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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012020250-PlansNOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT ONE COMPLETE SABAL HEAP FOR REVIEW t APPROVAL OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT :77,11E7,75:7„ RIOR TO MASS PLANTING. ALL SABAL HEADS ARE SUBJECT 70 FF451Asaio— ETZAVAM22 VIEW BLANDSCAPEARINSTALLED PRICENT OF LEREE&ANNOTt, Specifications for Plant Installation )GENERAL: DESCRIPTION OF .0 IFP.: >. Extent or land cape development work le drown on tro Ve.nga and in the ScYndulee. 3. Trow 5 II plant, melarla's, aq uepm«t. naceeeery epaclaltiee en abo rquired�o Inetallaticn of plant and otMr materiel a town on tra Drawinga end/or In the 3. American Joint Cow..., on Horticulwral Nomenclature "StenO.PPea Plant Names Dictionary' — Mem+al of Cultivated Planta" lL.H. Bailey 1949 aditian). >. Tres Amer.cen 9tardard For Nureary 5tod<" <ANSi ZEOJ-1004 sd:t'onl. INSTALLER OJALIFICATION9: atoll ba regal the tconlrollad end d all be able to communicate with tb O: g ro Gon II sadard cape baa aen ayk%ra anal beToave , brl rkuen In tFa Inelal!aticn of hvine slant material. Labor cepa rpramen"'ail v ha Job enacnp ery and anddila Landscape Ndtiact. arty any n gray In and ell pro t InJur melte o p«eat!on reweree, rk under lMe eontraeetl°All V SUBMITTALS: a. Boylan GaerU inters or Ise pactlon lendecne matalal a requlrad by governing autrontie>. amply t g lotion eppllc b1a to pa malarial.. tin .work provide leamrzedaprica ecnedule of the work to be performed, wsae"' Ilty �> use nd certin<etee of Incur ce to tM Lendecepe Ncnllecl f «anemiteal to aha :. Label et le and one awub or lad, varlets wltn a ee<wely attaa,ed wetarproor ray s r.,g leg'.bie eidocpriretlon er the botarrce end cc : r names e io Prior e � M� est f per e �pil� o elntaanea and cera of cnetaliad plente twough t Ir Nil growing aeaeon. fro own r : cGORDINATIGN: papa a «edea end contracture to enable tna work o proceed r rapldlynand enrneiauy ae paeerole. rX,' ally precede prem In on. Install «see, ergs B.B materiel eWube rd grand cove planta bercra ! are r>ta'.led° . Gommencamat or Work. Lendecepe Contractor atoll no«ry Lendecepe Ardllect et least l days advance of echadulad comment work Landecepa Gonlrector atoll review plane end/or .you a wltn Landecepa Ar,itact tet least 1 deye prior to iratal.alion or on ire alta ae an demngeu slug rrom ole on Drawi.Lga° t. Tin Con«ector awn provide, Inelall a massless tro o aaaary preceutiwa to protect e:l statue e d prepaty. I lading t »gen el public from Mrm or Irbury due to u» work TM Contractor awls lake pre icv in pro tinge canals ora. Biwuld damage b .urrad, Ina Contractor atoll reparutha damagat o Ire original condition at no addltlonel cMrge. g AdJue g eonlrae �masM a segos orad pr or to exaeut on. W»n wltk M bl Md wy ew t Preva I. auanEfts oesEftvAT ow iM Lnndecapn Arca tact or Owner eeewae no pone b ly n 4» eupav > on or na`apact cn or n tro axanut on or en. convect beyontl obeervat on ton Ownw e ro Drew nga end Spec e:ng proper erpra . tih e yn t order on cwt t the � def cues c°atlanto wits U» Drew nyeand tM Spat r cetyone°pan ud ng peen ng deptnmor .rne Lanaaaa a dra work met ah owh cn dose not conform oetM coma cl DocumJ«ter °ftsj«ted work aw be .mowed dna r corraetad al eFa oar set pada'"' a t me end pr or to r nal payment. JOB ccND r 0N9, obe«ua