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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDG1405-0120-ApplicationCity of Parkland Building Permit Application Contact Person: Phone #: E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Name Business Address City A0A,571e, Co.v i-uG-4. A. -7-t/c--- /112O4,v6,fe PkAg S kc State Zip Phone # 5r4,h ;t P2 331126 Property Owner's Name $f,kc_ E(4(Ictk Owner's Street Address 6 2 o1 ,/W 72 w9/ City Rola k(4 -&- Job Site Address Work Description: State rL Sa yoc. Zip 3 06 Phone # Lot CAC 1256533 Block Master Permit Numbber PP /YDS . 4 /ac. Date .5---X3 3 /f Construction Value Engineer's Name Engineer's License # Phone # Architect's Name Architect's License # Phone # S/cilpos A -M 'D 0k ‘q\N Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Contractor Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: Cor ra License numbery : Signature of ++ On this of 7 , 20 before me, the undersigned Notary Publ c of the State of Florida, persona appeared and whose name is subscribed to and within the instrum s d he/she - •wledges that he he executed it. NO,: PUBLIC 41 • FLORIDA giros OF NOTARY PUBLIC �� x] Personally known to me ❑ Produced identification ❑ Oath taken 0 Oath not taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Application Approved By: Permit Officer ........ ROBERT TERRY ROSS `'- ••�Pµr ' ;�_�,-^►.. Notary Public - State of Florida •_ My Comm. Expires May 24, 2016 Commission # EE 201756 ,, , t‘'s•• Bonded Through National Notary Assn. . Property Owner Notification E-mail: Print Name of Property Owner: - Wct k 1-tcrllor t( Owners Address: Signature of er: On this 'day of 9 , 20 \\ , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personal appeared and whose name is subscribed to and within the innt, and he/she a ledges that h he executed it. FtY PUBLI -ST FLORIDA PRINTF NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC Personally known to me ❑ Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: Date: S to l . 2'#- ' • 19? ❑ Produced identification 4 Oath not taken ROBERT TERRY ROSS Notary Public - State o1 Florida •p My Comm. Expires May 24, 2016 Commission # EE 201756 Bonded Through National Notary Assn. THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED IN FRONT AT ALL TIMES City of Parkland 6600 University Drive Parkland, FL 33067 (954) 753-5447 BUILDING\ENGINEERING PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER: BLDG1405-0120 PERMIT TYPE: WIND/DOOR REPLACE SITE ADDRESS: 6207 NW 72 WAY TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT: NONE Applicant Information Contractor Information MONSTER CONSTRUCTION 1420 NEPTUNE DRIVE STE. G BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33426 (561) 243-7970 DESCRIPTION: IMPACT WINDOWS (19) SGD (3) FRENCH DOORS (1) WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. (F.S. 713.135). Notice: In addtion to the requirements of this permit there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in Public Records of the County, and there may be additiona permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies or federal agencies. PERMIT EXPIRES 180 DAYS FROM EITHER THE ISSUE DATE OR 90 DAYS FROM THE LAST APPROVED INSPECTION For Inspections please call (954) 753-5447. Inspections are scheduled for same-day inspections up until 6:00 AM. ISSUED DATE: 6/12/2014 FOLIO NO: 484102000145 CODE YEAR: Owner Information HALLOCK,BLAKE M & LESLEY K 6207 NW 72 WAY PARKLAND, FL 33067 - Building Official or Authorized