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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDG1305-0034-ApplicationContact Person: Denise Brown City of Parkland Building Permit Application Phone #: (954) 232-2290 E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 'Company Name Lennar Homes, LLC 'Business Address 730 NW 107th Ave City Miami State Fl Zip 33172 Property Owner's Name Lennar Homes, LLC Owner's Street Address 730 NW 107th Ave City Miami 'Job Site Address State Fl Iufa Zip 33172 Phone# 305-559-1951 Phone# 305-559-1951 i l i nSk �CLot 'Master Permit Number 'Date 'Construction Value 'Engineer's Name Engineer's License # Phone # Architect's Name Architect's License # (� Block d Phone # 3LDCC I Y, s -C6 3 y -- Walsh Engineering PE #33915 (561) 362-0237 Work Description: Mira Lago-Single Family -New Construction Master Model#: J2 c i 3� I L 2 3 s Model �1 1 — �� �' ��G��C �ri E �T - Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: Philip Serrate License number: CGC062343 Signature of Qualifier: On this 26 day of Deceb r 20 1 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State olFlori personally appeared Philip Serrate and whose name is subscribed to and within the instru and he/she ac owledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA Denise Brown PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC tat Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF i OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer ❑ Produced identification J Oath not taken :w..;. DENISE BROWN r.','+' {,,"SIC" "EE0066-^0 EXPIRES \3\/ember 4, 2014 9u^'1 rr: ;; „ rr FuDb'. UnderWn:er_ Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: Philip Serrate Owner's Address: 730 NW 107th fe, Miami FI 33172 Signature of Property ter: On this 26 of ecember, 20 13 before me, the undersigned Notary Public o he St to of Florida, personally appeared Philip nate \ and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrum t, and he/she ackno edges that he/she executed it. j�5-`---�) NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA Denise Brown PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC XI Personally known to me Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC OF OFFICE: Produced identification ��_ � na h not ra4o Date: DENISE BROWN fY C:.:",^ivV,, 510N 0 60 006640 EXPPES Noveenber» 2014 Nctary p;t r Undenvnters Electrical Contractor: Electric Connection Business Address: 1100 Barnett Eirive License #: EC0002938 / Estimated Construction Value: 5c( 75- • 0-, Phone #: 561-586-6499 t/// Notification E-mail: + f►el@eler=triccon,,c.,L:.,, i Qualifier Signature: //r/ Print Name: Randy Sjaardema The foregoing instrument wAs acknowledged before me thus i_i day of f'f- U ,20 13 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as ide tificatianwhorlid/rlicLnat takean_oath My Commission Expires: ;(_C - I ` ;;.ti""_Nye RACHELGLATTHORN 3*i it 1,1MY COMMISSION # EE 038068 :�'• • : ,j EXPIRES: February 20, 2015 1.te ty,•` Bonded Thru Notary Publw Uneervrtfters Notary Public: (.�Cl.\ I; C1 - Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 12 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: !Qualifier Signature: Print Name: T he foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 12 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did riot take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: !The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of !who is personally known to me or who produced !Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Print Name: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath ((Notary Public: My Commission Expires: (Electrical Contractor: Business Address: 'License #: 'Phone#: Notification E-mail: 'Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Estimated Construction Value: Print Name: day of Plumbing Contractor: Ridgeway Plumbing Business Address: 640 Industrial Ave, Boynton Beach, FI 33426 License #: CFC019077 Phone #: 561-732-3176 J 'Qualifier Signature: �� The foregoing instrument was acledged before me thus 6 day of February whs rs peonally known to me o o iwho produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: ,20 12 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: C( 2,(4 .GD Notification E-mail: Print Name: Gary Kozan ,20 13 ,by the above named person Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: ' License #: ' Phone #: Notification E-mail: 'Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: „asinifiwho i di n t t. ke an oath ka.?riLEz,i ": HALL - StaHa o' Flor.da 9 - .`y Ezoirts Jun 11, 201.1_ •! .-,'�_r -Il'i ;aSIOn S DC 981724 r oral Notary Assn 16le ,e Wee - Estimated Construction Value: Print Name: day of Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: 'Phone #: 'Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: ,20 12 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: (Other Contractor: Business Address: ' License #: ' Phone #: Notification E-mail: 'Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Print Name: day of My Commission Expires: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Print Name: day of ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Electrical: Contractor; Business Address: !License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 5 day of February ,20 13 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractors Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: !Phone #: Notification E-mail: !Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 12 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor;A Lindstrom Air Business Address: 3581 West McNab Road, Pompano Beach FI 33069 License #: CAC056703 / Estimated Construction Value: G3� —t ,u ) !Phone #: 954-421-4117/7 Notification E-mail: !Qualifier Signature: fore instrum�n who is persona Not Landsca ingContra or Business Address: License #: Phone #: 3 nowledged before me thus or who produced mt N DOUG LINDSTROM Name: day oft►;7,,,,,„,17.10_16cm-trta, ed Arson a dati P i rF�i�iKo e oath .cUndero+nter- a Bonded T"r� Not2r{ , p.& My Commission Expires: Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor:, Y Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Electrical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: (Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 12 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 12 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: ILicense #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: 9 Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 12 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: I Phone #: Notification E-mail: I Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Universal Gas Contractors Business Address: 9030 Bellhurst Way Suite 127, West Palm Beach, FI 33411 I License #: 0000012568 Phone #: 561-422-9986 No ification&-mail: Print Name: Melbourne Butler ,20 13 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: _ Cu Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 1`-{- day of who is personal) known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: 1I Electrical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 12 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractor: Dixie Landscape-Irriagation Business Address: 12590 NW 111 Court,Miami FI 33178 License#: 95CLS622RCOL Estimated Construction Value: GO Phone #: 305-884-57A Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: / ,( C Print Name: Jeff Reamer The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 6 day of March ,20 13 ,by the above named person who is personally kT now to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Not ry Public: J Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License #: My Commission Expires: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Print Name: day of Landscaping Contractor: Dixie Landscape Business Address: 12590 NW 111 Court,Miami FI 33178 ,20 12 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath License #: 95CLS622RCOL Estimated Construction Value: 5b 9-C, . Cc, Phone #: 305-884-579q Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: / I 0 ,_ Print Name: Jeff Reamer The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus 6 day of March,20 13 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced Notax�-Rtt lit: i n, Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: My Commission Expires: as identification who did/did not take an oath Electrical Contractor: Vitex System -Low Voltage Alarm, TV and Phone Business Address: 3893 Mannix Drive Suite #501, Naples FI 34114 License #: EF20000404 Phone #: 239 -455 - 'Qualifier Signature: /i v / The foregoing instr. A -nt a's ac r. who is personallAknown o me or w Notary Public: (` %F3 --e_ 11 Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: 'License #: 'Phone #: 'Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: Estimated Construction Value: l 3 ((-(0 ccJ Notification E-mail: Print Name: Tom ledged before me thus 7 day of 1-1--C.) produced Q- -fSUY\ Gti- «1 )(..,0 C Uvv\ as 6C,k/ My Commission Expires: q. 1.4 - Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: 'Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: me thus day of My Commission Expires: Print Name: by the'611:tO4 persc s 'Notary � Public - State of Florida )0(0 4fi i4fit0f42Mt Commission # DD 965227 °.. '. Bonded Through National Notary Assn. ,20 12 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: 'License #: 'Phone #: Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: day of My Commission Expires: ,20 12 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: day of My Commission Expires: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: 'Qualifier Signature: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Print Name: day of ,20 13 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Electrical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: ,Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 13 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractor: 11 Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: 1 Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 12 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath. Notary Public: My Comm>ssion Expires: Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 12 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License'!: Estimated Construction Value: Phone 4: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before nye thus day of 20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Gold Coast Hurricane Shutters. Inc. -Railings Business Address: 5900 SW 43rd Street .- - License #: 41 -10163 -F -X % Estimated Construction Value: '2_02`-f-.00 Phone 954-472-7766 -- of cation;a�rnait: • ,/ / /�%`. �' �-- Print Name: Michael Cooper Qualifier Signature: i r f f The foregoing instru -it was acxnowlediged-b-dfore-me taus day of ,20 13 ,by the above named person who is personally ilpwn ton who produced a- identification who did/did not take an oath S,,YPe,:,,, Erica Guillaume Notary Pubiic:L_ My Commission Lxpires. '� =E4, -•I ;t Nov :4, 2015 ,, ,F;,,, W',YW.AARONNOTAR' MIRA LAGO City of Parkland Building Permit Application Contact Person: Mimi Allbritton Phone1954-772-3446 X330 E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Name Latite Roofing Business Address 2280 West Copans Road City State Zip Pompano Beach FI. 33069 Property Owner's Name Lennar Homes Owner's street Address 730 N.W. 107th Avenue Phone* 954-772-3446 °tY Miami State FI. ZIP Phone* Master Permit Number Date Construction Value Engineer's Name Engineer's Ucense 1 Phone N Architect's Name Architect's Ucense N Job Site Address lt;t4l Peninsula Place Lot (( Block 1 PhoneN Work Description: New Tile Roof: Tin tag 1 #30, Install 1 layer Polystick TU Plus. Install tile with 2 10D Ring Shank Nails. Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and Installation as indicated I certify that no work or installation has oomrnenced prior to the Issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL„ PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: mimi Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: Connie Scott License number. CCC 1326;510 Signature of affrer: On this1th day of fpr 2013i before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared C:nnn iP S c:nttt and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrume _ • he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. N • ARY PUBUC, S TE OF FLORIDA Mimi Allbritton PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC Personalty known to me 0 Produced identification ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBUC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer 0 Oath not taken MM! E. ALLBRITTON M CO',"",gSSION a EE 995363 EXJ!RF3 August le, .'O15 Bone,..; Tr - Property Owner Notification E-mail Print Name of Property Owner: Phil Serrate Owner's Address: 730 N.E. 107t1)lAvenue, Miami, FL. 33172 Signature of Property Owp On thIsFith i , 20 LS before me, the undersigned Notary Public of Hie State bf Florida, personally appeared Phil sprr ito \and whose name issubscribedtoand within the rostrum and he/sheacknowjgdges chat he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBUC, STATE OF FLORIDA Denise Brown PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC )(tjt Personally known to me O Oath taken NOTARY PUBLI OF OFFICE: 0 Produced Identification O Oath not taken Date: BARCELONA TILE t MIDROOFTOP smS Florida Budding g Cods fion 2010 IffghaVebcfty Hu c:weZods uaaoa; psi+a tAppacallon Foy Section A (General r,2 Master Permit Mo. , Process Ko. R(OG lac S 'CC3�{ Contractor's Name _LATITE ROOFING _. Job Address I c L G I PDn Lac 0 e. LOT I (a ear cATEGdpir' 13 Low Slops Xj Mechanically Fastened Tile ❑ Aaphaitic Shingles 0 Metal Pane files ❑ . Prescriptive SUR4A.C150 AOOFTYPE XX New Roof 13 Reroofing Low Slope Roof Area (SF) N/A 0 Recovering • ROOF SYST I! tiFP01 BLOCK 4676 ❑ MortadAdisealve set Tile ❑ Woodshingthaims 13 Repair 0 Maintenance - Steep Stoped Roof Ams (SF) Total (SF) 4800 • ; 4800 Section B (Roof Plan) Sketch Roof Plan: illustrate en levels and sections, roof drains, ac ippeta, overtbw scuppers and overflow drains. tnclade dimensions of sections and levels, clearly identify dfinensio'rs et elevated preneure zona old location of parapets. 15.34 '1 8 EE A 2010 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE—SMARM Contact Person: Denise Brown City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.citvofoarkland.ore Phone #: (954) 232-2290 ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 E-mail: Company Name Electric Connection Business Address 1100 Barnett Drive Suite 4 City Lake Worth State Fl Zip 33461 Phone# 561-586-9889 Property Owner's Name Lennar Homes, LLC Owner's Street Address 730 NW 107th Ave City Miami State Fl Zip 33172 Phone# 305-559-1951 Master Permit Number Date Construction Value Engineer's Name Engineer's License # Phone # Architect's Name Architect's License # Job Site Address to ct 1 fenmcttil n ip I Lot ((o Block I Phone # Work Description: Tug Inspection P-A-1)6I.2S-cc35L Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: Randy Sjaardema License number: EC0002938 Signature of Qualifier: On this 7 day of March , 20 14 before me, the undersigned gtrax P blicq the State ol Florida, personally appeared t ice+ U. -A-4 0.A.- - 4W1.1444ose name is subscribed to and within the Instrur eNt, c'heOshe acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC a Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer ❑ Produced identification U Oath not taken RACHEL GLATTHORN COMMISSION # EE 036068 EXPIRES. FebriAn 20, 2015 Bonded 'i nru Notary'Public Underwriters Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: Philip Serrate Owner's Address: 730 NW 107th ve, Miami FI 33172 Signature of Property ner: On this 7 40 March , 20 14 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the S to of Florida, personally appeared Philip Serrate and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrume, a he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. TATE NOTARY PUBLIC, OF FLORIDA Denise Brown PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC SSI Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken O. NOTARY PUBLI OF OFFICE: ❑ Produced identification ❑ Oath not taken DENISE BROWN e f MY COMMISSION e EE 066t4r EXPIRES: November 4, 20 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters is Date: Contact Person: Bill Leiser Company Name Business Address city LWWA City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.citvofoarkland.ora Phone #: (305) 234-8377 ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 E-mail: Miami Cable Connections, Inc. 14030 SW 140 Street State fL Zip 331VIIPhone # Property Owner's Name Lennar Homes Owner's Street Address 730 NW 107th Ave City OtO M State Zip 33) LPhone# 3 2 ,3q11- 3 • >50i•PSi Job Site Address f c,i q) IRn(n_5ui e( Lot Kr Block Work Description: Master Permit Number 5it16,--)/ 3(, —0()."3L-) Date w/3// (-/ Construction Value . U Engineer's Name Engineer's License # Phone # Architect's Name Architect's License # Phone # Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: Mark Liebold License number: EC13002448 SignatQualifier: On this 3 day of , 20 I'-(, before me, the undersigned Nolarx Public/?f)he•Stat of FI rida, personally appeared (1 r 1( and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, ansh- now t he/she executed it. /( �]. T) CfYC71 NOTARY P ' IC ATE bF FLORIDA 1 PRINTED NAME OF NOTAR* PUBLIC U personally known to me ❑ Produced identification ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer Oath not taken Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: Owner's Address: Signature of Property Owner: On this day of . 20 before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, and he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ❑ Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Date: 0 Produced identification 0 Oath not taken Electrical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.cityofparkland.orr Contact Person: Denise Brown Phone it: (954) 232-2290 E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Name Lennar Homes, LLC Business Address 730 NW 107th Ave City Miami State F1 Zip 33172 Property Owner's Name Lennar Homes, LLC Owner's Street Address 730 NW 107th Ave City Miami State F1 Zip 33172 Phone# 305-559-1951 Phone# 305-559-1951 Job Site Address lolq 1 F' Iacc_ Lot Work Description: I� Electrical Revision Master Permit Number Date Construction Value Engineer's Name Engineer's License # Phone # Architect's Name Architect's License # Block Phone # - V4l11- R05- I 1 X05-- o03y 5-22- 19 L3641, 1 he . Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: Philip Serrate License number: CGC062343 Signature of Qualifier: On this 25 day of Arid , 2014 befor methe undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally app ared Philip Serrate and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument and he/she acknowledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA Denise Brown PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC SI Personally known to me Produced identification Oath taken 7 Oath not taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: '''' DENISEBROWra COMMISSOIV EXPIRES. ,, �y,Bended Thru Notary Pul:lr: Application Approved By: Permit Officer / Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: Philip Serrate Owner's Address: 730 NW 107th Ave, Mi ami FI 33172 Signature of Property Owner: On this 25 day of April 1 ' 213 14 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of F trida\personally appeared Philip Serrate and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrument, ar?dli /she acknowledges that he/she executed it. ..._. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA Denise Brown PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: ❑ Produced identification Oath not taken PY A'- _ �ENiSEBR WN r COMMISSION y° E y f Bcr ee IRE S: November 6640 �rlru Nord 2014 ' Public Underwriters Date: i �� Electrical Contractor: Electric Connection Business Address: 1100 Barnett Drive, Suite 4, Lake Worth FL 33461 License #: EC0002938 Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: 561-586-6499 // Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: /(.( Print Name: Randy Sjaardema The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus �. day of' iF< ,20 14 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires -:>'"r:'y9<fi;, RACHELGUU'J RN '! :: MY COMMISSION N EE 036066 i J "'•-'.i: fid= EXPIRES: February20 2015 . '•, '; Bonded 7hru Notary Pub Underwriters Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: ,20 12 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 12 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: Estimated Construction Value: Phone #: Notification E-mail: Qualifier Signature: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of ,20 ,by the above named person who is personally known to me or who produced as identification who did/did not take an oath Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Permit # Date City of Parkland Building Division 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 Phone 954-753-5447 Fax 954-753-8838 30 -day Electrical Testing Connection Application The property owner or General Contractor AND the Electrical Contractor of the property identified below must complete this application. Request is hereby made to connect electrical power for a period not to exceed 30 days, for the purpose of equipment testing. It is acknowledged that approval of temporary power for this site is in no way a release of this property for permanent use or occupancy. It is further acknowledged that use of this property without proper authorization will result in an immediate disconnection of electrical service pursuant to the Florida Building Code. 10 t� �en un5ut.It Acee- Job Address Lot ,(J Blk 0A Mira Lago Legal Description (Lot / Block / Subdivision) Eelctric Connection /' Electrical Contractor (Company Name) G/ {/� / Electrical Qualifier's Signature / `J EC0002938 License number The fo5egoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ; � a l -�_;,i , 206-3, by \ i.ia CLA •--> i; (L�C��-/l (iQame of Person Acknowledging) who is personally known to me, or who has produced (type of ID) as identification and who did / did not take an oath. Notary Public Signature: My Commission Expires: Owner's Signature `Y: RACHELGLATTHORN MY COMMISSION # EE 036068 EXPIRES: February 20, 2015 4 Boned Thai Notary Public Underwriters The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20013, by Phil Serrate or who has produced Notary Public Signature: (Name of Person Acknowledging) who is personally known to me, (type of ID) as identification and who did / did not take an oath. S..- did, _v:A4'TFrs3M._Y94tsgrf-Sv OSE RO `JN , ¢ ►l 1J�-' IPII. 1+.,_..`•i. ..SIGN'»E�-i`i r.'( j — - ..)" ES ~,J,'1- i :014 j;' My Commission Expires: Nov . 4 , 2 014 Approved by Chief Electrical Inspector: Date: // Rev 12/08 Lennar Homes Miralago To parkland building department Lennar homes has chosen not to connect gas meters in the model center At this time. We will connect when the homes are converted to homeowners Lot 16/1 Address 10191 Peninsula Place Permit BLDG1305-0034 Ole �J11� Irl PERMIT NUMBER PERMIT NO SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT BLDG1305-0034 } PERMIT TREE ��� TYPE ..;.STATUS FEES CHARGED OBVALU .. SFR ISSUED $13,641.16 $467,440.00 BLDG1305-0034 DESCRIPTION APPLIED . ISSUEI FEES IiAII? \....._.v..� NCE DU TOTAL of ALL FEES 16/1 MIRA LAGO 05/10/2013 07/18/2013 $13,337.16 $304.00 LENNAR HOMES LLC. VALUE. Drintorl• Thnrcrinv 7') KAnv 1 of 1 PERMIT TREE PERMIT NO SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT BLDG1305-0034 DESCRIPTION APPLIED ISSUED SFR ISSUED $13,337.16 $467,440.00 TOTAL of ALL FEES 16/1 MIRA LAGO 05/10/2013 $13,128.16 07/18/2013 $209.00 LENNAR HOMES LLC. PERMITS ' FEES CHARGED FEES PAID A NCE DUE JOBVALUE 1 $13,337.16 $13,128.16 Drintcrl• Frir1=‘, 1/1 NA.rrh 0111/1 1 of 1 $20940" $467,440.00 PERMIT NO SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT BLDG 1305-0034 Lyvvia. BLDG 1305-0034 PERMIT TREE SFR ISSUED $14,034.08 $467,440.00 TOTAL of ALL FEES 16/1 MIRA LAGO 05/10/2013 $13,641.16 07/18/2013 $392.92 LENNAR HOMES LLC. 2/2/44ut: Printarl- Frirlau (1F, limp ?(11d 1 of 1 9"0711,4! LENNAk. h e.LS (applicant) 730 tti107 AVI:,i€1E (billing address) MIAMI, FLVKUiDA 33/72 (city, state, zip) NORTH SPRINGS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 10300 N.W. llth Manor Coral Springs, Florida 33071 (954) 753-0729 RECEIPT FOR UTILITY SERVICE REQUEST 'ELADG 30c- 003 INVOICE: s► 0CTtl,H4„c: 25, z013 (date) 564--.0557-01 (account number) APPLICANT IS FAMILIAR WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE APPLICATION FOR WATER SERVICE AND ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES TO ABIDE BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED THEREIN. METER USE FEE 1" 1 ETk:t SYSTIEUXXOINECOMME WASTEWATER/ Rh USE CONNECT i0h i'Ef. WATER USE DEPOSIT TO BE C.;AKGLD 0N F1 KST ILL CSX ATER. CONN ECTLOcN 'at; (meter number) (installation date) G / 91 (by) PEP,i't.ACE (service address) LCa1: 16/niLOCK 01/ ACO $ 600.00 11391.00 556.00 PAY THIS AMOUNT $ 1.::549.00 CHECK# $ CASH $ BY (legal descrp.) APPLICANTS SIGNATURE DATE COPIES: White/Builders Copy - Pink/Building Permit Copy - Yellow/Office Copy - Green/Connect Order, W/S - Gold/Connect Order, Office BR WARD FLORIDA Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department PLANNING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIVISION 1 North University Drive, Building A, Suite 102 Plantation, Florida 33324 954-357-6666 FAX 954-357-6521 Broward County Transportation Concurrency Satisfaction Certificate Please note that this approval does not constitute Environment.; Review Arlpreval. You will stili need the Environmental Approval Certificate to submit to the Building Depdrti:cert. Issue Date: 11/19/2013 DR Review #: 0021467 Application Number: 000370474 Title of Drawings: Mira Lago Lot 16 Block 1 Project#: Plan Last Revision Date: Bldg Dept Jurisdiction: Parkland Legal Description: Plat Name: Debuys Plat Plat Number: 002 -MP -12 Book: 180 Page: 147 Lot: 16 Block: 1 Address: 10191 Peninsula Place, Parkland, FI. 33067 Construction Type: New Construction This approval is issued in accordance with Sec. 27.66 of the Broward County Natural Resource Protection Code. This approval is specific for the plans and description described on this approval. Any changes in footprint, Lot #, or bedrooms or use will require a new approval. Development Review &`f BUILDING OFFICIAL: Broward County Planning & Environmental Regulation Division impact and/or transportation concurrency fees have been satisfied/paid for New 3 BR Single Family Detached Lot 16 Blk 1 Receipt# 0021467 [iv TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY SATISFACTION: Certificate is hereby issued *Any revision to these plans requires a new development review by the division. If a building permit is not applied for within 30 days of the Environmental Review Approval, plans must be re -submitted to the Planning and Environmental Regulation Division for re-evaluation. Development Reviewer Name: Sue Henderson BR WARD F L OR IDA Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department PLANNING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIVISION 1 North University Drive, Building A, Suite 102 Plantation, Florida 33324 954-357-6666 FAX 954-357-6521 Broward County Environmental Review Approval Cer h?cate Issue Date: 5/3/2013 ER Review #: 000370474 Title of Drawings: Mira Lago Lot 16 Block 1 Project#: N/A Plan Last Revision Date: N/A Bldg Dept Jurisdiction: Parkland Legal Description: Plat Name: Debuys Plat Lot: 16 Block: 1 Address: 10191 Peninsula Place, Parkland, FI. 33067 Construction Type: New Construction This approval is issued in accordance with Sec. 27.66 of the Broward County Natural Resource Protection Code. This approval is specific for the plans and description described on this approval, any changes in footprint, Lot #, or bedrooms or use will require a new approval. APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL for: Approved with Wastewater Condition 300 GPD For Sewer Connection to: BCUD 4 REASON FOR CONDITIONAL APPROVAL: Sanitary sewers serving this project are not yet approved by the Planning and Environmental Regulation Division. In accordance with the Broward County Natural Resource protection code: No certificate of occupancy, No temporary Certificate of Occupancy, No certificate of Completion, or final Inspection shall be issued until the above conditions are satisfied and written authorization has been given to the building official by the Broward County Planning and Environmental Regulation Division. [?' WARNING NOTIFICATION TO THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION DIVISION IS REQUIRED WITHIN TEN (10) WORKING DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT, A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION, FINAL INSPECTION OR ANY OTHER ACTION THAT ALLOWS OCCUPANCY OF THE BUILDING OR FACILITY. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED TO ELECTRONICALLY UPDATE BUILDING PERMIT AND CO DATA ONLINE AT HTTPS://DMDWEB. BROWARD.O RG/DMDWEB/LOGI N.ASPX C2- COMMENTS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED MASTER MODEL 4676 WW -61751 If a building permit is not applied for within 30 days of the Environmental Review Approval, plans must be re -submitted to the Planning and Environmental Regulation Division for re-evaluation. Environmental Reviewer Name: Becky Dosh INSTR # 111964679, OR BK 50378 PG 1048, Page 1 of 1, Recorded 12/04/2013 at 11:51 AM, Broward County Commission, Deputy Clerk 3330 Lt Permit # BLDG1305-0034 Folio # NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information Is provided in this Notice of Commencement 1. Legal Desaipbon of Property: Street Address d available: 2. General Description of Improvement: 3.a. Owner name and address: b. Interest in property c. Name/mailing address of fee simple title holder (if other than Owner)' 4 a. Contractor name and address: b. Contractor's phone number 5. a. Surety name and address: b Surety's phone number c. Amount of bond: S urs space reserved for reamer Lot 16 Block 1 Unit i Bldg • 0 Lengthy legal attached Subdivision/Condominium: Debuys Plat (Mira Lago) 10191 Peninsula Place, Parkland FI 33067 New Construction -Single Family Home Lennar Homes, LLC 730 NW 107th Ave, Miami FI 33172 Lennar Homes, LLC 730 NW 107th Ave, Miami FI 33172 305-559-1951 6. a. Lender name and address: b. Lender's phone number: 7. a. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom Notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713 13(1)(A)7., Florida Statutes. Name. Greg McPherson -Southeast Florida Division Controller 730 NW 107th Ave, Miami FI 33172 305-559-1951 Address: b. Phone Number. 8. a. In addition to himself or herself. the Owner designates to receive a copy of the Lienors Notice per section 713 13(1)(B), Florida Statutes' b. Phone number of person or entity designated by owner 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement: (ue erpeaem date is 1 yew. from dale or retordq unless a Memo date u speared) WARNING OT OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713, PART 1, SECTION 713.13,; FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOU PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY A NOTICE: OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION IF YOU; INTEND TO OBTAIN FIN LING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR' RECORDING YOUR NO ICE OF COMMENCEMENT. I Signature(s) of Owner(s) or r(s)' Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/ Manager Print Form I By Print Name Phil Serr TitlerOfhce Vice Pre An STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 3 day of Dec. , 2013 by Phil Serrate 0 Individually, or 0 as LK personally known or 0 produced the following type of identification Signature of Notary Public ()OIlk/at I Printed name. Denise Brown (SEAL) By Pnnt Name Title/Office for VERIFICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 82.825. FLORIDA STATUTES Under penalties of pegury, l declare that 1 have read the foregone and that the fads stated in d are tnoe. to the gest of my knovaedge and belief 4:r i DENISE BROWN COMISSONI..NV EXPIRES November 4.2014 ~M ti Bonded 1Nu Notary Puha Underreders Signature(s) of Clwner(s) or Ow r(s)' Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/ Manager who signed aoove: By By g vecadnaarmena. ;Iota or mmnanraino l revs. 7 3 07 Uoc 're certi!•\' J - �pM4jsS' c'orre ., CREATE[) R?.ff' -date this c •� CY_T let v 1;1; t' is O* ;r f :r tv A rilimstrator -'eL:ut'/ Clerk Permit # 130 5- 063L1 Lot 16 Block 1 Sub L so Date 5 /22, 20 ± Change -of -Plan Cover Sheet Note: In order for the Building Division to process plan changes promptly, the individual who submits the changes should make a sincere effort to provide the following information accurately. 1. I have reviewed the Permit Application form, and copied the Work Description line here, as the complete Change -of -Plan Description: Ft') EIec.'nc As- 2. I have verified that changes to plans have been clouded & dated by the A/E of Record. 3. I have verified that this change -of -plan affects the following approved inspections, which will need to be re -called: 1 t c-cj r'1 4. I am aware that if this submittal is not complete, the Building Division may return it without review, and takes no responsibility for associated delays. ACK OWLEDGED that I have read the above statements: Name: j oTi•No.(a-s Contact Phone Number: q S 1- S93- i (,G Review 0 0 0 0 0 Rev. 2-10 required by: Structural O Plan Sheet #s: ❑ Permit Application Electric 1' Plan Sheet #s: A Permit Application Plumbing / Gas ❑ Plan Sheet #s: ❑ Permit Application Mechanical O Plan Sheet #s: O Permit Application Zoning O Plan Sheet #s: O Permit Application Engineering O Plan Sheet #s: ❑ Permit Application Landscaping O Plan Sheet #s: ❑ Permit Application Signed by Qualifier 9.0,/0\-I Signed by Qualifier & Property Owner & Property Owner Signed by Qualifier & Property Owner Signed by Qualifier & Property Owner Signed by Qualifier & Property Owner Signed by Qualifier & Property Owner Signed by Qualifier & Property Owner City of Parkland Plan Loci Out This form must be completed before plans can be lopped out () Zoning Structural ( ) Electrical () Plumbing () Mechanical () Fire ( ) Engineering Notified Date(s): ''12-C,9 1 ! -2_1 Permit #: (3c 003< -4 - Contractor / Owner Name: Site Address: Owner Name: Date Logged Out: By: Print name ONLY Please! Company / Title: 10/05 Permit Type: (4( 2-.-1 ( 3 BALCONY RAILING AND DECO FEATURES Provide signed and sealed engineering designed in accordance with FBC 1615.2.1, ASCE- 7 and FBC R4403.2. including all detailed connections at sides and bases, also show maximum post spacing with minimum embedment required. Site specific Engineering required to be submitted for Decorative railing also. Wyatt T. Haygood Second review 6-14-13 corrections not made from previous review . Engineering submitted is for Balcony Railing. Engineering for Decorative Railing required to be submitted. See Elevations for decorative railing. N.0 ca.JSl 1�- ( -her BALCONY RAILING AND DECO FEATURES CITY OF PARKLAND BUILDING DEPARTMENT 6600 University Drive Parkland, Florida 33067 Office: (954) 753-5447 • Fax: (954) 753-8838 Inspection List Customization The inspection list provided to you is a standard template that includes most of the standard inspections available for your project. Please review the list and identify any inspections that may not be required for your project or required inspections that may have been omitted. Inspection priorities that do not correspond to your method of construction may be adjusted after approval by the Chief of the appropriate discipline. It is the responsibility of the qualifier to obtain all code required inspections prior to covering work or proceeding to the next stage of construction. Additions, deletions, or changes to the list more than three days after the issuance of the pennit may result in additional administrative charges. As the qualifier/agent I have reviewed the inspection list and have determined that it meets the needs of this project. Signature Perrnit # AZkq %gC)(-e-7G3 ( Date 7/9 )/ CITY OF PARKLAND INSPECTIONS REQUEST OMMUNITY: /%,r ✓ri L��tG PERMIT #:C (43 /3& 0037 JT/BLOCK: A/1 CONTACT PERSON: ,e401,C1 VC1 PHONE #: 7(si 3? ' ' 777 \ISPECTIONS TO REMOVE :ODE 244 245 246 254 255 256 172 457 458 181 174 997 INSPECTION Intercom Rough Speaker Rough Vacuum Rough intercom Final Speaker Final Vacuum Final Hurricane Panels (if impact glass) Well Collar Final well Side Walk Inspection (when no sidewalk) Patio Slab (Remove when pool is added). Administrative Pool (remove when no pool) INSPECTIONS TO ADD :ODE INSPECTION 126 2 Story Tie Beam 195 Screen Enclosure (for screen lanais) 110 Footer (if screen) 708 Balcony rail/grille 127 Rake Beam 10' add I rev. 4/07 PermitTRAK Site Permit # BLDG1305-0034 No Parent Activities No Permits No Cases No Issues SIDG1305 0Q34 > BLDG1305-0034 16/1 MIRA LAGO APPLIED SFR NONE Ad <1 810589 • TMP11 10190 PENINSULA PLACE Parkland 33076 Add Inspections Calendar Set Sequence • 30 DAY FOR TESTIN... ELECTRICAL ,"•[ 06/10/2013 06/14/2013 •• ADDRESS 16 Page 1 of 3 • CONDENSATE LINE MECHANICAL 0 DW SUBGRADE DENSI... tp. ENGINEER 0 • NPDES INITIAL ENGINEER • > SEWER CONNECTION PLUMBING 0 • SIDEWALK FORMS 0 • ENGINEER • SIDEWALK SUB DENS... ENGINEER 0 > TEMP ON HOUSE ELECTRICAL 0 NOC Debbie Grosse .. 711812013 APPROVED 7/18/2013 • > GROUND ROUGH PLUMBING 2 > PRODUCT APPROVALS BROWARD COUNTY 7/18/2013 " • APPROVED 7/18/2013 2 • > SERVICE GROUND 2 ELECTRICAL > SLAB ELECTRIC • ELECTRICAL 2 SOIL BEARING CERT STRUCTURAL 2 TRUSS PLANS ON FI... BROWARD COUNTY 7/18/2013 APPROVED , • 7/18/2013 2 2 ' -761 IC -""41 • > WATER SERVICE .1`, Print 2 Attachinents 'mei 1111 Links Imaging Plan Location Viove Notes • SLAB 3 PLUMBING :1-4.• • STRUCTURAL > SOIL TERMITE TREA... STRUCTURAL 4 > SPOT SURVEY STRUCTURAL 4 • 5—TIE BEAM/BOND STRUCTURAL 66 4, t* --x7111 4dci.z.>" - http://parkvcapp/trakit9/permitTRAK.aspx?cmd=PERMITNO&permit no=13LDG1305-00... 7/18/2013 PermitTRAK 5 Page 2 of 3 ALARM ROUGH ELECTRICAL > ELECTRIC ROUGH 6 ELECTRICAL GAS LINE RGH IN -F... Bruce Bowers , 111,.,.1 _, GAS LINE RGH IN -P... o Scott Wiese! y ROOF SHEATHING STRUCTURAL vr; • > ROUGH DUCT . ,.,, :o; MECHANICAL • TELEPHONE ROUGH 6 ' ELECTRICAL > TOP OUT 1111.. q,. '., t :.•:; 6 > TRUSS PLUMBING STRUCTURAL > TV ROUGH :: ELECTRICAL 6 6 UNIT MASONRY CERT STRUCTURAL • WALL SHEATHING 6 STRUCTURAL 6 7 WIND/DOOR BUCK TIN CAP STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL HOT MOP IN PROGRE... STRUCTURAL 6 > FRAMING . ,...,- STRUCTURAL 9 s 1111 :;. .<<•.r a. , WIND/DOORATTACHM... STRUCTURAL 9 > WIRE LATH • INSULATION 10• STRUCTURAL ;..'or STRUCTURAL :IQ', i , r, DRYWALL SCREW 11 STRUCTURAL ENG DRIVEWAY ELECTRICAL 11 > ROOF TILE UPLIFT ... STRUCTURAL 11 11 TILE IN PROGRESS STRUCTURAL > ALARM FINAL ELECTRICAL R ton+o cs1,111 12 DRIVEWAY STEEL/PA... • STRUCTURAL 12 1111 — 1111... ____1111_________ > ELECTRIC FINAL ELECTRICAL 12 � ;,. , 7, ENG DRAINAGE 12 -- - -- ----------------------- > FINAL GAS -FIRE 12 ENGINEER Bruce Bowers > FINAL GAS-PLUMBIN... Scott Wiese! 12 ;, FINAL SURVEY STRUCTURAL kfir4r ,,„ > IRRIGATION FINAL PLUMBING http://parkvcapp/trakit9/permitTRAK.aspx?cmd=PERMITNO&permit_no=BLDG 1305-00... 7/18/2013 PermitTRAK /42,t?,,,cpLe > IRRIGATION ROUGH PLUMBING 12 4. LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE 12 Page 3 of 3 > MECHANICAL FINAL MECHANICAL 12 IVPDES FINAL • PATIO SLAB/PAVERS STRUCTURAL 12 • PLUMBING FINAL PLUMBING 12 ROOF FINAL 12 •' STRUCTURAL SHUTTERS 12 ..t STRUCTURAL 12 SIDEWALK 4dd-.392eili TELEPHONE FINAL LLz TV FINAL 12 002) 12 • t STRUCTURAL • ELECTRICAL : . ELECTRICAL > WELL FINAL 1. PLUMBING 12 • ZONING INSPECTION ZONING 12 ADMIN CHECKLIST** BUILDING / 2 , > ADMIN POOL COMPLE... 6rt., STRUCTURAL 13 " > FINAL** BUILDING 14 • http://parkvcapp/trakit9/permitTRAK.aspx?cmcl—PERMITNO&permit_no=BLDG1305-00... 7/18/2013 13u)C713GS- C)U34 CITY OF PARKLAND Planning and Zoning Department 6600 University Drive, Parkland, FL 33067 (954) 753-5040 Fax (954) 341-5161 ANTI -MONOTONY APPLICATION !,i�T.R.... :Tto\4,s. .. .4 1. Please complete all information on the application and provide attachments. 2. Please provide a location map showing subject property, adjacent lots and surrounding lots. The location map must show at least two (2) lots on either side of subject property and five (5) lots directly across from subject property. 3. Please provide a list of ALL adjacent properties and surrounding properties building elevation, body paint color, trim paint color, roof color, and roof style. Map required must show listed information. (Photographs of surrounding homes accompanied by home aesthetics may be substituted for required list). Identify vacant lots, if applicable. Applicant (if other than owner): Address: 730 NW 107th Ave Phone: 954-232-2290 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION Lennar Homes, LLC City: Miami E -Mail Address: ST: Fl Zip: 33172 II. PROPERTY LOCATION & INFORMATION A. Folio Number: [ ][ ]--[ If ]--[ ][ ]--[ ][ ]-[ ][ ]-[ ][ ][ ]-[ ][ ][ ][ ] B. Community: Mira Lago C. Subdivision: Mira Lago D. Property Address: 10191 Peninsula Place E. Property Lot/Block: Lot 16 Block 1 F. Model/Elevation: 4676-D/R w/ Balcony Opt G. House Color/Trim: SW7038 Tony Taupe 02/05/2009 H. Roof Color/Style: Stone Mountain Blend SW7012 Creamy Saxony 900 Slate Page 1 of 1 Wyatt T. Haygood Provide signed and sealed engineering designed in accordance with FBC 1615.2.1, ASCE- 7 and FBC R4403.2. including all detailed connections at sides and bases, also show maximum post spacing with minimum embedment required. Site specific Engineering required to be submitted for Decorative railing also. Wyatt T. Haygood Second review 6-14-13 corrections not made from previous review . Engineering submitted is for Balcony Railing. Engineering for Decorative Railing required to be submitted. See Elevations for decorative railing. BALCONY RAILING AND DECO FEATURES BALCONY RAILING AND DECO FEATURES Wyatt T. Haygood Provide signed and sealed engineering designed in accordance with FBC 1615.2.1, ASCE- 7 and FBC R4403.2. including all detailed connections at sides and bases, also show maximum post spacing with minimum embedment required. Site specific Engineering required to be submitted for Decorative railing also. BALCONY RAILING AND DECO FEATURES ti Wyatt T. Haygood 1. Uniform Roofing Permit application is required to be submitted for site specific roof information..., Please note that Master Model roofing permit # 2013010235 has been denied for the following items. 1) provide all roof slopes for building on section D of uniform permit application. 2) incorrect required design pressures chosen on section E, must use the higher of the two roof slopes. NEW ROOF SPECIFICATIONS ,.7 13os-- 0034 5/21/2013 11:09:25 AM (Jean Panebianco) PROVIDE GRADING INFORMATION AT REAR CORNER OF LOT TO SHOW GRADE TRANSITIONS TO REAR OF PROPERTY (U1l�M l,E C, L •GrCCALu}\ EURE umW OWE -Z Wentworth MiraLaSo -Estate Collection 2 -Story 16 Bedrooms 16.5 Baths I Study Game Room I Family Room 3 -Car Garage Game Room 20'0' a 13'0' aa" cabng Preliminary Artist's Concept LENNAR.COM 4,676 Sq. Ft. A/C 708 Sq. Ft. Garage 55 Sq. Ft. Covered Entry 196 Sq. Ft. Covered Terrace 5,635 Sq. Ft. Total Temporary Welcome Home Center Parkland Commons Publix Shopping Center: 7965 North University Drive, Parkland, FL 33067 954-369-0078 Plans and elevations are artist's renderings and may contain options, which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to these floor plans, specifications, dimensions and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home's precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding "under air" or "finished area" or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Copyright © 2012 Lennar Corporation. Lennar and the Lennar logo are registered service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. CGC#62343 10/12 EOUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY CITY OF PARKLAND BUILDING DEPARTMENT 954-753-5447 Date Received: 6/6/14 I Permit Number: BLDG1305-0034 Lot: 16 Block: 1 Subdivision: DEBUYS Job Address: 10191 Peninsula Place Work Description: 16/1 MIRA LAGO 5�-&7-1- Contractor: LENNAR HOMES Phone: 3055591951 LLC. DEPARTMENT Date Denied Date Approved I Initials ZONING LANDSCAPING ENGINEERING FIRE STRUCTURAL ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Wen -worth MiraLago -Estate Collection 2 -Story 16 Bedrooms i Mosler Suite 4'0'+1910' 6.5 Baths I Study I Game Room I Family Room 13 -Car Garage Breakfon Area ■■f •---- lo/w l o'ax„°.90 ■■1 ii. ■■ Kitchen ■ ■■■■■■ 10060 x 15'4' ■ I. •i.luu„a■■■■. ■ EI E■IIENII . moan INNgo ■t■■■■a■ Want I■■. EINIENENENN '11E1k I■. Study- Garage12'0'+ 19'0' 'a1 INIZENO=il■■■■a MI ■RE■■.■a■■■■■ a1 NomMINNII '■II■UAU■INIuI TEINNEMWEIMI . ® !!11111 1 ! ■a■WE■■■i ::r ::--- —r.■■�■■■u °I;...e�j iii OEM. =■■� ■■aa■■■� . q;�u.. minnoorm 2 -Cor Garage 19'0'x20'7 First Floor Preliminary Artist's Concept Gome Room 20'0' x 13.0' 9V' Cet,ny LENNAR.COM 4,676 Sq. Ft. A/C 708 Sq. Ft. Garage 55 Sq. Ft. Covered Entry 196 Sq. Ft. Covered Terrace 5,635 Sq. Ft. Total Temporary Welcome Home Center ' Parkland Commons Publix Shopping Center: 7965 North University Drive, Parkland, FL 33067 954-369-0078 Plans and elevations are artist's renderings and may contain options, which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to these floor plans, specifications, dimensions and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home's precise or actual size. Any statement, verbol or written, regarding "under air” or "finished area" or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Copyright © 2012 Lennar Corporation. Lennar and the Lennar logo are registered service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. CGC#62343 10/12 "77- 00090 NOISING OPPORTUNITY CITY OF PARKLAND BUILDING DEPARTMENT 954-753-5447 Date Received: 6/6/14 Permit Number: BLDG1305-0034 Lot: 16 j Block: 1 Subdivision: DEBUYS Job Address: 10191 Peninsula Place i Work Description: 16/1 MIRA LAGO Contractor: LENNAR HOMES Phone: 3055591951 LLC. DEPARTMENT Date Denied Date Approved Initials ZONING LANDSCAPING ENGINEERING FIRE STRUCTURAL ELECTRICAL J PLUMBING MECHANICAL