ono: ins t d nga 'dagropdwpdpaee epadrkim'ng a ocher w d eaten <o ed v w a aro d bevuct o� ba «counts d wh �n f o proceed the can«ector .toll c �pi s carpe > rapidly ae portiora ebla. Perform actual planting o wren wsae .r dna sols a diuone are liable In aneowanm wlin Ioaally a eapeea pia tic . ordlneee is cape nes plenung w h tM Irrigat <epr:n >ayet dna eo lassoo ,dacepe inetallerd atoll inewe twt nope tinge well Inlerraanwltn the proper functionlnqq f tro irinkler eyerem. uMra co-cumetancee edam to Juaury Me doing eo, the iendecepa Inelallepewn ramget on. «» L anoscope cortreetor era'. ver ry sten e aprrk er >de ane aedded 0.eaer b spec red andecape a :ng alp g laude, eo .ted ang�e r15'r 45'11 me� s/ on°1 eldee> ropmed bydverrlc°interaecc on pointe atoll°ba lammed end a sea sad to pray tle a v sue open ng between 3' [.9144m> dna 6 [I.S1S&nJ. 4 Early acceptance of lw work may be cblalnea Tor approved pneeee or when lha time between > mencem« o amp a ex sed„ 090 d y r arse eccepla _ ng a orfs. ec p'. d' caps _ I t aLandecap Nth ecnoand or � as a a gue e t e per a for tYa pMae e M i commence w thread ee y peones 5ubelanlial Com�ietion of the ubrk la tFe point in coneiru Ion ie cufnc!ently complata, in Contract Documante end tM LendecepetArcnitecta catificelion tMt tro una cestui w'ze the work as mended. Ginact � apenelblllty o protest tM work to tYe eetlefeet on or tlM Owner endethexLandeeepa CORRECTION CF THE WORD. e exp be a �a andOMl`Fy�upr ght and °n eetiefacto°y grot e•W �d repot r c Undaof p ant. arae rl ba no elgna l aanclancy, ala°ae° or 1 e nl lnre.tau °etl o raJec replac and e Capra > planta which era d!acoverad at y rim to Mve been planted et en improper depth s owner. a eM'I Tapas. damage tc otna pian .Pante wn di Mva been epapao a asquant �d a ar are damagetl by waanaut wind soda am b to me e�Subatantial asp et on of tM Work e not covered n eh a eorrece on ofrlro work prow e to or lawn° d ring plant repacareni et ro coal to MATERIALS ,P1'. Pant apeaee and a �_ aw carr .. .ton .orad on Ina Dra.,.ga. F» quant t ee g yen n aro P ant eta euaed ins and ae a gu d dda and dose not relieve the biddc o reepor.elbliny eo do a ompreY»neiva plant peke° r rrom tFa crawinga. Inrormetion cn ins drewinge onlrol. Al oplam m I mall be nureary grown w,leaa otMrwlaa notal. n ba graded Florlde ..r ery Pterte, Btete Plant Board or Floridel coconut Pelma shell be grown nom catifled seed r N 0. collected matmlel wn« epeclfled or approved atoll be In good Malth, nee nom diesaea, n. Testing may be raqubea at the dlacrollon of the Lendecepe ArcFltecl end/or�ro Owner rend°atoll be provided et nes eddltlonel ccet. C. Plante matalele meat equal o > epecirletl In Y» plant n u:Flch ere the cepteble elzee. a plana epeclnea ee epacrm«> ere to be approved by tM Lendecepe Archleect "'store being brwgM to the alta. W feed otherwlea noted on tro drewinge, troea planta eM 11 be Florae Fancy. D. Ha u` o p e end ba m, -sawed rrom tro top ar tro ba. is tro ton or tFa p ant1,1-11;"' the brands l d) . me tie ee ion. the Imo �Fa me n yank ewlwmeet eM a We norma epraed y0pe�e ro gM r 0qutha ant a d a other e.unw eM I be s/4 or more raga rad roigM un dee olnaw ae noted drew nga. E Pante tMt meat lM ro.gnt re�u Temente, spec r <d but da rot Mve the normal ''° enc° of ro1gM and spread lypicel er t aapecti n plant, atoll not be accepted. F. P"'"'reyst ion. on the Ore., ere ae