Signature Date INSPECTIONS STRUCTURAL SEQ INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR DATE ID 1 NOC II STRUCTURAL SEQ INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR DATE ID 9 WIND/DOOR ATTACHMENT 14 FINAL** PERMIT NO SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT (BLDG1405-0120 f4-61...) C ocie— PERMIT TREE City of Parkland PERMIT TYPE DESCRIPTI STATUS APPLIED FEES CHARGED FEES PAID JOBVALUE OWNER ALANCE DUE ,., n 1 WIND/DOOR REPLACE APPROVED $651.98 $25,000.00 IMPACT WINDOWS (19) SGD (3) FRENCH DOORS (1) 05/13/2014 $90.00 $561.98 HALLOCK,BLAKE M & LESLEY K PERMITS 1 FEES CHARGED $651.98 $90.00 BALANCF DUE 1OBVALUE v. $561.98 ) $25,000.00 MD n S"fW enn salvo di ryi Drintori• Fririnti nF Finn ')(11/1 1 of 1 A S't cge A INSTR # 112293027, OR BK 50785 PG 215, Page 1 of 1, Recorded 05/16/2014 at 02:01 PM, Broward County Commission, Deputy Clerk 3110 AFTER RECORDQJ�$$1UR.N TO' PERMIT NUMBER NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statues the following information is provided in the Notice of Commencement pp 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Legal description & street address, if available) TAX FOLIO NO.: II O '1 1 0 1. 00 C% f hi5-- SUBDIVISION p BLOCK TRACT LOT BLDG UNIT _ / 2 -412 O — AY i — s 1 �/3 0 r f Ae (Ai 1/4 O,' s / V if Jt: T" N t / 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT:` 4 v+n n Avt W l A...4o t t,S 3. OWNER INFORMATION: a. Name R (Gice. e. / 1-1- a 1/ tic K _ b. Address G 2 O 7 N IA/ 72_ W 1 c. Interest in property -y d. Name and address of feesimple titleholder (if other than Owner) .4+� �C (A.�C� )�/ t/ / 4. CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: m 0 vs % _ vs �►- �, t>.i _ ,t/t^ , !� 2 t7 N �v ,e pr" 1 5. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMALI T: ' ✓ '�� CON� ' �C 3 J '7-6 '2 ti 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (I) (a) 7., Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 'VX 8. In addition to himself or herself, Owner designates thc following to rcccivc a copy of thc Licnor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement (the expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) 20 WARNING TO OWNER: /AY PAYJy(Et•1TS MABY TH DE E OWNER AFTER THE 1;X'1RATION OF Thy NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CQNSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNIIER QHAPTER 713. PART L SECTION 713.13. FLORIDA STATUTES. AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE QF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED 0 JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING. CONSULT WITH YOUR LEND ' OR .''AT r0 NEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT of Oh`er or Owner's Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager Q o4e. 1 -Ill', Print Name and Provide Sigoabory'i Title/Office State of Florida County of Broward The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of By .as For (name of person) IS— (type of authority,... e.g. officer, trustee, attorney in fact) (name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) ROBERT TERRY ROSS Notary Public • State of Florida My Comm. Expires May 24, 2016 Commission # EE 201756 ' , ,)"' Bo • d hro h . ;. 