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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMECH1307-0231-ApplicationTHIS CARD MUST BE POSTED IN FRONT AT All TIMES PERMIT NUMBER: MECH1307-0231 PERMIT TYPE: A/C CHANGE-OUT SITE ADDRESS: 6950 NW 87 AVE TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT: NONE Applicant Information DESCRIPTION:: A/C CHANGE-OUT City of Parkland 6600 University Drive Parkland, Fl33067 (954) 753-5447 BUILDING\ENGINEERING PERMIT Contractor Information LINDSTROM AIR CONDITIONING 3581 W. MCNAB ROAD POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 {954) 420-5300 ISSUED DATE: 8/2/2013 FOLIO NO: 484103010075 CODE YEAR: Owner Information LAMAY,ERNEST M & KRISTE K 6950 NW 87 AVE PARKLAND, FL 33067-1065 WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAVING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. (F.S. 713.135). Notice: In addtion to the requirements of this permit there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in Public Records of the County, and there may be additiona permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies or federal agencies. SEQ ID 1 3 PERMIT EXPIRES 180 DAYS FROM EITHER THE ISSUE DATE OR 90 DAYS FROM THE LAST APPROVED INSPECTION For Inspections please call (954) 753-5447. Inspections are scheduled for same-day inspections up until6:00 AM. Building Official or Authorized Signature Date INSPECTIONS STRUCTURAL !I'ISPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR DATE NOC FINAL''* SUB-PERMIT SUB-PERMIT SUB-PERMIT A/C CHANGE-OUT A/C CHANGE-OUT APPROVED 07/22/2013 $66.20 $0.00 $66.20 1 nf 1 ;VOC City of Parkland Building Permit Application Contact Person: www Phone #: 'I -~) d -JLtJ \E-mail: All OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. Application Is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or Installation has commenced prior to the Issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL. PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUITERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: 'fOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN AITORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: 2( Personally known to me :. Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: 1pplication Approved 'ermit Officer 0 Produced identification ·w Oath not taken Print Name of Property Owner: -·-<d-...... "'"""+" .. u-+-.~· before me, the undersigned personally appeared whose name is subscribed to and within the ~~~vleclges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, PRINTED NAME OF N,OTARY PUBUC a Personally known to me a Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: · ';CLProduced identification JQ._oath not taken --...... :!:;. INSTR # 111680559, OR BK 49999 PG 648, Page 1 of 1, Recorded 07/19/2013 at 12:56 PM,. Broward County Commission, Deputy Clerk 3285 PERMlT N!IMBEll· NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapler 713, Florida Statues the following information is provided in the Notice of Commencement I. J)ESCRJFJ'JONOPPK~PillTY(LegaldescriptiOD&strCCiadd=s,ifavailable)TAXFOUONO.: '{ 3~ I -01 -C>l -oo7S SUBJ)JVJSJON Flo. £('1..1'.-t-~ BLOCK TRAer LOT ___ JILI)G __ uNJT __ ~ 1 <. Q Alt. 1 61 ~. 1>o.rki,._J . FC. 130' ) :=,'qf.;""' ,.VZ.: ~£3' b Av~Liidi-.;J;c.. :'lJoG. ] d. Name IIIII addraso or roe oimple tidel>older(ifOiher 11w> Owner):-=----------------------- 4. COH'I'RACTOR•S NAME, AJ)D~ AND PHONE NIJMBER: Undsllom Ail CO!!!!!!oninq & P!umbing. Inc. 3581 W McNab Roecl, Pompano lluch, FL 33069)954-<120·5300 1954-312·2921 S. SURETY'S NAME, APPRESS AND PHONE NIJMBER AND BONP AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NtJM.BER: 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (I) (a)7., Florida Statutes: NAME, APDRESSAIID PHONE NUMBER: 8. In addition to himself or herself, Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 71).13 (I) (b), Fl~da Statutes: N.AME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 9. Expiration date of notice ofconunencemcnt (the expiration date is I year from the date of recording Wlless a different date is specified): ____, 20_ WARMING TO QWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE QWNER AfTER THE EXPIRATION Of DJE NQDCE OF COMMENCEMENT .. ME CONS!PfBEP !MPJtOPER PAYMENT$ UNDER CHAPJER Zll PART I SECIJON 713!)' FLORIDA STAlJlTES 'ANitCAN . RESULT IN YO!JR PAYJNG TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO youR PROPERTY A NOIJCE Of <:OMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECQ!!DgD AND PQSJED ON TilE JOB SITE BEFORE DIE FIRST !NSPECJJQN If you INTEND TO QBTAJN F!NANCJHQ CONSULT Willi YOUR UNDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEfORE COMMENCING WQRX OR RECO&DJNG YOU& NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT OW er's Autbonzed Oflicer/DirectoriPariJier/Muager State of Florida CoWlty ofBroward Under Penalties ofpeljury, I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are true to the best of my knowledge and belief(Section 92.S25, Florida Statutes). Slpature(s) of O..oer(s) or O..oer(s)' Aulboriztd Ollicerl J)irrctor I Par1Der/Maoaeer wbo slptd above: By~~. '")../ By __________ _ Rev .~7 (S.Recorchns) City of Parkland Building Division 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 Phone 954-753-5447 Fax 954-753-8838 NC & Mechanical Replacement Information This form and ARJ Listing must accompany each permit application for the replacement of Air Conditioning or Mechanical Equipment. Please supply a separate data sheet for each Unit being replaced. Contractor ~L"""';;.:..<Y:....>o..>\C""'~..:....)~)-ro~·-=-=-M..!.'---=.~--.:....-=·>Fr~_::-_::-_-_::-_-_::-_::-_--permitNumber-----· -------· -·· -- Job Address._..:::.C_'!~S...J.o""--· ----i./1:.-\;,.AJL..,~' -19----J7[__.J..8___..!.,_~ ___________ _ Lot __ ·Block __ Subdivision FlO\. Fr-V?r ~ OLD UNIT DATA NEW UNIT Manufacturer C.U.Model# A.H.U. Model # Package Unit Model # /(") EERISEER · l_i -AR1 Reference Number In KWHeat Jo Nominal Tons s Max Fuse I Breaker YES NO x Thermostat YES NO 2s._ YES NO'k Smoke Detector YES NO_"/;._ YES NO~ Heat Recovery YES NO_k YES NOk Modify Ducts YES NO~ YES NO ">c.· Stand I Curb I Slab · YES NO"'&_ ********************** r~ e Disconnect YES NO~ ********************** · NeQd Lad .er For Inspection YES NO Package Unit I I Miscellaneous Electric Package Unit I I '\ j ~-Contractor Signature _______ V_~l _______________ _ State License I Registration (A (. 0'5Jo 70 1 Date t:> 7// ~/ l'3 Broward County Certificate of Competency----------------- Application Approved by: ---~---~~~~. ~---·· __ -·_J-+----=lJ=-----~-:0.._· __ Rev. J/09 ll_UDI ,.. •••ill CERTIFIED™ www. aim d 1 rectory. org Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number: 4770456 Date: 7/16/2013 Product: Split System: Air-Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil with Blower Outdoor Unit Model Number: 4TTZ0060A1 Indoor Unit Model Number: *AM8AOC60V51 Manufacturer: TRANE Trade/Brand name: XL201 Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is TRANE Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI Standard 210/240-2008 for Unitary Air-Conditioning and Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity (Btuh): EER Rating (Cooling): SEER Rating (Cooling): 58000 12.00 18.00 • Ratings followed by an asterisk (")indicate a voluntary rerate of previously published data, unless accompanied with a WAS, which indicates an involuntary rerate. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibAity for, the product(s) listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims aB &ability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s), or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory at TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRL This Certificate shall only be used for individual, personal and confidential reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; entered into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except for the user's individual, personal and confidential reference. CERTIFICATE: VERIFICATION The infonnatlon, for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at, click on "Verify Certificate" link and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was Issued, which Is listed above, and the Cartlflcate No., which is listed below. ©2013 Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute A:--DI Air-Conditioning, Heating, •• •• and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 130184874174791405 Project Summary Entire House Lindstrom Air Conditioning Job: LaMay-Nick-07-17-13 Date: 2013 By: Lindstrom 3581 W. McNab Rd, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Phone: 954-420-5300 Fax: 954-596-4448 Web: License: CAC056971/CAC056703 Pro ·ect Information For: Kristie & Ernie LaMay 6950 NW 87 Avenue, Parkland, Fl. 33067 Notes: Desi n Information Weather: Fort Lauderdale Hollywood lnt, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Outside db 51 oF Inside db 70 oF Design TD 19 oF Heating Summary Structure Ducts Central vent (0 cfm) Humidification Piping Equipment load Infiltration Method Construction quality Fireplaces 23913 Btuh 4702 Btuh 0 Btuh 0 Btuh 0 Btuh 28615 Btuh Simplified Average 0 Heating Cooling 2480 24800 0.16 66 Area (ft2 ) 2480 Volume (ft3 ) 24800 Air changes/hour 0. 