tallows. arae cher wood, an pelma ererdreeence nam u» eau's, a to ,,,Oleweee uvrng r eua IaeMeea� DBH - Ina e alipar amara meeawed a Teat r131 meeaeJ above ane eo a GW - Grey o In pe m a trunk nom the ground to tFa bees or era crown aM a ell ev�elgM Blom sop or ban o ere sop or current eeeeen'e growtn or ane I open nonacin al position In pause. pinnt bren�chingod cele spread a LLie av raga aPtenoe acroea tro epere,wwwnemeter or tro In.tauad. sae sante ora aal i op c. fro wlel ewllwbeabioaegradebla end ro materiel shell encircle tro vwk compieee h planting ac oughly n and water to o;da. e. e been completed, roan a well arouno sad°plea axrienaing to the l�mita of the pltA E.c ar Grown Plante: car asset grown planta shell, when aenva.aa. have aurflclant growth to hold t wMn removed rromtcoMelnar and atoll not bs root bound. Plant pita for conte:ser e°atoll ba rormad not on tro bottom to avoid do- pockala et the bottom or root belle and conta,nere shell be ramovea carefully to prevent damage o plant or root eyerem. F. Backfilnng: Uaran the plant pit nee been excavated ae epeclned above end the plant Ma been set tM pit atoll be beckrllled with Boll mix to wnld mycorrhizea end eoll bacterle Mva been atlded at the dad Terse reee 1.1d). TM following minimum Telae or aoil mix apply. ono -Mit cubic yard pe «Tea andmone cubic yard par iriy awuba or 100 err of plenung bed area. Ir mete llaticn requlree the addllion c lontiea below ground or overYead an DO NOT PROCEED . Neceeaary are po�t The epaca kata awn cu0lfwel pragct cos. ireee and eWube bent wg n tro proper a ze IIb°ruehwth iro rne bear n. Sel pan re g�t or ea axeeea 1 the plant bee G. Pet, II e 15%minimum amount cf cloy, elonee�plente, resole, and clha 0 g Ipeerauone or ba de«'mental to goon ew area n a loose rriebia Ing epeclrice losses B. Palm plenung Boll atoll conessi or clean sen d PEIAT: A. Pea atoll de Fortcu!tarel peat cempoaed cf not leen two 60% decompo.ed argotic matter cy wa�ght, on an oven drlad "'dale. Peet awls ba tleUvaretl to the ane In a workable condition free R amps. ee bark mulch -grade °A dro Far foreign met«Tar aaae wror° Indsnelad eo napae ar tnarad asp aro e. Je. damp o mr an d d admen o eow,daea narawooa o. nd guys or two Mn 1 gauge r Prov de new be° cut to wlree. o awls be not lees then la' reported eo lM Landscape 4d to t prla r to co.., work D. Barminy. ming a at be placed wltnin 10' of any axlating tr eouch ups+ any uu!ny, d mega, o ming eM�l not I -:pada o�obaeruet y nacaa ery awe ae nodosa to ma n auiar araea roairepropamrty. ti .Ram r Rubbish: sraula any obQ« eb m la i.a, ee nes on cvaared during pia ting operati res, nay atoll be promptly removed oomoM rp1iel by dnprle landecapatrnetal f ar. PLANTsa: : ee a dna burlappad pl0anta. planta deeigana a Br e dug wth frm natural be le reerhof attic tdamatr G. bFetMge DbranG,ae�>Alirtping: II P'par ori laPa^I bucLpe eMlltbe edeyua>ely c ve adJeo prevent windburn. drying a damage eo°pianee�e t o D. Prolac Ian Atter Dalivaeyo Pante weld, termor be planted immediately on delivery to tFa alta, a otYar protection nom lM drying ar wind and sun. A plente eMloi be warded ee sated ery w it planted. 