HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06 Bill of Sale-FL National Properties to Parkland-Paving & Drainage, Holmberg Rd, Univ Dr & Pine Island Rd RESOLUTION NO. 90 - 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OFFICIALS TO ACCEPT AN EXECUTED BILL OF SALE TOGETHER WITH AN AFFIDAVIT FROM FLORIDA NATIONAL PROPERTIES FOR THE PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS TO HOLMBERG ROAD, UNIVERSITY DRIVE AND PINE ISLAND ROAD, PARKLAND WHEREAS. the City Commission of the City of Parkland finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City to accept the attached executed Bill of Sale and Affidavit from Florida National Properties for the paving and drainage improvements to Holmberg Road, University Drive and Pine Island Road; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, that: Section 1: The appropriate City officials are hereby authorized to accept the attached Bill of Sale and Affidavit from Florida National Properties; Section 2: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. March PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS --22- DAY OF , 1990. d!tr6~ ~~~ SUSAN ARMSTRONG, City C 1 k RESOLUTION NO. 90 - 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CCIIIISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OFFICIALS TO ACCEPT AN EXECUTED BILL OF SALE TOGmmR WITH AN AFFIDAVIT FROM FLORIDA NATIONAL PROPERTIES FOR THE PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVDIENTS TO HOLIIBIRG ROAD, UNIVERSITY DRIVE AND PINE ISLAND ROAD, PARKLAND WHEREAS, the City Comm1..1on of the City of Parkland find. and determine. that it 1. in the be.t 1ntere.t of the citizen. of the City to accept the attached executed Bill of Sale and Affidavit from Florida National Propert1e. for the paving and drainage improvement. to Holmberg Road, Univer.ity Drive and Pine I.land Road; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, that: Section 1: The appropriate City official. are here~ authorized to accept the attached Bill of Sale and Affidavit fram Florida National Propert1e.; Section 2: That thi. Re.olution .hall be in full force and effect immediately upon it. pa..age and adoption. March PASSED AND ADOPTED nus -2.!.... DAY OF , 1990 . dLJf#~ -S-~ ~ SUSAN ARMSTRONG, City Cl k ~t::::;. ~u-o Improvements hereby made, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the party of the first part has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its officers hereunto duly authorized this 9th day of March , 1990. ;. _~i FLORIDA NATIONAL PROPERTIES, INC. BY:~ .:J....~, - & . Buntemeyer, Presi [Corpol-oate Seal] Attest: ~h.~ A. . Malanos, Secretary =RV~ I ., ~I STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to take acknowledgments, W. BUNTEMEYER and A. N. MALANOS, well known to me to be the President and Secretary, respectively, of FLORIDA NATIONAL PROPERTIES, INC., and they acknowledged before me that they executed the foregoing Bill of Sale freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed and that the seal affixed thereto is the true corpor ~eal of said corporation. Springs, WITNESS my hand and Broward County, Florida this ~ ,...,--.-.' , My Commission Expires: 4/2/91 Res. 90-6 EXHIBIT IIAII . A portion ot sections 4 and 5, Township 48 South, Range 41 East, Broward County, Florida, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of the Right of Way for ~niversity Drive as described in otticial R~cord Book 12641 at Page 475 of the Public Records of said Broward County on the northerly line of Parcel 304.A ot the Sawgrass Expressway as described in Official Record Book 12335 at Page 900 of said Public Records; thence South 63'13'57" West (Bearings are relative to State Plane Coordinates as shown on STONER/KEITH RESURVEY OF A PORTION OF TOWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, ALL OF TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, '.ALL OF TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Miscellaneous Plat Book 3 at Page 44 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida), along the southerly Right of Way line of said University Drive on said northerly line of Parcel 304.A, a distance ot 120.00 feet to the southwest corner of said University Drive at the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the southwest havin~ a r~dius of 159d.27 feet, a central angle of 18'06'42" and to said corner a radial line bears North 63'13'57" East; thence northwesterly, along