1 : l:u:.r,. i! ming and that of identification: Under • .. • ... belief (Section 92.525, Flonda tatutes). r(s) or Owner(s)' Authorized Officer/ Director / Partner/Manager who signed above: BY Rev. ' r 17(SReoordisg) (Signatyse'• otaty Public) acts in it are true t and City of Parkland Plan Log Out This form must be completed before plans can be logged out () Zoning )<Structural () Electrical () Plumbing () Mechanical () Fire () Engineering Notified Date(s): 6� 34 "4 Permit #: 140 • O 120 Contractor / Owner Name: Site Address: Owner Name: Date Logged Out: Permit Type: Y wb�S-1 C5- cam'. -k • By: !"A'c e'e r Print name ONLY Please! Company / Title: 10/05 Broward County 107.2.1 / 107.7.A.8.. SUBMIT THE PARKLAND WINDOW / DOOR PRODUCT APPROVAL SCHEDULE.. SCHEDULE THE ZONE, ANCHOR, MULLION INFO.. 107.5.7 / FAC 61G15.23.002.. FACSIMILE P.E. MELLINGER WORST CASE CHARTS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE.. WINDOW/DOOR REPLACEMENT J. /.• • 1 Jobb Name Info ' Address Window Door ID # Rough Opening Size (w x h) 1/+ 14x63 1(3 4 S° x w►� I I (G 7'( x 6 3 x *wit t 2A• 2 4 tis °x. jtl _Z c, 71 x63 2. A 4S°x mv(I 2E /0/ x 6 3 1 _3 138 x6'(I 3x6( s 1M x 3' 38x3°i 7t x 3q 7&i x 616 1 City of Parkland Building Division Product Approval NOA # Overall maximum tested size from NOA (w x h) 43-0,5.02.03 zt8x 13.0$ 1,5%45 x tt-iti4i.0i1 7'( x (3-0$(S,C/`t x 1-os-OZ_O3 '1 x I3 -0S07.'2 ' x /3-08157aS1 x 1t-I11�(.Os.r 74 x 13-0215:(,25 x l�-45'O2.03 4 x (-2 -1 2.(g.o1 37x -1 .o u- ttl+{ . OH Ir-- itt't. 04t tt - r (('(, air Y1-ntz3. Windows and Doors Design Pressure per Structural Site Product Specific Design Approval Pressure (+) psf (-) psf (+) psf (-) psf g(W tiO..; -kid at20 -(7 401 -1131 6 3 63.8 -c5.8 36.0 .3i. (MO -)Id° yt7,r -Zt 3. Y6 go SOo `fo..7 3. 96 gt?o .00 10.2 -i3.6 47(20 -(7170 40 -43.4 63 63.8 -63.8 36.0 -39.4 170.0 -,7'o $c'.2 -,t3.4 q M ° -g?V 40.2 -0136 63 70.1 -7cZ (I 323.3 - 41.7 37x 63 10./ 7(7 7 x3 -1 x63 7y( x 63 94 x/20 6 ( x kb tib -o 02.031 'It x 96 t,0.0 10 Ityy x 96 19-Or2.3 ,t0 14L1 xILO 46.61 11 1 3 2 x Z t (t -OOr3 • z°r 3-t x 95'7/,1 70 (2 14 1 x g( 01-ot 23. in 96 x/Zo q.b't 1.3'2 x Z4 it-ttrs4. (74 17 x tvg fro to 153 x 3z ►t`t11'+•Oti 1 7 d !ti 11q x y II -101311 7.6 ti4 1 I 1 x n- x013• x 1S. 150 `16.7 53 17 153 x 4 3 11- 1013.111 3/ x 7 6 38 x by 12-1218.0q 31 x t;3 n),I 34, x 44 12-421(1.09 x x x 1 x x 1 x Rev 5/21/09 x59 $. 3 -6c1 38.3 W.'10.2 Window/Door Product Approval Schedule Permit # J Ott6-peat Lot / Block / Subdivision Zone Int 4 End 5 Shutter Reqd. Anchor Type Size Yes No N0 Nv �c7 N Ir n/ O y tic2 4 470 NO A/0 i/o Anchor Spacing Edge & O.C. Header Sides Sill lits 12 " 6 t ` l g j/, `V' /,4R 6-" 6" )2'1 c'i 9" 6" 12" 4v vi -41.7 -41,1 -1136 -6('' 36.° -399 60 40, 2 -L► 3.4 -600 38, 3 -1tr, I - 40. L -43.b -136 41 N ti NO '1" Art' tI Mullion Bars •s-5" `i5`t Horiz. Vert. NOA # Span in inches ✓ (t%5 tt3" 'kV ✓ os (3' KS` ✓ \3-o0o tib" y$• ✓ %-oglreig (d.?t AS' i( -/ Y' vd.✓ y f co4,'(4 6'1 GoAl '6 yy (8/T 71' 1,2 " 7"/ 6 `t C�/ 1(2.1 70 ( 40.2 s. 3 1$,3 3 43 y '1 Approval by A/E of Record V\OS -02.0 Effective Wind Area (f) location: Gable or Hip Roof Broward County Fenestration Voluntary Wind Load Chart* Per ASCE 7-10 Method 1, Part 1 and FBC 2010 for Retrofiting in Accordance with Formal Interpretation #6 For Detached One -and Two family dwellings and Multiple Single -Family Dwellings ( Townhouses) with Mean Roof Height S 30 feet Wind 170 mph (3 -second gust) / Exposure C•• / Kd = 0.85 / Ktt =1.0 • Using Allowable Stress Design methodology (P 0.6w) / ** Exposure shall be determined according to ASCE 7-10 Section 26.7.3 (Exposure Categories) Mean Roof Height of 15 feet Zone 1 2 3 + - + - + - 10 Gable/Hip 16.0 -37.8 16.0 -63.4 16.0 -95.4 20 Roof 16.0 -36.8 16.0 -56.7 16.0 -79.1 50 0 5 7° 16.0 -35.6 