9lorege perraA atoll net exceed T1 Faure. E. Protection of Pe n. ! f app cab a) On y e m n mum or rrontle eM oa removed from tFa crown of the pe m erase to foe I tete mov ng end hent iny. Cebbeya Pelma ew be Hurr sena Gut .Geer uk enell be ea ap eclned atter ire mlmmum or Wends Mve been removed. Cabbage Palma awn "black" growing erase. All burn marks on Cebbege Palm trunks awls b removed, rowaver exceeei a grinding will not be accepted. Pr fon gP g: byw d c o`Sany prc om matFcae.k8' g.wlrg c oar e: ppaye oy meet. or bw ep good ba«o-> or c approved r G. Plante eMi chow glydl:ng or bark elippage . otnar a maga re uneeeaptabie. This drew:". Is en Instrument of sarvlce copyrl.h[ c®011 by Kfent Wlelantl °V,. , Inc, ell rl.hte ree9rvad - it Is not to be reproduced In pert or In whole without e p s wrl[tsn p Ion. FI Id .lairs 11 n LA 1039. H. Settln a Palma: An palma atoll be pleneed In Band lnoroughly washed :n awing panting operatlone dapreeelon left et Fa doll Ilse tar Tatars wetaring. Saucer areae atoll be top dreaesd 1" (44l mm) deep ulth topsoil raked and Ian In a neat clean mama. I. Pruning: Remove dead end brak»n brand». rrom en plant metael, Prune to r n eypleal growth Mbit or Intllvldual epee ee with ae much nalg�t and e e dee lee raeeieable. Meka ell p assn. cute wl Fareinstrument ne to bra o lar in a ea to en re ellmineelon of stub . °HpOaback° n eck" cute, r19M angle tocllna or gra eh will not be permitted end ireee well not be a or ube d ung, eapereead nom «wk by bwiap ettad»y d to°tro to nk of kee eM braces .Fall be clearly marked and c only be naffed to fro a Areniteet. "neheda or guying o etekln9 may b employed with tM pilo approval or All tree. and swab beds atoll be re,= Immsaiatel wtr planting, to a 3 Inch (l61 mm) mulch approved by the Lendecepe Arehreeet. Prey l wind dleplaeamat or mules by e: Pse nitre neper rabrlc 4" dra n gra end fell wish a f 16" deep p Pan�ee ca 1 D. g Spa and,Geer cup p�e bar w t p ofmplentare g g y "p ever to an a. :»e 3e. mm� p hpant ng sol mu dm(/z [1.T mm) urea an tura t ng of 1 p p p« p ne bark p tee/ part co a s am de r eeG1 a caw mam,re cub d 5 pour k9 p par c yard f lW 55 cub c metwa). O. Exceee Excavated 8 L gen by p and ng opo be removed nom the a ee b Ina G d f of the owner a e y no add tions ae to the Owner. property at expo P. ftaloeae on of Ex al rig M : L p of paruna trade wh eh ere to be red,aadard ce p ov d d n nppop. Gro Q p nnrg ear e -dr facet ccord rata drags get reJecl Ard tet a epprava a et ew tet on S4. 60D (Wan App cane) othaw ea aper, f sa on iFa Draw nga e M °:,,;11"=: a 9t august ne grace - dent r ed end lMaea boo t m. Ins t o lwe y r ha prcperty smart and/o�tro ed a of water ge or°pee g G. F res 1 Gre nage: t ba the reepcna ty of the corlrector to f h (f re) gad I dacepe areae elm sat ng a �mp0e depress one ae cke, e e end oeY»r tlebr a to tin t erect on of the Lardecepe Arcr is t, pr or tr npp cal.on of sod. D. Contractor .Mil bs ree0por '.ble for pa „vldlu end me:Main:ng pceltiva drainega !Iowa away from all d ng d,dnp�od .nen ba le d pup lop toe dlacharge or collection ppprovsa. impede eeMli "'aeon le to edJua ed to create a smooth «ereltion betasten new end exMe be d areae. ung eo Atlya uenuuaearo nl«ca en a gui r Pe raid prior to o dols. including any nates dry salad mento rot eW rnkage/ overega per Owe d goad root development Sod atoll be thick Fsalthy and fres from de ec > and deb�la Inc uding but sol II tad to deed ar opie nt materiarealer, rwgue, dieaaeee end contemineuonrby weeds, olMr gra . verlaelee bJaeuoneble ia plal. KRENT WIELAND DESIGN, IN iO M� a�eE*iLIG��'� ll�lma-III �� i- VIII III�I�III' III ' III 1111111 I'll shrub planting uta men M xwrt Ala•�eLm N leQocre r�°ilebr to �iroLi�arlWq .ror��� w TxDN� 1>Leo Sac' Ai rlNrt em 6a! M�A00 b' H�IIAA tllalt� 8� shrub/groundcover planting RCB. O T�eedLTfwa F .ac,�,rpaa�»,;rTu,�ala m R ra�M� uRiund a'I' Nb2: Pharr t•eartMo GlRrlu N ALL arae:"' AOJKeer io RAVMe cAele mENOLAGV 6MDe i°OLrBTrn'LHHI in.e�crNULrua�a Teo nim Ta n�Lr � itoMpw�. l o�cPa'�T M�LLaue1VJ�� A•n Mmt9.: eIImL� vine attachment RIA. CURVE OF TALLER PALMS SHALL ORIENT RADIALLY OUTWARD FROM CENTER OF CLUSYER TYP. PLAN SEE PLANT LISTHART FOR SABAL HEAP COMPOSITION NOPE: SABALS SHALL NOT BE LEANED TOWARD HOMES OR 9TRJGTURES • sabal head tree planting and guying O palm planting and staking Ria Rt0. TALL CENTRAL CORE LEAN OF S' CURVED TRUNKS 90 OF PALMS SHALL HAVE "S" -CURVED TRUNKS BOOTED SABALS AND CHINESE FANS PLACED RANDOMLY THROUGH MASS 0 NOpT bWNIEN NO nano" naa�mnally Imaa am aapamf:on lmm anyr NOT CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT ONE COMPLETE SABAL NEAP FOR REVIEW t APPROVAL OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR 70 MASS PLANTING. ALL SABAL HEADS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CON'iRACT INSTALLED PRICE SHALL INCLUDE ADJUSTMENT OF LEAN OF TREES AS RECOMMENDED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. Rte CURVE OF TALLER PALMS G. Snd p eta. eM ba s x 1a m„mum a as n urbrnkan Cana>i�a sectio„a OO SHALL ORIENT RADIALLY wH.BaFnsnacg tlease 1111`h a awor OFUCDROM CENTER I. solid Boa defy abutting JMolnta with a tamped or rolled, even eurrac°. It shall to br ng : acd saga n neat. clean -lama to the ed as or a. paving a b ere ne pin on or lYa Landacapa Arch tact. top dra a ng a ne rye r ung c en Band w II b yen y applied over the ant re ewfece and trorougnay we>rod n w Wautfte additional Wrga. J. God a ung a apse atoll be pegged eo ro d sod 'n p ata a ung a opae or banks a wood peg ectopia”' a to tro Laweaepe Aran tact aM be weed at nes aaa l oma opal «, Ina ewnar. B. Rcroa plertidg debrre rrom p•o aura !I p'anl matarel .a r. ss cf as+aged brardee, nagging tape an otna emporary m eerala. G. e.e.wn areae damaged by p operet one aM 'o repa'red et arca by p.opa seed'oed preperat on, tart z ng and Beed ng o sodas. n accordance w In wsae spat r,cat one. D. us;ke, drelnage plpae or other alructere> damaged by thin conlreuor ere 11 be .epalrad with compereble melaiale and workmanenip ae the origlne 1. 3b MAINTENANCE: _�\A'. engin memtaenca immadletely after sacs Ilan ie planted ane continua until final Inspection and eep0tence. Areae completed under `Enr!y Ac«planes” or the work er approved M>sa er the cork < maintalnad Tor n adaleional 9D days or wtil anal < aeplanae of tw work wnld a�er oaa. • � fire!. , B�n a neap onditlan i b w by eadin growing c eelmat y ' ,pier Tiny ng, eprayln , g. w g.m wlrg, o- I 3tri daeae<«eatmat micro . I em atone end other Tadao oleo n 1!