said curve on the westerly Right of Way line ot said University Drive, a distance of 505.22 teet to the point ot reverse curvature of a curve concave to the northeast having a radius ot 1718.27 teet; . thence northwesterly, along said curve on said westerly Right of Way line, through a ,~entral angle of 13'29'20", a distance of 404.52 feet to the northwest corner of said University Drive at the southwest corner of University Drive as shown on the plat of THE LANDINGS OF PARKLAND as recorded in Plat Book 137 at Page 22 of said Public Records; thence continue northwesterly, along said curve on the westerly Right ot Way line of said University Drive, through a central angle of 16'59'18", a distance of 509.48 feet to the .south~rly Right of Way line ot Landings Drive as show~ on said plat of THE LANDINGS OF PARKLAND; thence North 58'10'33" West, along said southerly Right of Way line, non-tangent to said curve, a distance of 48.43 feet; thence South 78.0~~00" West, along said southerly Right of Way line, a distance of 6.15 teet to a point on a curve concave to the east having a radius of 1758.27 feet, a central angle of 02'36'26" and to said point a radial line bears South 76'44'47" West, said curve being concentric with and 40.00 feet,westerly from said westerly Right of Way line of University Drive; 1f.1/.'- ",,, " Page 1 of 9 .."- \ Res. 90-6 thence northerly, along said concentric curve, a distance of 80.01 feet to the northerly Right of Way line of said Landings Drive: thence North 78"03'00" East, along said northerly Right of Way line, non-tangent to said curve, a distance of 6.15 feet: thence North 34"16'33" East, along said northerly Right of Way line, a distance of 48.43 feet to a point on a curve on said westerly Right of Way line of University Drive, said curve being concave to the east having a radius of 1718.27 feet and to said point a radial line bears South 80'30'06" West: _. . thence northerly, along said curve on said westerly Right of Way line, through a central angle of 16'06'46", a distance of 483.21 feet: thence North 06'36'52" East, along said westerly Right of Way line, a distance of 476.44 feet to the southerly Right of Way line of Holmberg Road as. sho~n on said plat of THE LANDINGS OF PARKLAND: . thence North 42'48'58" West, along said southerly Right of Way line, a distance of 53.17 feet to a point at the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the south having a radius of 2628.00 feet, a central angle of 06'32'2611 and to said point a radial line bears North 02"14'49" West: . thence westerly, along said curve on said southerly Right of Way line, a distance of 300.00 feet: thence South 82'28'41" West, along said southerly Right of Way line, non-tangent to said curve, a distance of 200.00 feet to a point at the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the, southeast having a radius of 2640.00 feet, a cen~ral angle of 25'23'50", and to said point a radial line bears North 13"07'52" West; thence southwesterly, along said curve on said southerly Right of Way line, a distance of 1170.22 feet; thence South 51'28'18" West, along said southerly Right of Way line, a distance of 832.20 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 2560.00 feet and a central a~gle of 38'51'09"; thence southwesterly and westerly, along said curve on said southerly Right of Way line, a distance of 1735.95 feet; . - . 1f.".... II.',', Page 2 of 9 Res. 90-6 thence North 89'40'33" West, along said southerly Right of Way line, a distance of 455.61 feet to a southwest corner of said Holmberg Road on the easterly Right of Way line of Pine Island Road as described in Official Record Book 15050 at Page 922 of said Public Records; thence South 00'52'50" East, along said easterly Right of Way line, a distance of 957.11 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the west having a radius of 16278.78 feet and a central angle of 01'05'47"; thence southerly, along said curve on said easterly Right of Way line, a distance of 311.48 feet to the southeast corner of said pine Island Road on the northerly line of Parcel 302.A of the Sawgrass Expressway as described in Official Record Book 12335 at Page ~33 of said Public Records; . thence North 89'28'03" West, along said northerly line, non-radial to said curve, a ' di~tance of 7.00 feet to a point at the beginning of ~ non-tnngent curve concavetQ,the west having a . radius of 16271.78 feet, a central angle of 