32 Equiv. AVF (cfm) 132 Heating Equipment Summary Make Trade Model AHRI ref Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 100AFUE 0 kW 0 Btuh 0 OF 1990 cfm 0. 070 cfm/Btuh 0 in H20 Summer Design Conditions Outside db 91 oF Inside db 75 oF Design TD 16 oF Daily range L Relative numidity 50 % Moisture difference 62 gr/lb Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure Ducts Central vent (0 cfm) Blower Use manufacturer's data Rate/swing multiplier Equipment sensible load 37336 Btuh 7604 Btuh 0 Btuh 0 Btuh y 1.00 44939 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure Ducts Central vent (0 cfm) Equipment latent load Equipment total load Req. total capacity at 0. 74 SHR 3607 Btuh 3265 Btuh 0 Btuh 6871 Btuh 51811 Btuh 5.1 ton Cooling Equipment Summary Make Trade Cond Coil Trane 4TTZ0060A1 TAM8AOC60 4770456 AHRI ref Efficiency Sensible cooling Latent cooling Total cooling Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Load sensible heat ratio 18 SEER 42920 Btuh 15080 Btuh 58000 Btuh 1990 cfm 0. 044 cfm/Btuh 0 in H20 0.87 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. ~ + Wrightsoft" Right-Suite® Universal 2012 12.1.07 RSU08398 ACCI>.. S:\Wrightsoft\July 16, 2013\A-Job-Ciear.rup Calc= MJB faces: S 2013-Jul-17 08:21:39 Page 1 .. ... ..... .. . ... -~ENGI-NEERING: .-:__ EXPR . . . (;!. .. _ ~-ESS ................... . . . . . . . . --····-;·· ··--··· .:, .. ... M~b 20,20.12 · ~-. · .. RE:. 2010 Florida'.Suill)ing Co4c CoDJp)j&QC4 ofTrand~A YECM'T023 atld BA YECMr004 Mounling_QJp~.'.~_d .P~~ flousm~ ~~.!~~ ibr Wind Loading (Gr~u~·MDUnted Units~) -. ••• • _. __ .. • ... • • • • • • 0 !I).gin"eering E~ bas revi~td -~·design requireme:i'lts pet the 2010 Fl'!tida Bt1l.lding Cdde for the· installation of a Trane outdoor conden~m$ Unit onto an e.JOsting host struetnre u.sing th~ mounting lPts re(erellCC!l -aoov~ ~(jng with ~wing nllJXlber J 0-lSR.-0002 si8J)t<J .liD~ ~~~by thlJ ~fij~. Tb~ unit 1md moD¥1ting.kit have t}eqt dcsigoe4 for wind resistance aS specified in tho ilforesneb6oficd dta~ ror various .wJnd ,pressures a:s :required bY' the governing code and calctlhtt.ed ·by <)fhct:s. Our anaiysis · require-s that a ·p-emmnerit pt-~de attltChm!mt is provided tQ a con~t~ • .r.n~ or w<X>d host. st;n)cl;$'e ~ certified/verified 'by olh~. Additionally. the u~it '$h!lil -nof be inStaJJCd iifa'locatiO'ii-ffSCephoJido'~ntlinffCffettnrom ''tipWirid'o"b'StacJ~ lt shall be the instalJer•s re.spPnsibility to ebsure thai the mounting rn.e:thod meets Qr ex.ceed~ ~e rc;qpirer:n.~ts of-tllt; Jocal D?de and is by the appropriate JocaJ ~qlhority before installation. Directions fur use (reference drawing 10-ISR-00().2): Figure l: .AIIowoble Connection ConftgJP"'J.ic',s (n:ftrenc~ c(raWfrtg by r!ris office) 1. Seledfdesired unft e .. · 2. Select ~. boQSin~ •s~dard" h~i)lg is tbe typical hbu.Sing as shipped l>y inimufactlirer. "clipped" housing is th& typical housing with the addition of backup crJl>s as· shown •. and "reinfo.rced'" bousiJlg is. the. l.ypica,l bousipg with the addil.i<m. of b&<:lrup clips as weD ·as (2) self-, di11lliig UNC ~ tb:ttad saews into (J) comers of the basepan as shown in the dra~ 3. Select <ies1r~ ciip. cpn:figwarioQ: A, 'S, or C coJlliguration. Either of th¢ (2} base clip options ina)' be used With ·this dOCUin~t. 4. Select ho-st struCture under con.Slrlcration as verified :t>y otbers. 5. M~ upit ~ housing. a.Qd clip co~guration with the intel'lded hosl struct\lie. to .detemii'nc maxiinum aUo:ovable wmd press'Ure for the system. Slt.~ifie required wind ·press'tlres· per separate certification orbyotb~.· . ·. All.o~er ~staJiation work sbaJJ follow the miilim'tlm requirements oftbe201.0 Florida Building C9(1e.. E,xcept .as ... expf~-j 'pr~Y.S9ed betain~ no .additional e.ff'irma~ions or cemo~tions .are intel)ded. Thank you for your atteilti6n to ·-.. :19~.~~~. '--~· · ·.· · · · . . · · ... ·_:''., . .. :··. -: ...: . ······-·· .......... . ·: .· .13~115 Wid 'IS.L5YW ~ OHI.M SllOFIIYI\ 'II<>.JS),IOUYllri!>JJH(X) di"O 11591Ho!>£ bS&) "'4 :1m OHf !>NISilOI+ J"'VYM0'11tl !SJIHI'I !>NJNOWOHCO ~IY ON'Vef 110S'd3:>NI -·-. ... . . ..