/ n n ale .o sect lr ' organ e app is eery ma ace operet one. , €A e. An traea aw ba as<p welared Tor a par ad °r n maty days en°r reed fat on. Aiip9A D. ftepec a ioeTa� er odea plaM> prompuy. Do not waft wool near er» «d or fro correction or o -a SEE PLANT LIST/CHART wo k parlo p!ecem«ea of plente wnld have become unacceptable. E. napent p ante at ease once a week andFOR SABAL HEAD COMPOSITION perform me ntaence promptly w to re add t cral stet to Pe FeR au a E sabal head w path emu paenting e r e, gra and«o pergveeta dg awta Laude Bell rldgae nom around wateragwbee a pri or eo dor melntenan °od, ae set a by Rf8 PRINTED 11-23-11 FOR SUBMITTAL NOTE I. TALL CENTRAL CORE 2. LEAN OF 'S' CURVED TYP. PLAN 9m% OF PALMB SHALL HAVE "S" -CURVED TRUNKS BOOTED SABALS AND CHINESE FANS PLACED RANDOMLY THROUGH MASS ' ', ROOT BARRIER DETAIL 8t NOTE � NOT TO SCALE �`�yy'bti✓��N��'f I IELAND DESIGPE AR 22 101 Southeast second A Delray Beach, FL 3344 TEL (560 243-1873 FAXr (581) 243-1874 E—MeiD deelpn�kwtleelg Krent L Wlelend, FL Rep L Cert o1 ALUiarizeUt'xf LC2 ISSUES / REVISIONS 07 -01 -II For Submlt.tal 09 -13 -II REV. PER DRC COMENTS II -23 -II For SubmMittal COMM NO. 02081,0E PROD MGR KW DRAWN BY: Kr CHECKED BY. .int uUY1K°roe 01pm e�RA path planting uta All living plant materials shall be irrigated with an automatic underground irrigation system with rain sensor shut off device. System shall provide irrigation in a manner so as not to cause staining of structures and pavement, and shall provide one hundred (100) percent coverage with a minimum 0fty (50) percent overlap or otherwise result in the effective irrigation of the landscaped area. DRAWING TITLE. PARCEL 17/1 PLANTING SPECIFICATIC Sheet P-8 of sheets CAUTION: PLEASE NOTE 407,' NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN LAYOUT ARE APPROX. AND HAVE A TOLERANCE OF ± 8" NOTE: ALL GRADES ARE APPROX. AND ARE WITHIN ± 1" NOTE: -FUTURE MAINTENANCE BY PARKLAND GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB HOA. -FOOTERS / FOUNDATIONS TO REMAIN OUTSIDE UTILITY EASEMENTS. -ALL AREAS NOT COVERED BY IMPERVIOUS MATERIALS AND OR TREES, PALMS, SHRUBS OR GROUND COVERS TO BE COVERED BY SOD. NALJ.NI-DTLEEIR/VOPULI,'1174TR'IR=IV- rS'itE-1143E,A:glitTAZENNZ:Sj:Trg'FirDIVICE. 'MU' "A RAC)f,1VDDPEA IVRERIZI TT'A'N"DNSALl'Ar1=V1 gENO)ILTICUNtZDT10'10N) 'NG POEFTFE 'IR'liS.FR''T'S'ITTEIIVNITTHHEAEF4FNETURh/EZIT31G(2.g1TgETIHTECL:‘, IVRDLSACA 'PTO AREA AirVIYTELD VARIATIONS FROM THE PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PIANS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY. 's PLANT SCHEDULE CULDESAC5 CONT 13413 OV -16 1 1 6-8' 1 8413 '11/ (:1374 tGo'bree,'11r8' 18 18'1 '5,0002. 3 ,181, 18" 85 JCP ND TO -FX 3 gal@ 24" 88 16" 16. 52 20'1 20' 32 27 COMMENTS. AREA OF WORK 0 4 8 12 16 20 SCALE V - 8' O. NORTH KRENT WIELAND DESIGN, INC. tAIMMelitt7,044 1St Southeaat Second Avon,. Delray Beach, FL 03444 TEL, (561) 243-1873 =n- ti...17=1"*Neal ISSUES / REVISIONS. gifiliVev7fZirgg' 11/23/11 FOR SLIMITIV ISSUE HISTORY COMM NO. PROJ MGR KD DRAINN BY: KD CHECKED BY. KD/KW DRAWING ITILE. Cul -De -Sac Planting Plan sheet P-7 sheets it Go ,oTio 2,2_0 2,9 64 PLC I5 1 -1P -F LL 5 SSC -2 I PLANT SCHEDULE CULDESAC3 rer:ZeAL,Le-='-' fiA OV- 1 L B 5 b LI 2" 21' C.T 12' 5PC-21 514C-27 5T1R1155 BOTANICAL NAM%„, A2 OB11 JUT NB PLC 0.C. '11117:eln'ePo'=3, to b44e hro E-3,/vh 3 ,441,, 30 oo 30" 24. 5 If'Le,Il ',1:11,'Z'f',-)11Z'',.'trnt,,,,,, Dwarf 14,forol Holly 3 g41,44, 24" tto 1 G" 1G" G4 fitr,l'I'd'e:t'4',"4'414';',7"' I gal, 161 4 lo, 36" oo i.e. CAUTION: PLEASE NOTE PLANT SCHEDULE CULDESAC4 AWB Fl JCP IDTX 13',(1),To,';',11114Cr;'a‘gt=et A"A5 1 8. CT, 5 f3 COMMENT. AREA OF WORK Co971_,Ine Rd SITE PLA PARKLAND GOLF AND COUNT SITE PLAN N.T.S. 1\IIA(L)LT. LEXMENSIONS IN LAYOUT ARE APPROX. AND HAVE A TOLEFRANCE OF t 8. 1.1 C./TY '.°44N4IT., 18'418'. 