00'19'01" and to said point a radial line bears South 8ge47'04" East; - . . " thence southerly, along said curve, a distance of 90.00 feet; thence South 00'31'57" West, a distance of 200.00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the west having a radius of 1815,95 feet and a central angle of 01'34'40"; thence southerly, along said curve, a distance of 50.01 '~eet to the south line of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section 4; thence North 89'28'03" West, along said south line, non-radial to said curve, a distance of 20.35 feet to the southwest corner of said Southwest Qua~ter (SW 1/4) and the southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 5; thence North 89'28'03" West, along the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4), a distance of 85.70 feet to a point at the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the west having a radius of 1709.95 feet, a central angle of 01'40'32" and to said point a radial line bears South 87'47'31" East; , . . thence northerly, along said curve, a distance of 50.01 feet; thence North 00'31'57" East, a distance of 200.00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave the west having a radius of 16165.78 feet and a central angle of 00'37'13"; to /f"', ""., Page 3 of 9 thence northerly, along said curve, a distance of 175.00 feet to the southeast corner of the additional Right of Way for Pine Island Road as shown on the plat of SCHOOL SITE 3010 as recorded in Plat Book 138 at Page 16 of said Public Records; thence North 89'28'03" West, along the southerly line of said additional Right of Way, non-radial to said curve, a distance of 7.00 feet to the southwest corner of said additional Right of Way at the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the west having a radius of 16158.78 feet,' a central angle of 00'28'17" and to said corner a radial line bears North 89'54'43" East; thence northerly, along said curve on the westerly Right of Way line of said additional Right of Way, a distance of 133.02 feet; thence South 89'07'10" West, along said westerly Right of Way line, non-radial to said curve, a distance of 14.00 feet to a point at the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the west having a r8~ius of 16144.78 feet, a c~ntra\ angle of 00'19'17" and to said point a radial line bear~, N~r:~b ~~ ~ ~~~ 2?~ .Eas~.:..... _ .. .. '.. ._.,. _0 '" '.' '.. thence northerly, along said curve on said westerly Right of Way line, a distance of 90.53 feet; thence North 00'52'50" West, along said westerly Right of Way line, a distance of 154.47 feet; . '. thence North 07'05'20" East, along said westerly Right of Way line, a distance of 100.98 feet; thence North 00'52'50" West, along said westerly Right of Way line, a distance of 65.00 feet; thence South 89'07'10" West, along said' westerly Right of Way line, a distance of 12.00 feet; thence North 00'52'50" West, along said westerly Right of Way line, a distance of 245.00 feet; thence North 05'57'44" East, along said westerly Right of Way line, a distance of 100.72 feet; . . . thence North 00'52'50" West, along said westerly Right of Way line, a distance of 260.88 feet; . It.. .. .,., " PAllA 4 o~ g . . Res. 90-6 thence continue North 00'52'50" West, alon9 the northerly prolonqation of said westerly Riqht of Way line, a distance of 103.78 feet to the be9innin9 of a curve concave to the west on the westerly Right of Way line of said Pine Island Road, said curve havinq a radius of 2540.00 feet and a central anqle of 01'02'03"; thence northerly, along said curve on said westerly Riqht of Way line, a distance of 45.85 feet to a northwest corner of said Pine Island Road; thence North 88'05'07" East, alon9 the northerly Riqht of Way line ot said pine Island Road and its easterly prolongation, radial to said curve, a distance ot 81.29 feet to the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 5 and the west line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 4; thence continue North 88'05'07" East, along said northerly Right of Way line, a distance of 38.71 fe-.t to the northeast corner of.~aid ~ine Island Road at the'north."est corner of said Holmberq Road; . . .. .. . ".