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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDG1403-0111-Soil Bearing ReportsDUNKELBERGER engineering & testing, inc. Project Name: Project No.: Client: Attention: Engineer's Summary Statement Osprey Lake Parkland, Florida FTL-10-0637 (40.6) WCI Communities, LLC 3001 PGA Blvd., Suite 101 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 Mr. Nelson Bennett • Fort Lauderdale • Port Saint Lucie • Sarasota • West Palm Beach April 3, 2013 Lot 5 — Block J Sheet 1 of 2 Based on the results of the attached Standard Penetration Test boring, the foundation soils for the subject building at the referenced location, are suitable to support shallow foundations and a slab -on -grade designed for a net soil contact pressure of 2500 pounds per square foot (psf) and are in conformance with the Florida Building Code, Chapter 18. .The upper one to two feet of soils will require densification and should be uniformly compacted to 95 percent of the ASTM D 1557 maximum dry density. The representations made in this report are based on the attached Standard Penetration Test boring. The attached test results reflect conditions at the time the boring was performed at the locations and depths indicated on the data sheets. It should be recognized that soil conditions may differ locally from those shown by our observations and tests, or as a result of weather and/or man -caused disturbances subsequent to the testing. If differing conditions are found during construction, Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc. (Dunkelberger) should be notified immediately to determine if a change in foundation recommendations is required. If Dunkelberger is not retained to perform these functions, Dunkelberger will assume no responsibility for the impact of these conditions on the project. Dunkelberger , ���ri�ants herein L ]art7, in th \-` • co No 70784 #: that the findings, recommendations, or professional advice contained 4�,,i accordance with generally accepted professional geotechnical practices t,fvarranties are implied or expressed. �c, e CC" T1. Steffi Projetzt FL Reg1g8fvE4 Michael J. O'Connor, P.E. Executive Vice President FL Registration No. 44082 State of Florida Board of Professional Engineers Authorization No. 6870 Toll Free (877) 643.6832 DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. 1 Project: Osprey Lake Client: WCI Communities, LLC Boring Location: Center of Lot # 5 Block J Depth (feet) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 Blows On Sample "N" Spoon Per 6" Value 7-18-19-24 37 24-25-28-30 53 23-15-14-14 39-31-25-28 25-22-21-21 DUNKELBERGER TEST BORING LOG Casing Type: 1 Diam: 1 1 Depth: j Drill Rig: DR 2 CME 55 Contractor: DET Drilling, Inc. Material Description Rock Core 0.0 — 6.0 - Gray fine SAND, trace to some fragmental limestone and trace shell Fragments (SP) 29 6.0 — 10.0 - Gray well cemented limestone 54 43 BORING NO. TB -5 J Sheet No.: 2 of 2 Project No.: FTL-10-0637 Elevation: N/A Boring Depth: 10.0' Water Depth: 5.3' Drilled Date: 12-18-12 Driller: JM, CN Logged By: JM Remarks DET 52 (Rev. 05/13/2008) NEW ROOF REROOF MAINTENANCE REPAIRS RESTORATION PRESSURE CLEANING RE -NAILING & SECOND OWNER ��!:, WATER BARRIER AFFIDAVIT PROPERTY ADDRESS ) PERMIT NUMBER L. I hereby certify that the items A and/or B as circled below have been completed: A. The Deck has been re -nailed at 6" on center for plywood decks with 8D ring shank nails with the following minimum dimensions: 1. .113 -inch nominal shank diameter 2. Ring diameter of .012 over the shank diameter 3. 16 to 20 rings per inch 4. .281 inch full round head diameter 5. 2-1/2 inch nail length B. A secondary water barrier has been installed as follows: 4" strip of self -adhering polymer modified bitumen tape has been applied to all joints in the plywood deck. An asphalt impregnated 30# felt underlayment has been installed per FBC HVHZ and covered with either an approved self -adhering polymer modified bitumen cap sheet or an approved cap sheet applied using an approved hot mop application. And that a copy of this affidavit has been delivered to the homeowner. Qualifier's signature Name (Please Print) License number Co,��J/ su' C /--L?66 /0 (General Contractor, Building Contractor, Residential Contractor, Architect, Engineer, Roofing Contractor, Structual Inspector OR Roofing Inspector — certified under FS 468 [special inspector]). The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this - A'I rday of A 4' • ± , 20( c+, by{ r) c , , , e (Name of Person Acknowleding) who is Personally known to me, or who has produced (type of ID) as id ntification and who did/did not take an oath. 1 -800 -NEW -ROOF ldi;kiu L�y.uu I www.