, the Association shall have authority. SUbject to approval by the City Manager. to create a master schedule of all athletic events requiring field space. Section 2. The Association shall coordinate the master schedule through the designee of the City Manager. which person shall be responsible for ultimate acceptance of any master schedule suggested by the Association. This schedule shall include any practices by sports teame. Section 3. The Association shall maintain all soccer goals, nets. and bases. Section 4.. The Association shall coordinate all concession activities. provided that appropriate notice is provided to Parkland and that the City Manager approves those concession activities and that sufficient insurance is provided to protect Parkland from any liability. Further. the Association shall provide reasonable written notice to Parkland of any building or operational deficiencies in reasonable advance of any use of the facilities. Section 5. The Association shall provide reasonable written Department as anticipated crowds might warrant. Section 6. The Association shall provide supervision at its sporting events to monitor and thereby minimize damages, incidents and desecrations against public properties and immediately report said incidents and matters requiring maintenance to the person designated by the City Manager to coordinate activities with the Association. Section 7. The Association shall coordinate and communicate between all Parkland groups requesting usage of the facilities and shall communicate any requests for use of the facilities to Parkland. Section e. Parkland does hereby maintain ultimate and total control and use of the facilities referred to herein and either party has the right. upon thirty (30) days written notice to cancel this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF PARKLAND. FLORIDA By. J I ~__ .-' . sA~t~"I:lARA. R PARKLAND ATHLETICS AND RECREATION FOR KIDS, INC., d,b,a. PARKLAND SPORTS ASSOCIATION By: DON FERGUSON, PRESIDENT ATrEST : ,,<L_~A ~ SUSAN ARMSTRONG, CITY ERK -2-