-. . .',,, . ',..... ,-".. .. . -.. .. -, .. -.' -. .. thence South 89'40'33" East, alonq the northerly Riqht of Way line of said Holmber9 Road, a distance of 458.57 feet to the beqinninq of a curve concave to the northwest havin9 a radius of 2440.00 feet and a central anqle of 38"51'09"; , ,thence easterly and northeasterly~ alon9 said' curve on said northerly Riqht of Way line, ~ distance of 1654.57 feet; thence North 51'28'18" East, alonq said northerly Riqht of Way line, a distance of 832.20 feet to the beqinninq of a curve concave to the southeast havin9 a radius of 2760.00 feet; thence northeasterly., alonq said curve on said northerly Riqht of Way line, throuqh a central anqle of 22'26'17", a distance of 10~0.87 feet to the south Riqht of Way line of Holmbcrq Road (a 100.00 foot wide road Right of Way) as described in Offieial Record Book 1378 at paqe 586 of said PUblic Records; thence continue northeasterly, alonq said curve, throuqh a central anqle of 11'21'06", a distance of 546.82 feet to the north Riqht of Way 11ne ot said ~olmberq Road; thence continue northeasterly and easterly, alon9 said curve on said northerly Riqht of Way line of Holmberq Road as shown on said plat of THE LANDINGS OF PARKLAND, through a central anqle of 04'52'44", a distance of 235.02 ~eet; '/I.It... .,."" . J)~CJA ~ of! 9 thence South 89' 51' 35" East, along said northerly Right of Way line, a distance of 67.19 feet to the northeast corner of said Holmberg Road on the northerly prolongation of the easterly Right of Way line of said University Drive: . thence South 06'36'52" West, along said northerly prolongation, a distance of 0.96 feet to 'a northwest corner of the Right of Way for Holmberg Road as described in Official Record Book 16006 at 'Page 545 of said Public Records at the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 2351.83 feet, a central angle of 03'39'03", and to said corner a radial line bears North 01"46'30" East; thence southeasterly, along said curve on the north Right of Way line of said Holmberg Road, a distance of 149.86 feet to said north Right of Way line of Holmberg Road (a 100.00 foot wide road Right of Way) as described in Official Record Book 1378 at Page 586: thence South 89'~1'35" ~ast, along said north Right of Way line, non-tangent to said curve, a distance of 89.41 feet: thence South 00"08'25" West, a distance of 100.00 feet to the south Right of Way line of said Holmberg Road; thence' continue South 00'08'25" West, a distance of 31.09 feet to a point on a curve concave to the southwest on'thesotitherly Right of Way line of said Holmberg Road as described in said Official Record Book 16006 at Page 545, said curve .' having a radius of .2231.83 feet and to said point a radial line bears North 08'01'21" East; thence northwesterly, along said curve on said southerly Right ot Way line, through a central angle ot 06'30'30", a distance of 253.52 feet to the southwest corner of said Holmberg Road on said ea~t~rly Right of Way line of University Drive; thence South 06'36'52" West, along said easterly Right of Way line, non-radial to said curve, a distance of 542.80 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the east having a radius of 1598.27 feet: thence southerly and southeasterly, along said curve on said easterly Right of Way line, through a central angle ~f 40'42~16", a distance of 1135.45 feet to the southeast corner of said University Drive at the northeast corner of said University Drive as described in Official Record Book 12641 at Page 475: . If.''.I. "" " ....--- ~ .' Res. 90-6 thence continue southeasterly, along said curve on the easterly Right of Way line of said University Drive, through a central angle of 10'47'21", a distance of 300.96 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curve concave to the southwest havin~ a radius of 1718.27 feet and a central angle of 18'06'42"; . thence southeasterly, along said curve on said easterly Right of Way line, a distance of 543.16 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH the northwesterly 12.00 feet of Vista Del Lago Drive adjoining said Holmberg Road. ALSO TOGETHER WITH the northwesterly 12.00 feet of Long Bay Drive North adjoining said Holmberg Road. Said land being in the city of Parkland, Broward County, Florida. containing 26.255 Acres, more or less. .7'1.1 #A.. If c. . . nt::;:). ;JU-U AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared WERNER BUNTEMEYER, who, after being by me first duly sworn, deposes and says of his personal knowledge that: 1. He is President of Florida National Properties, Inc. , a Florida corporation, the principal office of which is located at 3300 University Drive, Coral Springs, Florida 33065. 