HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-14 Support Senate Bill 20 & House Bill 1765 Expanding Drug Free Zone AreasRESOLUTION NO.: 90 - 14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, ENDORSING AND RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF SENATE BILL 20 AND HOUSE BILL 825 WHICH EXPANDS THE AREA OF DRUG FREE ZONES TO INCLUDE DAY CARE CENTERS, YOUTH CENTERS, PUBLIC SWIMMING POOLS, VIDEO ARCADES AND WHEREVER IT IS LIKELY THAT CHILDREN WILL GATHER; PROVIDING FOR FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSION SUGGESTING THE IMPORTANCE OF THESE BILLS AND THE NECESSITY FOR THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO ADOPT ONE COHESIVE LEGISLATIVE PACKAGE TO INCORPORATE THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS LEGISLATION; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZATION AND DIRECTION TO THE CITY MANAGER TO TRANSMIT CERTIFIED COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE BROWARD DELEGATION OF THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE, TO THE FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES, TO THE BROWARD LEAGUE OF CITIES, AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED GOVERNMENTAL AND PRIVATE AGENCIES HAVING AN INTEREST IN THE CHILDREN OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND FURTHER INDICATING THIS CITY'S SUPPORT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SUCH LEGISLATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland, Florida, has, from time to time analyzed and publicly reviewed pending legislation in the Florida Legislature as it may affect citizens and residents of the City of Parkland, Broward County and the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, this City Commission has become aware of the proposals known as Senate Bill 20 and House Bill 825 which by their terms, provide for the expansion of the area of drug free zones to include day care centers, youth centers, public swimming pools, video arcades and wherever it is likely that children will gather in addition to amending Chapter 893, Florida Statutes, to provide the same penalties for the sale, purchase, manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance within 1,000 feet of the aforementioned locations; and WHEREAS, this Legislation is extremely important because the children to be protected are very impressionable and the drug activity impedes governmental efforts to assist in establishing a positive environment for all of the children of the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, it has been found that there exists a great degree of criminal activity around the areas where illegal drugs are sold and that the locations set forth in the Legislation, as proposed and in this Resolution are such locations; and WHEREAS, this City Commission seeks to support all legislation which assists in elimination of drug use, sale and manufacture and benefits the children of our State; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption thereof. Section 2. This City Commission strongly endorses and supports Senate Bill 20 and House Bill 825 which seeks to expand the area of drug-free zones to include day care centers, youth centers, public swimming pools, video arcades and wherever it is likely that children will gather for the purposes of protecting children from the sickness of drug sales, purchases, manufacture or delivery. Section 3. The State Legislature, and specifically the Broward Delegation, is specifically requested to consider the importance and impact of the aforesaid legislation as it affects not only Broward County and its municipalities, but the entire State of Florida and the children who will benefit, and serve to benefit, by the enforcement of such legislation. Section 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed by the City Commission to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Broward Delegation, to the Florida Legislature, to the Florida League of Cities, to the Broward League of Cities, and to all other governmental or private agencies having jurisdiction and an interest in the future of our State's children with the concurrent impact of enforcing, once effective, Senate Bill 20 and House Bill 825. Section 5. All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 16 DAY OF May ATTEST: SUSAN ARMSTRONG, CITY Res.11 5/18/90 , 1990. 440112saf0 spJOM :SNI003 3 W r O .0 OD N N N N r r Pr - W r O .O N 1•+ •saT TAF}oe 3 01 M n 01 1M. C eh I- ean}ino ao er r 11 0. 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