181 no '1'8' 1 I 8 I 8 do4.4,TF7IT:o ,o4,44,1 nouv 3 g41© 18" oo 18" 18 0.C. 3 gal. 30" oo M'UEL'G11:Lf417:11,2t71147:1:!"3r=l'tnteZt'rlify oy. in field 20" 20" 4,3 7C IINA(LI'GRADES ARE APPROX. AND ARE WITHIN ± 1. NOTE: -FUTURE MAINTENANCE BY PARKLAND GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB HOA. -FOOTERS / FOUNDATIONS TO REMAIN OUTSIDE UTILITY EASEMENTS. -ALL AREAS NOT COVERED BY IMPERVIOUS MATERIALS AND OR TREES, PALMS, I SHRUBS OR GROUND COVERS TO BE COVERED BY SOD. NOTE: IIILVLDE.IITIOPULIZ4TRI2h1=ZIS%11,31EWITRHI1G4TEANZIlii'lliTr=rDIVICE. G OVESSTRMU lAJ REPS RAN' VI DPEA VT= IDNSAHAT ZENgIT,I ET 1?1 UCI,'VF:D71VOT N l'OEZIER'VITISCETSTTEXITTR"EAE=C7i1=1=10P1,70FET% TIZSACPAITE'D A FREA NOTE: ANY FIELD VARIATIONS FROM THE PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLANS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY. 0 4 8 12 16 20 SCALE 1' - 8' 0' NORTH T.• 7 Zz' 0 w (r) z cc 'cl" 0 QU KRENT WIELAND DESIGN, II\ nIngAVATZ-7E` Southeast Second DeIray Beach, FL 334 TEL. Wel) 243-1873 =aIl=s17;11<t41 e Krentolir=2.R.LV ISSUES / REVISIONS Ha. FoR ISSUE HISTORY COMM NO. PROJ MGR KD CHECKED BY,,D/IGV DRAWING TITLE. CuI-De-Sa Planting Plan P-6 of sheets 72o PLANT SCHEDULE CULDESACI Mult1Sto, ‘drtopy OV- I G B dB I G' 11 Co' 1 APPAS BOTANICAL NAME (,110L,AN,AfF2N,NAMP '37.Ni., 18,18". 18Tho 118" -Fr AW5 1;',:liger;;I:o<';'1'n'tnotl,‘141:. \f"ihlt 3 V@ oc 18" 18" 'PtIrd1;tc1;d'f';'111.::, ct11'bea1O1,"1'111e>'I' Gre1'111'11'11d 3 gal@ 16"oc 18 1 13" 107 0 C 1f1;111111,:n1o1';<;;1111;go ba,o, 2,ro BuSh t1111'11,'Z'O't M'UL1.1..C1'11Pt?g'1.:.AF.1112he-131:',Z1,11Yth11,1t1d:,11:e1,1,fy y Meld LICP CAUTION P ASE NOTE IN. 301o, 3 24" oo 30' 24' IC" NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN LAYOL/T ARE APPROX. AND HAVE A TOLERANCE OF t 8" NACL)L1.-EGRADES ARE APPROX. AND ARE WITHIN t 1" 4 2-o Lzo 2,4:3 NOTE: -FUTURE MAINTENANCE BY PARKLAND GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB HOA. -FOOTERS / FOUNDATIONS TO REMAIN OUTSIDE UTILITY EASEMENTS. -ALL AREAS NOT COVERED BY IMPERVIOUS MATERIALS AND OR TREES, PALMS, SHRUBS OR GROUND COVERS TO BE COVERED BY SOD._ NOTE: tAINLDLERTIOPUI-I,'I'l7ITR=FTA :=E1,8/1EtAirTRHI rATN7=-SrOFVFlYT'O'FrTDIVICE. SYSTEM SHALL PROVIDE IRRIGATION IN A MANNER SO NOT TO CAUSE STAINING OF STRUCTURES AND PAVEMENT, AND SHALL PROVIDE ONE HUNDRED (100) POETEFICEER'VlUE'ITSTTEI rTTHHEAE'FrAtil 11F1 ig=1,Zg.ETNH1E°L \A'NFDLSACPA (P'E'D AR EA NOTE: ANY FIELD VARIATIONS FROM THE PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLANS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY. PLANT SCFIELE CULDESAC2 FRPEL5 FM, NAME COMMON NNW 1r1G" II Z-8" ',1t11,11',=Crtcr'ulrfr"' r1V1' VZ2n,l=od (1t,1):/1C7o1,"Ny'irMor-A. Li1.1/LLID AREA5 (0-'."Ponn21dir,N1dAP1no (3-'-',111() I b11 P.8" 'Croon IN., o bd,o, 18" 0.C. JCP NB PLC, TBG °PAK dondct folo, Backftl 1 I 2Ix 12". 241 oo 213 5G AREA OF WORK 1 o 4 8 12 16 20 SCALE - 8' O. NORTH 0 w z ,re 0 KRENT WIELAND DESIGN, INC. 1.20WATOREIT+,12 ltrl Southeast Second Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 TEL: (56S 243-1873 'Am=d7,...RTIV'eoloo°31175 ISSUES/ REVISION. glifirt:fv7AZTTZL ISSUE HISTORY co. N.. PROJ MGR KD DRAWN BY: KD CHECKED B, KD/KW DRAWING TTTLE: Cul -De -Sac Planting Plan P-5 of sheets ",-IVRENKEr"" 10 TALI, PAN BIRD VID SERIES 'Ting OF 2, P6' OF 2 AKER -FINISH GRPEE/TOR OF MULCH ; ELL tfre7. PPE TRI REMOTE -CONTROL VALVE