HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-03 Plat Approval of Marne Plat-NW 62 Terrace RESOLUTION NO: 90 - 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND, FLORIDA, FOR TENTATIVE PLAT APPROVAL OF THE MARNE PLAT LOCATED AT NW 62 TERRACE (CASE NO. OOl-PT-90) WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland has adopted a Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Parkland has adopted appropriate land development regulations requiring the subdivision of property; and WHEREAS, The Planning and Zoning Board has reviewed the above referenced plat and recommends approval with a 5 - 2 vote; NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PARKLAND ORDAINS: THE APPROVAL OF THE MARNE PLAT, CASE NO. OOl-PT-90 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. This approval is based on the Marne Plat prepared by Pulice Land Surveyors, lnc, and received by the Planning Department on January 8, 1990. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ___~___ DAY OF Februa~_____________, 1990, ~,&..&. ' ~ SAL PAGLI1\ YOR S~~O~y~ F: \RES ,MAR .i , . . FROM: MEMORANDUI1 MAYOR PAGILARA AND CITY COMMISSION ~J2 BRADFORD D, TO~~~END, DIRECTOR OF PLAN~~, 00l-PT-90 PETlftbN OF PULICE LAND SURVEYORS, TENTATIVE PLAT APPROVAL OF MARNE PLAT LOCATED AT 62 TERRACE AND THE SAWGRASS EXPRESSWAY, TO: SUB..1ECT : This petition seeks tentative plat approval of the Marne Plat which is located at the Southeast corner of NW 62 Terrace and the Sawgrass Expressway, The subject property has a current compatible land use designation as well as zoning category. The subject property is proposed to be subdivided into three single family lots which conform with the AE-2 zoning designation. Keith and Schnars, City Engineers has reviewed the proposed plat and recommend approval, The Planning and Zoning Board reviewed the proposed plat and recommended approval with a 5 - 2 vote. In summary, the Planning Department recommends approval of 001- PT-90 with the following conditions; 1, This approval was based on the Marne plat prepared by Pulice Land Surveyors, Inc., dated received by the Planning Department on January 8, 1990, /kqt rneml) , 022 , 'I . . f f PLANNING REPORT DEPARTMENT REPORl " (" MEETING DATE: 2/~/~O RECOMMENDATION DATE: 1. /2ei/90. Cf~!3E NO.: 00 1-,P.f....90 F.E~C~:.:l I 01\1 OF eu!.... I CE too.AND ~;tJF~VEY(Jf':::S ~ I NC. FOH TENrA"1" I W:: purr ~~PPHClV(.;~1... FOR 'rHE IVI?'~F~NE F'U,rf L.OCATED ~rr NW 62ND lERRACE AND lHE SAW GRASS EXPRESSWAY 13.E..!~~q..t!!:!J~:J::!..P..J..i.:H~,.....J,:~::",f~ NN,.I,t!f?......~:\(~:lr!.....Lr:~.NJJ~r:~..,J}Qf:~..!IP.,.,..H!;:~. , lJ.', . "oo :. :, :. Approval with conditions [bii~ l\j1.t~ G_ooD.o N ~ID ~:.Bl~r:!.J.!1l'.:!.f"2..t This Petition seeks tentative plat approval for the Marne Plat. which is located at the Southeast corner of NW 62nd Terrace and the Sawgrass Expressway. Subject property contains approximately 3.28 acres. The current Zoning Designation of AE-2 and E(I) of the Land Use Designation are compatible. The subject property is proposed to be divided into 3 single family lots which meet the required AE-2 Zoning Designation of a minimum of one (1) atre in sIze. Staff has reviewed the Impact Analysis Report and find the proposed development in compliance with applicable Code r-i:e~J LIl r.:'\ t j, em ~S. Keith and Schnars~ the City Engineer has reviewed the proposed plat and recommends approval. The Planning Department points out that the proposed plat is locc.'