2. Florida National Properties, Inc., pursuant to an Agreement for Construction and/or Installation of Paving and Drainage Improvements with the City of Parkland, dated December 6, 1989 (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement"), has heretofore furnished or caused to be furnished labor, materials and services for the construction and installation of paving and drainage improvements for a portion of Holmberg Road, University Drive and Pine ISland Road, in the City of Parkland, Broward County, Florida, described below and as more particularly set forth in the Agreement: A. The extension of the paving and drainage system wi thin the Public Right-of-Way as shown on the Paving and Drainage Plan, sheets 1 through 14, dated 7/31/89, Job Number 88-185, prepared by Gee & Jenson, Engineers, providing paving and drainage improvements wi thin the portion of Holmberg Road described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto consisting of nine (9) pages. B. The extension of the paving and drainage system wi thin the Public Right-of-Way as shown on the Paving and Drainage Plan, sheets 1 through 9, dated 6/22/89, Job Number 89-236, prepared by Gee & Jenson, Engineers, providing paving and drainage improvements within the portion of University Drive described in Exhibit II A" attached hereto consisting of nine (9) pages. C. The extension of the paving and drainage system wi thin the Public Right-of-Way as shown on the Paving and Drainage Plan, sheets 11 through 19, dated 9/1/88, Job Number 88-205, prepared by Gee & Jenson, Engineers, providing paving and drainage improvements within the portion of Pine Island Road described in Exhibit" A" attached hereto consisting of nine (9) pages. 3. Florida National Properties, Inc. has paid in full all bills from persons, firms or corporations who furnished labor, services, or materials used in the construction of the paving and drainage improvements described in the Agreement for the property referenced above. FLORIDA NATIONAL PROPERTIES, INC. By: O~ ~~__ Werner Buntemeyer, president~ Date: March 9, 1990 and subscribed before 9th day of March , 1990. I AP~R~~OI ,I~I ff...'.~ ,,\ 0' ,{ ," 0# . ~T Res. 90-6 EXHIBIT "An A portion of sections 4 and 5, Township 48 South, Range 41 East, Broward county, Florida, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of the Right of Way for University Drive as described in Official R~cord Book 12641 at Page 475 of the Public Records of said Broward County on the northerly line of Parcel 304.A of the Sawgrass Expressway as described in Official Record Book 12335 at Page 900 of said Public Records: thence South 63'13'57" West (Bearings are relative to State Plane Coordinates as shown on STONER/KEITH RESURVEY OF A PORTION OF TOWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, ALL OF TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, & .ALL OF TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Miscellaneous Plat Book 3 at Page 44 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida), along the southerly Right of Way line of said University Drive on said northerly line of Parcel 304.A, a distance of 120.00 feet to the southwest corner of said University Drive at the beginning of a ~on-tangent curve co~cave to the southwest havin~ a ~adius of 159d.27 feet, a central angle of 18'06'42" and to said corner a radial line bears North 63'13'57" East: thence northwesterly, along said curve on the westerly Right of Way line of said University Drive, a distance of 505.22 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 1718.27 feet: thence northwesterly, along said curve on said westerly Right of Way line, through a~entral angle of 13'29'20", a distance of 404.52 feet to the northwest corner of said University Drive at the southwest corner of University Drive as shown on the plat of THE LANDINGS OF PARKLAND as recorded in Plat Book 137 at Page 22 of said Public Records: thence continue northwesterly, along said curve on the westerly Right of Way line of said University Drive, through a central angle of 16'59'18", a distance of 509.48 feet to the southerly Right of Way line of Landings Drive as shown on said plat of THE LANDINGS OF PARKLAND: thence North 58'10'33" West, along said southerly Right of Way line, non-tangent to said curve, a distance of 48.43 feet: . ' thence South 78'0~~OO" West, along said southerly Right of Way line, a distance of 6.15 feet to a point on a curve concave to the east having a radius of 1758.27 feet, a central angle 02"36'26" and to said point a radial line bears South 76"44'47" West, said curve being concentric with and 40.00 feet westerly from said westerly Right of Way line of University Drive: of lV,7I.4'. 