ASVF Series GRADE/TOP OF bAULCH SPRAY_ SPRINKLER: '". ';11•?G'ItTrIX'll2'--Tr,ICli LENGTH, PVC SOH TEE OR ELL ta' POP-UP S RA SPRINKLER IRR GATION LEGEND EST CST 10 10 10 10 ISO 00 100 0E0 AREA OF WORK Date Scale DEWS Sheet Of ,3 sheet ELECTRIC REMOTE -CONTROL VALVE ASVF Series w,. -PPP -VP SPRAT SPRINKLER: f2-INCFI MALE NPT z .490 IhICFf /' y lP,IO EL SSE�Vb5tiAIN BIRP ENING PIPE 12 -INCH LENGTH, CH 40 TEE OR ELL 1,7 IEI_BOW: r�RNM BIRD INCH hI00EL SBF -056 IATERAI_ PIPE POP-UP SPRAY SPRINKLER _. AREA OF WORK IRRIGATION LEGEND 90 REVISIONS iligL'4E5F4 r"" 0 ,PUP SPRAY SPRINKLE; L'ERAL PIPE ocRAPg '" FEET,0 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES DREB). RAMP ACN CUL-DESAC 1 OF EXISTING OR STRUCTUP 971EFIFFNC949; THL "FEC -1". SHALL BE SION N 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONS,BLEFCR OBTAINING ALL REOU,RED CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND BONDS IF REQUIRED ,RIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. TOEI-A'N'I'1,,E1M11-RSL'IjNCLOCN'Si7.2tC1; 'CLU°1" PLANS \:T7gN7FR'DMED'E'STI‘',V,[';0719MC,','C',LL'1;110'LlT‘7,2•10T12');V,ZOTA-L'O'FIVON,),;';2(Ar,'11DET71('EN'G'IN"EN' ':,:,(11107,,,Ti;i'",°:'s':,,,1-221,',.,f,iiffo,?J'Allioil,iff,ffifikefErrTEE,22A,,NfofgoTRRt),T.iT,-E),TF';',:: CUL-DE-SAC 2 CUL-DE-SAC 1 -- " THE SITEAT ''.ERVALS T.PREVENTT.'S " ' SITE PLAN N.T.S. INC 'I' 'EFL'E'V'Ai01,!=1 \r'4ECI2)I'AtSgFUACL1L'E),','IST11,1 TOT-CSZST'R'll%ATIO'NN L,,,S,R:,E.S'El,LOU,11,'Bri.I.,1,1391Z.: SA'C'rUT/g TIO'REANNGY'EXSRTIAN"' CONSTRUCTION SAFETY 'AI,TF',EE'Ai.r.I'lEACOMN'IS'Ii;ArT170rA').T..IE FLORIDA SUFRVEY DATA con,,,CArAOIX" A sHAI.L cOr..nR, OSEDURES ZTETOVEGTIFF'iLITpgr NEEDED - PArcf,'N1,1Y50f.s[F. ,5AL:koPPEGR0 %nARLA4'Nir CUL-DESAC 2 o"AP,Ic 'N "ET,0 4 ALL SIOE,,,,IAS SHALL CON,ORM REQUIREAENTS OF T., 2 FLOM., ACCESSIBIL,Y CODE TCSI2:,ASLS Sr.\M1E.TLTSII9A.TB'I'SFLLF)V,IT,'C'TTC)TA';ATS=NAST.'O'N'CRCE,T112''' T'S 'RE " 'CC tj '2'All'slt,)(sfrERSATUCCR'L'SLINN111-11-ALVLCSIN-TI`F,FONFOAN'SC;FNU'jOEN'F'VE'Ll?fiNIO'N'O'F'CNOITJ'JRCU°C'TTIglisICA'N'DDRUS1:1;ALLLAgl'il,,NNCLEETC.t- ill'F)1E'PRO'.1)E'CATIBAY'r,F F,,?,,Is9',,T;'NRI:9T.L9;',9Elq'S'f'i1- )l;e'F'9CF011,.19IllFTEE'9V5F9R'Y'S.19i9DW9',7E''''TTN9'1)9329'9Fi'L''TT'\ '9,7'AjYFOAi'L'91117M9FAT'N''9,i91 ''‘E/0\97'FAIEG-7L;RFTlr:iFIEINI EXIINNSTIEDN 71%2' DINE'EX I, WIDE JOINT ETYP.) EATT,TEionZDI/,2 RADIUS T T , 1 /2'. RADIUS ETYP.) NOTE 1/4' 8"ETNE(TWEN) EXP7';:S. II' /4. I-. NOTE 3 , %PNT R/W LINE VARIES (SEE TABLE A) eRADIUS (TYP.) SLOPE DOWN ,02 FT./FIT MEDHE 12. SUE1RADE MArga, "" EXTEND' N „ TER E,TR7CE',IT'vEDFilT2TITIR'STDCEll EMEN °F C'E .HEE,(M.VIRAff'ZITESICSBACINGS,TON wA PE:IT1',011,1,SAIL %RAE', tiAgjI,LK. C'S'11;Ngli ‘,CIT S F IAPHNID:8AEALT: Ef, AT HE ND OF SIDEWALK JOINTS TI7VIE *.* 01:111DVAILTS T"EN TER LOCATION P.C. P.T. OF CURVES IPARK TYPICAL giLz/I,,,T., DETAILS I PARK I I KHA Zo% 'A-rN T E p T TEg AM DE A TACHING TWO SILT FENCES ,,,EN,ThEEF,EN,DE •r„,, RUNOFF FIETIYEEHN'CIF D TRaAtiNWIDTIT,TIII/E'BVCICIFILL rVEEZT'ANAInERZERSEEEZEJVIVN2NDEMSAAr AFT" EACH 2 'NO= TSEEVIEVENETHOVE-ITrICIIT TRN T(132EAV'El2aFIENTEYE n'LALEIIN_IKD 1,`,TsLE-Ag",NAc".D.ETA, EN11.1°T.ITIE'S_ETIIILSERARAIE3ONVCETITAIFRE'P)ICTVIEDED FoR INFoxIMAI ioNAL PURPOSES ONLY. Rm ICP/711EFTI 71F'1E7A7ESSEITAIliAC)NBDTXD'AIDNICD'EFTIL S. I KHA I sTAKg vcAT NC E 0 zz w < z z uJ a z < uDLLJ 0 a 0 0 Z • 0,-93 < • 0 CL C1.01