\tec:1 \,.Ji th in the C<:lITlpact Def erral Arec'::'! as i ndi cf.\ted on the January 1~ 1990 Over Capacity Roadway Map of Broward County. The applicant and the property owner should be aware, since approval of the proposed plat by the City of Parkland relieves them of no responsibility to comply with appropriate Broward County Regulations and Requirements. , , I I In SUMMARY the Planning Department recommends APPROVPL of 00I-PT- 90 with the following conditions: 1. This approval is based on the Marne Plat prepared by Pulice Land Surveyors~ Inc. and received by the Planning Department on January 8, 1990. \ ~ . F: \ 11ARNE I". PULICE LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 6451 West Commercial Boulevard 'f amarac I Florida 33319 305-721-6768 Fax 726-9559 j j IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORT Adequacv of Potable Water Service - The site will be serviced by potable wells on the site. 1': AdeQuacv of Wastewater - ~pe site will be serviced by septic tanks on the site. 'q AdeQuacy of Solid Waste ~~~osal - The site will be serviced by "Waste Management Inc." See the attached letter of adequacy. AdeQuacv of Draina2e and Water Mana,ement Facilities - Drainage of site is managed by the use of swales as shown on the easements shown on plat. This project lies within the jurisdiction of the Pinetree Water Management District. -- :. AdeQuacv of Re~ional Transoortation Network - Broward County Transit System does not service Parkland. It is anticipated that this development will contain 3 dwelling units. It is anticipated that residents will provide their own transportation. Adequacv of Local Roads - Local streets and roads provide safe access to this site. A 25~ ingress, egress easement has been provided for N.W. 62nd Avenue. Please see plat. AdeQuacv of Police and Fire Protection - See attached letter of adequacy. AdeQuacy of School Facilities - See attached letter of adequacy. AdeQuacv of Local Parks and Recreational Facilities - The requirement is .053 per acre. It is anticipated the developer will provide money in lieu of land and dedication. AdeQuacv of Municipal Facilities - Existing municipal fac~lities are adequate to service the proposed development. With rapid development of Parkland, the City Hall must be expanded. AdeQuacv of Bicvcle. Horseback RidinQ Trails and Pedestrian Circulation Svstem - The City is developing a trail circulation system. An existing 5 foot asphalt trail providing access to this development terminates at N.W. 62nd Terrace and Holmberg Road. I, f' Consideration of Impact on Environmentallv Sensitive Land - see attached Vegetation Survey. It is anticipated that the site will be used for 3 residential estates. CITY OF COCONfJ,T (.;~~:-~ DEPARTMENT OF "UDl.l~ =:::::== 4800 WEST COPA!'-!~ J,l'i'1:", POST OFFICE BOX 83/ --:: COCONUT CREEK. ~'-'::'l:Il~A '.":"_on TELEPHONE (305) S7: ~:-~ September 26, 1989 , . '.~'" ~ Ms. Linda Keri Pulice Land Surveyors, Inc. 6451 West Commercial Blvd. Tamarac, Florida 33319 . . RE: Marne Plat Dear Ms. Keri: r Pursuant to your request, please be advised that our existing water and sewage transmission mains are located in Holmberg Road. The water and sewage mains are 2600 feet north of the above referenced property. We trust this information will be assistance to the platting process. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, i{~~ LE TIEN NGUYEN, P.E. Engineer II LTN:cld 899-L-89-0805 cc: Garth Hinckle, City Engineer Tom Lee, P.E., Director of Public Works } PARKLAND PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT 6500 Parks ide Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 (305) 753-5050 , I September 26, 1989 Ii , Pulice Land Surveyors, In~r ATTN: Ms. Linda Keri 6451 West Commercial Boulevard Tamarac. Fl. 33319 ,,' RE: Statement of Adequacy for Police and Fire Protection Marne Plat - Unrecorded ~ ;" Dear Ms. Keri; In reply to your letter of September 20th, 1989 and attached map, the Parkland Public Safety Department can provide an adequate level of Police and Fire service to the three (3) acre parcel you described in your letter and map. i: ' , ' If you have any further questions, please contact me. ~~ Ronald W. Bailey Director RWB/hew , I I , , i' I .. Accredlt,d School Sy,t,m THE SCHOOL BOARD OF BROW ARD COUNTY, FLORIDA WIIII.m'J. LII'Y, Ed.D. Superlnt.nd.nt of School, Pulice Land Surveyors, Inc. 6451 W. Commercial Blvd. Tamarac, FI 33319 -...~; N.II St.r"ng Ch.i,p"lon Lori N.nc. P.rrish Vie. Ch.;,p."on J.n ,t Cummings Robert O. P.rlca Oon.ld J. S.mu'l. ' EII..n S. SchwI"' Toni J. SI.kln October 2, 1989 LOCATION: -1l.JU, ~ 2Nd 1./V'rtiIrJ / S ~ oIl+J~ ~ ~Ift!,- - - --- -, - II .- -v ~ .-, - {IAJ,V'n~ plait fI UNITS: 3 PLAT NO: PLAT NAME: The above referenced plat has been reviewed by the Property Management staff: ~The plat does not adversely impact the 'school system, the students to be generated by this development can be accommodated by existing and/or planned schools; ,. : I~l< - [] The plat impacts the school system. Comments: ~he plat is subject to impact fees as required by Cou~ty Ordinance 81-16, as amended. . . o The plat is not subject to impact fees. .1 ;., "ttJ~ Lee A. Stepanchak, Director Property Management Department I' ; ; .,t. LAS:AW:bl 2/6/87 I, " .,.J , , , t'.~..r'.' EqUlt OpPorfunitv EmptoVlf. V.in, Affi'mI,iv, Action Guid,/inll .\ mH"1'~TR.\ rrON OFFICES. 1320 SOUTHWEST FOURTH STREET. FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33312. 3051765.6000 SHELDON MARNE, M.R.S.H. (EDg.) Landscape D,slgn Limb Surg,on , I November 21, 1989 To Whom it May concern: '..;; ; The following is a list of woody species with trunk calipers of three inches or greater which I identified on the three acre tract: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: .;. ~ ,. THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER (SE ~) OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER (SW ~) OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER (SW ~) OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE- QUARTER ,(SE ~) OF SECTION I, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES, OVER AND ACROSS THE WEST 25 FEET THEREOF AND SUBJECT TO A ROAD AND CANAL EASEMENT OVER AND ACROSS THE SOUTH 25 FEET THEREOF. PINUS ELLIOTTII--------------SLASH PINE TAXODIUM DISTICHUM-----------BALD CYPRESS SABAL PALMETTO---------------SABAL PALM ~ SHELDON MARNE, M.R.S.H. I ;, , " l' : II : J 8340 ~ Oakland Park Blvd. · Sunrls" Fla. 33351 · (305) 748-3338 $Ct..rthem Sanitation Service a WMI Service Cen1~r 3831 N.W. 21 st Avenue pompano Beach. Florfda 33073 306/974-7500 . ~ A W..tt MlIlogomoru c;ompanl I f Deo.RC~ of. ?~(l(a~ , INS ,,-€.-tI:-e.~ \S 1o~rYV'i'~ ~\erlJ ~~tJ, haS , ..~; k ~Ulrfl\e0t Q.ui ta<!\\'~t\es +e ~{O\)\J~ ~h, '(e~~\)Q.t ,fd1 (\~ ~:c.a..-\-{O'.J GF. l\hnnw-at ~~Nd, TefYClC€ - t6.('Klo.~. We.. qt ~e(D Suvi~~GlJ. ~~.a. ~r~Thry-. G~ ~r~Ot~~ :o.g,~.<S~Olc.e ~R ~is Ctty ~l-l a ~~l~'J.JtasJ C\5cuJ;~ i5hic~ )a..