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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDG1312-0070-ApplicationPERMIT NUMBER PERMIT NO SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT SUB -PERMIT BLDG1312-007_0) 12-arrkil. I PERMIT TREE PERMIT TYPE DESCRIPTION STATUS APPLIED ISSUED FEES CHARGED FEES PAID BALANCE DUE joBvAwE OWNER SCR POOL/PORCH ISSUED $376.28 $15,169.00 TOTAL of A-14:* POOL ENCLOSURE W/ FOOTER 12/12/2013 01/02/2014 $282.28 $94.00 RAMIREZ,JAVIER PERMITS FEES CHARGED FEES PAID BALANCE E)UE JOBVALUE 1 Drintorl• ThiircrIn‘i 1g InniInni $376.28 $282.28 1 of 1 $94.00 , $15,169.00 1•112111111 City of Parkland Building Permit Application www.citvofoarkland .0rg Contact Person: Phone 41: E-mail: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Name W\-ck.oarN sec ett.k S 5'ce.(S Business Address City 2`14o4 NA. Y.\XtS \len State Zip Phone # L.A,cott M im.tom • 3333y . Ism LSybviti, Property Owner's Name S nV L 6i teh'.12Z . • Owner's Street Address City 65%01 1'' 1 -'6th ‘/-1Al State Zip Phone # �n i�••d AFL 13177 954 32S 3S OS Job Site Address bSt9 1,44) `Ze)TIA • Wel Lot 2$ Block Work Description: Ie Dot. Lt Q.LoSACI. Ci\n. ).1.1 S o kc . �n o tl16- 1 b) Master Permit Number WIVtIn 0 Date Construction Value Engineer's Name _Sag- 3?6o C S Engineer's License # 2'L b S to. Phone # °1 S4 S 6'1 • Architect's Name Architect's License # Phone # tws-L S.?-t.tC r I i Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Notification E-mail: Contractor .+.4.\\ € X t I. Vp rlD i 1, f Q4jfication E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/BuildeL (.A\ a( License number: Signature On this 31 day of December, 20 30 before me, thWindersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared �ln•\\ifand whose name is subscribed to and within the ins rument, and he she kno ledges that he/she executed it. dvwv- t� NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA \Cx,c�f,1 P\fL1�, Qs PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC a Personally known to me A Produced identification o Oath taken ❑ Oath not taken P"a; KAREN M F ''BINSON NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF ' � Notary r un -Slate of Flonr, d OFFICE: arc My Comm Expires Oct 13, 20 •r;�;�aFyQ°,`' Con'nissic s' Ff 02915/ Application Approved By: Permit Officer Property Owner Print Name of Property Owner: RSV► fam►r��- InonICA e. fostanu) 01-k11 Owner's Address: Signature of Propert On this 31 day of 1 ecember. 20 30 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared L. l ` 6�r►d c Z and whose name is subscribed to and within the i strument, and he/ ac owledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA \�C rnCZ, PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC o Personally known to me o Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL, OF OFFICE: Date: A Produced identification a Oath not taken jo i`'s KAREN IV ROBINS A Notary Public - S'.atf of F My Comm. Exoi es Or.' '., ,t, ,tp,od;s Commissic it ir — 157 nna City of Parkland Building Permit Application Contact Person: Cgi6A:a QCt'':D gS4144 kglyilyt. E-mail: GkAA.A\Q.(M i'LarD . L ALL OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT, ACCORDING TO F.S. 713.135 Company Name y\\ kacaolA 5.e.<ge1,4 4 C- ac -v5„ f i•�i H • 1=:%%;c111i1'� w City State Zip Phone # Business Address M r>N4oCS — . - 33334 — Property Owner's Name ,1418¢ y..D-Maa.a % Owner's Street Address k S 1.1 w V1.'% W ID City State Zip Phone # Master Permit Number gL.)(:, ! 17_ _ G' ? Date Construction Value A . ‘51,09 Is f `29(4*lligineer's Name Aloe, ¥p S Engineer's License* 2,;10 6 S 6 Q'toi 4,,'+ V1- 33O1 i0 1S4 37.5 3S 05 Job Site Address bSo 1' 1'Z$ 4, 64 Lot 2$ Work Description: IZ'001• • Phone* 'Ski 54013131 Architect's Name Architect's License # Block , b� . Phone # Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in the City of Parkland, Florida. I understand that a separate permit may be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, BOILERS, TANKS, AIR CONDITIONERS, ROOFING, SHUTTERS, ETC. I WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Notification E-mail: Contractor 1 Cs u. \ e� M 1 �..3 ^ !y vitek t' Notification E-mail: Print Name of Qualifier/Builder: •\\tt1, Qt' t-cao- License number: op,_ 1aL _ m1913— Sig - re of Qu - 'f - r: Property Owner LL11461 • Print Name of Property Own:, erten 1i & ' Owner's Address: rp ? 1 CA t CA) \ 1S %,1% WW 1 On this (;f day of A0.4J, , 20_1_1, be , the undersigned CNotary Public of the Stage of Florida, personally appeared I 1t Q ( (-1.