'r.,. Dr Paqe 1 of 9 'Res. 90-6 thence northerly, along said concentric curve, a distance of 80.01 feet to the northerly Right of Way line of said Landings Drive; thence North 78'03'00" East, along said northerly Right of Way line, non-tangent to said curve, a distance of 6.15 feet; thence North 34016'3311 East, along said northerly Right of Way line, a distance of 48.43 feet to a point on a curve on said westerly Right of Way line of University Orive, said curve being concave to the east having a radius of 1718.27 feet and to said point a radial line bears South 80030'06" West; thence northerly, along said curve on said westerly Right of Way line, through a central angle of 16'06'46", a distance of 483.21 feet; thence North 06036'52" East, along said westerly Right of Way line, a distance of 476.44 feet to the southerly Right of Way line of Holmberg ~oad as. sho~n on said plat of THE LA~DINGS OF PARKLAND; . thence North 42'48'58" West, along said southerly Right of Way line, a distance of 53.17 feet to a point at the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the south having a radius of 2628.00 feet, a central angle of 06'32'26" and to said point a radial line bears North 02'14'49" West; thence westerly, along said curve on said southerly Right of Way line, a distance of 300.00 feet; thence South 82'28'41" West, along said southerly Right of Way line, non-tangent to said curve, a distance of 200.00 feet to a point at the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 2640.00 feet, a central angle of 25'23'50", and to said point a radial line bears North 13'07'52" West; thence southwesterly, along said curve on said southerly Right of Way line, a distance of 1170.22 feet; thence South 51'28'18" West, along said southerly Right of Way line, a distance of 832.20 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 2560.00 feet and a central a~gle of 38051'09"; thence southwesterly and westerly, along said curve on said southerly Right of Way line, a distance of 1735.95 feet; . If.'''... II. ,." l)~,..,_ ? t'\~ Q .ttes. ::1U-t) thence North 89'40'33" West, along said southerly Right ot Way line, a distance of 455.61 teet to a southwest corner ot said Holmberg Road on the easterly Right of Way line of Pine Island Road as described in Official Record Book 15050 at Page 922 ot said Public Records; thence South 00'52'50" East, along said easterly Right of Way line, a distance of 957.11 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the west having a radius of 16278.78 feet and a central angle of 01'05'47"; thence southerly, along said curve on said easterly Right of Way line, a distance of 311.48 feet to the southeast corner of said Pine Island Road on the northerly line of Parcel 302.A of the Sawgrass Expressway as described in Official Record Book 12335 at Page ~33 of said Public Records: , thence North 89'28'03" West, along said northerly line, non-radial to said curve, a distance ot 7.00 feet to a point at the beginning of ~ non-t~ngent curve concave to the *est baving a . radius of 16271.78 feet, a central anqle of 00'19'01" and to said point a radial line bears South 89'47'04" East; thence southerly, alonq said curve, a distance ot 90.00 teet: thence South 00'31'57" West, a distance of 200.00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the west having a radius ot 1815.95 teet and a central angle of 01'34'40"; thence southerly, along said curve, a distance of 50.01 '~eet to the south line ot the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section 4: thence North 89'28'03" West, along said south line, non-radial to said curve, a distance of 20.35 feet to the southwest corner of said Southwest Qua~ter (SW 1/4) and the southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 5; thence North 89'28'03" West, along the south line ot said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4), a distance ot 85.70 feet to a point at the beginning ot a non-tangent curve concave to the west having a radius of 1709.95 feet, a central angle ot 01'40'32" and to said point a radial line bears South 87'47'31" East; . . thence northerly, along said curve, a distance of 50.01 teet; thence North 00.31'57" East, a distance of 200.00 feet to the beginning of a curve concave the west havinq a radius of 16165.78 feet and a central anqle of 00'37'13"; to " ..