~ Ul-t wJ!. ~rtiw.e It) -the ~R~~ We. ~ kaiJ~ " Qc".i\--racl- Wt-\-h +~e C:r~y ~ VfCO\d.e. ~s Seftii~e. :- ) . ~ mOl ~e ~9'J.~ ,<: . A DivisIOn ofWut. Management:. Inc. of Florida . '. Ml2.IVISION APPROVAL A~PL1CAT1QN-. CITV OF' PARKLAND IPetition for Tentativg Pl.t Aoprgvtl of . ~~Qdivision in t~e titv of Parkl.nd Oate_ /. 5. '1&J Ca.e No. oo,.,~ Receipt No.~ To: Director of Plannin; Name of Subdivision M A I!-J.J/E nAr (1) The undersigned her.by p.titionl the City of Parkl.nd for tent.tiv. .ubdivi.ion plat approval under the subdivision regl.lhUon. of the City Code of Drdin,nc.., and re.pectfl.llly reque.t. th.t the n.c....ry d.partm.ntal revi.w .nd hearina' by the Planning and Zoning Bo.rd .nd the City Commillion b. caUed to con.ider our r.qullt for that property gener.lly loc.hd II folJoWII ..:l iJ4 , S'w ~i so.... /44,.~ . t " 1/:, --":"__of~. %. .cres, which prop.rty i, pr.,.ntly zon.d has an allowld llI11xillll.llll grail dlnsity DU!.\t.a:r. of. F which will yield ...5' unit. .t malC1mum. Folio Nasi (2) The record use of the property i II-J!./';J""~"'~"" ~ (3) The present use of the property i51 YAt!l/l.lt (4) The applicant stipul.te. th.t he h.5 rlad the .ubdivi.ion regulation, and agrees to comply with .11 itl requirement. and condition,. (5) The undersigned is fully aware that if approval i. granted, the Planning and Zoning Board or City Commis.ion llIay ..t forth certain condition. or require .uch modifications as th.y deem n.cell.ry to .ccolllpli.h . prop.r and orderly development of this propo.al. ' (6) This applic.tion and pl.t .r~ lubmitted with knowl.dge and .cc.pt.n~e of all applicable requirement. II th... requirement. Ire .ub.equentlY amended. The subdivider owner .nd petitioner hereby .gree. thlt finll plat .pprovIl .h.ll be withheld unless Ind until clear .nd convincing proof that Id.quate .chool facilities which are sufficient to m..t the additional .tudent 10ld re..onlbly projected for s.id subdivision Ihall either Ixi.t or are pllnned to be IVlillble when needed. (7) is 5'.HE 1- Do A.) /-1Al1....nE. e ~/ z, 44E7/-I .tS, /.hll;/ '- e- (Print or type name under signature) (Print or type nlme under .ignature) / 'I B. 7~","""" Address of Petitioner f.t;"...I!i/ (-C). (J>,..ole-4.C:-/If/!(.. /-IJ'O jf~/~ Telephon. 7.;2./-(.7'-'6 Addrl!55 of Owner .....Ll.s!L42..!.usL.3.~.,.N .ilL __, ~..v~"..( te' ,,:'"L. ~'4 .ll~...3 Telephon. 741 ."L ~3 Filir)g FelI:-2'.li ~.) .__* Rec.ived bYI t5~~ NOTE: Eight.en (18) copi.. of the tent.tive pl.t .nd two (2) .elled .urvey. of the property above must accomp.ny .nd b. m.de part of this petition. b:\appform\sub .......A...._. , I " . I ~ i; ',1 'I"," ' , ...'.' Ij' :' I 1- " !, LAND USL AND ZONING MAP BY PULICE LAND SURVEYORS. INC. 6451 WEST COMMERCIAL BLVD. TAMARAC, FL 33318 (305) 721.6768 File: HARNE PLAT Scale: Order No.: 17890 Date: F.B.: For: ! ~.~; I } ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~I } ~ ~ ~ ,\ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ 'N " ~ ~ ~\~ t/ ~ t i ~ ~ ,tJ " I NAKIII Pl." r S' "" IV <; Ifl <'9 s~ ,~ I'A'iF',sS"6.lA y LAND USE PLAN RESIDENTIAL 1 UP TO lDUIAC RESIDENTIAL 4 UP TO 4DUIAC ZONING AE-2 E-1 RS-3 AGRICULTUAL ESTATE ESTATE ONE FAMILY DETACHED DWELLING , I " , , I ...,~ ,,' -. .' ':''' '" ...'G'...SS EX RtSSWAY . _,'O, .... _,..,_ - -....- " S.. ~ . ". , ....- . ., .~_. T ii>=- ""',. .- '.' I'i .':..... j _ _ .. ,t'::.':":: :if, ~.. - "'-'i.' .. ]I"':'~,..1 _ 2.. , _ . . ~ -..-. ..:. -_.....:...~~ -')JJ'~~"'.:' L ~. J .._ ~~_1"~-'" ",~","-' \ I i , : ~