16.0 -47.7 16.0 -57.4 100 (0 to 1.5:12) 16.0 -34.6 16.0 -41.0 16.0 -41.0 10 Gable/Hip 21.8 -34.6 21.8 -60.2 21.8 -89.0 20 Roof*** 19.9 -33.6 19.9 -55.4 19.9 -83.3 50 70 c 8 S 27° 17.3 -32.4 17.3 -49.0 17.3 -75.6 100 (1-5 to 6:12) 16.0 -31.4 16.0 -44.2 16.0 -69.8 10 Gable Roof 34.6 -37.8 34.6 -44.2 34.6 -44.2 20 2r< 8545° 33.6 -35.9 33.6 -42.3 33.6 -42.3 50 (6 to 12:12) 32.4 -33.3 32.4 -39.7 32.4 -39 100 31.4 -31.4 31.4 -37.8 31.4 -37 es° For Hip Roofs with angle > 7 degr Effective Wind Area (ft) 10 20 50 300 500 Location Mean Roof Height of 20 feet Zone 1 2 3 + - + - + - 16.3 -40.2 16.3 -67.4 16.3 -101.4 16.0 -39.1 16.0 -60.2 16.0 -84.0 16.0 -37.8 16.0 -50.7 16.0 -61.0 16.0 -36.8 16.0 -43.6 16.0 -43.6 23.1 -36.8 23.1 -64.0 23.1 -94.6 21.1 -35.7 21.1 -58.9 21.1 -885 18.4 -34.4 18.4 -52.1 18.4 -80.3 16.3 -33.3 16.3 -47.0 16.3 -74.2 36.8 -40.2 36.8 -47.0 36.8 -47.0 35.7 -38.1 35.7 -44.9 35.7 -44.9 .7 34.4 -35.4 34.4 -42.2 34.4 -42.2 .8 33.3 -33.3 33.3 -40.2 33.3 -40.2 ees (1.5:12) and 5 25 degrees (5.5:12), Zone 3 Mean Roof Height of 15 feet Zone 5 4 + - 37.8 -41.0 36.1 -39.3 Wall 33.8 -37.0 32.1 -35.3 28.2 -31.4 37.8 36.1 33.8 32.1 28.2 -50.6 -47.2 -42.7 -39.3 -31.4 Garage Door Wind Loads for a Building with 30 -foot Mean Roof Height Exposure C Tables 1609.7(1) & (2), and Section 1609.3.1 Mean Roof Height of 20 feet Zone 4 5 - .a* •ala• 2 .3._2..4.3__,_.2__ 1 40.2 38.3 36.0 34.1 29.9 -53.8 -50.1 -45.4 -41.7 -33.3 Mean Roof Height of 25 feet Zone 1 2 3 17.1 -42.1 17.1 -70.6 17.1 -106.3 16.0 -41.0 16.0 -63.1 16.0 -88.0 16.0 -39.6 16.0 -53.2 16.0 -63.9 16.0 -38.5 16.0 -45.7 16.0 -45.7 24.3 -38.5 24.3 -67.1 24.3 -99.2 22.1 -37.4 22.1 -61.7 22.1 -92.7 19.3 -36.0 19.3 -54.6 19.3 -84.2 17.1 -35.0 17.1 -49.2 17.1 -77.8 38.5 -42.1 38.5 -49.2 38.5 -49.2 37.4 -39.9 37.4 -47.1 37.4 -47.1 36.0 -37.1 36.0 -44.2 36.0 -44.2 35.0 -35.0 35.0 -42.1 35.0 -42.1 36.3 shall be treated as Zone 2 (Figure 30.4-2B, Note 7, Mean Roof Height of 25 feet Zone 4 5 + - + - 42.1 -45.7 42.1 =56.4 40.2 -43.8 40.2 -52.6 37.7 -41.3 37.7 -47.5 35.8 -39.4 35.8 -43.8 31.4 -35.0 31.4 -35.0 Mean Roof Height of 30 feet Zone 2 3 + - 1 17.8 -43.7 17.8 -73.4 17.8 -110.4 16.7 -42.6 16.7 -65.6 16.7 -91.5 16.0 -41.1 16.0 -55.2 16.0 -66.4 16.0 -40.0 16.0 -47.4 16.0 -47.4 25.2 -40.0 25.2 -69.7 25.2 -103.0 23.0 -38.9 23.0 -64.1 23.0 -96.3 20.0 -37.4 20.0 -56.7 20.0 -87.5 17.8 -36.3 17.8 -51.1 17.8 -80.8 40.0 -43.7 40.0 -51.1 40.0 -51.1 38.9 -41.5 38.9 -48.9 38.9 -48.9 37.4 -38.6 37.4 -46.0 37.4 -46.0 -36.3 36.3 -43.7 36.3 -43.7 p. 337) Mean Roof Height of 30 feet Zone 4 5 + - + - 43.7 -47.4 43.7 -58.6 41.8 -45.5 41.8 -54.6 39.2 -42.9 39.2 -49.4 37.2 -40.9 37.2 -45.5 32.6 -36.3 32.6 -36.3 Effective Wind Area Roof Angie Wind Load 2 1 2 6 ; 4 i 5 Width Height + - 0 - 10 Gable Roof degrees 14 14 32.3 -36.1 For Effective Wind Areas between those given, values may be Interpolated. Otherwise use the Value associated with die lower Effective Wind Area. 9 7 > 10 38.4 -43.4 , End Zone (a) shall be the smaller of 10% of Least Hor. Dist. or 40% of Mean Roof Height, but not less than 4% of Least Hor. Dist. or 3 ft. 16 I 7 degrees 36.8 I -41.0 ., Identify the zone per the figure or information by others. Any questionable zone is to be considered the more critical zone. Design is based on the 3 -second gust (wind velocity) for Risk Category ii (general residential & commercial construction) .)er FBC 1620.2 Broward. These tatries not for use with essential facilities or assembly occupancies. Page 2 of 2 I• • .0 a + a« 5 51 1