HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11 Variance-Jill Heffernan (lot 157C) Pine Tree Estates RESOLUTION NO. 90-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA FOR A VARIANCE OF LOT 157-C, PINE TREE ESTATES, PETITIONER JILL HEFFERNAN, CASE NO. 005-V-90. WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the City Commission, on the 2 day of May, 1990, a Public Hearing was held to hear testimony and receive exhibits for and against the petition of Jill Heffernan, requesting a variance to Section 22-54 of the City of Parkland, Code of Ordinances, FROM: TO: VARIANCE: 25 feet 21 feet 4 feet on property located and described as follows: Lot 157-C, 6003 N.W. 66 Way, Pinetree Estates, WHEREAS, a proper Notice of Public Hearing was sent to property owners of record within 500 feet of the subject property WHEREAS, after due consideration of all testimony and exhibits and review of the criteria for granting a variance as set forth in the Code of Ordinance governing the City Commission, the Commission found that all necessary criteria had been satisfied, and; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Parkland, that; The variance request of Jill Heffernan identified as petition 005-V-90 criteria set forth in Code of Ordinance was satisfied. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 2 DAY OF May .1990. ;At~!f(~ ~._- - Q" ~ SUSAN ARMSTRONG, CITY CLERK ,-j ~"l. ,':'. .,. ,','", . ..~:~,: ';:;:,'(:,<I\,'::;t,-' '~." ,.' ': ..\.;.' ,:::~:/', I,~ . CITY OF ~PARKLAND ':g:;.~e-;;'~:;(:: . ::::..t~. ZONIN15 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION ..- .' ;~':"~' .-~. -,< ,-" , ' -' -v' '-..- .:. -. ' ~.'r.tlt:ion for Variance. and inh"p,..tations q:f ouestion. ).~:~. \relatilj;lto the Zonino Code.. . . " '. RE~UI~ED INFORMATION '. ".. '. "A. :.:'.,:;FEE'. ,!QO. 00 * 'B.. '.(2) .SEALED SURVEYS ::1:.. :':'(10) ~OLDED SITE PLANS "D.NAME 'AND ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN :500 FT. Date A pl'n 4, l.9.9.CL. Cue No. 00 q - V - 11'0 Receipt No.____.._. ,2. 1 ' The'-'~ci.r,t1igned hereby P..,t~~ig"a the .ctW: ofP.arkhnd for. ."" ., a) Varhnce from Sedion (sl '. .:2.:2. -5"-1 of the Code of Ordi Ilnces '. "p) Appeal from the decision.,'Df".an administrative official concerning ii' Sttction(s)' .' ,.' of the Zoning Code. The petitioner requests that~~'n.c:essary reviews/hearings by the City to be held to conaid~r the granting of this petition. Tl;Iei:property is prtttiently zoned , ," ',a) Address 6003 N .W 66 ":b) Lot(.) 1'570 Block c) Folio No. 1_. resld"t)'ti A.1 and is located as follow$: Way,',;' . -...--- .- .-.......--.... -.--.-.---..-..... .... 8ubdi vi si on.E!.!:l~tE.!l~..~S~~~.~.S or "'. -,&,. '1 ad.the (check one): . ,eX) Owner ( ( ).; Trustee ( Lessee Other (spf lie if y) __.~o_. __._...___. Contract Purchaser 4. ..... The' ret~fd owner of the property isl .. .i.t'~ai U no '.~dreslu '~h" Chec~~PP'licable box below. CODE SECT! ON . Same as ab~______~'_'__'_"_'d ."CODE REQUIREMENT PETITIONERS,. VARIANCE 8I;.QWL_o.o... ....._ j~I:1QL1l':1L.._._ ... .~., . .sET~ACK FRONT YARD} . .,.... ....:. 'SIDEYARD ,>."j)'~..st;,.S' AL... :..___--:..... _,.q;.~.=~==-~_ REAR YARD '. . ___________ OTHER, SPECIFY II. ;' " __._______._ .Thl.pplicant muat answer all of the fol1~wing: (attach a separate sheet if :-"_n.,~...lry..) ,'., '.' . . del",. Ar~the apechl anduni.que condi ti o.na di recti y attri bubble to the. ,"piiUticnlr's cas. and not generally applicable to the property located ,in the zoning diatric.t? Y~8 ____._ -. ,. (b) Are the speciar and uniquI conditiona directly attributable to the' actions of the petitionllr? Who or .what is responsible? ~. I "'iAt to 'h"n "SIll +.,.,'" 11'+.,,11 l'!::tl'n. '''he l'eaaan_.!.OL.;.t.b.fLy..a.r.1.an.c.e ill, T linn'1: WRY.l't t:n 'hRve'tnl'p.mnvp. a doubl~a........~];lr..e.s.~r..e..e.__..__. (c) How would the literal t:nterpretati!,n of the Code of Ordinance, '. . uapplied to the peUti.CI.ner,.dlpriVI the petitioner of rights commonly enjQ'ied by the owner.'of'oth~r prop.,rty i" the zoning di.Jtr'-i~t? .. It wou:rl1 not de~rive the enJQyment of tbe owners or otner,proper_~y._._It . will be.a well ept barn with sidinp; of simula:tid briQktd'matCli. toe ex1stinp; pump bouse.. . ., . -"'__"--~---'-'----"- ';,"'.' (d).,,~Is.cJt;h. vari4nce granteFldJh, miri(~~ulI variance nece~-;;:y- ~th;-P;t1t-i~ner-'-'-- (~~ '::<'~~\ii~k:r~~:~~~a~~:~:~i:~~:h"Qf~~~~:~~tal ~~s the pUbi.t"c~;!ih"~;'-;C;:"'-"'~"_U'--- injurious to property or impro~;~ents in the zoning district or neighborhood involved? How'orhownot? Grantin~ tbe variance would not. be detrimental to public welfare or injuriOUS topro'per'e"y-Tinproveme-if-e--:b-ecause it ",-11 J 'h", A nl AA.n &. wA11ilianipured barn wi tli'-:t:i.~WR~~A:_~br~b--tom~f":fg8 ' (f) Would granting the variance bll'c;J:lntrary to the object~ve$of theex ~1;J.'() a: sea] ~ ~omprehensive Plan of the City~t Par~land (Staff ...asslstanfe required) ___.__.:..u Signed: :1/~. .~../~.. - .~_.- Petitio"'.,.., i-r~,i"':' . : wner of Record 0 t~titioner N~~'~Add~ess, !cPhon,.,~~,,<; '. (Attach Authoriza j~~:ll~~~t~\I.rk: 9*6-i;+~ (Pi it.se Pr iJ,t:.~ Or:" Type)' ~J APPFORM\8A',. . . . .;' . ,.' ',,~: .:, ',I . 1,_\ ;;. " .Received by: 67k<'~~_,.~,~ - . '.:~- ~-' ;;.: ~':' '-.~~: . ',. .::;-....:..:~\;;t~:>,.:. ::~.\.~ . .. :1 :~::t. . ~. ",,;-. '. ~r;. -' .-j!,..,~. .!..~.: