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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDG1305-0034-EngineeringBroward County Board of Rules and Appeals One North University Drive, 3500-B Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33324 Effective: March 15, 2012 Telephone: 954.765.4500 Facsimile: 954.765.4504 FORM FOR "SPECIAL BUILDING INSPECTOR" SECTION 1 10.10 — BROWARD COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AND THE 2010 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: You are hereby directed in accordance with Section 110.10.1 of the Broward County Administrative Code and the Florida Building Code to retain a Special Structural Inspector (A Florida Registered Architect or Licensed Engineer) to perform the following mandatory or discretionary inspections, as outlined in Sections 110.10, 1822, 2122.2.4, 2218.2, R4407.5.4, 2223.11.1, 1927.12.1, 1927.12.2, R4405.9.12.I, R4405.9. I 2.2, R4408.5.2 & R4408.10.I 1 of the Florida Building Code and submit progress reports, inspections reports, and a Certificate of Compliance to the Building Official as per Sections 110.10.6 and 1 10.10.7 of the Florida Building Code. Notez The Building GOfficial determines which discretionary inspections are to be delegated, DATE: 1IPI2I L I I 2 01 3 IDENTIFICATION, CONTROL OR BUILDING PERMIT # PROJECT NAME: M I 4 L.44 - h JOB ADDRESS IDI D enlito,SuLA DulcE ,ZIP 3 OCa-4- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FOLIO # A. MANDATORY INSPECTIONS TYPE BY CODE; 1) Precast Concrete Units -Section 1927.12.1, R4405.9.12.1, Yes 0 No 0 2) Precast Concrete Units - Section 1927.12.2, 84405.9.12.2, Yes 0 No 0 3) Reinforced Unit Masonry - Section 2122.2.4, R4407.5.4, (per ACI 530.1 -05 -Level B Quality Assurance)* *unless noted otherwise on plan Yes J$( No 0 4) Connections - Section 2218.2, Yes 0 No 0 5) Metal System Buildings - Section 2223.1 1.1,, R4408.10.1 I Yes 0 No 0 B. DISCRETIONARY INSPECTION TYPE BY BUILDING OFFICIAL. 1) Building Structures or part thereof of Unusual Size, Height, Design or Method of Construction and Critical Structural Connections - Section Yes 0 No 2) Windows, Glass Doors and Curtain Walls on buildings over two (2) stories - Section Yes 0 No 0 3) Pile Driving Only - Sections 1822, 84404.13, Yes 0 No 0 4) Precast Concrete Units - Section 1822, R4405.9.12, Yes 0 No 0 5) Reinforced Unit masonry - Sections 2122.2.4, R4407.5.4, Yes 0 No 0 6) Other Yes 0 No 0 C. MANDATORY DOCUMENTATION I) Inspection schedule stating the specific inspection that will be made and at what phase of construction must be submitted with this application. 2) Progress Report/Inspection reports d ting construction in accordance wlth Section 110.10.6. 3) Certificate of Compliance must be su , Itted prior to the scheduling of the final building Inspection, Section 1 Ip. 10.7. Owners Signature: Printed Name: ACKNOWLEDGMENT Permit Holder's Signature: I2/2,A7r Printed Name: SPECIAL BUILDING INSPECTOR; 0 Registered Architect andiorfiir Licensed Engineer License # (if applicable) 2H, LI P G6.1►Co(az Signature of Special Building Inspect•. r, mbossed Seal AND Data Printed Name of Special Building Inspector 7l tt OS f . n) Address of Special Building Inspector 1 ,� 1 to 65+r► J I E T F /^ �G [� P t _ 35351 State of Florida Registration # 1� . '4 / 2L�S Fax !( — i_� Telephone (q54) 1-4 I - z5 2 - Building Building Official (or designated representative) ***BE ADVISED THIS DOES NOT PRECLUDE YOU FROM OTHER MANDATORY INSPECTIONS IN THE CODE*** G:ISHARED\Forms\2010 FBC Special Bldg lnsp Form,doc April 24, 2013 NODAL STRUCTURES, INC. Structural Engineering Consultants and Construction Inspectors City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 Attention: Building Official Please be advised that Nodal Structures, Inc. shall supervise the setting and erection of trusses having a bottom chord in excess of 35' long or 6' high, including all permanent bracing, for the structure at the following location: Mira Lago at Parkland — by Lennar Homes. Lot: 16 Block: 1 Permit #: TBD Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectf 1 y Submitted, Nodal Str ctures, Inc. Carlos A NSdal, P. ., S.E. State of lorida ensed Professional Engineer: 0049285 State of ori.. icensed Threshold/Special Inspector: 001093 10316 N.W. 55th Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351 Phone: (954) 741-2572 Fax: (954) 741-8635 April 24, 2013 NODAL STRUCTURES, INC. Structural Engineering Consultants and Construction Inspectors City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 RE: Mira Lago at Parkland — by Lennar Homes. Lot: 16 Block: 1 10190 Peninsula Place Parkland, Florida Permit # TBD Dear Chief Building Official, We shall personally inspect the entire "Engineered Unit Masonry" system for this building, including but not limited to the following: • Masonry units, mortar, grout and reinforcing steel meet specifications. • Dowels properly placed, with adequate lapping. • Steel and column ties in columns, pilasters, and beam elevation transitions properly placed, lapped and tied. • Masonry field work: head and bed joints, horizontal joint reinforcing installed correctly, cells free of excessive mortar fins, walls level and plumb within tolerances. • Verify grout slump, proper consolidation of grout, and proper low —or high — lift grouting procedures were followed. • Correct embedment of reinforcing steel, bolts, ties. • Compliance with ACI 530-05, ACI 530-1.95 and commentaries; ASCE 7-05 approved plans, and FBC. This letter of intent is to be followed up by an Inspection Certification for Unit Masonry which will attest to the above. Respectful'} Nodal Strict Submitted, gyres, Inc. Carlos A. Nodal, P ., S.E. State of F orida Acensed Professional Engineer: 0049285 State of F a Licensed Threshold/Special Inspector: 001093 10316 N.W. 55th Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351 Phone: (954) 741-2572 Fax: (954) 741-8635 NOTE: SCROLLS MAY VARY TO KEEP 4 "CODE 2 4 "xg "DIXIE CAP w/CHANNEL 8'x I "FLATBAR SCROLLS 51-0" 1"2"P0.57-2r4'x8"DIXIE CAP w/ChANNEL JUL 15 Z013 12'x2 "FLATBAR w/ 33/4 2-230'x2"TAPCONS WALL /12 "x2 "FLATBAR w/ 2-,iP "x2"TAPCONS 12 "x I "CHANNEL FINISH TO BE POWDERCOAT COLOR TO BE DETERMINED GOLD COAST HURRICANE SHUTTERS AND FENCE ALUMINUM RAIL AND FENCE FABRICATORS PH.954-472-7766 FAX.954-587-1319 SCALE. NTS 7/3/13 DRAVING DESCRIPTION PROPOSED DECO ALUM RAIL DATE. IPRD.IECT. PARKLAND #4676 DRAVN BY. CHECKED BY. CUSTIIER. LENNAR HOMES DRAWING NUMBER. SC -1 I REV. PS ?"x%"x24 "w/ A."00117 (OLE for /4"x3"1APCON 3111CCO SANE SYO1hE i - Li J.L 11 4. V PC3 2"x/85(24"w/X1."11O(C for /4 "x3 "(APCON • ,LJ> f�afael ,� /15cd� 9 I3C3 c:r.nt Dr. Mir nai,e133025 M._ Eng. Lic#39225 /, "x5%4 "ALUM TUBE Ju 2 t'VI3 -6"— S ;'''.2"w/7'o. for 4"x3 TAPCON STUCCO SAND L3YOlf11:1,3.3 PS 2","4"x2Y4"w/'/a"i10 P for /4 "Y3"1 AP"CON /4 "x'/4 AI UM 1 (ISP FIELD VERIFICATION BY GOLD COAST AFTER DWG APPROVAL ALL MATL ALUMINUM POWDER COAT -BRONZE DIMENSIONS FROM CUSTOMER ARCH DWGS GENERAL NOTES (G -C = GOLD COAST) 1. G -L F AC1URY 6 FIELD WELDED FABRICATION AND ASSEMBLY (U.N.) AS PER APPROVED SUBMITTED SHOP DUGS/SAMPLES AND IN ACCORDANCE W/ INDUSTRY PRACTICE & TOLERANCES. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL, APROX & CAN VARY. 2. FIELD VERIFICATION, MEASUREMENTS & TEMPLATES BY GOLD COAST 3. DELIVERY & INSTALLATION BY GOLD COAST 4. ALL FASTENERS/ANCHORS SHALL BE RUST RESISTANT, BY G -C 6. MATL ORDER, FABRICATION 6 INSTALLATION SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL DWG APPROVALS BY CUSTOMER. 9. G -C SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTION (DAMAGE, THEFT) OF PRODUCT AFTER DELIVERY ON SITE. 10. GOLD COAST SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STRUCTURAL OR WATERPROOF INTEGRITY OF SLABS, FLOORS, WALLS ETC) THAT ARE PENETRATED BY CONTRACT ATTACHMENTS/COMPONANTS. THIS INCLUDES POST TENSIONED SLABS. 11. ITEM INSTALLATION SHALL BE PRIOR TO ANY FINISHES IF ANY. UNLESS REQUESTED OTHERWISE. CUSTOMER PLEASE ADVISE? IF PRIOR, CUSTOMER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTION. NOTE 13 1.2. ITEMS SHALL BE APROX VISUAL) Y PLUMB 6 LEVEL. VARIATIONS CAUSED BY WAVY SLABS & WALLS CAN NOT BE HELPED. 13. ALL PRODUCT REPAIRS, FITTING, ADJUSTMENTS ETC) SHALL BF AT GOLD COAST DISCRETION, IN THE FIELD AND/OR G -C FACTORY. 14, G -C SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBI E FOR PERMITS 6 INSPECTIONS. GOLD COAST HURRICANE I NTS 6/12/13 SHUTTERS AND FENCE ALUMINUM RAIL AND FENCE FABRICATORS uuwmc vfa,Wr[W PROJECT. LENNAR HOMES ALUMINUM CROSS PH.954-472-7766 FAX.954-587-1319 LENNAR HOMES v,wn .Y, TS CIUO[O PY' ORAw►10 MMIpO REV. SK -1 Welded Aluminum Railing 6061-T6 Alloy & Temper 2%" x 1'/2" Dixie Cap —\414 I 4" 11 2" x 2" x .093" Tube Post 3/" x 3/n x .093" Tube Pickets 1"x2"x.125" Channels (mid channel is optional) 4" Min. Conc. Slab Typical Wall Brackets (Eastern Metal Supply) (Attach with w(2) 1/4" x 3" Tapcons into 3500 psi Conc) 48" 11 11 11 11 II II II II.I II IHII 3/16" typ 13/"x13/"x.125"\ tube insert ii ii ii ii 1 I A 42" 8" 2%" .093" JUN 11 0 101?, 25/8" x 11/2" Dixie Cap (shape may vary) 4"0 Core Drill (See detail below) 3/" x3/"x.093" Tube Picket ly 2" x 2" x .093" Tube Post 1"x2"x.125' Channel !'i' Miri. 3" min —►i 13/4" x 1%" x .125" tube insert Core drill & fill with Sikadur 32 H -Mod epoxy extended with sand aggregate 8" 31. Notes: AH components shall be shop welded using 5183 or 5356 alloy filler wire & conform with FBC 2003.8.1.3, 2003.8.1.4, 2003.8.1.5. Pickets are punched through mid channel rail (if provided) and welded below rail. Field welds shall be painted with epoxy to match. Balcony concrete shall be 3500 psi or better with no cracks within 3" of core drill holes. All rail components shall be powder coated Design: 2010 FBC, Sec,, 1618.4.6 & ASCE 7-10, Wind speed 175 MPH, exposure C & D, risk category 3. Material: 6061-T6 aluminum or equal No changes allowed without written authorization from the engineer. Copies of this drawing without an original signature and seal of the engineer are invalid. 6.4.13 Core Drill Detail /"77/ FLA :f'" TY ASS..'" TES William F. Flaherty, P.E. #25221 1351 SE 4th Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Certificate of Authorization #26223 954-562-9300 Broward County Board of Rules and Appeals One North University Drive, 3500-B Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33324 Effective: March 15, 2012 Telephone: 954.765.4500 Facsimile: 954,765.4504 FORM FOR "SPECIAL BUILDING INSPECTOR" SECTION 110.10 — BROWAR9 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AND THE 2010 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: You are hereby directed in accordance with Section 110.10,1 of the Broward County Administrative Code and the Florida Building Code to retain a Special Structural Inspector (A Florida Registered Architect or Licensed Engineer) to perform the following mandatory or discretionary inspections, as outlined in Sections 110.10, 1622, 2122,2.4, 2218.2, R4407.5.4, 2223.11.1, 1927,12.1, 1927.12.2, 84405.9.12.1, R4405.9.12.2, R4408.5.2 & R4408.10.11 of the Florida Building Code and submit progress reports, inspections reports, and a Certificate of Compliance to the Building Official as per Sections 110.10.6 and 110.10.7 of the Florida Building Code. Notes The Building Official determines which discretionary Inspections are to be delegated. DATE: U Ceri1S- n 3 O 0 1 3ENTIFICA�rT�ION, CONTROL OR BUILDING PERMIT # PROJECT NAME: l 1 _U ( Ci n c' JOB ADDRESS 1010I RC n i n,5L' l OT !te t c► C. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A. MANDATORY INSPECTIONS TYPE BY CODE:, 1) Precast Concrete Units - Section 1927.12.1, R4405.9.12.1, Yes 0 No 0 2) Precast Concrete Units - Section 1927.12.2, R4405.9.12.2, 1 10.10.2. I Yes 0 No 0 3) Reinforced Unit Masonry - Section 2122.2.4, 84907.5.4, (per ACI 530.1.05 -Level B Quality Assurance)* *unless noted otherwise on plan Yes Ar No 0 4) Connections - Section 2218.2, Yes 0 No 0 5) Metal System Buildings - Section 2223.1 1.1,, 84408.10.1 I Yes 0 No 0 B. DISCRETIONARY INSPECTION TYPE BY BUILDING OFFICIAL:, 1) Building Structures or part thereof of Unusual Size, Height, Design or Method of Construction and Critical Structural Connections•- Section Yes 0 No 0 2) Windows, Glass Doors and Curtain Wails on buildings over two (2) stories - Section 110. 0.1.1I Yes 0 No 0 3) Pile Driving Only - Sections 1822, 84404.13, Yes 0 No 0 4) Precast Concrete Units - Section 1822, 84405.9.12, Yes 0 No 0 5) Reinforced Unit masonry - Sections 2122,2.4, R4407.5,4, Yes 0 No 0 Yes O No O , ZIP FOLIO # 6) Other C. MANDATORY DOCUMEt- I) Inspection schedule stating the spe a 2) Progress Report/Inspection report: 3) Certificate of Compliance must oe.s Owner's Signature; Printed Name; ATION c inspection chat will be made and at what phase of construction must be subl'iltted with this application. uring construction In accordance with Section 1 10.10.6. mltted prior to Che scheduiing of the Mal building Inspection, Section 1 10. 110,7, ACKNOWLEDGMENT n Permit Holder's Signature: :.3•12)a -re- Printed Name: pH 1 L) p License # (if applicable) SPECIAL BUILDING INSPECTOR; 0 Registered Architect and/or,'Licensed Engineer • e, .: '• C 0 :P/ U Signature of Special' ing Insect- hmeAse+seAi AND Date Printed Name of Special Building Inspector Address of Special Building Inspector i123.i State of Florida Registration # G • 49 -C.J Building Official (or designated representative) ***BE ADVISED THiS DOES NOT PRECLUDE YOU FROM G:\SHARED\Forms\2010 FBC Special Bldg Insp Form.doc r",GIN ES?' ��.°• . OTHER MANDATORY INSPECTIONS IN THE CODE*** December 3, 2013 NODAL STRUCTURES, INC. Structural Engineering Consultants and Construction Inspectors City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 Attention: Building Official Please be advised that Nodal Structures, Inc. shall supervise the setting and erection of trusses having a bottom chord in excess of 35' long or 6' high, including all permanent bracing, for the structure at the following location: Mira Lago at Parkland — by Lennar Homes. Lot: 16 Block: 1 Permit #: TBD Shoul�c� + - uuire additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. �%�� C • l . S i,�ee ,asp - ful �� if .sd, ,N,dda Stq ctur �73. i •- .0� •• ys s AAN•dal, P.FIT S.E. of F +rida Lic ns&d Professional Engineer: 0049285 lorida 1.iicen.*d Threshold/Special Inspector: 001093 N G 1\'\�<,•,`�, 10316 N.W. 55`h Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351 Phone: (954) 741-2572 Fax: (954) 741-8635 December 3, 2013 NODAL STRUCTURES, INC. Structural Engineering Consultants and Construction Inspectors City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 RE: Mira Lago at Parkland — by Lennar Homes. Lot: 16 Block: 1 10191 Peninsula Place Parkland, Florida Permit # TBD Dear Chief Building Official, We shall personally inspect the entire "Engineered Unit Masonry" system for this building, including but not limited to the following: . Masonry units, mortar, grout and reinforcing steel meet specifications. . Dowels properly placed, with adequate lapping. . Steel and column ties in columns, pilasters, and beam elevation transitions properly placed, lapped and tied. . Masonry field work: head and bed joints, horizontal joint reinforcing installed correctly, cells free of excessive mortar fins, walls level and plumb within tolerances. . Verify grout slump, proper consolidation of grout, and proper low —or high — lift grouting procedures were followed. . Correct embedment of reinforcing steel, bolts, ties. . Compliance with ACI 530-05, ACI 530-1.95 and commentaries; ASCE 7-10 approved plans, and FBC. This letter of intent is to be followed up by an Inspection Certification for Unit Masonry which will attest to th; above. Illi Respe Ate*, Nod.' S` tr : •,EI}e^!L� st N, • .O' Car1�s• •A. od.1, P.E,, S:' St bf F orid'Lice = d; Pr&essional Engineer: 0049285 Sfntalaf�'' drida •censed Threshold/Special Inspector: 001093 !v L... NC/ /wino` 10316 N.W. 55th Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351 Phone: (954) 741-2572 Fax: (954) 741-8635 December 3, 2013 NODAL STRUCTURES, INC. Structural Engineering Consultants and Construction Inspectors 1- 6rl4�j Chief Building Official City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 ENGINEERED UNIT MASONRY INSPECTION CERTIFICATION RE: Mira Lago at Parkland — by Lennar Homes. Lot: 16 Block: 1 10191 Peninsula Place Parkland, Florida Permit #: BLDG1305-0034 Gentlemen, We have personally inspected the entire "Engineered Unit Masonry" system for this building. This inspection includes all of its components, such as, reinforced poured cells, vertical and horizontal reinforcing bars, horizontal joint reinforcing for the blocks, and all associated tie beams, bond beams, tie columns, concrete pour, grout pour. We find that all aspects of this system conform to the "Approved Plans". ,stagy Should y,.kir.i•e'qiAi p..,, • Respvi+,�su�r;'tied, NodalStx1ctur;. ;Inc. • U : Carlss A; No 4 al, P. State pf nor da*ii State cff r* itional information, do not hesitate to call on us. 4y° .w� z, Qessional Engineer: 0049285 •Iireshold/Special Inspector: 001093 10316 N.W. 55`h Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351 Phone: (954) 741-2572 Fax: (954) 741-8635 December 3, 2013 NODAL STRUCTURES, INC. Structural Engineering Consultants and Construction Inspectors Chief Building Official City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 Re: Mira Lago at Parkland — by Lennar Homes. Lot: 16 Block: 1 10191 Peninsula Place Parkland, Florida Permit #: BLDG1305-0034 Dear Chief Building Official, Please be advised that Nodal Structures, Inc. has supervised the setting and erection of trusses over 35 feet long or six feet high, for the structure at the above -referenced unit. The purpose of our inspection was to ensure proper erection and temporary bracing to prevent the collapse of trusses, and to ensure that the trusses were not damaged during the erection process. Should kwilirequiie,,additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. ,% 0 00 1 * ��>. • 1 s� 'ul ''ubmitteU L eadxtr ,'-t i es, I8c. c� =:— Z-. .7.J � - 4, 0 w' € Os . Noda P.E�.�6: Sftii"e o Florida ' • !iterirofessional Engineer: 0049285 Staf,,F oxid , i e d Threshold/Special Inspector: 001093 :ago FE�`�e� 10316 N.W. 55th Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351 Phone: (954) 741-2572 Fax: (954) 741-8635 December 3, 2013 NODAL STRUCTURES, INC. Structural Engineering Consultants and Construction Inspectors Chief Building Official City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 RE: Mira Lago at Parkland — by Lennar Homes. Lot: 16 Block: 1 10191 Peninsula Place Parkland, Florida Permit #: BLDG1305-0034 To Whom It May Concern, We hereby attest that to the best of our knowledge, belief and professional judgment, the structural and envelope components of the above referenced structure are in compliance with the approved plans and other approved permit documents. We also attest that to the best of our knowledge, belief and professional judgment the approved permit plans represent the as -built condition of the structural and envelope components of said structure. This document is prepared in accordance with the Florida Building Code, and is being submitted to the Parkland Building Department at the time of final inspection for the above referenced structure. Should you require any additional information, do not hesitate to contact this office. xx00�+tO 1 / i', Re 4PeCialla�y .ni`rxitt�d;", N4% Siic ;, Ind•., d- Earlbs A9 i oc , P. ., 5.E. gt 6. of F orida - _is rld Trofessional Engineer: 0049285 1eg of or s . ' e rs ej Threshold/Special Inspector: 001093 ,,/I/ , E S S, %O 0xx" 10316 N.W. 55th Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351 Phone: (954) 741-2572 Fax: (954) 741-8635 December 3, 2013 NODAL STRUCTURES, INC. Structural Engineering Consultants and Construction Inspectors Chief Building Official City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 Re: Mira Lago at Parkland — by Lennar Homes. Lot: 16 Block: 1 10191 Peninsula Place Parkland, Florida Permit #: BLDG1305-0034 Dear Chief Building Official, Please be advised that Nodal Structures, Inc. has supervised the setting and erection of trusses over 35 feet long or six feet high, for the structure at the above -referenced unit. The purpose of our inspection was to ensure proper erection and temporary bracing to prevent the collapse of trusses, and to ensure that the trusses were not damaged during the erection process. Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. `totti Itrrrii, 00 OS A. ^ /iO �°°° ° Reg ie f�trlbp• :�,° N d LSt ct�ir=� Inc. . *• Cirlcis A. od. , P.E., SI S€g� of F � 0p, ,' s ibfessional Engineer: 0049285 Stf F a j'ida ski reshold/Special Inspector: 001093 rrrrtint%t%` 10316 N.W. 556 Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351 Phone: (954) 741-2572 Fax: (954) 741-8635 December 3, 2013 NODAL STRUCTURES, INC. Structural Engineering Consultants and Construction Inspectors Chief Building Official City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 ENGINEERED UNIT MASONRY INSPECTION CERTIFICATION RE: Mira Lago at Parkland — by Lennar Homes. Lot: 16 Block: 1 10191 Peninsula Place Parkland, Florida Permit #: BLDG1305-0034 Gentlemen, We have personally inspected the entire "Engineered Unit Masonry" system for this building. This inspection includes all of its components, such as, reinforced poured cells, vertical and horizontal reinforcing bars, horizontal joint reinforcing for the blocks, and all associated tie beams, bond beams, tie columns, concrete pour, grout pour. We find that all aspects of this system conform to the "Approved Plans". Shouldvyakitttftiri4pny additional information, do not hesitate to call on us. **.....v Rl'sl � ral On .. i c, i1 St t Vis, nc .7 .60 7:Cj3os A. NRial, 9e,oJ1 Ibt laregisferjProfessional Engineer: 0049285 5tatt;ofgo id egi" ed. Threshold/Special Inspector: 001093 1111110A0 10316 N.W. 55th Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351 Phone: (954) 741-2572 Fax: (954) 741-8635 December 3, 2013 NODAL STRUCTURES, INC. Structural Engineering Consultants and Construction Inspectors Chief Building Official City of Parkland Building Department 6600 University Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 RE: Mira Lago at Parkland — by Lennar Homes. Lot: 16 Block: 1 10191 Peninsula Place Parkland, Florida Permit #: BLDG1305-0034 To Whom It May Concern, We hereby attest that to the best of our knowledge, belief and professional judgment, the structural and envelope components of the above referenced structure are in compliance with the approved plans and other approved permit documents. We also attest that to the best of our knowledge, belief and professional judgment the approved permit plans represent the as -built condition of the structural and envelope components of said structure. This document is prepared in accordance with the Florida Building Code, and is being submitted to the Parkland Building Department at the time of final inspection for the above referenced structure. Should you require any additional information, do not hesitate to contact this office. ♦♦♦���L�i S1 q i,I'is R e Res�cc$iiil. ♦ o N44 Struq e�c� •;-9r • CiIIs AA' No, A, P.E., S.* StgtQ,pffOdridiste .ifofessional Engineer: 0049285 Stats F�.' • a Reaiste : hreshold/Special Inspector: 001093 , G, NA LEN`♦♦ 10316 N.W. 55th Street, Sunrise, Florida 33351 Phone: (954) 741-2572 Fax: (954) 741-8635 NGINEERING ederal & TESTING INC. 250 SW 13th Ave Pompano Beach, FL 33069 February 19, 2014 Latite Roofing & Sheet Metal Company 2280 W. Copans Road Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 RE: TAS -106 TILE UPLIFT TESTS Proposed Roof/MLP 16/1 Permit # BLDG1305-0034 10191 Peninsula Place Parkland, Florida Dear Sirs: /369---- 003c/ Phone 954-784-2941 800-848-1919 Fax 954-784-7875 Order # 14-522 In accordance with your authorization, Federal Engineering & Testing, Inc. has performed Tile Uplift Testing in compliance with Testing Application Standards TAS -106 and the Florida Building Code High Velocity Hurricane Zone on February 19, 2014 at the above referenced project. The purpose of our inspection was to determine the uplift capacity of the roof tiles for the residence at the above referenced project. The subject roof consisted of Flat Concrete Tile Nail Set. The pitch of the subject roof is 5/12. Our field engineer visited the site and conducted 100 uplift tests on the roof tiles. All tests were performed according to the Florida Building Code High Velocity Hurricane Zone and protocol TAS -106 using an Intercomp Scale Model CS200. The following is a summary of results: Field Test Results Test Number Test Location Field Uplift Pull Test Test Results 1 — 19 Corner See Attached Diagram > 35 Pounds Passed 20 — 64 Field See Attached Diagram > 35 Pounds Passed 65 — 87 Perimeter See Attached Diagram > 35 Pounds Passed 88 — 100 Hip / Ridge See Attached Diagram > 35 Pounds Passed All test results were found to be in compliance with TAS -106 and the Florida Building Code The test results are limited to the tested areas. If other roof areas exhibit different conditions, it should be brought to our attention for remedial work. This uplift test is not a roof top inspection. A final roof inspection must be conducted by the building official for approval. The test results presented reflect the condition of the roof system at the time of the test. These results are time and sample dependent since roof conditions are continuously changing due to exposure to the elements. Federal Engineering & Testing, Inc. is an independent third party providing un -biased testing information and results and is not affiliated with our client nor do we have any financial interest in the project or determination of the test results. As mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for publication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you at this phase of your project. If you have any questions or comments, please give us a call. It has been a pleasure working with you and look forward to doing so again in the near future. Sincerely, Keith LeBlanc, P.E. Federal Engineering & Testing, Inc. Florida Reg. No. 59394 Certificate of Authorization # 5471 Miami -Dade County Certification # 11-0407.0 i Construction Material Engineering Council American Concrete Institute -- MIAMI-DE maiu Miami Dade County D Florida Department of Transportation Field Sketch Not to Scale NGINEERING 11 .Irk+ L L L OS E •"� CE .0 0 © o •� 00 GALE INSULATION S/O # 401427424 CERTIFICATE OF INSULATION — INSTALLATION BUILDING PERMIT # 1335 — J,?32j JOB ADDRESS: 10191 PENINSULA PL PARKLAND, FL LOT 16/1 MIRA LAGO AT PARKLAND STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE: We, the undersigned, hereby certify that the thermal insulation has been installed in the referenced building in compliance with the South Florida Building Code, Chapter 52, and the approved plans and specifications, and in accordance with good construction practice. The insulation furnished is of the type, thickness and R -value as set forth below: AREA TYPE CEILING FIBERGLASS AREA 2ND BLOW FLR GARAGE FIBERGLASS COMMON BATT WALL EXTERIOR REFLECTIVE MASONRY FOIL WALL THICKNESS 11.75" 3.5" .75" R -VALUE R-30 R-11 R-4.1 MANUFACTURER OWENS CORNING OWENS CORNING FI -FOIL COMPANY COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION: The COMMON (PARTY) walls separating different tenants shall be insulated as follows: Frame/Metal Stud Walls R-11 (min); CBS or Concrete Walls R-3 (min) by Energy Code requirements. See Energy Code, Rev. 1/87, paragraph 903.2(b), on page 0-17, latest edition. These "minimum levels of insulation" are not included in the Energy Calculations, but shall be installed in the field. INSULATION CGC1512179 INSULATION CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE: BUILDER: LENNAR: SIGNATURE: CERTIFICATION DATE: MARCH 5, 2014 VLZ I PERSONALLY KNOW THE AFFIANT, PAMELA FENTON. Sworn to and subscribed before\ ne this Notary Public, State of Florida .� day, of - / .;ENR • : t. � , 2014