~. " ,- Of 1);11...... "' ....41 a thence northerly, along said curve, a distance of 175.00 feet to the southeast corner of the additional Right of Way for pine Island Road as shown on the plat of SCHOOL SITE 3010 as recorded in Plat Book 138 at Page 16 of said Public, Records; thence North 89'28'03" West, along the southerly line of said additional Right of Way, non-radial to said curve, a distance of 7.00 feet to the southwest corner of said additional Right of Way at the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the west having a radius of 16158.78 feet,"a central angle of 00'28'17" and to said corner a radial line bears North 89"54'43" East; thence northerly, along said curve on the westerly Right of Way line of said additional Right of Way, a distance of 133.02 feet; thence South 89'07'10" West, along said westerly Right of Way line, non-radial to said curve, a distance of 14.00 feet to a point at the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave to the west having a radi'..lS C'f 16144. 78 ~~p'i;, a c~ntra'_ angle of 00"19'17" and to said point a radial line bears North 89'26'27" East; ..... " - ..'. thence northerly, along said curve on said westerly Right of Way line, a distance of 90.53 feet; P:HY~ 4 o.f' 9 Res. ~U-b thence continue North 00.52'50" West, along the northerly prolongation of said westerly Right of Way line, a distance of 103.78 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the west on the westerly Right of Way line of said pine Island Road, said curve having a radius of 2540.00 feet and a central angle of 01'02'03"; thence northerly, along said curve on said westerly Right of Way line, a distance of 45.85 teet to a northwest corner of said Pine Island Road; thence North SS'05'07" East, along the northerly Right of Way line of said pine Island Road and its easterly prolongation, radial to said curve, a distance of 81.29 feet to the east line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 5 and the west line of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of section 4; thence continue North 8S.05'07" East, along said northerly Right of Way line, a distance of 38.71 feet to the northeast corner of,~~id ~ine Island Road at thenorth~est corner of said Holmberg Road; thence South S9.40'33" East, along the northerly Right of Way line of said Holmberg Road, a distance of 458.57 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the northwest having a ra~ius of 2440.00 feet and a central angle of 38'51'09"; thence easterly and northeasterly~ along said curve on said northerly Right of Way line, ~ distance of 1654.57 feet; thence North Sl'2S'18".East, along said northerly Right of Way line, a distance of 832.20 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 2760.00 feet; thence northeasterly., along said curve on said northerly Right of Way line, through a central angle of 22'26'17", a distance of 1080.87 feet to the south Right of Way line of Holmberg Road (a 100.~O foot wide road Right of way) as described in Official Record Book 1378 at Page 586 of said Public Records: thence continue northeasterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 11'21'06", a distance of 546.82 feet to the north Right of way line of said ~olmberg Road; thence continue northeasterly and easterly, along said curve on said northerly Right of Way line of Holmberg Road as shown on said plat of THE LANDINGS OF PARKLAND, through a central angle of 04.52'44", a distance of 235.02 feet: , tf.".I. ,,', 'f ' Page 5 of 9 thence South 89051'35" East, alone; said northerly Rie;ht of Way line, a distance of 67.19 feet to the northeast corner of said Holmbere; Road on the northerly prolone;ation of the easterly Rie;ht of Way line of said University Drive: thence South 06'36'52" West, alone; said northerly prolone;ation, a distance of 0.96 feet to . a northwest corner of the Rie;ht of Way for Holmbere; Road as described in Official Record Book 16006 at pae;e 545 of said Public Records at the bee;innine; of a non-tane;ent curve concave to the southwest havine; a radius of 2351.83 feet, a central ane;le of 03'39'03", and to said corner a radial line bears North 01'46'30" East: thence southeasterly, alone; said curve on the north Rie;ht of Way line of said Holmbere; Road, a distance of 149.86 feet