*; r Lic.# CCC1326510 Notary Public Signature: 7t My Commission Expires: Stuart Office: 2980 SE Dominica Terrace • Stuart, Florida 34997 Tel: (772) 219-0994 • Fax: (772) 219-0997 Fort Lauderdale Office: 2280 W. Copans Road • Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 Tel: (954) 772-3446 • Fax: (954) 335-5005 CONSTANCE A. THOMPSON MY COMMISSION # FF 065462 EXPIRES: November 15, 2017 bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters tlaples, Fort Myers Office: 7959 Drew Circle • Ft Myers, Florida 33967 Tel: (239) 985-0049 • Fax: (239) 985-0070 FIELD -DENSITY TESTING REPORT, Rej,oft ivt;.,aber: Service Date: Report Date: HD131567.0033 04/30/14 04/30/14 ii.3- 0111 I]UNKELBERGER casgint-rvring &tri:ting, inc. 1225 Omar Rd. West Palm Beach, FL 33405 561-689-4299 Client WCI Communities, Inc. Attn: Vincent Veccharella 11825 Heron Bay Boulevard Coral Springs, FL 33076 Lot 5/J Project Heron Bay - Osprey Lakes Parkland, FL Project Number: HD 131567 Based on the results of the attached soil density test results and previously submitted soil borings, the foundation soils for the subject building at the referenced location, plus a margin of 5 feet, are suitable to support shallow foundations and a slab -on -grade designed for a net soil contact pressure of 2500 pounds per square foot (psf) and are in conformance with the Florida Building Code, Chapter 18. Fill which becomes loosened as a result of foundation excavation, construction traffic or other means shall be recompacted to 95 percent at the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density prior to placing reinforcing steel and concrete for the substructure. The representations made in this report are based on periodic observations and spot testing of completed, mass earthwork. The attached test results reflect conditions at the time the tests were performed at the locations and depths indicated on the data sheets. It should be recognized that soil conditions may differ locally from those shown by our observations and tests, or as a result of weather and/or man -caused disturbances subsequent to the testing. If differing conditions are found during construction, Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, a Terracon Company (Dunkelberger) should be notified immediately to deteiurine if a change in foundation recommendations is required. If Dunkelberger is not retained to perform these functions, Dunkelberger will assume no responsibility for the impact of these conditions on the project. Dunkelberger warrants that the findings, recommendations, or professional advice contained herein have been made in accordance with generally accepted professional geotechnical practices in the local area. No other warranties are implied or expressed. Services: Perform in-place density and moisture content tests to determine degree of compaction and material moisture condition. Dunkelberger Rep.: John Aquino Reported To: Contractor: Report Distribution: (1) WCI Commumucs, Inc., Vincent Vcccharclla (1) WCI Communities, Inc., Emailed Reviewed By: phen Mrachek, P.E. Pr dj Manager I, FL Reg. No. 7078 The tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM, AASHTO, or DOT test methods. This report is exclusively for the use of the client indicated above and shall not be reproduced except in full without the written consent of our company. Test results transmitted herein are only applicable to the actual samples tested at the location(s) referenced and are not necessarily indicative of the properties of other apparently similar or identical materials. crow!, 6-30-i i, Rev 9 Page 1 of 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST REPORT Report Number: Service Date: Report Date: Task: HD131567.0033 04/30/14 04/30/14 Client Project WCI Communities, Inc. Attn: Vincent Veccharella 11825 Heron Bay Boulevard Coral Springs, FL 33076 Material Information Mat. No. Proctor Ref. No. 1 HD131567.0013 Field Test Data Test No. Classification and Description Light gray fine SAND, some fragmental limestone Test Location Lot 5/J 1 Center of Pad 2 Center of Garage Lift / Elev. Final Final DUNKELBERGER engineering & testing, inc. Alrerracon COMPANY 1225 Omar Rd. West Palm Beach, FL 33405 561-689-4299 Heron Bay - Osprey Lakes Parkland, FL Project Number: HD131567 Lab Test Data Optimum Water Max. Lab Content Density (%) (pcf) 9.1 1 13.4 Laboratory Test Method ASTM D1557 Probe Wet Mat. Depth Density No. (in) (pci) Water Content (pct) 1 12 121.1 8.6 1 12 121.2 9.6 Water Content (%) Project Requirements Water Content (%) Dry Density (pct) Compaction (%) Min 95 Percent Compaction (%) 7.6 112.5 99 8.6 111.6 98 Datum: Inches below top of final grading fill Serial No: 27995 Std. Cnt. M:2210 Comments: Test and/or retest results on this report meet project requirements as noted above. Std. Cnt. D: 562 Services: Perforin in-place density and moisture content tests to determine degree of compaction and material moisture condition. Dunkelberger Rep.: John Aquino Reported To: Contractor: Report Distribution: (1) WCI Communities, Inc., Vincent Veccharella (1) WCI Communities, Inc. Emailed Reviewed By: Project achek, P.E. I, FL Reg. No. 70784 Test Methods: ASTM D6938 The tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM, AASHTO, or DOT test methods. This report is exclusively for the use of the client indicated above and shall not be reproduced except in full without the written consent of our company. Test results transmitted herein are only applicable to the actual samples tested at the location(s) referenced and are not necessarily indicative of the properties of other apparently similar or identical materials. CR0007,11-16-12,Rcv.7 Page 1 of 1 HorneTeam PEST DEFENSE' New Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment This report is submitted for information purposes to the builder on (new) construction cases where treatment for prevention of subterranean termite infestation is required by the Florida Building Code, Section 105.16 All contracts for services are between the Pest Control Operator and builder. unless stated otherwise. Section 1: Hometeam Pest Defense Company Address 1100 Barnett Drive #28 Company Phone No.: 561-547-1700 Section 2: Builder Information Company Name: Phone No.: IX45- City: Lake Worth State: FL Zip: 33461-2619 Business License No.: JB 166552 Section 3: Property Information Building Permit No.: Location of Structure(s) Treated: ! lS 11 it/u) /S1 Type of Construction: 34Slab ❑ Basement ❑ Crawl ❑ Other Approximate Depth of Footing: Outside: Inside: ?IC et Time In: l0 3C4 Time Out: / 3c a� /07 53 /6 Type Fill: .5 - Section 4: Treatment In or ation N Date(s) of Treatment(s): 74,2"i`( EPA Registration No.: Brand Name of Product(s) Used: I Maxx Pro Active Ingredient: lmidacloprid Final Mix Solution: .05% Linear Ft. nl�� Total Gallons of Termiticide Applied: Service Agreement Available? Liquid treatment Liquid Final exterior treatment Borate treatment: Bait in lieu of Pretreat Treatment Area Sq. Ft.: Linear Ft. of Masonry Voids: S 22 gYes ❑ No , Yes CI No ❑ Yes Af No CI Yes 1$i No ❑Yes ,No 322. 1 hk 432 -1332 -AA -73748 This building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services. Initial Note: Some state laws require service agreements to be issued. This form does not preempt state law. Attachments (List) // rt Comments 11/4/245C. us 1,4•4.1cr.t/ Ike, Name of Applicator(s): Authorized Signature RH-NT 9/05 Date: Certification No.: ,]f/6(12(0 `ll24 &P-( i HomeTeam PEST DEFENSE' New Construction Subterranean Termite Treatment This report is submitted for information purposes to the builder on (new) construction cases where treatment for prevention of subterranean termite infestation is required by the Florida Building Code, Section 105.16 All contracts for services are between the Pest Control Operator and builder. unless stated otherwise. Section 1: Hometeam Pest Defense Company Address 1100 Barnett Drive #28 Company Phone No.: 561-547-1700 Section 2: Builder information Company Name: LL' Phone No.: City: Lake Worth State: FL Zip: 33461-2619 Business License No.: JB 166552 Time In: Time Out: 1 Section 3: Property Information Building Permit No.: 1 Location of Structure(s) Treated: �" ! I t\ LL' O Li /C Type of Construction: Cl Slab ❑ Basement ❑ Crawl 0 -Other Approximate Depth of Footing: Outside: ✓ Inside: Type Fill: Section 4: Treatment Information of Treatment(s): ( % 1 I (I -4`. EPA Registration No.: Brand Name of Product(s) Used: I Maxx Pro Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid Final Mix Solution: .05% Linear Ft. Total Gallons of Termiticide Applied: Service Agreement Available? Liquid treatment Liquid Final exterior treatment Borate treatment: Bait in lieu of Pretreat Treatment Area Sq. Ft.: Linear Ft. of Masonry Voids: 44s 0 N C�'Yes ❑ No u�res ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ No 432 -1332 -AA -73748 3 3,N J. This building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with the rules and laws established by the Florida Departrpent of Agricultural and Consumer Services. Initial Note: Some state laws require service agreements to be issued. This form does not preempt state law. Attachments (List) Comments Name of Applicator(s): Authorized Signature RH-NT 9/05 Certification No.: 3-17 l Date: ! I - 1