--- C/ 1 and whose name is subscribed to and within th i trument, and a/she,ac*eowl edges that he/she executed it. `SGC\ r'..,__ NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDAORI \1 1.1- (G�1 i'`f 1 ? L l cl t c, ,- PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC Personally known to me 0 Oath taken NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OFFICE: 0 Produced identification 0 Oath not taken Application Approved By: Permit Officer KAREN M. ROBINSON 7.= Notary Public - State of Florida di My Comm. Expires Oct 13, 201 , Commission 9 FF 029157 , DD•:t.L-i) Nt d1 L • '33 o- %. Signature of Property Owner: On this ti day of ait , 20 1 2, , before me, the undersigned Notary Public 4 the State of Florida, personally appeared - tk1 , , tc,\ h^ and whose name is subscribed to and within the inst.ument, and he/she eknai ledges that he/she executed it. NOTARY c1 !N`—i P�JBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA l r� hr L r° 1 ,r PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC 0 Personally known to me Produced identification 0 Oath taken 0 Oath not taken .-1 •c NOTARY PUBLICS OF OFFICE: Da e: ess v' 'RINSON r� aiel o1 Honda My cumin Expires Oct 13, 2017 Commission N FF 029157 r. Electrical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Plumbing Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Mechanical Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: ,20 ,by the abpve named person • as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Landscaping Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produced Notary Public: My Commission Expires: Other Contractor: Business Address: License #: Phone #: Qualifier Signature: - The foregoing instrument was acknoVideldied efore me thus day of who is personally known to me or who produ ed Vot{ry Public: I� ,20 ,by the above named person as identification who did/did not take an oath Estimated Construction Value: Notification E-mail: Print Name: My Commission Expires: i.-sr.oRQa ,by the above named person •4)as identifWation who did/ttfid not take an oath IM .. qrr' INSTR # 111972952, OR BK 50389 PG 790, Page 1 of 1, Recorded 12/09/2013 at 10:58 AM, Broward County Commission, Deputy Clerk 2130 Permit N Folio It NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby ghee notice that Improvement will be made to certain mei property and Its accordance wilt Chapter 713, Florida Statute., the Wowing information Is provided Its this Notice of Commencement L lee heau,a•.M4rsp.w 1. Legal Description of Property: Lot 2.8 Block 1 p' Unh d Bldg d ❑Lengthy Nigel attached S*PvItion / Condominium Stmt Address I available: 1 1 µ wL ? VR¢141.614.1:4 1• L 3� 1 b- 2. O.n. daexlptlono1pnprovwrYnt: O1:2 1. 16rt t.¢3• 3.a.Gamer name end add mem I>/ pas M%Rsi; – bIM %‘57 '20.016,1 . kltereat • �D b. Intense' In property, 1 c, Nam and address of M simple titleholder (t other than Owner): �( a. a. Contractor name and address:los rv0 S et v4 9444th 4s • ZI b`2. 14.1=A x 1 .l-Vty y b. Cont.abes piwn. number. %.0 •t 1.S o TR M bef►oCS — F 1. 3:73.2M — 9S y 25.`/ 41:411%). 5. a. Surety name arab address: b. Surety. phone number. c. Amount of bond: $ S. a. Lender nam and oddities: b. Landes phone number. 7... Persona within the State M Florida designated by Owner upon whom notice or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1 Ka)7., Florida Stand's: Nam.: Mdrese: b. Phone number, S. In addition to hbn.0f or herself. the Owner designates b. Phone number Unman or entily designated by own*, 9. Expiration dote of notice M commencement ant : to twelve a copy of Umiak Nodal per Simeon 71313(1$6),Herida Oho expiration dab is 11rr a.a M Oce of r.oeWp Wer . dMw. NY I .000101) WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713, PART I, SECTION 713.13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING LANCE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE J08 SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR R ORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Siputgte(s) of Owner( BY Edo! Nam TOUPIN.. elDlnctodliartnerlManager By Pt 11... TItWOtic• STATE OF FLOP/DA COUNTY OF BROWARD Ee to s\me twigs act A tied before 1 MN day'( at Ct 1 • 1 ❑ 0as�� AAAI �� � ❑ Peeonaeyknown� or iia+wedliw1tIW1blg typeoflender-Wm Signature of Notary nubile:\- 1�_c �' V�N,/T�'W, Print Neal:\� tom) \(- N - Hit`\ -._.:1 (SEAL) VERIFICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 92.526. FLORIDA STATUTE; Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have reed the foregoing an that the hue stated In It are true, tete beet of my knowledge and WWI Slgnawrsts) of Owners) err Owner(aj Authorized OgkerlDlr.ctorni By timid& Oct 13, 21117 or N FF 023111 j •vrmd^M.w.*Y-wilco d,wt wool 73Ordoc t4 4