to said north Rie;ht of Way line of Holmbere; Road (a 100.00 foot wide road Rie;ht of Way) as described in Official Record Book 1378 at pae;e 586: thence ~outh 89'~l'35" ~ast, along said north Right of Way line, non-tangent to said curve, a distance of 89.41 feet: thence South 00'08'25" West, a distance of 100.00 feet to the south Right of Way line of said Holmbere; Road: thence'continue South 00'08'25" West, a distance of 31.09 feet to a point on a curve concave to the southwest on'the southerly Rie;ht of Way line of said Holmberg Road as described in said Official Record Book 16006 at Page 545, said curve .. havine; a radius of ,2231.83 feet and to said point a radial line bears North 08'01'21" East: thence northwesterly, alone; said curve on said southerly Rie;ht of Way line, through a central ane;le of 06'30'30", a distance of .253.52 feet to the southwest corner of said Holmbere; Road on said ea~terly Right of Way line of University Drive: thence South 06'36'52" West, alone; said easterly Right of Way line, non-radial to said curve, a distance of 542.80 feet to the beginnine; of a curve concave to the east havine; a radius of 1598.27 feet: thence southerly and southeasterly, along said curve on said easterly Right of Way line, through a central angle ~f 40'42~16", a distance of 1135.45 feet to the southeast corner of said University Drive at the northeast corner of said University Drive as described in Official Record Book 12641 at Page 475: . "."", Il.' " Paae 6 of 9 Res. 90-6 thence continue southeasterly, along said curve on the easterly Right of Way line of said University Drive, through a central angle of 10'47'21", a distance of 300.96 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 1718.27 feet and a central angle of 18'06'42"; . thence southeasterly, along said curve on said easterly Right of Way line, a distance of 543.16 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH the northwesterly 12.00 feet of Vista Del Lago Drive adjoining said Holmberg Road. ALSO TOGETHER WITH the northwesterly 12.00 feet of Long Bay Drive North adjoining said Holmberg Road. Said land being in the city of Parkland, Broward County, Florida. containing 26.255 Acres, more or less. >>~~ .~. If v . . D~~a ? n' Q n~::;. . :1U-O " o"llJ::II"'....2~t'I.z " "''''-,.,.,.. "'0:11011 1II~~~~'" z::j~"';;1" ___'z'Si :II ",,,," OlltZo:ll.. II ICD ,. S. 0'" ,.. 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W at.., ".CD ?' , /. h,,) i . / . ~. /;(/ - / . / ~ /%/ ~/.' ,/ j&~/ '-', ,..", ". ~.~, ,-'- ;; , '.'. n ,......' \ '~ ) ~~ 'OZ' j;l .... % z~ ~ .z ::II ~: ~ 0'" III ..a\ "'!I' ~ ~l:l~ ... Po ' ...0.. : . ! o _ .JV '-U 1..::: ,,0.01' 11 N78003'OO"E 6.15' N.T. 9 N34. 16' 33"E 48.43' 10 R:1718.27' 6= 16.06'46" L= 483.2" 1/ N06.365i"E 476.44 12 H42048' 50"W 53.17' H.T. 1.1 R=2628.00' 6= 06032'26" L= 300.00' 14 S82OZ8'41"W 200.00' N.T. 15 R=2640.00' 6= 25.23'50" L= 1\70.22' 16 S 5IOZ8'IS"W 832.20' 17 R=2560.00' 6:30051'09" l:'735.9S' 18 .N89040'33"W 455.61' 19 500052'50"( 957.'" 20 R=16Z78.78' 6= 01005' 47" l= 311.48' 21 H 8 90Z0' 03"W 7.00' N.R. 22 R= '6271.78' 6=000'9'0'.' L=90.00' 23 SOo03"57"W 200.00' 24 R= '815.95' 6 = 01034' 40" L=50.0I' 25 NS9OZS.03"W 20.35' N.R. 26 N 89OZ8'03"W 65.70' N.T. 27 R= 1709.95' 6=0'.40'32" l = 50.0" 28 NOO031'57"E ZOO.OO. 29 R:::16165.78' 6 = 000;n'13" L = 175.00' 30 N89OZ8'03"W 7.00' N.T. 31 R = 16158. 78' 6=00028'17" L= 133.02' 32 S 89007'10"W 14.00' N.T. 33 R=16144.18' 6 =00019"7" L=90.53' . 34 NOO.SZ'50"W 154.47' 35 N07.05'20"E 100.98' 36 NOO" 52' 50"W 65.00' ~.. ~-- ~...' \D I o 0-. " III G> pi, '. 37 S 8900r' 10" W 12,00' 38 N 00" 52' 50" W Z45,OO' 3:J N 05.57' 44" E 100.72' . 40 N 0005Z' 50" w 260.88' 4/ N ooosfso"'w 103.78 421 R=2540.00' 4=01002' 03" l'=4S.8S' 4if NOO.OS'07"( 81.29' Rndinl 44 N 880 OS' 01. E 30.71' 45 589040'33"[ 458.51' 46 R=2440.00' 6=38051'09" L=165-4.57' 47 N51.20',O" E 832.20' 48 R=Z760.00. 6=22026'17" . L=1080.67' 49 R=2760.00' A= "0 21'06" l.=546.6Z' 50 R=Z16OtOO' A= 04.52' 44" L=Z3S.0Z' 51 S89.S" 35"E 61.'9' 52 S OGo 36'52" W 0.96' N.T. 53 R=235,.83' 6=03039' 03" L= '49.86' 54 S 89051' 35" ( 89.4" N.T. 55 SOooOO'ZS"W 1 00.00' 56 S~OO'2S"W 31.09' N.T. 57 R=2231.83' 6=06030' 30" L=2S3.S2' 58 S060365Z"W 542.60' N.R. 59 R= !S9a.27' 6=40042'16" L= 1'35.45' 60 R= 1599.27' /1= 10.47' Z I" L= 300.96' 61 R= '718.27' A :: 18.06' 42" L=543.16' .. G\ ., a. ~: t- .i en ... o en NOTE: N.T. indite.tes NON-TANGENT. N.R. indicates NON-RADIAL.